Personal life and biography of Tamara Gverdtsiteli: family, children, photos. Tamara Gverdtsiteli’s rules of life: “The main people in life are mother and son Ok google year of birth of Tamara Gverdtsiteli

Tamara (Tamriko) Mikhailovna Gverdtsiteli (born 1962) - popular Georgian and Russian singer, composer, pianist, actress. She is often called the singer without time and space for her extraordinary ability to convey the philosophy of music to listeners in different countries peace. Her amazing ability to perform songs in more than ten languages ​​helps her in this.

The discography of the beloved singer includes 15 albums, in which you can hear the songs beloved by millions “Vivat, King!”, “Prayer”, “My Youth” and many others. Her repertoire includes both pop songs and opera compositions. But Tamara Gverdtsiteli’s performance is always distinguished by unsurpassed vocal skill, beauty, plasticity of movements and extraordinary inner aristocracy.

Childhood and youth

Tamara Gverdtsiteli was born on January 18, 1962 in Tbilisi. Her father, Mikhail Pavlovich, is a representative of an aristocratic Georgian family, and her mother is a native of Odessa and the granddaughter of the rabbi of the choral synagogue, who moved to Georgia in her childhood. According to her stories, during the birth of her daughter, the doctors admitted that the girl was crying in a special musical way. Tamara’s first performance as a soloist took place at the age of three. kindergarten. At the age of seven she was already giving piano concerts, and at the age of 12 she acted as a composer, writing a tragic song for the death of a classmate. The mother always said not to bury her talent in the ground, but at the same time she raised her daughter in traditions Georgian education, which prescribed for women the priority of home and family.

Tamara admits that since childhood she dreamed of becoming an actress, not a singer. She felt genuine happiness from playing in the play “Pinocchio” and was proud of her costume for a long time. However, her parents did not share this passion and saw her as a pianist or singer. During feasts, the girl was even allowed to sing along with the men, creating the polyphony inherent in Georgian music. In the early 70s, Tamara was the soloist of the popular children's group“Mziuri” (“Sunny”) and traveled with him to many corners of the Soviet Union. As evidenced by footage of an old film, a little girl with a strong voice sang a cheerful song about the captain to the delight of the public. The singer’s first teacher was Berta Ivanitskaya, who, fortunately, did not try to choreograph anything, but simply helped hone everything that nature provided.

First successes

At the end high school the girl entered, as her mother insisted, to the Tbilisi Conservatory for a composition and piano class. In addition, she graduated from college in vocals. The talented singer quickly became very popular, which was facilitated by her victories in music competitions. In 1981, she had no equal at the Red Carnation festival, and later Tamara won the main prizes at competitions in Dresden, San Remo and, of course, the Bulgarian Golden Orpheus.

First independent steps on Soviet stage Gverdtsiteli made in the first half of the 80s, releasing two albums “Debut. Tamara Gverdtsiteli" (1982) and "Music: Tamara Gverdtsiteli sings" (1985). She sang many songs that became popular hits. Even then, the singer stood out from her colleagues by performing in various languages. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Tamara did not get lost on the fringes of the stage, but began to actively search for herself, and fate gave her a wonderful chance.

Michel Legrand's chosen one

Gverdtsiteli met the great French composer back in the early 90s, when she was invited to Paris for a concert in honor of J. Drezhak, who wrote many lyrics for French singers. There, the cassettes with her recordings were handed over to Legrand, who, however, listened to them only two years later. Hearing the singer’s amazing voice, he asked her to come to France to his castle. Michelle was surprisingly a simple person and after a short audition, he suggested working together. From 1990 to 1994, Tamara lived in Paris, and since then it, along with Tbilisi, has become her favorite city. The composer wrote several songs for Gverdtsiteli, and they performed on stage together several times. In 1994, the singer made her debut on the stage of the Olympia in Paris, followed by concerts at Carnegie Hall. In 1996, a joint concert between Legrand and Gverdtsiteli took place at the New York Assembly Hall.

She considers the Frenchman her teacher, who had a huge influence on her perception of life and musical taste. “He opened up new paths for me,” says the singer. Despite the fruitful work with Michel, in 1995 Tamara returned to active performances on concert venues former Union. One of the reasons for this, she cites the fact that after several years of absence they began to forget her in her homeland, and she could not allow this with her last name. At the same time, Gverdtsiteli went on his first tour of the United States.

On the stage

Arriving in Russia, she began to often appear in national concerts. Soon it began internal struggle between the great interest of the audience and a complete lack of understanding of what to do next. When she managed to get into domestic show business, the singer realized that neither character nor soul could participate in this.

She characterizes her concerts very accurately and succinctly - improvisation and is very offended when she is unfairly accused of using a soundtrack. Each performance is unique, because it consists of the mood and reaction of the audience, which can be very different. “At a concert there is uniqueness and the power of the moment,” says Gverdtsiteli. She gives a significant role in her current successes to the spirit of her native sunny country and strong character, who underwent good training in childhood. Therefore, Tamara still cannot afford to be out of shape even for a few hours. Gverdtsideli always emphasizes that on stage she is not the same as in ordinary life. “Music is my ascent, and I always transform when I get behind the walls of the dressing room,” says the singer.

She never ceases to amaze her beloved fans and gives them gorgeous gifts. In 2011, an unusual concert took place at the State Kremlin Palace, the program of which included melodies from popular films, as well as compositions written by the best composers of our time.

Beyond the stage

Tamara's childhood dreams nevertheless found a real embodiment. Already being famous singer, she played Dulcinea Toboso in the Theater production Russian army“Man from La Mancha”, and in the film “Stalin’s Wife” M. Svanidze appeared in the image of Stalin’s relative. She also starred in the films “House of Exemplary Maintenance” (2011) and “ Griboedov's Waltz"(1995). On the stage of Dnepropetrovsk opera house Gverdtsiteli sings in the opera Carmen.

In 2008, Gverdtsiteli became the winner of the popular Channel One television project “Two Stars” together with actor D. Dyuzhev. Their duet turned out to be so successful that a joint program was prepared. Three years later, viewers had the opportunity to evaluate the singer’s voice in another television project, “The Phantom of the Opera.” In 2014, Tamara appeared on the screens of the Ukrainian TV channel “1+1” as one of the mentors music show"The voice of the country". The singer's natural beauty and charisma allowed her to become the face of famous house fashion "Hermann Shalumov".

Personal life

The singer's first husband was director G. Kakhabrishvili. Tamara’s wedding was attended by the famous “Iron Lady” M. Thatcher, who at that time (1984) was on a visit to Georgia. The then president of the country, E. Shevardnadze, decided to show her a real Georgian wedding with wine, dancing and a sea of ​​delicious treats. Unfortunately, the show wedding did not bring a happy family life. “I’ve probably outgrown this marriage,” Gverdtsiteli said.

Tamara’s second husband was lawyer Dmitry, whom she met during performances at Carnegie Hall. He immediately admitted his feelings and was ready to throw everything he had at his beloved’s feet. This melted the beauty’s heart, and she went down the aisle with him. After marriage, Gverdtsiteli was forced to live in two houses - family in America, and work in Russia. We had to spend a lot of time on planes, which did not help strengthen the family. But in 1998, my husband unexpectedly died of cardiac arrest. Third husband popular singer there was cardiac surgeon S. Ambatiello, from whom she divorced in 2005.

Tamara has an adult son, Sandro, born in 1986 in her first marriage, who did not dare to follow in her footsteps: difficult rehearsals take too much time and effort. Therefore, he studied directing in London.

Speaking about men, the singer really appreciates their ability to sacrifice for the woman they love. And she tries to avoid lovers of beautiful gestures and gatherings in restaurants.

Turned 56 years old. In the program “The Fate of Man.” Tamara Mikhailovna remembered her parents and the most important men in her life.

The singer spoke about her roots: her mother is the great-granddaughter of the rabbi of the Odessa Choral Synagogue, and her father is a descendant of the ancient Georgian noble family Gverdtsiteli.

The Prime Minister of Great Britain attended Tamara Gverdtsiteli's first wedding Margaret Thatcher, who was then the singer’s idol. The "Iron Lady" was brought up by the following incident: Eduard Shevardnadze I decided to show the high-ranking guest the best in Tbilisi, the new registry office. The delegation arrived at the time of registration of the marriage of Tamara and the director Giorgi Kakhabrishvili. The singer later said more than once that she was happy to see the woman she had always wanted to imitate.

A post shared by Tamara Gverdtsiteli(@gverdtsiteli_official) on Dec 20, 2017 at 6:08am PST

Tamara Mikhailovna lived with her first husband for 11 years. It was in this marriage that he was born only child the singer’s son Alexander (Sandro), who is now 32 years old. Georgy Kakhabrishvili did not want the artist to devote all her strength to her career, and tried to make her a housewife:

“At first it was like that, I was a good housewife. I went through my parents’ divorce and forever remembered this terrible feeling, especially since their separation was very painful,” recalls Gverdtsiteli.

Subsequently, Tamara moved with her son to Moscow, and her husband remained in Tbilisi. After this, the couple finally divorced. The son treated his parents’ divorce with understanding and did not blame any of them.

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Your only one in life great love Tamara Gverdtsiteli names the second, common-law husband, lawyer Dmitry, who was originally from Baku. Geography intervened in their relationship: the husband emigrated to the USA and lived in Boston for a long time. Tamara tried to live in America, but she was irresistibly drawn to the stage and creativity. Dmitry was sympathetic to her decision to return:

“He was ready to do anything for me, even leave Boston for Moscow. I refused to give birth to his child - he agreed to that too. This man was ready to go for love.”

One day, her husband called her from Boston: “Tamara, I love you. Hold on, I’ll be there soon.” The singer was happy, but at night her happiness was interrupted by a phone call: Dmitry suddenly died of cardiac arrest. The singer recalls: “I didn’t want to accept his death, I didn’t understand how it could happen. I’m absolutely sure that he hears me singing for him on stage.”

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After tragic death beloved, escaping from loneliness, Tamara tried to find happiness again. The artist married heart surgeon Sergei Ambatiello. The relationship lasted about five years and ended in a high-profile divorce in 2005. According to rumors, the star’s third husband abused alcohol and could even raise a hand against her. The singer herself refused to go into details of the breakup:

“I, trying to escape from loneliness, from tormenting memories of lost love, made an unforgivable mistake.

I let a person into my life who should not have been in it under any circumstances. I don’t mention his name and I don’t want to talk about our relationship or the reasons why we broke up. Any explanation will be specific. The main thing is that he failed to understand either me or my experiences...”

Tamara Gverdtsiteli is a living pop idol in the vast post-Soviet space. Her deep contralto captivates the soul from the very first note, and the simplicity of her image and character fascinates and delights.

Tamara is a descendant of an aristocratic Georgian family, the daughter of the Soviet cyberneticist Mikhail Gverdtsiteli and Inna Kofman, an Odessa teacher. The artist was born in Tbilisi on January 18, 1962. The singer has a younger brother named Pavel. Since childhood they showed great interest in music.

The mother supported her son and daughter in every possible way in their endeavors: she learned songs with the girl, playing along with her on the piano, and tried to instill in the boy an interest in mathematics.

It was thanks to her parents’ faith in the talent of her offspring that Tamara, at the age of three, ended up on Georgian television, where for the first time everyone learned what the greatest gift she possessed. Two years later, the girl passed a music exam at a school at the Tbilisi Conservatory, and it turned out that she had perfect pitch.

When the future singer was nine years old, she joined the newly created vocal and instrumental ensemble “Mziuri”, which was headed by Rafael Kazaryan. This group became a great help for the girl in her further work: it was the Mziuri concerts that gave her experience working on stage, without which she would not have felt so natural when she sang for an audience of thousands.

While little Gverdtsiteli was performing in a group, her cozy family collapsed - her parents divorced. The children stayed with their mother. Tamara had a hard time experiencing this event.


After school, Tamara entered the Tbilisi Conservatory, but not in vocal class, as one might expect, but in the specialty “piano and composition”. Nevertheless, the girl continued to sing and perform with Mziuri, and also began to participate in various vocal competitions.

In 1982, young Gverdtsiteli recorded her first small album called “Debut. Tamara Gverdtsiteli." In the 80s, Tamara’s triumphal march through the Soviet Union began: the young singer was listened to by both old and young, and her record “Music: Tamara Gverdtsiteli Sings” in 1985 gained fame throughout the entire USSR.

Since 1987, the vocalist has reached a new level of recognition: she not only performs herself, but she is invited to competitions as a jury member, which is confirmation of the professionalism and talent of the performer. IN next year is happening happy event, which influenced the singer’s life: Tamara wins the Golden Orpheus competition in Bulgaria, which gives her the opportunity to express herself in Europe. The singer is immediately invited to perform at a festival in Italy.

Back in 1989, Tamara Gverdtsiteli took an extremely risky step: she recorded a tape with her performance of the composition from “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg” and, through Alex Moskovich, who initiated the idea, gave it to Monsieur, the composer of the song. The maestro received the tape only in 1991, it was so difficult to get through to him. In addition, there was no guarantee that the Frenchman would listen to the recording. Michel not only listened to the tape, but was so captivated that he immediately called talented singer to my place in Paris to perform at Olympia.

Upon meeting Gverdtsiteli in person, Legrand was captivated even more, and he invited the singer to come in three weeks to work on joint material. At first, the singer was skeptical about this proposal, expecting problems with the visa, but the same Alex Moskovich helped her at the embassy, ​​and the young singer found herself in a fairy tale. She worked with two of the greatest French composers: Michel Legrand and Jean Drejac.

Soon the Georgian singer was offered a contract in France for a period of two years. But due to the fact that the singer could not take her son and mother to her home, Tamara was forced to decline the offer.

Moving to France

Soon a large-scale and dark event occurs: a war begins in Georgia. The focus is shifting from creativity and culture to political and national problems. Georgiy Kakhabrishvili, Tamara’s husband, plunges headlong into politics. Despite the fact that in 1989 Gverdtsiteli received the title of Honored Artist of the Georgian SSR, and in 1991 - People's Artist of Georgia, the country, shaken by battles, has no time for singers - even the most talented.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli, working in Paris, managed to help her mother and her child and took them to Moscow. At first it was planned that they would live there temporarily until the political situation calmed down in Georgia, but in the end the Gverdtsiteli family left the country forever.

In the 90s, the singer performed more abroad than at home. She sang in Canada, performed on the stage of Assembly Hall in New York, toured several cities in the United States and lived there for several years, taking her son and later her mother with her.

In the late 90s, the singer returned to the territory former USSR, but she went not to Georgia, but to Moscow. Life in the capital has become for the artist ordeal due to oversaturation of the creative market with proposals. Nevertheless, Tamara continued to perform and recorded several albums that became real hits in Russia and neighboring countries: “Vivat, King!” and “Thank you, Music, to you!”

Gradually, each of her concerts attracts tens of thousands of fans.


Millions of people from the countries of the former Soviet Union admire her songs. Some of Tamara Gverdtsiteli's compositions are especially memorable to fans.

In 2004, the composition “Prayer” became one of the main ones in her creative biography. The song is included in the album “Dedication to a Woman”.

Subsequently, the song “Mom’s Eyes,” which begins with the words “my son,” gained popularity. This composition testifies to the high emotional relationship between mother and son, and many call this single one of the best performed by Tamara Mikhailovna.

The famous pop singer does not radically change her style, offering listeners new lyrical motives. In particular, in 2014 and 2016 the compositions “Bell” and “Across the Sky Barefoot” appeared. The listeners liked the last song the most, and the chorus “I will definitely come back to you” fans People's Artist Russia began to be memorized. Subsequently, the pop singer performs the composition “Children of War” based on the verses of the songwriter.

Tamara Mikhailovna is famous and working together with others Russian performers. In particular, Tamara Gverdtsiteli sang the composition “Vorona” together with her, and in 2011 with Russian rock band Bi-2 singer performed the song “Airless Alarm”.

“Eternal Love” – another one famous song in the repertoire legendary singer. Tamara Gverdtsiteli performed this single with such well-known representatives Russian stage, like .

Tamara Gverdtsiteli repeatedly appeared on stage in the company of the singer. The duet of famous Georgian performers has repeatedly delighted the audience at anniversary parties.

On anniversary concert“Lev Leshchenko and are invited” in March 2015, Tamara Gverdtsiteli performed the composition “Blue Eternity”, which was sung by the legendary. Accompanied her on the piano Russian singer and musician Azerbaijani origin Emin (real name).

A television

Back in the 80s and 90s, Gverdtsiteli often appeared on television when various concerts were filmed and broadcast. But in the mid and late 2000s, when ordinary spectators became bored with watching ordinary concerts, new format: singing shows. Of course, Tamara, a world-class star, could not help but be invited.

In 2007 and 2008, the singer participated in vocal show"Two Stars", working with. The producers used a trick: they told Dmitry that the singer did not want to participate in the show without him, and Tamara that the actor would not agree to sing without Gverdtsiteli. And, despite Dmitry’s complex character, these two stars managed to get along on the same stage. Probably, the actor’s boundless respect for “Queen Tamara” played a role. As a result, the special rapport between the celebrities allowed them to win the show. One of the most outstanding performances duet - song “Argo”.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli also took part in the TV show “The Phantom of the Opera”, and in 2014 she was on the jury Ukrainian show“The Voice of the Country”, where she shared the judging role with a famous rock musician. And .

In the same year, the singer took part in the talk show “Alone with Everyone,” hosted by. On the air of the program, the artist told a lot of secrets.

The singer also has several roles in films and TV series, in particular, minor role in the multi-part drama “House of Exemplary Maintenance.” Tamara Gverdtsiteli was most loved and remembered for her enchanting music.

The singer has many plans for 2017. She is still ready to appear on stage more often, and fans are waiting for more and more new compositions performed by her, which will once again captivate the hearts of millions.

In February 2017, Tamara Gverdtsiteli performed in Samara State Philharmonic. Together with the Academic symphony orchestra She appeared on the stage of the Samara Philharmonic for the first time. Maestro Andrei Medvedev was at the conductor’s stand, chief conductor St. Petersburg Variety Symphony Orchestra, laureate of All-Russian competitions.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli gave the audience her new program“Confession”, which had previously been performed only in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Fans of creativity all over the country pop singer We look forward to her similar performances.

Personal life

The singer's affairs of the heart never cease to be the object of close attention. At the age of 22, the singer married Tbilisi theater director Georgiy Kakhabrishvili, who was 14 years older than his wife. The bride's family was against the marriage, but gradually accepted it. In 1986, the couple had a son, Sandro, and in 1995, the couple divorced.

Tamara's second husband was a millionaire lawyer from Boston. The couple had been married for three years, during which time they lived in the USA.

The third husband of the great singer was heart surgeon Sergei Ambatelo. They met through mutual friends when Tamara needed medical help. The couple was brought together by loneliness, and very soon Sergei took Tamara to the registry office. They were married for four years.


  • Debut. Tamara Gverdtsiteli
  • Music: Tamara Gverdtsiteli sings
  • Tamara Gverdtsiteli sings her songs
  • Vivat, King!
  • Thank you, Music!
  • The best songs of different years
  • Dedication to a Woman
  • Vivat, Love, Vivat!
  • Yesterday I dreamed about the sky
  • Music is the temple of the soul
  • Air kiss
  • The Best

Russian and Georgian singer Tamara Mikhailovna Gverdtsiteli was born on January 18, 1962 in Tbilisi, Georgia.

Her mother is from Odessa (Ukraine), her maternal grandfather was a rabbi, with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War he took his family out for evacuation near Vorkuta, then got the family to move to Georgia. Mother of Russian language and literature. Father is a cyberneticist.

In the early 1970s, Tamara performed in the children's pop ensemble "Mziuri", in which she toured extensively throughout the former Soviet Union.

After finishing the special music school entered the Tbilisi Conservatory and graduated from it with a degree in composition and piano, and also graduated from a special college (vocal class).

At the age of 19, Gverdtsiteli became the winner of the First Prize at the international competition "Red Carnation" in Sochi, and participated in the popular music competition in Dresden (1982). In 1988, the singer won first prize at international competition"Golden Orpheus" in Sofia. She performed as a special guest at the pop song festivals in Sopot (1989) and Sanremo (1990).

In 1991, Tamara Gverdtsiteli was invited to Paris, where she met the French composer Michel Legrand. In the same year, their joint concert took place. In 1994, the singer performed with solo concert at the Olympia Hall in Paris. In 1995, Tamara Gverdtsiteli gave concerts at New York's Carnegie Hall, in which Legrand and Alexei Kozlov's Arsenal ensemble took part. In April 1996, Tamara Gverdtsiteli and Michel Legrand performed at New York's Assembly Hall.

The singer has received many titles and awards. In 2004, she was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation. In 1991 she was awarded the title of People's Artist of Georgia, and in 2006 - People's Artist of Ingushetia.

The singer is a laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize (1984), as well as the “Person of the Year” (2002) and “Kremlin Grand” (2007) awards.

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