Maxim Galkin was hospitalized with appendicitis. Maxim Galkin: personal life, rumors, latest news, photos and videos What happened to Galkin Maxim on October 28

    On March 29, information appeared that he was urgently hospitalized in one of the Moscow elite clinics with suspected acute appendicitis.

    It is known that the husband of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva suddenly felt ill on the night from Monday to Tuesday, after which a decision was immediately made to call an ambulance.

    On this moment It is known that the artist was given painkilling injections and placed in the VIP department. The best doctors of an elite clinic are taking care of Maxim Galkin’s health.

    The artist never complained about his health, he is still quite a young man, but illnesses and illnesses suddenly overcome him.

    On the night of March 28-29, 2016, Maxim Galkin was hospitalized in a Moscow clinic, as previously reported with suspicion of acute appendicitis.

    But as Phillip Kirkorov says:

    As Maxim Galkin himself says:

    So it's alright serious problems Alla Pugacheva’s husband is not in good health.

  • Quite contradictory information was published in the media regarding M. Galkin’s appeal to doctors for help.

    The artist himself spoke about the rumors that had spread as follows.

    I think fans shouldn’t worry.

    Recently information appeared on the Internet that Maxim Galkin was hospitalized.

    Journalists said that Maxim Galkain had acute pain in the abdomen; it could be appendicitis.

    But as it turned out, it was not appendicitis at all; the journalists made a mistake with the diagnosis.

    Elvira Mokroborodova told reporters over the phone the real reason, due to which Maxim Galkin was taken to the hospital.

    As it turned out, the artist was hospitalized through severe pain in back.

    Maxim Galkin loves to play sports, and while playing sports, he strained his back very badly, the severe pain did not take long, he had to call an ambulance.

    The artist was taken to the hospital, where he was given several injections that improved his condition; the best doctors took care of him.

    We wish Maxim Galkin a speedy recovery.

    As far as I know, the popular Russian parodist Maxim Galkin was indeed urgently hospitalized in one of the capital’s clinics on Tuesday, March 29, 2016, with suspected acute appendicitis. The thing is that that night he felt a sharp pain in his stomach, after which his wife, Alla Pugachva, immediately called an ambulance, whose doctors decided to urgently hospitalize Maxim Galkin.

    Yes, Maxim Galkin was hospitalized with a preliminary diagnosis: acute appendicitis.

    At night he felt ill, his stomach began to hurt badly, an ambulance was called and determined an acute abdomen.

    Surely Maxim will be operated on soon.

    This is a fairly common problem, but nevertheless, it is still a surgical intervention. I hope everything goes well.

    They say he has been diagnosed with Acute Abdomen. Which is what acute appendicitis suspects. And he's going to have surgery.

    The operation is ordinary, I think that if there are no such serious complications as peritonitis, the matter will end with discharge on the 7th-8th day, as soon as the stitches are removed.

    So far, regarding the hospitalization of Maxim Galkin, famous TV presenter and, part-time wife of the prima donna Alla Pugacheva, there is rather scant information. What is known is that the artist felt unwell on the night of March 28-29, he felt severe pain in his stomach, and as a result, an ambulance was called. According to preliminary information, Maxim Galkin has acute appendicitis.

    The TV presenter actually went to the doctors on Tuesday, but for a different reason. During loads in gym, the artist felt pain in his back, he was able to get to the clinic on his own. The artist has no health risks. Maxim Galkin constantly monitors his personal health and can independently consult doctors at any time.

    They brought Galkin to one of the elite clinics with acute abdominal pain. There are suspicions of appendicitis. But for a more accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to carry out a series of tests, because without tests there can be several diagnostic options: cholecystitis, pancreatitis and even coronary heart disease (it happens that the heart hurts and it radiates all the way to the stomach). In general, the comedian will be examined. In the meantime, the preliminary diagnosis is inflammation of appendicitis.

A famous comedian, a talented parodist, a stand-up comedian, a brilliant TV presenter, an actor and a singer - and all this is about one person, Maxim Galkin, whose biography is the clearest example rapid ascent to the top Russian show business. Parodies of Maxim Galkin have been collected in full many times concert halls, and his programs always receive high ratings.

Maxim Aleksandrovich Galkin was born on June 18, 1976 in Naro-Fominsk, Moscow region, into the intelligent family of Alexander Alexandrovich and Natalya Grigorievna Galkin. Father Alexander Alexandrovich - Colonel General of the Armored Forces, headed the Main Armored Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the second convocation. Mom Natalya Grigorievna – Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, senior researcher, worked at the Institute of Earthquake Forecast Theory of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Maxim Galkin is Russian by nationality, but some sources claim that the artist has Jewish roots from his mother.

Frequent moves were commonplace for the Galkin family. When Maxim was three years old, the family moved to Germany. Then the Galkins moved to Odessa, his mother’s homeland, where the boy graduated from three classes secondary school. The family managed to visit Transbaikalia, but the young man finished school in Moscow.

Since childhood, Maxim showed artistic talent. His first performance took place at the age of 4 on an improvised stage. kindergarten. The artist made his debut in the role of a chicken and even earned his first applause. Already at school, the guy received more serious roles: a dog, an old alcoholic, Ostap Bender, King Solomon, Count Nulin and Don Carlos. The boy took part in all school plays. In the sixth grade, the young artist staged his first creative evening, at which the audience saw puppet show. Voiced all the dolls future star parodies.

At the age of thirteen, the teenager discovered his abilities as a parodist. He was inspired by the example of Gennady Khazanov with a parody of Mikhail Gorbachev. The young artist himself tried to portray a prominent politician. It turned out great. It was with this experiment that the biography of Maxim Galkin as a parodist began.

The boy grew up very creative and versatile. His parents encouraged and supported all his hobbies in every possible way: suddenly his son would achieve mastery in one of them. Talented Max attended a children's art studio, and at the same time became interested in zoology until he saw a cross-section of a pigeon in a biology lesson.

After graduating from school, Galkin entered the Faculty of Linguistics of the Russian State University for the Humanities. He is fluent in French, English, Spanish, Czech and German languages. In 1998, Maxim Galkin graduated from the university and entered graduate school, writing a Ph.D. thesis “The relationship between the stylistic systems of original and translated texts.” But in 2009, Galkin left graduate school.

Parodies and show business

The creative biography of Maxim Galkin started on the stage of the Moscow State University Student Theater, where he debuted with his parodies. The performance was called “Fountains of Love for Your Neighbor.” This happened in April 1994. In the same year, the artist participated in the “Debuts, Debuts, Debuts” program at the Variety Theater. Performed by Maxim Galkin, viewers then saw very successful parodies of famous politicians. The artist was noticed by the head of the Moscow state theater stage performer Boris Brunov and invited him to his theater.

2001 was a surprisingly generous year for the young parodist. In January 2001, Maxim Galkin received a grant from the Triumph Award; in February, the popular showman became the host of the intellectual television game “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, which was previously hosted by Dmitry Dibrov under the name “Oh, Lucky Man.” And again the award: in April he was awarded the Golden Ostap award in St. Petersburg.

And in July 2001, at the “Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk” festival, the first solo concert Galkina. From now on solo performances artists become regular. He tours with them not only throughout the country, but also abroad.

Probably the highest reward for the young parodist was the recognition of the master of the humorous genre, satirist Mikhail Zadornov. Mikhail Nikolaevich named Galkin his successor, they even toured together. The parodist appears more and more often on television; he is a frequent guest in “Funny Panorama” and “Full House”. At the same time, the artist never had a producer, he never paid for any of his broadcasts and never used anyone’s patronage to get on the program.

In his youth, Maxim Galkin became famous for his brilliant and surprisingly accurate parodies of many politicians and stars, among whom were Boris Yeltsin, Valeria Novodvorskaya, Lev Leshchenko and Renata Litvinova. The artist’s hilarious jokes were increasingly broadcast on the country’s main television channels, and his career developed rapidly. Soon Maxim Galkin stood on a par with such famous comedians as Evgeny Petrosyan, Yuri Galtsev, Vladimir Vinokur and many others.

When the parody biography of Maxim Galkin became rich in events and awards, and the comedian’s fame reached its peak, the artist tried himself in a new role - he began to sing. His first vocal experience was the song “Be or Don’t Be,” performed in a duet with Alla Pugacheva. Subsequently, Galkin appeared with the prima donna in the program “ New year's night on Channel One" and in Pugacheva's "Christmas Meetings".

While working on the Rossiya 1 TV channel, he managed to appear as a presenter in such shows and programs as “Dancing with the Stars” paired with Daria Zlatopolskaya, “New Year’s Parade of Stars” with Nikolai Baskov, Philip Kirkorov and Vladimir Zelensky alternately. In addition, Maxim Galkin hosted the “Ten Million” and “Hipsters Show” programs.

After returning to Channel One in 2015, the parodist took part in rating show"Exactly the same". It is not surprising that the artist reached the finals and shared the victory with Evgeny Dyatlov, and was also awarded a prize audience choice.

Maxim Galkin in his show | Gazeta.Ru

The talented TV presenter could not help but attract the attention of the directors, so back in 2001 he took part in the filming of the popular “Jumble”. Then there was participation in the film “Bless the Woman” with Svetlana Khodchenkova and Alexander Baluev in the leading roles.

IN New Year's musical“Chasing Two Hares” Maxim Galkin got the main role, which he shared with Alla Pugacheva. It is noteworthy that their on-screen wedding turned into a real one several years later.

Maxim Galkin now

Now the parodist is trying to arrange his work schedule in such a way that he always has time for his family and children. They are a priority. However, this does not prevent the successful showman from continuing his creative career.

From time to time, viewers notice changes in the artist’s image. Although in fairness it should be noted that Maxim Galkin does not change his clothing style and hairstyle very often. Not long ago, fans noted Maxim’s new super-fashionable haircut – asymmetrical. Many noticed that Galkin’s hairstyle “rejuvenated” her by ten years.

In May 2016, Maxim Galkin became the host of the new entertainment show"MaximMaxim" It is interesting that the filming takes place in the castle where he lives with Alla Borisovna and children. The artist admits that during filming he received a huge number of guests at his home.

In the new show of Maxim Galkin, as everyone expected, there is humor in abundance. Every new release The program, which airs on Saturdays on Channel One, is thematic. Either the artist shares his recipes for fighting the autumn blues, or he decides to talk about cinema or the art of improvisation. But every time it is a meeting with the artist’s star guests, with whom Galkin talks and jokes on a given topic. “MaximMaxim” often shows new clips of stars. Vlad Topalov, Timur Rodriguez, Egor Creed, Valeria and many others have already visited the cheerful owner of the castle in Gryazi.

But for the 2016 finale, Maxim Galkin presented the audience with not only the above-mentioned project - he delighted the audience with a new children’s talent show, “Best of All,” in which he appeared as a host.

Now beloved by millions, the parodist, comedian, stand-up comedian, TV presenter and singer continues to delight his millions of fans with interesting new projects and concerts.

On January 20, 2017, viewers enjoyed watching on Channel One anniversary concert artist “25 years on stage”, in which Maxim Galkin collected, it seems, the most sparkling parodies, numbers, his best songs and celebrity guests.

Personal life

The personal life of Maxim Galkin is always visible. It cannot be any other way, because main role a mega star plays in this life Russian stage Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. Their every move is under the scrutiny of the press. Alla Borisovna herself admitted that they began dating Maxim Galkin back in 2001, when the singer’s husband was Philip Kirkorov. Since 2005, when Alla and Philip officially divorced, the parodist and the singer began to live together. And Maxim Galkin became the legal spouse of Alla Pugacheva on December 23, 2011.

After the marriage of a couple with such a huge age difference, many skeptics doubted that the basis of the union of two stars was love, and not PR. Colleagues from show business, including Stanislav Sadalsky, also expressed doubts. In his characteristic manner, he categorically stated that the wedding of Galkin and Pugacheva was nothing more than a distraction of people’s attention from Alla Borisovna’s political career. And if there really was love in Pugacheva’s marriage to Philip Kirkorov, then there is nothing like that here.

It soon became clear that Honeymoon the couple spent time separately - Alla Pugacheva was in the capital, and Maxim Galkin, together with his old friend Sergei Drobotenko, went skiing. The parodist had to dispel the rumors and post a photo with his wife on his Instagram page as proof.

To the tenth anniversary of the relationship star couple NTV channel has prepared the films “Alla + Maxim. Confession of love" and "Alla and Maxim. Everything continues!”

In September 2013, the couple became parents of twins. Elizaveta and Harry, children of Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva, were born on September 18 by a surrogate mother at a branch of Mark Kurtser’s “Mother and Child” medical clinic network, located in the village of Lapino near Moscow. The name of Harry and Lisa's mother is kept strictly secret.

Now the couple live in a castle built by Galkin in the village of Gryazi. The children of Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva also grow up and are raised there.


Many are interested in the artist’s income. Obviously, the star, who built a huge medieval-style castle, is not in poverty. Maxim Galkin’s fortune was assessed by the American magazine Forbes, which was interested in his earnings Russian celebrities. According to his version, the artist was in the top five highest paid stars. For example, according to some estimates, Maxim Galkin spent 10 million euros on the construction of the house, and three or even four times as much was spent on decorating the castle. He earns an estimated $5 to $7 million per year.

Famous TV presenter and comedian Maxim Galkin commented on media reports about his hospitalization. According to him, he was hospitalized after working out on exercise machines.

"I was studying at gym. And suddenly something pinched in my back. I had to see a doctor. Don't worry, I don't have appendicitis.", - said Galkin “ MK".

The publication found out that Alla Pugacheva’s wife actually called an ambulance. Galkin was taken to the National Medical and Surgical Center named after. Pirogov.

Media reported that Galkin was taken to the hospital from the village of Gryaz after he suddenly became ill last night. It was reported that Galkin had acute appendicitis.

39-year-old comedian and showman Maxim Galkin was hospitalized this morning in Moscow. According to Life News, early in the morning an ambulance took him from his home in the village of Gryazi.
It was previously reported that the reason for hospitalization was suspected appendicitis. However, later the artist denied this information.
In a conversation with a Russian News Service correspondent, he confirmed that he had indeed been to the hospital, but for a different reason: after training in the gym, problems arose with his back. In this regard, Galkin decided to undergo an examination, just in case.

The famous Russian presenter and showman Maxim Galkin was taken to one of the elite clinics in the capital.

Alla Pugacheva’s husband became ill on the night of March 28-29. According to preliminary information, he was diagnosed with acute appendicitis.

A source at the clinic said: “At around four in the morning this night an ambulance was called to the village of Gryazi. The patient complained of severe pain in the abdominal area.”. In addition, he added that Galkin was given painkilling injections, after which he was taken to the VIP department.

Previously Russian dialogue reported that TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak spoke about certain feelings for the Russian comedian. The artist himself commented on this recognition: “She confesses her love to everyone. What to do with this? I don’t know. Probably wait for those who agree.”.

Comedian Maxim Galkin told why he ended up in the hospital. The artist emphasized that he was hospitalized after feeling unwell during training.

The showman said “ REN-TV” that his back hurt during training. In this regard, he went to the hospital to get checked.

In addition, he denied information that he was diagnosed with “acute appendicitis.” Galkin emphasized: “There is no attack of appendicitis. I’m just always afraid that I’ll have one. I haven’t had my appendix removed.”.

The artist noted that during the examination, doctors did not find anything serious in him.

Earlier, the media reported that Galkin was taken to one of the capital’s clinics with abdominal pain.

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