Maxim Fadeev will create an alternative to the New Year’s “Blue Light”. Pugacheva called Fadeev an “aging loser” because he is not happy with “Blue Lights” Max Fadeev about blue lights

Fadeev’s devastating message about the lights spread across all the tabloids and popular social networks in the early days of 2017. Haters of the Diva and her retinue print out the text of Maxim’s address to the people, laminate it and hang it on the wall.


"I couldn't watch more than one musical show on federal channels. It seems that the management of the first and second channels had the world frozen in 1993. Impossible repertoire popular print, terrible jokes, but all together it’s simple. I was sincerely afraid to switch to the first or second channel, so as not to end up in the “past” of a rural matinee based on requests from the 80s! How can television be reduced to such disgrace and such tastelessness? I’m shocked!” the producer wrote indignantly about the New Year’s broadcasts of the country’s main channels, where Alla Pugacheva and her company reigned.

The producer is convinced that the time has come for change. “I wonder how long “entertainment” television will last in this form? Don’t they see that it’s just shameful!” Fadeev did not hide his indignation. “Tentless scripts and their implementation are the height of vulgarity! It’s a pity for our artists who, out of habit, agree to participate in “Satan’s Ball”! Lord, when will these “Songs of the Year” and “Blue Lights” end?”

It is noteworthy that Konstantin Ernst in the online show “OK in touch!” that "system viewers New Year's shows are people 45+" who still love Pugacheva and other pop veterans and don’t want to change anything. And young people supposedly watch TV New Year's Eve doesn’t look at all, because he’s walking and celebrating.

Be that as it may, Fadeev moved from angry words to actions. The producer found salvation from the flames with Pugacheva. "In connection with the current situation regarding my appeal regarding New Year's blue lights. This caused a great resonance. Returning to this story, I would like to say this: we thought and decided that we will make our own alternative light, which we will call "People's light." In it, you will make a decision about who will participate there and who will not participate," the principled Maxim promised the Russians.

For this purpose, the producer and his team will create an interactive website. “There will be a vote for each candidate. And we have already started negotiating with federal channels. Two of them have already agreed to this story. They are already very interested in this. So we ourselves will create our own New Year's story and then we’ll look at it ourselves,” Fadeev is determined to fight bad taste and vulgarity.

Let us remind you that Fadeev is far from the only one who was outraged by the New Year’s lights. About 200 thousand people have already signed a petition against " ". The Russians are asking to change the program for the New Year’s broadcast in 2018 and to remove Pugacheva and “her retinue” from the New Year’s broadcast. Judging by the text of the petition, festive program Not all viewers liked this year. The New Year's broadcast with the participation of Alla Pugacheva, Maxim Galkin and Philip Kirkorov caused a massive wave of criticism from both public cultural figures and ordinary television viewers.

New Year's TV shows in 2017 overwhelmed the audience's patience. Even producer Max Fadeev and singer Natalya Vetlitskaya are making fun of “Blue Light” on social networks; many bloggers are distributing a petition to Channel One demanding that such shows be banned in the future. To protect the masters Russian stage Kobzon, Kirkorov and Leps were only stood up by a prominent United Russia functionary.

Against the generally familiar background of the New Year's TV shows, the king of the Russian pop scene, Philip Kirkorov, was especially memorable.

His “snowflake” costume may have attracted even more attention than Boris Moiseev’s performance as Cheburashka eating a banana on television.

But at some point, the famous music producer Max Fadeev could not stand it. On his Instagram, he made a plea to stop this “Satan’s ball.”

Well-wishers immediately took up his request, posting an appeal on the online petition site Almost 3.5 thousand people have already signed it.

The well-known commented on “Ogonyok” and other shows on state channels pop singer Natalya Vetlitskaya.

Some Russians drew attention to the already advanced age of the “Ogonki” regulars.

Former football fan and now famous blogger Andrei Malosolov even drew political parallels.

25 years. 25 years only modern Russia These mutating, mimicking, but still indestructible exhibits of the variety movement fill the airwaves of our television and create an atmosphere of the most vile parody of fun. I can imagine how they are all mortally tired of each other... All of them, who are no longer young, have gout, veins in the legs, pressure, joints, obstruction, stones in the kidneys, premature bowel movements. And the Hellish Leader forces and forces them to jump around the stage, open their mouths to the soundtrack, feign joy and fun.

Russian variety stars somewhat reminiscent of a Russian official top level who, in the rage of control, is ready to chase money to death, instead of at some point simply moving away and enjoying a rich old age, nursing his grandchildren and drinking good cognac in front of the fireplace in his own home, -

The producer took the initiative to organize the filming of “The People’s Light”

Photo: Legion-Media

In early January, Russian producer Maxim Fadeev sharply criticized New Year's broadcasts central television. According to the musician, the views of federal channels regarding what a concert television program should look like on the night from December 31 to January 1 are long outdated.

“I couldn’t finish watching a single musical “show” on federal channels. It seems that, according to the management of Channel One and Channel Two, the world froze in 1993. An impossible repertoire, a popular picture, terrible jokes and all together it’s just a plunge into HELL!” - Fadeev spoke out.

After the publication of the message, a wave of discussions arose on the Internet. Some viewers were in solidarity with the producer, while others were against it. There was even a petition on the website with the emotional title “Stop the New Year's TV outrage!”

However, Fadeev himself preferred to solve the problem more in effective ways. The musician decided to create an alternative to the traditional “Blue Light”. He told his subscribers about this idea on in social networks:

“We thought and decided that we would make our own alternative light, which we would call “People's Light.” In it, you will make decisions about who will participate and who will not. An interactive website will also be created where we will vote on each candidate. We have already started negotiating with federal channels, and two channels have already agreed to this story. They find it very interesting. So, we ourselves will create our New Year’s story, and then we will look at it ourselves,” Maxim addressed the fans.

It is still unknown when exactly and on which channels “People’s Light” will be broadcast. Perhaps the project will be implemented by 2018.

Published 01/03/17 14:22

Producer Max Fadeev called New Year's show programs on Russian TV hell, vulgarity and a rural matinee.

Music producer Maxim Fadeev is shocked by the programs that the hosts showed on New Year's Eve Russian TV channels. He harshly criticized the "impossible repertoire", "terrible jokes" and "popular pictures" in on your Instagram.

“I couldn’t finish watching a single musical “show” on federal channels. It feels like, according to the management of Channels One and Two, the world froze in 1993. An impossible repertoire, popular pictures, terrible jokes; and all together it’s just immersion in AD! I was sincerely afraid to switch to Channel One or Channel Two, so as not to end up in the “past”, to a rural matinee based on requests from the 80s!” writes Fadeev.

He is indignant at how television can be reduced to such disgrace and such tastelessness.

“As a child, I watched the same channels, and, apparently, none of the music players changed while I was growing up!)) I wonder how long “entertainment” television will last in this form? Don’t they see that it’s just a shame ! Incompetent scenarios and their implementation are the height of vulgarity! Already on the Internet, the releases of ordinary bloggers are more popular than on these pathetic two buttons! It’s a pity for our artists who, out of habit, agree to participate in “Satan’s Ball”! and “Blue Lights”?)))Stop it, save us))!”, he concluded.

A real brawl broke out on Maxim Fadeev’s Instagram. The producer expressed dissatisfaction with modern “Blue Lights”. In response, Alla Pugacheva also expressed her opinion, calling Max an aging loser.

Maxim Fadeev is an ardent hater New Year's programs on TV. Last year, he called what was shown on TV channels on New Year’s Eve “a descent into hell.”

“I couldn’t finish watching a single musical “show” on federal channels. It seems that, according to the management of Channel One and Channel Two, the world froze in 1993. Impossible repertoire, popular print, terrible jokes; and all together this is just a plunge into HELL! How can television be reduced to such disgrace and such tastelessness? I'm shocked! It’s a pity for our artists who, out of habit, agree to take part in “Satan’s Ball”! Lord, when will these “Songs of the Year” and “Blue Lights” end?)))”, (hereinafter the spelling and punctuation of the authors have been preserved - editor’s note) - Fadeev wrote on his page in January 2017.

A year later, his opinion regarding New Year's Eve on television has not changed. The producer is again dissatisfied with what is shown to the audience on a festive night.

“A year has already passed since the wave of public discontent with “New Year’s lights” arose. And throughout this year, television bosses promised us that in the coming year everything would change, and new programs would no longer be similar to what the channels produced before. I was just wondering – has anything really changed? Who watched TV on a festive night, share your impressions. Have the “lights” reached a new level? And did you like it at all?” Fadeev wrote on his microblog.

Netizens began to vigorously discuss this topic and their opinions were very contradictory. Some bloggers agreed with Maxim, believing that now they really only show “garbage” on television, others singled out only individual artists. There were many more commentators when the Diva left her opinion under Fadeev’s post.

“Why are you still grumbling like an aging loser. Are you bored in Bali? Don’t “muddy up”, don’t talk, but go and change everything, make it cooler. Just promise. I’m telling you this out of love for you and your creativity. You are a genius. Mind your own business. You're doing great at this. Happy New Year! PUGACHEV ALLA,” the singer wrote.

Many subscribers supported Alla Borisovna, believing that before criticizing Fadeeva, she should try to change something on television herself. By the way, netizens appreciated Pugacheva’s song “I Flew,” which she first performed on Channel One. Let us remind you that this composition turned out to be plagiarism. 15 years ago it was performed by Igor Sorukhanov and then it was called “Invented Love”.

Do you agree that modern “blue lights” need to be changed?

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