The best fear rooms in the world. House of Horrors McKamey Manor

Today I will tell you about the scariest house of horrors, which is... this moment exists in the world. Do you think experienced quest addicts could withstand such a test?
Do you consider yourself brave, are you sure that you are not afraid of anything? Then welcome to McKamey Manor - a haunted house.

This terrifying place is located in San Diego, California.
55-year-old San Diego resident Russ McKamey and his girlfriend Carol Schultz opened Haunted Manor, the world's scariest house of horrors, where visitors will certainly be tied up, forced into a cage with snakes and doused in slippery fake blood. Incredibly, there are already 24 thousand people in the application queue. No one has ever withstood all the tests, not even marines and extreme sports enthusiasts, and dozens of adult men ran out of this room with tears in their eyes.
The couple spent more than 500 thousand dollars on the implementation of their terrible project. The enterprising couple allocated an entire estate for a haunted house. As Russ McKamey assures, nothing like this can be found anywhere in the world. Each visitor to the haunted house experiences their own horror movie as all challenges are interactive.
On your way from room to room, you encounter dozens of terrifying situations that will test your psyche and endurance. You will be bombarded with rotten eggs, doused with terrible smelly mucus, insects will fall on your face, and perhaps you will be put in a torture chamber in which you will simply choke on your tears. Before you enter the house and plunge into the atmosphere of horror and animal fear, you must sign a document indicating that you completely waive any claims against the owners of the attraction. Only visitors over 21 years old can enter the estate. Also, everyone who wants to feel incredible fear is required to undergo a medical examination, which will establish the absence of any serious diseases.

The most interesting thing is that entrance to the mansion is free. Yes, that’s right, anyone can sign up for the queue and visit the attraction just like that, but as mentioned above, the queue numbers in the thousands of people. Despite the free entrance, the owners of the estate are constantly adding variety to the environment inside. The design of the horror house changes every year, Russ and Carol make every effort to ensure that the change of environment does not affect the appearance of wild fear among visitors. The total duration of the tour is about 8 hours, but as you already know, not a single person has yet completed the entire attraction. Very often visitors weep like little children, so great is the horror experienced at McKamey Manor.

Visitors can even film their entire journey through the mansion, and then watch it back as if it were real movie horrors, experiencing frantic fear again. For those who want to watch what is happening inside, there is a special online broadcast where viewers can follow the walk of the unfortunate victims. A viewing session of such an action can last from 4 to 8 hours.

The best fear rooms in the world

Getting a dose of adrenaline is a desire common to people all over the planet. To realize it, it is not necessary to rise to the heights of heaven or descend into the depths of the sea, truly risking your life. All you have to do is walk into the panic room. We present to your attention a selection of the three most terrible panic rooms in the world.

Nightmare in Eilat (Israel)

The huge room of fear, with an area of ​​170 m², is amazing in its scale. In pitch darkness, accompanied by a dim candlelight, daredevils make their way through a long labyrinth-tunnel filled with monsters. Before the start of the adventure, visitors are offered a glass of tequila for courage; it is included in the ticket price. If all tests are successfully completed, everyone receives own photo, taken with infrared cameras at the moment when a person is most afraid.

Nightmares Fear Factory in Niagara Falls (Ontario, Canada)

Nightmares Fear Factory is not a room, but a whole house of horrors, located in a former coffin factory building. Its creators claim that this is the scariest attraction on earth. Everything is here: unexpected appearances of monsters and ghosts, mysterious sounds, reviving corpses. The range of horror stories is expanding all the time. No one knows what awaits around the corner.

Not everyone manages to make it to the end. There is a code word "Nightmare". If someone shouts it out, the attraction staff will immediately rush to help. More than a hundred thousand people have already been added to the list of shame - a list of those who left home in panic.

Everything that happens is recorded by cameras. The organizers post the funniest photos and videos on the website, compiling ratings for the day, week, month. They also make funny GIF animations. After visiting the “nightmare factory”, look for your photos on the Internet.

Xinglai in Shanghai (China)

Translated into Russian, the name means “Awakening”. This is an unusual panic room, which is a simulator of the cremation process. The person lies down on the conveyor belt and, like a corpse, passes through the cremation chamber. Special effects allow you to experience what it's like to be burned. The attraction opened quite recently, but has already managed to attract attention with its ambiguity.

"Awakening" has a certain philosophical intent. Xinglai developers believe that simulating cremation will help people overcome the fear of the unknown and feel reborn. There is common sense in such reasoning.

Although fear rooms were originally invented by Walt Disney only as entertainment, psychologists say that they have practical benefits. Having raised fears from the depths of the subconscious, we learn to fight them - and win.

55-year-old San Diego resident Russ McKamey and his girlfriend Carol Schultz opened Haunted Manor, the world's scariest house of horrors, where visitors will certainly be tied up, forced into a cage with snakes and doused in slippery fake blood. Incredibly, there are already 24 thousand people in the application queue. No one has ever withstood all the tests, not even marines and extreme sports enthusiasts, and dozens of adult men ran out of this room with tears in their eyes.

(Total 11 photos)

1. Visitors to the “Phantom Manor” from hands tied were doused with artificial blood.

2. Only two people can be in the mansion at a time.

3. Visitors should tolerate close contact with spiders and snakes.

4. Horror house challenges can last up to eight hours, but no one has ever managed to complete the entire journey from start to finish.

You can visit the McKamey mansion absolutely free, and believe me, its owners make every effort to diversify the challenges. Before entering the house, daredevils must undergo a mandatory medical examination and receive appropriate permission to confirm the absence of serious illnesses. Admission is granted only to persons over 21 years of age.

5. An extreme sportsman enters a room whose walls are completely covered with artificial blood.

6. Grown men often leave the mansion with tears in their eyes; even Marines and avid extreme sports enthusiasts are unable to withstand such tension.

7. Founder Russ McKamey and his friend Carol Schultz change the theme of the challenge every year.

8. Persons over 21 years of age can visit the “Phantom Manor” absolutely free of charge.

A devoted fan of horror films such as Psycho, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Haunted House, McKamey decided to create the "scariest house" with smoke and mirrors that would make even grown men cry. The couple spent more than 500 thousand dollars to realize their dream. “You won’t find anything like it in the whole world. It's like living through your own horror movie. The mansion contains four different rooms, designed specifically for the hardcore fans who decide to go through with it. All challenges are very interactive. Those experiences and obstacles should show you what you can do and what you can't do,” McKamey explains.

9. The couple spent more than 500 thousand dollars to realize their dream.

10. Before entering the house, daredevils must undergo a mandatory medical examination and obtain appropriate permission.

11. Horror fan McKamey described his Haunted Manor as "Indiana Jones on steroids."

The interactive adventure is described as real movie horror, which visitors can record on camera, look at themselves from the outside and relive all this fear once again. Everyone has the opportunity to watch the tests of other people using an online broadcast, one session of which lasts from four to eight hours.

Do you consider yourself brave and are not afraid of anything in the world? Then go to the scariest attraction in the world - the McKamey Manor haunted house, which is located in the Californian city of San Diego.

55-year-old San Diego resident Russ McKamey and his girlfriend Carol Schultz opened Haunted Manor, the world's scariest house of horrors, where visitors will certainly be tied up, forced into a cage with snakes and doused in slippery fake blood. Incredibly, there are already 24 thousand people in the application queue. No one has ever withstood all the tests, not even marines and extreme sports enthusiasts, and dozens of adult men ran out of this room with tears in their eyes.

People soaked in artificial blood will find cages with snakes and spiders, being thrown with rotten eggs and other delights from horror films. Before entering the horror hotel, each visitor must sign a waiver of all claims.

You can visit the McKamey mansion absolutely free, and believe me, its owners make every effort to diversify the challenges. Before entering the house, daredevils must undergo a mandatory medical examination and obtain the appropriate permission to be absent serious illnesses. Admission is granted only to persons over 21 years of age.

The full tour lasts 8 hours, but no one in the history of McKamey Manor has ever lasted until the end.

The owner of the world's scariest haunted house, Russ McKamey, and his wife Carol Schultz change the theme of the mansion every year, leaving it always scary.

McKamey Manor regularly brings its visitors to tears.

A devoted fan of horror films such as Psycho, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Haunted House, McKamey decided to create the "scariest house" with smoke and mirrors that would make even grown men cry. The couple spent more than 500 thousand dollars to realize their dream. “You won’t find anything like it in the whole world. It's like living through your own horror movie. The mansion contains four different rooms, designed specifically for the hardcore fans who decide to go through with it. All challenges are very interactive. Those experiences and obstacles should show you what you can do and what you can't do,” McKamey explains.

The interactive adventure is described as a real-life horror movie that visitors can record on camera, look at themselves from the outside and relive all that fear once again. Everyone has the opportunity to watch the tests of other people using an online broadcast, one session of which lasts from four to eight hours.

If, before going on vacation to California, Christina Valders from Wyoming, a green-haired medical student, had been told that this afternoon she would find herself in the hands of 2 insane maniacs who, after cruel torture, would tie her to a chair and dress her head in a rusty, stinking cell. She most likely would have decided that this was a stupid and ugly joke, and maybe even refused the trip. But it’s 14.30 and here she is.

There is another victim nearby, Christina barely knows this girl, I think her name is Emmy and she is from Arizona.

The poor thing was even less fortunate; in front of the frightened and shaking Christina, the executioners threw a dozen poisonous snakes into her cage, and in all likelihood, the same fate awaits Christina.

Chilling, genuine terror.

There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and no mercy.

Have you ever wondered why people like horror movies? Serial killers, maniacs, monsters from the underworld, ghosts, zombies, vampires, ghouls and other evil spirits.

What about in the news? If they tell us that Gazprom has signed a contract with China for 400 billion, no one cares. If we are told that loan rates have increased by 10%, no one cares.

But if they tell us that a maniac has been detained in Bobruisk, who tied up his victims and gave them expired kefir, we stick to the screen and want to know everything down to the smallest detail.

Experts from the universities of Berkeley and Florida came to the conclusion that horror fans differ significantly in character from those who do not like horror.

Most often, these people, who for some reason are forced to suppress natural aggression in themselves, cannot allow themselves to relax, to “let off steam.”

By putting themselves in the place of a monster from a “horror” film, they gain the illusion of freedom from social norms and prejudices, mentally “killing” their enemies, whom they do not dare to touch in everyday life.

Others are akin to sexual masochists: they like to be scared! Moreover, the most terrible moments of action give them the greatest pleasure. Most likely in ordinary life they lack impressions, they lead a too measured existence, not rich in events.

By the way, how are our heroes doing? Don’t worry, everything will be fine with them, they decided to do this themselves, no one kidnapped them.

Did you like fear rooms as a child? These happen at amusement parks or public fairs.

Do you consider yourself brave and are not afraid of anything in the world? Then go to the scariest attraction in the world - the McKamey Manor haunted house in California.

55-year-old San Diego resident Russ McKamey and his girlfriend Carol Schultz opened Haunted Manor - the world's scariest house of horrors, where visitors are treated to things they could only see in their worst nightmares.

Incredibly, a year after the establishment opened, 24 thousand people had already applied to participate in the session. No one has ever withstood all the tests, not even seasoned marines and extreme sports enthusiasts. Dozens of adult men ran out of this house with tears in their eyes.

If you decide to go on the tour, they will tie you up, douse you with slippery artificial blood, put a cage with snakes or spiders on your head, feed you rotten eggs, woodlice, drown you, lower your head into the toilet, scare you half to death, and subject you to other delights of the genre.

Before entering the horror hotel, each visitor must sign a waiver of all claims and undergo a mandatory medical examination for serious illnesses. Admission is granted only to persons over 18 years of age; previously this threshold was even higher, from 21 years of age.

Believe me, the owners of the McKamey mansion make every effort to diversify the challenges and regularly bring the most ardent hardcore fans to tears. Every year they change the theme and decoration of the mansion, leaving it always spooky.

Initially, the full tour lasted 8 hours, but no one in the entire history of McKamey Manor has lasted to the end, so its duration was reduced, first to 4, and then to 2 hours.

A devoted fan of classic horror films such as Psycho, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Haunted House, Russ McKamey founded "the scariest horror house on the planet" with smoke and mirrors, highly realistic special effects and actors who look more like crazed maniacs. or nightmarish creatures from zombie films. The couple spent more than 500 thousand dollars to realize their dream.

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