The best fb2 detectives. Detectives

The sensation expected by all archaeologists around the world failed. In body Egyptian mummy, kept in the vaults of a Boston museum, a bullet was discovered. Maura Isles, specially invited to scan the mummy, sends the body for examination. The examination results showed that the mummified woman did not live in Ancient Egypt, and in our time. It soon turns out that there are several more such mummies in the storeroom. This means only one thing: somewhere on the loose there is a serial killer who managed to evade justice...

In the practice of investigators, it happens that one case leads to another. This happened this time too. A large jewelry store was robbed. The value of the stolen goods amounted to several million rubles. But the criminals lost a ring with an emerald, which was discovered by investigators during an inspection of the crime scene. The results of the examination shocked everyone. It turned out that the emerald in the ring is just high-quality fake. The store owner decided to check the rest of the goods. The results were disappointing: all the jewelry contained fake stones. On the one hand, thieves are in for an unpleasant surprise. On the other hand, what happened to the real stones?

Better World- a small village lost in the mountains. Five travelers whose car was stuck in the snow were forced to come here. It all started at a doctors' conference in Wyoming. There, Maura Isles met her fellow student, who invited her to join his company and go to the ski resort. But the Better World greeted the arrivals with emptiness. Abandoned, unlocked houses, clothes in closets and food on the table... But what made people leave everything? What happened to them? Is it possible to stay here?

Eight-year-old Daisy Mason is kidnapped while celebrating her birthday. Everything happened unnoticed: no one noticed when the child disappeared. Inspector Adam Fowley is confident that the kidnapper was well known to the child. He wants to find Daisy as soon as possible, while trying to remain objective. Adam recently lost his son and this matter becomes somewhat personal for him. But as the investigation progresses, Inspector Fowley begins to realize that Daisy's parents are hiding something...

Twenty-two years ago, a shocking incident occurred in the town of Shelter Bay. Someone raped and strangled Sherry Brogan and brutally beat and left Meg Brogan for dead. Sherry's boyfriend was suspected of the crime and was soon shot by the girls' father. Mrs. Brogan committed suicide. But Meg survived. Now a successful author, Meg returned to Shelter Bay to write her sister's story. However, this visit is not to everyone’s liking: someone puts bloody marks on Meg’s house. And soon she finds out that the real criminal was never caught...

Emma is a promising young artist. Her paintings amaze and fascinate. On each of them, dark patterns of branches and leaves hide three white figures. And only Emma knows what is actually shown in her paintings. Fifteen years ago, while she was at summer camp, three of her cottage neighbors mysteriously disappeared. The mystery of their disappearance haunted Emma all these years. But now she has the opportunity to try to solve the mystery. Emma received an invitation to work in that same camp. But can she find out what the police couldn't find out?

Mark and Claire - married couple, successfully showing the rest of the world that even unequal marriage can be happy. The fact is that the social division of people occurs based on their ability to remember. The Monos, to which Claire belongs, only remember the last twenty-four hours. "Duo" - representatives of the elite, including Mark, remember the last forty-eight hours. However, it turns out that not everything is so rosy when the corpse of a woman is pulled out of the river, who, as it turns out, was Mark’s mistress. But what about the investigator who must find the killer?

A rapist who has served his sentence is killed by his victim shortly after his release. This surprised Kim Stone, who had known the rapist’s victim for a long time. This woman had never been prone to cruelty, and Stone found it hard to believe that she decided to kill. But soon several people, also not prone to aggression and cruelty, committed murders. It turned out that they all visited the same psychiatrist - Alexandra Thorne. Could Thorne be involved in all this?

The sensation expected by all archaeologists around the world failed. A bullet was found in the body of an Egyptian mummy kept in the vaults of a Boston museum. Maura Isles, specially invited to scan the mummy, sends the body for examination. The results of the examination showed that the mummified woman did not live in Ancient Egypt, but in our time. It soon turns out that there are several more such mummies in the storeroom. This means only one thing: somewhere on the loose there is a serial killer who managed to evade justice...

In the practice of investigators, it happens that one case leads to another. This happened this time too. A large jewelry store was robbed. The value of the stolen goods amounted to several million rubles. But the criminals lost a ring with an emerald, which was discovered by investigators during an inspection of the crime scene. The results of the examination shocked everyone. It turned out that the emerald in the ring was just a high-quality fake. The store owner decided to check the rest of the goods. The results were disappointing: all the jewelry contained fake stones. On the one hand, thieves are in for an unpleasant surprise. On the other hand, what happened to the real stones?

The Best World is a small village lost in the mountains. Five travelers whose car was stuck in the snow were forced to come here. It all started at a doctors' conference in Wyoming. There, Maura Isles met her fellow student, who invited her to join his company and go to the ski resort. But the Better World greeted the arrivals with emptiness. Abandoned, unlocked houses, clothes in closets and food on the table... But what made people give up everything? What happened to them? Is it possible to stay here?

Eight-year-old Daisy Mason is kidnapped while celebrating her birthday. Everything happened unnoticed: no one noticed when the child disappeared. Inspector Adam Fowley is confident that the kidnapper was well known to the child. He wants to find Daisy as soon as possible, while trying to remain objective. Adam recently lost his son and this matter becomes somewhat personal for him. But as the investigation progresses, Inspector Fowley begins to realize that Daisy's parents are hiding something...

Twenty-two years ago, a shocking incident occurred in the town of Shelter Bay. Someone raped and strangled Sherry Brogan and brutally beat and left Meg Brogan for dead. Sherry's boyfriend was suspected of the crime and was soon shot by the girls' father. Mrs. Brogan committed suicide. But Meg survived. Now a successful author, Meg returned to Shelter Bay to write her sister's story. However, this visit is not to everyone’s liking: someone puts bloody marks on Meg’s house. And soon she finds out that the real criminal was never caught...

Emma is a promising young artist. Her paintings amaze and fascinate. On each of them, dark patterns of branches and leaves hide three white figures. And only Emma knows what is actually shown in her paintings. Fifteen years ago, while she was at summer camp, three of her cottage neighbors mysteriously disappeared. The mystery of their disappearance haunted Emma all these years. But now she has the opportunity to try to solve the mystery. Emma received an invitation to work in that same camp. But can she find out what the police couldn't find out?

Mark and Claire are a married couple who are successfully showing the rest of the world that even an unequal marriage can be happy. The fact is that the social division of people occurs based on their ability to remember. The Monos, to which Claire belongs, only remember the last twenty-four hours. "Duo" - representatives of the elite, including Mark, remember the last forty-eight hours. However, it turns out that not everything is so rosy when the corpse of a woman is pulled out of the river, who, as it turned out, was Mark's mistress. But what about the investigator who must find the killer?

A rapist who has served his sentence is killed by his victim shortly after his release. This surprised Kim Stone, who had known the rapist’s victim for a long time. This woman had never been prone to cruelty, and Stone found it hard to believe that she decided to kill. But soon several people, also not prone to aggression and cruelty, committed murders. It turned out that they all visited the same psychiatrist - Alexandra Thorne. Could Thorne be involved in all this?

Many people become familiar with detective stories in childhood. As before, today there are many books for teenagers that force you to use your wits and solve complicated stories with theft of treasures, disappearances of animals and people. In addition, such literature teaches children about life, reveals Interesting Facts about the world, cities, people, and touches on the psychology of relationships and behavior. Therefore, by giving your child a good detective story to read, you can develop his imagination, intelligence and interest in the world around him.

Today many people prefer to read books online. This allows you to relax during breaks at work or even enjoy an excellent detective story while traveling, on the subway, or in queues. Our online library offers you a list of the best detective stories from Russian and foreign writers. Here you will find both real men's works and women's ironic detective stories in the form of novels with investigations of mysterious crimes.

A detective story is a book with a clear structure of events. That is, a crime occurs that either a detective or a detective must solve. But it was like that before. Today, a simple person who has no experience in uncovering lawlessness usually gets down to business. At the same time, the reader can take up the investigation himself and study the evidence, which each author very clearly describes detective stories. At the same time, it is important not to miss the details and see what remains in the shadows, hidden from the eyes of others. This is the main task of an exciting detective story.

On our literary portal you can read online or download for free and without registration the best e-books in the detective genre in txt, epub, pdf, fb2, rtf formats. Here you will find modern Russian and famous foreign books. Short, interesting detective stories will provide a lot of fun for the whole family.

Detectives - from classics to modern times

Unfortunately, our world is structured in such a way that crimes are committed every day and many of them remain unsolved. Each of us faces injustice and has failed to prove our innocence and honesty. In addition, in life there are difficult moments that not everyone can solve. The genre of detective books is not only an interesting and fascinating investigation of a murder, kidnapping or theft. Many authors put more than deep meaning, brightening life situations, which will help many readers answer a variety of questions.

Modern detective stories differ from those that were written back in Soviet time. If earlier main character was a real detective who acted slowly but decisively, analyzed every detail received, then today the most books to read are those where the characters act spontaneously, sometimes even making mistakes, blunders, getting into terrible and dangerous situations. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the world has changed today and we are constantly in a hurry to get somewhere, without giving ourselves the opportunity to stop and analyze the situation.

Detective stories themselves are divided into different types: ironic, historical, criminal. Historical detective books are very popular, where they describe real stories, events different countries, including Russia. People love to delve into secrets, put forward their assumptions, and, as you know, Russian history is even full of mysticism. Domestic authors try to reveal everything in their books scientific facts, which you never even knew about before. Plus, in parallel there is an investigation with its own secrets.

Popular detective stories are always different big amount events and adventures of the main characters. Remember the works of Dan Brown, where you cannot relax for a minute. Something is bound to happen that will give you goosebumps. These are the kind of books that are good for relaxation or for traveling.

The best new releases, Russian detectives, foreign works and short interesting stories– all this is presented in a wide range in our online library of e-books.

If you want to read a very good detective story in a format suitable for your gadget, then you will definitely like our website, where you can download your favorite book for free. In addition, you will be able to read online exciting new books and those that are long years have become classic.

Recently, Anna Grigorievna Shlyakhtina-Engelman approached Tatyana Sergeeva and asked to understand mysterious deaths three housekeepers at once, which happened within the walls of the house of her son-in-law Andrei Krasavin. The only thing that unites the girls is a craving for aromatic tea, found in a strange jar that came from nowhere. Tanya decides to get a job as a maid in this house, so as not to frighten off a potential criminal. But the girl had no idea what skeletons were hidden in the closet of the estate owners.

It seems that Yulia's torment will never end. The girl managed to save the child and escaped from the one who was in captivity last years, I even met the man I loved. Now everything should be fine, because Nick has no idea where the girl is. However, the dark past still doesn’t want to let her go so easily. Due to some of Julia's actions, her son and also her husband are in danger. Will the girl, who absolutely does not want to get involved in these terrible events again, be able to save not only them, but also herself?

Julia Kim is young, but looking at her, it’s hard to believe. For a few more years she was incredibly beautiful, and suitors literally ran after her in droves. Now the heroine has gone through real hell, having worked as a prostitute, a drug dealer, and even accompanying various cargoes. The reason for this is the bandit Nick, who deprived the girl of everything she loved in this life. The last straw was the kidnapping of his son. Now the heroine of the word has seen the light, she has nothing to lose, she just wants to take revenge on this bastard, so that he experiences all the horror that she once experienced.

Julia Kim continues to be a puppet in Nick's hands. This bandit got her involved in the world of prostitution, drugs and escorting dangerous goods. Every time she goes on a new “mission”, the girl is not sure that she will return home. And the most unfortunate thing is that Yulia is simply unable to get out of this whirlpool, she is too bogged down in everything.
However, Nick decided to play it safe, as a result of which the heroine became pregnant with his child. If the baby is born, she will be tied to this vile man for the rest of her life...

When Masha and Yulia were younger, they got into a very bad story, the consequences of which continue to influence their lives to this day. And all because the girls were forced to turn to Nick, who is a bandit, for help. The guy helped them, but turned them into weak-willed puppets that fulfill all his wishes.
This time Yulia must escort one specific cargo. But the girl doesn’t trust at all the one who is supposed to work with her. And her fears are confirmed at the moment when this person does not appear at the appointed time and does not answer calls...

This girl works in an office where no one likes her. Behind your back you can often hear the nicknames “Shark” or even “Bitch”, and all because of character and the desire to achieve as much as possible.
Recently they had documents stolen. All suspicions, of course, immediately fall on main character. But she is not involved in this, which is what she wants to prove. The only person, who takes her side is a newly hired employee who is rapidly developing his career. Their relationship is not so hot, but only he can be trusted in this situation...

Mani's vacation was coming to an end, and her mood was only getting worse every day. This is due to Gosha, who some time ago flew to Germany, but has never returned back to this day. What if the guy decides to stay there forever? Mani’s fears were not confirmed; the guy returned after all. This is a reason for the couple to take up their detective work again, but the heroes haven’t found any new customers. The situation changes when Manya accidentally finds out that her neighbor is being blackmailed. The girl decides to figure out what is happening and finds herself drawn into a very complex matter that began twenty years ago...

The Moscow Detective Service receives information that the famous Queen of Diamonds, an incredibly talented and clever swindler who ingratiates herself with rich men and then robs them, is arriving in the capital from St. Petersburg. Councilor Efenbach is confident that a series of robberies will soon occur, so he and his people will have to try to catch the thief.
Recently, a man found out that behind the Queen’s guise there is a certain Baroness von Stahl. He even knows where the next robbery will take place. But stopping the attractive criminal turns out to be not so easy...

A lot of time has already passed since Christina left her hometown, since her tyrant brother literally did not give the girl life. But just recently she found out about his death, which is why the heroine has to return back, since now she owns his entire multimillion-dollar inheritance. It would seem that a comfortable existence awaits the girl, but this is not the case. The brother became a victim of hunters for millions, and therefore now their next target is Christina. Will the fragile but daring beauty be able to stand up for herself?

The mountains of Tennessee are a great place for hunting, and there are hunting lodges all over the area. In one of them, a brutal murder recently occurred, which the police are now investigating. But the point is this: the criminal did not leave a single piece of evidence behind, this is the conclusion of forensic expert David Hunter.
Soon another series of murders occurs. And every time the maniac gets away from under the noses of law enforcement officials. It becomes clear to Hunter that this person perfectly knows the methods of conducting examinations, and therefore leaves no traces. But the experienced criminologist does not intend to give up; he will definitely be on the trail of the killer!

The world learned about detectives in mid-19th centuries, so this genre, beloved by many, cannot be called old. These first stories were ordinary, did not have a twisted plot and were built around the main character-detective. But still it was them - a real mouthful fresh air and a new passion for book lovers.
The creator of the first detective stories was Edgar Allan Poe. It was from his pen that the great detective Dupin and the most recognizable heroes of the genre came out - Sherlock Holmes and Miss Marple. Even then, a template for a classic character of this type was formed, which other writers began to follow: the beginning in the form of an incident, an investigation under the leadership of the main character, and a denouement.

From classic to modern

Now you can download new detective stories in any format and on any media. And in the process of reading you can improve foreign languages. Thus, the “Bookmania” website offers books in English and Ukrainian.

Time passes, competition among writers is growing, so everyone is trying to surprise their reader. Now he acts as the main researcher a common person, who is turned into a detective by the circumstances. The incidents become more and more complicated, the characters become more colorful, and the investigations become more exciting and dangerous.

If you are a fan of the books of Daria Dontsova, Karina Demina, Tatyana Ustinova and other Russian writers, we offer Russian detective stories to download for free. Bookmania's arsenal includes both the best new products and timeless classics. Pay attention to the series of several books that will drag you into investigations with adventures and chases for a long time. And for easy reading - short stories that can be “swallowed” in a few hours.

Electronic detectives: read everywhere and at any time of the day

Do you want to plunge into the detective world? Then you are at the right place! Here you can download detective stories for free and start reading whenever you have a free minute. A large number are waiting for you bright events and adventures that will not let you relax for a minute. And for convenience, books are offered in different formats:

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These books are ideal for long journey and an interesting pastime on a cold autumn evening. The plots are so captivating that you won’t notice how several hours pass in fascinating reading. Especially sensitive readers with a wild imagination will even get goosebumps.

Books in the detective genre are considered one of the most popular around the world. And this is not surprising, because such stories have everything you need for a pleasant and even useful pastime: a complicated crime, an exciting search for the criminal, amazing adventures of detectives and investigators, and their interesting conclusions. A good detective book also has one feature: the main character has deduction, and each of us is not against having this quality.

Detective stories: exciting, dangerous, intriguing

Are there any female detectives? Of course have. One of the most famous modern Russian writers is Daria Dontsova, a master of ironic detective fiction. Her stories contain love, investigations, and many funny moments. Of course, there are a huge number of domestic and foreign writers in this subgenre, you will definitely find something to your liking.

On the literary portal "KNIGOGO" you can also find detective stories for teenagers and children. These stories are full of not only amazing adventures heroes who investigate various secrets and riddles, but also contain deep meaning that helps children recognize lies, evaluate the actions of others, and draw conclusions from current situations. Also, teenagers will be able to learn to think logically, because solving mysteries is a very difficult task.

What distinguishes detective stories from other genres?

We have collected for you best books detective genre different types- Soviet and modern works, with English flavor and Japanese atmosphere, new works and those that reflect the life of the past of different countries and peoples. Good detective- this is one that grabs you from the first chapter, keeps you in suspense throughout the entire book, and the denouement occurs at the very end. At the same time, the author must skillfully hint at a potential criminal, but do it so subtly, confusing him in parallel with other characters and storylines, so that you cannot solve all the mysteries at once. Reading detective stories is also interesting because they have many psychological moments - it is always interesting to know what the criminal is thinking about while committing his crimes, and why he even does such things.

Reading an interesting detective story in the evening means that the day was a success. Here you will find entire series of stories where there is a colorful and charismatic main character, or you can start with short stories, which will not take up much of your time, but will give you a lot of fun.

It's convenient to enjoy interesting books here!

We invite you to download for free without registration or read online books of the detective genre. In our virtual library you will find works in fb2 (fb2), rtf, txt (txt), epub formats. You can download them to your phone, computer, tablet, they are also suitable for e-book. The books are divided into lists by subgenre.

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