Larisa Dolina - biography, information, personal life. Personal life of Larisa Dolina: the singer broke up with her young husband. How old is Dolina in a year?

Larisa Dolina is a talented singer, an unsurpassed actress and simply a beautiful woman, whose biography with detailed details of her personal life many would like to know. Therefore, in this article we will tell you about how this artist was able to become a real diva of the modern stage and a real example for young people.

The singer was born into a poor Jewish family in the city of Baku on September 10, 1955, where she lived until she was three years old. Afterwards, the parents moved to Odessa. But the new place did not bring prosperity to the family, since Lara lived in a cold, damp communal apartment, which was the cause of her whooping cough. However, this did not stop the girl from enrolling in a music school, where she studied piano.

Larisa with her parents

Interesting! Dolina, in addition to music, was also interested in the English language, which she speaks fluently to this day.

The girl was so “overwhelmed” by music that at the age of 9 she began attending various castings and auditions, and at 12 she first appeared on stage as part of the group “Magellans”. Due to constant performances and travel, Lara had to finish school as an external student.


After graduating from school early, Dolina begins to actively perform and by the age of 16 she has already become a fairly well-known personality in the city. Indeed, in addition to the fact that she sang with the group “We are Odessans,” in the late evenings the girl also worked part-time in one of the most fashionable restaurants in Odessa, “Black Wave.”

Next, Larisa received an offer to become the lead singer of the Armina group. Her parents, of course, were against it, but Dolina understood that this was her “ticket to the future” and an opportunity to successfully build a career. Therefore, no matter what, the girl still moves to Yerevan.

In 1978, another “surprise” awaited Lara, since at one of the festivals dedicated to music, Anatoly Kroll (then director of Sovremennik) drew attention to her. He was so fascinated by the hoarseness in his voice and special timbre characteristic of jazz performance that, without even looking at how old Larisa was, he immediately invited her to join his band. This was a new “round” in the girl’s biography, since Anatoly not only wrote a program for her that fully revealed Dolina’s vocal abilities, but also helped her reach a new creative level.

Since 1982, Larisa, in addition to performing at various events, has also been invited to the cinematography. Her first work was the performance of the well-known composition “Three White Horses” from the film “Sorcerers”. Afterwards, the Valley itself begins to appear in the frames of famous paintings.

Combining pop singing and filming, the girl enters the Gnessin School in the department of pop singing. She was never able to complete her studies, because, due to problems with registration, she was forced to move to live in St. Petersburg.

In 1985, Dolina decided to completely change her role and went on a “solo swim”. Larisa begins to actively tour the country, giving concerts. In 1987, she already presented her first video clip.

Since 2005, Dolina’s repertoire has become very diverse, and she performs both pop and jazz compositions. In addition, a woman becomes a privileged guest at themed concerts, festivals and other events.

In 2006, the artist, having become famous in her homeland, released English-language singles, which were aimed more at foreign listeners.

The finale of her creative career was the singer’s album “Take off our masks, gentlemen,” which Dolina released in 2015. After his presentation, the artist gets a job at the Moscow Institute of Culture as head of the department of the jazz faculty.

Weight loss

Losing weight for Dolina is not only a real success, but also an opportunity to move away from the image of a “fat woman” that has been attached to her for quite some time. And all because the singer suffered from excess weight problems since her youth. But the realization that her figure was far from ideal came only during pregnancy.

Interesting! The singer always justified her rather large proportions by her childhood habit of eating every last crumb, which she could not get rid of for a long time in adulthood.

Larisa begins to actively lose weight: she refuses high-calorie foods and exercises regularly. The Valley also listens to the needs of its body. It was at this time that the well-known “Kefir Dolina diet” was born, based on the consumption of this fermented milk product every other day instead of meals.

The result did not take long to arrive, as Larisa lost more than 20 extra pounds on this diet and finally fit into her favorite size 42 clothes.

Personal life

The singer’s personal life is quite full of twists and turns, since the woman was married three times. She first entered into “marital bonds” back in 1983. Her chosen one was Anatoly Mionchinsky, who performed with her in Sovremennik. Despite the birth of a daughter, the marriage lasted only 7 years. As it later became known, the first husband was very fond of drinking and, while intoxicated, blamed Larisa for her successes and his bad luck.

Dolina’s second husband, albeit a common-law one, was Viktor Mityazov. They lived with him for 11 years, but due to the fact that Larisa did not want to have more children, their marriage began to fall apart. As a result, the singer left for another man, who turned out to be her future third husband.

Dolina’s next and last chosen one was Ilya Spitsyn, who is 13 years younger than her. In one of the interviews, the singer said that the young man showed her various signs of attention for quite a long time, but she did not take him seriously. After a while, the woman realized that this was her man. The romance developed so quickly and violently that the couple even decided to legalize their relationship in the registry office.

It would seem that everything is known today about such a famous person as Larisa Dolina. But we managed to find several facts from the singer’s life that were previously “kept secret.”

  • Dolina’s real last name is Kudelman, and her patronymic name is Aleksandrovna.

  • Over the course of her entire creative career, Larisa managed to star in 17 films and voiced over more than 70 films.
  • The valley often gets into scandals. One of the latest was a conflict with a student, whom the singer allegedly brought to a serious attack of hysteria.

Larisa Dolina now

As for the latest events from the biography of Larisa Dolina, today she tries not to particularly advertise the details of her personal life. All we know is that she is still married to her third husband and is very happy. Dolina has also been repeatedly seen in public with her granddaughter, with whom she spends a lot of time, taking her to various clubs and extracurricular activities.

Recently, the biography of the Russian singer Larisa Dolina has interested many media representatives. Recently it became known that the artist broke up with her third husband, with whom she had lived for the last twenty years. Now Dolina tries not to advertise details from her personal life and devotes all her time to her children and grandchildren.


The future Russian pop star was born on September 10, 1955 in Baku. Larisa has Jewish roots, so at birth the girl had a surname - Kudelman. Her parents were simple people: her father Alexander Markovich worked as a builder, and her mother Galina Izrailevna was a typist.

After some time, the family moved to a cramped communal apartment in Odessa. At first it was hard for them, but after a few years this city became the closest to them.

Larisa received her first education at a music school. Even then, she dreamed of becoming a famous singer in the future. Despite the fact that her parents supported her desire to become an artist, they did not miss the opportunity to instill in her a love of foreign languages. Therefore, the girl attended English courses from an early age.

First successes

Larisa's creative biography began quite early. The first performance on stage took place in a children's camp. The girl performed the song together with VIA “Magellans”, which brought her great success. After that, she was offered to join the creative team.

Later, Larisa continued to participate in various song competitions. Thanks to this, she was noticed by the organizers of the ensemble “We are Odessa residents.” When the young singer realized that she wanted to develop further, she accepted an offer from VIA “Armina” and moved to Armenia.

There, serious career changes awaited her. Within a few months, Dolina was able to become a soloist of the Azerbaijan Pop Song Ensemble.

Great luck smiled on the singer when she became a member of VIA Sovremennik. A special program was prepared for the girl, with the help of which she revealed her creative potential. This was also facilitated by frequent tours that took place in different cities of Russia. But, like any other artist, Dolina dreamed of a solo career.

Fulfillment of desires

A special place in her creative biography was played by her collaboration with the popular composer Viktor Reznikov. An invisible mutual understanding arose between them, which led them to incredibly beautiful and successful compositions.

After some time, Dolina stopped singling out only jazz and turned its attention to pop performance.

Real fame came to the artist when she met the poet Mikhail Tanich. Over the years they have managed to create several hits that are still popular today:

  • "Goodbye";
  • "I'm sorry";
  • “I’m offended”;
  • "Weather in the house";
  • "Jealous of Me";
  • “I give you Moscow.”

It is worth noting that throughout her singing career, Dolina presented more than 20 albums to the public. In addition, during this time she achieved great success not only in her creative biography, but also in her personal life.

As you know, the artist raised her daughter Angelina, who recently gave her a beautiful granddaughter.

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A talented person, talented in everything

According to most colleagues, she is an incredibly talented and gifted person. Her activities were not limited to singing songs, because the artist took an active part in many projects:

  • recorded film soundtracks;
  • acted in films;
  • appeared in musicals;
  • voiced cartoons.

In 2003, she joined the jury of the popular “People’s Artist”, where she was able to highlight many truly talented vocalists. In addition, Larisa has repeatedly performed abroad, so she has earned great love and recognition from foreigners.

After a while, Dolina was appointed head of the department of pop and jazz singing at Moscow State University of Culture and Culture.

Personal life

Despite her rich creative biography, she has always paid due attention to the development of her personal life, which is why she now has a beloved daughter and granddaughter. The artist’s first love was conductor Anatoly Mionchinsky. They met when Larisa began collaborating with VIA Sovremennik. The man immediately noticed the talented vocalist, so he did everything to attract her attention.

A year later, the lovers decided to get married. When Dolina found out about her pregnancy, she finally felt truly happy. But it didn't last long. After the birth of her daughter Angelina, her husband began to behave differently.

Anatoly became addicted to alcohol and was jealous of his wife's success. The constant scandals did not suit the singer, so after 7 years, she decided to file for divorce.

Happiness is somewhere nearby

Having received the long-awaited freedom, Larisa decided to leave with her daughter for Ulyanovsk. There she began to rebuild her life. She managed to find several talented guys with whom she founded her own group. Soon the bass guitarist, Viktor Mityazov, began to show her signs of attention: he gave her flowers, paid compliments, and declared his love. Then came the proposal and the wedding.

After a while, the newlyweds moved to Moscow and purchased housing. Dolina devoted more and more time to sports and, therefore, lost about 20 kg of excess weight in almost a year.

Naturally, her fans, including many men, noticed this. Victor courageously endured all her suitors, but with the appearance of Ilya Sinitsyn in their lives, everything changed.

At first, Larisa tried to hide her suddenly flared up feelings, but over time this became impossible. That's why she left her second husband. The long 20 years in Dolina’s biography and personal life were ideal: her beloved man and her charming daughter and granddaughter were nearby.

But recently information appeared in the media about Sinitsyn’s numerous infidelities. The artist has not yet commented on the situation; perhaps she will still be able to maintain a good relationship with her common-law husband.

There were no downfalls in her life. She simply didn't allow them. There were only takeoffs, but very slow ones. This is how the singer herself characterizes her life in one of her interviews. These words could become her motto. The biography of Larisa Valley is a leisurely, difficult overcoming of all the difficult situations that fate threw at her. She is proud of her life. The singer cherishes every victory she achieves over the villainous fate. So, meet Larisa Dolina - a flint woman.

The singer's childhood

The biography of Larisa Valley is a series of real trials. And they started from childhood. Everything you experience will leave its mark on your fate and future life. She has a unique biography, just like Larisa Dolina herself. The year of birth of the singer is 1955.

On September 10, little Larisa was born in the city of Baku. The newborn girl lived only two years in prosperous conditions. Then Alexander and Galina Kudelman (the parents of the future singer) and their two-year-old baby moved to Odessa, their homeland. They settled in a communal apartment, in a damp basement. Besides them, 20 more people lived there. Larisa Alexandrovna still has terrible memories of this place. It was here that she suffered severe whooping cough and developed chronic bronchitis for life.

After 3 years, the family moved to a new communal apartment. Unfortunately, this housing turned out to be little better than the old one. The small room of 17 meters did not allow for a child's bed. The little girl had to sleep on a cot. Such negligence will leave another mark on the singer’s health - curvature of the spine.

In addition to everyday difficulties, Larisa also had to experience a national problem. Being Jewish at that time was a stigmatized label. How many offensive insults the little girl had to endure! Larisa even fought over this, trying to punish the offender, who called her the unpleasant word “Jew.”

School of Music

It simply amazes and delights the unsurpassed singer, whose name is Larisa Dolina, biography. The girl’s family, namely her mother, Galina Izrailevna, a rather demanding and domineering woman, noticed her daughter’s musical abilities very early. She bought her a piano, and then she bought a cello. The woman, who had survived difficult trials, sought to provide Larisa with a good education, which, unfortunately, she herself did not have.

Galina Izrailevna took the girl to a music school and enrolled her in a cello class. This was enough for Larisa Alexandrovna to never touch the cello again for the rest of her life. She never received any special music education at this school.

However, I always sang with pleasure. Later she would notice that it was the song that helped her survive all the hardships and troubles that fate periodically threw at her, testing the young singer’s strength.

The biography of Dolina Larisa is as unusual and amazing as she herself. The little girl at that time was fond of anti-Soviet music. This was completely uncommon for that period. Larisa enjoyed listening to famous jazz masters - Louis Armstrong, Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald. It was their creativity that shaped the girl’s passion for anti-Soviet music, which was not natural for that time. And in the future she will determine her direction in vocal art.

It should be noted that the girl spoke excellent English and was considered one of the best students in the city. Therefore, she easily mastered such an exotic repertoire. From the age of 12 she performed in parks, pioneer camps, and at dance evenings.

First samples

At that time, the singer’s extraordinary vocal abilities attracted the attention of professionals. The musicians who played in the restaurant offered the young talent to become their soloist. It was very tempting. But Larisa suspected that her parents would not allow her to perform in such an institution. She wasn't wrong. Mom was categorically against it. However, the girl’s father managed to convince her, arguing that the extra money wouldn’t hurt.

This is how the biography of Larisa Dolina, the singer, began. The girl’s solo career was built under strict control. Her parents brought her to the restaurant. Then she was under the watchful supervision of the musicians. At the end of work, her mother and father picked her up.

Artist of the Odessa Philharmonic

In 1971, young Larisa came to the Volna ensemble to audition. Fascinated by the unique voice of the future singer, the judges immediately offered her a place as a soloist in a vocal sextet. So, a 15-year-old girl took the place of an artist of the Odessa Philharmonic.

The biography of Dolina Larisa includes many difficulties that the singer had to go through. It would seem that his creative career has taken off. However, the school’s teaching staff began to put a spoke in the wheels. The teachers were hostile to the girl’s victory. The young talent had to decide on finishing school through the commission on juvenile affairs. In the end, the school director finally let Larisa go freely, having signed the necessary documents. The girl completed grades 10 and 11 in absentia.

Hotel "Black Sea"

The Valley tasted all the delights of an artist’s life in full. She traveled a lot to villages and nearby towns. She performed in rural cold clubs. At that time, she lived in hotel rooms that did not even include amenities. She had to use a portable stove to cook her lunch.

However, in her hometown, the young soloist very quickly gained great popularity. A few years later, a girl with an amazing voice was offered to become a vocalist in the restaurant of the Black Sea Hotel. This was already a slightly different job. Accordingly, higher income.

Larisa Dolina’s life changed dramatically when “big” musicians noticed her at the hotel. They were simply captivated by the girl’s amazing talent. These were musicians from the Armina ensemble under the direction of Konstantin Orbelyan. They invited the vocalist to their team.

What kind of artistic career could her native country promise to a talented girl with the surname Kudelman? Therefore, she immediately accepted the offer. However, the stumbling block was the mother's ban. Persuasion continued for a whole week. Larisa was again supported by her father. As the singer would later note, half of Odessa intervened in the persuasion. In the end, mom gave up.

At the same time, Larisa changes her last name Kudelman. And he takes the maiden mother - Valley.

Way to success

Terrible ordeals and difficult trials awaited the singer in Yerevan. She was not allowed to sing jazz. Foreign tours were not for her. Over the 4 years she spent in this city, Larisa more than once found herself in the very depths of poverty. Recalling those days, the singer will say that sometimes there was not enough money even for food.

After leaving Orbelyan, Dolina performed at the Zhemchuzhina Hotel in Sochi and took part in singing competitions, in which she always took one of the first places. It was at one of these performances that she met jazz musician Anatoly Kroll. He played a big role in the singer’s creative career. Remembering him, the Valley calls him godfather. This is how a jazz singer appeared in the post-Soviet space, whom no one has yet been able to surpass.

New challenges

Finally, Larisa Dolina was able to realize her creative potential. Musicians all over the country drew full houses. Photos of Larisa Dolina began to constantly appear on posters. Amazing voice was appreciated. He has appeared in many films. In 1983, Larisa made her film debut. She played Clementine Fernandez, a black singer, in the film We Are Jazz.

However, all these achievements had to be achieved through real battles by the Valley. There was no law prohibiting singing jazz. But at that time he was not welcomed. Often, if the singer added a few notes of her own, the recording was completely demagnetized. She was not invited to appear on television because she sang alien music. And if Larisa got on the screen, she was immediately “cut out.”

And only in the late 80s the talented singer achieved triumph and popular adoration. This is the moment when she gave up and started performing “pop”. The song that became a national hit, loved from the first notes, called Larisa Dolina’s calling card, is “Weather in the House.” It was she who radically changed fate.

And from that moment came the recognition of an amazing, inimitable singer. Today, photographs of Larisa Dolina are featured in famous glossy publications. And the singer allows herself to sing any songs, even jazz that is amazing and incomprehensible to the Russian soul. The people's favorite will still be sold out.

The singer's personal life

Creativity is not everything that characterizes an amazing personality such as Larisa Dolina, biography. The singer’s personal life has always aroused great interest. And it's not just a matter of simple curiosity. A strong woman who did not accept half measures, who did not know how to lie, who was always honest with herself, and who sincerely knew how to love. But if she was disappointed in her chosen one, she left irrevocably.

First marriage

Vladimir Mionchinsky became the husband of Larisa Dolina. He was a talented jazz musician. In addition, he is a very erudite person, from a fairly intelligent family. He knew how to tell interesting and exciting stories. Vladimir beautifully courted the young singer. Head over heels in love, she married him in 1980. In this marriage, Larisa Dolina’s only daughter, Angelina, was born.

Over time, Vladimir became addicted to alcohol. However, the worst thing was envy, like corrosion corroding their relationship. The singer's creative career was on the rise. But, unfortunately, in the family, instead of support and support, she faced only scandals and envy. It was impossible to live like this, and after 7 years the marriage broke up. After the divorce and division of property, Larisa found herself in a 12-meter room.

Second marriage

After the divorce, Larisa Dolina moved to Ulyanovsk. Personal life did not work out. And she threw herself into her career, creating her own team. The bass player was Viktor Mityazov, who simply idolized Larisa. Soon the singer began an affair with him. Victor looked after me beautifully. He showered the singer with armfuls of roses and constantly swore his love. The strong woman’s heart trembled, and very soon they got married. Mityazov treated Larisa very tenderly. And he tried his best to help her.

But a new love appeared in the singer’s life, which forced her to leave her husband.

last love

The third chosen one was Ilya Spitsyn. It was a fast-paced, dizzying romance, which could not be hindered by either the 13-year difference or the fact that both were not free. Ilya beautifully and persistently courted the singer. And suddenly Larisa realized how much she was missing in her life without this person. She would not be able to lead a double life or lie, so she simply went to Ilya, intuitively feeling that he was her strong love. The one that occurs only once in life.

The new marriage became strong, despite the envy of many ill-wishers. Larisa Dolina's husband took upon himself all organizational and financial issues. He carefully monitored the materials and photographs that were leaked to the media, supervised the filming of video clips, and organized the singer’s tours.

Larisa herself will say that her young husband sometimes seems much scarier to her than she herself.

The singer's pets

The exclusivity of this strong woman can be seen in everything. She did not start having pet dogs or cats. There was a real electric stingray in her aquarium. Larisa Alexandrovna thought he was surprisingly handsome. At the same time, she emphasized his deceit. After all, you could put your hand into the aquarium only once in your life. Unfortunately, the stingray died.

The amazing singer compensated for her loss with piranhas. The bloodthirsty fish were a delight for the eyes of the people's favorite - Larisa Dolina. But not for long. A few years later they chewed each other out.


This is how she is, Larisa Dolina, exceptional and unpredictable. A flint woman who can withstand and endure everything in life. And at the same time, she knows how to love, does not tolerate lies, is honest and fair. A strong woman who slowly but surely achieved success. A singer who has rightly become a popular favorite.

Recently, the famous singer Larisa Dolina began to appear more at social events and parties.

The star's devoted fans also note that her style has changed dramatically.

Instead of elegant dresses, the artist began choosing tight-fitting T-shirts, leather baseball caps, leather jackets and metal accessories.

In addition, the performer herself has also noticeably changed. She lost a lot of weight, changed her hair style and started wearing brighter makeup.

So, recently a woman performed in Luzhniki at a concert dedicated to Children’s Day. The popular blonde appeared on stage with her four-year-old granddaughter Alexandra. Both artists appeared in extravagant black outfits with golden accents.

The audience positively assessed the images of the beauties and noticed that Larisa Alexandrovna did not look her age at all. In addition, social network users also reported this. They were delighted with the celebrity's style.

“How cool Larisochka is! It has changed so much! Have you fallen in love or something?”, “Not a woman, but a goddess, after all. No, we have wonderful people in show business,” “The best! I've been listening to you for many years! In addition to talent, such an amazing appearance!” – wrote fans of Dolina.

And just the other day, the singer appeared at a concert in a new image, which many did not like at all. The audience immediately became indignant: “What is this robe for?”, “Larissa, you have a beautiful figure, why did you start hiding it?” and immediately dubbed the Valley Fiona.

Over the course of her long career, the singer has been criticized more than once for her concert outfits - so the feeling of being greeted by your clothes is very familiar to her. And this time she reacted quite calmly, promising to surprise the audience more than once with bright and bold images.

According to the artist herself, her external changes are associated with an active lifestyle, proper nutrition and proper rest. She does not forget that in addition to spiritual development, she also needs to improve physically.

However, some fans of the singer are sure that this is not the only issue. They suspect that the artist’s new wave of feelings for her husband is to blame.

Larisa Dolina, who recently turned seventy, always looked much younger than her age. However, a new photo that the star recently published on her microblog completely amazed her fans. In the photo, Larisa is posing in a black baseball cap and a fashionable jumper, decorated with thin silver chains. The look is complemented by bright makeup and large rings with rhinestones, and the usual curls have been replaced by sleek styling.

As it turned out, the Valley was transformed for filming in Yulia Nachalova’s new video for the song “Far Beyond the Horizon.”

The artist’s granddaughter attracted particular attention from Internet users. Fans of the star noticed that the girl is a copy of her grandmother. By the way, Sasha really looks like a popular artist. She also does vocals and is already conquering the big stage. The baby performs as part of the Fidgets ensemble and periodically gives home concerts. Dolina's fans predict a great future for the girl in show business.

Perhaps the Valley will really listen to the opinions of the fans and will appear in public more often in such striking images. Be that as it may, we also really like the unusual image of the star, but what do you think?

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