Popular painting. Folk Russian popular print

Lubok is a special type of fine art with its characteristic figurative capacity. This is the so-called a folklore picture with a signature, a very special type of graphic art, characterized by simplicity of execution and laconicism.

The name comes from specially cut boards called lube (deck). On them back in the 15th century. wrote plans, drawings, drawings. Then the so-called appeared. “Fryazhsky sheets”, and later small paper pictures began to be called simply lubok (popular folk picture).

In Russia folk pictures became widespread in the 17th-20th centuries. They were cheap (even low-income people could buy them) and often served as decoration.

Popular sheets performed the social and entertainment role of a newspaper or primer. They are the prototype of modern calendars, posters, comics and placards.

Many already know about the deplorable situation in the field of education that reigned in the 17th-18th centuries. in Russia (see). Lubok, along with other goals, was called upon to perform an educational function, introducing illiterate sections of the population to reading.

Russian lubok differs from others in its consistency of composition, and, for example, Chinese or Indian lubok sheets - in their bright colors.

Lubok by Marina Rusanova.

Popular picture


The most ancient popular prints are known in China. Until the 8th century, they were drawn by hand. Starting from the 8th century, the first popular prints made in wood engraving are known. Lubok appeared in Europe in the 15th century. Early European popular prints are characterized by the woodcut technique. Copper engraving and lithography are later added.

Due to its intelligibility and focus on the “broad masses,” the popular print was used as an information weapon (for example, “flying leaflets” during the Peasant War and the Reformation in Germany, popular prints from the Great french revolution).

In Russia

The lubok was made in the following way: the artist made a pencil drawing on a linden board (lubo), then using a knife to make indentations using this drawing in those places that should remain white. A board smeared with paint under a press left black outlines of the picture on the paper. Printed in this way on cheap gray paper were called simple paintings. Simple workers were taken to special artels. In villages near Moscow and Vladimir there were special artels that were engaged in coloring popular prints. Women and children were busy painting popular prints. Later, a more advanced method of producing popular prints appeared, and engravers appeared. Using a thin cutter on copper plates, they engraved the design with hatching, with all the small details, which was impossible to do on a linden board. The method of coloring the paintings remained the same. The artel workers accepted orders from popular publishers to color hundreds of thousands of copies. One person painted up to one thousand popular prints per week - they paid one ruble for such work. The profession was called florist. The profession disappeared after the advent of lithographic machines.

Sytin's first lithographic popular prints were called: Peter the Great raises a healthy cup for his teachers; how Suvorov plays grandmas with the village children; how our Slavic ancestors were baptized in the Dnieper and overthrew the idol of Perun. Sytin began to involve in the production of popular prints professional artists. For signatures on popular prints they used folk songs, poetry famous poets. In 1882, an art exhibition took place in Moscow. Lubki Sytin received a diploma and a bronze medal at the exhibition.

I. D. Sytin collected boards from which popular prints were printed for about 20 years. The collection, worth several tens of thousands of rubles, was destroyed during a fire in Sytin's printing house during the 1905 Revolution.


  • Alekseev V. A., Chinese folk painting, M., 1966
  • Lubok, M., 1968
  • Folk picture of the 17th-19th centuries, collection. art., ed. Dmitry Bulanin, 1996
  • Rovinsky D. A., Russian folk pictures, St. Petersburg, 1881
  • Anatoly Rogov “Pantry of Joy”, Moscow, ed. Enlightenment, 1982
  • Yurkov S. From the popular print to the “Jack of Diamonds”: grotesque and anti-behavior in the “primitive” culture // Yurkov S. E. Under the sign of the grotesque: anti-behavior in Russian culture (XI-early XX centuries). SPb., 2003, p. 177-187
  • Ivan Zabelin. "Home life of Russian tsars in the 16th and 17th centuries." Publishing house Transitbook. Moscow. 2005 pp. 173-177. ISBN 5-9578-2773-8
  • K. I. Konichev. “Russian nugget. The Tale of Sytin. Lenizdat. 1966.


  • Russian hand-drawn popular print of the late 18th - early 19th centuries From the collection of the State Historical Museum
  • Alexandra Pletneva, “N.V. Gogol’s story “The Nose” and the popular print tradition”
  • A selection of images of popular prints from the 19th century. (website in English)

see also

The evolution of the development of Russian popular print

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what a “popular picture” is in other dictionaries:

    - (RUSSIAN) in a narrower and more basic sense, literature is so-called. “popular prints” designed for wide mass consumption. The word “lubok” comes, according to most researchers, from lubok, linden boards, from which originally... ... Literary encyclopedia

    PICTURE, and, female. 1. Illustration, drawing in a book or a separate drawing. Picture book. Lubochnaya k. Consolidated (or transfer) k. (applied to paper with a special composition and, when wetted, transferred to another surface). How k. who n. (Very… … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Lubok is a type of fine art that is characterized by clarity and capacity of the image. Lubok is also called a folk (folklore) picture and is associated with painted graphic representation, replicated in printed form. Often... ... Wikipedia

    SPLINT- In the 17th and early 20th centuries. a linden (see linden*) board on which a picture was engraved for printing, as well as a hand-painted picture of this type, with edifying or humorous text. Popular prints most often depicted... ... Linguistic and regional dictionary

    Splint- (popular pictures, folk pictures) a special type of printed matter: sheets with pictures and related texts. They were made by engraving on wood, copper, and later by lithography; single and multi-color. The first L. appeared in China... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

    This term has other meanings, see Lubok (meanings). Lubok is a type of fine art that is characterized by clarity and capacity of the image. Lubok is also called a folk (folklore) picture and is associated with a painted... ... Wikipedia

    - (Jean Tessing), Amsterdam merchant, typographer and copper engraver. According to legends preserved in the Tessing family, Ivan Tessing knew Peter I back in Moscow or Arkhangelsk; and in Holland the king often visited the Tessings easily (Pekarsky, I, 11) ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    - (Italian caricatura, from caricare to load, exaggerate) a method of artistic typification, the use of Cartoon and Grotesque means for critically targeted, tendentious exaggeration and emphasizing the negative aspects of life... ...

    RSFSR. I. General information The RSFSR was founded on October 25 (November 7), 1917. It borders on the north-west with Norway and Finland, on the west with Poland, on the south-east with China, the MPR and the DPRK, as well as on the union republics that are part of the USSR: to the W. from... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Lubok, lubok, husband. 1. A layer or flap of a fresh layer of tree bark. “A small box was made from cedar splint.” Prishvin. 2. The same as a splint for fastening and healing a bone fracture (med.). Apply splint. Hand in splints. 3. Linden board... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary


  • Popular old picture: Mice burying a cat and some old folk engravings, I.A. Golyshev, Reproduced in the original author’s spelling of the 1878 edition (publishing house `Vladimi?r: Izd. I. A. Golysheva: V Tip. gub. pravleni?i?a`).… Category: Library Science Publisher: Nobel Press, Manufacturer:

Russian fine print(luboks, popular prints, popular sheets, amusing sheets, simple books) - inexpensive pictures with captions (mostly graphic) intended for mass distribution, a type of graphic art.

It got its name from the bast (the upper hard wood of the linden tree), which was used in the 17th century. as an engraving base for boards when printing such pictures. In the 18th century bast replaced copper boards in the 19th and 20th centuries. These pictures were already produced using the printing method, but their name “popular prints” was retained for them. This type of simple and crude art for mass consumption became widespread in Russia in the 17th and early 20th centuries, even giving rise to popular popular literature. Such literature fulfilled its purpose social function, introducing reading to the poorest and least educated segments of the population.

Formerly works of folk art, initially made exclusively by non-professionals, lubok influenced the emergence of works of professional graphics of the early 20th century, which were distinguished by a special visual language and borrowed folklore techniques and images.

The artistic features of popular prints are syncretism, boldness in the choice of techniques (up to the grotesque and deliberate deformation of the depicted), highlighting thematically the main thing with a larger image (this is similar to children's drawings). From popular prints, which were for ordinary townspeople and rural residents of the 17th - early 20th centuries. and a newspaper, and a television, and an icon, and a primer, modern home posters, colorful desk calendars, posters, comics, many works of modern popular culture(up to the art of cinema).

As a genre that combines graphics and literary elements, lubok were not a purely Russian phenomenon.

The oldest pictures of this kind existed in China, Turkey, Japan, and India. In China they were originally performed by hand, and from the 8th century. engraved on wood, distinguished at the same time by their bright colors and catchiness.

IN Russian state The first popular prints (which existed as works of anonymous authors) were published at the beginning of the 17th century. in the printing house of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. The craftsmen hand-cut both the picture and the text on a smooth-planed, polished linden board, leaving the text and drawing lines convex. Next, using a special leather pillow - matzo - black paint was applied to the drawing from a mixture of burnt hay, soot and boiled linseed oil. A sheet of damp paper was placed on top of the board and the whole thing was pressed together into the press of the printing press. The resulting print was then hand-colored in one or more colors (this type of work, often entrusted to women, was in some areas called "nose painting" - coloring with contours in mind).

The earliest popular print found in the East Slavic region is considered to be the icon of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary 1614-1624, the first Moscow popular print now preserved in collections from the late 17th century.

In Moscow, the distribution of popular prints began from the royal court. In 1635, for the 7-year-old Tsarevich Alexei Mikhailovich, so-called “printed sheets” were purchased in the Vegetable Row on Red Square, after which the fashion for them came to the boyar mansions, and from there to the middle and lower strata of the townspeople, where the popular print gained recognition and popularity around the 1660s.

Among the main genres of popular prints, at first there was only the religious one.

Among the artists who worked on the production of engraving bases for these popular prints were the famous masters of the Kiev-Lvov typographic school of the 17th century. - Pamva Berynda, Leonty Zemka, Vasily Koren, Hieromonk Elijah. Prints of their works were hand-colored in four colors: red, purple, yellow, green. Thematically, all the popular prints they created had a religious content, but biblical heroes were often depicted on them in Russian folk clothing (like Cain plowing the land on Vasily Koren’s popular print).

Gradually, among popular prints, in addition to religious subjects (scenes from the lives of saints and the Gospel), illustrations for Russian fairy tales, epics, translated knightly novels (about Bova Korolevich, Eruslan Lazarevich), appeared. historical tales(about the founding of Moscow, about the Battle of Kulikovo).

Thanks to such printed “amusing sheets”, details of peasant labor and life of pre-Petrine times are now being reconstructed (“Old Agathon weaves bast shoes, and his wife Arina spins threads”), scenes of plowing, harvesting, logging, baking pancakes, rituals of the family cycle - births, weddings , funeral. Thanks to them, the history of everyday Russian life was filled with real images of household utensils and the furnishings of huts.

Ethnographers still use these sources to reconstruct lost scripts folk festivals, round dances, fair actions, details and instruments of rituals (for example, fortune telling). Some images of Russian popular prints of the 17th century. came into use for a long time, including the image of the “ladder of life”, on which each decade corresponds to a certain “step” (“The first step of this life is played in a carefree game...”). But why is popular print called “amusing”? Here's why. Very often, popular prints depicted such funny things that you could hardly stand still. Lubki depicting fair festivals, farcical performances and their barkers, who in hurried voices beckoned people to attend the performance:

“My wife is beautiful. There is a blush under the nose, snot all over the cheek; It’s like a ride along Nevsky, only dirt flies from under your feet. Her name is Sophia, who spent three years drying on the stove. I took it off the stove, it bowed to me and fell apart in three pieces. What should I do? I took a washcloth, sewed it, and lived with it for three more years. He went to Sennaya, bought another wife for a penny, and with a cat. The cat is penniless, but the wife is a profit, whatever you give, she will eat.”

“But, shy guys, this is Parasha.
Only mine, not yours.
I wanted to marry her.
Yes, I remembered, this is not suitable with a living wife.
Parasha would be good for everyone, but it hurts her cheeks.
That’s why there aren’t enough bricks in St. Petersburg.”

A funny popular cartoon about the girl Rodionova:
“Maiden Rodionova, who arrived in Moscow from St. Petersburg and was awarded the favorable attention of the St. Petersburg public. She is 18 years old, her height is 1 arshin 10 vershoks, her head is quite large, her nose is wide. She uses her lips and tongue to embroider different patterns and embroider beaded bracelets. He also eats food without the help of strangers. Her legs serve instead of hands; she uses them to take plates of food and bring them to her lips. In all likelihood, the Moscow public will not leave her happy with the same attention that was given to the girl Yulia Postratsa, especially since seeing Rodionova and her art is much more interesting than seeing only the ugliness of the girl Yulia Postratsa.”

Russian popular print ceased to exist in late XIX century. It was then that old colored sheets began to be stored and cherished as relics of a bygone past. At the same time, the study and collection of popular prints begins. Large collection the popular print was collected from the famous compiler " Explanatory dictionary living Great Russian language" by Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl. The artists Repin, Vasnetsov, Kustodiev, Kandinsky, Konchalovsky, Dobuzhinsky, Lentulov were interested in lubko.

The artistic motifs of the popular print influenced folk decorative creativity XX century. The connection with the aesthetics of popular prints can be seen in some works by artists Fedoskino and Palekh. Some lubok traditions were used in the creation animated films on the themes of folk tales.

The first person to seriously study and collect popular prints was Dmitry Aleksandrovich Rovinsky. His collection included every single Russian popular print that was produced by the end of the 19th century, and that’s almost 8 thousand copies.

Dmitry Aleksandrovich Rovinsky - art historian, collector and lawyer by profession - was born in Moscow. I purchased the first copies for my collection in my youth. But at first he was interested in collecting Western engravings; Rovinsky had one of the most complete collections of Rembrandt engravings in Russia. He traveled all over Europe in search of these engravings. But later, under the influence of his relative, historian and collector, M.P. Pogodin, Rovinsky begins to collect everything domestic, and primarily Russian folk pictures. In addition to popular prints, D. A. Rovinsky collected old illustrated primers, cosmographies and satirical sheets. Rovinsky spent all his money on collecting his collection. He lived very modestly, surrounded by countless folders with engravings and books on art. Every year Rovinsky went on trips to the most remote places of Russia, from where he brought new sheets for his collection of popular prints. D. A. Rovinsky wrote and published at his own expense “ Detailed dictionary Russian engraved portraits" in 4 volumes, published in 1872, "Russian folk pictures" in 5 volumes - 1881. “Materials for Russian iconography” and “ Complete collection engravings by Rembrandt" in 4 volumes in 1890.

Thanks to his research in the field of art, Rovinsky was elected an honorary member of the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Arts. Rovinsky established prizes for best essays in artistic archeology and best picture followed by its reproduction in engraving. He gave his dacha to Moscow University, and from the income he received, he established regular prizes for the best illustrated scientific essay for public reading.

Rovinsky bequeathed his entire collection of Rembrandt engravings, which is over 600 sheets, to the Hermitage, Russian and folk pictures to the Moscow Public Museum and the Rumyantsev Museum, about 50 thousand Western European engravings to the Imperial Public Library.


This is an article from the series “Drawing popular prints”. Today, as promised - a chicken and a cockerel in popular print style.

These are the first signs, more cool popular prints will follow. I love it very much, I draw all the time and I’ve already gotten really good at it. Why am I so advocating that you learn this too? folk style, but precisely because: I have always been for the leading role of realism in teaching children fine arts. But there is no escape from stylization; it is unreasonable to simply outright deny all its types.

So the popular print style represents a wonderful combination of stylization, realism, humor, and all this is in the primordial folk traditions, and not foreign cartoon trends. Patriotic education, gentlemen! Let's teach children to love folk art of his homeland. For example, lubok.

Another reason why I’m going to introduce you to popular prints is because the specificity of my topic is this: the development of hands and the eye. Hatching is indispensable in this matter. And the popular print style couldn’t be more “hatched.”

Of course, there are children's coloring albums with popular prints on sale. Wonderful. Coloring books also have their own benefits. But those popular prints that I will teach you, I will still encourage you to draw yourself - the benefits will be incomparably greater.

I’ll finish the motivational introduction here, and let’s get down to business.

Today there is a hen and a rooster, as I promised. We will copy the chicken from an authentic antique popular print, and then we will create the cockerel ourselves.

Let's take a square sheet of paper (I, as always, work on wrapping paper - I like the grainy texture and beige color (it depends on you, but to me the snowy whiteness of whatman paper seems cold and does not warm the soul).

First a pencil sketch - now the composition is clear.

In the center of the sheet we outline the body - almost horizontally. The neck is forward and upward, the head is quite large: the ancient master depicted a very brainy chicken. Let's bend our legs correctly. Note - they are relatively small - the chicken is not broiler.

We denote the wing and tail - an unequal panicle of feathers. Now we get to the shading. We mark feathers and other details.

The chicken figure is ready, let's take care of the terrain. Please note that in popular prints the earth is usually depicted conventionally, as several wavy lines with a characteristic oblique shading at the bottom.

Let's draw some flowers. Again, note that the flowers are conventional and only a few types are used in popular prints. The lubok master inserted greenery to decorate and balance the composition.

They drew a chicken. Ay, well done!

But this, as they say in fairy tales, was not a service, but a service.

But now, let’s warm up and really get down to business: draw a rooster.

Moreover, in order to develop not only the hands, but also the eye, we will turn the figure of the rooster in the opposite direction.

We outlined the body, the head, the tail...maybe we can raise the wings for interest so that the rooster flaps them?... No, it doesn’t look right. The idea with wings up is not worthwhile (but the idea of ​​diversifying the images in itself is good, you just have to see what comes out). Okay, let's fold the wings on the back the old fashioned way.

Now strong legs and details of the head - a comb, an eye, a silken beard...

Let’s draw the characteristic popular print shading:

A popular rooster was drawn, characteristic environment directed.

Now one more touch for popular prints: I have already told you that one of the features of popular prints is text in a picture. We will choose a font stylized as Old Church Slavonic Cyrillic. I note that marking up text and making inscriptions is also one of the the most effective ways We will continue to work with you a lot on eye development and type work and with different approaches.

The inscription has already been made behind the conversations. Now let’s create a frame and add flowers in the empty spaces. Well, here are our two test splints: a cockerel and a hen. Now I’ll use the photo editor to make the cockerel a little yellow (antique): wow! Beauty! The most 17th century popular print ever.

The popular prints were copied and created by Marina Novikova together with you.

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Originally a type of folk art. It was made using the techniques of woodcuts, copper engravings, lithographs and was supplemented with hand coloring.

Lubok is characterized by simplicity of technique, laconicism visual arts(rough stroke, bright coloring). Often the popular print contains a detailed narrative with explanatory inscriptions and additional (explanatory, complementary) images to the main one.

An unknown 18th-century Russian folk artist. , CC BY-SA 3.0


The most ancient popular prints are known in China. Until the 8th century, they were drawn by hand. Starting from the 8th century, the first popular prints made in woodcut are known. Lubok appeared in Europe in the 15th century. Early European popular prints are characterized by the woodcut technique. Copper engraving and lithography are added later.

Due to its intelligibility and focus on the “broad masses,” the popular print was used as a means of propaganda (for example, “flying leaflets” during the Peasant War and the Reformation in Germany, popular prints during the French Revolution).

Author unknown, CC BY-SA 3.0

In Germany, factories for the production of pictures were located in Cologne, Munich, Neuruppin; in France - in the city of Troyes. In Europe, books and pictures with obscene content are widespread, for example, “Tableau de l'amur conjual” (Picture of Married Love). “Seductive and immoral pictures” were imported to Russia from France and Holland.

Russian lubok of the 18th century is distinguished by its consistent composition.

Author unknown, CC BY-SA 3.0

Eastern lubok (China, India) is distinguished by its bright colors.

At the end of the 19th century, lubok was revived in the form of comics.

In Russia


In Russia in the 16th century - early 17th century, prints were sold that were called “Fryazhsky sheets” or “German amusing sheets”.

IN late XVI In the 1st century, a Fryazhian printing press was installed in the Upper (Court) printing house for printing Fryazhian sheets. In 1680, craftsman Afanasy Zverev cut “all sorts of Fryazhian cuttings” on copper boards for the Tsar.

unknown, CC BY-SA 3.0

German amusing sheets were sold in Vegetable Row, and later on Spassky Bridge.

Censorship and bans

Moscow Patriarch Joachim in 1674 forbade “the purchase of sheets that were printed by German heretics, Luthers and Calvins, in their damned opinion.” The faces of revered saints were to be written on a board, and printed images were intended for “beauty.”

Anonymous folk artist, CC BY-SA 3.0

A decree of March 20, 1721 prohibited the sale “on Spassky Bridge and in other places of Moscow of works composed different ranks by people... prints (sheets) printed arbitrarily, except by the printing house.” The Izugraphic Chamber was created in Moscow.

The Chamber issued permission to print popular prints “unwillingly, except for the printing house.” Over time, this decree was no longer enforced. A large number of low-quality images of Saints have appeared.

Therefore, by decree of October 18, 1744, it was ordered to “preliminarily submit the drawings to the diocesan bishops for approval.”

The decree of January 21, 1723 demanded that “Imperial persons should be skillfully painted with evidence of good skill by painters with all danger and diligent care.” Therefore, in popular prints there are no images of reigning persons.

In 1822, police censorship was introduced for the printing of popular prints. Some popular prints were banned and the boards were destroyed. In 1826, by censorship regulations, all prints (and not just popular prints) were subject to review by censorship.

Subjects of the paintings

Initially, the subjects for popular prints were handwritten tales, life books, “fatherly writings,” oral tales, articles from translated newspapers (for example, “Chimes”), etc.

unknown, CC BY-SA 3.0

The plots and drawings were borrowed from foreign Almanacs and Calendars. IN early XIX centuries, plots are borrowed from the novels and stories of Goethe, Radcliffe, Cotten, Chateaubriand and other writers.

At the end of the 19th century, pictures on themes from the Holy Scriptures and portraits of the imperial family predominated, followed by genre pictures, most often of a moral and instructive nature (about the disastrous consequences of gluttony, drunkenness, and greed).

Front editions of “Eruslan Lazarevich” and other fairy tales, images in faces folk songs(“The boyars were traveling from Nova Gorod”, “The wife beat her husband”), women’s heads with absurd inscriptions, images of cities ( Jerusalem - the navel of the earth).

unknown, CC BY-SA 3.0

Production of splints

Engravers were called “Fryazhian carving masters” (in contrast to Russian “ordinary” woodcarvers). In Moscow at the end of the 16th century, the first engraver was supposedly Andronik Timofeev Nevezha.

Signing was called drawing and painting. Around the 16th (or 17th) century, marking was divided into marking and engraving. The flag bearer drew the design, and the engraver cut it out on a board or metal.

Copying boards was called translation. The boards were initially linden, then maple, pear and palm.

Taburin, Vladimir Amosovich, CC BY-SA 3.0

The popular print was made in the following way: the artist applied pencil drawing on a linden board (lube), then using this drawing, using a knife, I made indentations in those places that should remain white. A board smeared with paint under a press left black outlines of the picture on the paper.

Printed in this way on cheap gray paper were called simple paintings. The simpletons were taken to special artels. In the 19th century, in villages near Moscow and Vladimir, there were special artels that were engaged in coloring popular prints. Women and children were busy painting popular prints.

.G. Blinov (details unknown), CC BY-SA 3.0

Later, a more advanced way to produce popular prints appeared, and engravers appeared. Using a thin cutter on copper plates, they engraved the design with hatching, with all the small details, which was impossible to do on a linden board.

One of the first Russian figure factories arose in Moscow in mid-18th century century. The factory belonged to the merchants Akhmetyev. There were 20 machines at the factory.

Prostovikov, that is, the cheapest pictures, costing ½ kopeck a piece, were printed and colored in the Moscow district about 4 million annually. Highest price popular prints cost 25 kopecks.


Lubki fell in love with everyone in Russia right away, without exception. They could be found in the royal chambers, in the slaves' hut, at the inn, in monasteries.

There are documents showing that Patriarch Nikon had two hundred and seventy of them, most of them, however, still from Fryazh. And they had already bought a lot of domestic ones for Tsarevich Peter; there were about a hundred of them in his rooms. There are two reasons for such a rapid and widespread popularity of seemingly simple pictures.

Plate "Bird Sirin" Guide to Russian Crafts, CC BY-SA 3.0 "

Firstly, the splints were replaced to the common man books inaccessible to him: textbooks, starting with the alphabet and arithmetic and ending with cosmography (astronomy), fiction- in popular prints, epics and stories were retold or published in a series of sequential pictures, as in the stamps of hagiographic icons, with extensive captions.

Adventure translated novels about Bova Korolevich and Eruslan Lazarevich, fairy tales, songs, proverbs. There were lubki, like newsletters and newspapers, reporting on the most important state events, wars, and life in other countries.

There were interpreters of the Holy Scriptures, depicting the largest monasteries and cities. There were popular therapeutic books about all sorts of things folk beliefs and signs. There were the worst satyrs.

Photo gallery

Helpful information

popular print
popular print sheet
funny sheet

origin of name

The name comes from specially cut boards called lube (deck). On them back in the 15th century. wrote plans, drawings, drawings. Then the so-called “Fryazh sheets” appeared, and later small paper pictures began to be called simply lubok (popular folk picture).

In Russia

In Russia, folk pictures became widespread in the 17th-20th centuries. They were cheap (even low-income people could buy them) and often served as decoration. Popular sheets performed the social and entertainment role of a newspaper or primer. They are the prototype of modern calendars, posters, comics and placards. In the 17th century, painted bast boxes became widespread.

Types of splints

  • Spiritual and religious - In the Byzantine style. Icon type images. Lives of saints, parables, moral teachings, songs, etc.
  • Philosophical.
  • Legal - depictions of trials and legal actions. The following subjects were often encountered: “Shemyakin trial” and “Ruff Ershovich Shchetinnikov”.
  • Historical - “Touching stories” from chronicles. Image historical events, battles, cities. Topographic maps.
  • Fairy tales - magical tales, heroic tales, “Tales of Daring People”, everyday tales.
  • Holidays - images of saints.
  • Cavalry - popular prints with images of horsemen.
  • Joker - funny popular prints, satires, caricatures, fables.

Coloring method

The artel workers accepted orders from popular publishers to color hundreds of thousands of copies. One person painted up to one thousand popular prints per week - they paid one ruble for such work. The profession was called florist. The profession disappeared after the advent of lithographic machines.

Advantages of a printed picture

The first to realize the benefits of a printed image in Moscow were the same regulars of the Spassky Bridge, or Spassky Sacrum, as this place was more often called then. The book trade flourished there even before lubok - the main trade in Russia was in this area. But only the books that sold were mostly handwritten and very often of the most poisonous nature, such as the satirical “Sava’s Priest - Great Glory” and “Service to the Tavern.” The writers themselves and their friends - artists from the same common people - drew pictures and illustrations for these books, or sewed them into the pages, or sold them separately. But how much can you draw by hand?!


It was these writers and artists who drew attention to popular prints, which were brought by foreigners, first as a gift to the Moscow Tsar and boyars, and then for wide sale. It turned out that making them is not so difficult, and many thousands of pictures can be printed from one board, and even with text cut out in the same way next to the drawing. One of the foreigners or Belarusians, apparently, built the first machine in Moscow and brought ready-made boards for a sample.

I.D. Sytin

In the second half of the 19th century, one of the largest producers and distributors of printed popular prints was I. D. Sytin. In 1882, the All-Russian Art and Industrial Exhibition took place in Moscow, at which Sytin’s products were awarded a silver medal. I. D. Sytin collected boards from which popular prints were printed for about 20 years. The collection, worth several tens of thousands of rubles, was destroyed during a fire in Sytin's printing house during the 1905 Revolution.

Formation of style

The still young Russian popular print, of course, borrowed from other arts, and first of all from book miniature, a lot, and therefore, artistically, it soon became a kind of alloy, a synthesis of all the best that had been produced Russian art over the previous centuries of its existence.

But just to what extent did the popular printmakers sharpen and exaggerate all the forms, to what extent did they intensify the contrast and heat up the colors, heat up to such an extent that each leaf literally burns, splashes with cheerful multicolors.

In our time

IN modern world the style of the popular print has not been forgotten. It is widely used in illustrations, theatrical scenery, paintings and interior decorations. Dishes, posters, and calendars are produced.

IN modern fashion the popular print was also reflected. As part of the 22nd “Textile Salon” in Ivanovo, the collection of Egor Zaitsev, “iVANOVO. Splint".

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