Lyubov Voropaeva poetess. Lyubov Voropaeva: About the star secrets of show business

Poetess Lyubov VOROPAYEVA - about Russian show business of the 90s and her favorite student, whose star died untimely:

My husband, composer and producer, and I Viktor Dorokhin, without knowing it, practically founded this show business. Nobody even knew the word “producer” in Russia at that time - I was the first to use this term and put it into use.

On the one hand, show business of those years was very romantic, but on the other hand, it was completely wild and uneducated. Everyone did what they wanted! Only the lazy didn't sing!

On the issue of creating your first production project called “ Zhenya Belousov“We took it seriously: we went to America, poured through a lot of thick books on show business - American and European. And they began to “do” Zhenya in all sciences and technologies. Same Bari Alibasov, who created “Na-nu,” repeated us to the point of ridiculousness (he was offended because Zhenya left his “Integral” to join us). I even copied PR situations that I came up with regarding Belousov - imaginary car accidents, hospitals...

Everyone in our trio - me, Dorokhin, Belousov - stood up for each other like a mountain, until Zhenya started having problems with stardom, alcohol and everything else. When the moment of stardom begins, unfortunately, not every person can cope with it. We were in Moscow, Zhenya was constantly on tour, after each concert there were libations... Everyone wanted to sit with him at the same table and have a drink. Here Zhenya’s character gave way. I justified him - it’s difficult to calm down after a concert.

Zhenya preferred to relieve stress with alcohol. This resulted in the fact that it became impossible to stop him. Of course, he swore and swore to us. But then this addiction won so much that it was easier for him to refuse communication with us than to stop drinking.

After Zhenya's death we started Barbie- she was only 17 years old. I admit, she sang and moved terribly, but she had charisma - she lifted the audience with her energy. We nurtured her like loved one, hired teachers, brought clothes from America... I even ran to her market for cottage cheese when I put her on a diet before important speech. They didn’t let her go on tour alone, they protected her from intimate attacks from the organizers. They wanted to make her a really big star.

But she repaid us with black ingratitude. You see, the hormones started playing in her. Somewhere on the subway I met a guy - and off we went... When on my own solo concert I was two hours late to the coolest Moscow club at that time, “Carousel,” having arrived there straight from my bed - all disheveled, I said: “That’s it, this is the end of our relationship!”

A couple of years ago she found me. She said that she got married again and really wants to return to show business...

You know, everything that is happening now is so easy that I simply do not see a way to apply my strength - people need my name and my connections from me, but no one is interested in my knowledge. I don’t accept situations where people don’t strive to succeed professionally, but only want to hit the jackpot and run away.

- Love, what do you think, if Zhenya Belousov lived today, was an aspiring singer and got into, say, the “Star Factory”, could he become an idol of today’s youth?

I don’t know... Maybe I could have... But then the heart of Zhenya Belousov’s project was precisely our union. So, if we had produced “Factory” with his participation, I would have been able to do it for sure!

- What kind of book are you writing? Will it be entirely dedicated to Zhenya Belousov? When do you plan to finish it and publish it?

I'm writing a book about how I got into show business and what I did there. There will be several chapters about Zhenya Belousov in this book, naturally... The book is very difficult to write. I planned to finish it in December of this year, but it didn’t work out... All year I was caught up in some other things and projects: there was little time and emotional strength left for the book. So now I cannot say when I will finish the book... I will try to finish work on the manuscript as soon as possible.

- How do good poems differ from bad ones? Apart from the obvious, extreme examples. By what criteria can you evaluate your creativity?

For no reason. Creativity is subjective. I evaluate it this way: if poetry gives me goosebumps, it means they are real...

- Is there a book or movie that made you cry?

I cry only from the poems of Joseph Brodsky... And the film that brought me to tears is “Once Upon a Time in America”...

Best of the day

- Lyubov, you are friends with many women, including famous ones (Maria Arbatova). Do you believe in female friendship, free from envy, gossip, and rivalry? Do you think true friendship is only possible between “equals” (people of the same social status with approximately the same financial situation)?

Actually, I don’t really believe in female friendship. Almost all my friends betrayed me in my youth... As they say, “women’s friendship lasts until the first man”... But Masha and I have 30 years of acquaintance behind us. And we are both strong women... And it so happens that we are both not envious and do not like to gossip. That’s why we never quarreled, probably... Well, social status, education and all that are very important, I think... Because it’s better to be friends without envy, on equal terms.

- Comparing yourself with Maria, in your LiveJournal you wrote that you would never go into politics. Why?

Because personally, this activity is not interesting to me.

- There is an opinion that successful woman There is always a man standing there who helps her and supports her. There is also another, more famous, wisdom: behind every great man there is great woman. At the same time, in one of your interviews you say that loneliness is a companion successful person. What is still closer to the truth?

How many people, so many opinions. Anything can happen in life... But most great men definitely had great wives, yes... But for some reason, great women were rarely supported by their husbands. Paradox.

- Love, if you had the opportunity to choose where to be born in your next life, which country would you choose? You lived in the States in the past, why did you return?

I didn't live in the States for very long. I wanted to stay there, but ex-husband I was homesick for Russia... About my next life... Yes, I would probably be born again in Russia... It’s interesting to live here.

- Why did the “iron lady of show business” suddenly decide to contact a huge number of strangers? I mean LJ (

In general, people are interesting to me. Communication is energy exchange, mutual enrichment. A year and a half ago I left Moscow for the country. I live in the forest, rarely communicate with people in real life now... That’s probably why I really value communication with people on LiveJournal...

- Lyubov, you are a famous cook, creator cooking show“Cold Ten”... Are there any in your family culinary traditions related to the New Year, Christmas? What will definitely be present on your table during the upcoming holidays?

Fried poultry, pies, two or three of my favorite salads, homemade boiled pork... Here is a New Year's recipe from my LiveJournal:

Personally I love cabbage pie. From any test. From yeast or puff pastry. IN Lately By the way, several times I used purchased puff pastry, rolled out in a thin layer. I cook this pie in a deep pan. It turns out amazing! Because it's all in the filling. I do it like this: Pour boiling water over chopped cabbage and boil for 10 minutes over high heat, then drain it in a colander, add a lot of fried cabbage vegetable oil before Pink colour onions, greens (dill or parsley or both), 3-4 finely chopped hard-boiled eggs, 100 grams of butter - while the cabbage is hot, salt. Cover the top of the pie with a layer of grated cheese, and then pour in a mixture of 2 beaten eggs and 2 tablespoons of sour cream. Well, pop it in the oven, and that’s it!

- Please tell us about the most memorable New Year's Eve meeting in your life. And how do you plan to celebrate the New Year 2008?

One day we celebrated New Year from composer Yura Antonov in his country house... Yura bought so many firecrackers and fireworks that we stirred up the whole neighborhood... A decorated Christmas tree grew right in the yard, and we danced around this tree... And all of Yura’s dogs and cats danced with us... It was a great New Year! And this year we will celebrate the holiday in our country house. Guests will arrive and all that... Of course, I will cook... We already have illumination hanging on the gazebo in the yard. Soon I’ll start decorating the house... As for the Christmas tree, we have a forest all around here - choose any... True, I planted a small one in our yard blue spruce, but she won’t grow up anytime soon...

- Love, let's end this interview with your poems? What would you like to dedicate to our readers?

NEW YEAR'S NIGHT (from the series "Childhood")

Standing on tiptoe, I reach out

To the riches of the New Year tree:

Now, immediately, today

Try it! And tomorrow let

They scold you and deprive you of fun,

And in the corridor in a dark corner

They will also put up rag dolls

In the closet they are executed by oblivion -

That will be tomorrow!

I timidly bend the branches

And I freeze with delight,

And the door turns white in the darkness...

Behind this door is my mother's laughter,

Father's newspaper crunches,

There is tart tea, there is a festival of light

And the tablecloth is new, like snow...

And the heart is like a squirrel in a wheel -

The top of the tree is blazing!

And now the hand is already taking off

All the "bears" and all the nuts...

Everything is covered in chocolate: hands, mouth...

And I fall asleep in bliss

And for some reason I know for sure

That Santa Claus is about to come in.

1983, from my second book of poems, “Dictionary of Love.”

Tomorrow, Lyubov Voropaeva, one of the most popular songwriters of the USSR and Russia, will celebrate her next anniversary. Together with her husband, composer Viktor Dorokhin, they once became the first music producers in the Union.

Taking Western methods of training and promoting artists as a basis, Lyubov Voropaeva and her husband helped the stars of Katya Semenova and Zhenya Belousov light up in the late eighties. It was their tandem that created such hits as Golden Domes, My Blue-Eyed Girl, Night Taxi, For a Minute, and Last Tango.

Over the next almost three decades, Lyubov Voropaeva wrote more than three hundred songs for Valery Leontyev, Igor Nadzhiev, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Irina Ponarovskaya, Arkady Ukupnik, Willy Tokarev and many other artists.

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Zhenya Belousov

After an English special school, Lyubov Voropaeva graduated from the Moscow Institute foreign languages named after Maurice Thorez. Her thesis translations of Keats's sonnets began. A logical continuation would have been the profession of a translator, but fate decreed otherwise.

When starting to write poetry, Lyubov Voropaeva did not think about songs. She was published in magazines " New world", "Youth" and was far from the lights of the stage. But one day Nikita Bogoslovsky’s son Andrei told Lyuba that writing poetry is easy, but writing songs is difficult. The fleeting conversation stuck in the poetess’s memory and bore rich fruit.

Nikolai Agutin became the “godfather” of Lyubov Voropaeva. He introduced her to the head of the VIA “Singing Hearts” Viktor Vekshtein. It was with this group that Voropaeva made her debut as a songwriter.

Several hundred songs, more than a thousand publications in periodicals, three collections of poems - such a track record can be the envy of many modern Russian poets. The creative and family tandem with Viktor Dorokhin allowed the poetess’ other talents to reveal themselves - she became a producer, PR specialist, and educator of young talents.

Lyubov Voropaeva had a hard time with the death of Viktor Dorokhin, but found the strength and desire to move on. At one time, her husband introduced her to the young composer and arranger Nikolai Arkhipov (DJ Arhipoff).

Not everyone can pull twice happy ticket, but Voropaeva succeeded: creative union developed into romantic ones, and then family relationships. For more than 13 years, the couple have been creating new hits together and implementing production projects. Among the performers for whom Voropaeva and Arkhipov wrote songs are Kirill Andreev, Zlata Bozhen, Sergey Dymov, Andrey Vertuzaev, Alexander Kvarta and other artists.

Their joint song, performed by Alice Mon, “ Pink glasses"allowed the singer not only to return to the stage this year after a long break, but also to take the top lines of the charts.

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Lyubov Voropaeva and Alisa Mon

Recently, the poetess and producer showed herself in a new role: her book “VirtualYa” was published, in which poetry does not occupy the main place. Notes, reflections, aphorisms, and everyday sketches are collected under the original cover. Lyubov Voropaeva is extremely frank in the book and talks about what is usually kept silent:

“I wonder if pilots are afraid before the next takeoff? Do they have a feeling of fear? Personally, I’m afraid before every “takeoff”; I get a chill in my stomach before writing every new song text. It would seem that I have mastered all the aerobatics, more than 200 successful songs behind me, a sea of ​​hits, but no, I’m afraid, I’m always afraid.”

Lyubov Voropaeva’s keen eye, humor and apt wording are her “trademark” secrets that ensure a fascinating read.

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She is a poet, songwriter, producer, winner of the “Song of the Year” award - and she does it all

Love knows how to combine the incompatible. These components form her unique personality and charisma. She is a romantic hooligan, stylish and attractive.

Lyubov Grigorievna, how can you successfully combine the tender, trembling soul of a poetess and the business acumen of an iron lady of show business?

My acumen is less business than professional. Outside of the profession, I am a poet and a woman. In general, to be serious, life is not easy for me. However, like all of us!

- You have already written your book about Russian show business? How did you get into it?

I haven’t written the book yet, I just started it and abandoned it due to personal circumstances, and most likely I won’t finish it in the near future. It’s just that work distracts me all the time - orders for songs, and I’m working, I have to live on something! And I got into show business by accident: my late husband Viktor Dorokhin and I were the first to start doing it professionally in our country, becoming the first producers to make a real show business product based on the Western model - the Zhenya Belousov project. That’s how I got into show business, and I was the first to even introduce the word “producer” into our society, in one of my interviews with the MK newspaper, and everyone else followed us!

- Is this really a “tangle of kissing snakes”?

In the form in which our show business exists now, it is worse than this very tangle of kissing reptiles. However, I have definitely identified a place for myself in modern system relationships in this very show business: I am outside of them!

- They supported you when your husband, composer and producer Viktor Dorokhin, was seriously ill. Did anyone help?

When I once turned to my colleagues for help, and Victor began to get seriously ill back in the 90s, everyone helped me! Victor was then in the hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and he underwent serious surgery on his spine. The New Year was approaching, and the head of the hospital asked me to organize a small New Year’s “chef” concert for the medical staff of this hospital. At first I was a little scared, because all the artists in those days were already in full swing with the so-called New Year's Eve, but when I started calling, everyone immediately agreed. And what do you think - the whole cream of the then show business of the country came to the concert at this hospital! We didn’t have a concert in the hospital, but just the final of “Song of the Year”! The artists arrived in concert costumes from other venues and left for other concerts in them. I remember that Anzhelika Varum then threw her fur coat right over her light translucent dress and drove off to the airport! But Victor Dorokhin was ill for many years, and I never again abused the kindness of my colleagues...

Lyubov Voropaeva and Joseph Kobzon

- What lifestyle do you need to lead to be successful in this world of show business?

You must be natural and sincere, love yourself and your neighbors, do what you love. We must enjoy every new day, life itself, and smile at the world right in the morning! However, this is consistent only with my personal concept of success. Many people these days think differently: they value setups and loot; they climb this pile to their “success”!

- Lyuba, it’s true that you can start something at night general cleaning or grand cooking?

I'm an owl, and that says it all! At night I have a lot of strength and energy, I can “move mountains”! But more often than not, as I have noticed in myself, I begin to work in the field of household chores with intense attention before I sit down to do creative work. It’s as if I’m putting off the main thing, what I’m meant for - apparently, I’m gathering strength and thus recharging myself for the flight!

- Which culinary dishes did you invent?

When I cook, I always invent; not a single dish I prepare lacks improvisation! Even if I take a recipe from the Internet, I always cook with my own nuances and deviations. Cooking is also creativity, here only inspiration rules! Today I cooked eggplant on the grill and immediately posted my recipe on social networks.

Cut 3 medium-sized eggplants lengthwise and place in salted water for an hour to remove the bitterness. Remove the eggplants from the water, wipe dry with a napkin and place on the top rack in the oven. “Grill” mode, that is, “high heat” - fry for 10 minutes on each side. Place the eggplants in a salad bowl, and while they are hot, sprinkle on top with finely chopped cilantro, parsley, garlic from a garlic press, finely chopped walnuts and pour over white wine vinegar sauce and olive oil(1 table spoon + 1 table spoon). Cover with a lid and let sit for 1 hour.

Did you impress your current husband Nikolai Arkhipov, also a composer and producer, with your culinary art or your unique feminine charm?

He treats my culinary art with respect, but is cool, since he still eats food “like in childhood.” His favorite dish- Navy-style pasta, with beef stew! Kissel still loves it. He often indulges in fast food. And so, I don’t have a grateful taster in him - my culinary masterpieces are appreciated by everyone around me except him. So, the point, apparently, is my feminine charms, and of course, the fact that he and I are united by a common cause from the very beginning. We write songs together, which means it’s also about my talent!

- For what actions do you especially appreciate him?

My current husband has done a lot of valuable things towards me: from the fact that he introduced me to the Internet, teaching me all the basics and nuances of relationships with a computer, and ending with the fact that he makes me coffee every morning! I have low blood pressure, and without my morning coffee I would have a hard time. Besides, I'm a complete valenok in everything everyday issues, with the exception of cooking, I don’t even drive a car, and my husband takes on all these difficulties.

Your mother is many years old, but she has retained her attractive appearance and youthful energy. How did she do it?

This is love and the extraordinary power of the Spirit! She and her dad have lived together for more than 60 years, and still walk hand in hand, hug and kiss. And they coo as if they were talking to each other - turn out the lights! My parents are one! Their generation learned all the hardships and horrors of the history of our country and did not break. They should all be given the title of heroes during their lifetime. Concerning proper nutrition, then yes, my parents eat organic food all their lives, and go out into nature, and read good books, but watch little TV, go for walks every day... Well done!

You will have time to take care of projects, housework, and pay attention to your spouse... What is the secret of the “perpetual motion machine”?

Genes and character!

Photo from personal LiveJournal

- Saved slim figure. Is this also genetics?

Self-improvement and diets. In this sense, I, like most women, either gain weight by indulging my little weaknesses, or take care of myself and lose weight!

- How do you relieve stress, why do you cry?

I have already seen so much grief in my life that I almost never cry “about it.” Tears in my eyes can suddenly appear from the wind or from some piece of art that pierces me. And in a situation of pain and stress, I can suddenly smile, my defense works like that! A couple of times in serious situations psychologists even worked with me, for which they thanks a lot, and so - I adjust myself and sleep a lot when stressed. I get out of conflicts simply: I try not to get into them. I simply step away from the conflicting party and stop energy exchange.

- What advice do you give to people who cry down your throat?

Think about good things! After all, our thoughts materialize.

- Due to your position, you are simply obliged to always be stylish. Where do you buy clothes, do you know how to sew yourself?

I don’t know how to sew, I dress “for going out” in boutiques abroad and at home. I have a friend who is the owner of a multi-brand boutique in Moscow, so it’s easier for me in this sense - Karina knows my taste and has been ordering things for me in Paris and Milan for many years. However, at home and in everyday life I prefer a sporty style: jeans, T-shirts, sweaters - it’s more convenient for me!

- How do you create comfort in your country house near Moscow? What's his specialty?

The highlight of my home is myself, with all my impulses! I furnished the first floor of the house with heavy Thai furniture self made with bronze rivets, in the style of a kind of castle... I once had such an impulse! I suddenly ordered an expensive kitchen, with built-in Siemens appliances. When I spend the winter in a Moscow apartment, I think: why did I throw so much money down the drain, why the hell does it all cost a whole winter in an unheated house?! In short, these are my tricks and troubles! Plus fussing with all sorts of flowers in the yard.

- How do you take care of your face?

I'm thinking about a circular lift. For now I’m just thinking... I had blepharoplasty in 2004. I use the services of a specialist cosmetologist - in the sense of Botox injections. I’m not hiding all this from anyone! I smear myself with the most modern natural-based skin creams and serums. I agree that you need to grow old with dignity, but it seems to me that this phrase has a slightly different meaning: we need to draw conclusions from the years we have lived, first of all, and develop our soul! As for appearance, you should be a charming woman until your last breath!

- Are you friends with sports?

I'm not good with sports. I'm a homebody, I'm too lazy to even walk. I can’t learn to walk “for the sake of health,” I usually need to set some kind of goal for myself, then I go. But if picking mushrooms is considered some kind of sport, then I am an ace - a passionate mushroom picker! I can run for mushrooms in the forest all day long and not get tired.

- What secrets should you know? true woman so that there is always a comrade-in-arms, a faithful companion nearby?

I don’t know...I think that you have to love the person who is next to you. Just love and that's it. And if there is no love, then at least respect, because respect is sometimes even more important than intimate relationships! And one more thing: sometimes it seems to me that a woman who cannot live alone always finds a mate. But a woman who is emancipated or plays the role of such a person does not find it. Everything lies within us!

- What words should a wife use to calm her husband down when he is angry?

It's better to remain silent! After all, there are men who lack energy, and they vampirize their wives, yell at them in order to feed off their response energy flow. Here it is better to be silent, not to get excited, even to leave the room. Because in this case, the “aggressor” is quickly blown away, and he no longer has the strength to “bastard”!

- How do you remove aggression from people?

I put on a protective shell, remain silent, and smile often.

Lyubov Voropaeva and Irina Miroshnichenko

- Do you have any favorite celebrity friends?

Masha Arbatova, Volodya Vishnevsky, the Presnyakov family...

- Is the real image of a “star” in life very different from her virtual image in life?

Someone like. Those who play "star" in real life, often fall out of this reality, and some fall out for good, the Kingdom of Heaven to them!

Do you do various musical projects. Who are your favorite artists among those who have already been promoted?

My husband and I loved only Zhenya Belousova as our own. All the others, in their human qualities, were on the wrong wave and height. I am not involved in promoting talent in the sense of transferring my experience in show business, “growing” an artist and promoting him - there is no one to transfer my experience to yet. Although I do not rule out that a person may appear who will trust me recklessly and unconditionally, which means he will become a superstar under my leadership! In general, of course, I help all the artists, without exception, who record our songs with Nikolai Arkhipov.

-Can you remember the saddest day of your life?

Sad... Terrible: the passing of my husband Viktor Dorokhin. The ambulance was about forty minutes late due to traffic jams, Vitya died in my arms...

- And the most joyful?

Oh, how many there were! Actually, I’m also a comedian... One day my friend and I were sitting at a table in a Yalta restaurant, joking. For fun, I put on glowing bunny ears, and the whole restaurant was staring at them - it was a respectable place. I go up to the musicians, give them money and order “A Song about Hares” for myself, my beloved, for “our dear Lyubov Voropaeva.” Musicians ask me: “Are you the same Lyubov Voropaeva?” I say: “Yes, but today I am a bunny”... I went out to dance to this very song. The musicians played and sang, dying of laughter. Then, as a bonus, they decided to play “The Song about Hares” for me again... At this point I became emotional, climbed onto the stage, and together with them sang this song from beginning to end to a stormy ovation from the audience...

The stars take care of their personal life from prying eyes, and come up with virtual engagements and weddings for PR. So?

Personal and sex life our stars are always interested yellow press. Some publications even pay celebrities handsome fees for these kinds of “exclusives,” for allegedly “leaking information.” Do not believe the indignant exclamations of those “exposed” in such “events”, and even their endless trials and other litigation with the tabloids - this is all PR. And without this there is nowhere, stars without scandals will not be stars, and the tabloids will close, and the ratings of most news sites will collapse, and at work people will have nothing to discuss with each other... Demand creates supply!

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After all, wherever you go, to any office or store, you will always hear a heated argument about whether Pugacheva lives with Galkin and “why does he need all this, after all, he’s rich...” And you know they walk around imposingly like that sweet couple and don’t forget to tell the paparazzi where and what time the two of them will appear! And the paparazzi swear through their teeth, but they go to photograph them - in the cold and in the heat, and early in the morning, and late in the evening... Because it’s a “social order” - people want to know!

Alla Borisovna is generally a unique person in this regard. Just as she was the number one newsmaker under Brezhnev, she remained under Putin, and, God bless her, she will continue to do so... Because she is a folk singer, she knows what her beloved people want from her.

By the way, if Galkin becomes familiar, then Palkin or someone else will appear. Would you consider a photo of Alla Borisovna watering dill in a garden bed or smelling dahlias in the country? Well, they would take a look once and, yawning, put it aside... And when Maxim kisses her, meeting her at the station, and even with flowers in his hands, it’s great! I was terribly scared for Pugacheva when she started touring with Zverev. The journalists then perked up and timidly tried to hear rumors about them. Great love cook it up, and I thought: “Is Alla really digging her own grave?!” But no, it flew by... Galkin appeared on time!

- What do you wish for losers, so that wings grow behind their backs?

Losers don't grow wings behind their backs. They grow only in those who are tuned in to their growth and scope! Therefore, I advise those who have “gone up” to quickly begin to reshape themselves.

- Love, do you still have dreams that you haven’t realized?

It's full! And new ones appear every day. I line them up according to their importance for a particular period of my life. And they stand in this line resignedly and wait patiently. And they always come true, thank God!

- What quatrain of yours will you give us so that our souls will rejoice?

If I give you a lyrical quatrain, I may not match the mood of some of you, my dears! So I’ll tell you a quatrain about myself, my beloved:

From the right family, I speak languages,
She did not take her merits and friends out of thin air...
And also not with a gun, but with bare hands
I went - and more than once! - one per man!

Tomorrow, Lyubov Voropaeva, one of the most popular songwriters of the USSR and Russia, will celebrate her next anniversary. Together with her husband, composer Viktor Dorokhin, they once became the first music producers in the Union.

Taking Western methods of training and promoting artists as a basis, Lyubov Voropaeva and her husband helped the stars of Katya Semenova and Zhenya Belousov light up in the late eighties. It was their tandem that created such hits as Golden Domes, My Blue-Eyed Girl, Night Taxi, For a Minute, and Last Tango.

Over the next almost three decades, Lyubov Voropaeva wrote more than three hundred songs for Valery Leontyev, Igor Nadzhiev, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Irina Ponarovskaya, Arkady Ukupnik, Willy Tokarev and many other artists.

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Zhenya Belousov

After an English special school, Lyubov Voropaeva graduated from the Maurice Thorez Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages. Her diploma work was translations of Keats's sonnets. A logical continuation would have been the profession of a translator, but fate decreed otherwise.

When starting to write poetry, Lyubov Voropaeva did not think about songs. She was published in the magazines “New World” and “Youth” and was far from the stage lights. But one day Nikita Bogoslovsky’s son Andrei told Lyuba that writing poetry is easy, but writing songs is difficult. The fleeting conversation stuck in the poetess’s memory and bore rich fruit.

Nikolai Agutin became the “godfather” of Lyubov Voropaeva. He introduced her to the head of the VIA “Singing Hearts” Viktor Vekshtein. It was with this group that Voropaeva made her debut as a songwriter.

Several hundred songs, more than a thousand publications in periodicals, three collections of poems - such a track record can be the envy of many modern Russian poets. The creative and family tandem with Viktor Dorokhin allowed the poetess’ other talents to reveal themselves - she became a producer, PR specialist, and educator of young talents.

Lyubov Voropaeva had a hard time with the death of Viktor Dorokhin, but found the strength and desire to move on. At one time, her husband introduced her to the young composer and arranger Nikolai Arkhipov (DJ Arhipoff).

Not everyone can pull out a lucky ticket twice, but Voropaeva succeeded: the creative union grew into a romantic, and then family relationship. For more than 13 years, the couple have been creating new hits together and implementing production projects. Among the performers for whom Voropaeva and Arkhipov wrote songs are Kirill Andreev, Zlata Bozhen, Sergey Dymov, Andrey Vertuzaev, Alexander Kvarta and other artists.

Their joint song “Pink Glasses,” performed by Alisa Mon, allowed the singer not only to return to the stage this year after a many-year break, but also to take the top lines of the charts.

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Lyubov Voropaeva and Alisa Mon

Recently, the poetess and producer showed herself in a new role: her book “VirtualYa” was published, in which poetry does not occupy the main place. Notes, reflections, aphorisms, and everyday sketches are collected under the original cover. Lyubov Voropaeva is extremely frank in the book and talks about what is usually kept silent:

“I wonder if pilots are afraid before the next takeoff? Do they have a feeling of fear? Personally, I’m afraid before every “takeoff”; I get a chill in my stomach before writing every new song text. It would seem that I have mastered all the aerobatics, more than 200 successful songs behind me, a sea of ​​hits, but no, I’m afraid, I’m always afraid.”

Lyubov Voropaeva’s keen eye, humor and apt wording are her “trademark” secrets that ensure a fascinating read.

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