The magic of numbers. Swimming pool with clean water according to the dream book

The interpretation of the dream “Swimming pool” is considered based on what kind of water was in the pool (dirty, cloudy or crystal clear, warm or icy) and what you did in it (swimmed, jumped from a tower, poured water, washed or simply passed by). Who was in the pool (children, people, fish, dolphins, sharks, worms, etc.) is also very important for deciphering a dream about a pool. All this is taken into account in the dream book and below are answers to questions that may arise after you have seen the dream “Swimming pool”.

  • Why do you dream about a swimming pool? Dream Interpretation: a swimming pool in a dream means that everything will be fine in your relationships, as well as easy and successful affairs. A swimming pool in a dream is generally associated with relationships with the opposite sex and the progress of affairs at work.
  • Why do you dream of a sauna with a swimming pool? Dream Interpretation: a sauna with a swimming pool in a dream - in reality an unfavorable meeting with a person on whom you were very much counting.
  • Why do you dream about a house with a swimming pool? Dream Interpretation: a house with a swimming pool in a dream promises the dreamer good luck and a successful course of business, as well as a love adventure that can turn your life around.
  • Why does a pregnant woman dream about a swimming pool? Dream Interpretation: A pregnant woman dreams of a swimming pool for an easy birth and a strong baby.
  • Why does a girl dream about a pool? Dream Interpretation: a girl dreams of a swimming pool for a fateful meeting.

I dreamed about a pool and water(Cm. )

I dreamed of swimming in a pool in a dream

Actions performed with the pool

Various animals in the pool

Maly Velesov dream book

The interpretation of dreams of “swimming in the pool” comes down to the following: strengthen your position in society; if people were swimming nearby, it means you will find loyal and reliable friends.
I dreamed of swimming in a pool with clean water - good, health. Dreams are also interpreted where you dreamed of swimming in clean water, washing your face in a dream with clean water, and dreamed that I was swimming in clean water (in a river, sea, ocean). (Cm. )

Miller's Dream Book

Miller's Dream Book: a swimming pool in a dream means the dignity and decency of the dreamer.
Miller's dream book: swimming in a pool in a dream for a young woman is a good dream - you will find a true friend, strengthen your position.

Freud's Dream Book

Modern dream book

Modern dream book: why does a woman dream of swimming in a pool? Thanks to charm, a woman will achieve success and make reliable friends.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

  • The dream of “a swimming pool with clean water” promises an important meeting for your life. It is possible to meet the person you loved many years ago. (Cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: swimming in a clean pool in a dream means in reality getting ready for an important meeting that can turn your life around. Perhaps you will meet an old friend to whom you were not indifferent in those distant times when you were together.
  • Dream Interpretation: if in a dream you swam beautifully and gracefully in the pool and everyone looked at you with admiration, it means in reality I will make you a very lucrative offer. Accept it with joy and gratitude only after checking the reliability of this offer, since perhaps they want to deceive you.
  • If you dreamed about children in the pool, the dream says that big changes await you, after which you will feel like a different person. The period of change will be as stormy and difficult as the playful and cheerful behavior of the children in the pool in your dream.
  • Why dream of swimming in a pool with joy and pleasure? Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation: swimming in a pool in a dream with pleasure means that in reality you are caught up in the bustle of your home. You cannot escape from everyday problems and troubles even for one day. This is not possible: you can exhaust yourself mentally and exhaust yourself physically.
  • Why dream of swimming in a pool without pleasure? Dream Interpretation: if you didn’t like swimming in the pool in a dream (cold water, dirty pool, bad mood, etc.) - then you will have to part with your friend for some time. The separation will pass quickly, although you will miss each other greatly.
  • If you dreamed of jumping from a tower into a pool, in reality you will have to make a very important decision on which your entire future life will depend.

Vanga's Dream Book

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about a swimming pool? This dream has two meanings:

  • The first positive interpretation: I dreamed that I was swimming in a pool - it means a person will appear in your life who will change your views and turn your whole life around, becoming an important part of it. If you want such a person to appear, every morning, for 3 days, take a glass of clean water and pour it through the window onto the street.
  • Second negative interpretation: If you dreamed of a dirty pool or an empty one without water, in reality you will be left alone and will have to solve a huge number of problems and troubles on your own. To avoid this terrible condition, place any fountain (toy, tiny or homemade) in your room and for a week make sure that water is always flowing in it. You can also collect stones that were lying on the shore of the sea, lake or river and put them on the bottom of the bath. During the week you need to make sure that they are always wet.

Ivanov’s newest dream book

  • I dreamed of a pool with clean water - to good health.
  • The dream “muddy water in the pool” promises illness. After such a dream, go to the shower and rinse with clean water or simply douse yourself outside to prevent illness.
  • The dream “swimming pool with dirty water” says: unpleasant rumors will be spread about you.
  • I dreamed of a swimming pool in a dream - to changes in life.
  • I dreamed of swimming in a pool with clean water - to prosperity and successful business.
  • If you dreamed of “taking part in swimming competitions in the pool” - you will achieve a goal of a romantic nature.
  • I dreamed of walking past the pool - to disappointment.

Eastern women's dream book

I dreamed that I was swimming in a pool - a woman dreams of such a dream that, thanks to her natural charm, she will acquire true friends and achieve success in life.

Russian dream book

A dream about a pool of water promises profit.

New family dream book

A woman dreams of a pool and that she is swimming in it, which means in reality she will have a loyal, reliable and decent friend. A woman also dreams of a pool of water to strengthen her position in society.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

  • Meaning of the dream: a pool full of water to the very brim is a dream of profit and successful financial affairs.
  • I dreamed of a pool with clear water - a symbol of love adventures, strong love connections, love feelings that will captivate the dreamer.
  • Dreaming of swimming in a swimming pool means plunging headlong into love experiences. Strong feelings that will consume you completely.

Women's dream book

  • The dream of “swimming a pool of water” says that you will experience a strong feeling of love that will make you forget about everything else. Unfortunately, sobering up will occur immediately after you enter into an intimate relationship with your loved one. You will be very disappointed in him.
  • If you dreamed of an empty pool without water, you have recently broken off a relationship, this dream symbolizes your spiritual emptiness. You completely dissolved in him, lived with this person, and now the whole world is empty.
  • The dream of “swimming in a pool with fish” promises either the birth of a child or a happy marriage.

Children's dream book

  • If you had a dream about “a swimming pool with clean water,” it means that everything is fine with your health and things will go well.
  • If you had a dream about a “dirty pool”, it means you will soon get sick or a big problem will happen in your business.
  • I had a dream “swimming in a pool under water” - Some bad event will happen soon, but God himself will save you from misfortune.
  • In a dream, swimming in a pool with fish - you will overcome minor troubles, but you will remember them for a long time and be sad. Your soul will be uneasy.
  • I dreamed of a dolphin in a pool - a new acquaintance will become a faithful and reliable friend.

Spring dream book

Why do you dream about “water in the pool, swimming in the pool”? Swimming in the pool brings money and profit.
The dream of “filling a pool” says that you will make money out of nothing.

Summer dream book

I dreamed of a pool with blue water - there will be happy days, love.

Autumn dream book

The dream of “swimming in a pool with clean water after taking a sauna” promises a meeting with a person whom you really hoped would be unfavorable.

Combined dream book

Psychoanalytic dream book of Samokhvalov

I dreamed of a pool of water – a womb.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing a pool with clean water in a dream means your wish will come true.
The dream of “drowning in a pool” warns: when achieving your goal, you will encounter unforeseen difficulties.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Dream interpretation: seeing a pool with clean water is good luck. In general, the interpretation of a dream about water in a pool must be considered based on the quality of the water. (Cm. )
The dream “empty pool” symbolizes the dreamer’s lack of vitality.

Dream book of psychologist Loff

Psychoanalysis of a swimming pool dream should begin with an analysis of the water that appears in our dreams and which is present in the dream about the swimming pool. Water plays an irreplaceable role in all living things in general, and in the history of mankind in particular. Water was both the enemy of humanity and at the same time its friend. You can get drunk with water, but you can also drown; water is a symbol of both death and life.
It turns out that a lot of water creates fear in a person, and controlled water creates life. That is why, if in a dream there is little water (it is in a glass, in a river, in a pool, in a barrel, etc.), then this dream says that you can do anything, you will overcome everything. If there was a lot of water and it was uncontrollable (ocean, flood), then it is a dream of misfortune, misfortune and everything bad.

Dream book of lovers

A girl had a dream about “swimming in a clean pool” - in reality she will meet a friend, he will not only be a faithful comrade, but will also help her become successful. Thanks to his support, the girl will win the affection of the people around her.

English dream book

Seeing a swimming pool in a dream - if you paid attention specifically to the fact of the presence of a swimming pool in your dream, then the dream takes on additional meaning. A swimming pool is a limited space filled with relatively clean and neutralized water. You can swim in it without fear of a large amount of water (compared to the sea or ocean), but just like any sea and beaches, you can fully demonstrate the beauty of your body and your ability to move in the water. A swimming pool is a relatively safe place for swimming; firstly, if you are tired, you can hold on to the side, and secondly, there are always a lot of people in the pool and you are clearly visible. Therefore, drowning in a pool is much more difficult than, say, in the open sea. Although, of course, you can drown in a puddle.
English dream book: why do you dream about a swimming pool? Perhaps your subconscious is telling you that it’s time to relax and do something that won’t require much physical exertion from you? Perhaps it says that it’s time for you to just relax and stop thinking about problems? Perhaps in real life you are too immersed in problems, immersing yourself in them “headlong”?

Generalized dream book


To summarize all of the above, I would like to say that the dream “Swimming pool” has a positive interpretation in the overwhelming majority and promises success and some kind of love adventure. Almost all interpreters agree that a pool of water is one of the best dreams, especially if it had crystal clear water or dolphins were swimming in it. Of course, everything depends on the details of the dream and there are details that make the dream negative, so we wish you to see the pool in your dream only as clean.

Every night we see a subtle, yet unknown world of dreams. Visions come for a reason. It would seem that a simple pool seen in a dream does not carry any information load, but in reality it is completely different. What does it mean according to dream books to swim in a pool in a dream?

Of course, pay attention to the nuances of sleep, little things. Remember what you saw? What were your actions? Was there anyone nearby or not? What should you remember and this will be useful in deciphering the dream?

  • Just to see the pool.
  • The water was clean, the pool was new, but there was no one around.
  • Dolphins swim in the pool.
  • The pool is filled with crystal clear water.
  • The water smelled bad or was cloudy and dirty.
  • There was no water in the pool at all.
  • Swimmed in the pool? Remember what the water was like: clean or dirty.
  • Perhaps they learned to swim or masterfully swam across it? Did you drown?
  • Where was the pool? In a building or on the street? Pay attention to the weather.
  • Was there anyone with you at the pool? Did you swim alone, with people or dolphins?
  • Did you jump from a tower or dive?

Anything can happen in a dream. The main thing is not to forget the dream. Fate is trying to say something or indirectly hint. We are interested in: swimming in the pool.

Let's turn to the dream books

Combined dream book

If you swam in the pool and the water was clean and clear, then expect good luck. Success can be expected in a team and in communication with friends. They will support you and will not betray you. For young girls, the dream promises the acquisition of a true friend. Dirty water in the pool means trouble.

Modern dream book

Good and clean water while swimming is a good sign. Society recognizes you and your qualities, and friends will never betray you. Young girls should expect the appearance of a true comrade. Dirty waters cause problems.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Did you swim? Ahead, fate is preparing an important decisive meeting or acquaintance. It is worth preparing for such an event. Perhaps this will be an old acquaintance, feelings for whom have not yet cooled.

Swimming great in a dream in a pool, as if in real life, is a lucrative offer. It will bring you joy. Be careful, evaluate your capabilities and strengths, the person making the offer, in order to exclude failure or deception.

Did you see one of your relatives splashing in the pool? Expect changes in life. They will change you radically, and you will feel like a completely different person. Change will permeate everything.

Did you swim with joy? Everyday worries bog you down, your strength is running out. It’s worth leaving everything and resting. If you didn’t like swimming in the pool, then expect to part with your dear friend. It is not necessary that the separation will be long or forever, perhaps you will simply go on vacation or out of town, but remember with longing about your friend.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If a young girl sees herself in the pool, then fate says that she will soon meet a man. He can become a support and comrade for her, his qualities will meet her needs. At work, strengthening your position among colleagues.

Swimming naked in the pool is a sign of love, passion. You should not indulge in temptations; perhaps you will soon get sick and lose your beauty precisely because of your promiscuity in sexual relations. Seeing men in the pool who are naked attracts numerous fans.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

The dream book says that swimming in a dream predicts strong, addictive love. Be careful, you will forget about responsibilities and important matters. Disappointment from a love relationship is just around the corner.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Swimming portends a meeting with new good friends, and success in life is about to overtake you. If someone swam, then expect help from a successful relative.

Freud's Dream Book

A new strong feeling of love is coming if you swam in the pool. You have never experienced such emotions before. Remember that soon the intoxication of love will pass, and disappointment will not keep you waiting as soon as an intimate relationship with your chosen one begins.

Dream Interpretation of Astromeridian

Swimming in a pool filled to the brim with water means meeting a very rich and influential person who can improve your financial situation.

Summer dream book

Clean water in the pool and swimming in it promise a holiday or a joyful event that you have been waiting for a long time.

Spring dream book

The dream promises financial wealth. Catch the money bird of happiness by the tail, don't miss the chance.

Autumn dream book

Swim to the pool for a meeting that will not meet your expectations.

Night dreams in which you see yourself floating in a pool with clear bluish water are difficult to forget. Such dreams give peace and tranquility. But why do you dream of muddy, dirty water? In this case, the dream book gives warning predictions. Which ones exactly? Read the description.

Swim in the water

If you swim in a pool in a dream, this portends pleasant events. For a young woman, such a dream means that thanks to her ability to win people over, she will get what she wants in life and find a worthy companion.

Swimming in a new and attractive pool is a sign of good health and material wealth. The universal dream book promises numerous victories in love and career.

If you dreamed that one of your loved ones or friends was splashing in the pool, then, according to the dream book, major changes are coming in life that will change the usual view of many things.

Longo explains why you dream about a swimming pool. According to this dream book, such swimming predicts a long-awaited love date. Perhaps you will see one of your former boyfriends, for whom you previously had loving feelings.

If you dreamed that it was very easy to glide on water, you will soon receive an offer that may seem profitable. But be careful, it may well happen that they are trying to deceive you.

According to Freud's dream book, if you swim in a pool, then you will soon be overcome by a love experience, and you will forget about your affairs and responsibilities. Despite the strong emotions, the euphoria will not last long.

The feeling of swimming

If in a dream you enjoy swimming in the pool, this means that in life you devote too much energy to doing household chores. The modern dream book advises to have a good rest.

If you experienced discomfort while swimming (the water was cold, it was difficult to swim, etc.), you will have to part with your close friend for a while. This may be caused by his departure.

Why such a plot is dreamed of is also explained in Miller’s interpreter. If a young girl sees herself in a pool in a dream, this promises her pleasant changes. Thanks to decency and self-esteem, she will acquire a true friend and secure a strong position in society.

Empty swimming pool

Aesop's dream book interprets an empty pool as suffering from loneliness. If you dreamed of frozen water, you will have troubles that you will have to deal with on your own.

Vanga explains why you dream of a pool without water. It is believed that there is an emptiness in your soul, formed after a break in relations with a loved one. You don't know how to console yourself and constantly think about the loss. You need to find something you like and direct your thoughts in a different direction.

Various explanations

I dreamed that the liquid was transparent and clean, a strong position in society and success in business awaited you. Seeing green or brown liquid in the pool according to the Modern Dream Book is a risk of becoming seriously ill.

Jumping from a springboard in a dream and hitting a water surface painfully means that in reality you are avoiding taking responsibility because you are not confident in your capabilities. Because of this, all endeavors fail.

In a dream you can travel, you can visit old friends, you can meet someone. But why do you dream about a pool? How to interpret this dream?

It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream about a swimming pool - basic interpretation

A dream in which you plunge headlong into the water of a pool means that you will soon plunge into new feelings that will make you look differently at the way of life. If you dream of a swimming pool, it is important to give meaning to any detail of such a dream.

Try to remember the dream as a whole, think about every detail:

Where exactly did you see the pool;

What were you doing in the pool?

Did anyone else figure in your dream about the swimming pool;

Have you washed the pool?

What emotions visited you after sleep.

Seeing a pool with crystal clear water means crystal clear thoughts and feelings. You will be immersed in yourself and your future. You will seek manifestation and harmony in everything. Such an elevated state will allow you to joyfully meet a new period of life.

But, if you see the clear water of the pool and do not dare to plunge into it, you will be afraid of changes, you will think that this is a catch. It can be either about the opportunity to build new relationships, which you will refuse, or about the opportunity to start your own new business. The refusal will be based on your indecisiveness and your pettiness.

A dream in which you went out to the pool and the wind suddenly rose and the sky became cloudy means that your cloudless life will be overshadowed by events that are beyond your control. You will suddenly enter a period of stagnation and a period of stress.

The dream book advises to take a closer look at the details of the dream. If you saw in a dream that the bad weather quickly ended and sunny days arrived, such a dream means that your troubles are temporary and will soon end, so don’t be upset or panic, everything will work out the way you want.

If you see in a dream a pool with dirty, muddy water, you should avoid having unclean thoughts. Try to make all decisions in life carefully and in a good mood. If you decide to greatly annoy someone, try to do it thoughtfully. Your revenge will not bring anything good.

A dream in which you plunge into a pool and the water in it becomes dirty and cloudy means that someone will want to ruin your plans and do something bad to you. Try not to panic in advance and think about who it could be and how such enemy affairs could end. Perhaps they only want to scare you, but if the water in the pool turns black, they really want to harm you.

If in a dream you plunge into a pool and the water seems icy to you, your emotions and feelings towards your loved one will cool down. You will no longer experience the same affection and the same love; you will analyze his actions more with your mind. This will lead to a cooling of feelings and a forced end to the relationship.

A dream in which you see an empty pool speaks of the emptiness of your hopes and expectations. If in a dream you wash a pool, in reality you will try to wash yourself away from the negative events of the past. We can talk about a relationship that brought you a lot of trouble, or about your financial plans that suddenly collapsed.

A dream in which you are digging a place for a swimming pool speaks of your need for updates in life. You will have new opportunities for development and financial growth. If in a dream you manage to build a pool, in reality you will also be able to bring all your plans to life. Don't worry if temporary difficulties overtake you. They will end very quickly, and you will be able to celebrate victory over yourself and your fears.

If in a dream you come to swim in an indoor pool, but all the lanes on it are occupied, you will be faced with the problem of lack of choice. If you have made grandiose financial plans regarding work in the near future, they will not come true. Your idea will be intercepted by competitors, or your place will be taken by colleagues. The dream book advises you to remember whether you were able to find a place on the path in your dream, or whether you went home with nothing.

If in a dream you come to swim in an indoor pool and all the lanes are empty, you cannot choose which one would be better for training - such a dream means that you will be faced with a choice and it will be very difficult. You won't be able to choose from the basic little things in life. The dream book advises not to panic and make informed decisions. Now it is important for you to accept them not only correctly, but also quickly, because the available opportunities and places may soon be filled.

Why do you dream about a swimming pool according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud's dream book says that one dreams of a swimming pool as a symbol of renewal in one's personal life. If in a dream you see yourself diving into the clear water of a pool, in reality you will plunge headlong into a relationship. They will be pleasant and joyful for you. A period of prosperity and prosperity will come in your life. Try to preserve the tenderness of feelings and the purity of relationships for a long time.

A dream in which you are immersed in the cool and muddy water of a pool indicates that you will most likely be deceived; the deception will come from close people. Try to forgive their sins and don't be upset if they did something wrong. In order not to be deceived, you should not take anyone’s word for it. It’s better to double-check everything several times, only then draw the appropriate conclusions.

A dream in which you are drowning in a pool suggests that emotions and feelings will overwhelm you and will not allow you to get to the surface. You will try to cope with them for a long time, but in the end you will refuse the opportunity to realize yourself in a new relationship. Such a dream may also mean that a period of quarrels and conflicts will come in your existing relationship. You will be immersed in negative emotions and will not be able to find a way out of them.

Because of this situation, you may lose those relationships that you have had for quite a long time. The dream book advises you not to exaggerate and not to excite your imagination. When the storm of emotions subsides, everything will fall into place, and you will begin to live happily and calmly.

Why does a pregnant woman dream of a swimming pool? Such a dream speaks of changes in her social circle, perhaps she will suddenly have new friends, she will make new acquaintances. If she dreams that the water in the pool is dark, but warm and pleasant, troubles will not be able to darken her life. If she dreams that the water is clear, but cold, she will expect the coldness and indifference of loved ones.

Why do you dream about a swimming pool according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

A dream in which you swim in a pool promises you quick changes for the better. If you swim in the pool a lot and don’t even get tired, you will be able to complete those things that you still couldn’t finish. A dream in which you are sitting on the shore of a pool and cannot plunge into it means that you are forbidding yourself a lot.

You forbid yourself to live the way you have long dreamed of. If you wash a pool in a dream, in reality you will try to cleanse yourself of an unpleasant situation. It didn’t happen in your life by chance; perhaps someone close to you became its provocateur, and you just can’t come to terms with it.

Why do you dream about a swimming pool according to other dream books?

Dream Interpretation of Grishina says that if in a dream you watch someone else swim in a pool, but do not plunge into it yourself, you will watch other people’s successes and victories, but you yourself will not dare to take a sharp step towards victory. The dream book advises you to take risks, otherwise you will not be able to achieve anything that you have dreamed of for so long.

If you are swimming in a pool in a dream and overtaking everyone, such a dream says that you will soon be able to surpass your competitors many times over. If you weren't expected to have much hope at work, you will now become an indispensable employee. In your personal life, after such a dream, a period of victories will begin; you will be able to finally build the relationships you have long dreamed of. Nothing threatens you now, your happiness will last long.

In Aesop's dream book it is said that a dream in which water is pouring out of a pool speaks of an overabundance of feelings and emotions in your life. You will be filled with internal conflicts and torment. In the near future, you should curb your emotions, otherwise you will damage your reputation. A dream in which you are trying to get out of the pool, but constantly fall into the water, suggests that you should not rush into making a decision. Stay in your place for now, don’t rush anywhere, everything has its time.

A dream where you see yourself swimming in a pool foreshadows a quick change in your relationship with your friend, which can turn into a whirlwind romance. The way you plunged into the water of the pool will be transferred to real life, and you will plunge headlong into new love feelings. It will seem to you that the most important events are happening in your life. But interpreters regard a dream with a swimming pool as a warning; it carries information about the short duration of a new relationship, its transience. You can understand why you dream about a pool if you carefully track the entire dream scenario. You need to know its beginning, analyze your feelings during sleep and at the moment of awakening.

A pool with or without water is a separate thing, set apart from the general circle of your life. Therefore, when thinking about a dream, you need to know that it carries information about your relationships with colleagues or loved ones. A pool or bath is a place where we take water treatments, cleanse and wash our body. Such procedures are most often carried out with a minimum of clothing, that is, a person appears unprotected in a dream. He is open, which means he is vulnerable.

The vulnerability of your body and soul in a certain social circle should alert you. In real life, it is better not to get into such a situation, which means that your dream warns and requires you to comprehend your life situation and understand why you are dreaming of a swimming pool. Any dream can bring you the necessary information that can be used to analyze your past life and make plans for the future.

The empty one you can see is the emptiness that can settle in your lonely soul after a person. Your experiences in this situation and your confusion do not give you the opportunity to soberly assess the situation. Your life was completely focused on one person. Perhaps your adoration and immeasurable love caused the breakup. Try to look at the situation from the other side, analyze and draw conclusions, because you deserve better treatment.

For a lonely girl, it promises a quick interesting acquaintance with a young man. It is this person who can meet her ideal and enter her social circle.

If you had to swim in the pool while sleeping without clothes, then soon you will enter into an intimate relationship, which can ruin your relationships with others and disrupt the usual rhythm of life. If in a pool you swim in a group with naked young men, then this indicates that you will have a large number of fans.

If the water in the pool is clean, then your life will not be complicated by the actions of strangers, and luck depends only on you. If the pool is full, then an obstacle awaits you in life; you will not be able to really analyze the situation. Knowing why you dream of a pool with muddy water can prevent you from taking wrong actions in life.

A dream in which you begin to drown means imminent misfortune or illness. Scuba diving symbolizes the struggle for life, for survival. This dream is worth thinking about, because if you have a struggle in the future, it is better to prepare for it in advance.

Seeing in a dream a pool in which there are a huge number of people and where there is no room left for you, means that strangers are invading your privacy, they talk a lot about you, which can ruin your reputation. A dream in which you swim in a pool with friends or girlfriends and at the same time feel calm and comfortable promises you a promotion and taking a worthy place in society. The meaning of the dream and the understanding of what the pool is dreaming of may not come immediately, but after some period of time, when your life begins to change, and you can compare what you saw in your dreams and real life.

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