Personal life of Justin Bieber. Justin Bieber - biography, information, personal life Justin Bieber biography and personal life

Justin Bieber is a popular 19-year-old American singer. This little one became popular when he uploaded his song “Baby” to YouTube. Immediately after this, Bieber’s life began to spin, more and more new duets with him began to appear, and, of course, many beauties did not miss the chance to take a place next to him. Despite the singer’s young age, Justin managed to change not a single girl!

In 2007-2008, Justin dated Caitlin Beadles. The girl was his best friend's sister. The relationship was short-lived, because it was during this period that Justin learned what fame was! But in June 2010, rumors spread that the couple seemed to be back together. Photos of Bieber and Caitlyn in the Bahamas were posted on Twitter. On his Twitter page, the singer said that it was all a lie and that “he is single and ready for a relationship.”

In June 2009, Kristen Rodeheever became Bieber's new girlfriend. She starred in his “One time” video, and this is what led to gossip that the relationship between the young people was far from businesslike! The paparazzi took a lot of photos in which Bieber and Kristen were together, but the couple always denied any relationship between them.

Justin Bieber spent July 2010 - November 2010 with Jasmine Villegas. In September 2010, an American tourist caught the couple kissing in the back seat of Bieber's Honda in California. The couple insisted that they were just Good friends, but witnesses say something completely different!

Bieber spent August 2010 dreaming about Harry Potter's girlfriend Emma Watson. Justin told The Sun: "I'd like to take her out to dinner. I would be glad if she attended one of my concerts, then we would go somewhere together. I'm very glad that one of the most popular movie stars didn't drop out of college after all. This shows that she is smart and collected."

Justin Bieber is rumored to be a dad!

In October 2010, according to rumors, Bieber not only managed to meet Mariah Yeater, but also made her a child! In November 2011, Mariah announced that Justin was the father of her three-month-old baby. Bieber immediately began to deny the fact that he had an intimate relationship with Mariah backstage at his show. The rumors died down, but no one knew the truth.

Justin spent January 2011 – November 2012 with the young singer and actress Selena Gomez. The press says that the couple started dating back in 2010, but Selena and Justin do not confirm this information. They made their first public appearance holding hands in January 2011 in Mexico. Their debut as a couple took place in March 2011 at the Oscars. Justin and Selena seemed to have ideal relationship, until at the end of 2012 they decided to go their separate ways.

Affair with Barbara Palvin

November 2012 gave Bieber a meeting with Barbara Palvin, Victoria's Secret model. After breaking up with Selena Gomez, rumors spread that Justin went on several dates with Barbara.

February 2013 brought Bieber a meeting with the charming Ella-Paige Roberts Clark. At the Justin Timberlake concert, the singer enjoyed music with model and singer Ella Page.

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber reunite

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber are one of the most high-profile relationships in Hollywood, but it's so easy to build a relationship in the public eye. But in the June issue of InStyle magazine, Selena finally revealed what's going on between her and Justin these days.

"It's very inconvenient that everywhere I go people recognize me. I don't like it. But Justin and I never paid attention to it," she told the magazine.

She also did not rule out a possible reconciliation with the 19-year-old pop star, with whom she has been famously dating and breaking up for the past three years.

"You don't know who you'll be dating tomorrow. So I won't swear off or say I want to start a relationship again. I don't know. I'm a child and breaking up is normal," she added. "I have to go through the test of emotions and feelings. I do my own thing, spend time with my friends, and he is doing well too."

Selena Gomez, by the way, wrote a song about Justin Bieber, “Sweet,” which is included in her new album.

“This is the most personal track on the album, for sure,” she told InStyle. "I think it's a sweet way of releasing. It's not an aggressive approach to what people were probably expecting. I'm sure he'll love the song too."

Probably, the couple Justin Bieber - Selena Gomez are not yet ready to break the connection between them, because no matter who Bieber dates, he still returns to Selena again and again, and that means something!

All fans of modern music are interested in the biography of Justin Bieber. After all, this is one of the most popular musicians of our time, a pop singer representing the R&B direction. The Canadian genius has long amazed everyone with his talent. Initially, he managed to gain popularity through his YouTube channel. Moreover, he did not use the services of managers or producers, becoming the first person in the world to publish a video with two billion views.

early years

Let's start telling the biography of Justin Bieber in 1994, when he was born in London. Only it was not the capital of Great Britain, but a city in the Canadian province of Ontario.

In this article you can read the biography of Justin Bieber in Russian. His parents were in a civil marriage. At the same time, the father lived separately, but constantly helped the family. Most of the childhood years of the hero of our article were spent in another Canadian city - Stratford.

IN early years he and his mother lived in a small apartment provided by the municipality in a very disadvantaged area. There was frankly not enough money.

First experience

Talking about his biography, Justin Bieber claims that he began to be interested in music at the age of three. He independently mastered the drum, piano and trumpet, and at the age of 12 began playing the guitar.

At the same time, he had many other hobbies. He went in for sports, enjoying hockey, basketball, football, golf, and was an excellent skateboarder.

Justin Bieber's biography in Russian is of interest to his many fans. Many are surprised to learn that he did not study in some specialized private school, but in the most ordinary, state one. First in your hometown, and then - in Avon.

His fighting spirit and ability to achieve everything on his own were evident already at the age of 9. His bicycle was then stolen. And he organized an entire operation to bring him back. The bicycle was especially dear to Justin Bieber, as his mother gave it to him for his birthday. The hero of our article and his friends spent the whole day searching, but they were still able to find both the hijacker and the stolen property itself.

Popularity on the Internet

At the age of 12, Bieber first took part in song competition, which was called "Stratford Idol" and took place in his hometown. The result was worthy - future star took second place. He uploaded his winning performance to YouTube so that relatives and friends could easily view it. In the same way, he posted all subsequent entries of his numbers. Over time, it turned out that his songs were popular on the Internet, collecting a large number of views.

Quite quickly, he turned into a symbol of his era, a musician who independently became a global star and inspired hundreds of boys and girls from all over the world to not be afraid to demonstrate their creativity. After all, the most hardworking and diligent will receive well-deserved recognition.

It is worth noting that its popularity also had negative sides. Firstly, everyone became interested in the biography and personal life of Justin Bieber. Secondly, ill-wishers immediately began to negatively evaluate his work, accusing him of the lack of appropriate music education, the necessary preparation, emphasizing that the singer’s music and text are too superficial, aimed at a wide and undemanding audience.

When there were a lot of views, photos of Justin Bieber began to appear regularly in popular public pages. Real fame came to the young man. It was from YouTube that his popularity came, which is why he is still called the star of this site, even though he has been performing with solo concerts and publishes his own records.

The real success in the biography of Justin Bieber was that the recordings of his performance were noticed by producer Scooter Braun, who was simply shocked by the originality and talent of the singer. He found the artist and persuaded his mother to let her son go to a recording studio in Atlanta. Soon Bieber signed his first contract in his life with the production center RBMG.

Creative career

In 2009, Bieber's first single after signing the contract was released under called One Time. Instantly it becomes one of the main hits of the year, taking first place in all the charts in Canada. In November, the rest of Justin Bieber's songs recorded at that time appear on the mini-album. It immediately goes gold in Australia and New Zealand, and platinum in the USA and Canada. Bieber's popularity is breaking all records: on Christmas day he performs at the White House in front of the presidential couple.

At the beginning of 2010, the singer's fans began to listen to his new single "Baby", which was then included in the album My World 2.0. The song becomes a hit, becoming one of the top five most popular songs in America. His video for this song also becomes famous, which for some time turns into the most discussed video on the Internet. In terms of his popularity, Justin competes with the Korean singer of the song Gangnam Style. The album itself hits the shelves music stores in March 2010. The same period included the release of several popular high-quality clips.

The musician's second studio album, Under the Mistletoe, appeared in 2011. In the first ten days it manages to sell more than 200 thousand copies. In the same year, Bieber released seven more videos for his songs.

Filming in films and TV series

Bieber's popularity is growing in geometric progression. He is invited to act in films and TV series. The hero of our article appears in the serial detective film “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation,” playing the role of a difficult teenager in one of the episodes.

And already in February 2011, a documentary biographical film-concert dedicated to the singer was released. It's called "Never Say Never." The picture appears in 3D format. Grossing over $30 million in its opening weekend, it is recognized as the most successful concert film in history.

In the summer of 2012, the singer's third studio album, Believe, appeared on the shelves. Already in the first week it manages to sell 370 thousand copies of it. In the fall, Bieber goes on a world tour, which continues until the very end of 2013. The total duration of the tour was more than one year. Bieber has performed in Africa, America, Asia, Europe and Australia. He also came to Russia, where Roma Zhelud, whom many called the “Russian Bieber,” performed as his opening act.


Having become incredibly popular, Bieber received a huge number of awards. Among them are such prestigious ones as the American Music Awards and the Grammy Awards. He turned into a global star, one of the most sought-after performers in the world, an idol for millions of teenagers.

He has achieved the most incredible music records. For example, he became the first artist whose seven songs were included on the Billboard Hot 100.

"Justin Bieber. Believe"

In October 2013, it became known that Bieber was launching a new promotion. As part of it, he will release one fresh single every Monday during a large-scale advertising campaign for his new concert film “Justin Bieber. Believe." The ten compositions released in this way constituted the so-called Musical Mondays.

In 2015, his single What Do You Mean? achieved popularity, which topped the charts in Australia, Great Britain, Canada and many other countries. In the same year, Bieber decided to become a member popular show“Roast the Stars”, in which comedians try in every way to ridicule and offend the main guest of the project.

His fourth studio album, Purpose, appeared in November. And in 2017, the song Love Yourself was nominated for a Grammy Award in several categories, but lost to Adele’s song Hello.

At the center of the scandal

Despite everyone's love, reviews about Justin Bieber are very contradictory. Some consider his music too simple and primitive, which he has been repeatedly accused of.

In the summer of 2017, he found himself at the center of a scandal when, according to journalists, he hit a photographer with his SUV while leaving a church in Los Angeles. An annoying paparazzi tried to film the artist visiting the temple. However, some noted that this happened unintentionally; Justin stopped after the accident and provided assistance to the photographer.

Personal life

Bieber has an attractive appearance, and he always appears in public in fashionable clothes and stylish hair, which even gave rise to rumors about his unconventional sexual orientation.

To dispel them, he began to actively exploit the themes of sex and love in his songs, invited top models and popular singers, he also stopped hiding his personal relationships and began appearing at social events surrounded by girls.

For some time he dated the famous actress Selena Gomez. Many people liked the couple, the young people looked organic and attractive, but their relationship lasted only two years. In 2012, they announced their separation.

Then Bieber began an affair with the young singer Ariana Grande, without commenting on this relationship. In 2015, it became known about his affair with Kourtney Kardashian, and then with Hailey Baldwin.

He truly surprised his many fans when, in the fall of 2017, he decided to start dating Selena Gomez again.

It is known that free time he likes to devote himself to fishing.

Celebrity biographies


01.03.15 09:24

Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus are the most shocking young stars on the global horizon. And how did a boy from the Canadian province manage to conquer the whole world?

Biography of Justin Bieber

Musical prodigy

He is a real R&B prodigy - Justin Bieber's biography as a singer began with the fact that the teenager posted his music video on the Internet, and it was there that future manager Scooter Braun noticed him.

By the age of twenty-one, Justin Bieber had sold more than 15 million copies of discs with own recordings- this is very cool!

Raised by a single mother

Justin Drew was a fetus whirlwind romance 18-year-old Ontario resident Patricia Mallett and a married respectable man (in marriage he “produced” two more children) Jeremy Bieber. Petty decided on the fate of a single mother, and when Justin was born (it was March 1, 1994), she continued to communicate with his father, without holding any grudge against Jeremy. Her daughter’s parents, the baby’s grandparents, helped her daughter; she might not have been able to cope without them. She had to take on any job to survive with the baby. But what a son she raised! The guy paid for all his mother’s hardships.

The athletic, lively boy mastered it early different instruments: guitar, drum kit, piano, trumpet. He was the star of the city of Stratford - at the age of 12 he managed to get silver in the music competition. The mother encouraged her son’s passion; she filmed his performances and uploaded them to YouTube. It turns out that the videos were interesting not only to his relatives - it was on this site that Brown spotted talent in the Canadian schoolboy.

On the way to glory

Since meeting this man, Justin Bieber's biography has changed radically. Mom pondered for a long time whether it was worth “giving” her boy into the wrong hands, but the future of her son turned out to be more important to her than worries, and the woman made up her mind. The guy went to America, where he recorded his first compositions. The nugget turned out to be in great demand - several companies competed for it at once, and the Canadian was interested Justin Timberlake. However, the singer quickly made his choice: he settled on the RBMG company, owned by Usher.

Bieber’s very first single also turned out to be his first success - “One Time” ended up in the leading positions not only in the vocalist’s homeland, but also in other countries. And the mini-disc that Justin released at the end of 2009 was instantly sold out - it was “platinum” in Canada and, oddly enough, “gold” on the Green Continent. The successful debutant began to be invited to popular programs, so he appeared in the studio of Ellen DeGeneres. It was best advertising his creativity.

"Golden Boy"

Bieber's career quickly took off, and the new face was welcomed in the States. He was invited to The White house- to sing for the president himself, and then they made him the host of the Grammy Awards. Who else could boast such a rapidly growing popularity?

The video for the song “Baby”, created at the beginning of 2010, was the leader in the number of views for a very long time, giving way to the first step after some time to the sensational video of the South Korean singer PSY. In the spring of the same year, the Canadian’s disc “My World 2.0” was released, which immediately took the top line of the charts in five countries (including Canada and the USA). Bieber appeared as a guest on Saturday Night Live, where he actively promoted the album.

Justin's voice began to break - a common occurrence for a boy his age, but thanks a good specialist, who worked with the vocalist, it was almost painless. But the second disc, recorded in the summer of 2010, was different from the debut - the singer’s voice sounded much lower.

Both singer and artist

Soon Bieber developed another hobby: cinema. He starred in an episode of the popular crime show “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation,” appeared in the threequel “Men in Black,” and in 2011 the documentary “Never Say Never Again” was released. In history musical films There has never been such a commercial hit: its box office is approaching $100 million. Success was ensured by a stunning star cast: Ludacris and Usher, Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber.

By 2011, our hero managed to take second position in the list of the highest paid celebrities under 30 years of age: his fees for the year amounted to about 53 million dollars. Due to troubles with the law, Justin Bieber's image has undergone negative changes, although the Canadian's popularity is still high.

Personal life of Justin Bieber

Handsome Justin's violent temper

As we have already said, the handsome man has another, dubious, fame - he loves to “harass” those around him. Fights, scandals, noisy parties, problems with driving while drunk and high - all this spoils the glamorous picture called “Justin Bieber”. Personal life The guy, however, was quite stable for a couple of years.

Beautiful novel

In 2010, he began dating starlet Selena Gomez. Cute photo shoots, luxurious gifts for a friend - all this was a little for show, which made one doubt the sincerity of the feelings of these two. Gossips claimed that the couple was dating for the sake of extra PR.

Two years later, other gossip began to circulate - that Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez had broken up. They did not comment on the breakup, but the fact that at the beginning of 2013 the girl began to appear with another gentleman confirmed the fact of the separation. Later, Justin Bieber publicly repented and regretted that this affair was behind him.

Justin Drew Bieber is a pop singer from Canada who became famous after a viral video with the song own composition"One Time" on Youtube. He is one of the youngest and highest paid performers in the modern music industry.

Justin Bieber's childhood

Justin Bieber was born in Stratford, in the family of the unremarkable Jeremy Bieber and 17-year-old girl Pattie Mallett. Soon after the birth of the boy, the couple separated, Jeremy had new family and children, so young Justin grew up without a father. After her husband left, Patty had to work tirelessly, and her parents, Michael and Diane Mallett, helped raise her son.

Justin became interested in the world of music very early - on his second birthday, his mother gave him a drum kit, to which he immediately began to show remarkable attention and quickly mastered the basic principles of the game. Later, he also taught himself to play the guitar, keyboards, and even such a rare instrument as the tuba.

Perhaps his talent was passed on to him genetically - Justin's mother sings well, his father plays the guitar, and his grandmother was an excellent pianist. One day the younger Bieber came to local festival, took the guitar out of its case and began to play. Gradually, spectators joined in and gladly rewarded the musician with a couple of dollars. As a result, Justin collected a very decent amount, but did not spend the money, like most of his peers, on computer games or fashionable clothes– he fulfilled his mother’s long-standing dream and took her to Disneyland.

Justin Bieber's first songs

In 2007, 12-year-old Justin took part in the local talent competition "Stratford Idol", and although most of the competitors were professional musicians and Bieber was an ordinary self-taught, he unexpectedly took second place with Ne-Yo's song "So Sick". Patti decided to post a video of her son’s performance on the popular video hosting site Youtube and was amazed at the number of views. Then the woman decided to upload a few more videos with songs famous groups performed by Justin.

Justin Bieber's first performance (Stratford Idol, 2007)

Soon a rumor spread throughout the small town that a certain Scooter Braun was looking for a young man named Bieber. Justin's mom was afraid that her son was being stalked by a crazy man, so when the man finally contacted her, she abruptly demanded that Scooter "leave them alone." But it turned out that Brown, the manager of the So So Def record label, who happened to watch Justin’s video, was so impressed by it that he wanted to persuade the young man to collaborate.

It took Justin a lot of effort to persuade his mother to send him along with a suspicious producer to Atlanta to meet with singer Usher, who, as Brown claimed, was interested in the gifted boy and was going to help him record a demo album. It later turned out that Usher was almost ahead of Justin Timberlake, but Bieber still chose to develop under the guidance of the rapper and signed a contract with him in 2008.

In 2009, the singer posted a video for his first single “One Time” on the Internet, which by that time occupied a leading position on the Canadian music charts. The video blew up on YouTube and gained viral status, gaining more than a million views in record time, after which the Internet community dubbed Justin a “child phenomenon” and a “singing sensation.”

Justin Bieber's first video – “One Time” (2009)

The creative path of Justin Bieber. Never say never

In the same year, Bieber's first mini-album entitled “My World” was released. The track list of the album consisted of 7 songs with simple titles: “Love Me”, “First Dance”, “Favorite Girl”, etc. In the first week alone, 137 thousand copies of the disc were sold, which soon received platinum status in the USA and Canada, as well as gold in Oceania. On Christmas Day, Bieber performed Stevie Wonder's "Someday At Christmas" at the White House in front of Barack Obama and his wife Michelle.

Christmas at the White House: Justy Bieber sings for Barack Obama

At the end of 2009, Justin Bieber broke his leg during a concert. Overcoming the pain, he finished the composition, bowed and went backstage, where the doctor bandaged young man leg, to which he only joked that the injury was part of the show. None of the spectators guessed about the injury or how difficult it was for the young man to perform.

In 2010, the young artist released his debut full-length album, which became an ideological continuation of the first record – “My World 2.0”. It included 10 new songs that were as easy to understand as the previous ones, for example, Justin’s first platinum hit “Baby,” the iconic “U Smile” and “Never Let You Go,” as well as interesting duets with Jessica Jarrell and Sean Kingston.

Justin Bieber - "Baby"

In 2010 he was awarded with a prize American Music Awards in the category "Artist of the Year", and also won the categories "Best Pop Vocal Album" and "Best New Artist" at the Grammy Awards. In October, Bieber released the album “My World Acoustic” with guitar cover versions of his songs.

In 2011, Justin released documentary With telling name: “Justin Bieber: Never Say Never,” in which he spoke in detail about his path to the top of fame. By that time, Justin’s professionalism had already been appreciated by many giants music scene. For example, he was invited to a joint tour of the UK by country singer Taylor Swift. In the summer, Forbes included Justin Bieber in the list of the highest paid celebrities under thirty, and in the fall the singer overcame another significant milestone - his video became the first video in the history of Youtube to receive more than 2 billion views.

On November 1, 2011, Justin Bieber's Christmas studio album, “Under the Mistletoe,” went on sale. The album includes 11 cover versions of the legendary holiday songs, with the recording of which Bieber was helped by Mariah Carey, Walter Afanasieff, Busta Rhymes, Haven Gillespie and other famous American performers.

Just six months later, Justin Bieber pleased listeners with his third studio album, which was called “Believe.” In the fall, the young man went on a large-scale tour with new program, during which he visited Russia for the first time and held great show in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Bieber spent a long time choosing a performer who would excite the audience before he went on stage, and eventually settled on the Russian video blogger Roma Zhelud.

In October 2013, Justin Bieber announced that he had decided to introduce the tradition of “Music Mondays” and would release one at a time over the next 10 weeks. new song. These 10 “Monday” compositions were collected in the album “Journal”, and were also included in the soundtrack of the film “Justin Bieber: Believe”, which was conceived as a sequel to the film “Never Say Never Again”.

In 2015, Bieber, with the participation of Skrillex, Diplo, Big Shean and hockey player Travis Scott, recorded his fourth solo album"Purpose" with the title track "What Do You Mean?" Its release brought Justin another record - 3 of his tracks were simultaneously in the top five best compositions UK Singles Chart. Before him, only John Lennon received such an honor after his tragic death in December 1980.

Justin Bieber - "What Do You Mean?" (live performance at Radio Teen Awards 2015)

Scandals involving Justin Bieber

At the beginning of his career, at every performance, Justin Bieber appeared before his army of fans as a kind of good boy. The image was reinforced by the singer’s sweet face and touching gestures during his performances. But as they grow up, millions of girls follow the idol school age the reputation of a hooligan and troublemaker was established.

At the beginning of 2013, police accused Bieber of abusing soft drugs with his friends. A couple of months later, someone noticed a strange liquid in a plastic cup in the singer’s hands. It turned out to be cough syrup with codeine.

In 2014, Bieber’s neighbors contacted the police station, claiming that the young talent had thrown rotten eggs at their house. During the search, the police found cocaine at the singer's home, which, as Justin claimed, belonged to his friend, rapper Lil Za. A week later, Bieber was arrested for driving around Miami while drunk - he was driving around the city in a yellow Lamborghini, completely ignoring the rules traffic. A police test found traces of marijuana and alcohol in the singer’s blood, but no punishment followed - Justin “bought off” the law by posting a bail of $2.5 thousand.

However, Justin was convicted not only of his love for drugs, but also of his lack of respect for any cultural values. During a Tokyo tour in April 2014, he took a selfie in front of the Yasukuni Shrine, a Shinto shrine, one of the cornerstones of the ideology of Japanese militarism. Internet users were outraged, and the artist had to fight off numerous advice to “close gaps in education.”

Bieber made an even more ignorant blunder during a tour of Amsterdam. He visited the Anne Frank Museum, after which he stated the following: “I am very inspired by this place. I'm sure Anna was a great girl. I hope she would become a fan of mine."

During a private tour of Sistine Chapel(Bieber and his father paid €20 thousand for it) Justin took a ball out of his bag and began to kick it along the corridors of the monument. And one day, The Sun published a video of 15-year-old Justin Bieber informally telling his friends a politically incorrect joke about African Americans.

On July 30, 2014, Justin Bieber was attacked by Orlando Bloom in one of the nightclubs in Ibiza. The conflict arose out of jealousy - Bieber hinted to the actor that he had an intimate relationship with his ex-wife, top model Miranda Kerr. “She was good,” Justin said, after which Orlando attacked the singer with his fists.

Fight between Justin Bieber and Orlando Bloom

During a drinking session in a New York restaurant, Bieber snuck into the restaurant's kitchen and urinated in a cleaning lady's bucket, yelling "Fuck Bill Clinton!" Fear us, we are wild guys." This time the rowdy had to apologize. Clinton called Justin for a one-on-one conversation, after which the young man formally apologized to the former US President on his Twitter.

In February 2016, Justin Bieber released a new single, “Company,” which was supposed to be included in his fifth studio album.

Justin Bieber – “Company” (2016)

In June 2016, Justin Bieber made scandalous statement: He told the press that he was going to leave music business after finishing another world tour. However, the singer later added that he does not plan to leave the musical Olympus forever, he just needs a long rest and long-awaited communication with family and friends.

On June 20, at a concert in his native Canada, the singer fell off the stage while pulling up his pants. One viewer recorded the incident on video, which the singer later commented: “I'm a cat. I have 9 lives. Lol."

The lovers' relationship developed so rapidly that in 2011, Selena Gomez took off her “purity ring,” which she put on her finger in 2004, promising to maintain her virginity until the wedding. However, in the fall of 2012, Bieber and Gomez broke up. Official reason the breakup remained unknown, but most of those who observed the history of their relationship agreed that the romance did not go through the “copper pipes” - it could not withstand publicity, gossip and rumors. There were also versions that the young actress was jealous of her boyfriend of top model Barbara Palvin, with whom the singer openly flirted at the Victoria’s Secret show.

After breaking up with Selena, Justin was in no hurry to commit himself to a serious relationship and enjoyed all the advantages that the status of a star bachelor opened up for him: he met with Hailey Baldwin, Moldovan model Ksenia Deli, and then with Kourtney Kardashian. In 2016, his heart was still free, or so his fans thought. In May, the singer posted a photo on Instagram in which he was hugging an unknown girl, and did not caption it in any way, which gave his subscribers new food for thought. The press immediately dubbed the person in the photograph new girl Justin Bieber.

Hailey Baldwin. The wedding was later cancelled, but the couple remained together. Justin's relatives claimed that this was due to the singer's mother, who couldn't stand Hailey, but adored Selena.

Justin Bieber today

Recently, the singer has retreated from creativity. Thus, his last single “Company” was released in 2016 - this is a song from the 2015 album “Purpose”. That same year, he made a cameo in Zoolander with Ben Stiller, and the following year he reprized himself as himself in the comedy Killing Hasselhoff, which was a box office failure.

Justin Bieber is a famous American singer, author and performer. own songs in the style of R&B, pop and rap, a youth idol, and a very popular star of the new generation. For ten years now, this young artist has been filling stadiums and is eligible bachelor for many young girls in the world. First he became incredibly popular on YouTube, and then he reached the stage. Thanks to the Internet, the guy became world famous at the age of 14. What's so fundamentally new in young performer, it’s difficult to say, but the fact that over the years he has risen to the top of popularity is an indisputable fact.

In 2008, the singer presented his first hit “One Time”. On this recording it is impossible to say with certainty whether the song is performed by a guy or a girl. That's how much Bieber had high voice, but she, as they say, “shot.” And after some time, posters with the guy’s image began to be bought up by young fans at the speed of sound. And the new album released immediately became one of the best-selling.

Justin's career began when he published his song and homemade video on his YouTube channel. Then the guy was noticed by an American producer and after for a while Justin became a real star. Millions of fans around the world wanted to know everything about their favorite, but complete information there was no source about the guy at that time. The media wrote about the appearance nova, gradually revealed the details of Justin’s life, and then Bieber received offers from TV channels to participate in shows and programs. Justin began giving interviews, came to the most famous studios, and became a guest of famous programs on the country's leading channels. Fans wanted to know everything about the guy: how he decided to sing, what instruments he plays, what his hobbies are, and also the main question - what kind of girls does the singer like?

Even Justin Bieber’s hairstyle, which he wore at that time, as well as his personal parameters: height, weight, age, did not go unnoticed by the public. How old is Justin Bieber - one of the most popular queries on the Internet in those years. Today the guy is already 24. He has been at the peak of popularity for ten years now and during this time he has already changed his image several times. In such at a young age Justin wants to constantly be in trend, and it looks like the guy still hasn’t found himself in terms of appearance. He wore a long haircut and bangs, dyed his hair blond, and today he sports a fashionable “ragged” haircut.

Biography and personal life of Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber was born in 1994, in Canada, in the city of interesting name- London. The guy has been interested in music since childhood, he always liked catchy fashion tunes and beats, so as a teenager, she began mixing her tracks herself, and then decided to post them on YouTube. In principle, there is simply a lot of such content on the Internet, but after a while people began to subscribe to Bieber’s page, and he realized that he was doing something right. At that time, Justin had no idea that by posting his music on the Internet he could become a star, but he still did not stop; the growing number of subscribers pleased the aspiring singer, and he tried himself in different styles.

Once upon a page young talent accidentally came across Scooter Braun, manager record company, and immediately realized that the guy’s compositions are what the public needs today. Scooter contacted the artist and said that he wanted to offer him a real job. The man spoke with the young man's mother and said that Bieber had found gold mine, but so far he lacks professionalism, so he needs to work in a real studio. Justin was so fired up that a few days later he was on a plane to Atlanta, thinking about how it would all happen and how not to lose face in the dirt. Upon arrival, the guy was immediately brought to the studio, and he met for the first time with famous singer R&B, Usher, who was a co-owner of the record company. Justin signed a contract with the studio, and Scooter became his producer.

In 2009, the singer’s first album “My World” was released, and literally the next day the guy woke up famous. His record was sold out by fans in record time; even the recording studio and Scooter himself did not expect this incredible success straightaway! All songs from the collection immediately entered the charts of leading music channels and were constantly played on the radio. Justin began to be invited for performances and album presentations. He performed in clubs and traveled all over America, became a guest on top-rated TV programs, and visited Ellen DiGeneris' studio. However, all this was just a small thing compared to the offer Justin received at the end of the year! He was given the great honor of performing on Christmas Eve before the President of America. When Bieber was 16, he became the host of the Grammy Awards.

A year later, the singer’s second album, called “My World 2.0,” was released. Like the first record, this collection is very quickly sold out by fans, and despite the fact that one of the songs has bad comments from listeners, saying that it was not performed in the singer’s genre, the album still goes gold, and thanks to it Justin receives the title of the youngest artist. musical composition which is number one on the charts.

The biography and personal life of Justin Bieber are closely related to music. The artist's popularity in America simply went beyond limits. Millions of downloads on iTunes, the release of posters, T-shirts, prints and souvenirs with images of the singer made him more and more popular and proved that music industry, aimed at young teenage fans, works! His songs were on top places in the ratings of Canada, right there in his homeland, the singer’s albums became platinum several times, and overseas in Australia and Zealand - gold. The activity of Bieber's fans on the Internet also broke all records. Eight years ago, according to agency estimates, traffic to Bieber’s personal Twitter page accounted for about 3% of the total resource! The youth idol travels all over the world, so fans often wonder where Justin Bieber lives now. The artist works with a recording studio in America and therefore lives in the USA.

In 2010, the singer starred in a movie for the first time. He got the role of a difficult teenager in the film “Crime Scene,” and a year later he appeared in a movie for the first time as himself. During his career, five films have already been released in which Justin played a cameo. Agree, not a bad achievement for a 24-year-old. In addition to filming films, the singer even has his own concert film. After releasing two albums, he spent almost two years on a world tour. Flights, hotels, clubs, and event venues, many concerts were connected into one huge Bieber tour around the world. The concert film was released in 2011 and those fans who were unable to see the idol live had the opportunity to watch his concert on the big screen.

After two albums with the same name, Justin slightly changed the style of his compositions and continued to release albums. During this time, he released three collections of songs, each of which sold millions of copies.

Throughout the singer’s career, he has repeatedly become the subject of discussion among fans, because he is a rather shocking star, and Justin’s antics are often associated with alcohol. At a young age, the singer got tattoos and continues to fill his body with inscriptions and drawings. Justin Bieber tattoo on arms, chest and back.

Justin Bieber's family and children

Analyzing childhood young artist, it becomes clear that he was one of the troubled teenagers you see so often in movies. Often, show business stars who become famous at such a young age very quickly begin to suffer from star fever and become addicted to drugs or alcohol; this topic has not escaped Justin either. Enormous popularity, crazy fees, financial independence at one time hit the young man’s head hard, and he did all sorts of stupid things. Although the consequences of the guy’s pranks were quite serious, this did not stop Justin. He was repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility for drunk driving, violation public order, and they also found drugs in his possession.

Perhaps all this is because the boy’s childhood was quite difficult. His mother, Peggy, was a single mother and raised her son alone. She found out she was pregnant when she was 17, the baby's father quickly ran away, and Peg was left with a difficult choice: keep the baby or terminate the pregnancy. The girl was scared to have an abortion, and the term was already long, so after 9 months she gave birth. Justin grew up without a father, so he tried to help his mother in everything as best he could.

His grandparents helped in his upbringing, so the guy tried not to disappoint them, went to sports clubs and studied music with his grandmother. She was a good pianist, and since there was no money for clubs, she taught her grandson to play the piano. Until the age of 14, the guy studied well at school, he wanted to get an education so that later he could find Good work and his mother lacked for nothing. Once he performed at a singing competition and took second place. The guy gave all the money from the prize money to his mother.

But when he gained fame, at first Justin did not pass the test of popularity and money. He got into scandals, fought on the streets, and once beat up a taxi driver who called the police. This situation caused a great resonance in the media and among fans, whose idol was Justin Bieber. What country is the singer a citizen of, they immediately began to punch and government bodies, they even wanted to deport the artist to Canada, but he remained in America.

Justin Bieber's wife

All the time that Justin sings on stage, his popularity among fans is growing at a tremendous pace. And first of all, this concerns, of course, young girls. Fans followed him in droves, followed his personal life and were “jealous” of every companion who appeared in the artist’s circles.

The artist began his first relationship at a fairly early age. When he was 16, information appeared in the media that the singer was dating a colleague, the young singer Selena Gomez. They were together for several years, and during this time information constantly appeared in the media that the young couple was planning to get married. The tabloids “noticed” non-existent rings on the girl’s finger, and thereby fueled interest in the singers. In 2012, they even published information that Selena was now Justin Bieber’s wife, but the information was not confirmed, and the couple soon broke up the relationship.

Is Justin Bieber gay? Singer's orientation

After the singer did not marry the girl and they broke up, there was a wave of negativity from fans that such a gorgeous couple had broken up. The media fueled these discussions, and even suggested that Justin Bieber was gay. The singer’s sexuality became the subject of discussion along with the release of his new album; in addition, at that time the singer was touring the world, and many thought that such a stir was just a PR stunt. After some time, a confession of non-traditional sexual orientation appeared on the artist’s Twitter page, and then everyone just gasped!

A commotion also began in the singer’s press service, since he could lose ratings from fans, who are the majority. This information was immediately followed by a refutation of the information, and the tabloids reported that the singer’s account was hacked by haters. Despite the fact that the artist publicly said that he loves women, doubts still crept into the souls of his fans, and some still believe that the singer is gay.

Justin Bieber and his girlfriend

For today most great love The singer was Selena Gomez. They met in 2010 and immediately started dating. It was as if he was singing about her. And Selena also released tearful compositions about love and romance, the hero of which, most likely, was the singer. Justin Bieber and his girlfriend were not shy about appearing in public together. They walked hand in hand, publicly kissed and surrendered to their feelings, not paying attention to the ubiquitous journalists and photographers.

Alas, their relationship did not stand the test of publicity, they constantly broke up, hurting each other, and in 2012 they announced that they were no longer together. Justin was credited with having affairs with various models and singers, and photographers caught him on the streets and in cafes. If another girl came into view with the artist, they were immediately convicted of treason. The journalists themselves seem to be confused about what kind of girlfriend Justin Bieber is, constantly attributing novels to him.

After breaking up with Gomez, the singer dated model Barbara Palvin, one of the Kardashian sisters, and model Ksenia Deli, but these relationships ended in nothing.

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