Mother of singer Alexei Vorobyov: We do not have to make excuses and prove to onlookers and journalists that my son is in trouble. Alexey Vorobyov I don’t want my marriage to be threatened by infidelity

Alexey Vorobyov is a Russian singer, producer and composer, actor and aspiring director, favorite of hundreds of thousands of girls, UN Goodwill Ambassador. The only participant in the show “The Bachelor” who never chose a life partner. He represented Russia at Eurovision 2011, but took almost the worst place in the history of the country's participation in this competition.

Childhood and family

Russian singer and musician Alexey Vladimirovich Vorobyov was born on January 19, 1988 into a simple family from Tula, far from the world of art. The star's father, Vladimir Viktorovich, worked as the head of security at the enterprise, and his mother, Nadezhda Nikolaevna, took care of the housework. According to the singer, complications arose during childbirth and the doctors barely had time to save his life. Alexey has an older brother, Sergei and younger sister Galina. Both of them, having matured, connected their lives with music: Sergei plays the accordion in the Jazzophrenia group, Galina became a singer.

As a child, Alexey Vorobyov loved football and played for the Tula youth team. And he even became the top scorer, and his team became the regional champion. The young man dreamed of connecting his life with sports. However, a little later his plans changed towards singing. However, according to Alexey, sports and the stage are very similar to each other - the intensity of emotions and the desire to win everyone.

IN school years the Vorobyov brothers went to music school, where they studied in the accordion class. But at the age of 15, after 9 years of studies, Alexey decided to leave musical instrument and start singing. After graduating from school, Vorobiev entered College of Music arts named after Dargomyzhsky for the specialty "leader" folk choir" This decision was incomprehensible to his relatives: “What, are you going to sing like an old grandmother?” his mother asked, but the young man was adamant.

Music career

At the age of 15, Alexey joined the Tula folk ensemble “Uslada”, and at 16 he became its soloist. Teachers noted his unprecedented diligence and hard work.

In 2005, the 17-year-old singer became the winner of the Delphic Games and received a medal in the Vocal category. Then Alexey went to Moscow for the all-Russian casting of the television competition “The Secret of Success,” which was broadcast on the Rossiya channel. The young man reached the finals and became one of the winners of the show. Inspired by the victory, Lesha Vorobiev moved to Moscow and immediately entered the Gnessin Pop and Jazz School. A year later in my pocket promising performer signed contract with Universal Music Russia.

Alexey Vorobyov performs only live. He is one of the few artists who does not sing along to a soundtrack, even when recording television broadcasts.

A year later, Alexey Vorobyov performed the official anthem of the Youth Eight J8 during the Summit, and also spoke at the opening and closing international event. Also in 2006, the singer released his first video for the song “Summer”.

Alexey Vorobyov – “Summer”

Vorobyov has only one full-length album – “Vorobyov’s Lie Detector,” released in 2011. At the same time, he has a huge number of singles, including those recorded with other artists. Most often, Alexey collaborated with the group “Friends!”: together they released 7 songs. He also made feats with Yegor Creed (“More Than Love”), his brother and sister (“As in last time"), Vika Daineko ("Going Crazy Without You").

Scandal at Eurovision

In 2008, Alexey Vorobyov tried his luck at the Eurovision qualifying round. The singer performed “New Russian Kalinka,” which was received favorably. However, in the final standings the artist took only fifth place.

Alexey Vorobyov – “New Russian Kalinka”

A year later, Alexey tried his hand again and tried to get to the final of the Russian selection for Eurovision. This time the singer passed the qualifying round, but refused to participate in the competition due to being busy with another project. Luck smiled on him in 2011. Alexey Vorobyov finally got the chance to represent Russia at Eurovision with the song “Get You” by Moroccan producer RedOne. The singer took sixteenth place. This result was the worst in the entire history of the country’s participation in the competition, with the exception of the result of Philip Kirkorov in 1995 - 17th place. But Alexey Vorobyov’s participation in Eurovision was remembered not only for bad results, but for his defiant behavior.

Eurovision 2011: Alexey Vorobyov – Get You

Even before participating in the competition, Alexey Vorobyov made a number of homophobic comments about representatives of sexual minorities during an interview.

If you hear or read that at Eurovision Vorobyov “marked an innocent person,” know: it was one of the gays who tried to pester me. And he was immediately rewarded with a blow to the melon!

In addition to homophobic remarks, Vorobiev accused his Swedish rival Erik Saade of plagiarism. Representatives Russian performer stated that the Swedes adopted the number with glass, which was invented by Alexey’s group for their performance at the Russian Music Awards. However, the accusations were refuted, and the “act with glass,” as it turned out, had already been staged by other performers before Vorobiev.

During the announcement of the results in the first semi-final, Alexey Vorobiev suddenly shouted into the camera in live: "It's Russia! This is Russia, damn it! Come here, damn it! Look me in the eyes, damn it!” and kissed the lens. “A disgrace,” - this is how many artists summed up his act, for example, Anfisa Chekhova and Sergei Lazarev.

Actor career

In 2006, Vorobiev not only made his debut on big stage, but also started his creative path as an actor. In the fall, the young man became the face of the MTV channel and the main character of the multi-part interactive series “Alice’s Dream” with Masha Malinovskaya. The latter was shown on air on a popular music channel every day.

After this, Alexey Vorobyov began actively acting in films and decided to enroll in a theater university. In 2008, the singer received a diploma music school and entered the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio, where he studied acting on the course of Kirill Serebrennikov. However, due to being very busy in 2010, the young man left the institute. By that time his filmography included the main role in the military drama “The Second”, participation in the horror film “Phobos. Club of Fear" with Pyotr Fedorov and a dozen less noticeable heroes.

"Dad", short film Alexey Vorobyov

Alexey tried to perform stunts in films on his own. Before filming began, Vorobiev underwent serious physical training. The singer was fond of extreme driving and motorsports, and these skills greatly helped Lesha in one of the shots to perform such difficult stunts as jumping from the 4th floor and burning.

The actor’s filmography has been updated year after year. In 2012, together with Galina Bob, he starred in the TV series “Deffchonki” in the role of Sergei Zvonarev, with Maxim Averin in the films “Capercaillie. Come, New Year!” and “Runaways”, with Maria Kozhevnikova and Elvira Ibragimova - in the film “Treasures of O.K.”

Alexey Vorobyov on television

Alexey Vorobyov is invited to take part in television projects. So, he could be seen in " Cruel Games", "Big Races" and ice show“Ice and Fire”, where he made a great pair with Tatyana Navka.

Alexey Vorobyov and Tatiana Navka – Show Must Go On

But perhaps Vorobyov’s most memorable appearance on television was his participation in the fourth season of the show “The Bachelor,” which aired in March 2016.

He really hoped that the project would help him find his love, but in vain. He didn’t want to adapt to the rules of the project and fake feelings for girls when in fact he didn’t have any. As a result, he became the first bachelor who did not give preference to any participant at the end of the season.

Other projects

In 2007, Alexey Vorobyov became a goodwill ambassador. Candidacy Russian singer was reviewed for a year at the UN headquarters in New York. And only after approval, Alexey received an official offer to represent the organization in Russia. It is noteworthy that the position and responsibility is quite prestigious.

Alexey Vorobiev became the first Russian artist, which has received such a prestigious status. He is responsible for the United Nations programs to combat AIDS in Russia. And in parallel with this, Lesha became an ambassador and active worker youth program"Dance4Life" and the UNICEF Foundation.

Tragic accidents in Vorobyov's life

In 2012, Alexei Vorobyov was taken unconscious to a hospital in Florence. During the filming of a mass brawl for the film about Florentine football “I Calcianti,” Alexey missed a blow to the head. The injury did not seem serious to the doctors, and after a couple of days Vorobiev left the hospital.

At the beginning of 2013, information appeared in the press about a serious car accident involving Vorobiev. It happened on one of the roads in Los Angeles. Alexey ended up in wheelchair, the left half of the body was partially paralyzed. As journalists reported, the damage affected a quarter of the singer’s brain.

Only youth, thirst for life and willpower helped the singer cope with his illness. He learned again, not only to sing, but to talk! Already in May 2013, Alexey returned to Russia to continue acting in the TV series “Deffchonki”.

Personal life of Alexey Vorobyov

Alexey Vorobyov is known as a heartthrob. However, the singer prefers not to talk about his victories.

It is known that after the artist took part in the show “Ice and Fire,” he began an affair with his colleague Tatyana Navka. For her sake, he left his previous girlfriend, Anna Chipovskaya, whom he met on the set of the video “New Russian Kalinka”.

Alexey Vorobyov is credited with an affair with actress Oksana Akinshina, his partner in the film “Suicides”. The couple initially denied their affair, but soon began to appear in public together, which indirectly confirmed their relationship.

In May 2011, the couple broke up, but Alexey did not remain alone for long; already in August 2011 he began dating Victoria Daineko. The romance also turned out to be short-lived; Alexey and Victoria broke up in May 2012.

Alexey Vorobyov and Victoria Daineko – For the last time

Many rumors about Vorobyov’s personal life were generated by the series “Deffchonki”, where the actor played the lover of the heroine Galina Bob. Also on the set, the artist became friends with

In the finale of the show "The Bachelor" famous actor and musician, Tula resident Alexei Vorobyov had to choose a wife from two girls. However, Lyosha did not choose any of them, which shocked the producers of the program. Myslo found out why this happened and what kind of girl Alexey needed. We talked with the person who knows the artist best - his mother Nadezhda Nikolaevna.

— Nadezhda Nikolaevna, why, in your opinion, did Lyosha not choose a single girl on the “Bachelor” show?

There is such a cartoon “Three Heroes”, and there is Alyosha Popovich. There he has a girlfriend, Lyubava, who always tells him: “Alyoshenka, Alyoshenka!” And she always follows him somewhere, and goes somewhere, and ends up in different stories. But she's always there. Lyosha needs just such a girl who says: “Alyoshenka!” - that's all. But that's what I think...

- That is, who is ready to go to the ends of the world for him?

Ready to be his rear always and everywhere. After all, what is Alyosha? Few of the girls understood that his religion is work. And the second it stops working, it will fade away. Because his purpose is to realize his talent. It's like an object that moves across the sky - it's alive, it's whole, it's glowing. He stopped and that’s it, he died... Lyosha has lost time syndrome. If he sat for half an hour, he panicked that his life was being wasted. Well, I can talk a lot about this...

— The finalists of the show Natalya and Yana don’t fit this image?

They are wonderful girls. Smart, beautiful, characterful, good in their own way. And each has its own story and its own life position. They have different goals and objectives in life. They didn’t come to build a relationship, they came to “win on The Bachelor,” no matter who he was. I didn’t see any of them with him on the road of life. In the last episode of the show, this was so obvious that even if the sound was turned off, everything would have been clear without words.

- Do you think the girls didn’t have feelings for Lyosha?

I was amazed that not one of them mentioned that they were in love. I was waiting for this. After all, it doesn’t matter at all on what occasion they met, or why the girls came to the project. I was waiting for at least one to say: “Yes! I came to the project for my own reasons, even to gain experience, even to show off, even out of curiosity... But I met your son... and fell in love. And even though I look funny, now I know why I’m here! I only want to be with him. Is everything else important in this world?”

I am sure that everything happened as it happened, because in the girls’ coordinate system, love is not the core of a relationship. And it's scary. Alyosha has one family project before his eyes - his family. And he went to the project to find love. He believes that this happens. This is the kind of love we have with dad. For Alyosha, a family without love is a crime.

- On this moment Does Lyosha maintain relationships with the finalists?

I have no idea. We will learn about this much later, when the time comes. What if he brings someone to us? Our door is open. And we are sure that it will include the one we love.
Alyosha gave us a bottle of Massandra 1984 in Crimea. This is the year my dad and I met. And this bottle will be opened on the day when his love comes to our house. This means he believes in his love and is waiting for it.

Russian news. The news that 25-year-old Alexei Vorobyov was in terrible catastrophe in Los Angeles, literally blew up the Internet. While the artist’s fans frantically waited for news about his condition, gossips they gossiped: Vorobyov did not get into any accident, this was just a PR stunt. And there were reasons for this. The LAPD knows nothing about such an accident. No road accidents involving Russians were recorded in any chronicle of California incidents. In addition, the singer’s representatives did not contact the Russian Consulate General in San Francisco for help.

To quell the wave of mistrust, producer Alexei Vorobyov provided Russian media a photograph of the artist in a hospital bed. Remember, with an open top. At that time, another car crashed into him at high speed. Then the artist’s director announced the tragedy.

Katherine von Gechmen-Waldeck, singer producer:
Alexey’s right lobe of the brain is affected, which is also responsible for music, artistic, creative things. Everyone who knows Lesha even a little understands that for him there is no life without work. Alexey is conscious, but of course we don’t tell him that no one can now give a prognosis as to whether he will be able to sing... Lesha is paralyzed left-hand side fortunately, not entirely: the mouth on the left side does not move, it is difficult to eat, swallow, it does not work very well and left hand. Doctors do not guarantee a 100% recovery in such a situation, but knowing what kind of fighter he is, we hope for the best. We will treat Lesha here for now, because he cannot be transported. But we are advised by the best Russian doctors. And we ask journalists to show understanding and mercy in this situation, and not to disturb the artist’s family and loved ones.

Doctors are confident that any advances in rehabilitation medicine, including acupuncture, will be beneficial during the early stages of recovery. It recently became known that Alexey began to develop his arm after the accident. His producer has been in China for several days in search of a specialist in alternative medicine.

Meanwhile, on the official website of Alexey Vorobyov appeared open letter his mother Nadezhda Nikolaevna. In it, the woman states that neither she nor her son’s producers are obliged to make excuses and prove to onlookers and journalists that Vorobyov is in trouble.

Nadezhda Nikolaevna, mother of Alexey Vorobyov:
We all know that Alyosha is a real fighter. He is already training his arm and developing his facial muscles. I'm sure everything will be fine. Today the doctors said that now it is especially important to protect Alexey not only from any pressure changes, but also from stress. It's dangerous in his condition.A hospital room or a convalescent bed is not a place for cameras and flashlights. And we don’t have to make excuses and prove to onlookers and journalists that my son is in trouble. I thank everyone who supports Alexei with prayers, who writes letters, who protects his peace in America, who protects him from unceremonious attacks. Low maternal bow to you!

Nadezhda Nikolaevna always supports her son. So she approved his participation in the show “The Bachelor”.

And yet I did not find my happiness with any of them. But he has a wonderful example before his eyes - his parents.

“The mechanism of our family is based on love. At the same time, the wife is simply a foundation and an “all-knowing” mother. I am convinced that the road to success is full of women who walk behind men, pushing them in front of them. In the case of Alexey, he only needs support with care and love. Then he will move mountains. After all, he has not yet reached his peak.

The wonderful actress and beauty Vera Sotnikova said that if a girl saw Vorobyov and she didn’t like him, it means she has serious problems. I'm sure the girls will be fascinated by my son. Another question haunts me: why are they going to the project? What do they carry in their hearts? But if at least one of them forgets why she came and just loves Alyosha, I will be happy! I would really like to see eyes shining like two stars and a total eclipse of the mind. My son needs that kind of love. And we will accept and love anyone that he loves and brings into the house,” they summarize loving son mother Nadezhda Nikolaevna.

Recently, Russian actor and singer Alexei Vorobyov was in a serious car accident.

His car crashed into another car at speed. Alexey spent several days in intensive care, and now his health is returning to normal.

Fans worried about the singer every day and wrote words of support to his mother.

In response to this, Alexey’s mother Nadezhda Nikolaevna decided to address those who care about her son’s health with an open letter:

“We all know that Alyosha is a real fighter. He is already training his arm, developing his facial muscles. I am sure that everything will be fine. Today the doctors said that now it is especially important to protect Alexey not only from any pressure changes, but also from stress. It's dangerous in his condition.

It pains me to see the huge amount of shameless speculation surrounding our misfortune. And as a mother, I want to say that we will do everything to protect Alyosha from inexplicable human anger and absurd accusations. For me, this hype around his name does not matter, because nothing is more important than his health.

I thank everyone who supports Alexei with prayers, who writes letters, who protects his peace in America, who protects him from unceremonious attacks. Low maternal bow to you!"

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