Literary quiz on the roads of fairy tales, middle group. Literary quiz in the middle group

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1 MDOU DS s. Pushanina, Belinsky district, Penza region Fairytale quiz “Journey through fairy tales” (middle group) Educator: Isaeva E.A.

3 I see that the teams are ready. And our journey continues and the next competition awaits us. 1. competition: “Guess the hero by his cue” Team “Turnip” - “I’m sitting high up looking far away” (Masha “Masha and the Bear”) Team “Kolobok” - “I left my grandfather” (Kolobok “Kolobok”) Team “Turnip” - “go pull the bug” (Granddaughter “Turnip”) To the “Kolobok” team “we hear, we hear. Yes, this is not a mother’s voice” (the kids “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids”) To the “Turnip” team - “the fox is carrying me for dark forests" (Rooster "Cat, Rooster and Fox") Team "Kolobok" - "Catch a fish small and large" (Wolf "Little Fox Sister and Gray Wolf") Team "Turnip" - "Yes, I won’t displace you: I’ll lie down on the bench myself, a tail under the bench, a chicken under the stove.” (“Fox with a rolling pin”) To the “Kolobok” team - “come, kumanek, come, dear! I’ll treat you!” (Fox “Fox and Crane”) Team “Turnip” - “little river, cover me” (“Geese swans”) Team “Kolobok” - “this simple spoon is Petin, and this is not a simple chiseled one, the handle is gilded (Zhikharka “Zhikharka”) 2 competition. “Recognize the character of the fairy tale by description” 1. “and she began to grow by leaps and bounds: every day, she becomes more and more beautiful. She herself is as white as snow, her braid is brown to the waist, but there is no blush at all.” (“Snegurochka”) 2. “She was left an orphan, these people took her, fed her and overworked her: she weaves and spins, she cleans up, she is responsible for everything.” (“Khavroshechka”)

4 1. This character is brave, savvy, sympathetic, and saved his friend from trouble every time. (Cat from the fairy tale “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox”) 2. This character is cunning, flattering, crafty, greedy, selfish, a pretender and a cheat, loves to be proud of himself and boast. (“Little fox sister and gray wolf”) 3. competition “Find out the fairy tale” (1 point for the correct answer) Presentation “Find out the fairy tale” 4. competition: “Recognize the characters by description, guess?” 1. I didn’t tremble before the wolf, I ran away from the bear. And the fox got a bite, Still got it (bun) 2. The apple tree helped us, the stove helped us, the good blue river helped, Everyone helped us, everyone sheltered us, We got home to mother and father. Who took my brother away? Name the book? (Geese-swans) 5. “Name the fairy tale correctly” “Sister Alyonushka and brother Nikitushka” “Ivan Tsarevich and the green wolf” “Sister Fox and Gray mouse» “At the dog’s command” “Daryushka’s hut” “Sivka-booth” “Wolf and 7 tiger cubs” “Pashenka and the bear” “Geese-crows” “Turkey princess” 6. “Collect a fairy tale” Children receive one set of cut-out pictures for the plot of any Russian folk tale. Children need to collect an illustration for a fairy tale and determine its name. 7. “Songs” fairy-tale heroes"Participants in the game need to determine which characters belong to songs or words from fairy tales. I don’t have a mustache, but whiskers, Not paws, but paws, Not teeth, but teeth. I’m not afraid of anyone! (Boasting hare) Don't sit on the tree stump, Don't eat the pie! Bring it to grandma, bring it to grandpa! (Masha and the Bear) Freeze, freeze, wolf's tail! (Fox and gray wolf) Alyonushka, my sister! The fox is carrying me, swim to the shore. For dark forests, High fires burn, For fast rivers, Cast iron cauldrons boil, For high mountains They sharpen damask knives, Little cat, They want to kill me! (kid) Save me! (cockerel)

5 8. “Fairytale Lotto” I will say the first word, and you guess the full name of the fairy tale. 1. Geese (swans) 2. Little Red Riding Hood 1. Zayushkina (hut) 2. Tsarevna (frog) 9. “Blitz poll”, I will ask each team questions, and you should answer quickly. 1. In which fairy tale did the girl break the furniture? “Three Bears” 2. In what fairy tale did one hero kick another hero out of the house and begin to live there? “Zayushkina’s Hut” 1. In what fairy tale, the hero lured a cockerel out of the house with cunning, and then carried it away into the dark forests? “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox” 2. In what fairy tale did the hero eat all the porridge, but the other remained hungry? The Fox and the Crane" 1. In what fairy tale did one hero break a whole house? “Teremok” 2. In which fairy tale did the heroes blind themselves to an icy granddaughter? “The Snow Maiden” 1. Which hero was eaten by the fox? “Kolobok” 2. In what fairy tale did the birds carry away the boy? “Geese and Swans” 1. Which hero was played on pies? (Bear) “Masha and the Bear” 2. In what fairy tale did the mutant vegetable grow up? “Turnip” Our journey through fairy tales is over. Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony.

6 MDOU DS s. Pushanin, Belinsky district, Penza region “Fairy Tale Day” in mixed-age group 2 Educator: Isaeva E.A.

7 “Fairy tale day in mixed age group 2” “Fairy tale day in kindergarten.” The fairy tale teaches us to understand goodness, to reason about people’s actions, if he is bad, then condemn him, and protect the weak! Children learn to think, dream, and get answers to questions. Every time they learn something The world will know. Morning: - Surprise moment to introduce children to fairy world: ask the children to listen to the rustling sound coming from the bookshelf. - In the book corner, prepare an exhibition of books on Russian folk tales. - Didactic game“Depict a fairy-tale hero” Morning work-out in verse (based on a fairy tale by V. Suteev) Early in the morning in order Children line up and walk. We go out for exercise: Petya the cockerel is the first, proudly raising his comb, important gait, silken beard. He walks very cheerfully and sets an example for us. Look, there are two young fellows Walking in pairs Just out of the egg: And the chick and duckling are walking decorously in pairs And keeping up with us. Very narrow path They walk along a ribbed path

8 Where should we put the leg? Let's follow each other and walk that path. Oh, look - three kittens walking in threes. Three playful children walk together in threes. They lead us behind them. We won’t leave the kittens behind. We’ll all stand behind them in threes. They raised their arms high and walked on their heels. Mice, grandmother and granddaughter, on their toes, quieter, quieter. Well, we’ll walk like mice. And then just walking. They usually walk. They walked in a single column. But we didn’t walk like this for long: We came across a swamp. We didn't think at all, They jumped forward. And they began to jump over the hummocks: Hummock, hummock, tubercle, Well, here comes the forest! We had a lot of fun. They were running around. And they started running! We ran like horses

9 They run like a horse. And they raised their knees! Then we saw a wolf, running in all directions. We ran scattered along the paths, along the paths, only our legs flashed! The forest is left behind. They walk slowly. You can walk slowly: The wolf will not follow us. He only lives in the thicket! They stop. General developmental exercises. 1. Come on, bunnies, come out: Stretch your paws and stretch your back. Raise your paws higher and look at the sun. Paws down and shake And repeat everything again. 2. Little mice are invited to the sports ground. Hey little mice, smile, bow left and right. 3. How capricious a cat is! She suddenly got a little angry: She arched her back and hissed at you and me! And then she arched her back and put her tail like a pipe. Our cat has gotten better. How good she is!

10 4. The hedgehog sat down on the path. He wanted to rest: The hedgehog began to stretch his feet, rocking them back and forth! 5. Oh, on the silky grass I see Petya the Cockerel! Look at the fly and the frog. They are kneading all their sides and rolling around on the grass: They are also hardening themselves! Come on pussy, come out, take everyone to breakfast! You also need to remember: Wash everyone’s children’s paws! 6. Look, the gray bunny and the frog are jumping after each other! We must take an example from them, and ride with them together! The teacher's assistant brings breakfast in a "magic" pot. Good girl, Katenka, Eat some sweet porridge, Tasty, fluffy, Soft fragrant, Semolina, semolina, Very desirable. Tasty, tender, very healthy! Day: Before the lesson the following is held: - Quiz “Visiting a fairy tale” - Finger game"Teremok". Preparing for the walk and walking: In the locker room, the children discover traces of the Hare, then they discover a toy Hare on the site. The hare encourages children to observe nature. Cloud watching. Let's guess which of the fairy tale characters the clouds resemble. We draw their outlines in the sand. Outdoor game relay race. Walk along the same path along which the bun rolled. Work "Magic Broom". Sweep debris from porches and walkways.

11 Lunch called “Heroic Lunch”. Getting ready for bed: Whoever closes his eyes will dream fairy tales. Afternoon: - Breathing exercises"Cockerel." - Playing with fingers, accompanying movements with poetic form based on the plot of the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut.” - Listening to an audio recording and watching a presentation for the fairy tale “Porridge from an Axe.” - Construction games “Hut on Chicken Legs”. Evening: meeting with parents. Homework for children: draw how the day went in fairy tales. Recommendations for parents: Read a bedtime story to your child.

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Elizaveta Grigorieva
Literary quiz in the middle group

Literary quiz

"The Journey of Grandma Riddle"

Grigorieva Elizaveta Vakhitovna

teacher of MADOU "Combined Kindergarten No. 110" "Ryaba Chicken"

Naberezhnye Chelny

Age group: average

Program content:

1. Foster a love of art literature, to fairy tales.

2. Using various techniques, help children remember the name and content of works read and told during the year.

3. Develop children’s coherent speech, reasoning skills, logical thinking, activate the dictionary.

4. Develop the emotional sphere of children's imagination.

Preliminary work: repetition of previously learned works of art, looking at illustrations for them, drawing based on them.

Material: large format illustrations, basket, egg, pie, scallop, telegrams, pictures, diploma, medals.

During a walk in the territory of the kindergarten, an unusual grandmother appears with a basket.

Educator: Guys, look, it seems like a guest is coming to us! Who is this?

Children: It's grandma!

Grandmother: Hello, dear guys, hello, adults, do you recognize me? I am Grandma Riddle! I came to you from magical land, Where live different fairy tales and stories. And since my name is Grandma Riddle, I will tell you riddles about these works. For correct answers you will receive tokens, and then we will find out the best expert literature. Ready?

1 task: guessing works from illustrations( "Fedorino grief", "Aibolit", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Two Greedy Bears")

2 task: in the basket there are objects from various works of art, children must name the object and remember the work where it appears. IN basket: testicle( "Chicken Ryaba",pie( "Masha and the Bear",matches( "Confusion",comb( "Su Anasy")

3 task: puzzles

1. An elderly man,

With a mustache and beard.

Loves guys

Loves animals.

Cute to look at

And it's called... (Aibolit)

2. The grandmother loved the girl very much,

I gave her a red cap.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me her name! (Little Red Riding Hood)

3. “We are not afraid of the gray wolf,

Gray wolf- teeth click"

This song was sung loudly,

Three funny... (pig)

4. We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house.

Who were these little children? (seven kids)

5. Near the forest, on the edge,

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (three Bears)

6. The beautiful maiden is sad:

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun!

The poor thing is shedding tears! (Snow Maiden)

4 task: Guys, fairy-tale characters sent you telegrams, I’ll read them, and you try to guess who they are sent:

1. I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

I'll come to you soon. ( "Kolobok")

2. Very upset -

Broken egg! ( "Chicken - Ryaba").

3. I'm a wooden person

On the water and under the water,

I'm looking for a golden key

I stick my long nose everywhere,

Who am I? ( "Pinocchio").

5 task: “Who was here and forgot what?”

Shown alternately Pictures: participants name the heroes of the works and the title.

1. A bed with a turnip on it - "Turnip".

2. An ice hole with a wolf’s tail sticking out of it – "Sister Fox and Gray Wolf".

3. The Three Little Pigs' House: straw, brushwood, stone – "Three piglets".

4. Forest, path, little red riding hood lies on it - "Little Red Riding Hood".


Grandma Riddle:

Guys, you did so well with all my tasks - it’s immediately obvious that you know and love books, well done! Which task did you like best, which was the most fun, and which was the most difficult? Now let’s count the tokens and determine who is our best expert literature.

The winner is awarded a diploma "Connoisseur literature» , and all participants received commemorative medals.


There are many sad and funny books in the world,

And we cannot live in the world without them.

Let the heroes of the books give us warmth

May good triumph over evil forever!

Let's thank our guest and give her the drawings that we have prepared. Goodbye, Grandma Riddle, see you again!

Speech development. Fairytale quiz.

Middle group.

Target: Reveal children's knowledge and skills.

Tasks: To get interested in theatrical activities to show the possibilities of creativity and imagination;

- develop memory, attention, ability to compare and generalize, stimulate children's dialogical speech;

- make you want to participate joint activities;

- to cultivate in children love and interest in fairy tales of Russian and other peoples, and a moral attitude towards each other.

Preliminary work:reading fairy tales, looking at illustrations, guessing riddles, memorizing physical education lessons, finger games.

Equipment:puppet theatre, pictures of animals (answers to riddles), toys - animal figurines, illustrations for the fairy tale “Kolobok”, illustration for the fairy tale “Aibolit” (sitting under a tree),



Guys, today we will hold " Fairy tale quiz" We will remember fairy tales and answer questions. Be attentive, friendly and inquisitive. SoThe first task is to guess the riddles and quickly name the answer.

1 . Red fur coat, sly eyes

She is beautiful in all forests.

And her name is (Fox) .

2 . White in winter, gray in summer (Hare) .

3 . Grayish, toothy, prowling around the field

Looking for calves, guys (Wolf) .

4. He slept in a fur coat all winter,

Sucked a brown paw

And when he woke up, he began to roar

This is a forest animal (Bear) .

5. Nimble little animal

Jump and jump through the trees (Squirrel) .

6. Spiny ball

No head or legs to be seen ( Hedgehog ).

7 . They always want to have everything

Striped piglets.

Forgetting what comes next

Everyone will become (Boar) .

Educator.Guys, where do all these animals live? (in the forest, in a fairy tale, in a book).

Task two. Didactic game: “Name the word.”

Educator- IN fairy forest There are different animals, you must remember what they are called.

Mouse……. Norushka


Bunny…….. Runner


Wolf………. Teeth click

Bear……. Clubfoot


Magpie...... Belobok

Hare…… Short tail

Bear……. Toptygin


The third task is to remember the beginning of the fairy tale.

Guys, when animals and birds get sick, who treats them?

- Good Doctor Aibolit. He always comes to the aid of animals.

Why did the doctors call it Aibolit?

- When someone is in pain, he calls the doctor, cries, complains, says: “Oh, it hurts!” The doctor will come and cure you.

The teacher shows illustrations to K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Aibolit”.

EducatorGuys, let's remember how the fairy tale about Aibolit begins.

Good Doctor Aibolit!

He is sitting under a tree.

Come to him for treatment

And the cow and the she-wolf

And the bug and the worm

And a bear.

He will heal everyone, he will heal everyone

Good Doctor Aibolit!

Task four. The pictures are mixed up - the fairy tale needs to be shown (arrange the illustrations for the fairy tale in the correct sequence), the fairy tale needs to be told.

The teacher hangs up illustrations for the fairy tale “Kolobok” (in disarray). The illustrations are placed in order ( teamwork). Then the most active child tells a fairy tale, and everyone helps in case of difficulty.


- Who main character this fairy tale? (Children's answers)

- What happened to Kolobok? (Children's answers)

What song did Kolobok sing when he met the Hare, Wolf, Bear, Fox. (Children's answers)

- How can you change the end of the fairy tale so that the Fox does not eat Kolobok? (Children's answers)

Task five. Physics game.

The teacher invites the children to look at the illustration from the fairy tale.

“Zayushkina’s hut”, answer the question.

What happened to the Hare, why is she crying? (Answers).

Educator –Guys, let's go to Bunnywe'll show you this whole fairy tale.

Children stand opposite each other, in pairs.

Our bunny lived in a hut.
(Hands above your head, fingers connected to each other in the form of a house).

He sang the song cheerfully,
(Nod their head).

But the Fox knocked
(Knock fist on fist).

She drove away our hare.
(Clap their hands.)

Now the Bunny is walking sadly.

He doesn't find a place for himself.
(They sigh and spread their arms to the sides.)

And Dogs and Bear
(Wag their tail like a dog, walk like a bear with clubfoot)

They approach our Hare
(Approach each other).

And they leave with nothing.

Only one Rooster

Helped our hare.
(Waving hands up and down)

And now they live in the house
(Hands above head, fingers connected to each other in the form of a house)

Singing in tune.
(Hug each other).


And now our bunny will go to visit another fairy tale.

Task six. Dramatization of the fairy tale "Teremok".

There is a toy “Teremok” on the table. Near the tower there are toys - little animals.

- What is the name of the house where the animals live in this fairy tale?(Teremok ).

- So, where will Bunny and his friends live? (In the little house ).

- What songs were sung in this little house? (Someone who lives in the little house... .).

- Who was the first to arrive at the tower? (Burnt fly ).

- Who jumped next? (frog) .

- Who else began to live in the mansion?(hare, wolf, fox).

- How many of you guessed which hero from the fairy tale “Teremok” is missing?

- What happened when the bear came?(Broken, destroyed the tower) .

- Guys, we remembered all the heroes of the fairy tale, and now we’ll try to show it like real artists.

The fairy tale “Teremok” is dramatized using masks. The teacher reads the text on behalf of the author, and the children play the roles of the heroes of the fairy tale.

Our quiz “Journey through Fairy Tales” is over. What did you like most?


  • To consolidate children's knowledge about familiar fairy tales (the names of fairy tales, their heroes), to promote children's understanding of works of folklore.
  • To form an Orthodox worldview, moral norms and aesthetic ideals in preschool children through the study of works of folklore.
  • Enrich and expand children's vocabulary, activate oral speech(monologue and dialogic), develop intonation expressiveness.
  • Develop artistic perception And aesthetic taste, improve the elements of acting, the expressiveness of facial expressions and gestures.
  • Contribute to the creation of an atmosphere of psycho-emotional comfort, the formation of friendly relationships between peers.
  • Develop children's attention, imagination, and creative abilities.
  • Cultivate love for artistic expression, to form positive motivation for studying works of folklore.

Materials and equipment: books with illustrations of fairy tales, audio recordings of Russian folk melody, “Visiting a Fairy Tale,” musical accompaniment for the dramatization “Two Cheerful Geese”; attributes: scarf and glasses for Grandmother - Storyteller, hats for "funny geese."

Preliminary work:

Familiarization with small folklore forms, telling Russian folk tales, nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings, singing Russian folk songs, lullabies, guessing riddles; familiarity with the saying, beginning, ending, repetitions in Russian folk tales; listening to folk music; looking at illustrations for fairy tales; organizing book exhibitions and exhibitions of Russian everyday items; dramatization of individual episodes of fairy tales; reflection in drawings, modeling and appliqué of impressions received from listening to fairy tales, as well as depictions of heroes of favorite fairy tales; inclusion of didactic games “Collect a fairy tale”, “Experts of fairy tales”, “Who lives in a fairy tale?”, “Guess which fairy tale from”, “Let’s revive our fairy tales” into everyday life.

Progress of the journey - fairy tale quizzes

Children come into music hall to a Russian folk melody, they stop in the center of the hall.

Educator: Hello guys. Today we have an unusual activity. We will visit a fairy tale. Do you know where you came to us from? fairy tales? A long time ago in Rus', when people did not yet know how to read and write, they composed songs, nursery rhymes, and fairy tales with which they amused their children. The children really liked them. Fairy tales were composed by the people and passed on from mouth to mouth, which is why they are called Russian folk tales. Years have passed. People learned to read, write and made such beautiful and interesting books(shows to children). They contain a lot of Russian fairy tales, songs, and nursery rhymes. Russian folk art is called in one word - folklore. Folklore is folk wisdom.

Educator: Do you want to go to fabulous trip? Did everyone get on their horses? Go!

(Children gallop “like horses” in a circle to a Russian folk melody.)


I'm going, I'm going to see grandma and grandpa!
On a horse in a red hat.
On a flat path
On one leg.
In an old shoe
Over potholes, over bumps,
Everything is straight and straight
And then suddenly... into the hole!

(At the end of the nursery rhyme, children squat)

Educator: Here we are.


We are greeted by
He treats you with bread and salt.

Grandmother-storyteller: Hello my dears! Hello, my beautiful ones!

I've been waiting for you. Stay with me. Come in and make yourself comfortable.

(Children sit on chairs.)

An audio recording of “Visiting a Fairy Tale” is played.

Grandmother-storyteller: Fairy tales begin with a saying - this is not a fairy tale yet. The fairy tale will be ahead.

Fairy tales teach us a lot
Kindness, patience, affection.
Fairy tale wisdom, knowledge light!
Fabulous sends greetings to you.
Let's start the show
Surprisingly for all the guests.

Grandmother-storyteller: Do you guys know fairy tales?

Children: Yes!

Grandmother-storyteller: So guess my assignments. Determine and name the title of the fairy tale.

"Guess which fairy tale it's from."

Little goats, little kids,
Open up, open up!
Your mother has come,
I brought milk.
I, a goat, was in the forest,
I ate shek grass,
I drank cold water;
Milk runs down the shelf,
From the markings to the hooves,
And from the hooves there is dirt in the cheese. (Kids and wolf).

It's sweeping through the barn,
Scratching the knots,
Mixed with sour cream,
Sat in the oven,
It's cold at the window.
I left my grandfather
I left my grandmother
I left the hare
I left the wolf
Left the bear
It’s not smart to get away from you, fox. (Kolobok).

Cockerel, cockerel,
Golden comb,
Look out the window -
I'll give you some peas.
The noise, the noise, the goosebumps,
Golden strings.
Is the fox at home?
Come out, fox. (Cat, rooster and fox).

By pike command,
According to my wish -
go, axe, chop some wood,
and firewood - go to the hut yourself
and put it in the oven. (At the behest of the pike).

A family lived in a forest of animals.
One day a girl came.
The animals were very indignant,
That they slept and ate in their house.
Call me quickly
These fabulous animals. (Three bears).

Grandmother-storyteller: Well done guys, you know the fairy tales.

Physical education lesson "Three Bears"

Three bears were walking home. (Children waddle in place.)
Dad was big - big. (Raise your arms above your head, pull up).
Mom is with him shorter.(Hands at chest level).
And my son is just a little baby. (Sit down).
He walked around with rattles. (Stand up, hands clenched into fists in front of your chest).
Ding - ding, ding - ding. (Children imitate playing with rattles.)

Grandmother-storyteller: Children, what is the name of the beginning of the fairy tale?

Children: The beginning

Grandmother-storyteller: What are the origins of Russian folk tales?

Children: Once upon a time, in a certain kingdom, it was a long time ago.

Grandmother-storyteller: What is the end of a fairy tale called?

Children: The ending.

Grandmother-storyteller: What kind of endings are there in Russian folk tales?


That’s the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened, well done.
Here's a fairy tale for you, and a bunch of bagels for me.
And I was there, drinking beer, and just wet my mustache.

Grandmother-storyteller: Children, what if the same words are repeated often, what is it called?

Children: Repetitions.

Grandmother-storyteller: What repetitions are there in the fairy tale "Kolobok"?

Children: The bun rolls, rolls... And the bun rolled further and only they saw it.

Grandmother-storyteller: Well done! Let me give you one more task.

"Recognize fairy-tale characters by description."

It was baked from flour,
It was mixed with sour cream,
He was chilling at the window,
He rolled along the path.
And on the way he sang a song.
The bunny wanted to eat him,
Gray wolf and brown bear.
And when the baby is in the forest
I met a red fox
I couldn't leave her.
What kind of fairy tale? (Kolobok).

Once upon a time there lived a Cat and a Cockerel
At the edge of the forest,
But one day Fox
I crept up to the hut,
Dragged away by Cockerel
Beyond the high mountains,
Dragged away by Cockerel
Into your fox hole. (Cat, Rooster and Fox).

Answer the question:
Who carried Masha in the basket,
Who sat on the tree stump
And wanted to eat a pie?
You know the fairy tale, right?
Who was it?... (Bear).

Grandmother-storyteller: Well done, you recognized the fairy-tale characters from the descriptions.

Educator: Grandma is a storyteller, our guys not only know how to solve riddles, they have prepared a surprise for you.

Acting out the Russian folk song "Two Cheerful Geese".

Lived with grandma
Two cheerful geese (geese come out).
One is gray, the other is white,
Two cheerful geese (dancing).
Washing the geese's feet (wash paws)
In a puddle by the ditch -
One is gray, the other is white,
They hid in a ditch.
Here's grandma screaming:

(the child “granny” comes out and sings)

“Oh, the geese are gone!”
One is gray, the other is white,
My geese, my geese!"

(children "geese" come out)

The geese came out
They bowed to grandma -
One is gray, the other is white,
They bowed to grandma.

(grandmother hugs the children).

Grandmother-storyteller: Well done, joker geese, stay with us.

In Russian folk tales, good fights evil. There is even a proverb: “A fairy tale is a lie and there is a hint in it good fellows lesson." What is this lesson about?

Children: About what not to do.

Grandmother-storyteller: How do fairy tales end?

Children's answers.

Educator: Well done, guys, you pleased Grandmother the storyteller with her good knowledge of fairy tales!

Game "We'll meet again soon."

Children stand together in a circle, extend their left hand forward “from the heart, from the soul” (it turns out to be a pyramid of palms) and say the traditional words:

"One, two, three, four, five - we'll meet again soon!"

Children say goodbye to Grandmother the storyteller.

Educator: Our fabulous journey is coming to an end, let's hit the road.

Game exercise "The horse is waiting for me on the road."

Children match the text of the poem with the movements.

The horse is waiting for me on the road,
Hoofs at the gate,
Mane plays in the wind
Lush, fabulous, beautiful.
I'll quickly jump into the saddle -
I won't go, I'll jump.
Clack - clack - clack -
There, beyond the fast river
I'll wave to you.


1. Belaya K.Yu. Organization of methodological activities. Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education and renewal of the educational process, 2014.

2. Complex classes according to the program "From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. Middle group, 2012.

3. Russian folk tales.

4. Directory of senior teacher of preschool institution No. 5, 2009.

5. Shorygina T.I. "Polite fairy tales. Etiquette for kids", 2010.

"Visiting a fairy tale"

A journey through the works of Russian folk tales


  • Consolidate knowledge about familiar fairy tales, their names and characters.
  • Practice using words-names of animals and their cubs.
  • Develop speech, thinking, visual and auditory concentration, fine and gross motor skills.
  • Cultivate interest in folk art and fairy tales.


A ball of thread.

Pictures with fairy tale characters.

Table theater based on fairy tales.

Tabletop printed puzzles based on fairy tales.

Rug puzzle.
Audio recordings.

Progress of the lesson:

- Guys, do you like fairy tales? Who wrote the fairy tales? (Writers) Yes, writers, what authors do you know? (answers) But, there are not only original fairy tales, but also those that are passed down from generation to generation, from older to younger. Mothers and grandmothers tell us them. These are folk tales.

Guys, I have a magic ball in my hands. Here he is. With his help we will go on a journey. But first, we will all tell the ball our name and get to know it. To the accompaniment of calm music, the ball is passed to the child, who says his name and passes the ball on.

Now we have all met each other and can go on a journey through fairy tales. And which fairy tale will be the first, the Magic Ball will tell us.

You not only need to guess the riddle, but also choose an illustration (pictures with fairy tale characters are laid out on the table). We will put them together into a book.

Fairy tale "Ryaba Hen"

The magic ball led us to the first fairy tale. Guess the riddle and find out the name of the fairy tale:

Somehow the mouse is not big
She dropped the egg on the floor.
The woman is crying, the grandfather is crying.
What a fairy tale, give me the answer!

Fairy tale "Kolobok"

It's time to follow the ball to meet the next fairy tale.

I left my grandmother
I left my grandfather
Guess without a hint
What fairy tale have I come from?

Fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"

What fairy tale will the magic ball lead us to now?

Masha walked through the forest,
Lost, lost.
I wandered into Mishka’s house,
She lived with Mishenka.

Didactic exercise “Beasts and Cubs”

Let's remember the forest animals that we meet in fairy tales. We will just name both the animals and their young.

Wolf - wolf cub,
Squirrel - little squirrel,
Fox - little fox,
Hedgehog - little hedgehog,
Bear is a bear cub.

Hare - hares.

What is he like, this bunny? (cowardly)

Physical education minute

The hare runs as fast as he can,
The hare wants to hide.
Then he runs and circles.
Poor guy, he's afraid of everything...
Where to hide from evil -
From the fox and marten,
From the eagle and the eagle?
He's even afraid of squirrels
Songbirds - even small ones.
...The ears are arrows, the tail is a twig,
The squirrel jumped and - silence.

Fairy tale "Teremok"

What other fairy tale are we going to encounter?

It is made of logs, boards,
He is neither short nor tall.
Various animals fled
They saw him in the field.
They settled and began to live,
Sing songs and don’t bother.
There are no worries in this house
Animals lived, only now,
The bear came to them later,
Broke the animal's house.

What fairy tale is next?

Seven kids

We were waiting for mother with milk,
And they let a wolf into the house...
Who were these
Small children?

There is one more hint. This is the next fairy tale!

Snow Maiden

The beautiful maiden is sad
She doesn't like spring.
It's hard for her in the sun -
The poor thing is shedding tears.

Princess Frog

An arrow flew and fell into a swamp,
And in this swamp, someone raised her.
Who, having said goodbye to green skin,
Did you instantly become beautiful and comely?

Fairy tale "Three Bears"

Near the forest on the edge
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs.
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a hint
What is the name of this fairy tale?

That's the last fairy tale is waiting for us.

Fairy tale "Turnip"

His grandfather raised him with soul,
The vegetable has grown very large.
He dragged it for a long time,
Dedka did not have enough strength.
Grandma and Granddaughter came running,
The Cat and the Bug helped.
The mouse came to their aid -
Together they pulled out the vegetable.

Now our book is complete. And we found ourselves in a sunny clearing. Before us is a carpet of fairy tales, but the problem is that the carpet is torn into shreds. We need to assemble it correctly.

Children assemble a puzzle carpet based on the works of 9 fairy tales.

Well done, they put it together correctly. Now let's look at what kind of fairy tales there are.

Guys, do you know what a museum is? What are they like? And now we will visit the museum of fairy tales.

On the tables are placed: a flat theater for the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”, finger theater to fairy tales: “Teremok”, “Three Bears”, “Rock Hen”; table theater“The Fox and the Crane”, “Moroz Ivanovich”.

The children have the opportunity to examine, touch, and act out the fairy tale they like.

Guys, did you enjoy our trip? But now it’s time for the little ball to go help other kids look for fairy tales. Let's say goodbye to him.

MBOU "Education Center No. 56"

village Plekhanovo, Tula region

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