Summer programs for schoolchildren in museums. Summer programs for schoolchildren in museums Thematic classes and master classes

Have you already had time to relax and get back into your usual work routine? To-do lists are getting longer, schedules for all sorts of activities are getting tighter. Still, Lil School recommends finding time to visit museums and art galleries together with children, because this is very important for the development of taste and artistic perception. We want to help you decide where to go in the near future, and for this we will tell you about children's programs operating in museums and galleries in major Russian and foreign cities. Let's start with Moscow and St. Petersburg.


Tretyakov Gallery
Excursions to the Tretyakov Gallery are designed for children from seven years old, and creative activities are available for children from five. Excursions are conducted for organized groups, and in addition to the sightseeing route around the museum, you can visit thematic ones: “The World of Fairy Tales and Dreams.” “Art of the 20th century”, “In the sculptor’s workshop”, “In the artist’s workshop”, etc. You can sign up for creative classes individually by purchasing a one-time visit or a subscription. During classes, children draw, sculpt, listen to music and poetry, and watch excerpts from ballet and opera productions.
Programs for children 5-6 years old
For children 7-9 years old
For children 10-12 years old

State Museum of A.S. Pushkin
The museum's children's center has been operating for more than 12 years. The center is engaged in the creation of interactive children's programs that involve different types of art - literature, music, theater, fine arts and arts and crafts. The programs are designed for children from 5 to 15 years old. Museum teachers and researchers, directors, artists, philologists, historians, psychologists, theater experts, poets and writers work with children.
The topics of children's programs are very diverse: Pushkin Museum you can study writing, applied arts, theater arts, speech art, and even go to an artistic fencing studio.
You can select a suitable program on the museum website.

Moscow Museum of Modern Art MMOMA
The program of the MMOMA children's art studio includes two courses: “Two-dimensional visualization” and “Fundamentals of artistic perception.” Children from 4 to 10 years old can visit the children's studio; admission is available throughout the year. The MMOMA Educational Center offers courses in animation, book graphics, sculpture, theater arts and performance.
On the museum's website you can play the educational online game "PLAYMMOMA". The game is conceived as a fascinating interactive guide - an introduction to the world of contemporary art. Designed for children over 6 years old, as well as their parents.

Museum of Russian Impressionism
For schoolchildren, the IRI has developed excursion programs that will help them learn a lot about foreign and Russian art of the 19th century and XX centuries, learn to understand the language of painting. As they promise on the museum’s website, excursions take place without tediousness and boredom, but with the use of a unique multimedia zone. For the youngest visitors (from 4 years old) there is an interactive tour of the main exhibition.
For children 4-6 years old, the museum operates an educational and entertainment club “Karapuz and the Beautiful”. During classes, children perform different tasks, play, perform creative experiments, listen to music and even dance. The museum also hosts educational and entertaining master classes “Imaginary Avant-garde Artists”.

Saint Petersburg

State Hermitage Museum
The Hermitage School Center clubs are designed for children of different ages and last several years of study. Classes are taught by art critics, historians, orientalists, archaeologists and restorers. Admission is carried out in September based on the results of the interview. Children get acquainted with painting, learn the secrets of crafts, culture different eras, basics of archeology and much more.
The Hermitage has the oldest museum art studio in Russia. The training program includes performing creative tasks, as well as getting acquainted with masterpieces of fine art from the museum’s collection. Classes are held in the premises of the Art Studio and in the halls of the museum.

Erarta Museum of Contemporary Art
For children and schoolchildren, the museum has special programs in the form of interactive classes and game excursions at the exhibition. The programs are designed for children from 6 years old and will be of interest to even the most restless children. For example, on an excursion " Amazing Life things" children will see how ordinary objects, falling into the field of contemporary art, acquire unusual properties, change mood and character depending on how they are depicted or made by the artist.
In addition to excursions, there are activities in the form of quests: a game for children 6-10 years old “Save Fantasy, or Magic power art" and the art route "Adventures with Nemalevich". Older schoolchildren (11-17 years old) can take part in interactive classes “In Search of the Meaning of Life, or Playing with Art” and “Secrets of Contemporary Art.”

Academy of Arts Museum
For children, the museum offers classes in graphics, modeling, and mosaic art; course “Four Types of Art”, series of lessons “Unboring Art”. You can purchase one-time visits or a 1-month subscription. All activities are very interesting and suitable for children from 6 to 15 years old.
In the “Graphics” class, class participants will create an engraving and take home a real print. In the “Mosaic” course, children will work with natural marble and granite, sea pebbles, smalt, stained glass, and try themselves in unusual mixed media: painting with colored cements with mosaic elements.
Look detailed information and you can sign up for classes on the museum’s website.

Russian Museum
The museum conducts classes for children from 4 to 16 years old and family audiences, during school year. The program consists of excursions around the exhibition of the Russian Museum and creative classes in the studios of the Mikhailovsky Castle. On excursions, children get acquainted with the museum’s collections and the history of masterpieces; learn to understand the language of artists. In the studios, the guys learn techniques visual arts, doing drawing, sculpting and artistic modeling. You can study the avant-garde, Russian painting, the history of palaces and gardens of St. Petersburg, modern and folk art and much more.
In addition, the museum operates a distance learning program for schoolchildren and students. There is access to the courses “Language of Fine Arts” and “ Modern Art", including educational materials And test tasks on history, basic concepts of fine arts.

Anikushin's workshop
It's not only memorial museum the famous St. Petersburg sculptor of the twentieth century Mikhail Konstantinovich Anikushin, but also a modern center for learning and creativity. The most curious will definitely appreciate the opportunity to touch the exhibits, which is not allowed in every museum. Here you can also learn about how monuments are created: from the appearance of a sketch on paper to sending the finished model for casting in bronze.
For children there are

“Az and beeches, and then science, or how they studied in Rus'”

The interactive program will allow you to immerse yourself in the world of the pre-Petrine era, diversify the ideas of modern students about how and where the children of the 17th century received knowledge, what and who taught them, what books they studied from.
The children will enjoy a costumed excursion, which takes place in the interiors of ancient boyar chambers, unusual tasks and a fascinating lesson in ancient Russian calligraphy.

Group from 15 to 30 children.

Duration of the program: 1 hour 10 minutes.


"Ancient life of the boyars' chambers"

Traveling through interiors ancient chambers Boyar Titov, the children will get acquainted with the purpose of each room of the chambers, the daily life of the boyar family, and the way of life of the owners of the house. Our guests will be able to feel like they are in old Moscow for the second time half XVII century and take part in exciting games and fun.

Group from 15 to 30 children.

Duration of the program: 1 hour 10 minutes.

Cost for one student: 500 rubles, for a group of up to 15 people – 7,500 rubles.

Location: Museum of the Moscow Streltsy "Streltsy Chambers"

Quest “In search of the treasures of Ivan the Terrible”

Duma clerk Semyon Titov invites all adventure lovers on an unforgettable journey through the chambers of the 17th century in search of the treasures of Tsar Ivan the Terrible himself.
Following the clerk and his housekeeper, the guys will open the secrets of an ancient house, show their ingenuity and resourcefulness, master ancient Russian calligraphy and military affairs, and learn boyar traditions and customs.
Having traveled a long way and overcome all obstacles, guests will discover the hidden secret of the treasure and will not go home empty-handed.

Duration of the program: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Program cost: 1000 ₽ (child), 500 ₽ (adult)

Location: Museum of the Moscow Streltsy "Streltsy Chambers"

"Secrets of the Mint"

An educational children's interactive program takes guests into the world of metals, which have surrounded man since ancient times and have been his reliable servants and assistants for many millennia. During a thematic tour through the halls of the Museum, children will be able to get an idea of ​​metal as a material from which people create things for a very wide range of uses: war and peaceful work, study and everyday life, jewelry and coin making.

Children will get acquainted with various types of metal processing, reveal the secrets of blacksmithing, learn what the Moscow Monetary Court was like, and at the end of the program they will try their hand at minting hard coins - a souvenir that they can take with them as a keepsake.

Duration of the program: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Cost for one student: 650 rubles, for a group of up to 15 people – 9,750 rubles.

Location: Museum of the Moscow Streltsy "Streltsy Chambers"

Interactive costume tour with master class “Tricks of Arms”

You will have a tour of three thematic halls of the Streltsy exposition, accompanied by Streltsy Fyodor Molodtsov. Interactive program with costume fitting. Master class on mastering the “streltsy berdysh”.

Cultural and educational programs,conducted by the Chuvash State art museum:

  1. - Sunday studio of cultural and aesthetic education of children and adults (ORiZI, director L.A. Makarova).
  2. Since 2015, the museum has been participating in the Federal program of excursion and educational tourism “Live Lessons” and constantly exchanges experience with leading museums in Moscow under the “Lesson in the Museum” program. A lesson in a museum is separate lesson or a series of classes in one of the branches of the Chelyabinsk State Art Museum within the framework of the subjects “Art”, “World artistic culture”, “Culture” native land", "History", "Music", "Technology". The lesson is based on museum collections and uses the museum's exposition for a more in-depth and applied study of the subject. A lesson in a museum provides an interdisciplinary approach, combining knowledge from different school subjects into a coherent picture of scientific knowledge. It must be related to specific topics educational program, but also involves research and creative assignments beyond the scope of this program.
  3. For children different ages(and interested adults) the museum offers a series of thematic excursions through the permanent exhibition - “Chuvash art: Origins. Development. Modernity”, which includes not only a story about works of art, but also games, creative tasks and other elements of spectator activity.
  4. Quests, games, creative meetings at changing exhibitions.

    Several times a month, rotating exhibitions are opened in departments of the museum, and for each of them we develop a children's program; it is possible to organize meetings with artists and thematic master classes. Look at the poster and negotiate with us by phone: 62-42-57 and 89176773124.

  5. Visiting Muzeyka- Open day every last Sunday of the month, for the age category up to 18 years: meetings with leading artists Chuvash Republic, composers, musicians, poets; multidisciplinary master classes, concert performances by students of the Children's Music School named after. Maksimov and ChDSHI No. 1 (ChGKhM, director L.I. Kadikina).
  6. Conversations about literature (CSR ChGKhM, director V.A. Bamburin).

  7. - reading, conversations, master classes, watching videos and films for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren (ChGKhM, director M.V. Gottlieb).
  8. School for young illustrators- a program designed for children 7-12 years old. Based on works of modern and classical children's literature, introduces the structure of a book and different types illustrations, involves studying the works of Russian and foreign artists books, mastering a variety of picturesque and graphic techniques. The teacher is artist Tatyana Lisitsyna. Registration for classes by phone 89373764916.

  9. Individual visitors with children can use "Museum suitcase" so that acquaintance with the permanent exhibition of the ChGKhM takes place in the atmosphere of an exploratory game. Ask at the box office.

Tours of the exhibition “Face to Face with Nature”

"Travel with Alenka"
An excursion based on the Russian folk tale “Geese and Swans”, a journey with sister Alyonushka through forests, steppes, rivers and lakes in search of her lost brother Ivanushka.
"Forest Walk"
About the diversity of the natural world of taiga and forest-steppe natural areas.
"Journey to the Land of Mammoths"
About animals ice age, who lived in the territory of the Omsk Irtysh region (on-site classes are possible).

Museum Conversations

“Hello, museum!”

Acquaintance with museum terms, rules, professions, and sections of the museum exhibition.

"Grandma's Chest"

Conversation about antiques and objects of everyday life that have come out of modern use

"Inventors of the Distant Past"

A conversation about the most significant inventions of primitive man at the exhibition “Archaeology of the Omsk Irtysh Region”. Master class: come up with an ornament for a pot.

“How Omsk grew and was built”

Conversation (using a multimedia presentation) about the campaign of I. Bukholz and the founding of the first Omsk fortress. Master class in plasticineography technique (on-site classes are possible).

"Who lives here?"

A conversation about the multinational composition of the population and the diversity of cultures of the peoples of Siberia using an example various types dwellings (on-site classes are possible).

“How bread got on the table”

A conversation about hard peasant labor in the process of growing grain and caring for bread (on-site classes are possible).

“Embroidering a towel”

Conversation about traditional ornament with practical work for paper towel design (on-site classes are possible).

"Favorite toy"

Conversation about ancient and modern toys different nations. Master class on making toys with your own hands (on-site classes are possible).

"The History of Pottery"

A conversation about the appearance of pottery, its use, the profession of a potter and the potter's wheel (on-site classes are possible).

“What people wrote and write”

Conversation about the history of writing instruments. Master class on writing with a pen (on-site classes are possible).

"Picture book"

Conversation about the history of the book and its types book graphics (on-site classes are possible).

"The Magic Transformation of a Penny"

Conversation about the history of banknotes (on-site classes are possible).

"Hello, forest!"

Conversation-acquaintance (using a multimedia presentation) with the nature of the native land, forest dwellers Omsk region, the importance of forests in human life. Master class “My Forest” using applique technique (on-site classes are possible).

"Pebbles in the sandbox"

A conversation (using a multimedia presentation) about the composition of sand and its formation, showing a collection of minerals (on-site classes are possible).

"The Story of a Spoon"

A conversation (using a multimedia presentation) about the appearance of a familiar object - a spoon. Master class on making spoons from newspaper tubes using weaving technique (on-site classes are possible).

“Eh, bast shoes, bast shoes...”

Conversation (using multimedia presentation) about traditional form shoes of Russian peasants. Master class on weaving bast shoes (on-site classes are possible).

"Country of Pioneers"

A conversation about the pioneer movement, the red tie, ceremonial lines and the beat of the drum.

"Travel in a Retromobile"

A conversation (using a multimedia presentation) about different types of transport, accompanied by a photo series of images of city views (on-site classes are possible).

"Childhood scorched by war"

A conversation (using a multimedia presentation) about the life of children in the rear using the example of our city, about front-line children. Master class “Front-line postcard” (on-site classes are possible).

“They helped us win!”

A conversation (using a multimedia presentation) about animals that helped man forge victory on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War (on-site classes are possible).

Game activities

Cycle “One day of summer feeds the whole year”

"Cucumber Day"

About the history of the appearance of cucumber in Russia, its beneficial properties and signs from the Russian agricultural calendar. (on-site classes are possible).


About the history of the appearance of the tomato in Russia, its beneficial properties, and the annual “tomato” festival held in the Spanish city of Buñol. (on-site classes are possible).


About the history of the appearance of potatoes in Rus', its beneficial properties. Master class on making toy potatoes. (on-site classes are possible).

"Onion Teardrop Day"

About the history of the use of onions in the distant past, its beneficial properties, the Russian agricultural calendar, and the Second Autumn holiday. (on-site classes are possible).

Cycle “Time for business, time for fun”

“Foma was sitting on a bench”

About the childhood of peasant children, introducing them to work, as well as about traditional gaming culture (on-site classes are possible).

"By the Bear in the Forest"

About the rules of behavior of children in the forest and its inhabitants, a story about goblin, water, swamp (on-site classes are possible).

“Like our name day”

About the traditional rituals and customs that accompany the celebration of name days, and the mystery of the origin of your name. Master class on making a “Kuvadka” doll.

Theatrical events: museum festivals

New Year's party at the museum.


Traditions of celebrating Russian Maslenitsa, features of each day of Maslenitsa week, round dance, children's games and fun, Parsley theater.


A traditional holiday celebrated in folk culture when “winter ends - spring begins...”. Guests will enjoy a theatrical program, games, riddles, and a master class.

“Sunny wedding on Kupala Day”

Traditions of celebrating Ivan Kupala Day, conversation about mermaids, evil spirits, collecting herbs and searching for fern flowers.

"Day of Love, Family and Loyalty"

A holiday dedicated to the Day of Love, Family and Loyalty, which is celebrated on July 8th. Children will learn about the history of the holiday, family values, traditions and responsibilities.

"Day of Cabbage"

About the Feast of the Exaltation, “cabbage” parties, signs and history of the appearance of this vegetable crop.

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