Miami house 2 biography. Oleg Miami spoke about breaking up with Nastya Ivleeva and about a new novel

Oleg Miami (real name - Oleg Krivikov). Born on November 21, 1990 in the village of Palatka, Magadan Region. Russian singer. Former participant of "House 2".

Oleg Krivikov, who became known as Oleg Miami, was born on November 21, 1990 in the village of Palatka in the Magadan Region.

Regarding his stage name, he said that it appeared as a result youthful dream get to the Miami coast.

When Oleg was seven years old, his parents bought a house in Yekaterinburg, and the family moved to the Urals. There he graduated from school and grew up. At the age of eight he began to study music independently - vocals and solfeggio, music school didn't graduate. However, according to him, he always understood that he wanted to become an artist.

IN school years He went in for sports, actively participated in amateur performances and various competitions. At the same time, he was a hooligan. He recalled: “At school I always had tense relationships - both with boys and girls. I was a dunce and a slob. I constantly offended someone, fought often. In general, there was little pleasant at school.”

After school, I entered medical school and studied to become a dentist. “My mother inspired me that if I went to the theater, I would work as a clown at children’s parties. And this was imprinted in my head. So I listened to my mother and enrolled as a dentist,” he admitted. However, he dropped out of university to pursue creativity.

Having moved to Moscow, he sang in restaurants and worked as a host at parties.

Oleg Miami in “House 2”:

In March 2011, Oleg Miami came to the reality show of the TNT channel “Dom 2”. I tried to build a relationship with Victoria Bernikova. It ended with Vika pouring hot tea in his face. Based on the voting results, Oleg was expelled from the project on the 21st day of his stay.

After leaving the project, he continued to communicate with the participants of the show “House 2”.

He came to “House 2” again on June 8, 2012 and this time stayed on the project for 247 days - until February 10, 2013.

Initially he dated Oksana Ryaska, but the couple quickly broke up. Then he turned his attention to Oksana Strunkina, but their relationship did not last long.

Then Miami started an affair with Valeria Masterko. But as soon as Ekaterina Kolisnichenko was freed, he began to conquer her. The couple had a relationship for some time, but eventually broke up.

In the spring of 2012, Oleg landed unsuccessfully while jumping into the pool and broke his neck. During the time that he was in the hospital and communicating with fans through social media. He became a distributor of rumors from the television set - in particular, he became the first to report Evgenia Feofilaktova’s pregnancy.

In the fall of 2012, he had a flare-up whirlwind romance with Varvara Tretyakova, who, having come to the project, attracted the attention of absolutely all the men in the show. Oleg had to compete with long-livers of the “House 2” project - Alexey Samsonov, Alexander Zadoynov and Evgeny Kuzin.

On February 10, 2013, Miami left the perimeter of the construction site of the reality show “House 2” due to a huge scandal: he quarreled with new member Daria Frolova and during a quarrel he splashed liquid on her to remove grease stains from ceramic surfaces. Daria called an ambulance, forced doctors to treat the damaged skin on her neck and declared a terrible allergy to this detergent. She also seriously threatened Oleg with a lawsuit, and the show organizers had to send him out of the gate.

After leaving Dom 2, he began collaborating with the production center. He recalled: “I started collaborating with Maxim Fadeev absolutely by accident. Maxim Alexandrovich saw my performance and invited me to his office. He talked to me personally, asked a few questions about my work, asked how I came to music, and invited me to sign contract. This story is similar to the plot of a movie, but it’s true. Sometimes, if you really want something, dreams come true.”

Oleg Miami starred in videos and developed his vocal abilities. The first event in creative career Oleg began recording the song “Farewell, my love”, then the track “Tie Me Up” was presented. Then on the Big Love Show he sang a duet with. Then another composition appeared performed by Oleg Miami - “Unforgettable”.

“My dream is to perform at Eurovision! When I went to the casting of “The Voice”, I didn’t think that I would pass. I went on stage during the blind auditions and realized that I couldn’t screw up, I couldn’t let down those people who were into me they believe. Much of what I have achieved in life was done solely thanks to my charisma - I am not shy and boldly walk through life!” he said.

At the stage of the fights, Leps decided to kick Miami out of the program, but Basta stood up for him in time, taking him into his team and later recording the track with Oleg “ The last word" In “The Voice” Oleg reached the quarterfinals.

After the show “The Voice”, Oleg Miami was able to restore cooperation with producer Max Fadeev. Under the leadership of the latter, Miami recorded several songs - “Again”, “Stay”, “Baby”, “Farewell, my love”, and also shot a number of videos.

Sometimes he appears at the Tigran's House of Karaoke club behind the DJ console and on the stages of Moscow nightclubs. On the Internet, Oleg Miami is known as a member of the popular blog “Khach’s Diary” with Amiran Sardarov and T-Killah, which gains millions of views on YouTube.

Oleg Miami's height: 181 centimeters.

Personal life of Oleg Miami:

Oleg said about his ideal woman: “I’m looking for a “supergirl”. For me, the ideal one is the one with whom you feel comfortable and who suits your character. I like people like me - crazy, charismatic, emotional. And ordinary girls I don’t like it, and I’m not looking for it. I need a hot one. in a good way words. She must be sexy - both externally and internally. Well-groomed, beautiful, perhaps a little Asian, dark-skinned. We need something exotic."

Was in a relationship with a TV presenter and former member"House 2" . Their relationship began on the TV set. They even announced a wedding, but it never came to fruition.

In the summer of 2013, he began a relationship with former star“House 2” by Alexandra Kharitonova, who is 6 years older than him. Kharitonova moves in creative circles, acts in films and hosts the “24 Frame” program on the “Russia-2” channel.

After breaking up with Kharitonova, the artist was credited with an affair with the lead singer of the Serebro group. Although they themselves claimed that their relations were purely friendly, they were very intimate photos, which the couple shared on social networks, indicated a closer connection.

In 2017, the artist began dating a TV presenter and blogger. The couple hid their relationship for a long time, but in December Oleg announced it officially. “Today I have something to say. I’m in love. And I’m not going to hide it from anyone. I saw my reflection in her,” Miami said.

On December 21, 2017, Oleg Miami presented a video for the song “If you are with me,” which he dedicated to Anastasia Ivleeva. Nastya also starred in the video. In the video, the couple does not hide their relationship, but, on the contrary, sincerely demonstrates it. According to the plot of the video, Oleg and Nastya find themselves locked in an elevator. The couple begins to rapidly sort things out. Despite serious disagreements, young people manage to find a common language again. They restore harmony and return to their normal lives.

Oleg Miami - If you are with me

Songs of Oleg Miami:

Goodbye my love
tie me up
Brother, give me a beat
You are the wind, I am the water
Your dream
If you're with me

Our hero today is Oleg Miami. The biography of this sweet-voiced blond interests his many fans. Do you also consider yourself one of them? Do you want to know the details of Oleg’s personal life? The article contains the most true information about his person. We wish you pleasant reading!

Oleg Miami: biography

Born on November 21, 1990 in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). He is from an ordinary family. His real name- Krivikov. Oleg's father and mother have nothing to do with music and the stage.

Parents divorced when our hero was barely 5 years old. The mother took on the responsibility of raising her son. His father saw him only occasionally, but regularly helped him financial assistance. At first, the boy lacked male education.

Soon Oleg had a stepfather. The man tried to find a common language with him, but everything was useless. Everything changed after the birth of my little sister. The family came together like never before.


WITH early years Oleg showed himself as creative person. He liked to draw, dance, and also parody Russian pop stars.

In 1997, the boy went to first grade. He immediately made friends with the rest of the guys. The teachers were pleased with both Oleg’s behavior and his academic performance.

Several times a week Krivikov attended music school, vocal studio and a dance group. The boy never complained about being too busy. And now he is grateful to his parents for this.

In high school, not a single event took place without Oleg’s participation. school event- be it a disco or an amateur competition. He has established himself as talented singer and a dancer. They began to call him Oleg Miami. Where did this nickname come from? Everything is very simple. The guy repeatedly told his friends and acquaintances that he dreamed of relaxing on the coast of Miami.


At the end high school our hero was going to enter a theater university. However, his mother and stepfather dissuaded him from this step. At their insistence, Oleg entered the Yekaterinburg State University at the Faculty of Dentistry. But he did not study there for long. The blonde packed his suitcase and went to Moscow.

In the Russian capital, Oleg Miami (see photo above) did not sit idle. A native of Yekaterinburg managed to work in several areas. Thanks to excellent external data, he was able to build a successful modeling career. His photographs have graced many glossy publications. The blue-eyed handsome man was also invited to appear in commercials. Miami was involved in organizing various events: corporate events, weddings and parties. For complete happiness, all he needed was his beloved girl next to him.

Oleg Miami: “House-2”

In search of his soulmate, our hero went to the famous television project. His arrival at Dom-2 took place in March 2011. Free girls immediately drew attention to blue-eyed blond. Oleg liked the guys. They didn't become a couple. For some time they communicated on a friendly note. One day there was a serious quarrel between them. The girl doused Oleg with boiling water. She was disqualified. On March 24, 2011, the Guy was also forced to leave Dom-2. He was tormented by pain caused by skin burns.

In June 2012, the blonde appeared on the project again. He expressed sympathy for Katya Kolisnichenko. The girl reciprocated his feelings. Over the course of several months, the guys built their relationship. Their high-profile scandals alternated with passionate reconciliations. One day Oleg announced his separation from Katya.

Miami was never built Serious relationships with none of the participants in “House-2”. IN different time he courted Ksyusha Strunkina and Oksana Ryaska. But things didn't go further than flirting.

In February 2013, Oleg Miami was kicked out for a brawl with Daria Frolova. The guy splashed cleaning agent in her face. The boys considered this act terrible.

Music career

Oleg Miami, whose biography we are considering, dreamed of becoming famous singer. In 2014, his wish slowly began to come true. It was then that producer Max Fadeev saw great talent and creative prospects in the guy from Yekaterinburg. He offered Oleg cooperation. In a short period of time, Miami recorded several songs - “Baby”, “Farewell My Love” and “Tie Me Tighter”. Videos for these compositions were also shot.

In the fall of 2015, our hero became a participant television show“The Voice”, aired on Channel One. A professional jury assessed his vocal abilities. Oleg reached the semi-finals. For several weeks, viewers supported the sweet-voiced singer by sending SMS messages for him. But he never managed to win the show.


Now you know where Oleg Miami was born, studied and how he got into show business. The biography and personal life of this singer were examined in detail by us. Let's wish him creative success and much love!

Real name is Oleg Krivikov. According to Oleg himself, he chose the pseudonym “Miami” because of his special love for Miami and his life’s dream - to live and work there.

Born on November 21, 1990 in the beautiful city of Yekaterinburg. From an early age, the boy was distinguished by his daring character; young Oleg did not hesitate to demonstrate his extravagance. At the same time, he was a very diligent student, and was considered one of the best in his class. In addition, the boy was fond of singing and dancing since childhood, which influenced his future life.

After graduating from school with an excellent certificate, Oleg entered the Faculty of Medicine and mastered the specialty of dentist. This was his parents' dream. However, this is not at all what attracted the talented young man - he would gladly exchange his white coat for a stage microphone. As a result, Oleg leaves the institute and plunges into nightlife cities. Parties, business meetings with venerable people from show business lead to the guy making the necessary contacts and starting to actively star in commercials and television projects. In addition, Oleg Miami began to actively perform his songs at various corporate events.

Personal life of Oleg Miami

Oleg is a fairly young guy and has not yet acquired a legal wife and children. He is in active search your soulmate.

Oleg’s personal life became public attention in the spring of 2011, when the guy appeared on the youth television project “House 2” on the TNT channel. Many girls fought for the heart of the handsome young man, and he became one of the most eligible bachelors in Russia.

His first chosen one was Oksana Ryaska. The girl conquered young man, however, later a short time young people broke up due to too different characters.

After breaking up with Oksana Ryaska, Oleg found a replacement for her in the person of another Oksana, Strunkina. The eccentric girl soon tired of the guy with her regular hysterics and showdowns, and the couple also separated.

The young womanizer quickly turned his attention to Valeria Masterko, while at the same time flirting with one of the charming twins of the TV project - Katya Kolisnichenko. It was with her that Oleg went to the wedding of Katya’s sister, Yulia. In addition to the guest of honor, Oleg became a co-host of the event at the wedding, and also performed several of his songs for the guests of the newlyweds.

In the fall of 2012, Oleg’s heart was won by the beauty Varvara Tretyakova, who became a new participant in the television project “House 2”. Many guys from the “house of love” competed for her attention, but she gave preference to Oleg Miami. The young couple’s relationship lasted quite a long time, Oleg and Varvara became one of the brightest couples of the television project. However, this relationship was destined to end.

Interesting facts from the public life of Oleg Miami

Oleg ended his story on the television project “House 2” in a very scandalous way. In February 2013, Dasha Frolova became a new participant in “House 2”. The girl initially had a bad relationship with Oleg - regular clashes, quarrels and scandals against the backdrop of mutual hostility towards each other. This ultimately led to a fight. Oleg once again could not contain his emotions and splashed a chemical solution in the girl’s face. The consequences of this act were serious - Daria had to call an ambulance. The girl was taken to the hospital and it took her a long time to restore her health to normal. Daria decided not to leave Oleg’s offense unpunished, and gave him a choice - either he leaves the TV project, or she sues him. The TNT television channel made a decision for Oleg - the guy was removed from the air and sent home.

Separately, it is worth noting that his girlfriend Varvara Tretyakova, who is already quite for a long time was in a warm relationship with Oleg, refused to leave for him. One of the most beautiful stories love on the television project “House 2”.

For many fans it will be very interesting news, What's on this moment Oleg meets with the new star of “House 2” - co-host Olga Bazova and Ksenia Borodina, the beauty Katya Zhuzha.

Also, many of Oleg’s fans like the guy’s warm friendship with Olga Seryabkina, the lead singer of the Serebro group. The guys met several years ago while working at the same recording studio, and since then Oleg and Olga have been close friends, to the delight of their many fans.

The creative path of Oleg Miami

After national love, former member“House 2” decided to continue to delight fans of his talent. He managed to get under the tutelage of Max Fadeev himself, who has been one of the venerable people in the world of music show business since the 90s. Having signed the contract, Fadeev began promoting Oleg Miami. However, expectations were not met, and the hero of girls' dreams did not become in demand on the stage. In 2014, Fadeev broke the contract with the young talent.

This did not stop the guy, and he continued to make his way onto the stage. He releases solo songs, as well as several joint projects(for example, with Glucose and Yulia Savicheva). Oleg also decided to try his luck in the singing competition “The Voice”, and first gets into the team of Grigory Leps, and then the rapper Basta takes him to his place. Paying attention to Oleg’s desire for fame, Max Fadeev signed a new contract with Miami in 2015.

Currently Oleg, in addition to musical activity, takes an active part in the humorous “Diary of Khach”. "Khach's Diary" is a blog on the YouTube channel, which has global popularity among fans virtual network. In addition, Oleg Miami is a popular DJ in Moscow nightclubs.

Despite all the difficulties and ups and downs of life, Oleg Miami is moving only forward!

Oleg is from Yekaterinburg, he was born on November 21, 1990.
The parents tried to make the young man a dentist, but the young man decided to take a different path. He became the host of various parties and weddings, and then decided to audition for participation in the reality show “House 2”.
He first appeared in front of cameras in 2011, trying to build a relationship with Victoria Bernikova. However, after another quarrel, during which Victoria splashed boiling water on him, Oleg had to leave the project.

Photo, on the show House 2

Miami's second appearance in "House 2" occurred in next year. Oleg was paired with the brawler Ekaterina Kolisnichenko, then with Oksana Ryaska, etc.
Krivikov skillfully played out heated quarrels and fights, keeping the audience glued to the TV screens, however, these relationships did not hurt his feelings.
The personal life of the hero of the show changed dramatically with the arrival of Varvara Tretyakova in the project.

Photo, Oleg and Varvara

A spark broke out between Varvara and Oleg, and the young people experienced a whirlwind romance. However, these feelings also began to crack and the lovers separated, they say because of Oleg’s infatuation with Ksenia Borodina’s friend, Katya Zhuzha.
In 2013, Oleg had to leave the project due to another quarrel with Daria Frolova, whom he doused with liquid to remove grease from ceramics.
Currently, Oleg Miami works under the leadership of Maxim Fadeev and dreams of becoming a presenter.
On the show The Voice, Oleg is Basta’s ward, although he originally joined Grigory Leps’ team.
At the blind auditions, Oleg performed “This Love” and three mentors turned to him - Leps, Basta and Gagarina. Polina spent a long time trying to persuade Oleg to come to her, Krivikov flirted and chose Grigory Leps.
In the second stage of the show The Voice, Oleg Miami competed with Armen Avdzhanov with the song “Turn Around”. The mentor kept Armen in the project, but Oleg was “saved” by Basta.
The young singer was so upset that he could not thank his new mentor.
In the “Knockouts” stage, Vasily Vakulenko entrusted his ward to sing “Silk Heart”. Oleg completely coped with the task, which was noted by the project mentors and spectators.
Ahead of Oleg are “Live broadcasts” and the path to the semi-finals or free swimming.

Participant name: Oleg Krivikov

Age (birthday): 21.11.1990

City: Ekaterenburg, Moscow

Height and weight: 181 cm, 78 kg

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Read with this article:

Oleg Krivakov was born in the Urals, in the city of Yekaterenburg. At school he was a very active boy.

Sports and entertainment activities could not do without the participation of the talented Oleg.

His passion for sports and music did not at all interfere with the guy’s basic studies. After graduation, he was given a certificate with good grades and good characteristics.

Having received secondary education, his parents decide to send him to study to become a dentist. But being a very emotional and extravagant guy, he didn't want to study.

Instead, he spends holidays, celebrations, parties and earns good money. At one point, Oleg realizes that hometown he has nothing else to do and moves to Moscow, where he continues to engage in cultural and entertainment activities.

At the same time, he goes to all kinds of castings and appears in commercials, and he also has achievements in the modeling business.

On the advice of his friends, Oleg goes to the qualifying round of the scandalous TV show DOM 2.

In March 2011, Oleg applied for the project as a participant. But being very hot-tempered and impulsive, he does not find common language with the girls and they vote against him.

Thus, the guy lasted only 20 days.

A year later, Oleg returns to the project. To last much longer, the young man decides to get one of the most bright participants, Oksana Ryasku.

But again, his difficult character did not allow the couple to last long. Next he chooses Oksana Strunkina, but the two leaders cannot exist in tandem and they quickly scatter.

Oleg, without giving up, quickly takes control of Valeria Masterko, who has long proven herself on the project.

At this time, Ekaterina Kolesnichenko breaks up with Philip Alekseev and Oleg leaves Masterko to console one of the scandalous “twins”.

Catherine is in no hurry to build a relationship with him. But strong friendship they still succeed.

At the wedding of his second twin, Yulia and Tigran, he is a welcome and honored guest, where he once again showed his talents in entertaining guests.

In the spring of 2012, Oleg breaks his neck because he unsuccessfully jumps into the pool. While the guy was in the hospital, he actively corresponded with his fans, talking about interesting events on a TV show.

For example, he was the first to announce that he was expecting a child from Anton Gusev.

Upon returning from the hospital, Oleg begins a stormy romance with Varvara Tretyakova, although strong participants such as Alexey Samsonov and Evgeny Kuzin fought for the girl’s heart.

The union with Varvara was full of scandals and reproaches, since Oleg was constantly caught with some beauty outside the perimeter. The couple broke up and got back together more than once.

As a result, Oleg was caught red-handed again and the burning brunette leaves Krivikov without regret. But Oleg is seriously upset, because Varya has fallen into his soul, but this did not stop him from flirting with other girls.

One day, he seriously quarreled with Daria Frolova and, in a fit of anger, splashed a cleaning product on her, which, as it turned out, the girl was seriously allergic to. Daria decided to file a lawsuit against Oleg. Then the presenters decide that it’s time for the guy to leave the project.

Oleg was not very upset about this, because after the next attempts to return Tretyakov, he understands that he has nothing more to do here. In February 2013, Oleg Miami Krivikov leaves Dom2.

While on the project, the nickname Miami became attached to Oleg, as he told everyone that he dreamed of living in Miami and would very soon achieve it.

Oleg had long relationship with Katya Zhuzha, they lived together and raised her child. But later Oleg admitted that it was difficult for him.

After some time, his name was heard on the first channel, in music show“The Voice”, where he wonderfully performed the song “This my love”. Oleg chose the team, but at the stage of fights he switched to.

Together with Basta he reached the quarter finals, where he performed Max Korzh’s song: Live in high.

After The Voice, Oleg begins collaborating with famous producer. Now Oleg Miami has several videos and popular tracks, for example: Baby, dance; Anew; Stay; Unforgettable, etc. The singer travels around Russian cities with concerts.

The guy also constantly stars in the blog “Khach’s Diary” with singer T-killah. He is one of the main characters of the channel, he is bright, cheerful and artistic.

Previously, in the video he often called himself the Director of the cafe. Oleg with the Khacha Diary channel has a video: Brother, give me a beat.

But on the blog about personal life Oleg does not apply, behaves like a true bachelor.

In March 2017, there were rumors that Oleg Miami was dating (SEREBRO). But it turned out to be the journalists’ inventions, the guys are just friends. In the winter of 2017, information appeared that Oleg was dating.

Photo by Oleg

The guy has many fans, he always attracts attention with his appearance and charisma. Oleg Miami has a popular Instagram (link in profile).

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