Personal life and biography of Regina Todorenko. Regina Todorenko - biography, information, personal life Regina's adolescence

Name: Regina Todorenko

Date of Birth: 14.06.1990

Age: 29 years

Place of Birth: Odessa city, Ukraine

Height: 1,67

Activity: Ukrainian TV presenter, singer, composer

Family status: Single

The famous Ukrainian TV presenter attracts the attention of viewers with her inexhaustible energy and positive thinking. It often seems that Regina cannot sit still, and her behavior gives a sea of ​​bright and colorful emotions to fans reading official pages in social networks. And those who are not an active participant in life on Internet resources are interested in who Regina Todorenko is dating and how her life is going. personal life in 2018. The question is interesting and relevant. After all, the girl recently broke up with her boyfriend, who did not want to legitimize their relationship after a long life together.

Regina Todorenko is sincere and open girl, who uses all available social networks, so it’s not difficult to answer the question of who the journalist is dating and how much her personal life has changed in 2018. After all, she never forgets to share her bright and colorful photographs with readers.

Life overseas

The journalist started the New Year with a trip to the USA, where she entered the directing department. The trip had two intentions. First, Regina wanted to see from her own experience that in America the sun is brighter and the grass is greener. And then, if she likes it, move to live in a country where there are more opportunities for advancement in her profession. Secondly, Regina had long dreamed of going on a trip along the route planned in the past.

Regina Todorenko is no longer the host of the show “Heads and Tails”

Living in the USA, the girl was categorically disappointed in the closed nature of Americans, who in every possible way avoid any tactile interactions. One day, while relaxing in a bar after a tiring day at school, the journalist accidentally touched the waiter. The young man gave it too much great importance, regarded as sexual harassment. And a little later another employee of the establishment came to her, whom the girl no longer wanted to touch.

Regina Todorenko in New York

Another item that was on the wish list of the ever-smiling and charming beauty was Hollywood. Regina posted photos in the place that actors around the world dream of on Facebook and Instagram, and after that she pleased her fans with images from American skyscrapers, the roof of which she had long dreamed of climbing. The journalist set her next goal to the top of Everest, but it is not yet possible for her to go there.

Searching for a lover

Already in January 2018, social network users set out to find out who Regina Todorenko was dating and how her personal life was shaping up in the new year. Fans' interest grew especially strong when the girl posted photos on Facebook where four legs were visible. True, as it turned out later, these limbs belonged to her sister’s husband and sister, but the journalist acted as a photographer.

Later, in one of the popular Kyiv magazines, local journalists responded to actual question, telling who Regina Todorenko is dating and whether her personal life is organized in 2018. The girl, who is passionate about shoes, dresses and travel, was included in the ranking of the most eligible bachelorettes in the CIS countries. Therefore, all questions about her non-existent boyfriend disappeared for exactly two weeks.

WITH ex-boyfriend Nikita Tryakin

The excited public did not want to calm down and again began to be interested in who Regina Todorenko was dating, because her personal life could not stand still. Some fans and Internet resources even referred to the fake, allegedly posted on Instagram. True, Regina didn’t post a photo with her boyfriend, and she doesn’t wear a cheerful-colored sweater and didn’t even plan to buy one. But her supposed boyfriend and girlfriend with the same hair color, whose faces are not visible, really love and wear classic clothes.

On the official pages, Regina Todorenko says that her personal life is still stable and she does not want change, so the answer to the question of who the girl is dating is simple. Her hobby is this moment You can call work and travel. The girl also talks about her love for her family and regularly posts photos of her family, which includes her father, mother and sister with her husband and child.

Unfortunately, the handsome man Regina is hugging turns out to be her sister's husband. And the girl was amused by the fact that he was assigned to her lovers. The girl sincerely hopes that her sister will also take this fake as a joke, because they are always friendly and they should not quarrel over trifles.


Therefore, no matter how much fans would like to know who Regina Todorenko is dating and how the journalist’s personal life is going in 2018, it will not be possible to get answers to this question, as subscribers of her channels on social networks believed. After all, the former presenter of “Heads and Tails” is in no hurry to start a new relationship. The girl simply doesn't have time for this. At the moment, Ukrainian journalist Regina Todorenko is busy with a new project. And he combines his studies with travel and plans to shoot a new video.

However, at the beginning of January 2018, Regina made a statement that lifted the veil of secrecy over the beauty’s personal life. In an interview with journalists, the girl spoke not only about the reasons for breaking up with her ex-lover, but also about the man who captured Todorenko’s heart.

Rumor has it that Todorenko is dating Vlad Topalov

According to popular singer, initially it was she who became the reason for the separation from Nikita Tryakin. Being bosom friends, young people long time didn’t think about a romantic relationship until the young man had to live on Regina’s sofa during a difficult period of his life. The lonely girl, as she herself admits, ruined an excellent friendship by seducing Nikita.

5 years of a relationship that was close to ideal flew by unnoticed. At some point, the young celebrities realized that their love was gone. As Todorenko admitted, the prerequisites for separation in the summer of 2017 appeared quite a long time ago. Therefore, in one evening, the young people resolved the issue quickly and without unnecessary scandals. As befits mature, accomplished people who have spent a lot of time together, they sat down and talked, resolving all the issues.

The young people met in New York

As Regina later recalled, giving an interview to journalists, she herself led to the end of the relationship. The girl admitted that she always subconsciously stopped Nikita from taking the next step - a marriage proposal. The young man, who subtly felt that his chosen one’s career was more important than building a family and raising children, never once gave his beloved the treasured ring.

New relationships

After parting with Nikita Tryakin, Todorenko did not stop communicating with the young man. They simply returned to the period when they were connected strong friendship. But the young girl’s heart cannot live without love and she has become Regina’s new chosen one. This statement was made by Todorenko herself.

Lovers hide their relationship from everyone

In an interview with reporters from the famous publication StarHit, the singer said that the reason for the new relationship was a joint role in Sergei Rost’s production of “Pawn your wife in a pawn shop.” The theatrical debut connected the young artists with romantic ties. But nothing is known yet about how their relationship is developing further. We can only wait and hope that the harmonious couple will start a family and delight their fans with the speedy birth of another talented baby.


The singer and presenter Regina Todorenko now has a boyfriend. She talks about him very rarely, but she spoke more openly about her relationship with her ex.

Regina Todorenko spoke about her relationship with her ex-boyfriend, the showman. As Todorenko admitted in a recent interview, she is working with her ex-boyfriend on a joint project:

Together with him I am creating my project “Late Night with Regina Todorenko”. Now we have very strong, one might say, friendly relations. We are great friends. He develops scripts, promos, screensavers, and gags. Now we joke that we should have separated earlier to start working on the project, it’s so comfortable to work with him. He even offered to go on vacation together: he, my boyfriend, his girlfriend and me. His girlfriend is our mutual friend. This is what we have Swedish family. We are all spinning in the same world. How else? Accountants live with accountants, directors with actors, cameramen with show artists, and a TV presenter with an artist.

Regina Todorenko celebrated her birthday. The host of the program “Heads and Tails” on the Pyatnitsa TV channel turned 26 years old. The star celebrated this happy day on the road. She was pleasantly surprised by the amount of attention she received from fans. Congratulations to the TV presenter came from all over globe. After all, now, thanks to her favorite program, Regina has friends and acquaintances in many countries where she has been and is just going to visit.

However, what touched Todorenko most was the congratulations from one little boy. Three-year-old Danya, whom the star calls “son,” recorded a video message. He congratulated Todorenko on her birthday and wished her health, as well as financial well-being.

"Thank you all for your congratulations! I am sincerely happy that I have you like this! Best congratulations of all! Thank you, Dado! My son! #godson,” Regina captioned the video.

“Regina has a son?”, “What news! It says “my son”, “Is this really your son?”, “I’m shocked,” the star’s emotional fans made hasty conclusions.

“Lord, women! Doesn’t it occur to you that she might have a godson?” “Calm down, Auntie. No nerves, please,” “Look more carefully, she has the hashtag #godson,” “Not everyone calls godchildren sons... But everyone knows that Regina has no children,” retorted Regina’s more attentive followers.

It’s interesting that in the new season of “Heads and Tails” Regina went to trip around the world. In 10 months, together with the film crew, she must travel to 37 countries and 45 cities. All this time, not only her family, but also her beloved man, whose name the star carefully hides, will be eagerly awaiting her return. However, StarHit managed to find out that Todorenko’s chosen one is the 23-year-old showman and producer Nikita Tryakin.

“They met while studying at the university in Kyiv,” Amiran Akimov, a friend of the couple, tells StarHit. – She studied a year older. The guys quickly became friends: both wonderful feeling humorous, creative, purposeful. Later we started dating.”

She was among the stars who visited the red carpet of the “” ceremony. The ex-host of the show “Heads and Tails” came to the event not alone, but with her mother.

Regina Todorenko with her mother at the VIVA!

The women looked great and their appearance created a real sensation. Regina Todorenko came to solemn ceremony in an openwork black skirt and the same openwork, translucent blouse. Regina's mother wore a discreet black suit: a classic-cut jacket and wide flared trousers.

Regina Todorenko

Journalists from Styler asked Regina what her ideal of female beauty is.

“Can I not tell you, but show you the ideal of a woman? - My mom! Mom for me is great example, support. And thanks to my parents, I became who I am,” Regina answered, showing her mother on camera.

Regina Todorenko came to the VIVA 2018 award with her mother

When asked what it’s like for a TV star ideal man, she first responded with a joke: “A handsome man is me, only sexy.” But then the TV presenter added: “In fact, handsome man one who has a sense of humor. He also has intelligence. I love those. For a man to be smart, funny and interesting.”

Regina Todorenko and her mother attended the VIVA 2018 awards

VIVA 2018 red carpet: Regina Todorenko with her mother

Watch Regina's interview on the red carpet of “Viva The Most Beautiful 2018”:

Regina was born on June 14, 1990 in the city of Odessa, and her zodiac sign is Gemini. I studied there, at school No. 22. At the age of seven she began to participate in the activities of the school theater "Balaganchik", at 9 she began playing leading roles there, and continued to perform there until the age of 17, simultaneously studying vocals and choreography.

After graduating from school in 2007, she entered the Faculty of Transport Technologies and Systems at the Odessa National Maritime University. Completed driving courses and German language. Also received a master's degree theatrical arts, graduating from the Kyiv National University of Culture and Art. For a year I studied at the studio at the Russian Drama Theater named after Lesya Ukrainka in Kyiv.

Since childhood, Regina wanted to perform on stage. Participating in various competitions, she attracted the attention of producers, after which in 2007 she was appointed host of the Golden Ten television competition. It was then that Regina’s dream came true - having been singled out from many applicants, Natalya Mogilevskaya chose her and invited her to participate in the qualifying rounds for “Star Factory-2”. Todorenko became one of the singers of the group “Real’O” - Mogilevskaya’s project - along with three finalists of “Factory-2” - Elena Vinogradova, Lina Mitsuki and Alisa Tarabanova. The name of the group was formed from combining the first letters of the girls - “R” - Regina, “E” - Elena, “A” - Alisa, “L” - Lina.

When Regina arrived hometown(after participating in “Star Factory-2”), she was awarded the “Golden Hope of Odessa” award. In 2009 group in in full force came to an appointment with the clairvoyant Valenta to find out her future, and she predicted Regina’s future as an actress, gave advice to strengthen her immune system and gave her a jar of echinacea. In the same year, the quartet took part in the Second Open international festival“Eventarization”, taking place in Kyiv. After the performance of the hit “I would sing you a song” social network Odnoklassniki recognized the group as “debut of the year.” It should also be noted that “Real’O” voiced the Ukrainian dubbing for the cartoon “Winx” in 2011.

Group in 2010 released her first album called “Dress”, for the song of the same name (written for the Lyubasha quartet) from which in 2011. received the prestigious Golden Gramophone award. A very impressive clip called “Elements”, in which each of the girls represents one of the 4 elements: Regina - air, Elena - earth, Lina - water, Alice - fire.
Regina also wrote songs for the group and for other singers, including Rotaru and Baskov. She also wrote the anthem for the television project “Minute of Glory.” “Real’O” participated in the “Open Space” program on “MTV Ukraine”. Perhaps Regina Todorenko would have taken part in the “Voice” show if she had been invited.

In 2011, Regina participated in the Viva magazine competition “The Most Beautiful woman Ukraine". In 2012, she starred together with Evgeniy Bardachenko in the reality show “Goddess of Shopping.”

However, after filming the series “In One Breath” (based on the novel by Tatyana Ustinova), the girl left the group. Regina also played in the film “Captive” and the ORT series “Charlie” (episodic roles). In 2014, she became the host of season 8 television program“Heads and Tails” together with Kolya Serga. This program talks about travel to various places and is broadcast on many channels, including the Russian “Friday!” The program is named so for a reason. The presenters flip a coin, and one gets only $100, and the other gets a gold unlimited card. The location is chosen randomly.

At the same time, it is shown not so much the journey itself, but how anyone can spend time in this place. This could be the Maldives, or maybe a tribe of cannibals whose homes are on a distant island (Regina had to live there in a tree house). It is noteworthy that Regina watched this show, which was originally hosted by the Badoevs (Alan and Zhanna), and was his fan, and subsequently Alan shot the very first video for “Real’O”.

At the same time, Regina got to the casting completely by accident. Thus, Valens's prediction came true. It is worth adding that in 2014 the program received the prestigious “Tefi” award in the “Daytime Broadcast” category.

Personal life of Regina Todorenko

Her first boyfriend was a sailor. She dedicated her songs to him. Now the girl’s personal life is a bit unsettled. The thing is that the filming schedule is so tight that there is absolutely no time for personal life, there is none for. When Regina was a member of Real’O, she dated Dantes and even wanted to marry him. But now on her VKontakte page the status is set to “in active search" Either jokingly (or maybe seriously), the girl replies that she is “married to music” (p.). The singer’s pages can also be found on other social networks, for example, on Odnoklassniki and Instagram. The latter, by the way, is used by many world stars; you can find it there.

Regina has several tattoos on her body and her favorite movie (“Eat, Pray, Love”). The artists the girl likes are Vladimir Zelensky and Tina Karol, the writers are Verber and Bukowski. Regina loves her dog very much, but she had to give it to her parents, since all the girl’s time is occupied with the “Heads and Tails” project. On the set of the project, Regina is constantly faced with all sorts of incidents - she was bitten by an insect and had an allergic reaction, to such an extent that Regina’s eye became swollen; then, while passing a ditch on a log, she fell from a considerable height (7 meters), while the branches helped the girl not to die, but she received bruises and hematomas; then the whole group was attacked by ticks (in Mongolia).

And in India all film crew was almost detained on suspicion of espionage, and Regina had to urgently hide the footage. It turned out that any filming in the country is prohibited. However, the girl does not lose heart, and besides, her parents and fan club always support her. Regina does yoga, likes to cook cream soups, play the drums and paint pictures. He carries coconut oil with him everywhere.

Not long ago, Regina wrote on VKontakte that she would soon share her new solo song “Heartsbeating” with fans (at the moment the song is presented as a teaser). The girl also says that she brought one song from each city. It is quite possible that soon the singer will introduce her fans not only to one song, but also to an entire album. It is a pity that Wikipedia does not contain information about Regina, for example, it is there.

Spicy photos for “Maxim”

Regina is a pretty blonde with blue eyes and good shape body: height – 167 cm, weight – 50 kg, bust – 85 cm, hips – 95 cm, clothing size 40. In many pictures she shows off her long legs. The girl took part in a photo shoot in Kira Plastinina’s studio (there is a very funny photo with a button accordion). The singer also received offers from Playboy and Maxim, but it is not yet known whether she accepted them.

However, Regina and other girls from the group “Real’O” starred for the cover of the men’s magazine “XXL” (March 2012). Sometimes spicy pictures of the actress can be seen on her pages on social networks. For example, you can see a photo of her in a swimsuit in the Maldives.

Also on official page“In Contact” there are photographs in which a girl is half naked on the beach (bikini photo).

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