The best countries in the world to live.

Every year, experts evaluate cities around the world on many parameters, such as medicine, level of culture and education, infrastructure, ecology, etc. The following are best cities to live in the world 2016— top 10 rating.

10. Hamburg (95 points)

The list of the best cities to live in 2016 opens with the German Hamburg, which received 95 points out of 100.

In terms of population density, Hamburg is second only to Berlin; the number of city residents is more than 1 million 800 thousand people. Hamburg is known for its museums, the most famous of which is the Hamburg Kunsthalle, as well as its theaters. For lovers of walks, more than 120 parks were built in Hamburg. Additionally, all year round There is a botanical garden in which most of the flora of Asia and Europe is present. Another attraction is the artificial lake Alster, as well as the nearby “health path”. Hamburg is considered the largest of all port cities in Europe, its industry includes oil refineries, shipyards, and factories for processing raw materials supplied from abroad.

9. Helsinki (95.6 points)

Helsinki is the ninth most livable city. It is the capital of Finland and the most Big city in a country with a population of 600 thousand inhabitants. Helsinki is currently experiencing a period of rapid development as large numbers of people migrate there from neighboring provinces. This is a cozy city, with many small cafes and comfortable hotels. Visitors here are treated with great attention and care.

8. Auckland (95.7 points)

Auckland was included in the top ten best cities to live in 2016. It is the most populous city in New Zealand. More than 1.3 million people live within its borders, which is 32% of the population of the entire country. One of Auckland's main sources of income is attracting foreign students to study, since the city is home to a large number of universities and other educational institutions. People from all over the world come here to study. Often students study in parallel not only in English courses, but also in technological institutes or universities.

7. Perth (95.9 points)

The city of Perth was also recognized as one of the best places to live. It is located in the southwestern part of Australia. The number of residents is about 2 million people, which is about 75% of the total population of the state. Another name is “City of Lights”. This city became famous in 1962 when local residents turned on all the lights en masse while an American spaceship"Friendship". Perth has also become home to such actors as Heath Ledger and Toby Schmitz. From this city came the founders and participants of such musical groups like Make Them Suffer, Karnivool, Knife Party, Tame Impala.

6. Adelaide (96.6 points)

On the 6th line is one of the best cities to live in Australia - Adelaide. This large city is located in the state of South Australia and is also its administrative center. It is the fifth most populous city with 1.2 million inhabitants. Many gardens have been built in the center of this city, which has a positive effect on its appearance and ecology. Adelaide was previously known as a zone of religious freedom, civil rights, and progressive politics. Today the city is better known for its festivals, wines and sporting achievements.

5. Calgary (96.6 points)

Calgary occupies the middle of the ranking of the best cities to live. It's pretty famous city Canada, according to the latest statistics, is inhabited by 1.1 million people. The main business is tied to industry, agriculture, and tourism. Of all the sports, football and hockey are the most popular. Calgary is located in temperate latitudes, but the weather... to a greater extent determined by altitude and also by how close the Rocky Mountains are. Therefore, in this area it can be quite Cold winter, but the warm Chinook wind can raise the temperature to +15 degrees Celsius in just a couple of hours. Such changes pose a health hazard to visitors who are not accustomed to this lifestyle. Despite this, Calgary is developing very actively and its suburbs are growing literally by the hour.

4. Toronto (97.2 points)

Toronto is the largest metropolis in Canada and at the same time the administrative center of the province of Ontario. Almost half of the city's population consists of immigrants from distant countries. For example, about 10% of Toronto's total citizens are from India. The most interesting feature of the city is the active support of the culture of emigrants, so assimilation is not as pronounced as in other places with big amount visitors. However, Toronto is one of the safest cities in the entire American continent, making it one of the best places to live.

3. Vancouver (97.3 points)

According to the authoritative British publication The Economist, Vancouver has been recognized three times as the world's best city to live. In 2016 he took third place, which is also not bad. Vancouver is located on the west coast of Canada. The city is home to 2.3 million people. The climate is quite mild and warm. Heavy precipitation occurs in spring, autumn and winter, with the exception of dry summers. Interestingly, more than half of Vancouver's citizens do not speak English as their first language, making the city the most linguistically diverse in all of Canada. Vancouver has a highly developed industry, with businesses in programming, biotechnology, and the film industry also gaining momentum. Thanks to the picturesque landscapes and a large number of different attractions, the city is often visited by tourists. Travelers are mainly interested in the gardens, Stanley Park, Queen Elizabeth Park, mountains, and the forests that surround the city. About a million tourists visit Vancouver every year on cruise ships heading to Alaska.

9. Vienna (97.4 points)

Second place in the ranking of the most favorable cities for living was taken by the capital of Austria - Vienna. The city's population is more than 1.8 million people, and taking into account the suburbs this figure increases to 2.3 million, which is almost 25% of the total population. Vienna is the center of economic and political life in Austria, the seat of the UN. The city regularly receives high marks in the areas of infrastructure, environmental protection, culture and safety. Vienna has long been famous for its music festivals. In addition, the real estate market in Vienna is constantly developing, unlike the rest of Europe, which has been in crisis for a long time.

1. Melbourne (97.5 points)

According to The Economist, Melbourne is the best city to live in the world for 2016. It is the second most important and largest city in Australia. The number of its inhabitants is more than four million, including the suburbs. Melbourne is also the cultural and sports capital of the country, as all major events take place here. The city's population is extremely diverse. People from all over the world have found their home in it, but there is no national discord in it. Melbourne's architectural style is modern, with a touch of Victorian. For lovers fresh air The city has a large number of parks and gardens, so Melbourne has a good environment.

Annual ranking of the most comfortable cities in the world to live in. Australian Melbourne was recognized as the most comfortable city in the world to live in; the authors of the study named Damascus the worst for living. As for our capital, Minsk traditionally was not included in the rating.

The quality of urban life index is composed of 30 indicators, which are combined into five control groups that determine living conditions in the cities under study: stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education, infrastructure. In the final rating, points from 1 to 100 are awarded for each of 30 indicators, where 1 point corresponds to the worst living conditions, and 100 points to the best. The total score for each city is also formed on a 100-point scale, where 100 points is the maximum possible result. The current issue of the study presents comparative analysis 140 cities of the world.

In 2017, the ranking is led by Melbourne (Australia), which, according to the authors of the study, is the most comfortable city in the world to live in. Vienna (Austria) took second place, and Vancouver (Canada) took third place. The top ten best cities in the world in terms of quality of life are presented in the table and photo gallery below.

TOP 10 best cities to live in the world in 2017





Culture and environment








































As a rule, the best cities to live in the world according to the ranking compilers are medium-sized urban agglomerations in economic terms. developed countries ah with low population density, such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand. The comparatively low performance of large metropolitan areas such as London, New York, Paris and Tokyo is due to the high security risks associated with increased level crime and other threats, as well as high load on infrastructure. However, these shortcomings are partly compensated by higher wages, broad economic opportunities, a rich cultural life and a favorable location.

The worst cities in the world (in descending order of ranking) this year were Damascus (Syria), which ranks last due to the ongoing civil war in the country, Lagos (Nigeria) and Tripoli (Libya). It should be noted that this year for the second time Kyiv (Ukraine) entered the top ten, whose rating has been declining over the past few years due to political and economic destabilization in the country.

The ten worst cities in the world in terms of quality of life are presented in the photo gallery and table below.

136th place. Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. Photo: Flickr/UNDP Papua New Guinea

140th place. Damascus, Syria. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

TOP 10 worst cities to live in the world in 2017





Culture and environment






























Port Moresby



























Every year, analytical organizations conduct an independent ranking of the best countries in the world in terms of living standards. Analysts from the EIU have again compiled a fresh ranking of cities, in which about 140 countries participated. The best cities in the world for living, business and leisure in 2016-2017 were selected from this list.

What indicators were taken into account?

Particular attention was paid to the following criteria:

  • Income level of the population
  • Culture
  • Ecology
  • Economic stability
  • Infrastructure
  • Environment
  • Business conditions

EIU analysts did not take into account only the cost of living. It can be studied on our website. It turns out that large cities are not very suitable for a comfortable life. After all, the TOP 10 did not include such megacities as Tokyo, London and New York. These cities have several underlying problems (traffic jams, crime rates, and difficulty getting around on public transportation) that have prevented them from ranking highly. Those countries that are in the first 10 places have good indicators in various sectors: education, infrastructure, ecology, positive population density, public transport.

  1. Melbourne, Australia. Melbourne is recognized as the most prestigious and comfortable Australian city to live in, beating Sydney in many respects. Read the article about.
  2. Vienna, Austria. Despite the fact that it is a large metropolis in Europe, Vienna is considered a comfortable European capital for living and doing business. considered high. However, Austrians earn good wages.
  3. Vancouver, Canada. Wide range of leisure opportunities, beautiful nature(mountains, lakes, rivers are located nearby), stable economy and decent prices.
  4. Toronto, Canada. Another Canadian city, Toronto, is coming on Vancouver's tail.
  5. Adelaide, Australia.
  6. Calgary, Canada. Three Canadian cities were able to take high positions – 3, 4 and 6.
  7. Perth, Australia. Three Australian cities managed to take pride of place - 1, 5 and 7.
  8. Auckland, New Zealand.
  9. Helsinki, Finland. In the world rankings, the Finnish capital is in 9th place. If you look at European indicators, Helsinki ranks second after Vienna. Read the article about to compare the amount of income with the costs of products, services and real estate.
  10. Hamburg, Germany.

Read other publications:

The best cities for living and ease of life in 2015-2016. Rating. The best cities in the world for students in 2016. TOP 10.

Living standard rating is an indicator that immigrants rely on when choosing a country for permanent place residence. However, this is very ambiguous data, since some conditions are created for indigenous residents, and different conditions for migrants and those temporarily arriving in the territory of the state. Therefore, today there are two main top states for the best countries: in terms of living standards and for migration. We present to your attention an overview of the best countries in all respects.

If we talk about the standard of living around the world as a whole, it’s like calculating average temperature in the hospital: there are patients with fever, there are healthy ones, and there is a morgue. The same applies to the global level of well-being: there is Norway and Australia, there is Russia, and there is Congo and Chad. But overall, everything is fine. To avoid empty phrases, we bring to your attention pivot table rating of living standards based on statistics social institutions and internationally renowned organizations.

15 EuropeAustriaVein
14 EuropeDenmarkCopenhagen
13 EuropeGreat BritainLondon
12 EuropeFranceParis
11 EuropeSwitzerlandBerne
10 EuropeFinlandHelsinki
9 AsiaJapanTokyo
8 EuropeNetherlandsAmsterdam
7 EuropeIcelandReykjavik
6 North AmericaUSAWashington
5 Australia and OceaniaAustraliaCanberra
4 EuropeBelgiumBrussels
3 North AmericaCanadaOttawa
2 EuropeStockholm
1 EuropeNorwayOslo

The crisis today: in Russia or around the world

The consequences of the 2008–2011 crisis are becoming less noticeable.

standard of living in Russia

In all countries of the world, prosperity is returning to its previous positions. For some it comes more easily, for others it takes serious effort. But nevertheless, statistics from 2018 showed that the number of unemployed is decreasing, the economies of countries are normalizing, and consumer opportunities are increasing. This was the case in Russia, however, the past years have seriously changed plans for a comfortable future.

OPEC is using its leverage on the world economy, new players are appearing in the oil market, and a number of countries are announcing sanctions against Russia. Thus, the country in 2019 finds itself in a difficult economic situation, since the national currency is seriously weakened, and the financial institutions of the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance are not able to make independent decisions, being under serious influence of the government. At the same time, as statistics show, most countries are not affected by the crisis that is developing in Russia according to a rapid scenario. The world economy is quite stable. This is demonstrated by one of the main indicators - the level of employment of the population.

In the second quarter of 2018, more than 200 million people were unemployed worldwide. These are not the only statistics. The structure of employment has changed significantly since the crisis.

The number of specialists who work officially and on a permanent basis has significantly decreased - long-term contracts and full-time cooperation.

A significant number of people went into the informal sector: without registration, payment of taxes, social payments - self-employment has also become popular. Along with informal employment, the number of employers inviting specialists for short-term or temporary contracts has increased significantly.
As the employment structure changed, wages also changed. Only a quarter of workers who remained employed in the formal permanent sector maintained their wages. Their colleagues of the same specialties and with similar work experience are arranged informally. The difference in salaries reaches 45–65%.

Characteristics of countries by standard of living

All states that were included in the 2019 ranking of the best countries to live during and after the crisis actively used their strengths and hidden possibilities. That is why they managed to survive difficult times in the economy with dignity and get back on their feet relatively quickly. These are now some of the richest countries in the world. What helped each of them?

  • . People in this country do not strive to work, although their well-being significantly exceeds the concept of “statistical average.” The offshore zone and its own mines played into the hands of the state. The real estate market has shown good stability even during the crisis;

    Gallery Grand Rue in Luxembourg

  • . The initially strong economy turned out to be very resistant to global shocks. Almost the entire working population retained their jobs in troubled years, and now unemployment does not exceed 25%. The country's main trump cards are exports and tourism;
  • . Excellent employment rates and high level minimum payment labor. All this is thanks to the leading position that the state occupies in gas production and the supply of various goods abroad;
  • . If only the financial center of the world looked pale after the crisis! This status of the state perfectly “covers” the lack of minerals. The service sector is the main place of employment for the population. Working citizens are provided with reliable social protection and economic government guarantees;
  • . A mystery state, with one of the highest employment rates, and at the same time quite loyal to migrants.

    Supermarket in Toronto

    Even with the onset of the crisis, it did not tighten entry legislation. Moreover, social programs and the healthcare system have secured leading positions in the OECD rankings;

  • Denmark. One of the most expensive countries to live in, but with an appropriate level of income. Housing is expensive to maintain, but this is more than covered by high wages;
  • Sweden. Not the richest, but one of the most stable countries. Residents value the state for the consistency of strong social programs. Not on last place and statistics reflecting the number of employed citizens - 73%;

    Antique shop in Sweden

  • . The country occupies a high position in the top due to the fact that it has a well-developed economy in the world. Due to this, it was possible to overcome the crisis with dignity, although the level of employment, as well as satisfaction with one’s life, is very mediocre;
  • Norway. Gas and oil production ensures not only a successful state economy, but also high income for citizens. Adding to this low prices for housing maintenance, we get a high level of life satisfaction;
  • . A country that was hardly affected by the crisis. 72% of the population have stable and well-paid positions. The pre-crisis strong economy and the country's own hidden reserves played into the hands.

Table 2: Top 15 countries with the best conditions for emigration

15 AfricaSouth AfricaPretoria
14 Australia and OceaniaNew ZealandWellington
13 AsiaQatarDoha
12 North AmericaUSAWashington
11 AsiaTürkiyeAnkara
10 AsiaHong KongHong Kong
9 AsiaUAEAbu Dhabi
8 EuropeBelgiumBrussels
7 EuropeRussiaMoscow
6 North AmericaCanadaOttawa
5 Australia and OceaniaAustraliaCanberra
4 Central AmericaCayman islandsGeorgetown
3 AsiaSingaporeSingapore
2 EuropeGermanyBerlin
1 AsiaChinaBeijing

Characteristics of 10 countries with the best conditions for emigration

This is an international ranking for 2018, so Russia also took part in the secret competition. Scientists from the UK, compiling the annual HSBC top, that is, identifying the most attractive countries for professional migrants, assessed the applicant states on several positions.

In particular, the following were assessed:

  • Economic situation in the country;
  • Conditions and opportunities for raising children;
  • Availability of social programs and medical care;
  • Level of infrastructure and its availability;
  • Safety and crime rates.

Also taken into account were immigrants’ assessments of their level of life satisfaction, ease of adaptation, and opportunities. Foreigners in search better conditions life, including paying attention to Russia.

In 2018, our state turned out to be quite attractive for new citizens: it entered the top ten of the ranking and ranks seventh, slightly behind Canada, but ahead of Belgium. True, these assessments were influenced by the fact that the overwhelming majority of emigrants to Russia came from the former countries of the USSR: Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Belarus, Ukraine, where hostilities are taking place, and others where the standard of living is even lower.

And this assessment includes, first of all, not the standard of living in our country, but simpler conditions that visiting citizens must fulfill in order to stay in Russia. The simplified system for obtaining a residence permit continues to operate in 2019.

  • . Despite the fact that instead of the name of the country, a city is indicated here, this is not an error. The territory is becoming more and more isolated and independent from China, developing its economy and infrastructure.

    Detailed map of Hong Kong showing cities and islands

    Hong Kong even has its own currency. Those who come here for permanent residence note good conditions to create a family and raise children. However, for those who are accustomed to a normal working day and regular full days off, this will be quite difficult;

  • UAE. A very developed state with a high level of personal income and, as a result, unlimited opportunities to create a comfortable living environment. There are huge opportunities for raising children here, including one of the best education systems and funding for education. However, religion and mentality different from the European one become an obstacle for new citizens;
  • Belgium. Everything is fine here with general social benefits. The infrastructure is well developed, everything has been done for comfortable raising of children, medical services are at the European level. However, the economy and financial condition state leaves much to be desired. A huge advantage, of course, will be a pan-European passport;

    tram in Brussels

  • Russia. Immigrants with money like it here. Those who have good inexhaustible capital highly appreciate the level of medical services and the educational sphere. In general, I like the country because of its extensive leisure opportunities, social life and interesting local people. But Russian cuisine, oddly enough, evokes more negative emotions than positive ones;
  • Canada. The country's well-being is noticeably higher than in Russia. Hence, better scores on indicators such as social life, medicine and education. But professional working conditions, career opportunities, balance between working time and personal life are at the same level as in Russia;
  • Australia. dissatisfied with only one thing: the system public transport. If not for this indicator, which does not satisfy visitors at all, the country could have entered the top three.

    Opera House in Sydney

    There is such a high standard of living here, which is supported by very friendly locals, excellent weather conditions and excellent cuisine, that few people want to leave this country;

  • Cayman islands. You have to pay for the exotic. Therefore, the main disadvantage of living in the Cayman Islands is its high cost. Food is expensive, real estate is very expensive. But everything else remains without complaint: good salaries, high level of income even after taxation. And, given the small amount of transport, there are almost no traffic jams, and the locals are very friendly;
  • . Opens the top three rankings. Everything is possible here, but this “everything” will be very expensive. Those who are not afraid of this are perfectly settled in their new homeland. A country of great opportunities, with great prospects for career growth, however, because of this, the line between work and personal time is seriously blurred.

    Panoramic view of the business district in Singapore

    Opportunities for raising children, education, social conditions- at the height, but for the right price;

  • Germany. A strong state with a stable economy. Ironclad government guarantees and social programs. Living and raising children here is a pleasure. But this is only for those who managed to get a well-paid job. very high, so this parameter is usually considered a significant disadvantage;
  • . The undisputed winner of the top, although very specific. The country is now experiencing economic growth, excellent working conditions are provided to highly qualified migrants, specialists from various fields. Visitors value culture, cuisine and a penchant for healthy image life, including active sports. For a European, the features of the communist system, namely censorship in the media and the Internet, can become serious obstacles.

For those who are interested in the issues, it will be useful to look at the European Commission rating for 2017. In total, the top consists of 20 positions. The top three are Sweden and Belgium, the top ten is closed by , and the second is opened by . The last three positions are occupied by the Czech Republic, Estonia and Lithuania.

Where else to go

    In the UAE, conditions are only for native Arabs. For visitors there is a completely different standard of living. The UAE cannot be on the emigration list. Only if you marry an Arab. But this is also specific.

  • Russia is not a country for emigration, but a country for death, and for a slow and painful death. You need to emigrate to Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia.

        • That's right. Now we have horror, not a country, especially after the sanctions, when the money ran out. Everything destroyed: be it education, social sphere, medicine, science - everything came out, plus unemployment.

              • Your migrants go to big cities from bankrupt countries. Go to the outback, there is no work, alcoholism and an impassable abyss of hopelessness, and no prospects for the future.

                Foreigners from 30 countries. Made me laugh. Is it Tajikistan or Kyrgyzstan a separate country for you? The entire post-USSR has a poor standard of living, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s the village of Kukuevo-Bobruisk or Dushanbe. And in order to earn a piece of bread, everyone tries to come to Moscow in large numbers.
                Thank you, I will be glad that I haven’t died of hunger at the fence yet, and that the communal apartment is half my salary. Oh God save the king!

                Artem, there’s no need to talk about the fact that the communal apartment costs half the salary.

                What kind of migrant workers? Ashot has a 3rd grade education, but those leaving are literate.

                Alexander, state secret? In winter, with heating, my utilities are more than half my salary. In the summer, yes, less—about a third.

                Not only do migrant workers go to Russia, they are everywhere! Just because migrant workers are coming doesn’t mean everything is fine!

                Because of rampant corruption.

                Ramiz, thank you for such words! You are truly a person who lives in Russia, appreciates and respects the land on which you live.

                People from the CIS countries are leaving for Russia simply because there is no way out. They can’t go to Europe, there’s no way, but going to Russia to see it is like taking a trolleybus. Many are returning because the situation is the same as in any other Soviet country.

                That same feeling that you live in some other country. Not where we are, even if our Russia is full of problems and stupid officials. Or is it a separate “talent” to see everything exclusively in a black light?!

              • It all depends on the person, the citizen of his country. I have lived and visited different countries. There is a lot to do and do in Russia. Many people are hindered by laziness.

                      • A brother from St. Petersburg, a sister from Perm and another relative from Norilsk came to Moldova and went nuts. How cool it turns out to be in Moldova!

                        We only have Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan. The remaining cities are, in decreasing order, small and small - this is poverty. 60% of the country's budget is in Moscow.

                        One of my good friends married a Moroccan, a rich Moroccan. He lives well there. She feels like a white woman, her skin is too white, she even looks disgusting, but there, in Africa, on the contrary, it’s cool. I think she likes it there, sometimes she comes home and talks about it...

                      • Can you imagine, I went. To Libya, before the Americans caused chaos there. How to put it mildly - in general, in Russia there is no ice. Moreover, in Africa, country is different from country to country, just like throughout the world. Just compare Guatemala and neighboring Belize in Latin America.

                        Then I don’t understand why you can love a country that is destined for a slow and painful death? Although Russia is the richest country in the world in terms of natural resources, and its people could live better than all the peoples in the world. There is only one answer: there was no need to touch Nicholas II, and then Russia would have the highest standard of living. And Lenin’s mother should have had an abortion, and not given birth to such a world criminal.

                        • Yeah. Probably, just like that, people burned landowners' lands and grain barns because of fat. And Nicholas 2 harshly suppressed the uprisings. The peasants had no land, and there was also nowhere to work for money. So people became proletarians. And yes, I'm not a communist. It’s just infuriating when Nicholas 2 is called a ruler from God. I consider his execution to be wrong. But he could no longer rule the empire. For example, I immigrated to the Russian Federation. And I like it here. There will be no happiness in the USA and Europe for a Russian person...

                          • It was not Nicholas II who suppressed the uprisings, but the people who were in power. Stolypin's reforms liberalized the country and gave some economic freedom to the peasants, with which they, due to their lack of education and inability to accept new life, failed. Why was Alexander II killed? He freed the people! Yes, not immediately and not completely, but he freed me! Such a process does not take place in 10 years, but the Narodnaya Volya (the terrorists who killed him) wanted everything at once, not realizing that it takes a lot of time to change the structure of life in a state that has been taking shape for centuries.
                            If not for the First World War, everything would have turned out differently. There are many nuances, but I can say this because I connected my life with history and carefully studied and am studying it.

                            • I’m reading all this and I just want to tell you all - what fools you are all! I don't understand you Russians! Previously, when there was a Union, people fought against fascism, there were no nations! I'm not Russian, but I just feel so sorry. Before you dirty Mother Russia, ask yourself a question. What have I done for my country? And what did I give? Answer these questions, then you will understand the value of your land! To tell the truth, you won’t like Europe and the USA either, since you are lazy! There are jobs in Mother Russia too!
                              You are drunks and slackers, that's why you whine! Lenin, the leader, gave you freedom and equality! Damn Gorbachev and the USA - they raised you like that! Read your history, then you will understand where the truth is.
                              In the East, it is a shame for a man to sit at home and whine! That's why all your girls marry Caucasians or simply cheat on you. You have good, brave Russians who work and don’t cry or complain about life via the Internet. In the East they say this: if you want to live well, work well, and rather than wag your tongue, it’s better to get down to business and listen and observe more!

                              • I cannot agree with you that only slackers and drunks whine. People just think that someone owes them something, i.e. Uncle will come and offer benefits. We have lived a difficult life, but we have been “floundering” all our lives. My husband and I are just ordinary hard workers and now we work in the country, and some envy us that we have everything. The truth is really simple: if you want something, make every effort, and God will also try to help you for your efforts. I’m not devout, although I believe, it’s just that sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that no one but Him would help. Work, try, and your efforts will definitely bear fruit.

                                • It's true, there's no other way!

                                  And no matter what a person tries to do for Russia, even jump out of his pants, the state machine will trample and eat him. We are not against Russia, it is beautiful and good in every sense. We are against the totalitarian state that it is today. And so, everything is fine. No one would leave Russia if the rulers of Russia did not chew and eat their people. And they themselves live abroad. They stole and are overjoyed. And they keep their people in a black body. Here, think and decide. There is more than enough rudeness.

                                  • Every time I return to my place in Russia (Kazan) I am happy. It's easier to breathe, the air is cleaner. Apples from the market turn brown in 5 hours. From the supermarket it sat on the refrigerator for 2 months as an experiment. Local fish at the market - 60-100 rubles per kilogram. We live with my husband on his pension - 25 thousand rubles. Enough for everything. The rent in a 24-storey building of 100 sq.m is 5-8 thousand. We drink goat milk - 100 rubles. liter, we take it from friends. We take meat from the market - 250-300 rubles. for 1 kg.
                                    On the question of the people in a black body. Five years ago, my husband gave money for a Toyota Carolla. I opened a private medical laboratory for urgent tests on 100 square meters for rent. Without bribes and roofs. Three years later, I sold the business and bought a 500-meter clinic with three operating rooms and a stationary X-ray.
                                    If you work 18 hours a day, you can live better in Russia than anywhere else.

                                    And I waited and waited for something good, but I never got it. She also lived a hard life. But about 10 years ago I was eager to leave this poor country and I didn’t leave in vain. Even some kind of Hungary is far from us at this level of life - we care about it like we care about it... We have to leave with the whole family. Our government has completely forgotten about us, pensioners. This is a joke to the chickens - a pension of 9,000 rubles, with a rent of more than 6,000 rubles!

                                    Don’t worry, not a single normal Russian has ever married a Caucasian.
                                    And what kind of nations are you starting to spin here?
                                    It’s simple, you do something, you get something, if you don’t do anything, you get nothing, why reduce it to nations?

                                    And you, smart... The Russians, on their backs, achieved victory in the Second World War, raised the country from devastation, gave people faith in the future, and you “are not fools”, hid behind the backs of the great Russian people, and now you bark and insult casually... You never see non-Russians there will be no Alexandrov Matrosovs, Zoya Kosmodemyanskys, Young Guard, you are trash on the body of the Russian people, scum and scum...

                                    • Why did “the Russians win the Victory”? Not Russians, but Soviets. And the Uzbeks stood next to the Russians in battle. There is no need to attribute the victory only to the Russians. And now they are trash?

                                      This is the whole problem, that visitors can dictate and teach Russians how to behave in their country. If you are all so hardworking, brave and honest, then why on earth are you running away from your countries? Build your well-being and happiness. You drove out or destroyed all the Russians in your republics, now you show up with an impudent face and dictate terms.

                                      And what is your standard of living in the East? As low as where they whine. You can sit up to your ears in shit with your head held high, or you can complain. This alone won't change anything.

                                      A history buff would do well to remember one truth: history does not know subjunctive mood, and no one can know for sure how the fate of Russia would have turned out if history had taken a different path, and therefore all these “if only”s of yours are empty balabolism and an indicator of your stupidity.

                                      What can you say, anonymous historian? That there are many nuances there, or that you connected your life with history? Discovered America - many nuances. Now historical science will not be lost - Anonymous handed it Ariadne's thread. If only at grandma's... etc. History does not tolerate the subjunctive mood. Don’t be like the Narodnaya Volya members - not all at once. It takes a lot of time (your quote).
                                      If during the New Year's festivities the police patrol takes you sober from the Christmas tree to the police station and hangs out there like one of their own, how will you treat the chief of police? You’ll probably remember the methods of the Narodnaya Volya. Or is it different in Morocco?

                                      Russia is a wonderful country of opportunities, which, unfortunately, have not yet been fully exploited.
                                      The policy of the financial authorities and their supervisors in terms of curbing lending to small and medium-sized businesses in general is somewhat annoying.
                                      Comparing loan rates in developed countries of the world and Russian ones, it is impossible not to be surprised - this is heaven and earth and even “underground” in countries where rates are negative.
                                      Russia is in the clouds or sky-high heights!
                                      And this is where it all begins, with cheap money...
                                      And the rest - territory, raw materials, population - everything is available in abundance.
                                      There is only one thing missing: the political WILL to solve the problems of the people first, and the preservation of capital comes second!

                                      Lenin led the people out of bast shoes and hunger into a well-fed and educated society! If it weren't for him, half of Russia's population would have died out! You don’t know history well, Ilyusha!

                                    • There was a great power. Developing. In many respects it is ahead of the United States. According to Stolypin's reforms. It turns out that 80% of arable land was transferred to peasants for use. I recently read this. And they told us in history: landowners are exploiters.
                                      First place in the world in grain and agricultural exports. crops And a lot of things were at a high developing level. And a lot of scientists who fled to other countries and developed science there. The rest were shot. The Masons had to destroy Russia, which they successfully did with the help of the schizophrenic Lenin. By the way, he hated Russians. It's a family thing for them. And then there was another schizo - Stalin, who declared the “Great Terror” - repressions. Marshal Vasilevsky said: “If the huge mass of command and officer personnel of the Army had not been destroyed, perhaps there would not have been a war!” And so, Hitler was sure that there were no commanders in the Red Army!

                                    • Ilya, you definitely need to read Pikul’s books. It was not Lenin who started the revolution, but the people themselves who lived in disgusting conditions. More First World War I was in Russia with the Germans at that time. And Lenin was invited to become the leader in the country. At this time he was abroad. It's a shame to talk badly about him. He sent great people to my country (Uzbekistan) to cure terrible diseases, give our people education and much more.
                                      We appreciate Lenin, his ideals of life, patriotism, suffering for the peoples. I am very grateful to God for this.

                                      Russia is a country that makes you move. We have a very balanced standard of living: on the one hand, not so depressing as to drive one into despair (as in some African countries), on the other hand, not too fat to turn into an LGBT creature (as in enlightened Europe). People live very well in Japan, Singapore, and the UAE. In Japan and Singapore, they have almost completely stopped reproducing, and in the UAE, the definition of “human” is extended to only half of the population (at this point in time, this is, of course, better than here, but the option is also a dead end). But China drags on, although life there is no more boring than ours. It’s just a pity that in China the standard of living of the average Chinese is maintained at a certain level by the efforts of the Communist Communist Party based on a complex social model, while in our country it is due to the failure of the political system as a whole.

                                          • Google is full of nonsense! If we take into account that such, if I may say so, “states,” such as Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland and the like, are higher in terms of living standards and education than Russia, Moldova is also there, and Romania is gypsy?! If this is so, then all these ratings are worthless. By the way, I live in America, and here Russian specialists are very highly valued in various fields!
                                            And it’s even funny to talk about Canada! The level is higher than in Russia?! Do not make me laugh! Well, if you count specialists in the field of “Jehovah’s Witnesses, such as 3 days, 7 days, 25, 100,” etc. according to the list, then she has no equal here, especially when she was replenished with these dill specialties?! Ha ha!
                                            Therefore, it is even indecent for an intelligent Russian person to believe some Google statistics! Trust but check! There is also a lot of writing on fences, as the Russian saying goes... And why is Google better?! Garbage and that's it! But think about why Russia is discussed all over the world... out of envy!

                                              • Has anyone in the whole world heard about Ukraine besides themselves?

                                                • Sasha, I have long known that the Motherland is not where you were born, but where you settled down.

                                                  A lot of evidence can be given, but suffice it to say that people in the Baltics and Poland live on average 7 years longer than in Russia. A reinforced concrete foundation for the countries you named to stand above Russia.

                                                  It is precisely because the standard of living in Canada is an order of magnitude lower than the standard of living in Russia that, out of the kindness of your heart, out of pity, you simply live in America. You are probably trying to enlighten this poor country (in comparison with Canada and Russia, it doesn’t hold a candle!), with a low standard of living. And Russia is discussed all over the world because they are jealous!
                                                  And they are also very jealous of North Korea, because its Lately is much discussed in the world. I don’t even know who needs to be discussed more and who to envy - North Korea or Russia. Very complex issue also in view of the fact that North Korea won the last World Football Championship, and also won all the gold medals at Olympic Games! I don’t know now, everyone used to envy Russia, but now there is a worthy competitor! And if someone says that there is a discussion going on, like “look at that monkey with a grenade and that one with a box of them” - such people should be immediately marked as crazy!

                                                  And in America, Russian specialists in various fields are highly valued: from garbage collection to pizza delivery; from a simple loader to an elite recyclables collector, etc. Well, Google is a garbage dump, Google is jealous of the Russian Yandex, and Tesla is also jealous of Marusa! It's true, it's obvious.

                                                  Go to Australia. A country where unemployment is approaching 12%; a country where the last car plant closes in November; a country where large enterprises go bankrupt every day and all production is transferred to China and Vietnam; where 700-1000 per day are fired from enterprises previously associated with the production of steel structures; where dozens of farms are closed every day due to the extreme high cost of water and transport, etc. and so on.! Read Guardian AU and not the first page with the above praises, but the second and third!

                                                • Is it better in Ukraine? Vlad, you are a provocateur. The Russian Federation has a lot of its own problems, especially with the human mentality and the authorities. These are all the consequences of degenerate communism and the shameful Soviet-Water-Union. BUT, don’t forget that Russia is one of the top three countries that rule the planet, so we have a lot of money concentrated in the country; second place in the world in terms of number of billionaires and other things. Yes, the people are treated like cattle, but we are not Africa at the same time.
                                                  Are you aware that Russia is in 48th place among the leading countries in terms of living standards and GDP per capita, 2 positions higher than Latvia.
                                                  You don’t need all the people as carbon copies. And you know, if you wish death on people, you’re more likely to bring it upon yourself.

                                                  I don’t know where you live, probably in some Saratov or Ulyanovsk. Life there, of course, is not very good... But I live in Kazan. Kazan is one of the most modern cities in Russia, with a well-developed infrastructure and transport system.

                                                  Vlad, the rating is a little wrong. It is better to immigrate to Germany, Canada or the USA.
                                                  Disadvantages of countries: Germany has a large influx of refugees from Syria and Africa. Canada - a lot of land is not cultivated and there is unemployment at times. The USA has high crime rates, high lifetime taxes and expensive healthcare. For me personally, Canada is the best option for life, especially for the age category - there is something to entertain yourself in your old age.

                                                • To the point of tears! Vlad, have you been to Russia? For some reason, everything is fine with me, and I live not in Moscow, but in the Southern Urals and I live well! And I’m not going to emigrate anywhere!

                                                  Maybe, but for those who live abroad, why are they consumed by longing for such a homeland? Why are they coming back? After all, Vertinsky also wanted to return... What kind of magnet does this country have?

                                                • Who is an emigrant? Dissatisfied with everyone and everything where he lives and admires everything where he has not been! And let’s be honest, you’re looking for somewhere not to work and at the same time live luxuriously :)

                                                  Russians, learn to live like human beings! Get rid of the Limonovs, Zhirinovskys, Girkins, all sorts of sultans, Milonovs, Kirills and other evil spirits, such as Motorola. Give birth to 20 football players and take the World Cup.

                                                  Why is Vlad very, very right? Ask how the native Russians who live without a break live? Who drag out the whole history on their backs, and are tired of all the historical reforms and deceptions?! All my life from generation to generation in poverty.

                                                  Let officials not rob the state in Russia, then things will be normal. There is complete chaos here, people work for food (one might say so), they do not live, but survive, I agree with the comments about slow death!
                                                  Education is paid, medical services are all very expensive. There is nothing for people!

                                                  • All the money is in the pockets of officials and management! The difference in income is tenfold. Stalin is missing! Everyone to the wall! You don’t have to go far - a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation appears once a month, and everything is fine! And you, if you are not the manager, try to be 20 minutes late!
                                                    They also raise their own salaries, they’ve worked hard! Hard workers survive, but someone fattens!
                                                    It would not hurt to thoroughly take care of internal affairs. Take JSC Russian Railways, there is complete chaos here - the boys and girls have never seen a sleeper or a rail, and they have millions of bonuses, but a train driver drives a train for 30-40 thousand rubles, and this is considered a good salary!

                                                            • You are like that yourself, Sasha. Try going somewhere on a budget. At least with a gold medal...

                                                              Alexander, you are a naive person. Budget places in universities there is theoretically. But in fact, everything is given to thieves.

                                                              • I totally agree! If you have brains, go to the budget and study. An example is my daughter.

                                                                If free education is not available to everyone, then it is not free at all.

                                                                I've been to Europe many times. Better, stronger, more beautiful, richer, smarter, kinder than Russia there is no one and there will be no one! And if you feel bad in Russia, we are not keeping anyone, goodbye!

                                                                • I have seen many countries where people on the street smile, you can approach them and talk, they will explain to you where to go. People probably live richly on salaries in Russian provincial towns... In many European countries there is a very good standard of living, bike paths are everywhere in Italy and Spain, many people play sports, you won’t see drunks on the street. Everyone chooses for themselves where it is better for them to live. In winter, it’s difficult for me to meet someone smiling on the street in Russia, in the provincial town where I grew up.

                                                                  • Compare correctly: Russia with the European Union or with America. Both there and there are a single system of religious and economic plurality. We also have subsidized republics, and the rest chip in on them. We also have rich and even recreational regions where you can live excellently.
                                                                    Are you comparing any one country in Europe? Then compare the living conditions in one Russian region. In general, everyone has internal problems. But in the best regions of the country (European countries, the States of America) you can live very well. Just like there are lagging countries in Europe and lagging regions in the Russian Federation.
                                                                    Often negative reviews about the standard of living in Russia - exactly this, in a generalized sense - can be heard precisely from a resident of one of the poorest regions of the country. Well, the same thing can be heard from residents of the poorest countries in Europe and some states in America - they all complain about unemployment, poverty and go to work in neighboring prosperous states, more advanced EU countries! It’s the same with us - they move to prosperous regions of the country.
                                                                    Please understand that the standard of living within such a large state is an economy of multitudes with their differences. Compare average level life in Russia also needs to be at the average level in all of Europe with the impoverished East and the subsidized Baltic states! It’s the same in America, where Texas alone carries everything else.
                                                                    I'm exaggerating, of course, in the latter case. But even in America there are states in which it’s not so easy - there are literally several large cities there that are suitable for living.
                                                                    It is more correct to compare regions by geography. How can Russia mean only one thing—namely, the bad place where you live? In the EU you simply move to a better Schengen country. We also have the freedom to choose our place of residence. There is no work in your region, take a train ticket. The HDD is working fine. A person determines his own destiny. Some people have nothing to eat and no work. Someone is building a new city in the desert or in the Arctic. Anyone who wants to will always find work in their country. And even very well paid.

                                                                    • Are you out of your mind? What the hell is a “religious plurality system”? Are you even aware that the vast majority of Swedish citizens are atheists? In Poland, for example, the standard of living is much better than in Russia, not to mention Germany or Great Britain. There is nothing to think about the USA. “Texas drags everything else”... don’t make me laugh. In the USA, in every state, life is tens of times better than in Russia. Want to compare the “least advantaged regions”? Well, just for fun, compare the Pskov region and, for example, the state of Alabama. You’ve written a lot for a Kremlinbot, so I’m sure your eyes will pop out of your head when you carry out such statistics.

                                                                    • Vitaly, many people think if they live in a small town that the state should build a good road to his house and build a factory where he will work, preferably within a 5-minute drive in his own car.

                                                                  • Why did you decide that Russians are simply obliged to smile at everyone on the street, as is customary in Europe or America? We have different mentalities, and it’s not for nothing that there is a saying in Russia: “Laughter (smile) for no reason is a sign of a fool.” There is no need to try to bring everyone under the same denominator. If Europeans and Americans always have a routine, insincere smile on their faces, then Russians do not customarily bare their teeth just like that; Russians always have a sincere smile. And it would be funny to meet a smiling person on the street in Russia in the cold in winter.

                                                                • I’ve been to many places, and yet there is such a concept - Motherland! Well, maybe not everything is so perfect, well, maybe not everything is so luxurious, but this is our land, our destiny and we love Russia because it is our MOTHERLAND! But it’s good where we are not! People abroad also have a lot of problems... The only thing that is true is that they STEAL from us mercilessly! Our officials and other authorities, greedy and unpunished, buy castles in France, houses in England, teach children abroad - what a disaster! Our elite are the first traitors... And where should the people go - we live, rejoice and love our land!

                                                              • Regarding immigration to Russia. Personally, I am for tightening immigration legislation in Russia. Russia has always been an attractive country to live in, particularly in Moscow and St. Petersburg. When Russia comes out of the crisis, migrants will pour in again. You need to go to the USA, Canada, Australia, and not try to squeeze in among the peoples of Europe...

                                                              • To live well in Russia, you need to try very hard and be born in the right place, at the right time and in the right family. It remains the same as it was here 200 years ago. Read Gogol, Turgenev.

                                                                • Agree! Nothing has changed, as Saltykov-Shchedrin said: “Wake me up in a hundred years and ask what is happening in Russia now? And I will answer - they drink and steal.”

                                                                  • I agree 100%. In Russia and then in the USSR, people have always been SLAVES! Drunkenness and theft are theirs national distinction from other nations. Just as they were slaves under the kings, so now they are all kept in a black body like stupid cattle. They told them noodles about their enemies, while they themselves sawed the budget and pumped the mineral resources directly into their pockets, and these fools listened to fairy tales about how it would become “a fabulous life after defeating all the enemies.” Learn, gentlemen, serfs, history more carefully - you have NEVER lived like people and WILL NOT live. They just won’t give it to you, and you don’t need it. You are accustomed to slavery, to poverty and a miserable existence - all this is passed on from generation to generation at the genetic level! You are just used to eating straw, which is always fed to you at all times! Saltykov-Shchedrin was right when he looked into the water.

                                                                • Thanks for your sanity! Who, where, at what level/stage decides where, in what family and time to be born? The question is tormented by how, at least in the next life, one will not be born in these conditions? How to live and who to give the request? Gogol definitely wrote everything about this country.

                                                              • Where is your patriotism, friends?! Yes, living in Russia now is not as healthy as we would like. Yes, the standard of living is poor, wages are low, you have to pay for everything. But who said that life would be easy? This is what it's all about. This is the meaning of life! So as not to sit and fatten your belly, but to look for variety. This whole money situation also bothers me. And what’s most annoying is that the government, instead of boosting the economy of its country, gives money to humanitarian aid...
                                                                But not about that. I love Russia despite, as many say, gloomy faces, poor standard of living, and so on. And our education is quite good, by the way!

                                                                • Your patriotism is spot on, Nadenka. Patriotism must be justified, and in this country there is nothing to be proud of. Although, maybe you are proud of the first place in suicide among cancer patients in the world or the leadership in the level of corruption. And the education here is terrible with this Unified State Exam. In normal countries, each child has his own approach, focusing on the ability to think, but here, on the contrary, there are only templates, and if a child has problems with understanding at the beginning of his studies, then they immediately give up on him. Yes, and it’s stupid to talk about good education when you write with errors yourself.

                                                                  They live poorly and will continue to live until they learn to think. Sorry, but this is a herd of zombie sheep. Patriotism - there is no more vile word. Sticking out oneself and in opposition is the obligatory creation of enemy countries. What about education? It would be nice to use your brains too! The purpose of education is to prepare and graduate young people into independent life successful and happy! The USSR collapsed, and the standard of living of our country according to the world ranking emerged. Out of 140 countries, we are in 136th place - at the New Guinea tribal level.
                                                                  What about the genius of Russians? Here are other numbers. Laureates Nobel Prize by 2010, 536 people were awarded. Of these, 21 are Russian, and this figure is far-fetched. Nabokov and Pasternak were living at the time of the award, one as a US citizen, the other as a stateless citizen in France. Of the three physicists awarded, two worked and lived in Oxford. For example, Sweden has 22 laureates, and this country is not comparable in size to the USSR. America - 256 laureates! Sikorsky - the Russian who invented the helicopter? If he had not fled after the revolution and had not become an American citizen, would he have been able to make humanity happy at the logging site in Kolyma?

                                                                • There has been and will be patriotism, I love my homeland and will always love it, but our government is worthless, and I do not like this government. Russian funds are empty, no gold, no expensive securities, and I won’t talk about resources - most of them are in private hands. That is why the standard of living is such that all the money from mining goes into the pockets of a certain group of people and will never belong to the people, since there is no democracy in our country. Politicians hush everything up, it benefits them, they share it with them. Let me note - only with them, the rest of the people are still poor. The dollar is growing, the ruble is falling, all this involuntarily suggests that the treasury is empty and plundered. While we are talking here, someone is transferring billions of Russian people's money to foreign banks. I am ready to fight for my relatives, for the land, for my homeland, but not for power.

                                                              • It’s not easy for an ordinary person everywhere. I agree, Russia is an uncomfortable country to live in, but not the worst. And now, in general, everything and everywhere is unstable. Those who left earlier and settled in a new place will, of course, stay. Young professionals can leave without any problems. And of course, those who have enough money to live on. It will be very difficult for everyone else. Some will be lucky, some will not.
                                                                I love Russia too, I even returned here with my family. Patriot? Don't know. I only know that the store does not accept patriotism as payment. Nowhere!

                                                                Medicine in Russia is in 51st place, education is in 44th place. Russians are animals who beat their children, sort out problems by fighting, and there are a lot of rednecks. 90% of people will not help a person in trouble. You are the worst nation.

                                                              • Regarding Nicholas 2, I was touched. The clown who shot women and old men en masse in his own capital, it turns out, is a lost opportunity for Russia! And here is Kostya, who lived in all Europe and is now eager to go to Russia. Apparently, Kostya, you are a stupid, armless idiot, since you have no use in Russia. You will be a homeless drunk.

                                                                It’s good everywhere where we are not... Our rich country needs smart leaders - those who root for the country and for their people, and not think about their own pockets. We need laws (social, pension, etc.) that are uniform for all categories of Russian citizens. Legislatively limit the wages of all officials, government officials, and deputies - tie them to the minimum subsistence level or wages. For example, no more than 10-15 times! Bring “people's servants” closer to ordinary citizens. Then they will start thinking about us, and not proudly declaring that they increased pensions by 4% or benefits for mothers by a penny. As they say, the well-fed cannot understand the hungry. Land, gentlemen, servants of the people, and fulfill your obligations, then Russia will prosper.

                                                              • We're doing pretty well. But not good either. As in the old joke, a Jew is asked: “If you were a king, what would you do?” He says: “I would still sew a little at night.” And they ask the Ukrainian, he answers: “I would scribble 100 rubles and vtik!”

                                                                I read your comments and this is what I will say. Countries differ only in climate, nature, minerals, and attractions. As for the standard of living, any country can be “lowered” and “raised.” The whole point is that the low standard of living of the population in a country like Russia was intended from the very beginning. The so-called “great” USA is artificially elevated. Russia, Ukraine - artificially omitted. Also, long-suffering Africa is “omitted” in the most cruel way. India, for example, is a country of rabble. There is no comparison with Russia and Ukraine. We live better.
                                                                As for the history, everything is correct. They were slaves and serfs. We were controlled by overweight foreigners. Using the example of my simple family, I will say: all this supposed drunkenness and rudeness is covered by the natural kindness and cordiality of the Russian, as well as the Ukrainian people. Unlike the cold and calculating West, our souls are warmer.
                                                                There is no need for any way out. You just need to pay people good money for their work. Money is paper. You can print and pay as much as you like. But in reality, people are being bullied. They are artificially “lowered” and then called cattle. All conditions were created for my education. And the main condition is the well-being of the family. If the family has money, the person will be more “decent”. There is no money - "cattle" will come out.
                                                                -Oh, they don’t know Kant and don’t speak three foreign languages! What a redneck! What ignorance!
                                                                - To Caesar - what is Caesar’s, and to the mechanic - what is mechanic’s!
                                                                And this locksmith is artificially bred from the same breed of locksmiths, whose mother and father hunched over Caesar.

                                                                Our country is the most worthy in terms of living standards. It’s just that often people themselves don’t want to create something that just falls into their hands. We have everything, but there is no point. If all the politicians don't know how to improve our economy, it looks like they don't have enough brains. Or they just don’t want to improve anything. But we can! We just don't want to. Or rather, we mere mortals want it, but those who sit near the president apparently are not very keen on this. The only place where we can show ourselves to other countries is in the production of weapons. Yes, we have the best in the world, but this is not enough, this will not boost the economy! We just need to value the resources that we still have, and in large quantities!

                                                              • I live in Istanbul. There’s a lot I don’t like, the azan (prayer) shouted ineptly at the top of my lungs at 5 am and 4 more times a day. The stupidity of the local population, who don’t understand, for example, that you need to move back a little on the sidewalk, when someone is coming towards you or overtaking from behind, they just walk slowly and come straight at you, and if you don’t move away, you just crash into each other , I experimented. Women, Turkish women, the bulk of their adult life spent drinking coffee and cigarettes on the balcony. Carpets from the balcony and tablecloths from the table fly through windows and balconies, even on the 25th floor, I live on the 24th. Yes, they smile more and help a stranger if he is in trouble. But they often smile artificially, and when you turn away or leave, they will say something about you that you don’t recognize. I myself witnessed such behavior, now I don’t know what they think about me, they say nice things to my face). They do not know how to raise children, perhaps like most Russians. Our people beat us because they were beaten and that’s it, no mental process. But on the contrary, they pamper and the children do what they want, beat their parents, call them names and lift their legs up on the handrail where others can hold on with their hands. The Arabs once came to visit me and immediately pushed me into the apartment, wearing shoes, until I became a living wall in front of them. Our people are more educated and well-mannered for the most part. It’s more interesting to communicate with our people. There are fools everywhere. I don’t understand why the Turks can, but we cannot, rebuild such residential projects and make housing affordable. Although if you dig in a certain direction, you can understand where all the poverty of our people comes from. It is almost impossible for an honest and not rich person to get into power. And those who are there are robbing the country. If we manage the country wisely, with its resources, we should be the most prosperous in the World. Many left in the 90s, like our family, out of despair, and not out of choice. Here, abroad, having achieved something in life, you miss your Motherland and our people, but you understand that you would not have achieved this in those conditions in your Homeland... You observe the situation and understand that it is not yet time to move your family to Russia... perhaps years in 10, if there are changes in social terms, and not just bragging about superior weapons. I understand that this is a forced measure; we are condemned right at the borders. But still, why can they, but we can’t??? Sometimes I want to get into power and change everything! But...but...

                                                              • Well, it is clear that the Russian Federation is a poor country with a wild, poorly educated population. But 60th place is the best! Between Africa and Europe... Dying Russia.

                                                                I read so many speculations. But in fact, I live in Moscow, I came from the Primorsky Territory, my salary is 40 thousand rubles, my husband is a Muscovite, his salary is 50 thousand rubles. We pay 30 thousand rubles to rent an apartment. Do we have enough? For food, yes. And that's all, one can say. My mother lives in Vladivostok, her salary is 10 thousand rubles, is that enough for her? We all work, we try, but, according to the statements above, we are lazy beggars.

                                                              • Primorye residents live horribly. Working beggars. Small business(stronghold of capitalism) no. People go to work and earn nothing. Pensions are ridiculous - pay for housing and communal services, and there is no money left for food. 1 liter of milk in winter and summer costs 84 rubles, frozen pork - 380 rubles, cheeses - from 400 and above. Salary - from 7 to 15 thousand. Every 4 people have cancer, high mortality. People are afraid not to die, but to live. Everyone is on credit (from 20 to 33%) and several at a time. And in Europe, by the way, Sberbank gives at 2.8%. Those who can, leave. There are no jobs in the regions, young people go to the city. The dominance of Uzbeks and Tajiks.
                                                                There is a good 2-room apartment in Samarkand. an apartment costs 600,000 rubles, and in Vladivostok - 5,000,000. Interventionists work for 5 years and leave. People who are 40 years old and older are no longer hired. Taiga and clean water- everything to China. And to establish production at home, they will be strangled with taxes, levies, and ever-increasing fines.
                                                                Every year there are floods in Primorye. God forbid, a child ends up in Nakhodkinsky Orphanage! We are not in 91st place, but in 191st!
                                                                If officially we have slipped to 63rd place in terms of education, our children have not won a single award at the international Olympics (news, Channel 1).
                                                                China announced and began the fight against poverty. Our working beggars leave as slaves to earn money. Women go to Moscow and Europe as servants. They are also on US dating sites.
                                                                You type “USA, any city” into a search engine, and dating sites appear below - only Muscovites write.
                                                                I receive a minimum pension: housing and communal services + loan 1950 = no money left for food. She worked all her life and raised her children alone. I have never voted for United Russia; they choose themselves. Tired of living in poverty.

The Good Country Index has published its annual ranking of the best countries in the world. A good country, according to the authors of the study, is one that successfully acts for the benefit of humanity. Of course, it must serve the interests of its people, but never at the expense of other countries or their natural resources.

When compiling the list of the best countries to live on Earth, 35 different indicators were taken into account (including peacefulness, economic performance and contribution to the development of science, security and culture) provided by the UN and the World Bank.

Today's list includes the Top 10 most developed countries in the world, which one is better to live in is up to you.

Per capita income is very high (7.4%). And spending on education as a percentage of GDP is among the highest in the world. The country is a leader in maintaining peace and global security and is a member of key international organizations, including the UN and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

9. Austria

Although Austria was placed in ninth place in the ranking of the best countries in the world based on a combination of indicators, it is in second place in terms of the development of science and technology. In addition, it is a major tourist center and claims to be a continental cultural center. This country gave the world famous composers such as Anton Bruckner and Franz Liszt.

8. France

The World Bank classifies France as rich country with a high level of income. French citizens are guaranteed certain social services, such as education, healthcare and pensions. The homeland of Richelieu, Exupery and Coco Chanel tops the lists of the most visited countries in the world. France is also one of the main arms exporters in the world.

7. Canada

A high-tech industrial country with a high standard of living. Canada is a major exporter of energy, food and minerals. In addition, it is in fifth place in the world in oil production (according to the EIA and British Petroleum).

6. Finland

Motherland Angry Birds and one of the safest countries in the world. A lost wallet (along with its contents) or mobile phone will most likely be returned to its owner. Literacy Rate Finnish population close to 100%. And in 2015, Forbes included Finland in the world's top 6 best countries for business.

5. Germany

The most populous state in the European Union and one of the largest economies in the world. Industries such as telecommunications, healthcare and tourism are the largest contributors to the country's economy. The vast majority of German citizens are ethnic Germans, but due to the influx of migrants, Germany's current ethnic composition has become quite diverse.

4. UK

You can laugh at the “British scientists” meme, but they were the ones who discovered oxygen and penicillin from molds, and developed theories in the field of aerodynamics and natural evolution. The English theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking became famous for his scientific works on quantum gravity and cosmology, and the Englishman Tim Berners-Lee gave the world the World Wide Web.

3. Netherlands

The Kingdom of the Netherlands was the first to legalize same-sex marriage in 2001, and its national positions on drugs, prostitution, euthanasia and abortion are very liberal. This small country has the highest concentration of museums in the world.

2. Denmark

All Danes have access to free healthcare. Higher education is also free. The country's economy is based on the Flexicurity model, which combines flexible hiring and firing rules with social security and career guidance in job search and education for all unemployed people.

1. Sweden

Tops the top 10 best countries of 2016. Sweden received the highest scores for positive contributions to citizens' lifestyles, including prosperity, equality, health and well-being. Health care, as well as education in Swedish colleges, are free, and the average life expectancy of Swedes is 82 years.

Infographic: Good Index Country 2016

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