Lyudmila Ryumina: biography, husband and children, personal life (photo). Terrible details of Lyudmila Ryumina's illness Discography of Lyudmila Ryumina

Famous Russian singer Lyudmila Ryumina died today in Moscow at the age of 69. The cause of death of the famous performer was cancer. Elena Orlova, a representative of the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center Ryumina, spoke about this.

“Lyudmila Georgievna died tonight in the hospital from cancer,” Orlova said. At the same time, she added that farewell to People's Artist scheduled for September 4. Those who wish to say goodbye to Ryumina will be able to do so at the Folklore Center.

The press service of the Moscow Department of Culture reported that the department will assist in organizing the funeral, as well as the farewell ceremony for Lyudmila Romina.

It is necessary to remind you that early this morning, August 31, it became known that Ryumina Lyudmila Georgievna died in the Botkin Hospital in Moscow. The People's Artist of Russia was 68 years old. People's Artist of the RSFSR performed Russian folk songs. She also worked as the leader of the Moscow State Ensemble “Rusy”, which she founded.

Lyudmila Ryumina was born on August 28, 1949 in Voronezh. The artist became famous for performing Russian folk songs. In 1991, she was awarded the title of People's Artist. In 2007, Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded the artist the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.

Ryumina has also headed the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center since 1999.

The cause of death of People's Artist of Russia Lyudmila Ryumina has been named. As the singer’s colleague said, she died after a long battle with cancer.

The cause of the artist's death was revealed by a representative of the Moscow cultural center Elena Orlova. “Lyudmila Georgievna died tonight in the hospital; she had cancer,” she told REN TV.


It is known that Ryumina died in the Botkin hospital. The artist’s colleagues also emphasized that the farewell ceremony is planned to be held at the Folklore Center on September 4. Ryumina will be buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery, but where exactly has not yet been decided. The Moscow Department of Culture will assist in organizing the farewell ceremony and funeral of the People’s Artist, the department’s press service reported, writes TASS.

People's Artist of the USSR Joseph Kobzon spoke out about the death of Ryumina. According to him, she was one of the last domestic performers who cared for the purity of Russian song. “We are running out of Russian singers, there are practically no more of them. Ryumina fought for the purity of Russian songs, always appeared in Russian outfits. She grew up before my eyes. It’s a sincere pity,” noted the master of Russian pop music.

The singer also recalled joint trips with Lyudmila Georgievna. "We toured with her several times and Latin America, both in Africa and here, he performed with it several times,” Kobzon said.

Ryumina became famous for performing Russian folk songs, and was the founder and director of the Moscow State Ensemble "Rus". Since 1999 - artistic director of the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center. The artist collaborated with Alexandra Pakhmutova, Nikolai Dobronravov, Robert Rozhdestvensky and others famous poets and composers.

The famous Russian singer Lyudmila Ryumina died on August 31 in Moscow at the age of 69. The cause of the death of the famous performer was cancer. Elena Orlova, a representative of the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center Ryumina, spoke about this.

“Lyudmila Georgievna died tonight in the hospital from cancer,” Orlova said. At the same time, she added that farewell to the People's Artist is planned for September 4. Those who wish to say goodbye to Ryumina will be able to do so at the Folklore Center.

The press service of the Moscow Department of Culture reported that the department will assist in organizing the funeral, as well as the farewell ceremony for Lyudmila Romina.

Many singers and other cultural figures of our country regret the death of Lyudmila Ryumina and remember her, finding many warm and sincere words. Yes, according to People's Artist and the policy of Joseph Kobzon, it was latest artist, which promoted the genre of folk song with such dedication, took care of its purity, and concert outfits were always originally Russian. He recalled several joint tours when they visited Africa, Latin America, and Afghanistan, emphasizing that this time was very good.

Mikhail Shvydkoy, who is the special representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of international cultural cooperation, also spoke out about the great singer. In his opinion, Lyudmila Ryumina had a very lively and cheerful character, showed wit and knew how to create a party. It was bright and very live singer, and her death is a huge loss. When people like Lyudmila Ryumina leave for another world, each time an “unfillable void” appears.

In turn, according to the Azerbaijani actor and singer Polad Bul-Bul oglu, Russian artist she was very open, and what she did was real heroism. Folk song has lost a lot with the death of Lyudmila Ryumina - a cordial and always friendly person, a personality truly with a capital P.

Lyudmila Ryumina was born in 1949 in Voronezh and became famous for performing Russian folk songs. From the age of 18, Ryumina performed in the Voronezh Girls ensemble, where her development as a singer began. Ryumina graduated as an external student School of Music named after Ippolitov-Ivanov and the Gnessin Institute.

Lyudmila Ryumina is the founder and permanent director of the Moscow State Ensemble “Rusy”. Since 1999, Ryumina held the post artistic director Moscow Cultural Folklore Center.

Ryumina, People's Artist of Russia, was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree and the Order of Friendship.

The queen of Russian folk songs, the founder of the folklore center that bears her name, fought an unequal battle with oncology. Less than a month after the singer’s death, the media began to wonder who would get the artist’s impressive inheritance: two apartments in Moscow worth 110 million rubles and expensive jewelry. After all, she had no children, and little is known about the man with whom she married before her death...

The news that Lyudmila Ryumina, it turns out, has a husband came as a real surprise to the whole country. After all, the artist was devoted to her work to the last and personal life was unimportant to her. What can I say, she simply had no time to build personal happiness.

In 2017, they got married and married Andrey. He was its director, before that they lived in a civil marriage for 20 years,” says the singer’s friend, composer Igor Nadzhiev. - And during this time he became a dear person to her, who literally dedicated his life to her. He was very kind to her and her mother.

But no one, except Nadzhiev, seemed to know about this man; the news of his existence came as a shock to everyone. Ryumina’s colleagues are afraid that the star has fallen under the influence of a swindler. The singer's friend, writer Lena Lenina, claims that if the artist had a husband, she would not keep it a secret.

Lyudmila wore the most expensive pearls. She had a lot of precious jewelry and unique items. I hope that they won’t disappear under the noise,” he hints meaningfully socialite Lenin.

We tried to find this one mysterious man. First we turned to the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center of Lyudmila Ryumina, where they told us that her husband’s name is Andrei Gennadievich Zalessky.

“He was not Lyudmila Georgievna’s director,” the People’s Artist’s assistant Mikhail is indignant. - I don’t know how to contact him, I heard that he left Moscow, where, I also can’t say.

Employees of the Ryumina Center, at our request, got through to Andrei Zalessky. He said that he would not communicate with anyone for any reason.

We began to search for information on the Internet about Zalessky’s personality. The only thing they found out: on behalf of the Ryumina Center in 2014 and 2015, he entered into financial contracts in the category “Services provided by other representatives creative professions, performing on an individual basis." Our journalists called Ryumina’s friends, but neither Bari Alibasov nor Alexander Peskov know anything about him. In addition to her husband Zalessky, the artist also has a niece Larisa, who, of course, now cannot claim the inheritance, since Andrei, according to the documents, is the heir of the first line.

She has a husband, but no children,” the girl said in a television interview. - But it’s better not to talk about it. This is personal, if no one knew about it, then it was necessary.

Lyudmila Ryumina not only hid her husband, but also kept silent until the very end that she had cancer. She looked great, always smiled and was working on new projects. She didn't look like a sick person at all.

No one could even think about this,” Nadzhiev admits. - I returned from tour, went online and saw the news about farewell to Lyudmila. My heart almost stopped. She had oncology, she told few people about it. When she was told that she had cancer, she did not give up and decided to fight to the end: she was treated in the hospital and underwent chemotherapy courses. As the doctors said, she even had improvements. Luda was in a fighting spirit, because ahead was her creative anniversary and the big anniversary of the founding of the folklore center. But now she will celebrate these anniversaries with God.

Now many are interested in what will happen to the artist’s folklore center.

Luda was an open person, looked at life with humor, was always in good mood. Thanks to her powerful energy, she created her own center. After all, it costs a lot of work to assemble a team, organize work and pass all the bureaucratic tests,” continues Nadzhiev. - At the wake, I said that the most important thing is that her brainchild remains under her name. As far as I know, the center has a lot of plans before the New Year.

Many media write that at the farewell to the actress there were few of her stage colleagues.

There were Joseph Kobzon, Nadezhda Babkina, soloists of the group “Doctor Watson”, Alexander Peskov, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Vladimir Devyatov, continues Igor. - There were also a lot of wreaths. When they say that no one came to say goodbye, this is not true. It’s just that someone was on tour, and many were not in Moscow.

Igor Nadzhiev is surprised at how strong Lyudmila Ryumina was.

She knew how to take a punch. And she always said: “If it’s difficult or difficult, resist the blow of fate and come out victorious. Even bad things are given to us for a bright future, to prepare us for it and to enlighten us.” Luda once got into a car accident, where her internal organs were severely damaged. And after that the doctors said that she would not be able to have children. She knew very well that if she met her loved one, sooner or later he would want children... And she didn’t want to ruin anyone’s life. Unspent mother's love She gave to her center and tried to have as many children as possible learn from her.

Luda loved her audience very much, so she was not afraid of anything. For example, when she was in Afghanistan, she almost blew herself up while moving in an armored personnel carrier from one military unit to another. You know, despite the fact that Luda had a hard life, she found the strength to give people joy and did it to the last. When I said goodbye to her, I said: “There are people whom I call “unholy saints.” These are the ones who live for the people. They don't need to be canonized. Their mission is to inspire."

Moscow said goodbye to the legendary folk singer

Moscow said goodbye to People's Artist of Russia Lyudmila RYUMINA, who died of cancer. Hundreds of creativity fans folk singer came on September 4 to the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center she created for the funeral ceremony.

There is a sea of ​​wreaths, a live orchestra is playing in the foyer, and folk songs performed in the hall are muffled Ryumina...

Unfortunately, there weren’t many colleagues of the wonderful performer at her farewell. Igor Nadzhiev with his wife, soloists of the group “Doctor Watson”, Alexander Peskov, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Vladimir Devyatov. Well, of course, they couldn’t help but come and say their last goodbye Joseph Kobzon And Nadezhda Babkina.

Yes, I knew that Lyudmila had cancer, and in fact, we were treated in the same center on Kashirka,” shared Joseph Davydovich. - We saw each other there often. Of course, I hoped that she would be able to pull through. Alas, unfortunately, the disease turned out to be stronger.


Kobzon revealed and the last secret Colleagues:

Unfortunately, only towards the end of her life did Lyudmila develop her life. Behind the bustle of the world, behind her creative searches, she did not think about starting a family. And only this year she officially got married,” he said.

She was so active in her activities, she invested all of herself, she created a family for herself in Russian folk genre. This was family, happiness, joy for her,” Nadezhda Georgievna emphasized.

Alexander KIBOVSKY

Head of the Moscow Department of Culture Alexander Kibovsky, remembering working together with the singer, remarked:

Already being a popular, beloved artist, when necessary, she responded to the most unexpected and even daring projects, as if all these regalia did not exist, as if she was just a beginning soloist of the Mosconcert. This amazing quality of her character allowed her to do great things.

IN last way to the Vostryakovskoye cemetery, as is customary at the funerals of artists and singers, fans saw off Ryumina with thunderous applause.

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