Lego technology in the educational process of preschool education. How it's made, how it works, how it works

Today, the connection between modern education and the prospect of building a civil society, an effective economy and a safe state is obvious. For a country that is focused on an innovative path of development, it is vitally important to give the education system an incentive to move forward - this is the primary task of the priority national project “Education”. Thanks to government support, all government institutions receive the latest educational and methodological equipment, modern computers with access to the Internet. These efforts are aimed at creating a class of future specialists employed in high-tech sectors of the domestic economy. Particular attention is paid to the system of interdisciplinary interaction. In recent years, schools have been actively using various information and communication technologies. Thus, when studying various subjects, “game technology” is used based on construction sets - Lego, with the help of this technology teachers have the opportunity to organize highly motivated educational activities. What exactly is Lego technology?

The subject is based on construction sets from a well-known company - this suggests that lessons using Lego are very popular among children.

The subject studies technology - a science that answers the question of how to do it, or rather, how to do it better.

The child will understand and assimilate the material much better, having a real opportunity not only to study theoretically, but also to “touch” it with his hands. It has long been known that one of the main aspects of the educational process is motivation. What can you do to interest young people? The answer is obvious - a game. If in elementary school the gaming component predominates, then by the middle school the game gives way to a serious, thoughtful study of the subject. No matter what object Lego is used on, the tasks are common: The skill of working in a group and the ability to distribute responsibilities is instilled. The ability to express thoughts in a clear logical sequence develops. The ability to analyze a subject is developed, highlighting its main parts. Promoting the development of independence in work and the development of imagination. A sense of symmetry and aesthetic color schemes develops. Promoting development and interest in the world around us, etc.

Educational institutions use several new generation constructors that have ample capabilities and ease of use - thanks to the NXT intelligent control unit, various sensors, and wireless technology. These constructors help in a technology course to master the basics of robotics, in a computer science course - to visually implement complex algorithms, in a physics course - to conduct an automated experiment, etc. The use of fairly simple Lego constructors is of great importance: LEGO-DACTA, LEGO-DUPLO. Children are introduced to these construction sets before school, and subsequently these sets are used in elementary school. Let's give an example: Lego for kindergartens includes the following thematic sets: Lego for the little ones, free design from the same type of parts, the surrounding animal world "Zoo", family "Residential building". Sets for Lego-mathematics in primary school "Lego-mathematical games" consist of six sets 9517, six 9518 and one each 9527,9528, 9529. Lego - constructors can be used at this stage as mental calculation. Children will post either the example itself or only the answer to the task proposed to them by the teacher. Lego - constructors are widely used in lessons on "The world around us". Sample topics for integrated lessons on the surrounding world and local history: “Who are insects; Who are birds; Who are animals; What is a zoo; What surrounds us at home; Where do polar bears live; Where do birds winter; When did dinosaurs live; Why do they build ships; Why We need cars; Why are trains so long; Why do we need planes? Work using the project method is widely used. The students created projects: “How I See the Zoo”, “My Favorite Street”, “Technology of the Future”, “City of the Future”, “Summer Village”. A mini-project competition was held for students in grades 3-6. Projects for cafes, museums, gas stations, airports and train stations were presented. Secondary and senior teachers also use Lego constructors when studying various subjects and topics. This allows you to compensate for the lack of equipment and visual materials, for example, Lego - the designer allows you to simulate biological and physical objects: a model of the Earth with its shells, a model of a cell, geometric shapes. Students assemble these models with interest and passion. While playing, they comprehend quite complex terms and concepts. They are stored more reliably in their memory, such lessons using Lego technologies go quickly, and students, thanks to a change in the type of activity, get tired more slowly. The use of such technologies makes it possible to solve a problem typical for Russian schools, when students can master a set of theoretical knowledge well, but experience significant difficulties in activities that require the use of this knowledge to solve specific life problems or problematic situations. In the course of using such technologies, a competency-based approach is implemented, which does not involve the student acquiring individual knowledge and skills, but mastering them as a whole. From the above it follows that Lego technology is not a tribute to fashion, but really a requirement of the time: there is an opportunity not only to learn how to work with your hands and head, but also to prepare yourself to meet the modern world.

Lego technology in the system of additional education in preschool educational institutions.

Author of the article: Elena Nikolaevna Averyanova, teacher at the Children's Educational Institution No. 2, kindergarten "Happy Childhood" in the city of Sovetsk, Kaliningrad region.
Target: acquaintance with Lego technology in the system of additional education in a preschool institution.

The program of additional education for children is aimed at developing logical thinking and design skills in preschoolers.

The objectives of the program are:
- development of intelligence, imagination, spatial thinking, fine motor skills, functions
analysis and synthesis, creative inclinations;
- developing the ability to cooperate with a partner;
- development of communication abilities through design activities.

In pedagogy, LEGO technology is interesting because, being built on integrative principles, it allows us to ensure the unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives of the educational process for preschool children. LEGO construction is a practical creative activity, the development of mental abilities that manifest themselves in other types of activity: speech, play, and visual arts. Lego construction is the education of a socially active person with a high degree of freedom of thinking, the development of independence, and the ability of children to solve any problems creatively.
LEGO construction sets are the most preferred developmental material that allows you to diversify the learning process for preschoolers. This is reflected in project activities. The word “project” fits well into the work system of our kindergarten. The Lego Masters circle will become one of the project sites where children will have the opportunity to express their individuality and realize creative ideas.
The effectiveness of the educational work of preschool educational institutions, including the system of additional education, is much higher when teachers and parents are partners, working together and in the same direction. The use of LEGO technology allows parents to participate in joint meetings with their children during organized leisure activities. Joint creative activity “on equal terms” has great developmental potential: it gives adults the opportunity to understand the interests and reveal the talents of their child, establish mutual understanding, and make each participant feel their importance in the common cause.
LEGO construction also involves modern methods of preparing children for school. It combines elements of play with experimentation, and, consequently, activates the mental and speech activity of preschoolers. Older preschoolers are happy to talk about their buildings, pronounce the sequence of their actions, and evaluate this or that constructive situation. They perform tasks that require activation of mental activity, for example, completing a building according to a given sign or conditions (“Fill the space”, “Guess whose part I am?”, “Bring your model to life” and others). Speech situations that arise in the process of creating buildings and playing with them contribute to the development of children's speech, which serves as one of the most important means of human activity, and for the future schoolchild is the key to successful learning at school. Many learning tasks are solved: vocabulary expands, communication skills develop, and the ability to generalize and draw conclusions improves.
LEGO building activities help preschoolers enter the world of social experience. Children develop a unified and holistic idea of ​​the objective and social world. The lesson plan includes topics such as “Animals”, “Urban and rural buildings”, “Furniture”, “Toys”, “Such different transport”, “Ships”, “Journey to a fairy tale” and others. On calendar holidays, thematic exhibitions are organized in the children's creativity corner, where the works of children attending additional classes in LEGO construction are presented.

By studying in a circle, children acquire work culture skills: they learn to maintain order in the workplace, distribute time and effort when making models (each lesson has its own topic) and, therefore, plan activities.
In addition, design is closely related to the sensory and intellectual development of the child: visual acuity, perception of color, shape, size are improved, and mental processes (analysis, classification) are successfully developed.
The use of LEGO construction in preschool educational institutions makes it possible to raise the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers to a higher level, and this is one of the components of the success of their further education at school.

MADOU No. 85, Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk region..

Topic: “The use of LEGO technologies in the educational process of preschool children, as part of the implementation of an adapted general education program for preschool age in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard”

Methodological development for teachers of preschool educational institutions introducing Lego technologies in educational institutions.

Focus: general education preschool institutions.

Development of methodological support for the use of Lego in the educational process. The use of Lego constructors in project activities, in special moments. Introducing children to technical creativity.

Goal: Improving the quality of general education by introducing teachers and students to the use of the LEGO constructor as an assistant in solving the problems of implementing an adapted educational educational program in direct educational activities and in routine moments.


1. Analyze the effectiveness of working with Lego on the development of children’s creative abilities;
2. Highlight methods and forms of working with the Lego constructor,
3. Develop calendar and thematic planning for the use of Lego constructors within the framework of the project: “Lego speaks and shows” for pupils of preschool educational organizations of a general developmental type.
4. Test the technology.
5. Introduce the proposed methodological development, as a guide to using the Lego constructor in solving educational problems, into the practice of our preschool educational institution.

Explanatory note


The modern education system is aimed at developing a highly educated, intellectually developed and creative personality with a holistic view of the world. Preschool education requires new approaches, which are laid down in the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.
The most important distinctive feature of the new generation standards is their focus on educational outcomes based on a systemic and active approach.
Activity acts as an external condition for the development of a child’s cognitive processes and creative potential. . This means that in order for a child to develop, it is necessary to organize his activities according to anatomical and physiological characteristics, and a “zone of proximal development” is also necessary. This means that the educational task, among other things, consists of organizing conditions that provoke children’s action.

The relevance of the issues of the effectiveness of introducing preschool children to technical creativity and the correct choice of actions is increasing due to the country’s need for creatively thinking individuals.

To solve this problem, work began in our preschool educational institution in 2015 within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education and the search for innovative forms in working with children as part of the implementation of an adapted educational program based on the conceptual foundations of the program “From birth to school” authors: N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasiliev, which the Lego educational environment allowed us to supplement, expand and implement.

The development of software and methodological support for the use of Lego in the educational process has become an urgent task for the successful achievement of the set goal. because The designer's equipment arrived without methodological recommendations and software.

Lego technology interested me as a senior teacher because of its unusualness and the possibility of developing intellectual and creative abilities.

Since the formation of a creative personality is more effective through the implementation of project activities, therefore I began my trial work by creating a thematic project called: “Cosmodrome”. Subsequently, as part of the “Amazing Country of Lego” festival, which was held at the municipal level, the guys and I took part. Continuing our work in this direction, we became diploma winners of the All-Russian competition on the topic: “The use of information and communication technologies in educational activities.” Advanced training courses, which were held on the basis of the educational development center of the Zlatoust urban district, on the topic: “The use of Lego educational solutions in preschool education in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education,” showed the prospects and opportunities for the development of children in the conditions of the use of innovative technologies, as an effective addition to the solution educational tasks, as part of the implementation of an adapted general education program for preschool education.

Analysis of the work showed that the use of Lego constructors in project activities contributed to the development of creative activity, children’s individual abilities, interpersonal communication skills and collective creativity, the development of speech and the ability to analyze and plan, and work in groups helps to develop a sense of responsibility to the team. Helps develop communication skills. The use of Lego constructors increases the motivation of students to learn, because this requires knowledge from almost all areas, which teachers implement not only in direct educational activities, but also in routine moments when working with children.

Experience with the designer allowed me to conclude that the use of the Lego educational system is especially appropriate not only in those areas of knowledge that will be important for children in the future: computer science (abstraction, logic), technology (construction), mathematics (modeling), but also in studying humanities subjects: literary reading, history, Russian language (speech development).

The positive dynamics of the development of the quality of knowledge and the development of the motivational sphere of pupils, the need for teachers to constantly update methodological tools, the desire to search for knowledge, prompted a search for literature and its analysis on Lego construction, as part of the development of methodological recommendations for the implementation of the project: “Lego speaks and shows” » for preschool children.

So, at this stage, we have developed a long-term thematic plan for the implementation of the project, covering children from 4-7 years old. Methods and forms of working with Lego were also selected that correspond to the age groups of children.

The methodological recommendations widely use project activities. The LEGO constructor opens up a wide field for creativity for students and is a unique basis for implementing interdisciplinary projects. The topics of such work can be varied and multifaceted. The LEGO constructor and working with it allows you to solve an educational problem in a substantive, comprehensive manner, using previously acquired knowledge. The thematic approach to the project allows you to combine knowledge from different fields into one whole. Children learn to make decisions independently, explain, and defend their ideas with reason. Joint presentation of projects helps to unite the team, fosters a sense of mutual assistance, and develops children’s speech and curiosity. The long-term thematic plan was developed taking into account the annual work plan of our institution. The methodological recommendations lack strict regulation of children's knowledge and subject-centrism in teaching.

Correction of methodological recommendations is carried out by the creative group of the Institution, decisions are approved by order of the head.
The implementation of methodological recommendations is managed by the head of the institution and the senior educator.
The mechanism for implementing methodological recommendations provides for the delimitation of the activities of all participants in the educational process.

With the help of Lego technologies, educational tasks of different levels are formed - a kind of learning principle “step by step”, key to Lego pedagogy. Each child can and should work at their own pace, moving from simple tasks to more complex ones. In the proposed methodological recommendations, the developmental function of education is brought to the fore, ensuring the formation of the child’s personality and orienting the teacher to his individual characteristics, which corresponds to modern scientific concepts of preschool education about the recognition of the intrinsic value of the preschool period of childhood.

Forms of organizing training in Lego design.

1. Design according to the model.
2. Design according to conditions.
3. Design according to a sample.
4. Design by design.
5. Design on the topic.
6.Frame construction.
7. Design according to drawings and diagrams.

Methods used in the learning process of Lego construction.


Object manipulation;
Speech examination of the subject according to the model of a teacher, peer;


Sensory saturation method;
Participatory method (with a teacher, with a peer);


A method of inducing empathy and emotional responsiveness;
A method of non-trivial (unusual) situations that awakens interest in activities;
Method of heuristic and search situations.

Tasks of children's constructive activities:

1. Educational:
to form knowledge about the world around us based on the creation
constructive models;
introduce the details of the designer and methods of creation
teach how to solve constructive, visual problems.
2. Developmental:
develop spatial thinking, imagination, creative and
Creative skills;
develop an interest in creating the final product of labor.
3. Educational:
cultivate tolerance towards each other;
cultivate strong-willed qualities, bring the work started to the end.

1. Mental development: formation of spatial thinking,
creative imagination, long-term memory.
2. Physiological development: development of arm muscles and bones
systems, fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination.
3. Speech development: activation of active and passive vocabulary,
building monologue and dialogic speech.

Approximate course topics for children from 4-5 years old


"City of Colors"
"Wild animals"
"Fairytale Kingdom"
"World of Fairy Tales"
"Walking area"
"Traffic Laws"

At an older age, the material learned is consolidated. For example: work on the “My City” project, which is included in the list of priority areas of work and based on the ideas of folk pedagogy - the “Our Home - Southern Urals” program as part of the implementation of an adapted educational program of a preschool educational institution, allows children to learn more about the city in which they live . The teacher instills in children a respectful attitude towards their hometown, working people, and an interest in the history and architecture of their hometown. During classes and during thematic conversations, the children get acquainted not only with professions and the history of their hometown, but also make excursions to monuments.

An expansion of this topic - the project “Let's keep our city clean”, provides an opportunity to think at this age about the safety of living and keeping your city clean.

The project “Temples of the City of Chrysostom” allows children to develop cognitive interest, fosters a love for the architecture of their native land and respect for working people. Children learn to compose story pictures from photographs, learn to design from their imagination.

Approximate course topics for children 5-6 years old


"Fairytale architecture"
"My city"
"Military equipment"
"House in the village"
"Ecologically clean city"
"Temples of the city of Chrysostom"

Every year the work becomes more complicated and already in the pre-school period, the children are working on the project “In the World of Architecture”. This project includes three others:

“I Walk Around Moscow”, where students get acquainted with the architecture of Moscow (Bolshoi Theater, Historical Museum, Ostankino Tower and others). The guys build each object in groups, selecting the color and shape of the parts (given goal: it is necessary to bring the object closer to the original).
Approximate course topics for children 6-7 years old.


“I’m walking around Moscow”:

"Big theater"
"Historical Museum"
"Ostankino tower"

Taking into account the age of children, their abilities and cognitive interest, in the seventh year of study work with the Lego WeDo constructor begins. This construction set allows you to develop technical abilities in children. It also fosters perseverance and respect for technology, and the ability to work in groups.

Working with such a constructor is a kind of springboard to studying physics at school. Lego constructors provide great opportunities for conducting classes using computer science elements on topics related to programming. The programming environment for Lego constructors WeDo allows you to visually design programs for robots, i.e. allow the child to literally “touch with his hands” the abstract concepts of computer science embodied in the behavior of a material object (command, system of commands of the performer, algorithm and types of algorithms, program for the performer). The construction of robots remains outside the scope of direct educational activities: children only learn to assemble, with the help of an adult, and program the various behaviors of the assembled robots. This allows children to focus their attention on information processing problems. That is, thanks to the accessible program interface, students learn to turn the robot on and off, assign it a varied program of actions, and this allows them to pay great attention to various control algorithms.

Approximate course topics

Project:"Lego WeDo"

Main learning objectives:

All work with the LEGO WeDo constructor is subordinated to the development of cognitive abilities in children and education at every stage of respect for work and working people and prepares them for professional self-determination.



Project introduction:“Lego speaks and shows” allowed us to implement many positive ideas - to make learning joyful, to support a sustainable interest in knowledge. The core moment is the activity of the children themselves, when, with the coordination and assistance of the teacher, they observe, compare, classify, group, draw conclusions, and establish cause-and-effect relationships. Children's work with LEGO construction kits allowed them to become more familiar with many aspects of the world around them. LEGO sets are versatile. They can also be used as visual aids that help solve many educational problems.

The purpose of this course: teach children to set problems, put forward ideas, plan the course of a solution, construct models and use them in role-playing games. The best result can be considered when the child independently finds a solution to the problem, constructs and defends his project.

Does your child prefer “serious” construction to light-hearted play? The new Technician series from the Lego catalog was created for young engineers aged 7-16 years old who are studying modern transport. The World of Cubes online store offers a unique opportunity to assemble a complex mechanism yourself. The set of parts includes clear instructions. A little training - and the child can easily complete the task without the help of adults! And the children's room will be decorated with a complex model of a car, created by the skillful hands of a young inventor.

Lego Technic assortment

Serious technology requires an equally serious approach. The number of machine elements is impressive and requires time to develop the model in detail. But the result will live up to your wildest expectations! Realism, coordinated work of movable structures, accurate scale - the new model will be a worthy decoration or a good start for a children's collection.

Racing and sports vehicles- for true lovers of speed and power under a bright plastic case. Racing car green color is ready to give everyone a ride with the breeze and masterfully overtake competitors on a sharp turn. Keeps up with him sportbike, elegant and powerful at the same time.
Construction equipment. Dig a pit, remove construction waste, bring crushed stone for a new route - solid trucks will easily solve any problem. Don't be fooled by their simple appearance - the 300-piece design will require some work! And at the finish line - a trouble-free “workhorse” with many moving parts, just like a real car.
Mechanisms for research work. For track wheels Arctic all-terrain vehicle there are no obstacles! Strong iron will crush the thickest layer of ice. Construction of a transshipment base, research of frozen soil, repair of working structures - a powerful mechanism made of 900 hundred parts will cope with any task!
Industrial equipment. When we're talking about about lifting a load to the top floor of a new building, repair truck crane- out of competition. And if it is necessary to transfer bulk cargo with minimal losses, a maneuverable track loader with a spacious bucket.

How to buy a game from the Lego Technic catalog?

The branded chain invites young technicians and their parents who want to raise engineering geniuses to shop. The wide selection of Lego Technic sets is impressive and allows you to find an interesting piece for your home collection. You can also place an order for Lego Technician through the online store. This solution will save your time and allow you to give your child a great gift. It’s not difficult to navigate the choice - in the Lego Technic catalog, each model is accompanied by a detailed description and visual photos. And store employees will ensure fast delivery of your order to your city.

Lagunova Anastasia Andreevna, Teacher of the first qualification category, MADOU TsRR-d/s No. 587, Yekaterinburg Student gr. MTRK-1501, IPiPD, USPU, Ekaterinburg

Annotation. In the article, the author examines the importance of Lego construction in the development of preschool children. Describes the game and ICT technologies as favorable conditions that contribute to the formation of a positively socialized personality.

Key words: personality, design, creativity, Lego constructor, game, development, socialization, activity, pedagogical tool, technology.

The modern personality-oriented trend in pedagogy, reflected in the Federal State Educational Standards of Preschool Education, is associated with the coming to the fore of the personality-oriented development and self-realization of the child in various types of children's activities. The acceleration of the dynamics of life, the increase in information and emotional loads on a person, many problems, the solution of which requires enormous intellectual effort, creates the need to be not just a person, but a person who must be creative, active, socially responsible, with developed intelligence, highly educated, etc.

The relevance of the formation of a person’s personality, starting from preschool childhood, is due to the fact that preschool childhood is a launching pad on the path to life. But it is necessary to develop the personality qualities that will be in demand in the near future today. The most promising way in this direction is to enrich and diversify children's activities, which are the basis for the development of the child.

It is very important that preschool age is the period of formation of basic abilities that need to be developed and revealed through the creation of a developing subject-spatial environment. Thus, the Federal State Educational Standard says: “Organization of educational space and variety of materials, equipment and supplies (in the building and on the site) must ensure: gaming, cognitive, research and creative activity for all pupils" .

Among all the factors influencing the development of children's giftedness, the authors "Working concept of giftedness" put in first place personal developmental education, which should be built on the basis of psychological principles of development, based on individual characteristics, and also taking into account the cognitive needs of the child. Such training should include: spiritual and moral development, development of the individuality of a gifted child, broad educational training of the teacher, conditions ensuring the development of creative potential .

The leading activity in preschool age is play. In the process of playing with the constructor, self-realization of the individual occurs, and the child, who receives satisfaction from the activity, achieves a situation of success. Due to this, the child develops comprehensively. In addition, in addition to acquiring design skills, students also master social norms and the ability to work harmoniously in a peer group or in pairs.

In this regard, there is a need to search for new tools, technologies and methods that will help in the formation of a comprehensively developed personality. One of such means, in my opinion, is Lego construction, its main focus is the development of intelligence, cognitive abilities and creative thinking of children. In the process of designing and modeling, children develop not only logical thinking, but also creative imagination, fantasy, and also an opportunity for children’s creative self-expression.

Lego construction sets are attractive for teachers and students because:

  • the sets have a bright design and a variety of details;
  • fastening parts are simple and convenient;
  • There are a variety of Lego sets (for example, a series of design directors "Lego-Duplo" ) , which have wide possibilities of addition, combination, change, etc.;
  • the multifunctionality of the Lego construction set allows it to be used in different types of children's activities, as well as to combine them depending on the tasks;
  • The teacher has the opportunity to select a Lego constructor, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children (for example, selecting the size of parts).

But in order for a Lego constructor to be not just a toy, but to become a tool that truly develops a child’s personality, the teacher needs to take an indirect role in the Lego construction process. This is necessary in order to teach the child the basic methods of connecting parts, with some principles of constructing objects. For this, three main types of design are used:

Design by model - when there is a ready-made model of what needs to be built (for example, a picture or diagram of a house).

When designing according to conditions, there is no sample, only the conditions that the building must meet are specified (for example, a house for a dog should be small, but for a horse it should be large).

Design by design assumes that the child himself, without any external restrictions, will create an image of the future structure and embody it in the material that is at his disposal. This type of design becomes the main one in the development of children's creative talent.

It also becomes mandatory that when working with this pedagogical tool, the teacher should not forget about the methodological capabilities of other technologies, as well as modern technical means that can be used in the process of Lego construction, for example, interactive complexes (laptop, projector, program "SmartNoteBook" ) . And also the program "Story Visualizer" , which allows you to create comics together with children and their parents, which use objects constructed from Lego parts. A modern child, growing up in the world of information technology and communications, in the process of creating comics, enjoys mastering the design of pictures on an interactive board. The undoubted advantages of this program are that children show their creativity, because... They face a lot of questions: what will this story be about? what heroes will be in this story? What characters and objects need to be created to compose a comic? and so on.

Such work directly influences the formation of children’s personality. After all, to create a comic book, you need to think through the plot, correctly compose dialogues between the characters, create the necessary objects and take photographs of them, and also edit the comic book. Creating a plot for a comic book, inventing and telling lego fairy tales and stories helps to liberate children's imagination, appealing to the existing emotional and literary experience of children.

The development of these skills is carried out in communication with a teacher who helps children coordinate plans and find ways out of controversial situations. In case of difficulties, the teacher guides the children’s plans with leading questions.

From the perspective of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, we can say that Lego construction technology helps to ensure all target guidelines at the stage of completion of preschool education, namely:

  • the child shows initiative and independence in various types of activities: play, communication, construction, etc.; is able to choose his own occupation, participants in joint activities
  • the child has a positive attitude towards the world, actively interacts with peers and adults, and participates in joint games
  • the child has a developed imagination, which is realized in various types of activities and, above all, in play; masters different forms and types of games, distinguishes between conventional and real situations
  • the child has a fairly good command of oral speech, can use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, construct a speech utterance in a communication situation
  • The child has developed gross and fine motor skills
  • the child is capable of volitional efforts, can follow social norms of behavior and rules in various types of activities, in relationships with adults and peers
  • the child shows curiosity; capable of making his own decisions, relying on his knowledge and skills in various activities .

Thus, we can say that Lego construction sets are one of the most accessible means of developing a positively socialized personality in children. Lego construction helps children bring their ideas to life, build and imagine, working with passion and seeing the end result.


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