An easy recipe for delicious pancakes. How to cook pancakes with milk? Step-by-step recipes for delicious pancakes

Every more or less experienced housewife knows how to make pancakes, and Russian grandmothers can present so many options for preparing this delicacy that you can implement them all your life.

In each region, pancakes are prepared differently and served with completely different fillings and dressings.

Thin, thick, openwork, with or without traditional filling - any pancakes will turn out delicious if you put a little of your warmth into their preparation.

Regular pancakes without filling are served still hot, generously seasoned with butter or sour cream. These pancakes are special make them curvy using yeast to prepare them.

The traditional Russian recipe for Maslenitsa or any other occasion for which homemade thick pancakes are made is kept in almost every family and passed on from the older generation to the younger.

Pancakes intended to serve with filling, must be elastic and very thin. The fillings for pancakes can be varied: caviar, lightly salted salmon, herbs, mushrooms, cottage cheese.

After all, this famous Russian dish is served not only for dessert, but also as a hearty and very nutritious snack. Sweet pancakes are usually seasoned with honey, condensed milk, jam, nuts, and raisins.

Making perfect pancakes isn't that difficult. You can always find your own version of the recipe according to which you will bake pancakes. Next, you will learn how to make dough for pancakes, you will be able to study several recipes and get acquainted with photo and video materials.

Each housewife prepares the dough in her own way, but there is certain ingredients, which must necessarily be included in pancakes:

  • flour (wheat, corn or buckwheat, always sifted);
  • liquid (milk, water, kefir, low-fat sour cream or even beer);
  • salt, sugar;
  • vegetable oil (add directly to the dough to make it elastic);
  • eggs, as a binding element, give your dough density, but they are not necessary to add.

To make pancake dough, you can use the following universal recipe.

Prepare all the necessary ingredients in advance:

  • 2 glasses of liquid (water, milk or a 1:1 mixture of both);
  • 1.5-2 cups flour;
  • 1-3 eggs;
  • 1-3 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of salt;
  • 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons of plant oils
  1. Take a container, in which you will stir your dough. A large saucepan or deep bowl works best.
  2. Sift flour into the bottom of the container, make a small funnel in it and pour lightly beaten eggs into it. You can vary the number of eggs yourself; as mentioned earlier, they serve to thicken the dough and form a crispy crust. Therefore, if you want to bake soft, spongy pancakes, you can add fewer eggs or do without them altogether.
  3. Following the eggs add half of the liquid to a container with flour, preheated to a temperature of 40 degrees.
  4. Gently beat the ingredients with a mixer or using a whisk, trying to get a homogeneous mass.
  5. Next add the remaining liquid, sugar, salt and vegetable oil.

Also you can use the second option.

  1. First of all, you need to beat half the liquid in a mixer along with the eggs, add flour (it should be stirred to avoid lumps).
  2. Then add the remaining amount of liquid, controlling the consistency. This way you will monitor the thickness of your future pancakes.
  3. If you like thin ones - add fluids just enough so that you get the consistency of very liquid sour cream. The dough for baking thicker pancakes simply resembles liquid sour cream.

We have revealed only 2 ways to prepare pancake dough. You can try each of them and choose the best option for yourself. Once you've got your hands full, you'll learn how to quickly cook pancakes and, perhaps, create your own unique recipe.

How to cook pancakes with milk: recipe, photo instructions, useful tips

Traditional pancakes are made with milk. You can also use liquid sour cream, as our ancestors did, but such a snack will turn out to be very fatty, which will not be entirely healthy for a resident of a modern metropolis. Therefore, we will tell you in detail how to make pancakes with milk, because the final product is unusually soft, thin, tender and tasty.

To prepare a serving of 15-20 pancakes, you will need:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 500 ml milk;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • 3 tbsp. Spoons grow. oils;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of salt.

And now let's go straight to the recipe, thanks to which you can quickly prepare pancakes with milk.

  1. Prepare the ingredients: the flour must be sifted, and the milk and eggs must be removed from the refrigerator and left at room temperature for half an hour.
  2. Take a dry and clean bowl. Beat 2 eggs in it along with the required amount of salt and sugar. Helpful advice: to prepare sweet pancakes, take 2-3 tablespoons of sugar, then they will be airy.
  3. Gradually adding milk, beat the mixture with a whisk or with a mixer.
  4. Add flour little by little, after sifting it through a sieve. This will saturate your dough with oxygen, making it light and airy.
    Helpful advice: add flour and stir the resulting mass until your dough begins to resemble liquid sour cream in consistency.
  5. Last but not least pour vegetable oil into the dough.
    Helpful advice: Stir your dough well, so the oil is evenly distributed and the pancakes will not burn.
  6. Let's move on to the baking process. So that your first pancake doesn’t come out lumpy, heat the pan well. For these purposes, it is best to take a cast iron pan with a flat bottom or a special pancake frying pan.
    Helpful advice: grease a hot frying pan with vegetable oil using a napkin or a special silicone brush.
  7. Pour a small amount of batter into the pan using a large wooden spoon or ladle. Hold the handle of the pan with your other hand, spreading the batter evenly.
    Helpful advice: Bake the pancake for 2-3 minutes over low heat.
  8. Carefully turn the pancake over using a wooden or silicone spatula. Bake for another 3 minutes.
  9. Place the finished pancakes on a large plate.. Helpful advice: Brush hot pancakes with butter to keep them soft.

How to make pancakes on water?

Maslenitsa is coming, damn it, it’s bringing honey.

Despite the fact that pancakes are one of the easiest dishes to prepare, some housewives have certain difficulties, so in our article we will look at 5 ways to prepare delicious pancakes. Achieving perfection in making pancakes is not at all difficult if you follow simple tips, observe all proportions in recipes and regularly hone your skills.

Traditional pancake batter consists of eggs, flour and milk, with minor additions and variations - for example, milk can be replaced with kefir or water. Pancakes can be made with or without yeast - in the first case, you can expect thick, fluffy pancakes with a characteristic flavor, and in the second, thin pancakes. You can use different types of flour, and depending on the type of flour you end up with pancakes that taste completely different.

Thoroughly mixed dough of the correct consistency is the key to successful pancakes. If the pancake batter is runny, you should add flour to it, otherwise the prepared pancakes will tear. If you have another problem - the dough is too thick - you need to dilute it with liquid, since the viscous dough will be poorly distributed over the surface of the pan. A small amount of sugar gives the pancakes a golden color and crisp edges. The pan must be oiled once, after which the procedure can be repeated after baking four or five subsequent pancakes. For convenience, many housewives use half a potato skewered on a fork. It is best to fry pancakes over medium heat - this speeds up the cooking time and avoids burning.

When everything is ready, using a ladle, you need to pour the dough into the pan, quickly tilting it so that the dough forms an even circle. Calculate empirically how much dough is needed to make one pancake. When the dough hits the frying pan, it should begin to sizzle - this indicates that the frying pan has heated up to the desired temperature. If the pan isn't hot enough, your pancakes won't get crispy edges. When the sides of the pancake start to look dry and have a light golden color, you should flip the pancake - this is best done with a thin spatula. Then you need to wait about the same period of time or a little less, and then turn the pancake over onto a large plate. To keep the pancakes warm, place them in a slightly preheated oven or cover with a kitchen towel.

Typical fillings used for preparing and serving pancakes are extremely varied - these can be jam, jam, honey, cottage cheese, condensed milk, caviar, stewed apples with cinnamon, minced meat with onions, potatoes mixed with onions and sour cream, red fish with curd cheese and dill, etc. Unconventional options such as fresh fruit, whipped cream or pate are also suitable - pancakes are ideal for a wide variety of flavor combinations. The most banal, but no less tasty option is to serve the dish with sour cream and jam of your choice.

The most time-consuming part of making pancakes is, of course, the baking process. But it takes so little time and at the same time brings so much pleasure and joy when eating them that you should definitely include pancakes in your daily diet, and not cook them exclusively on holidays. So, if you're ready to get started, we suggest you start checking out the recipes.

Pancakes with milk

1 cup flour,
2 large eggs,
1 glass of milk,
1/2 glass of water,
1 teaspoon sugar,
1/4 teaspoon salt,

Mix flour, sugar and salt in a small bowl. Combine milk, water, vegetable oil and eggs using a mixer or blender. Add flour mixture to milk mixture and beat until smooth. Place the batter in the refrigerator for 1 hour - this will allow the air bubbles to settle, making the pancakes less likely to burst when you start frying them. The dough can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days.
Heat a greased frying pan and pour in about 40-50 ml of batter for one pancake. Cook for about 1 minute, then carefully lift the edge of the pancake to assess its readiness. The pancake can be flipped when it releases freely from the pan and the underside is lightly browned. Fry the pancake for about 30 seconds more.

Openwork pancakes

3 cups flour,
3 1/4 cups milk,
4 eggs,
1/4 teaspoon salt,
1 tablespoon sugar,
1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, slaked with vinegar,
2 tablespoons vegetable oil,
2/3 cup boiling water,

Whisk together the milk and eggs, add salt and sugar and mix well. Add flour, add soda slaked with vinegar and vegetable oil, then pour in boiling water, stirring vigorously, and leave the dough for 20 minutes. Using a ladle, pour the dough into a heated frying pan, greased with oil. Gently lift the edge of the pancake to ensure one side is done - it should be golden brown with some brown spots on the surface. Fry the inverted pancake for about 1 minute.

Pancakes with kefir

2 glasses of kefir,
2/3 cup flour,
1 tablespoon sugar,
a pinch of salt,
1/2 teaspoon of soda,
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Mix eggs with sugar, salt and soda. Add vegetable oil and mix well. Sift the flour and mix well to avoid the formation of lumps. Pour in kefir and leave the dough for 30 minutes.
Grease the pan with oil, pour the required amount of batter into the center of the pan, rotating it so that the batter spreads over the entire surface, and bake the pancakes.

Yeast pancakes with milk

4 cups flour,
3 glasses of warm milk,
20 g dry yeast,
2 teaspoons sugar,
1/2 teaspoon salt,
1/4 cup melted butter,
2 eggs.

In a small bowl, dissolve yeast in 1 cup warm milk. In a large bowl, mix flour, sugar and salt. Gradually add yeast mixture and melted butter. Beat the eggs and remaining milk, add to the dough and mix. Leave the dough for half an hour in a warm place until its volume doubles.
Pour the dough into the heated frying pan. When bubbles begin to form on the surface of the pancake, turn the pancake over and fry until done.

Yeast pancakes on sourdough

500 g flour,
2.5-3 glasses of milk or water,
1 egg,
2 tablespoons melted butter,
1 tablespoon sugar,
1/2 teaspoon salt.

Dissolve the yeast in a small amount of warm water, then stir it with 1 glass of warm milk. Mix with 150 g of flour and leave in a warm place for 2 hours so that the dough increases in volume with the formation of bubbles.
After adding the remaining heated milk to the dough, mix it with melted butter, egg, sugar and salt. Then stir in the remaining flour. Let the dough rise in a warm place. After this, the dough should be stirred so that it settles, and again wait for it to rise in a warm place, and then start baking the pancakes.

Well, now you know 5 ways to prepare delicious pancakes, so we advise you not to procrastinate and quickly head to the kitchen to please your loved ones with delicious pancakes - these rosy sunshine that can lift your spirits even on the gloomiest day.

Very soon the day will come when people will solemnly burn the effigy of Maslenitsa, saying goodbye to the winter and giving way to spring. Today we will talk about how to make pancakes from dough with milk, which will certainly cause great delight among your family and friends. We hope that this simple recipe will mark the beginning of a new family tradition and will be passed on from generation to generation.

Traditional Russian pancakes were baked from buckwheat flour with the addition of fatty sour cream or cream, resulting in rather dense and thick “rounds”. Today, thin and airy products in which various types of filling can be wrapped are considered a favorite among cooks.

There are many variations on the theme of how to cook pancakes with milk: some add vanillin to the dough, others prefer not to add sugar, some leave the mixture to “rest” for a while.

But there is a basic composition that is worth using, at least until you master the basics of the recipe.

Recipe for thin pancakes with milk “You will lick your fingers!”


  • — 500 ml + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • - 1 tbsp. l. + -
  • - 1/4 tsp. + -
  • - 3 tbsp. l. + -
  • Premium wheat flour200 g (approximately one glass by volume) + -

Step-by-step preparation of pancakes with milk

The recipe is easy to follow, and the result is incredibly tasty pancakes!

Now comes the most crucial moment: you need to add the egg-milk mixture to the flour. We will pour it in several stages, constantly stirring the mass to avoid the formation of lumps.

  • Add milk into the container without stopping stirring.
  • Mix eggs, salt and sugar in a deep bowl. Whisk the resulting mixture thoroughly until smooth.
  • Sift the flour into a suitable bowl.
  • At the final stage, add vegetable oil to the dough. We do this so that our pancakes turn over easier when frying and do not wrinkle.
  • If the first samples, according to the popular proverb, still come out crumpled, then add another spoonful of oil - and then everything will be fine!

If we did everything correctly, then in the end we will have a homogeneous mass in the bowl without lumps, and in consistency it will resemble liquid sour cream. It should spread easily over the pan, but not be too liquid.

To get the perfect dough for pancakes with milk, the pancake milk mixture is added to a container with sifted flour, and not vice versa. Then a minimum of lumps are formed, and they “break” more easily.

You can serve pancakes piping hot on a beautiful plate, brushed with butter. As an option, wrap them beautifully or stuff them with a variety of fillings.

Thin pancakes made from sour milk are tender and especially soft, and taste reminiscent of yeast. Once you try to cook pancakes with sour milk, you will become an admirer of them for life! Let's look at the classic recipe, and recipes for pancakes without eggs and without soda.

  • Sour milk - 2 cups;
  • Chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar – 0.5 cups or to taste;
  • Wheat flour, high grade – 1.5 cups;
  • Refined vegetable oil – 2 tbsp;
  • Salt – a couple of pinches;
  • Vanilla sugar – 0.5 sachet.

  1. To completely dissolve the sugar, mix it with the eggs in a mixer bowl at low speed.
  2. Pour sour milk into the egg mass, add sugar and vanilla and mix with mixer blades.
  3. Now stir in the flour in portions until the dough is homogeneous, reminiscent of liquid sour cream.
  4. Mix the oil into the already smooth liquid mixture.
  5. Fry the first pancake in a frying pan heated with butter. We prepare the next pancakes without additional oil - it is already present in the dough!

We soak each pancake fried on both sides with butter, roll it either into a triangle, or into a tube, or stuff it with something tasty. Or you can simply enjoy it with condensed milk and tea.

Pancakes with sour milk, recipe without soda

Baking soda is added to the dough for perfect airiness of the products. By combining with the acid of sour milk, soda helps saturate the dough with carbon dioxide, and it begins to bubble. How can you replace soda to make flour products fluffy? That's right - proteins!

For our fantastically tasty and thin pancakes we will need:

  • 2 glasses of sour milk;
  • 2 cups of flour; 5 eggs;
  • 2-3 tbsp. Sahara;
  • quarter tsp salt;
  • 2 tbsp each melted butter and vegetable oils.

The peculiarity of kneading the dough for these excellent pancakes is the presence of beaten chicken egg whites in it. They are the very last to interfere with the dough - using spoon movements from bottom to top.

  • At the first stage of kneading the dough, combine the yolks, beaten with sugar, with melted (warm) butter. Pour 3 tablespoons of flour into this mixture and achieve uniformity of the composition.

  • At the second stage, pour sour milk into the yolk mixture and fluff with a mixer whisk. Add the rest of the flour and whisk everything until smooth. Lastly, stir in the vegetable oil.
  • Separately, beat the whites, but not to a stable dense foam, but to form a soft cap. Using a spoon, fold the whites into the dough from bottom to top. We achieve homogeneity of the pancake mixture.
  • fry the first pancake in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil or a piece of unsalted lard on both sides. Next, do not grease the bottom of the pan.

Serve with sour cream. Dessert sauce is even better! The simplest dessert sauce is a mixture of sour cream with condensed milk or jam.

Thin pancakes with sour milk, recipe without eggs


  • Sour milk - 600 ml
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp.
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • Sugar - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil, deodorized, odorless - a couple of spoons.
  • Wheat flour - as needed.

Step-by-step preparation of pancakes with sour milk

This recipe is suitable for people who are allergic to eggs, as well as for convinced vegetarians. The main feature of this recipe is heating the milk. The liquid should be heated over low heat.

  • We put a deep saucepan with sour milk on the fire, wait for it to warm up slightly, add soda and dissolve it in the milk.
  • We see a violent reaction, add sugar and salt. Combine all components with vigorous stirring and remove from heat.
  • It is impossible to overheat milk; the maximum temperature should not exceed 35-40 degrees.
  • Pour sifted flour into warm milk in portions and whisk until lumps completely disappear, achieving a uniform consistency. The fluidity of the mixture should resemble liquid sour cream - the dough should spread freely along the bottom of the pan.

Heat up the frying pan, pour in a little butter, spread it over the surface and start baking our pancakes with sour milk. Keep the pan very hot and bake the products quickly.

Serve with tea with sour cream, honey or jam.

The secrets of delicious pancakes with sour milk

Secret I

Before adding flour to the liquid component, be sure to sift it, holding the sieve high above the bowl. Oxygen-enriched flour gives fluffiness and airiness to products.

Secret II

Heat the sour milk slightly over the fire, and use eggs only at room temperature. If you add whipped egg whites instead of baking soda, you don't need to refrigerate them either!

Secret III

The best frying pan for baking thin pancakes is cast iron. It warms up evenly and cools down slowly! The pan should be heated over low heat, so put it on the fire in advance.

Secret IV

Use a wide spatula to turn the pancakes, helping yourself with your hand. Protect your skin from burns with a special oven mitt.

Secret V

With each pancake, the pan warms up more and more, and therefore the cooking time for the next one is reduced. Take this nuance into account and do not leave the frying pan. All you have to do is wait for the golden color of one side to immediately turn the pancake over to the other!

A pile of thin pancakes on a platter is a sign of a warm and friendly home. Pancakes with sour milk, the recipe for which is so easy to implement, will fill your home with the familiar aroma of childhood - because pancakes smell so great!

How to make thin corn pancakes with milk

Many people underestimate corn flour, but in vain - it not only has excellent taste, but is also considered a healthy dietary product.

We are sharing with you a simple recipe on how to make pancakes from cornmeal with milk, so that you can see for yourself their benefits and incredible taste.
Corn flour is lower in calories than wheat flour, it is easier to digest by the stomach and contains many elements valuable for the body.

Due to its low calorie content, baking from this product is ideal for those who adhere to proper nutrition or are on a diet to lose weight.

And articles that discuss the calorie content of pancakes in detail.

This flour also gives the dough fluffiness, lightness and a peculiar corn flavor. When baking pancakes, it is advisable to use corn flour as finely ground as possible.

Corn pancakes with sour milk: classic recipe


  • Corn flour - 1 cup
  • Sour milk (can be replaced with kefir) - 1 glass
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp.
  • Vinegar for extinguishing soda - 1 tsp.
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Sugar - 2-3 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. for test
  • Butter - 50-70 g (for greasing pancakes)

How to make pancakes from corn flour with kefir

  • Pour sour milk into a convenient deep bowl, add soda, quenched with vinegar.
  • Beat eggs into milk, add sugar, salt and mix everything thoroughly.
  • Add corn flour little by little, stirring the dough constantly. It is advisable to use a whisk for kneading.
  • Then pour in the vegetable oil and mix everything again until smooth.
  • Heat the frying pan over the fire and pour the dough onto the hot bottom so that it spreads in an even, thin layer over the entire surface. To do this, hold the dish in your hand and twist it in all directions (in a circle).

Bake each pancake for a couple of minutes on both sides.

The secrets of successful corn pancakes with sour milk

  • Keep in mind that cornmeal is grainy and will continually sink to the bottom. Therefore, before scooping a portion for a new pancake into the scoop, you need to stir the dough each time.

Also keep in mind that pancakes made from corn flour with sour milk will not be very thin, but you shouldn’t make them too thick, otherwise they won’t cook well.

  • For baking, it is recommended to use a non-stick frying pan.
  • Pour a little oil for frying, or better yet, simply coat the dishes with a brush (dip it in the oil first) so that the pancakes do not turn out greasy. If the pan does not stick at all, then you can bake without oil at all.
  • Immediately, while it is hot, grease each finished “cake” with butter. Stack the pancakes so they soak better.

Appetizing pancakes made from corn flour with sour milk can be served with sour cream, jams, preserves and other delicacies. If you do not add sugar to the pancake dough, you can wrap meat or vegetable fillings in them.

Two video recipes for pancake dough from the chef of our site - with milk and kefir

Povarenok has many proven pancake recipes, which you can find in the video or on our website.

Pancakes with milk: secrets of a successful experiment

But there are some technological subtleties of this process that have been tested by many generations of homemakers.

  • The experience accumulated by many generations of culinary experts proves that baking should be done in dishes with low sides. If the edges of the container are too high, you may accidentally tear the pancake when turning it over.
  • We take the eggs and milk out of the refrigerator at least half an hour before baking, so that by this moment they are not cold, but at a temperature close to room temperature;
  • We do not pour vegetable oil into the frying pan, but apply a thin layer with a clean sponge or silicone brush;
  • We hold the sieve with flour as high as possible when adding it to the dough - it should be properly saturated with oxygen;
  • We thoroughly heat the baking container before starting the process;
  • To turn over, use a spatula with a flexible handle - this way there is a much greater chance that the pancakes will not wrinkle.

You see, everything turned out to be not as difficult as it looked at first glance! A little practice - and pancakes with milk will certainly become your signature dish! They can be served as a separate dish or “play around” with the fillings: the rather neutral taste of pancakes allows for an unlimited number of options.

An ingredient you can't buy in the store

Have you noticed that one housewife’s pancakes prepared according to the same recipe turn out to be just a feast for the eyes, while another’s are not at all so appetizing?

It seems that the composition is the same, and they were fried in the same way, but the result was exactly the opposite? All because one of our cooks was in a good mood, but the second day was not going well.

One cooked with love, and the other was somewhere far away in her thoughts. Therefore, if you don’t feel inspired today to perform feats at the stove, then you shouldn’t start - it’s okay, you’ll please your loved ones with pancakes another time! After all, a good dish turns out only when, in addition to the ingredients required by technology, it is seasoned with a pinch of love for those for whom it is intended!

Now you know how to cook pancakes with milk quickly and easily. This simple recipe, combined with a variety of fillings, will help you out more than once and allow you to delight your family and guests with your culinary ideas.

How to cook how to cook pancakes at home recipe - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out very tasty and original.

Pancakes are an amazing dish that is perfect for both a festive table and for kitchen gatherings over a cup of tea, the main thing is to choose the right filling. A good housewife should definitely know how to make pancakes. and it’s even better if she has in her arsenal a couple of recipes for different types of delicious pancakes. Moreover, this dish does not require any special culinary skills; you just need to select the appropriate ingredients and follow a few simple rules.

You can bake pancakes according to many recipes, because this dish is so common and beloved that it has gone through many variations in the kitchens of Russian housewives. Baking delicious pancakes is not difficult, but to make them tasty, you need to know some tricks. We have selected the most delicious pancake recipes for you and described in detail the technology for preparing this delicacy, revealing all the subtleties and secrets of this process.

Pancakes with milk are a great breakfast any day of the week. To prepare a delicious delicacy you need to properly knead the dough, for this you will need the following ingredients:

  • Flour (wheat is best, but you can also use buckwheat or rye) – 1-1.5 cups.
  • Milk (preferably fresh) – 0.5 liters.
  • Eggs – either 3 medium-sized or 2 large.
  • Add salt and sugar to taste.
  • Vegetable oil so that the pancakes do not stick to the pan - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Procedure for preparing pancakes with milk:

  1. First, thoroughly mix the salt, sugar and eggs.
  2. Next, add the prepared flour to this mixture.
  3. Slowly pour the milk into the dough, mix thoroughly, breaking up any lumps. You can even use a mixer.
  4. The next step is adding oil. Please note that sunflower oil can be replaced with butter, this will make the pancakes light and tender.
  5. Prepare a frying pan for frying pancakes - warm it up thoroughly. If it is not Teflon, then it is better to lubricate it with oil.
  6. Place a small amount of dough in a ladle, then pour it in a thin layer onto a heated frying pan. When the pancake is browned, you can turn it over.
  7. Once the pancakes have cooled, serve. As a filling you can use condensed milk, jam or just sour cream.

Kefir pancakes turn out very tender, light and airy. Therefore, many housewives give them preference. If you want to know how to make delicious pancakes with kefir. use the following recipe.

  • Kefir - three glasses.
  • Flour - two glasses.
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - one tablespoon.
  • Salt for pancakes - half a teaspoon.

First of all, grind the yolks thoroughly with sugar. The next step is to pour in part of the kefir (two glasses) and stir, gradually pouring in the flour. Next, we return to the whites left for a while, to which we need to add flour and beat until fluffy with a whisk. Pour the remaining glass of kefir into the dough, add the egg whites, then start baking the pancakes in the usual way - fry over medium heat.

Sweet pancakes are often made with kefir - this is a great delicacy that both adults and children will enjoy. They can be served with various syrups, condensed milk, cream, sweet cottage cheese and even ice cream. For sweet pancakes you will need:

  • two eggs,
  • 75 grams of first grade flour,
  • 75 grams wholemeal flour,
  • 50 g butter and a tablespoon of olive,
  • 0.3 l milk,
  • 40 grams of powdered sugar,
  • 180 ml kefir,
  • a tablespoon of brown sugar, a pinch of salt.

How to cook sweet pancakes

  • Mix and beat eggs, milk, kefir, salt, sugar.
  • Mix the two types of flour, add the previously prepared milk-egg mixture, and knead the dough.
  • Melt the butter over low heat, pour it into the dough and, after mixing, leave for 30-60 minutes.
  • Heat a frying pan with olive oil and bake pancakes.
  • Sprinkle the finished pancakes with powdered sugar.

How to make thin pancakes

The ability to bake thin, delicious pancakes is the highest class in the art of making pancakes. They are good both as an independent dish and with fillings. They are also just perfect for pancake pies. So, for those who want to find the answer to the question “how to cook thin pancakes?” We recommend 2 excellent recipes.

The first recipe is thin, early ripening pancakes. For it you will need simple and affordable ingredients: flour - 1 kg, eggs - 5 pieces, water - 5 glasses, two tablespoons of sugar and for taste one teaspoon of salt, soda - half a teaspoon.

  1. The first step is to pour 4 cups of slightly warmed water into a saucepan.
  2. Second - mix the eggs with salt and sugar, pour into a container with water.
  3. Third - gradually add flour, mixing thoroughly until the dough acquires the consistency of rich sour cream. To keep it from being too thick, you can add a little more water as needed.
  4. Fourth - heat the frying pan well, add sunflower oil if the frying pan does not have a non-stick coating.
  5. Fifth - scoop up the finished dough with a medium-sized ladle and pour it evenly into the pan. You can lift the pan a little and make circular movements with it so that the pancakes come out more evenly.

The second recipe is a royal dish. By preparing these pancakes, you will be able to surprise not only your household, but also your guests at a lunch or dinner party. For these pancakes you will need: butter - 200 grams, egg yolks - 8 pcs. sugar - one glass, one hundred grams of flour, cream - 2 glasses.

  • Melt the butter over low heat, leave to cool, and in the meantime add sugar to the egg yolks and beat everything well.
  • The next step is to pour the yolks into the oil, stir the mixture until smooth.
  • Pour one and a half cups of cream into a saucepan, add flour, and bring everything to a boil until the mixture thickens.
  • Next, remove the finished mixture from the stove and stir until it cools.
  • Whip half a glass of cream into foam, add previously prepared yolks and butter.
  • At this stage, you can proceed to baking pancakes, just keep in mind that they can only be baked on one side, since they are too thin and airy.
  • The frying pan should be heated to medium temperature, and the finished pancakes should be transferred to a plate directly from it, without the help of forks, otherwise they will tear.

Video on how to make pancake dough

Properly prepared dough is the basis of delicious pancakes. It is important to correctly select the main components, calculate the required proportions of ingredients and mix everything in the correct order. A visual demonstration of the process of making pancakes is presented in the video, after watching which you will know exactly how to cook pancakes yourself.

How to make pancake dough: 3 quick recipes

In Old Russian cuisine, pancakes were baked exclusively for Maslenitsa. Round, golden, satisfying - they symbolized the end of the hungry winter and the beginning of a working spring, which was supposed to bring a new harvest. Unlike modern ones, classic Russian pancakes were baked with the addition of buckwheat flour, full-fat milk or sour cream. Therefore, they turned out to be thick and quite dense, and were offered by housewives not for dessert, but as a main dish.

Today it is not customary to boast about the significant thickness of pancakes. In “fashion” is a light, perforated, lace structure. You can get it using various techniques, like making dough for pancakes. We will tell you about each of them in detail.

In addition, most of us like to enjoy pancakes with sweet jam, condensed milk, honey or sour cream. In combination with fatty dough, the stomach will receive incredibly heavy food, which is also very high in calories. In order not to harm your figure, it is advisable to use low-calorie ingredients. At the same time, pancakes, as well as, for example, lean samosa made from puff pastry, will be very tasty.

Pancake dough with milk

The most common recipe for making pancake dough. You can use store-bought milk and higher-fat homemade milk for it.

  • milk - 500 ml;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 200 grams;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - 1 pinch.
  1. Remove milk and eggs from the refrigerator in advance so that they reach room temperature.
  2. Beat the eggs into a bowl, mix with sugar and salt. Add sugar even if you use unsweetened filling (liver or stewed cabbage). Thanks to it the dough will turn out tastier.
  3. Add milk, mix well.
  4. Place a sieve on a bowl and pour flour into it. This way you will get rid of lumps and get an airy, delicate structure. Flour should be added to the dough for thin pancakes in several additions, stirring constantly with a whisk. The consistency of the finished composition should resemble liquid sour cream. This will make it easier to bake pancakes with milk: the dough will be easily distributed in the pan and will not crumple when turned over.
  5. Add vegetable oil and stir.

Pancake dough with kefir

This recipe for making pancake dough is suitable for the most economical housewives. Firstly, with it you don’t have to worry about where to put the sour milk. And secondly, you can bake pancakes with kefir and use them as a base for different fillings: sweet (cottage cheese, berries) and savory (meat, fish, vegetables).

  • kefir 3% fat - 500 ml;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 200 grams;
  • sugar, salt, baking soda - ½ teaspoon each;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons.
  1. Beat eggs in a deep bowl, add kefir, stir.
  2. Briefly heat the mixture over low heat to a temperature of approximately 60 degrees. This will help the salt and sugar dissolve well.
  3. Remove the dishes from the stove, add salt and sugar, stir.
  4. Sift the flour and add it to the dough.
  5. Dissolve baking soda in boiling water (1 tablespoon boiling water to ½ teaspoon baking soda) and quickly add to the bowl.
  6. Pour in vegetable oil and place the dough in a warm place for about 1 hour.

How to make pancake dough and bake delicious pancakes.

Pancake batter with water

This pancake dough, the recipe of which is less popular than the others, is more welcomed by nutritionists. It has the least calories, goes well with berries and fruits, and can be used for pancakes for breakfast or lunch. The dish is prepared very quickly.

  • water - 500 ml;
  • flour - 320 grams;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - 1 pinch.
  1. Beat eggs into a bowl, add sugar and salt, mix.
  2. Pour water, stir.
  3. Gradually add sifted flour, stir with a whisk or mixer until smooth. Diet dough for pancakes with holes is ready!

In conclusion, we invite you to watch a video recipe for pancakes in boiling water.

Let's bake delicious pancakes!

We already know how to prepare pancake dough. It's time to move on to baking.

  1. Place a frying pan on the fire and heat it well.
  2. Grease the pan with vegetable oil. You literally need 1 drop - it can be evenly distributed over the surface with a brush.
  3. Reduce the heat to medium - the pancakes are not fried, but rather baked.
  4. Scoop out 2/3 of a ladle of dough. Quickly pour it into the frying pan, which should be held slightly at an angle. This will allow the dough to spread in a circle.
  5. The dough sets instantly, but the first side should be baked for 2-3 minutes.
  6. Use a spatula to lift the pancake and turn it over to the other side. Bake for a couple of minutes.
  7. Place the finished pancake on a plate. You can grease it with butter, or you can leave the surface dry (for a dietary dish). If you cover the plate with a lid, the edges of the pancakes will become soft. If you want to crunch on the delicious “lace,” leave the dish uncovered.

On average, preparing a dish takes about an hour and a half. And it disappears instantly! Try experimenting with fillings. Or offer your kids delicious pancakes with sour cream and their favorite jam!

Classic pancakes at home

The recipe for pancakes and their preparation is a special art. After all, beginners do not yet know how to cook pancakes correctly, namely, how much batter should be poured into the frying pan, when to turn the pancake over so that it cooks evenly on both sides. But an experienced housewife can prepare a huge amount of pancakes in a very short time. Cooking pancakes requires compliance with two important conditions. The first condition is a clean frying pan, and the second is a well-heated frying pan (in this case, even the first pancake is difficult to make into a lump, provided that all proportions are observed in the correct order).

Ingredients for making delicious pancakes:

  • 100 ml boiled water
  • 300 ml milk
  • 1-2 chicken eggs
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1-1.5 cups flour
  • 4 tbsp vegetable oil
  • a pinch of salt
  • butter for frying

Pancake recipe:

  • Do you want to quickly learn how to cook the “Delicious pancakes” dish? Then, without further delay, let’s start preparing them! To begin, break the chicken eggs into a bowl, add sugar and a pinch of salt. Beat everything well with a whisk.
  • Now add milk and boiled water to the eggs, sugar and salt.
  • Having kneaded our future dough well, gradually add flour. (Add the flour in parts so that lumps do not form).
  • After adding the flour, pour the vegetable oil directly into the dough.
  • Beat all ingredients until the dough reaches a homogeneous mass.
  • Heat a frying pan and put butter on it. When the pan is hot, pour one ladle of batter onto it. We advise you to pour the dough into the middle of the pan, and then smoothly distribute it, turning until the dough becomes an even pancake.
  • After about one minute, turn our pancake over using a flat spatula.
  • After another 30 seconds, the pancake is completely ready. Do the same steps with the remaining dough.

    The recipe for making pancakes is very simple. We think you have already noticed this. Homemade pancakes can be simply sprinkled with sugar, or served with sour cream. Roll classic pancakes into a tube if desired, and then cut them in half diagonally. You can also wrap absolutely any filling in them. Enjoy your meal!

    How to make pancakes: a recipe for delicious pancakes

    Pancakes are a hearty, tasty delicacy known to everyone. They are prepared for any occasion, eaten for breakfast or dinner with various sweet fillings, sour cream or sweet cottage cheese, meat, and berries. Some people like thick pancakes with a crispy side, others like thin, delicate, almost transparent ones. There are many secrets to preparing this treat, as well as recipes. The most delicious are those with many holes. If you decide to bake pancakes, then in this article we have collected recipes for you on how to make pancakes quickly and tasty!

    • Any flour is suitable for making delicious pancakes: wheat, rye, buckwheat, corn;
    • You can knead the dough using kefir, water, fresh or sour milk, even mineral water;
    • What thickness to make pancakes depends only on desires. They can be lush, thin, openwork, lace, small or huge;
    • Pancakes can be served as a separate dish, dessert or snack. By adding meat, fish or cottage cheese to them, you can get a complete snack, satisfying and incredibly tasty;
    • Pancakes can be made with yeast or with the addition of soda;
    • It is advisable to fry them only in vegetable oil;
    • The best frying pan for pancakes is cast iron, with low sides and a thick bottom.

    The most important thing in making pancakes is kneading the dough to the desired consistency and frying them correctly. The following requirements apply to the products:

    • Milk, water, kefir and eggs should only be at room temperature, removed from the refrigerator in advance
    • The flour must be sifted so that there are no small lumps in the dough;
    • You can stir with a fork, whisk, or mixer. First make a thick dough, then add liquid;
    • Vegetable oil should be odorless, eggs should be fresh;
    • If the recipe contains yeast, it is added to warm milk; soda is usually mixed with kefir;
    • The filling is already wrapped in ready-made pancakes; it also needs to be prepared in advance.

    The recipe for making pancakes with milk is considered the most popular and traditional. This is a treat everyone likes. A recipe for how to make pancakes fluffy, very tasty, with beautiful, even holes and rosy sides.


    • 2 heaped glasses of flour;
    • 3 whole glasses of milk;
    • 2 large eggs or 3 small;
    • 3 tablespoons unrefined vegetable oil;
    • 2 spoons of sand;
    • A quarter teaspoon each of salt and soda.
    1. Beat the eggs with a whisk with salt, soda and granulated sugar in a deep bowl;
    2. Pour in milk at room temperature, mix well;
    3. Sift the flour and add it to the mixture in a thin stream. If you pour it all out quickly, lumps may form;
    4. Mix the dough with a mixer or whisk, at the end add three tablespoons of vegetable oil so that it does not stick to the pan;
    5. Heat the frying pan, pour in oil, pour a thin layer of dough from the ladle, bake and turn over to the other side;
    6. Oil can be added one at a time. It is best to use a wooden spatula to turn the pancakes over to the other side.
    Baking lovers don't limit themselves to making pancakes. Especially for you, we collect the best recipes so that you can please yourself and your loved ones. Recipe for the cake “Negro in foam.” will not leave any sweet tooth indifferent!

    If you don’t have enough time, then pay attention to the pancakes. In this article we will tell you how to make pancakes with milk and kefir. Make your household happy!

    Kefir pancakes are fluffy, filling, delicate in taste and have an unusually golden brown crust. A photo of the recipe for how to cook pancakes will help you understand better. When kneading the dough, soda is added to kefir; it gives the treat porosity, softness and airiness. To make kefir pancakes thin, the finished dough is diluted with water or mineral water. For fluffy pancakes you need thick kefir.

    • A pack of kefir 500 ml, it is better to take three percent;
    • 2 eggs;
    • A whole glass of flour;
    • A third of a small glass of vegetable oil;
    • A teaspoon of sugar;
    • A third of a teaspoon of salt, maybe a pinch;
    • A quarter teaspoon of soda slaked with water.

    The eggs must be beaten until a thick foam is obtained, then kefir must be added to them and mixed. The resulting mixture should be slightly heated on the stove until it becomes slightly warm. This is necessary so that the sugar and salt mix well.

    Add sugar and salt, soda, vegetable oil, and add sifted flour. Knead a not very thick dough without lumps. It should stand for at least half an hour, only after that you can start baking fluffy pancakes in a hot frying pan.

    The bottom of the cast iron frying pan should be greased with oil, and before doing this, it must be thoroughly heated. The pancakes turn out fluffy, pleasant to the taste, and completely non-sour due to kefir.

    Cooking pancakes with water

    If you mix the dough with water, the pancakes will turn out thin, crispy, with numerous even holes. It’s good to wrap any filling in them, twisting them into a tube or folding them like an envelope.

    • Half a liter jar of water;
    • About two glasses of flour, maybe a little less;
    • 2 eggs;
    • A small pinch of salt;
    • 2 level spoons of sugar;
    • 2 tablespoons of oil.
    1. The eggs must be thoroughly beaten with a mixer along with sugar and salt mixed in;
    2. Then add water and stir;
    3. Add flour in a stream and mix slowly with a mixer;
    4. Bake thin pancakes in a hot oil pan.

    To make it clearer, you can watch a detailed instructional video with step-by-step preparation of pancakes in water.

    Not everyone knows how to cook thin, almost transparent pancakes. The recipe is very simple, the whole secret is in mixing the dough correctly.

    • 1 liter of fat milk;
    • 4 cups sifted flour;
    • 5 eggs;
    • 4 spoons of sugar;
    • 2 tablespoons of oil;
    • A teaspoon of salt.
    • All ingredients must be mixed very thoroughly with a mixer so that there are no lumps;
    • The finished dough should stand on the table for about an hour for the flour to swell;
    • The pan should be hot, there is no need to spare oil;
    • The dough must be quickly poured into the pan, tilting it in different directions so that it spreads into a thin layer.

    All these simple recipes allow you to quickly bake very tasty, thin, soft and tender pancakes. The recipe for making thin pancakes is described above. Which ones to fry, thick, thin or fluffy, is up to you to decide. In any case, they will be eaten much faster than they were made at the stove.

    Video recipe for making pancakes

    The video provides a recipe for how to cook pancakes with milk.

    How to cook pancakes: 11 simple recipes

    Beginning housewives have difficulty preparing pancakes. After all the manipulations, they turn out dry or too thick. To cope with the task, you need to observe the proportions of the ingredients and follow the step-by-step instructions.

    Pancakes with milk: classic

    • granulated sugar - 55-60 gr.
    • milk (fat, from 3.2%) - 0.5 l.
    • chicken egg - 2 pcs.
    • flour - 210 gr.
    • salt - 7 gr.
    • butter - 60 gr.
    1. Pancakes are prepared from ingredients at room temperature. Remove butter, eggs and milk from the refrigerator. Let the components sit for 30-60 minutes.
    2. Place the eggs in a bowl, mix with salt and granulated sugar. Beat the ingredients with a mixer until thick foam forms. Pour 150 ml into the composition. milk, mix again.
    3. You should not pour in all the milk at once, since the dough with a thick consistency is easier to knead and turns out without lumps. Now sift the flour and add it to the eggs.
    4. Bring the dough until smooth, eliminating large clots. Pour in the remaining milk and mix the contents again. Melt the butter in the microwave, add, stir.
    5. The dough should be very liquid, don't be alarmed. Start frying. Choose a frying pan with a non-stick coating, or you can use a cast iron tool.
    6. Place the dishes on the stove and heat them up. Dip a silicone brush into vegetable oil, then grease the pan. The action is carried out one (!) time.
    7. Scoop some dough into a ladle and hold it in one hand. Second, lift the frying pan, at the same time pour the dough into the middle of the oven and roll the pancake over the entire surface using rotational actions.
    8. Reduce power to between medium and maximum. Fry the pancake until its edges darken. Then turn it over to the other side with a spatula and cook until done.
    9. In about 2 minutes the pancake will be cooked through. Place it on a flat plate and brush with butter. Proceed to prepare the next portion in the same way.

    Pancakes with milk and yeast

    • milk with fat content from 2.5% - 730 ml.
    • baker's yeast - 1 package (22-24 gr.)
    • egg - 3 pcs.
    • flour - 280 gr.
    • salt - 8 gr.
    • butter - 90 gr.
    • drinking water - 240 ml.
    • granulated sugar - 45 gr.
  • Before the main manipulations, make a dough. Heat the water to a temperature of 50 degrees, add half the sugar. Wait for the grains to dissolve, then add the yeast.
  • Stir the contents of the bowl for 2 minutes. After this period, add 250 gr. sifted flour, break up any lumps with a whisk. Cover the dish with the dough with a towel and keep warm for 45 minutes.
  • Melt the butter in a water bath. Separate the yolks (whites will be needed later), grind them with the remaining granulated sugar and salt. Combine with oil, send the mixture to the brewed dough.
  • Remove the milk from the refrigerator and allow it to come to room temperature. Then start pouring small portions into the main mass and stirring at the same time.
  • Sift the rest of the flour and add it to the dough. Leave it warm to rise. Now add salt to the whites, beat them with a mixer, and add them to the raised dough. Leave again for about an hour.
  • Start frying the pancakes. Choose a frying pan that is not very large in diameter (a pancake pan with low sides is ideal). Dip a silicone baking brush into vegetable oil and grease the pan.
  • Melt a heatproof bowl, then scoop out some of the batter and pour it into the middle. Immediately start rotating the pan in a circular motion so that the mixture spreads.
  • Bake on medium until edges darken. Then turn the pancake over and continue cooking. After all the manipulations, place the product on a flat plate and grease with oil.
    • sunflower oil - 60 ml.
    • kefir (fat content - 3.2%) - 260 ml.
    • butter - optional
    • granulated sugar - 60 gr.
    • boiling water - 240 ml.
    • soda - 6 gr.
    • egg - 2 pcs.
    • salt - 8 gr.
    • flour - 245-250 gr.
    1. Sift the flour, combine it with sugar and soda. Cool the eggs separately, grind them with salt, beat with a mixer until foamy. Don't stop stirring, add kefir and boiling water.
    2. Pour flour into the egg mixture and add it in small portions. Break up any lumps with a fork. Cover the bowl with the dough with a waffle towel and leave for a third of an hour.
    3. When the specified time has elapsed, pour in the vegetable oil. Stir until smooth, add cream if desired (about 30 g). Leave the kefir mass for 30 minutes.
    4. Choose a suitable frying pan. Heat it, then use a silicone brush to grease it with vegetable/butter oil. Set the burner to the middle mark.
    5. Scoop out the dough with a ladle and lift the pan over the stove. Pour the mixture into the center of the dish and immediately begin to perform circular movements with your hand. The mixture should spread towards the sides of the pan.
    6. Place the pan on the fire and cook the pancake until the edges are browned. When this happens, use a spatula to lift the dough and turn it over. Cook for another 2-3 minutes. Place on a plate and brush with butter.
    • flour - 300 gr.
    • water - 380 ml.
    • salt - 6 gr.
    • apple cider vinegar - 25 ml.
    • sugar - 30 gr.
    • vegetable oil - 60-70 ml.
    • soda - 8 gr.
    1. Heat drinking water to a temperature of 40 degrees. Mix with apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil. Sift the flour, combine it with soda, salt and sugar.
    2. Add the bulk ingredients into the water in small portions. Don't stop stirring, otherwise the mixture will curl into lumps. Break up the tubers with a fork or whisk.
    3. Take a pancake pan and grease it with vegetable oil using a silicone baking brush. Heat up a heat-resistant pan and start frying.
    4. Scoop up the homogeneous dough with a ladle, lift the pan, and pour the thick mixture into its center. Immediately roll out to the edges, making circular movements with your hand.
    5. Bake the pancake on power between high and medium until the edges are browned. Then turn over with a spatula and continue cooking for another 2-3 minutes.
    6. After the allotted time has passed, place the dessert on a plate and brush with butter. Cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired, or wrap in an envelope with jam.
    • flour - 240 gr.
    • sparkling mineral water - 240 ml.
    • granulated sugar - 35 gr.
    • vegetable oil - 60 gr.
    • boiling water - 240 ml.
    • salt - on the tip of a knife
    1. Many housewives prefer to replace mineral water with Sprite gas, but the drink gives a peculiar aftertaste. If you want to cook classic pancakes, choose regular mineral water.
    2. Sift the flour, add salt and granulated sugar. Pour in the soda in a thin stream and stir with a fork at the same time. When you have eliminated all the lumps, cover the bowl with the dough with a towel and wait half an hour.
    3. This period is allotted for infusing the mass. Boil water, mix 240-250 ml of boiling water. with vegetable oil. Pour into the raised dough and knead. After 15 minutes, start frying the pancakes.
    4. Grease a suitable frying pan with oil using a baking brush (silicone). The procedure is carried out once. Heat the frying pan and scoop out a portion of the dough with a ladle. Pour into the center, stretch to the sides in a circular motion.
    5. When the mass spreads evenly over the entire surface, set the heat to medium. Fry the pancake for 2 minutes until the edges are browned. Turn over and cook until done. Remove the pancake from the heat, brush with butter, and serve with honey or jam.

    Pancakes with beer and milk

    • milk - 240 gr.
    • egg - 2 pcs.
    • salt - 3 gr.
    • flour - 250 gr.
    • wheat beer - 240 ml.
    • granulated sugar - 30 gr.
    • vegetable oil - 120 ml.
    • soda - 7 gr.
    1. In a separate bowl, mix eggs, granulated sugar, baking soda and salt. Beat until smooth, it is important to get a thick foam. Bring the milk to room temperature and add to the eggs. Then pour in the beer.
    2. Keep stirring. Pass the flour through a sieve and add it in small portions to the liquid mixture. Make sure the dough is homogeneous, it should become thick.
    3. After final beating, let the mixture stand for a quarter of an hour. After this period, stir the dough. Heat the frying pan and grease it with oil.
    4. Scoop a portion of dough into a ladle, pour it into the center of the dish, and immediately roll it out in a circle. Bake on the middle mark for 2 minutes, then flip to the other side. Fry until done, another 1 minute.
    • soda - 8 gr.
    • egg - 2 pcs.
    • flour - 360 gr.
    • Ryazhenka - 400 ml.
    • granulated sugar - 60-70 gr.
    • vegetable oil - 90 ml.
    • salt - 1 gr.
    1. In a deep plastic bowl, combine granulated sugar, eggs and salt. Beat with a mixer or whisk until the grains are completely melted. Pour in the fermented baked milk and mix the mixture again with the mixer. Add baking soda.
    2. Beat the mixture, sift the flour, add it a tablespoon at a time into the total mass. Stir the ingredients to remove any lumps. Add vegetable oil to finish preparing the dough.
    3. If the composition turns out to be thick due to the consistency of fermented baked milk, you can dilute the dough with water or milk. Pour in 100-120 ml. beat the mixture well with a whisk.
    4. Grease the pan once, then scoop the batter into a ladle and pour into the center of the pan. At the same time, roll out the mixture to the sides to get a round pancake.
    5. Set the power to medium. Fry for 2 minutes until the edges darken. When the pancake becomes spongy, turn it over and bake until done, 1 more minute. When serving, brush with oil.
    • butter - 70 gr.
    • salt - 8-10 gr.
    • flour - 600 gr.
    • vegetable oil - 55 gr.
    • granulated sugar - 80 gr.
    • milk (fat content from 3.2%) - 1 l.
    • soda - 6 gr.
    1. Before the main manipulations, you must first sift the flour, then mix it with soda, sugar, and salt. After this, vegetable oil and half the volume of milk are poured in.
    2. Boil the remaining milk and gradually pour it into the already kneaded dough in a thin stream. Place the butter in a frying pan and heat it at maximum power.
    3. Then lower the burner to the middle level. Pour a portion of the dough into the center of the pan and roll it out to the sides of the pan. Bake for 2 minutes, then turn over and finish cooking.
    4. It is important to ensure that when frying on the first side there is no batter on the surface of the pancake. Otherwise, you will tear it before you have time to turn it over.
    5. After cooking, grease the pancake with butter and place on a plate. Proceed to fry the remaining portions, serve dessert with berries, condensed milk or jam.
    • cocoa powder - 30 gr.
    • milk - 360 gr.
    • flour - 120 gr.
    • granulated sugar - 100-110 gr.
    • butter - 60 gr.
    • egg - 2 pcs.
    • baking powder for dough - 13 gr.
    1. Place the butter in a bowl, melt it in a water bath or use the microwave. In another bowl, combine baking powder, cocoa powder, and double-sifted flour.
    2. Add granulated sugar and eggs to melted butter. Beat with a mixer for 2 minutes. Combine the two compositions, mix again until smooth.
    3. Completely eliminate all lumps, otherwise the pancakes will turn out uneven. When the dough is ready, let it rest for a third of an hour. After this period, select a frying pan of a suitable size and heat it.
    4. Dip a silicone pastry brush into vegetable oil and brush the bottom of a heat-resistant dish. Use a ladle to scoop up some of the dough, pour it into the center of the pan, and immediately begin rolling out to the edges.
    5. Bake for 2-3 minutes until edges darken. Next, turn over to the other side with a spatula and cook for another 2 minutes. Serve with butter.

    Pancakes with vanilla and cocoa

    • vanilla sugar - 20 gr.
    • flour - 245 gr.
    • cocoa powder - 60 gr.
    • milk - 470 ml.
    • salt - on the tip of a knife
    • egg - 1 pc.
    • granulated sugar - 50 gr.
    1. In a deep bowl, combine the egg, vanilla sugar, and flour sifted several times. Add regular sugar and grind until smooth. Divide the dough into 2 equal sections.
    2. Pour cocoa into the first part, leave the second unchanged. Each mixture should be homogeneous; for convenience, use a blender or mixer.
    3. Now start frying the pancakes, they will turn out two-colored. Grease the pan with vegetable oil using a silicone brush.
    4. Take half a portion of light dough into a ladle and pour it onto the right side of the dish. Now scoop up the cocoa mixture and place it on the left side.
    5. Rotate the pan in a circular motion to spread the batter. Only then place the heat-resistant cookware on the stove and heat it up. Fry for 3 minutes, turn over. Serve with sour cream and berries.

    Pancakes with cheese and herbs

    • hard cheese - 120 gr.
    • chicken egg - 2 pcs.
    • salt - 15 gr.
    • full fat milk - 525 ml.
    • baking powder for dough - 15 gr.
    • vegetable oil - in fact
    • flour - 245 gr.
    • dill - 45 gr.
    • granulated sugar - 25 gr.
    1. Break the pre-cooled eggs into a bowl, add salt and granulated sugar. Beat with a whisk or mixer to form a thick foam. Pour in the milk and stir again.
    2. Pass the flour through a sieve several times, mix with baking powder. Start slowly pouring the mixture into the eggs and stirring at the same time. Then pour in vegetable oil.
    3. When the dough is ready, leave it for half an hour. While the mixture sits, grate the cheese, wash and chop the dill. Mix the ingredients together and send to the test.
    4. Start cooking. Choose a medium-diameter frying pan. Heat it, add butter inside, rub it along the bottom. Pour a portion of the dough into the center of the dish and roll it out.
    5. Fry for 2-3 minutes. When the edges darken and the surface becomes sticky, flip the pancake. Bring it to readiness and serve with sour cream.

    Thin pancakes cooked with milk, water, fermented baked milk, beer, mineral water or kefir decorate the everyday table. The dessert is served with condensed milk, jam, and maple syrup, which helps emphasize the taste of the delicacy. Consider options with the addition of cheese and herbs, cocoa powder, and vanilla sugar.

    Video: thin pancakes with milk

    Fluffy milk pancakes without yeast recipe

    Everyone has eaten pancakes with sour cream or jam at least once on Sunday morning or on Maslenitsa. But why not eat this delicacy more often? How to make delicious pancakes? Find the answer in this article. We will tell you how to cook delicious pancakes not only with water and milk, but also with kefir.

    Just a few decades ago, no Russian dish could compare in popularity with pancakes. They accompanied a person throughout his life. They fed women in labor with pancakes and used them to remember a person.

    However, pancakes are loved not only in Russia, but throughout the world. The French, for example, are famous masters of thin pancakes; Americans prefer thicker ones and build towers out of pancakes, serve them with bacon and top with maple syrup.

    How to make pancakes with milk?

    For the pancake test you will need:
    - 2.5 tbsp. milk
    - 250 g flour (1 cup)
    - 1-3 eggs
    - 1 tbsp. l. sugar and a pinch of salt
    - vegetable oil or fat for frying

    How many eggs to put in the dough is up to everyone to decide for themselves. They change both the taste and properties of the dough. This is a binding ingredient that turns it into a homogeneous mass without lumps, and also provides a golden brown crust. However, the pancakes will not fall apart even without eggs. Remember, the more eggs, the denser the dough, otherwise the pancakes will be “spongy” and soft.

    How to make pancakes?

    The dough must be made according to all the rules. First, pour the sifted flour into a mound, make a well in it, beat the eggs in a separate bowl, then pour them into the well, then add half the liquid (milk), and then knead with a whisk or fork, mixing all the ingredients. If you knead the dough with a spoon, it is almost impossible to avoid lumps. After the dough has become homogeneous, you need to gradually add the butter and the remaining milk. Ideally, you should leave the dough for at least half an hour so that it rises a little, and only then start frying.

    If you have kitchen utensils at hand, the cooking process can be made easier. In this case, it is still better to sift the flour. This way the dough will be saturated with oxygen. Beat the sugar, salt, and half of the liquid in a bowl with a hand blender or mixer, then add the flour. After the dough is whipped until smooth, add the butter and the rest of the liquid. The last step is necessary in order to control the consistency of the dough. How to make thin pancakes? Just. When preparing the dough, you need to remember that it should look like very liquid sour cream. To make the baked goods thicker, the dough should be similar to the consistency of just sour cream.

    The first pancake is cooked on a hot frying pan. In this case, it is better to use dishes with a heavy, thick bottom. After the first pancake, we reduce the heat and find the optimal temperature, as they say, empirically. Our dough already contains oil, so there is no need to grease the pan.

    However, for the first pancake, as practice shows, this is necessary. In addition, if you use a frying pan without a special coating, you will still have to use oil. And you don’t need to pour oil directly from the bottle, otherwise you’ll have to pour the excess out of the pan later - the pancake in excess can simply slide to the side. You can use a special spray bottle or a piece of frozen animal fat, which is dipped in oil and rubbed into the pan.

    Pour a little batter and spread it over the entire surface of the pan, using your hand to control the batter in the pan. At the same time, do not let the edges stick with a spatula.

    Note that if you add a teaspoon of soda, quenched with lemon juice or vinegar, to the dough, and add enough flour so that the dough has the consistency of thick sour cream, then you can bake delicious pancakes at lower heat. They should be poured into the pan with a spoon. If you bake completely without oil, the pancakes will turn out flat and dry, but if you fry in oil, they will be rosy and fluffy.

    How to cook pancakes with water?

    This method of preparing pancakes is rightfully considered the simplest. It does not require special skills or craftsmanship. In addition, you can always please yourself and your loved ones with such pancakes, especially if you have run out of milk and really want something tasty.

    To prepare these pancakes we will need:
    - half a liter of water
    - two or three eggs
    - two tablespoons of vegetable oil
    - a pinch of salt
    - two tablespoons of granulated sugar
    - two glasses of flour

    1. Beat the eggs with a whisk first. Mix flour, eggs, sugar and salt, knead the dough. It is important to ensure that the flour dissolves and the consistency becomes uniform. The dough should be quite liquid, a little thinner than sour cream. There should be no lumps left.
    2. Heat a large frying pan. Then, reducing the heat to medium, start baking pancakes, pouring the batter using a ladle.
    3. After pouring the dough into the pan, let it spread evenly by tilting the pan in different directions. Fry pancakes on both sides.
    4. When the first pancake is ready, you need to try it. If necessary, add missing ingredients: water, salt, sugar.
    5. Before each new portion of dough, it is better to grease the pan with oil so that the pancake does not stick to its surface.

    How were pancakes prepared in Rus'?

    The recipe is surprisingly simple, and this makes it especially attractive. If you really want something more substantial, bake pancakes with milk.

    Kefir pancake recipe

    This version of pancakes is good because kefir, being a fermented milk product, gives the dough a special softness and airiness. In addition, kefir is easier to digest and is a dietary product, while milk is not suitable for everyone.

    To bake pancakes with kefir, you will need:
    - one glass of flour
    - one glass of kefir
    - one glass of boiling water
    - two chicken eggs
    - soda - on the tip of a knife
    - salt - about 1/2 teaspoon
    - sugar - 1 tablespoon
    - two to three tablespoons of vegetable oil

    First of all, you need to beat the eggs with a mixer until foam appears. Add salt before whisking. It is better that the eggs are cold, then they will beat better.

    Then pour a glass of boiling water into the resulting mass and continue whisking. After a while, pour kefir in there. Mix the sifted flour with soda and add a tablespoon at a time to the resulting mass. Mix thoroughly and make sure that no lumps form.

    Sweet pancakes: recipe from the chef

    Then add vegetable oil and sugar. After this, mix thoroughly again and bake in a hot frying pan.

    Yeast pancake recipe

    For the dish you will need: 280-300 g flour, 750 ml. milk, 2-3 eggs, 3-4 tbsp. l. butter, 1-2 tbsp. sugar, 20-25 gr. yeast, 250 ml. water, 1 tsp. salt.

    First, you need to pour warm water into a bowl and add 1 tsp to it. sugar, mix. Next, crumble the yeast into it and mix thoroughly. The yeast should be completely dissolved. And then gradually add a glass of sifted flour and mix thoroughly again.

    Place the bowl with the resulting dough in a warm place, after covering it with a towel or napkin. While the dough is rising, melt the margarine or butter and cool (if the butter is hot, it can burn the yeast). Grind the egg yolks with sugar.

    Add the yolks, ground with sugar, butter (either vegetable oil or margarine), salt to the finished dough and mix well.

    Next, add flour and milk alternately into the dough in small portions. Add half a glass of flour and half a glass of milk. And stir the dough thoroughly every time so that there are no lumps in it. As a result, it turns out that you put 2 cups of flour and 3 cups of milk into the dough.

    Cover the dough again with a napkin or towel and place in a warm place to rise. When it rises, stir it and leave it again for a while. After the next approach, add the egg whites, beaten with salt, to the dough, mix and let the dough rise further.

    The dough has risen and you no longer need to stir it; bake the pancakes right away. In this case, use a ladle to lift the dough from the bottom to the very top.

    Pancakes with seasoning

    When baking, pour some dough into the middle of the pan and rotate it so that the dough spreads. After the pancake is browned on the bottom, turn it over with a spatula and fry the other side.

    Grease the finished pancakes with butter and place them aside. To keep the pancakes hot and delicious, place them in a warm oven until you finish baking the rest.

    What to do if pancakes stick?

    Experienced cooks advise that to prevent pancakes from sticking, you need to use a special pancake frying pan for cooking. It’s better if you cook only pancakes on it and nothing but pancakes. By the way, “sour” pancakes, that is, those cooked with yeast, rarely stick.

    You should start frying in a hot frying pan, and then reduce the heat. A regular frying pan can be treated as follows: drop some vegetable oil on it, heat it up, remove from heat, add salt and rub it over the frying pan with a piece of cloth (by the way, it should not be Teflon). After this, the vessel should be washed.

    What to do if pancakes burn? A very common question that housewives ask. The answer is simple - a lot depends on the frying pan. You should treat it with salt or buy a special pancake pan. Remember that over time, any utensils will wear out.

    If the pancakes tear, then you most likely did not maintain the proportions. If we planned thick ones, we added baking powder; thin ones, we added flour.

    Pancakes with filling

    Everyone knows pancakes with meat, pancakes with cottage cheese too. These are the most popular fillings. However, amateurs recommend making baked goods with fish, such as salmon, and gourmets recommend making baked goods with red caviar.

    Stuffed pancakes “Sacks”

    The recipe for making such pancakes is banal. First you need to prepare the right pancakes and pack them in an envelope with the filling inside. Almost all products are suitable for the filling: cottage cheese, mushrooms, berries and fruits, mashed potatoes, herbs.

    The editors of the site wish you bon appetit and new culinary successes in preparing the original Russian dish.

    Secrets of experienced housewives for baking pancakes

    To make your pancakes even more delicious and pleasing to the eye, take note of the following secrets.
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