Therapeutic exercises for diseases of the spine. Treatment of the spine using the Dikul method

Pathology of the musculoskeletal system, especially spinal injuries, today occupies far from the last place in the structure of morbidity in terms of prevalence on the globe. The rate of post-traumatic conditions is growing from year to year, since with the development of technology the proportion of injuries both at work and on the roads has increased significantly.

Rehabilitation measures for such patients are constantly being improved. The author’s method of Valentin Ivanovich Dikul is recognized as one of the most effective methods in Russia today. Treatment of the spine using the Dikul method allows in almost 100% of cases to restore motor activity of the affected segment of the spine or limb.

You can't fool the numbers

Over the 10 years of its existence, treatment using it was carried out at the V.I. Center. Dikul more than 7 thousand people, and about 5 thousand more people mastered the technique on their own. This indicates the popularity and effectiveness of the method among the population.

This technique has found such a large number of followers also because it returns people to activity, and does not reconcile them with disability due to diseases and injuries of the spine, like many other well-known practices.

The history of the appearance of the Dikul technique

Academician, Doctor of Medical Sciences Valentin Ivanovich Dikul many years ago himself suffered a compression fracture of the spine, which threatened him with disability. Only the doctor’s perseverance and ingenuity helped him get back on his feet and return to a full life without restrictions.

Valentin Ivanovich developed and tested from personal experience a set of special exercises, and then designed a simulator that, with a certain amount of persistence, allows one to recover even after very severe injuries and spinal surgeries.

How it works?

If, during the recovery period after an injury or operation, an immobilized patient does not engage in special gymnastics, at least passively, with the help of a physical therapy instructor, his muscles atrophy without the usual load, and the ligamentous apparatus becomes flabby. This way the body will never recover. If you keep your muscles in good shape, then there is a chance to get back on your feet, since gymnastics and massage will stimulate the restoration of nervous system cells in the affected area. Therefore, it is very important to maintain muscles in working condition until nerve impulses are restored.

Of course, Dikul’s technique is very labor-intensive: the patient has to work, as they say, “until a sweat,” but the result is worth it. Patient and hard work, training on simulators, and performing exercises at home not only improve the patient’s physical and mental condition, but also restores his ability to move and helps him adapt to this new life.


  • Spinal injuries (cervical, thoracic, lumbar level of injury).
  • Post-traumatic large joints.

What do Dikul’s methods include?

Treatment of the spine using the Dikul method includes several areas.

  1. Therapeutic exercise, consisting of two sets of exercises. The first complex provides the muscles with constant daily load. It is designed for general rehabilitation and is divided into two parts. In the morning they perform exercises to restore the back and lower extremities, and in the late afternoon - exercises for the abdomen, arms and chest. As a result, self-healing of muscle tone occurs. After mastering these exercises, proceed to the second set of exercises. At the same time, the muscle corset is strengthened, and, most importantly, a normal motor stereotype is formed, and functional blocks are eliminated.
  2. Therapeutic gymnastics helps maintain achieved results. Its main task is to restore the elasticity of ligaments and muscles. Its important element is relaxation and strengthening of fortitude in the fight against negative emotions.
  3. Physiotherapy promotes rapid regeneration of affected tissues.
  4. Manual therapy.
  5. Drinking regimen (mineral water intake up to a liter per day).

How are classes conducted?

The duration of the rehabilitation course using the Dikul method directly depends on the severity of the pathology. For some, three months are enough to restore functions, while others are forced to undergo treatment for years.

Usually three cycles of 12 lessons are prescribed.

  1. The first cycle is therapeutic and preparatory and adapts the body with the help of special exercises to a certain load. In this case, elements of Pilates, yoga, joint and breathing exercises are used.
  2. The second cycle is therapeutic, aimed at restoring normal muscle tone in the affected area.
  3. The third cycle is therapeutic and training, developing flexibility and mobility of the spine. After this, an individual set of exercises for working at home is developed for the patient, in accordance with the results achieved.

What is unique about the technique?

The uniqueness of Valentin Ivanovich’s technique lies in its approach to the human body as a self-healing system. This technique involves fighting the disease and defeating it, and not getting used to it and adapting to the role of a disabled person, like many other Western techniques.

A person learns to control his own body, and not various new technologies for people with disabilities, and as a result of hard work, he regains the possibility of a full existence.

By the way, you may also be interested in the following FREE materials:

  • Free books: "TOP 7 harmful exercises for morning exercises that you should avoid" | “6 Rules for Effective and Safe Stretching”
  • Restoration of knee and hip joints with arthrosis- free video recording of the webinar conducted by a physical therapy and sports medicine doctor - Alexandra Bonina
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  • Want to know how to treat a pinched sciatic nerve? Then carefully watch the video at this link.
  • 10 essential nutritional components for a healthy spine- in this report you will learn what your daily diet should be so that you and your spine are always healthy in body and spirit. Very useful information!
  • Do you have osteochondrosis? Then we recommend studying effective methods of treating lumbar, cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis without drugs.

Intervertebral hernia is a very unpleasant and dangerous disease. Before deciding on surgical treatment, a competent doctor will definitely recommend a combination of medication and physiotherapy; will tell you how effective physical exercises and gymnastics are for spinal hernia. You should not be skeptical about the treatment of this disease with the help of physical therapy. The following methods of joint gymnastics have proven their effectiveness:

  • Bubnovsky's adaptive gymnastics;
  • Dikul's technique;
  • Combined technique of Dr. Pilyuyko.

What is the essence of each of these methods?

Bubnovsky's adaptive gymnastics

Bubnovsky S. M. developed on the basis of many years of experience and observations of patients with spinal hernias unique healing complexes. The technique is called “kinesiotherapy” or adaptive gymnastics. It is based on a complex effect on the musculoskeletal system: muscles, joints, and not just the spine and nearby organs.

Part of the blame for the occurrence of intervertebral disc herniations lies with physical inactivity of certain muscle groups. Activation of these muscles and associated joints indirectly has a restorative effect on the spine. It activates blood circulation and metabolic processes.

Properly selected loads lead to strengthening the muscular corset, the basis of which is the back and abdominal muscles. By strengthening these muscle groups, we reduce compression of the intervertebral disc, and this already leads to a reduction and regression of hernias.

Bubnovsky’s technique, in addition to the therapeutic effect for spinal hernia, allows increasing the overall flexibility of the spine, reduces salt deposits in osteochondrosis, and improves psychostatus.

Bubnovsky developed a huge number of exercises for treatment intervertebral hernia, here is just one of the complexes of therapeutic exercises that has proven itself well for spinal hernias of any location and back diseases:

  1. In a position on all fours, relax all your muscles as much as possible. Take a deep breath and slowly arch your back (like a cat). Exhale slowly and arch your back. Smoothly perform 20 repetitions. If pain occurs, reduce your range of motion or discard this exercise.
  2. Lie on your back with your arms along your body. After a deep inhalation, slowly exhale and lift your pelvis off the floor to its maximum height, resting on your shoulders and feet. Lower your pelvis and inhale at the same time. 20 smooth repetitions.
  3. Lie on your back with your hands behind your head. Elbows point towards the ceiling. Bend your legs at the knees 90 degrees. The chin is pressed to the chest. Smoothly try to reach your elbows to your knees. It is not necessary for your knees and elbows to touch - the main thing is to connect them. Repeat until you feel slightly tired, do not overexert yourself.
  4. On knees. Try to lean forward as much as possible without bending your elbows. Return to the starting position. Repeat 20-25 times.

Even this minimal complex can help you feel relief from a herniated disc. It is better to complete the full course and individual treatment complex under the guidance of an experienced kinesiotherapist or methodologist instructor.

Bubnovsky’s gymnastics is aimed at good and he himself says the following about this: “Happiness is when nothing hurts. And I want my patients to be free from pain forever."

Dikul's exercises

Many neurosurgeons use this method in their practice. Dikul’s own books describe not only gymnastics for hernia and back pain, but also the result - effective strengthening of the muscles and spinal column, and also notes the activation of autoreparation mechanisms - independent restoration of the musculoskeletal frame of the spine. The uniqueness of the technique is based on the application of not only the principles of classical physical therapy, but also the principles of yoga and breathing exercises.

The whole process is divided into three cycles:

  1. preparing the body for subsequent loads with the development of ligaments and joints;
  2. exercises to restore muscle tone;
  3. an intensive course, during which the growth of intervertebral muscles, mainly short ones, is noted, the flexibility of the spine and the mobility of articular-ligamentous conglomerates are improved.

When practicing according to the Dikul system, in addition to performing exercises mechanically, a person must be aware of the need for treatment and form a dominant idea of ​​recovery in his head.

This method can be used after operations to remove spinal hernias. It will allow you to quickly restore the functionality of the spinal column and further prevent relapses.

Combined Pilyuiko technique

More than 10 years ago, a group of specialists under the leadership of Vyacheslav Vitalievich Pilyuko began experiments on a combination of exercise therapy and physiotherapy methods. To date, remarkable results have been obtained. The principle of treatment is based on identifying three main points of application of therapy:

  1. suppression of the inflammatory process, pain, improvement of blood and lymph flow;
  2. reduction of hernia formation;
  3. reduction of traumatization of nervous structures.

For each of these areas, Pilyuiko has developed methods of influence.

The anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect is exerted by:

  • anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents;
  • reduction of muscle spasticity;
  • local injections of anesthetics and corticosteroids;
  • physiotherapy and reflexology;

Hernial protrusion in the Pilyuiko complex can be reduced by:

  • diathermy;
  • electrotherapy;
  • phonophoresis;
  • microwave therapy;
  • local injection therapy;
  • traction (stretching).

It is possible to reduce injury to nerve trunks by:

  • treatment by position;
  • joint gymnastics;
  • extension and traction of the spine;
  • physical exercise;
  • working with a psychologist;

In each specific case, an individual therapy program is selected under the supervision of a physician in accordance with clinical observation data and the results of neuroimaging methods (CT, MRI). Most often, you have to combine several methods, which allows you to achieve better results when treating according to Pilyuiko.

Which method should you prefer?

All methods have proven their effectiveness. It must be remembered that the use of medicinal exercises for vertebral hernias possible only during remission. In the acute period, they cannot be used, since it is possible to aggravate the process and intensify the pain syndrome accompanying the hernia.

The advantage of the Pilyuiko complex is the use of medicinal methods to suppress the acute process and the ability to do therapeutic exercises using any method.

Dikul gymnastics: exercises for hernia, osteochondrosis and other back diseases

Today, all kinds of diseases of the musculoskeletal system are very common and cause severe discomfort to a large number of people every day. As a rule, all these diseases are associated with dysfunction of the spinal region, which manifests itself due to a sedentary lifestyle, incorrect posture, exacerbation of chronic diseases, as well as a number of other reasons.

In order to normalize the patient’s condition and prevent the disease from progressing, the famous doctor Valentin Dikul developed special therapeutic joint gymnastics, as well as exercises for all parts of the spine.

Who is Dikul - the history of the formation of the technique

Dikul is a famous Russian doctor who, over the many years of his life, has made a great contribution to the development of domestic and world medicine, and today he is the head of the Russian medical and rehabilitation center for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

At the age of 15, Dikul received a severe injury and was diagnosed with a compression fracture, after which he could have remained bedridden forever, but the young man began to train, lift heavy objects, do push-ups and stretch his muscles.

This is how the future scientist was able to heal, and today his technique is the most common in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system.

Features and Rules

Dikul’s exercises for the back are recognized today as the most effective therapeutic complex, which in almost 100% of cases helps to rehabilitate the affected segment of the spine and restore the patient’s ability to move.

A holistic system of therapeutic exercises is aimed at relieving pain and improving the health of the entire body.

The workouts created by the doctor from personal experience have repeatedly proven their effectiveness in practice by Dikul’s followers.

Before you start using gymnastics, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules:

  • compliance with the order of performing exercises;
  • you should perform the number of approaches indicated in the program;
  • you cannot overload the body, it is prepared for training gradually;
  • you need to exercise regularly, every other day;
  • compliance with the full amplitude of execution is mandatory, each exercise is necessary to work the necessary muscles;
  • the complex is designed based on smooth, slow movements;
  • sudden actions and jerks are prohibited.

Indications for use of the technique

Dikul exercises are prescribed in the following situations:

  • from osteochondrosis;
  • dysfunction of the spinal region;
  • compression fracture of the spine;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • cerebral palsy (a similar pathology in older patients cannot be treated with this method);
  • disruption of the functioning of large vessels and joints.

Basic principles and fundamentals

Dikul's exercises for the back are based on the following basic rules:

This technique is unique, as it includes several complex exercises, on the basis of which a set of exercises has been developed to strengthen each part of the spine.

The difference between Dikul gymnastics and other similar techniques is:

  • individual approach to patient treatment;
  • in an integrated approach to therapy that addresses the underlying problem rather than simply relieving symptoms;
  • this technique can be used both in the treatment of adults and in restoring the health of children;
  • When using the developed exercises, the body is completely restored.

Basics of conducting classes

Conducting Dikul’s therapeutic sessions is based on the following basic rules:

  • the systematic nature of the spinal restoration exercises;
  • full compliance and implementation of the specified exercises and the number of required approaches;
  • It should be remembered that from the first days it is strictly forbidden to put a full load on the body, as this can lead to aggravation of the current situation; it is best to increase the load gradually, each time increasing the number of exercises;
  • training should be carried out regularly;
  • In order for the muscles to recover as quickly as possible, it is necessary to maintain the correct range of motion during physical training.

Complex for the lower back

A set of exercises for a healthy spine to prevent low back pain:

  • lying on your back, arms should be spread in different directions;
  • the left thigh must be gradually turned to the right while the torso should remain on the floor and not above it;
  • in this position you need to fixate for a few seconds, and then return to the starting position;
  • the exercise is repeated, but on the other thigh.

These exercises should be performed in 10-15 approaches, gradually increasing them.

Dikul exercises for osteochondrosis

Gymnastic set of exercises for osteochondrosis:

The number of approaches is similar to the first exercise.

Therapeutic cervical gymnastics

Dikul complex for the lateral neck muscles:

  • the patient needs to remain in the same position as in the previous exercise, connect his legs and stretch them forward, and put his hands along the body;
  • then, without lifting your torso from the floor, you need to slide your legs to the right side, and then to the left for several minutes.

The number of approaches is similar to the previous exercise.

Joint exercises for the chest area

Dikul joint gymnastics for the chest:

  • while remaining in the same position, you need to take the position of a star (arms and legs are spread shoulder-width apart and there is no need to tear your limbs off the floor);
  • sliding along the floor, it is necessary to move the torso (without tearing off the limbs, as well as the neck and head) to the right side;
  • you need to stay in this position from a few seconds to a minute (with each workout, the time spent in this position needs to be increased);
  • after this, the approach is performed in the other direction.

The number of approaches is 10 times without increasing their number.

Valentin Dikul and his exercises for the spine: video introduction to the author of the methodology and rules for performing gymnastics for the back:

Dikul exercises for back pain

Complex for the entire back surface to prevent pain:

  • change the position to the opposite (lie completely on your stomach), placing your hands in front of you and touching the floor with your chin;
  • the body must be lifted off the floor to the maximum possible distance;
  • To begin with, you need to stay in this position for a few seconds, and then with each workout the patient should try to extend this time to a minute;
  • smoothly return to the starting position.

The number of approaches is 10, and it does not change, since the main goal of this complex is to extend the time spent in a given position.

Anti-hernia complex

A complex for simultaneous training of the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles, as well as the back, for the purpose of preventing and treating the initial stage of a hernia:

  • lie down on your left side, stretch your arms out in front of you with your palms facing the floor;
  • now, the right hand should be raised up (the palm is still turned closer to the floor);
  • the right hand should be as close as possible to the right leg;
  • you need to stay in this position for 10-15 seconds;
  • then the same is done for the left side.

The number of repetitions depends on the patient's capabilities. It is best to do 10 times during the first lesson, gradually increasing the load.

Before starting physical exercise, you should consult your doctor so that he can prescribe the most suitable set of exercises.

As mentioned earlier, you should not make sudden movements, as they can only aggravate the current situation.

With each workout, the load must be gradually increased, since the main goal of the exercises according to the Dikul method is maximum training of the muscles that are responsible for the functioning of one or another part of the back.

When problems arise with the musculoskeletal system - the spine or limbs - a person is ready to trust any treatment, just to achieve a result. This is especially true for severe, advanced forms of degenerative lesions, with pain and serious impairment of motor activity. In such a situation, the best treatment method seems to be the one that demonstrates clear, impressive results. These include Valentin Dikul’s technique.

Valentin Dikul's technique

Many people know about this person, especially those who have experienced spinal diseases from their own experience. Valentin Dikul is a circus actor who was immobilized due to a spinal column injury at a young age. This is a person who was treated for a long time and unsuccessfully with all kinds of traditional medicine methods, and the result was the first group of disability.

Dikul’s developments first of all helped him get back on his feet, and then eased the lot of many other patients. What is their feature and uniqueness? What diseases does this gymnastics help with?


It can be recommended as the main method of treatment in the initial stages of spinal osteochondrosis. If degenerative changes have gone too far, with the formation of intervertebral protrusions, Dikul gymnastics is part of complex therapy as a type of physical therapy.

The author's exercises can be used for lesions of the cervical, thoracic or lumbosacral regions. Each localization has its own, individually developed complex. But osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernias are not the only indication for treatment using the Dikul method.

Poor posture, curvature of the spine, and scoliosis also require physical therapy, especially if they are accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms.

Dikul's exercises are an excellent preventive measure. They are recommended for people whose work involves monotonous loads, mainly in a sitting or standing position. The author has developed special complexes for office workers and drivers.

Underdeveloped back muscles are also an indication for physical exercise. Strengthening this muscle group and creating a kind of corset will help maintain the stability of the spinal column and alleviate the patient’s condition.

Is gymnastics necessary for a healthy person? Yes. With age, the risk of degenerative diseases of the spine increases, and poor nutrition, poor environment and lack of exercise aggravate the situation. The sooner preventative gymnastics begins, the longer a person will not find out about back pain, problems with arms or legs, or joint stiffness.

On what principles is Valentin Dikul’s technique based?

Principles of the technique

The principles of the Dikul technique are similar to those of conventional physical therapy. But they still require more perseverance, perseverance, and dedication from patients. According to the author, no one is able to help a person more than himself. Not a single simulator, not a single unique development will cure a patient of a disease unless he or she wishes to do so.

Dikul's technique is based on the following principles:

  1. Gradual transition from easy exercises to more complex ones. At first, author's gymnastics seems too simple to many. It does not require special load, strength or flexibility. Having quickly mastered the initial complex, patients have a desire to complicate the task. However, this is a wrong approach. It is necessary to prepare the back muscles and spine for increasing loads and this must be done gradually.
  2. Self-control. The author pays special attention to this principle. This is probably due to the fact that it was strict and even tough self-control that at one time helped Valentin Dikul get on his feet. When performing exercises, it is necessary to observe regularity and dose the load, monitor your well-being, pulse and blood pressure. If you feel unwell, unwell, or have a cold, you should temporarily avoid gymnastics.
  3. Strict adherence to the rules. If the patient decides to practice according to the Dikul method, you cannot independently change the number of repetitions of exercises and approaches. It is also important to observe their correct sequence. You can increase the load if the gymnastics seems too easy, but the exercises must be performed in strict accordance with the program.

What exercises are indicated in the early stages of degenerative lesions and spinal curvature?


The author has developed many different exercises. They are aimed at combating osteochondrosis and hernias at all levels of the spine - cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral. A complex has also been developed separately to strengthen the muscles of the entire back and abdomen.

Intervertebral hernia is a pathology that requires a careful approach when engaging in physical therapy. In Dikul gymnastics there are special exercises that improve the well-being of patients with such diseases.

A set of exercises for solving problems of the cervical spine has important practical significance. At this level of the spine there are vessels that provide blood circulation to the brain. Cervical gymnastics can relieve a person from painful headaches, dizziness, and mental disorders. At the same time, this complex is not difficult even for beginners. However, it has its own characteristics. Cervical gymnastics is carried out using a special loop.

Cervical spine treatment

You can make your own neck loop. The upper part can be a regular hanger, which is attached with a rubber bandage in the right place, and the loop itself is held by its side parts. Thanks to this device you can perform the following exercises:

  • Lying on your back, you need to place the loop in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chin and head. The tension of the rubber band should be moderate so that traction is felt. The head smoothly rises, and the chin tries to press against the chest. Jerks and sudden movements are unacceptable. Then follows the same smooth return to the starting position. For beginners, you need to perform one approach (8 repetitions) to the right and left. The exercise is performed regularly and after a month the number of approaches increases to three.
  • The position of the body and the loop is similar, the rubber bandage is securely fastened. The head alternately smoothly tilts towards the right and left shoulders and lingers in this position for 3–4 s, after which it returns to its original position. The exercise should be performed in 3 cycles of 8 repetitions.
  • The situation is the same. The head smoothly turns to one side, and the chin reaches towards the shoulder and is held in this position for 2-4 seconds, after which it returns back. Then the head turns in the opposite direction. First, you need to perform this exercise 8 turns in one direction and the other. Over the course of months, the number of such cycles increases to 2–3.

Muscle strengthening

For the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system, you need to have a well-developed corset of muscle tissue. It provides stabilization of the spinal column and eliminates postural disorders. The most commonly used exercises to strengthen muscles are:

  • Lying on your back, you need to spread your legs so that your feet are approximately at shoulder level. At the same time, the arms are crossed on the chest. As you inhale, you need to turn your torso all the way in one direction, the opposite shoulder lifts off the surface. The pelvis, like the legs, remains motionless. When turning, you need to pause for 2–4 seconds and smoothly return to the starting position. This exercise starts with one cycle (8 rotations in each direction) and increases to three repetitions over 4-6 weeks.
  • The situation is the same. The arms are crossed and clasped around the forearms. The body alternately tilts as much as possible to the right and left sides. It is important not to lift yourself off the floor or move your pelvis or legs. The exercise is performed in 3 cycles of 8 elements in each direction.

Symptoms of compression - pain and sensory disturbances - also become less pronounced. But do not forget that if an intervertebral hernia is diagnosed, before starting any gymnastics, it is necessary to perform a CT or MRI of the spine and consult a doctor to reduce the risk of neurological complications.

There is probably not a single person on earth who has not heard about Valentin Dikul’s miraculous recovery. The most respected doctors told him that he would never be able to perform on stage again, but he found the strength to overcome the disease and again appear before the public in all his glory. He owes his success to a unique set of physical exercises and boundless faith in victory.

Instructions for exercises

Valentin Dikul encourages you to start doing the simplest exercises that do not require much effort. You can move on to more complex training only if you master the basics. The body and muscles, weakened due to long forced inactivity, must get used to the load; without mastering the intermediate stage, you cannot move on to a more complex phase of training. As soon as the exercises of the first cycle are easy for you, provided they are performed with full amplitude and additional load, you can begin to master the next stage.

It is necessary to constantly listen to yourself, your feelings, not to neglect the advice of doctors and, most importantly, not to rush. There are no specific norms or restrictions, each person’s body is individual, the main condition is to exercise constantly, three times a week. If problems arise in mastering any exercises, do not despair, just reduce the load and start all over again. Under no circumstances should you exercise during periods of exacerbation of chronic and respiratory diseases, when you feel unwell, etc.

Valentin Dikul advises keeping a diary where you can make notes about your condition after classes: what is your pulse, appetite, performance, sleep, etc.

Rules that must be followed

  1. You cannot swap exercises at your own discretion. The specified order must be followed.
  2. Do not repeat the exercise more times than required. If something comes easy to you, you can perform actions according to the same principle, but increasing the load.
  3. If you can't handle three sets, do only one, but the number of times in one set you need to do is exactly what is required. The same applies to amplitude; it must be performed as the training provides.
  4. You need to work smoothly and slowly, jerking and sudden movements are excluded.
  5. Before starting classes, you need to warm up your muscles. Warm-up should also be accompanied by slow and smooth movements.
  6. You need to breathe evenly and shallowly: exhale at the highest point of tension, inhale when relaxing.
  7. In case of acute pain, hanging on the crossbar is prohibited. This may result in additional spinal injury.

The Dikul set of exercises includes about 60 poses and activities, each of which is aimed at correcting and restoring certain muscles, joints and parts of the spine. In particular, there is a preventive set of exercises for back diseases, exercises for drivers, office workers, those who have neck and lower back pain, etc. Some exercises repeat each other in different complexes, which means that the effectiveness of their implementation will be more complete.

Exercises from Dikul for scoliosis

  1. Sit on a bench, keep your back straight. The expander or rubber bandage should be in front of the person at the level of his face. Having grabbed the handle of the expander, you need to pull it towards you so that the hand closed into a fist is at the same level as the shoulder line. After holding in the extreme position for a few seconds, return to the IP. Perform 3 sets of 8 times.
  2. Sit on a bench, keep your back straight. The expander or rubber bandage should be in front of the person at a level slightly higher than the level of the belt. Holding the handle of the expander, you need to slowly pull it towards the groin. We move the arm bent at the elbow back. Having lingered at the extreme point for 2-3 seconds, return to the IP. Perform 3 sets of 8 times.
  3. With your left straight arm and your left leg bent at the knee, lean on the bench, your right straight leg stands on the floor, and in your right hand extended to the side, hold one end of the expander (you can use some kind of weight to securely fasten it to the floor). Now we slowly move our right hand back and up. After staying at the extreme point for a couple of seconds, return to the IP. Repeat on the other side. The number of repetitions and approaches is the same.
  4. Stand up straight, lower your shoulders, hold a dumbbell in your left hand. Raise your left shoulder up, trying to reach your ear. After staying in this position for some time, return to the IP. Repeat with the other shoulder. The number of repetitions and approaches is the same.
  5. Lie on your back, put your feet together, spread your arms slightly to the sides, placing them palms down. Having “glued” the shoulders and the back of the head to the floor, we begin to slide both legs along the floor to the left, while the muscles of the left side should work. After holding this position for a few seconds, return to the IP position. Repeat on the other side. The number of approaches and repetitions is the same. If such training is not easy, you can put a plastic bag on your feet at first.

Exercises from Dikul to strengthen the entire back

  1. This exercise is very similar to the previous one, the difference is that it is not the legs that will move to the sides, but the upper body. You need to secure your legs somehow - put them behind the crossbar of a wall bars or ask someone close to you to help. With your arms folded crosswise across your chest, without lifting your body off the floor, bend as far as possible to the left in a sliding motion. After staying at the extreme point for a few seconds, return to the IP and repeat the same movements to the right. If you have difficulty sliding, you can place a slippery oilcloth under your upper body.
  2. Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms along your body, palms up, and your chin should touch the floor. At first, it is better to rest your feet on a bedside table, closet or any other object. Trying to raise your upper body as high as possible, at the same time raise your arms up, without changing the position of your palms. Freeze for a few seconds and return to IP. Once you have mastered this exercise well enough, you can make it a little more challenging by reaching your arms forward rather than backward.
  3. Lie on your back, place your hands behind your head, bend your knees so that your feet are pressed firmly to the floor. Without changing the position of your legs, slowly lift your head and shoulders off the floor and pull them up. Working your abdominal muscles, stay in this position for a few seconds and return to IP. Do 3 sets of 12 reps.
  4. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise, only your legs need to be extended. Bending your knees, slowly pull your heels towards your buttocks, and just as slowly and smoothly return to the IP position. Do 3 sets of 12 reps.
  5. Lie on your left side, extend your left arm in front of you at eye level, palm down. Throw your right hand behind your head, touching your fingers to the floor. At the same time, raise your right arm and right legs and try to connect them together. Raise your head and look ahead. At the point of highest tension, linger a little and return to IP. Do three sets of 8 times.

Exercises from Dikul for the prevention of back diseases

  1. You need to get on all fours, bend your knees at an angle of 90°, rest your hands on the floor at shoulder level, and look at the floor. Slowly straighten your left leg and smoothly lift it up to its maximum height. At the same time, raise your chin and look up. After staying at the extreme point for a few seconds, return to the IP. Do three sets of 8 times.
  2. Lie on your back, cross your arms behind your head, place your right leg behind the bar of the wall bars or ask your partner to hold it. Working with your abdominal muscles, lift your upper body off the floor, trying to assume a sitting position. Not everyone will be able to do this right away, so it will take a long time to train. Ideally, you should be in a sitting position. Do three sets of 12 reps.
  3. Lie on your back, bend your knees so that your feet are pressed firmly to the floor. Place your hands behind your head, cross your fingers at the back of your head, lift your chin slightly. We begin to turn our body to the left, and the elbow of our right hand should move in the same direction. And the left leg bent at the knee should move towards the elbow of the right hand. At the point of highest tension, pause for a moment and return to IP. Repeat in the other direction, doing a total of 3 sets of 12 times.

Provided you strictly follow the rules for performing the exercises listed above, you will forever forget about muscle weakness and problems with movement.

Back pain can be caused by a number of problems: from diseases of the internal organs to intervertebral hernia. It can be aching or sharp, encircling or radiating to other parts of the body, permanent or temporary.

As practice shows, patients who want to start exercises for a sore back want to minimize the preparatory stage and immediately begin heavy training. Many of them are perplexed by the simplicity and ease of the first exercises. Requests to move to a more complex level are starting to come in. Remember! This approach is strictly contraindicated. The system is designed in such a way that the primary stage is very important in the set of exercises for the back muscles. It is necessary to prepare your body well; the muscles must be tuned for serious correction.

If we talk about painful sensations caused by the condition of the spine, then it is necessary to mention the most common causes: muscle strain, damage to nerve roots, curvature of the spinal column, intervertebral hernia.

The well-known Dikul technique for spinal diseases will help you cope with pain and gradually get rid of the problem.

Valentin Dikul is an academician who learned from his own experience what a serious back injury is, in which people will no longer be able to ever get back on their feet.

His case showed that everything is possible, and made it possible to develop the current Dikul gymnastics for the spine with a hernia.

The treatment method is aimed at relieving pain and returning the functional activity of the affected neurons.

It is they who, when squeezed and pinched, spend all their energy on survival, and not on communication with muscle cells. This causes muscular dystrophy, static tension and severe back pain.

You can learn more about the relationship between the spinal muscles and intervertebral hernias, and also read all the information on this topic in Valentin Dikul’s book “Life without back pain.”

How does therapeutic exercise work?

The main task of the exercises is to force the muscles to reach their optimal state. Tense muscles need to be relaxed, and weak ones need to be restored to tone.

The Dikul method for lumbar disc herniation is based on four postulates:

  • you need to do the exercises every day;
  • the lesson must last at least 60 minutes;
  • It is important to maintain gymnastics hygiene;
  • unshakable optimism and faith in success.

Therapeutic exercises for lumbar hernia:

  1. We place emphasis on our knees (angle 90 degrees), arms not wide apart, straight, back without bending, head looking forward. As you exhale, you need to lower your hips onto your heels, relax your back, and bow your head towards your outstretched arms. With an inhalation, we roll forward onto our hands, bending so that our head reaches up. The pelvis is pressed to the floor. We pause and sit on our heels with a smooth movement. Repeat 10-12 times.
  2. The starting position is similar, the knees are brought together. We lift the groans pressed to each other above the floor and, leaning on our knees, swing our toes to the sides. The spine moves only in the lumbar region. Shoulders and chest are not involved. Repeat 10-12 times in each direction.
  3. Starting position, as in exercise No. 2. The back is straight, the chin is parallel to the floor. Leaning on your hands and knees, you need to, like a pendulum, slowly lower your pelvis one by one to the sides towards the floor until pain occurs. We do not linger in the starting position. Do 10-12 repetitions on each side.
  4. Press in front of you on your knees brought together. As you inhale, you need to bend your back strongly at the lower back and lift your head towards the ceiling. As you exhale, lower your head between your hands and arch your back as much as possible. Repeat up to 10-12 times.
  5. We lie on our backs, bend our legs at the knees. Extend your arms along your body. Slowly lower your knees to the floor to the right and left. Only the lumbar region works. The shoulder blades do not come off the floor. Breathing is deep and spontaneous. Perform 10-12 repetitions in each direction.
  6. Lie on your back, knees bent, arms along the body with palms down. We throw the left heel over the right knee. Slowly, as you exhale, raise your right leg towards you. Lower to the floor while inhaling. Repeat with each leg 10 times.

These exercises will help relieve severe pain, relieve muscle tension and tone flabby muscles, improve blood flow and nutrition in the tissues.

The Dikul method for spinal hernia has already helped tens of thousands of people. But for each individual case, its own individual set of exercises must be selected.

To find out more precisely what you need, we recommend reading the book “Life without back pain” by V. Dikul.

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