Leonid Agutin biography. Leonid Agutin's mother spoke about the singer's illegitimate daughter

The famous singer Leonid Nikolaevich Agutin won the hearts of many fans and fans, achieving success for a short time. His hits are listened to not only in Russia and the post-Soviet space. Despite all life difficulties, Leonid has reached the maximum level in his musical career.

Agutin got married for the first time while he was a student. He lived with Svetlana Belykh for about five years. However, their marriage quickly fell apart after the singer met ballerina Maria Vorobyova abroad. But Leonid was not happy with her either; however, the couple had a daughter, Polina.

In the early 2000s, the pop artist met his next love, with whom he is still married. wedding star couple played in Italy, creating a romantic atmosphere. Since then, celebrities have been inseparable, as they perform together at concerts and go on vacation. Varum and Agutin created many joint albums, and their hits became the best in the music charts.

In 2011, the media started a rumor that the couple was separating, but this turned out to be untrue. Angelica gave Agutin a wonderful girl, Elizaveta, who followed in the footsteps of her parents.

Children of Leonid Agutin

Leonid is not only a talented musician and singer, but also a distinguished ladies' man. From Maria Vorobyova he has a daughter, Polina, whom he does not see often, since she lives in France with her mother.

Agutin has another daughter, but this time from Angelica Varum. Daughter Elizabeth decided to follow the same path as her parents. On this moment the girl lives and performs in the USA with her music group called "Without Gravity". Leonid loves his daughters very much and tries to spend as much time with them as possible.

Biography of Leonid Agutin

Leonid Nikolaevich Agutin was born in the capital of the Russian Federation on June 16, 1968. Due to the fact that his family was directly related to art and creativity, the boy went to school early and began to study the basics of music. His strong character and perseverance were developed by Father Nikolai, who at one time sold out concert halls.

When Agutin showed his talent, his parents sent him to the Moskvorechye jazz center. After this is over educational institution, Leonid immediately entered the Moscow State Institute of Culture at the department of stage director.

Leonid often went on tour with celebrities, gaining invaluable experience. While still a student, he not only sang, but also composed words and music. For example, in the early 1990s he won the music festival in Crimea, and his song “ Barefoot boy"became the best.

In 2008, the singer received the title of “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.” At the same time, his album “Cosmopolitan Life” gained wide popularity not only in Russia, but also in Europe and the USA. This record was recorded with jazz guitarist Al Di Meola.

Now the artist manages to perform at significant events, sit on the jury and participate in various television projects. For example, Agutin evaluates talents in the show “The Voice. Children" and "Voice". In addition, Leonid intends to participate in other TV projects in the very near future.

Personal life of Leonid Agutin

The life of pop star Leonid Agutin is filled with bright and unforgettable moments. The artist never hid the fact that he loved to court girls and break their hearts. But he did this until he met his love, Angelica Varum.

Now he is happy, as he has two beautiful and talented daughters, with whom he loves to spend free time. Agutin specially gathers his family for big holidays to enjoy the presence of his relatives.

Family of Leonid Agutin

Leonid's parents were creative people. Father Nikolai was a famous musician, he was known throughout the USSR. In addition, under the leadership of Nikolai, many musical projects. Now Agutin Sr. works as a music critic and mentors young talents. Leonid's mother worked all her life as a high school teacher. She managed to achieve the title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation.”

It is worth noting that in the family Leonid was only child, so he received maximum attention from the teacher and musician. At an early age, the parents sent the boy to music school, where he learned to play the piano. Agutin's father greatly influenced him creative success and was a great authority.

Leonid Agutin - composer, poet, performer, producer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and author of several books

Date of Birth: July 16, 1968
Place of Birth: Moscow, USSR
Zodiac sign: Cancer

“A musician is a child until the end of his days.”

"I responsible person, I will do everything that is entrusted to me and have never let anyone down, but I am not a punctual person, I am almost always late - this is my karma.”

Biography of Leonid Agutin

Leonid was born in Moscow, in the family of musician, singer Nikolai Petrovich and teacher primary classes Lyudmila Leonidovna (nee Shkolnikova) Agutin.

Mom was mainly involved in raising little Leni, because dad was always very busy: at that time he worked as an administrator, director musical groups– groups Stasam Namin, “Pesnyary”, “Jolly Guys”, “Singing Hearts”. Later, the parents divorced, and my mother married doctor Nikolai Babenko.

“Mom is my human, moral and ethical reference point. Mother - best person on earth, I love her very much. She even wrote a book about me, “Leonid Agutin.”

Agutin and music

From the age of six, Leonid studied in two schools - general education No. 863 and music school. The boy loved to improvise; he even tried to alter Bach and Beethoven. True, the kind and beloved piano teacher correctly hinted that it was not worth improvising during the exam before the commission.

At the age of 12, Lenya wrote a meaningful musical piece for piano called “The Sea.” The musician just loves this element very much. As a child, I could sit for hours on the shore and look at the sea.

When Agutin was 14 years old, he entered the jazz school at the Moskvorechye cultural center. After serving in the army in the border troops, for which he was drafted at the age of 18, he entered the Moscow State Institute of Culture and received a specialty in production director. As a result, Leonid's musical and directing education led him to show business.

Glory has come

In 1992, he graduated from the institute and became a laureate of the Yalta-1992 song competition with his first hit, “Barefoot Boy.” Leonid Agutin, as they say, woke up famous - this song sounded from every loudspeaker. Two years later, he released the album “Barefoot Boy”, which included such popular songs as “Barefoot Boy”, “Talk about Rain”, “Hop Hey Lala”, “Black Guy”, “Who Shouldn’t wait".

In the spring of 1995, the singer collected the full Olympic Stadium twice. One of the most interesting projects Agutin, unappreciated at home, but recognized in other countries, became “Cosmopolitan Life” - a joint project with a famous jazz musician Alom Di Meola.

Viewer's love

The viewer loves Agutin and his songs and goes to his concerts with pleasure. The fact that the musician constantly participates in rated television projects on federal channels: this is “Two Stars”, where he won paired with actor Fyodor Dobronravov, and his mentoring in the show “The Voice” (2012-2014, 2016-2017), “The Voice. Children" (2016) and "Voice. 60+" (2018).

  1. Leonid Agutin is the author of several books (“ Notebook 69. Poems”, “Book of Poems and Songs” and “Poetry of Ordinary Days. Art diary"). His book for children was recently published, called “I am an Elephant”. This book is part of a project in which famous people who are able to use pen and paper, write about different animals especially for children. The company we have chosen is interesting; in addition to Agutin, Valery Syutkin, Ilya Lagutenko, Tatyana Vedeneeva, Elena Koreneva, Dmitry Bykov, Tatyana Ustinova, Andrey Makarevich, Sergey Lukyanenko and others are participating in the project. Leonid chose an elephant because he considers himself a fan of this large animal, which can afford not to have enemies.
  2. In 2018, the year of his 50th birthday, Leonid Agutin decided to give himself a gift: he opened his own production center.
  3. At the end of September 2018, Leonid Agutin released the song “Some Kind of Bullshit” together with rock musician Sergei Shnurov. On October 1, the shooting of a video for this song took place.

Personal life

Leonid's first wife was Svetlana Belykh. They lived together for five years. Then there was a relationship with ballerina Maria Vorobyova. The couple had a daughter, Polina. Agutin believes that it was her birth that made him an adult, he became a responsible person. Today, the now grown-up daughter lives with her mother and stepfather in France.

Honored Artist of Russia Leonid Nikolaevich Agutin has become the favorite of many. He is a talented musician, an excellent vocalist and composer, author...

From Masterweb

13.06.2018 00:00

Who in our country does not know Leonid Agutin! Who hasn’t sung along with his “Barefoot Boy” or “Border”, who hasn’t seen his performances and interviews on various television and radio broadcasts! There is probably no person to whom this artist would be completely unfamiliar. But the personal biography of Leonid Agutin is hardly known to a wide audience. How did he come to fame?

Childhood and youth

The biography of Leonid Agutin, a Jew by nationality, which, however, he himself never hid, began in Moscow one hot July day in 1968. He didn’t have the slightest chance not to take up music - little Leni’s father, Nikolai Agutin, is still a revered person in the world of music - he sang himself, and administered other performers, and made a name for himself as musical critic. “Pesnyary”, “Flowers”, “Jolly Fellows” - all these groups were at one time closely associated with Nikolai Petrovich. And the mother of the future artist, Lyudmila Leonidovna, was a teacher, and even worked her way up to the title of Honored Teacher, but even now she also has the most reverent attitude towards music.

At the age of six, Lenya was sent to a music school. His parents were strict about his studies: every day the boy had to devote several hours to exercises. However, little Leonid was not against it, having before his eyes the example of his father, whom he always imitated. So, one might say, music was present in the biography of Leonid Agutin from birth. And, in general, everything was not in vain - both the boy’s parents and teachers saw obvious talent in him. So Leonid graduated from two schools at once - a regular high school and a jazz music school.

Military service

After school, Leonid entered the Institute of Culture, after which he received a diploma as a director. But even before that, military conscription happened in his life. At first, Leonid was lucky - he ended up serving in Leningrad, became a soloist in the song and dance ensemble organized in the unit, and constantly performed with various creative numbers.

But then everything “went wrong”: AWOL, which ended unsuccessfully, and transfer to further service in the border troops as a cook. This is how the border between Karelia and Finland happened in the biography of Leonid Agutin. He served until 1988 and returned home without his usual long hair which he treasured so much.

The beginning of a musical career

It’s probably not entirely correct to say that, because it started music career Leonida in his youth. However, for the time being it did not bring him fame. And at the very beginning of the nineties, Agutin fell happy ticket: he, who had previously worked for several years as an opening act for various vocal groups, himself became a laureate of the competition in Yalta. His victory was secured by the composition “Barefoot Boy,” which immediately became a hit, and the young performer himself, as they say, woke up famous. From that moment everything started to happen: the recording of the first album, the first independent performances, the first tours... This has been going on for many years.

Poetic activity

It is believed that the Jewish nation is the most talented in many areas. Leonid Agutin is a Jew, and his biography confirms the truth this opinion. This man is not only an excellent performer, but also writes songs himself, composes music himself - both for himself and for other artists. For example, to my beloved wife Angelica.

But Leonid does not set all of his poems to music, leaving some simply as texts. However, these things do not go “on the table”: since 2009, the artist has already published two books of poems, the last of which also contains various thoughts of the author on topical topics.

Leonid Agutin: personal life

The artist's biography would be incomplete if we did not dwell on one more point - his family life. Leonid Nikolaevich began to develop it in his youth: so, when he was about twenty years old, he married a girl named Svetlana. This marriage did not last too long and ended in divorce in 1993.

Leonid has always enjoyed success with the opposite sex, so it is not surprising that soon after breaking up with Svetlana, she drew attention to the already famous artist young ballerina Maria Vorobyova. Their relationship had the status of free, they did not register their marriage, they simply lived together. Leonid was not ready to get married at that time, which, however, he honestly warned Masha about. And by mutual consent they separated two years later. Soon after this, Maria gave birth to a child - a girl. We will return to this a little later.

And in 1997, in the life and biography of Leonid Agutin, the one he had been looking for for so long appeared - his love, muse and wife Angelica Varum. They lived together for three years without formalizing their relationship, but after the birth of their daughter they finally decided to take such a step. A couple of days after next day After the birth of Leonid, they officially became husband and wife in the most romantic city - Venice.

In addition to his wife, with whom Leonid is happily married to this day, his family consists of parents - both the artist’s mother and father are healthy: Nikolai Petrovich lives with his son, as well as two daughters. About them - below.

Children in the biography of Leonid Agutin

As mentioned above, the artist is a happy father of two daughters. The eldest's name is Polina, she was born twenty-two years ago, and her mother is the same ballerina Masha. Despite the fact that the joint family life Things didn’t work out with Polina’s mom and dad, but with Polina’s father a good relationship. The girl lives in France, where she moved from Italy - she lived there with her mother and stepfather. Periodically, she visits Russia - visits her father and grandparents.

The youngest, Lisa, was born three years later - she is the child of Leonid and Angelica. Since birth, she has lived with her mother's parents - they took her so that her artist parents could work at full capacity, as before. At first they lived outside the city, then moved to Miami, where they live to this day. Leonid and Angelica often fly to visit their daughter, and she herself occasionally flies to her homeland.

“This is “The Voice!”

For several years now, Channel One has been consistently airing every fall. musical show“The Voice”, where people from all over the country can show off their vocal abilities. This competition show has four mentors who change periodically. But there is a so-called golden squad, those people who sat in the coaches’ chairs from the first launch of the project. Leonid Agutin is among them. Under his leadership, in several seasons of the show, simple people, but incredibly talented, gifted in musically people whom Leonid, together with his father, taught much of what he himself knew. And two years ago, a girl from Leonid’s team was able to win the next season of the project.

Leonid also once had the opportunity to work as a mentor in “Golos” for children, and, according to him, there were no children there who came there for the wrong reasons. at will, but at the will of the parents. The artist is sure that this is an excellent indicator: according to him, he does not understand the reverse situation at all. All the children Leonid met at the show had great ambitions, which means that sooner or later they will be able to achieve their goal and become truly real artists with capital letters And, like Leonid Agutin himself.


To date, Leonid is the owner of many awards and prizes, the author of three books. He has released a huge number of videos and songs, ten albums - and the “barefoot boy of our stage,” as he is sometimes called, is not going to stop there. And his most important achievement, in general, is his family - two daughters from different mothers are friendly with each other, and this cannot but please their dad.

  1. In the biography of Leonid Agutin, whose nationality is Jewish, there is interesting fact: his real name is Leonty.
  2. The artist’s parents have been divorced since he was fourteen years old.
  3. Just a year after the release of the first record, Agutin collected “Olympic” - and twice as much.
  4. Ten years ago he became an Honored Artist of our country.
  5. Participated in many different television projects.
  6. Can't stand airplanes, doesn't like crowds of people.
  7. Doesn't eat meat or sweets.
  8. He went to serve of his own free will.
  9. I first saw my wife Angelica in the nineties, but did not dare to approach.
  10. He loves tennis and plays it.

This is the biography of Leonid Agutin, a multifaceted, talented and creative man.

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Leonid Agutin - a popular Soviet, and now Russian singer, composer, musician and director. Received the honorary title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. The man writes most of his songs himself. Sociable, cheerful, charming - these are the words that come to mind when mentioning Leonid.

He is married to the famous singer and simply wonderful woman Anzhelika Varum. The singer has a strong and Friendly family. By the way, Agutin’s zodiac sign is Cancer. This testifies to his active, agile mind and eternally young state in his soul. More details about it personal life and singing career you can find out by reading this article.

Height, weight, age. How old is Leonid Agutin

Many fans, and most often fans of creativity popular artist I am interested in the question: what is his height, weight, age, how old is Leonid Agutin. Considering that he was born in 1968, this means that Leonid is currently 48 years old. The man's height is 1 meter 72 centimeters, which is the average height for men.

By the way, Leonid is only 5 cm taller than his wife, so when a woman puts on high-heeled shoes, she becomes a little taller than her chosen one. The singer weighs, by the way, different sources either 67 kg or 86 kg. Most likely, Leonid’s weight is still closer to 80 kg, since in Lately he recovered a little.

Biography of Leonid Agutin

The biography of Leonid Agutin is very interesting. He was born in mid-July in one of the districts of Moscow. His father's name was Nikolai and he was quite famous musician, and his mother was a simple primary school teacher. Nikolai was a member of the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Blue Guitars”.

At the age of six, little Lenya wanted to enter a jazz school, where he studied together with the regular high school. He graduated with honors in piano.

At the age of 18, the young man joined the army in the border troops, where he spent two years. After which he entered the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography, where he graduated with a degree in stage production.

In 1989, Leonid began traveling around the country as part of various musical groups, for which he was the opening act. A couple of years later, he decided to take part in a competition for young performers of various pop songs in Yalta, where he became the winner, singing “Barefoot Boy.” A year later he won another competition in Jurmala. After that, he released his first album of the same name, which instantly became a hit and made Leonid popular.

In 2009, the man published his first book, which included his songs and poems written throughout recent years. A couple of years later he took first place in music competition“Two Stars”, where he participated together with actor Fyodor Dobronravov.

In 2012-2016, he was a member of the jury in the “Voice” project, where his ward took first place in one of the seasons.

At the moment there are 16 behind Leonid solo albums, 3 books and participation in documentary film about himself, which was timed to coincide with the artist’s 45th birthday.

Personal life of Leonid Agutin

The personal life of Leonid Agutin is a question that is often of interest to journalists. Leonid himself admits that there were only 3 loves in his life, however, at the age of 14 he already became a man when he was at summer camp. A handsome, charming young man with a guitar aroused the interest of many girls. In 1988, the singer married Svetlana Belykh, with whom he lived for only 5 years. It was an early marriage, the young man was only 18 at that time, so it was unlikely to last long.

Afterwards he met the ballerina Maria, with whom he lived in a civil marriage, and with whom he had a daughter, Polina. Now the singer is married to Angelica Varum, a popular pop singer. The couple got married in 2000 in the most romantic city in the world, Venice. They have a daughter, Lisa, who recently turned 18. The girl lives in Miami, where she followed in the footsteps of her star parents and created quite a popular rock band, in which she is a soloist.

Family of Leonid Agutin

Leonid Agutin's family is not very large. His parents divorced when the future singer was only fourteen years old. Leonid’s father was a popular music critic, but, unfortunately, he died in 2014. Agutin experienced the loss of his father very hard, whom he rarely saw anyway.

The man lives in perfect harmony with his wife Angelica. Articles often appeared in the press that the couple was allegedly on the verge of divorce. However, as the singer himself claims, this is not true, it’s just that journalists are bored of writing about the fact that everything is fine with a famous couple for more than 10 years, so they come up with such high-profile articles. Not long ago, journalists photographed Agutin in the company of a woman. The man himself says that this is just his friend, but nevertheless, after disputes with his wife, he bought an apartment in Miami worth $2 million as a reconciliation.

Children of Leonid Agutin

The children of Leonid Agutin are a frequently asked question among journalists. The man has two daughters from two marriages. The eldest, Polina, is from a civil marriage with ballerina Maria Vorobyova. After Leonid broke up with Masha, they joint daughter I stayed with my mother, who soon got married. Now the girl lives with her stepfather and mother in France.

After the wedding, Angelica, the singer’s second wife, gave birth to her husband’s daughter, who was named Elizabeth. The girl is very similar to her dad and has the same beautiful and clear voice as hers. famous parents. She is currently studying in college and permanently lives in Miami with her grandmother and uncle on her mother's side.

Daughter of Leonid Agutin - Polina

Leonid Agutin's daughter, Polina, is his first child. The girl was born in 1996, now she is 21 years old. Recently, a girl introduced Leonid to her chosen one, a Frenchman Arab origin Juan. The guy, according to rumors, proposed to her.

Unfortunately, for unknown reasons, Agutin does not personally know his daughter’s fiancé; they only communicated virtually. Polina flew alone to her father's birthday. By the way, Polina and Lisa didn’t communicate much before; they first met in 2012, however, recently they began to be friends and often visit each other.

Daughter of Leonid Agutin - Lisa

Daughter of Leonid Agutin - Lisa - youngest child famous singer. Angelika Varum gave birth to a girl in 1999. Lisa recently celebrated her coming of age. Elizabeth has been studying and living in Miami since childhood, where her parents sent her to live with her grandparents. Because of their busy concert schedule, they did not have the opportunity to spend much time with the child, and they did not want to hire a nanny. The girl followed in the footsteps of her star parents and created her own rock band “Without Gravity” (without gravity).

She actively performs at various school concerts, writes all the music and lyrics herself, and also plays the guitar. Lisa is the lead singer of her group. The best gift there will be a guitar for her. The father helps his daughter in every possible way in her singing career, but Lisa wants to achieve everything herself, because she is an independent and unspoiled child.

Ex-wife of Leonid Agutin - Svetlana Belykh

Ex-wife Leonida Agutin - Svetlana Belykh - the first chosen one of the famous singer. They got married in 1988, immediately after Agutin returned from the army, but they did not live together for very long, only 5 years. It was during this period that Leonid began his singing career and his wife was not satisfied with her husband’s constant absence. In addition, the man was quite loving and as his popularity grew, so did his army of female fans.

So, tired of his wife’s jealousy, Agutin filed for divorce. Over the years life together the couple never had children together. Why Svetlana and Leonid broke up is not known for certain. There is no information on the Internet or in the press about life path Svetlana. Maybe this is because she was not a public person and did not give interviews.

Leonid Agutin's ex-wife - Maria Vorobyova

Leonid Agutin's ex-wife, Maria Vorobyova, lived with him in a civil marriage for several years. The woman gave birth to Leonid’s daughter, who was named Polina. With your future common-law husband Maria met in Paris, where he was on tour. At that time the girl was a ballerina Bolshoi Theater. They stayed together for only 4 years, without ever formalizing their relationship.

Leonid saw his chosen one no more than once a month due to his busy schedule, but this seemed not enough to the woman, and she decided that the birth of a child would take their relationship to a new level. However, when Maria told Leonid that she was pregnant, he had already been interested in Angelica Varum for some time. As a result, the birth of a child did not stop the loving man and the couple separated. Now Maria lives in France with her new husband and daughter.

Leonid Agutin's wife - Angelika Varum

Leonid Agutin's wife, Angelika Varum, is the third and so far last love men. They met when Angelica was already a fairly famous singer, and Leonid was just starting his career.

The couple sang in a duet, after which the journalists were firmly convinced that they were dating. However, the star people needed to be convinced of their feelings, and the couple announced that they were together two whole years later.

Anzhelika was born in Lviv at the end of May 1969. The woman is popular Russian singer, songwriter and actress. She has a half-brother Mikhail. Agutin is the singer’s second husband. In her first marriage, the woman lived with her former classmate for 8 years; they had no children.

Now Angelica famous performer, who has more than 16 albums behind her. Among other things, she also starred in 14 films. In 2011, the singer received the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Except variety activities, a woman produced the perfume “Angelika Varum”, which was released until 2008, now there are smells similar to it.

Instagram and Wikipedia Leonid Agutin

Instagram and Wikipedia Leonid Agutin are sources where anyone can find information about famous singer. Leonid has his own page on Instagram, where he quite often posts photos. By the way, the man has more than 700 thousand subscribers.

Also, there is a lot of information about detailed life and Agutin’s career can be found on Wikipedia. Unfortunately, the singer does not blog, so if you want to know something about your idol, you can find the information either on Wikipedia or Instagram.

Leonid Agutin - famous Russian performer, musician, composer, director and song arranger. His compositions became hits back in the 90s, Agutin gave many concerts throughout the country. He has won awards many times, and has repeatedly collaborated not only with Russian stars, but also with foreign ones. He repeatedly participated in various programs, for example, in 2012 he became a participant in the show “Two Stars,” which he won.

Musician good example how you can be incredibly famous, but at the same time not have star fever and absolutely adequately evaluate your work. The artist is very much loved by the public for his openness, sincerity, intelligence and beautiful family. Today, the artist sits on the jury of the “Voice” project, which finds talent all over the country, and his wards, participants in the show, have already become winners more than once.

Height, weight, age. How old is Leonid Agutin

Their duet once won the hearts of millions of fans, and even today the songs of Agutin and Varum, one of the most beautiful couples on Russian stage, touch the hearts and souls of many. The song “If You Ever Forgive Me” practically became their anthem. Of course, this is the merit of both of them, but the fact that Leonid Agutin is crazy talented musician and the composer who became the author of their couple’s hits cannot be denied.

Today, like 20 years ago, the public is interested in everything related to their pet, even height, weight, age. How old is Leonid Agutin is not a difficult question; today the man is 49 years old, his height is 172 cm, and his weight is about 80 kg.

Biography of Leonid Agutin

The singer was born in 1698 in Moscow. Born into a family of musicians, he was destined to become famous composer and connect your life with music. Already as a child, Lenya showed interest in creativity and art, and although he still could not play anything, he was already trying with all his might to press the keys of his father’s piano. Agutin went to music school earlier than to regular school; already at the age of 6, the boy learned to play the piano at the Moskvorechye jazz school, at the House of Culture. He graduated with honors and served in the army for the next two years in the border troops on the Soviet-Finnish border. Even while in the army, Leonid did not give up his hobby and in the evenings in the storeroom he and the guys played the guitar and sang, and sometimes those who knew how to play musical instruments, performed in front of the main cast during concerts.

After graduating from the institute, Agutin often performed as an opening act for famous bands, so he spent several years traveling throughout the country. Then the guy postponed his schedule for several years and entered the Moscow Institute of Art and Culture, Faculty of Directing, to receive higher education. After graduation, Agutin began performing solo and won the Yalta-92 competition with one of his most famous songs, “Barefoot Boy.” This composition became Agutin’s first hit, which gave him popularity and the love of fans. Two years later, an album of the same name was released, thanks to which Leonid wins in several categories: “Album of the Year” and “Singer of the Year”. Over time, only the song “Hop hey lalalei” became more popular than “Barefoot Boy.”

In 1995, the artist collected huge halls, performed and toured a lot, he had two large solo concerts at the Olimpiyskiy. Today Agutin holds the record for receiving the Golden Gramophone awards.

The biography of Leonid Agutin developed in the most favorable way, thanks to his desire and the fact that he never pursued profit. The artist simply did what he liked. In 2005, the artist recorded a record with American jazz musician Eldie Meola, who even received a Grammy Award abroad. Alas, in his homeland this album was not appreciated, and Agutin was offended, but in his interview he said then that “he didn’t have hysterics, that he unrecognized genius", so we can say that the artist never suffered from vanity or star fever.

Personal life of Leonid Agutin

The personal life of Leonid Agutin has always interested the public no less than him creative ideas, songs and performances, because right on stage it unfolded real story love between him and singer Angelika Varum. Today, looking at this couple, it seems that they have always been together, and were literally born for each other, but few people know that in his youth the artist was married and lived with his first wife for quite a long time, about 5 years.

Before Angelica and Leonid met, the man had already been married twice. One of his marriages was official, and the second was civil and at a distance. For some time he lived with ballerina Maria Vorobyova, whom he met in France. The woman gave birth to a daughter from Agutin, but they never got married, perhaps because the artist soon met Varum, and his world simply turned upside down. In general, they talked a lot about the artist’s personal life, often connecting him with various women, including from show business.

In 2011, the public was simply shocked by a video on the Internet, which clearly showed the composer passionately kissing an unfamiliar brunette in a hotel lobby. It was such a daring betrayal that the media happily discussed this topic even long years. Six months later, Agutin gave an interview where he publicly admitted his love for his wife and that having an affair on the side was his biggest mistake. Varum herself also said that she forgave her husband because she couldn’t imagine life without him.

Family of Leonid Agutin

It is difficult to say whether the artist would have become what he is now if not for Leonid Agutin’s family. His father is a famous Soviet composer, music critic and musician, concert organizer and businessman. At one time, Nikolai Petrovich sang in the “blue guitars” ensemble and was a laureate of many song competitions, and then worked as an administrator in the most famous groups USSR: “Pesnyary”, “Cheerful guys”, “Singing hearts”.

The musician’s mother, Lyudmila Leonidovna, when she was young, took up dancing and performed in dance groups. In her adult years she worked as a teacher and is an Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation. They met in 1965 in Gorky Park, and have not been separated since then. When their son was born, the couple decided to name the boy in honor of Lyudmila’s father, who died during the war.

Children of Leonid Agutin

The artist has two children. Children of Leonid Agutin - two daughters from different women, today they live in different countries. The artist's eldest daughter, Polina, was born in a civil marriage with a French ballerina. After the singer met Angelica, he broke up with the woman, and Polya lived with her mother and stepfather. The family first lived in Italy and then moved to France, where they live today.

Agutin's youngest daughter, Elizaveta, was born to Angelica Varum. The girl is very similar to her parents, and today she plays music, actively studies vocals, and studies at school. The girl has been living in America, in Miami, with Angelica’s parents for a long time. The girl's parents wanted her to receive a good education and life, but they themselves don’t want to move to America, since their life and work are here.

Daughter of Leonid Agutin - Polina Vorobyova

Leonid Agutin’s daughter, Polina Vorobyova, was born in 1996 in Paris, and today the girl is already 22 years old. The girl has not seen her for many years stepsister, they only met in 2012, but today they communicate very well.

Polina and her father saw each other very rarely, since they lived in different countries, and one can say that the girl considers her stepfather rather than Agutin to be her father, but she recently flew to Russia to see her own father and congratulate him on his birthday . The girl said that she was dating a Frenchman of Arab origin, Jean, who could not come to Russia, but talked with the musician on Skype. Agutin’s daughter is planning to get married soon, as the guy proposed to her.

Daughter of Leonid Agutin - Elizaveta Varum

Leonid Agutin’s daughter, Elizaveta Varum, was born in 1999. Recently, a girl celebrated her coming of age by visiting her parents for a holiday. When Lisa was born, Leonid and Angelica had a very busy tour schedule, they were literally at the top of their popularity, and there was no way they could postpone concerts then. Therefore, little Lisa flew overseas to visit her grandparents.

Leonid’s wife has repeatedly said in interviews that she misses her daughter very much and feels like a bad mother, but she mentally understands that in the USA her daughter is much better off. life is better, she’s used to it there, it’s her environment, that’s why Lizzie herself no longer wants to return to Russia. The girl performs at school concerts, plays musical instruments and is the lead singer of her own group. They really hope to become famous in the future.

Leonid Agutin's ex-wife - Svetlana Belykh

The ex-wife of Leonid Agutin, Svetlana Belykh, became the first true love future artist. They got married in 1988, when Agutin returned from the army. The musician does not say whether Svetlana was waiting for him all the time during his service, or whether they met after returning and soon got married, but one thing is clear: this marriage was too sudden and therefore did not last long. Belykh was very jealous, because Leni was just beginning her career. Then the first fans and fame appeared, and the loving Agutin could not control himself, so his wife constantly noticed short affairs or novels of her young husband.

Tired of his wife’s jealousy, Agutin filed for divorce five years later. Today, nothing is known about the musician’s ex-wife, she is not a public person, and her marriage with Agutin has long since sunk into oblivion.

Leonid Agutin's wife - Angelika Varum

Leonid Agutin's wife - Angelika Varum famous singer and Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. They met when they were both already famous. Their love, like a flower, blossomed right on stage, in front of the public, the young people recorded songs as a duet, and when they performed them on stage, goosebumps simply ran through their skin. They dated for three years, and then Angelica became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter. In 2000 they played beautiful wedding in Venice, which was attended by many famous guests.

The Agutin-Varum couple proves that love passes through all obstacles. After the musician’s public betrayal of Jaya, the singer forgave her husband and continues to look at him with loving eyes. They are the most a beautiful couple modern stage.

Instagram and Wikipedia Leonid Agutin

Leonid Agutin is widely recognized not only among fans of his generation. But also among young people, because even today he remains true to himself. It’s disgusting to look at pop stars who change their repertoire in pursuit of ratings. And they start jumping around the stage in ripped jeans just to get a younger audience.

Agutin doesn’t need this, he is still famous today with his songs. And the audience evokes only good and positive emotions with its openness and sincerity. If you want to know more about this artist, welcome to Leonid Agutin’s Instagram and Wikipedia, which contains photos of the artist and his family, as well as information about his work and all albums.

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