Love - arguments. Do you agree with F. Schiller’s statement: “True love helps to endure all hardships”? True love helps

7. Confirm or refute the words of F. Schiller: " True love helps
bear all the hardships"

What is true love? It is very difficult to give a complete answer to this question. But for
For me, true love is the kind of love in which people sacrifice themselves, in which they change
for the sake of each other, they make some compromises in order to be together as long as possible and,
of course, constant support and support for each other, both in joy and in sorrow.
Thus, I fully support the words of F. Schiller that true love
helps to endure all hardships. The correctness of this point of view can be proven
examples from the literature.
Let's turn to Nicholas Sparks' novel The Notebook. This novel tells about
faithful and true love. The main characters Noah and Ellie fall in love with each other from the first
glance, they are so interesting to each other that Ellie, despite the will of her parents,
continues to meet Noah again and again. Ellie's parents are high society,
These are people who have great wealth and never deny themselves anything. AND
that is why they did not want to see their daughter next to Noah. With a guy who
was brought up in poor family and could not give everything that Ellie needed. After
their summer story love, Ellie is forced to go back to her hometown. But they
They promise that their love will be eternal. And after fourteen years of separation, they again
meet, again intoxicated by their closeness. And it doesn’t matter at all that Ellie
married and that she has other plans for her life. They get married, have five children and just...
live for each other. In her old age, Ellie was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. But Noah didn't let go
hands and until the end of their days tried to return the memory of his beloved by reading his diary
memory, where all their days spent together were so well described.
Another work confirming Schiller’s words is the work of F.M.
Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". Sonya Marmeladova is a vicious girl, and with
At first glance, you might think that she is the same criminal as Raskolnikov. This
a defenseless, weak and fragile girl falls in love with Raskolnikov. She became the first
who heard the truth from him. It is she who puts Rodion on the path of repentance. Sonechka
follows Rodion to hard labor and endures his indifference. But after all this
Raskolnikov has an epiphany and realizes that he has no one closer to Sonya. He
rethinks everything he has done and is resurrected to a new life.
Love, which is based on self-sacrifice, the desire to be with a person and
in all situations, supporting him may be the strongest thing. Stronger than poverty
misfortune, hard labor and even illness. And it is this kind of love that will help you endure all the hardships.
402 words

True love, faithful, devoted, sincere and deep, can change a person for the better, transform, elevate the soul, it helps to overcome life's adversities, hardships, suffering, and in this, the German romantic poet F. Schiller is undoubtedly right. Let's try to prove the correctness of this idea by turning to literary examples.

Let's remember historical story A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", dedicated to the events of 1773, when a peasant uprising took place under the leadership of Emelyan Pugachev. Main character- still a very young nobleman Pyotr Andreevich Grinev - serves in Belogorsk fortress, located in the Orenburg steppe.

He fell in love with the daughter of the commandant of the fortress, Marya Ivanovna Mironova, and the girl reciprocated his feelings. The insidious Shvabrin tried to discredit the modest and honest girl in the eyes of Grinev, secretly jealous of her rival. It was Shvabrin, as an experienced duelist, exiled from St. Petersburg to a remote fortress for a duel, who provoked the quarrel and he was the first to challenge Peter to a duel. Peter defended the honor of his beloved, and this was his first test of love.

But the hardest thing was young man, when he received a letter from home from his father, who refused his son his blessing to marry Masha Mironova. The girl refused to cause a quarrel between her beloved and his parents, convinced that he would not be happy without his parents’ blessing.

Grinev’s painful and despondent state changed when the Pugachevites approached the fortress. Clutching the sword in his hand, Peter imagined himself as a knight, ready to sacrifice himself to save his beloved. No less tragic was the moment when, while serving in Orenburg, the officer received a letter about his beloved, from which he learned that the traitor Shvabrin, appointed commandant of the Belogorsk fortress by Pugachev, was keeping Masha locked up on bread and water, forcing her to marry him. Having disobeyed the general, Peter rushes to free his beloved, risking being captured by the rebels.

Love makes the quiet and timid Masha brave and selfless. On pain of death, she refuses to become Shvabrin's wife. And when, following the denunciation of the vile and treacherous traitor, Grinev is arrested, accused of going over to Pugachev’s side, Captain's daughter travels to Tsarskoe Selo to meet the Empress and prove the innocence of her lover.

It was true love that helped young people overcome the trials that fate had in store for them. Fate rewarded them for their true love, uniting loving hearts and giving them a long and happy family life.

We came to the conclusion that true love really helps to endure all the hardships of life.

Updated: 2017-09-22

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An example of true love is the relationship between the Master and Margarita. The heroine was ready to do anything for her beloved. She made a deal with the devil, agreed to become queen at Satan's ball, ruined her immortal soul. All this was not easy for her, but it opened up the opportunity to meet her loved one. Love pushes a person to completely different actions. Even what at first glance seems dishonest can be justified from the point of view of love.

M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil"

Love for people is important moral quality personality. For Danko, the happiness of people was more important than his own well-being. To lead people out of the forest, the hero sacrifices his life: he tears out the heart from his chest and lights the way for them. The goal of Danko, who committed, is truly noble. He helped people get out of the forest and start new life. But people did not remember the hero, and it was to him that they owed salvation.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

True love- these are the feelings of Pierre Bezukhov in relation to Natasha Rostova. He loved the girl already when Andrei Bolkonsky was her fiancé. But Pierre could not afford too much, because Prince Andrei is his friend. Pierre was guided by his high moral principles; the hero could not afford to commit. He supported Natasha in difficult times for her and was always ready to help. True love manifested itself in noble deeds Pierre. After all, the most important thing is respect for the person you love and the people close to him.

A. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet"

Zheltkov, an unremarkable person, turns out to be capable of true love. Vera Sheina is the woman who became the meaning of his life. Being an ordinary official, Zheltkov understood that she, the princess, was not a match for him. But this did not interfere with real feelings. Zheltkov did not intend to win Vera Nikolaevna, did not interfere with her life. Love was the highest happiness for him. Zheltkov decided to take his own life so as not to disturb the object of his love. This is not cowardice, but a deliberate act. The hero passed away, thanking fate for having felt true love. Zheltkov gave Vera Nikolaevna the most expensive thing, which he had - a garnet bracelet.

V. Kondratyev "Sashka"

Sashka is in love with Zina and hopes that it is mutual. But he finds out that the girl already loves someone else. The hero regrets this, but does not condemn Zina. Sashka understands that this is an absolutely normal, justified act, especially in war time. He respects the girl and accepts this situation as a matter of course, without interfering with her happiness.

Jack London "Martin Eden"

Ruth Morse is an inspiration best motivation to development and self-improvement for Martin Eden. Promising himself to achieve the love of a girl at any cost, Martin Eden began to read and study. Every day he became better. Soon Martin Eden overcame the gap that separated him, an ordinary poor sailor, and Ruth, who belonged to high society. Love made the young man develop. He became one of the most educated people in society. But the love story of Ruth and Martin Eden ended tragically. Probably there was no real love after all.

The themes are now more adult, for high schools and colleges. An essay on the topic: True love helps you endure everything will reveal your point of view. How do you feel about this aspect? But for me personally this concept is completely true. Still, leaning on the shoulder of a loved one or relative in difficult times helps not to lose heart and continue working or fighting. Encouraging each other makes life simpler and easier. And if your loved one is also similar to you and shares a common idea, then moving mountains is easy.

Works in which loving hearts were together are Romeo and Juliet. If it weren’t for the fatal accident, their plan would have worked and the couple would have been together - despite family differences.

What to write an essay about on the topic: “True love helps to endure all hardships”, confirm or refute the words of F. Schiller

True love really helps to endure difficulties and problems, and all the negativity that may occur in life. life path. When a person is not alone, but he has a faithful partner, an ally who loves him and does not betray him, but on the contrary supports him in word and deed, and often simply with a silent presence - this helps a lot in everything.

There are many examples of this - both real and imagined in the fantasies of writers, screenwriters, and artists.

For example, Prince Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson, heir to the British throne and an ordinary American woman.

Or the love of Arno and Eliza in the background French Revolution in Assassin's Creed: Unity.

Or the witcher Geralt and the sorceress Yennefer in Sapkowski’s cycle “The Saga of the Witcher and the Witcher”.

These are completely different examples, but they are united by the strength of feelings and the ability to preserve them, no matter what.

How to write an essay on the topic: True love helps you endure everything

True love gives confidence, gives meaning to everything, gives a feeling of warmth and security. You are not alone in this world and, no matter what happens to you, you always know that it interests and worries the one who truly loves you, he will help and support, sympathize and share your sorrows. This is approximately how a person feels who has the happiness of feeling loved and needed by someone who is important to him.

Schiller is, of course, right. It is easier to endure everything, any trials, when you have true love.

You can find many examples of true love in works of fiction. For example, “Two Captains” by Kaverin, “The Master and Margarita” by Bulgakov.

Let's turn to Nicholas Sparks' novel The Notebook. This novel tells about true and true love. The main characters Noah and Ellie fall in love with each other at first sight, they are so interesting to each other that Ellie, despite the will of her parents, continues to date Noah. Ellie is forced to leave for her hometown. Young people promise each other that their love will be eternal. After fourteen years of separation, they meet and are once again intoxicated by intimacy. Ellie completely changes her life plans. They get married, have five children and live for each other. In her old age, Ellie was given a terrible diagnosis - Alzheimer's disease. Noah did not give up and tried to the end to restore the memory of his beloved, reading his memory diary, where the days spent together were so well described. The author shows that true love helps heroes live wonderful life and overcome adversity.

Confirm or refute the words of F. Schiller: “True love helps to endure all hardships”

What is true love? For me, this is the love for which people sacrifice themselves, change, make compromises in order to be together as long as possible. And, of course, true love implies constant support and support in both joy and sorrow. Thus, I fully support the words of F. Schiller that true love helps to endure all hardships. The correctness of this point of view can be proven by examples from the literature.

Let's turn to Nicholas Sparks' novel The Notebook. This novel tells about true and true love. The main characters Noah and Ellie fall in love with each other at first sight, they are so interesting to each other that Ellie, despite the will of her parents, continues to date Noah. Ellie is forced to leave for her hometown. Young people promise each other that their love will be eternal. After fourteen years of separation, they meet and are once again intoxicated by intimacy. Ellie completely changes her life plans. They get married, have five children and live for each other. By old age Ellie was diagnosed terrible diagnosis- Alzheimer's disease. Noah did not give up and tried to the end to restore the memory of his beloved, reading his memory diary, where the days spent together were so well described. The author shows that true love helps the heroes live a wonderful life and overcome adversity.

Another work confirming Schiller’s words is the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". Sonya Marmeladova is a vicious girl, and at first glance you might think that she is the same criminal as Raskolnikov. But it is she who puts Rodion on the path of repentance. This defenseless, weak and fragile girl falls in love with Raskolnikov, follows him to hard labor and endures his indifference. Over time, Raskolnikov realizes that he has no one closer to Sonya. He rethinks everything he has done and is resurrected to move on with his life. If it weren’t for Sonya’s true love, it’s scary to imagine the fate of this hero.

Love, which is based on self-sacrifice, the desire to be with a person and support him in all situations, can be the strongest. Stronger than poverty, misfortune, hard labor and even disease. And it is this kind of love that will help you endure all the hardships of life. I hope I'm lucky and find just that kind of love.

Quotes for the final essay on “Loyalty and Betrayal.”

1. Loyalty/betrayal.

Trust is a sign of courage, and loyalty is a sign of strength. (Maria Ebner Eschenbach)
Treason can be forgiven, but resentment cannot. (A. Akhmatova)
How can you deal with someone you can't trust? If a cart doesn't have an axle, how can you ride it? (Confucius)
He who has never sworn allegiance will never break it. (August Platen)
Happiness needs fidelity, but misfortune can do without it. (Seneca)
Only once do we lose life and trust. (Publius Syrus)
Constancy is the basis of virtue. (O. Balzac)
To be faithful is a virtue, to know fidelity is an honor. (Maria Ebner-Eschenbach)
Without constancy there can be no love, no friendship, no virtue. (D. Addison)
A noble heart cannot be unfaithful. (O. Balzac)
We judge the slightest infidelity towards us much more harshly than the most insidious betrayal towards others. (F. La Rochefoucauld)
In this world I value only loyalty. Without this, you are nothing and you have no one. In life, this is the only currency that will never depreciate. (Vysotsky V.S.)
Treason begins in the heart before it manifests itself in action. (J. Swift)
Readers can cheat on the writer as much as they want, but the writer must always be faithful to the reader. (W. H. Auden)
Betrayals are most often committed not out of deliberate intention, but out of weakness of character. (F. de La Rochefoucauld)
Loyalty, which can be maintained only at the cost of great effort, is no better than betrayal.
(F. de La Rochefoucauld)
Traitors are despised even by those they served. (Tacitus Publius Cornelius)

2. Fidelity/betrayal in the love sphere.

In the demand for fidelity there is the greed of the owner. We would willingly give up many things if it were not for the fear that someone else would pick it up (O. Wilde)
True love helps you endure all hardships. (F. Schiller)
If your wife cheated on you, then be glad that she cheated on you and not on your fatherland. (A.P. Chekhov)
People often cheat for the sake of ambition, but then they will never cheat on ambition for the sake of love. (F. de La Rochefoucauld)
Constancy is the everlasting dream of love. (Vauvenargues)
They love those who are going to betray, but they hate those who have already betrayed. (Dm. Arkady)
To preserve love, you must not change, but change.? (K. Melikhan)
You cannot rely on female fidelity; Happy is he who looks at it indifferently. (A.S. Pushkin)
When you love, you don’t want to drink any other water than the one you find in your favorite source. Loyalty in this case is a natural thing. In a loveless marriage, after less than two months, the water of the source becomes bitter. (Stendhal)
The basis of love, its primary condition, is faith, unconditional loyalty and devotion. True love is not blind; on the contrary, it perhaps opens a person’s eyes for the first time. The slightest betrayal of a loved one, whether it happens sooner or later, is complete betrayal everything, from the very beginning, it destroys not only the future, but also the past, because this means that every day of a life full of trust was a lie and the heart was deceived. Anyone who turns out to be unfaithful at least once will never be faithful. (David Scott)

3. Loyalty/betrayal to the Motherland, public duty.

To betray the homeland requires extreme baseness of soul. (N.G. Chernyshevsky)
There is only one crime that cannot be atoned for - treason against one's state. The homeland cannot be changed, it can only be betrayed. Man, truly loving homeland, always knows her worth... To express your opinion, you don’t have to be famous person... (E.V. Gushchina)
Ignorance, selfishness and betrayal are the three irreconcilable enemies of patriotism. (Garegin Need)
There is no higher idea how to donate own life, defending his brothers and his fatherland. (F.M. Dostoevsky)
You cannot be a hero while fighting against your fatherland. (Hugo V.)
Is it possible to run away from yourself by leaving your homeland? (Horace)
If the holy army shouts: “Throw away Rus', live in paradise!”, I will say: “No need for paradise, Give me my homeland.” (S.A. Yesenin)
Everyone’s duty is to love their homeland, to be incorruptible and courageous, to remain faithful to it, even at the cost of their lives. (J.-J. Rousseau)
I understand loyalty as loyalty to the motherland, and not to its institutions and rulers. Homeland is true, lasting, eternal; you need to take care of your homeland, you need to love it, you need to be faithful to it; institutions are something external, like clothing, and clothing can wear out, tear, become uncomfortable, and cease to protect the body from cold, illness and death. (M. Twain)

4. Loyalty/betrayal towards a friend, comrade, etc.

Be faithful to those who are faithful to you. (Plat)
Both in friendship and in love, sooner or later the time comes to settle scores. (D.B. Shaw)
Cheating on a friend is much more painful than cheating on a loved one, because you expect it less from him. (Etienne Rey)
Cheating on a friend is a crime
No excuse, no forgiveness. (Lope de Vega)
Loyalty is a commandment of friendship, the most precious thing that can be given to a person. (E. Telman)
Half friend is half traitor. (V. Hugo)
An unfaithful friend is like a shadow that follows you while the sun shines. (K. Dossey)
One who is devoted to you is a friend; betrayed by you is an enemy. (A. Nadanyan)

5. Loyalty/betrayal towards oneself, one’s own moral principles, your vocation, goals, word, religious beliefs, etc.

Be true to yourself, and then, as surely as night follows day, loyalty to others will follow. (Shakespeare)
A stupid person is the one who never changes his opinion. (W. Churchill)
He who is true only to himself is always unfaithful to others. (L. Sukhorukov)
He who never changes his views loves himself more than the truth. (J. Joubert)
He who betrays himself loves no one in this world. (Shakespeare)
Be true to yourself, and then, as surely as night follows day, loyalty to others will follow. (Shakespeare)
If you concealed the truth, hid it, if you did not get up from your seat and did not speak at the meeting, if you spoke without telling the whole truth, you have betrayed the truth. (J. London)
But it’s sad to think that youth was given to us in vain, That they cheated on it all the time, That it deceived us. (A.S. Pushkin)
To change or not to change is entirely up to you. The main thing is not to cheat on yourself, not to waste money on what is really not needed, and to be able to preserve what is truly valuable. (O. Roy)
To be authentic means to be true to yourself. (Osho)
Liveliness of mind is not very attractive to a person if it is not accompanied by correctness of judgment. It's not the good watch that goes fast, but the one that shows the exact time. (Vauvenargues)
The word “loyalty” has done a lot of harm. People have learned to be “faithful” to a thousand injustices and lawlessness. Meanwhile, they should have been true only to themselves, and then they would have rebelled against deception. (M. Twain)
Traitors betray themselves first of all. (Plutarch)

6. Loyalty of animals to their owners.

White Fang did not love Gray Beaver - and yet remained faithful to him in spite of his will, his anger. He couldn't help it. This is how he was created. Loyalty was the property of the White Fang breed, fidelity distinguished him from all other animals, fidelity brought the wolf and wild dog to the man and allowed them to become his comrades. (J. London)
Loyalty is a quality that people have lost, but dogs have retained. (A.P. Chekhov)
Not a single dog in the world considers ordinary devotion to be something unusual. But people came up with the idea of ​​extolling this feeling of a dog as a feat only because not all of them, and not so often, possess devotion to a friend and loyalty to duty so much that this is the root of life, the natural basis of the being itself, when the nobility of the soul is a self-evident state. (G. Troepolsky)
A lot has already been written about dog fidelity, but no one, it seems, has yet said that fidelity is happiness. He who serves the one he loves already receives his reward. (L. Ashkenazi)
Anyone who has experienced affection for a faithful and intelligent dog does not need to explain with what ardent gratitude she pays for this. In selfless and selfless love The beast is something that conquers the heart of everyone who has more than once experienced the treacherous friendship and deceptive devotion characteristic of Man. (E.A. Poe)

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