Lara Fabian - biography, photos, songs, personal life of the singer. Lara Fabian: biography, best songs, interesting facts, listen

He passed away so early... He had a very rare and incurable disease lungs. He knew that he would die soon. The doctors did not allow him to sing... But he sang and how...

It is impossible to listen to this song of his without tears... He should live and live more. He wanted to fly like a bird - to become free...

Words are unnecessary... Feel...

Lara Fabian loved him

Lara Fabian's first concert after the death of her beloved friend Gregory Lemorchal. She came out, but could not sing. And then, standing, the whole hall began to sing... the whole hall in Nimes will sing this song to her, replacing the words in it, “Je t”aime” (I love you) for the first time will turn into “On t”aime” (We love you).. Then her producer Rick Alisson, who accompanies him on the piano, will come up and say: “See... and you said that you have nothing to live for... Live for them, for the people.

So many feelings...

Her beloved was 13 years younger than her. But he died of a rare lung disease

So much suffering and pain can be felt in her performance...

Watch this concert!!! As the whole auditorium sang...

This song is performed by Lara, accompanied by Igor Krutoy.

There is a Russian translation.

Stunning performance by Lara Fabian and Gregory Lemorchal -

so tender, touching... As if angels were flying around them..

Interview with Lara Fabian:

“I learned to live more calmly. Now I am able to be alone for many days without pain, sadness, or longing. Of course I miss those I love, but before I couldn't be alone with myself for a long time. Now I like to be alone without this feeling that the earth has opened up in front of me,” says the singer.

She returned from afar, beautiful Lara. There was, of course, this disease that affected vital organs, which she overcame and which she absolutely does not want to talk about anymore - this is in the past. She is more talkative when it comes to healing deep heartache. A pain that made her write words like: “everything is meaningless, when there is nothing left to fear, all the reasons to stay are theirs.” This was in 2001 on the Nue album. The song is called "Because you are leaving" ("Parce que tu pars").

“Everyone thought I wrote it for someone else. But it was about me…” she says.
Lara removes the veil from the secret, not fully realizing who today inspired her trust so that she could do this.

“We are not forgiven for feeling like this... It’s as if it’s forbidden for someone who has what I have to have problems... I’ve always avoided the role of a “pining star”, but perhaps me talking about this will help others who also go through this...”, she thinks quietly.
There were moments in Lara's career that brought her contempt and hatred. Within a few years, Quebec radio stations stopped playing her songs, which she couldn't explain. But there was an even worse situation in France, where at one time she experienced constant insults from the press.
“Sometimes people asked me what I did... Nothing! The situation kept getting worse, and I often asked myself why they didn’t like me. Now I am glad that I am loved. Others don’t, and that’s their right, it’s not scary at all.”

At 37 years old, the singer was definitely left alone (12 million records sold, that’s still reassuring...) but in her youth she did not maintain this distance in relation to life. She came to France at 27, after 10 years in Quebec, where the press is generally more tolerant of artists. When the wave of hatred towards her gained height, Lara had a desire to end it.
“I wanted to leave. Not just from show business. Leave this life. It was a combination of things and this is in the past, but the press was particularly brutal. They completely destroy a person, there is no compassion…”, she recalls with excitement.
Today Lara enjoys life and develops her plans. She has found love, her life partner is the French director Gerard Pullicino and in the spring she will move with him to Montreal. In September she will appear on the stage in Paris, she is also considering several film scripts, and, of course, dreams of the day when she becomes a mother. What brought her back to life when everything was seen in black? Her best friend, Natalie.
“I told myself that there is someone who really loves me. There was one clear moment that I remembered like a photograph. It was very revealing. One person, three phrases... I believe that one phrase, one word can really bring someone back to life...” she states with great gratitude in her eyes.
Having overcome depression, then illness, Lara completely changed her value system. Now every morning she asks herself why she does something. And if he doesn’t find the right answer, he stops.
“You notice that for a long time life has passed you by. Reality returns there, and priorities change. I'm sorry, but I will never again spend 17 months without visiting home. 17 days at most!”
She says this with great conviction and it becomes clear that her alienation has caused her to lose her bearings. Now she has found them again and it is no coincidence that she chose white And " new look" to illustrate his latest album.

“This is my search for light. When I was little, I was like that. I took black sheets of paper to draw white stars... There is a lot of hope in this vision of life and a way of refusing to be constantly tested.”

Lara Fabian is one of the most famous and bright stars of our planet. Millions admire her, the whole world bows before her feet. This woman has tireless talent and a beautiful voice. More than one generation has grown up with Lara’s music, her songs make you feel, and after listening to them it is impossible to hide your emotions. They fill the whole body and heart.

But, unfortunately, this beautiful performer had a problem greatest tragedy in life - in 2007 she lost her friend Gregory Lemarchal. It was a difficult time for Lara and for all her fans. After such a tragic event, the woman fell into a long and severe depression.

Lara Fabian and Gregory Lemarchal

Many of her fans and music connoisseurs were afraid that Fabian would never go on stage and perform his songs again. But she went on stage. But I couldn’t sing... Then the whole hall began to sing. In memory of friend and wonderful performer Gregory.

Karine Fery and her husband Gregory Lemarchal

After this, Lara could not help but get out of depression; she realized that people for whom you want to live, you want to sing and for whom you want to create.

Gregory Lemarchal was a truly good musician. He received the Discovery of the Year Award in 2006. It also hit various music charts many times.

Lara Fabian is a super popular European vocalist, whose voice is called “angelic”, born on 01/09/1970 in the Belgian city of Etterbeek.


Lara's mother, Louise, is Italian by blood. Apparently, the girl inherited increased emotionality from her. After the birth of their daughter, the parents decided to move from the rainy Belgian climate to Louise’s homeland in sunny Italy. So early years the baby spent in Sicily.

Pierre Crocker, the father of the future celebrity, was fond of playing the guitar from his youth. It was he who was the first to pay attention to the bright musical abilities girls. The two-year-old girl tried to sing along with him, hitting the notes very accurately. Therefore, as soon as the girl grew up a little, she began attending music school.

In 1975, the family returned to Belgium again. At the age of 8, Lara also became interested in dancing. Talented child quickly noticed. Moreover, she actively took part in all kinds of children's vocal and dance competitions. After one of them, the girl receives an invitation to study at the Royal Academy of Music in the capital of Belgium, Brussels.

Start of a career

Lara's professional career began with performances in the best Brussels clubs, where her father worked. At first they prepared several duet numbers, but soon Lara became a real soloist and club star. Gradually, the girl’s popularity is growing, many come to clubs specifically to listen to her.

At the age of 16 she becomes the winner of one of the most prestigious vocal competitions for young performers "Springboard". The main prize was the opportunity to record a single in a professional studio. The song was put into rotation on television, and Lara soon became a real star.

The success was cemented by the album released a year later, which Lara dedicated to her idol, French singer and musician Daniel Balavoine. The girl considered him the standard of a pop artist. The record quickly sold out and attracted the attention of experienced producers to Lara. In 1987, she was invited to take part in the qualifying competition for the Eurovision Song Contest, where she easily won.

In 1988, the young performer represented Brussels at the most prestigious music competition in Europe. Her original song Croire brings her success and fourth place, which is a real breakthrough for a debutante. And in her homeland, after the competition, Lara becomes a real star. Immediately after returning from Eurovision, Lara records her second mini-record.

Success in Canada

Soon Lara meets popular musician and composer Rick Allison, who offers her cooperation and assistance in creating her first album. The search for a producer in Europe was unsuccessful, so they decide to take a chance and move overseas to the Canadian province of Quebec.

In 1991, the official presentation of the singer’s first full-length solo album took place there, the recording of which was financed by Lara’s father. Several songs from it immediately took first place in prestigious charts. Lara quickly became a Canadian starlet and began touring extensively.

At the same time, she worked on new compositions that were included in the second album. The singer’s popularity played into her hands, and just two weeks after the presentation, the album acquired gold status. At the same time, Lara presents the variety show Sentiments acoustiques, which successfully takes place on the largest stages in Canada.

The next year becomes very important for Lara. For the first time, she receives several prestigious music awards from ADISQ awards: for best performance And best performance, and also receives Canadian citizenship. At the same time, she begins to actively engage in charity work, helping children with heart defects.

Europe again

In 1997, Lara solemnly presented to the public her third album Pure, which sold out instantly. This disc goes platinum, and Lara decides to bring it to France. Sales there are not so rapid, but soon the album goes gold in Europe too. Lara begins to wander between two continents.

The talented singer has aroused keen interest in France, and she begins to appear frequently on television screens and on the pages of fashion magazines. And the famous music agency Sony Music offered the girl a contract to record English-language albums, on which Lara began working immediately.

In 1988, Lara went on her first European tour, including the Benelux countries. Her concerts are especially successful in Monaco. There she receives another award as best singer Benelux countries, which the next album Live brings her.

The singer's debut English-language album included only 13 songs out of 40 compositions recorded for it. The album format did not allow it to contain more. But some songs were sold as bonus tracks, so they also spread very quickly throughout Europe. Several compositions were performed in Spanish, which the singer was studying at that time.

In total, the singer speaks four languages ​​fluently. But after her first visit to Russia and meeting Igor Krutoy, she became interested in Russian, and since then regularly appears on Moscow concert venues. She even recorded the Russian-language composition “Love of Tired Swans.”

In 2012, Lara even ventured on a tour of Siberia. Moreover, ticket sales began several months before the concerts.

Today, Lara Fabian is one of the most popular and beloved performers in Europe and the Americas. Her discography already includes 11 solo albums. The tracks performed by Lara are heard from movie screens, and her variety shows are distinguished by great originality.

Personal life

The romance with Rick Allison, which flared up immediately after meeting, lasted for six long years, which were filled with joint creativity and vivid emotions. Nevertheless, the couple decided to separate. Due to constant interaction, they became too close together. But creative union remained until 2004.

With Rick Allison

Then Lara, who by that time already had a whole army of fans, had several short romances, including with famous producer Walter Afanasyev and successful singer Patrick Fiori. But the singer dreamed of serious relationship and a real family.

And in 2005 she meets the man of her dreams, with whom she works together on French television, director Gerard Pullicino. Just two years after the start whirlwind romance The couple gives birth to a daughter, the beautiful Lou, named after Lara's mother. But Lara broke up with Gerard after 7 years of marriage.

With Gerard Pullicino and daughter


Voice Lara Fabian captivates from the first chords of any composition. It is impossible to confuse her with any other singer, her style is so original. She goes on stage with almost no makeup, in discreet outfits, without dancers and with a minimum of musicians. And in this she is inimitable. The singer is confident that nothing should distract the viewer from the sound of the music and the vocal skill of the performer. And Lara’s vocal skills include a lyric soprano of 4.1 octaves.

Daughter of a Sicilian and a Fleming

Born into an interethnic family in 1970. It happened in Belgium, in the town of Etterbeek. Mother Lara has Sicilian roots, and his father is Fleming. The family lived in Sicily for several years, and when the daughter turned five, the parents finally settled in Belgium.

Her daughter’s father, Pierre, discovered his daughter’s creative inclinations and passion for music. Crocker, who masterfully plays the guitar. He bought Lara piano and began to develop her abilities; at the same time, she studied singing at the conservatory. Pierre often performed on the stages of various clubs, where he gave his daughter the opportunity to show her talents. Therefore the voice Lara Fabian(This maiden name her mother) became famous with adolescence. She didn't miss a single one music competition, won prizes and improved her performing style.

Talent competition

Having gained considerable stage experience, Lara I decided to take part in a talent competition in Brussels. Imagine the surprise of the audience and professional musicians when the girl managed to win three main prize, the most important of which was the recording of the record. In 1987, her first album “L’Aziza est en pleurs” was released, which she dedicated to the young French singer and songwriter Daniel Balavoine who died in a plane crash. His Lara considered her a role model in musical creativity.

In 1988 Fabian went to represent Luxembourg at . There, her performance with the song “Croire” (“Believe”) was awarded fourth place. Thus began the singer’s international career. This song instantly spread across Europe, and the recording sold 600 thousand copies.

Lara Fabian's new continent

At this time, a fateful thing happened in Brussels Lara meeting musician Rick Allison. He fell in love with her charming voice and suggested she go try her luck in Canada. Having moved to another continent, young musicians are looking for a production company that would agree to work with them, but these attempts were in vain. Then they decided to create their own company and began writing songs for a new album Fabian. It was released in 1991 and was simply called “Lara Fabian”.

with Rick Allison

Powerful voice Lara And romantic repertoire touched the hearts of many listeners. This collection became the singer’s first and real triumph. The album quickly won first gold and then platinum status. The compositions “Le jour ou tu partiras” and “Qui pense a l’amour” became undisputed hits, and Laru nominated for the annual Canadian Felix Music Award.

The turning point

Second studio album he and Rick released it in 1994, it was called “Carpe diem” (“Seize the Day”). The performer really caught it - a moment of luck and creative inspiration, it was a turning point in her career. In just two weeks, the album went gold, firmly cementing the performer's name in the music world.

She began to be invited to all sorts of festivals, whole year she spent on wheels, having traveled to many cities with performances. In any room Laru Fabian awaited a warm welcome, her popularity was rapidly gaining momentum, but she did not completely succeed in conquering America; the incredibly popular then dominated there.

But on the Canadian tour, she visited 25 cities and earned the status of the most promising singer in the country. This was an unprecedented event, because she was not of Canadian origin, but such is the power of her talent.

Person of the Year

Canada has become for Lara Fabian second home, this country seemed to her more free for creativity, there she felt great potential and inspiration for creating own songs. The new environment helped her write heartfelt compositions, which were highly appreciated by the audience and gave her real recognition. In 1995, she was even granted Canadian citizenship.

It has become no less popular in countries Western Europe, receiving the title “Discovery of the Year” in France in 1996. At the same time, the famous French magazine Paris-Match put her photo on the cover and named her person of the year. After France, the public in Britain and China were fascinated by her voice.

On the musical Olympus

She was already a global star when her third studio album “Pure” was released. She wrote almost all the songs for it herself, and the music was written by Rick Allison, with whom she had a long-term romantic relationship. Lara I dedicated this album to my lover. In France, the album had a stunning effect, selling 2 million copies in just a few days. The dramatic ballads "Tout", "Je t'aime" and "Ici" lifted the Laru on musical Olympus. Composition "Je t'aime" Lara performed in 1999 at the international World Music Awards, where she was awarded as the best singer of the Benelux countries.

A double collection of her concert performances, released at the beginning of 1999, rose to the top of the French charts in just 24 hours, even pushing a musical there. By the way, three years earlier, Walt Disney Studios invited her to voice Esmeralda in the cartoon “The Hunchback of Notre Dame.”

New inspiration

with Patrick Fiori

First English-language album Lara Fabian came out at the end of 1999. They helped her work on it famous musicians and composers who created songs for, and Mariah Carey. After that Lara decided to record several Spanish-language songs, explaining her love for Romance languages ​​due to their similarity with her temperament. The singer speaks fluent French, Italian, English and Spanish.

At the same time in my personal life Lara changes have occurred. She began an affair with the performer of the role of Phoebus de Chateaupert in the musical “Notre Dame de Paris” - Patrick Fiori. Together with him, she sang the song “L’hymne a l’amour”, then actively promoted her album and participated in recording music for plays and films. In 2001, she was again awarded the World Music Awards for best sales album in the Benelux countries.

"Nude" Lara Fabian

Despite breaking up with Rick, they continued to work together and released their fifth studio album Lara Fabian entitled "Nue" ("Nude"). By then total circulation all previous albums reached the mark of 8 million copies, and this collection some music critics called the best of what she created. All songs on the album are permeated with the singer’s deeply personal experiences. During this period, she broke up with Patrick, the media spent a long time discussing this topic, and this could not but affect her work.

with Gerard Pullicino and Lou

Lara he puts even more pressure on himself with touring, meeting with fans, participating in performances, shows and charity events. This helps her get over the breakup with Fiori and concentrate on her career. At the same time, the French director Gerard Pullicino appeared in her life again, with whom she worked on the creation of her first video back in 1988. Now things have broken out between them love relationship, and in 2008 their daughter Lou was born.

Mademoiselle Zhivago

On creative path Laru New achievements were also awaiting. She met composer Igor Krutoy and with him created an entire album, “Mademoiselle Zhivago,” of compositions in four languages. Their tandem was a huge success among audiences in different countries. The name of the album was not chosen by chance, because my mother called Laru in honor of the heroine worldwide famous novel Boris Pasternak. She was a literature teacher and a fan of the writer's work.

with Igor Krutoy

In addition to this collection, Ukrainian director and music video director Alan Badoev shot 12 musical short stories and combined them into one film, in which she tried on the roles of women different destinies and eras, but with one soul. The singer really liked this experience; she had long dreamed of acting in a movie. Lara admits that it was incredibly difficult to portray either a concentration camp prisoner or a professional dancer, but she tried not to let the director down, with whom she called working with a real pleasure. In the spring of 2013, the premiere of this musical film, and soon left new album Lara Fabian“Le Secret” (“The Secret”).

In any genre

The singer’s personal life is not going as smoothly as she would like. In 2012, she announced her separation from her daughter's father, although (like Rick Allison) she maintained an excellent relationship with him.

with Gabriel di Giorgio

Nowadays she can often be seen on the capital stages of countries Eastern Europe, sometimes she gives concerts with Igor Krutoy and performs with him on music festivals. The singer is full of energy and inspiration. In 2013, she informed her fans through social media about marriage to Sicilian illusionist Gabriel Di Giorgio. Now their family lives in the suburbs of Brussels, but about their beloved Canada Lara does not forget, regularly coming there for concerts.

She admits that she feels at home in any musical genre. The singer equally loves passionate performances of compositions, rock and roll, shows with dance numbers or tap dancing and am convinced that a professional artist should be able to do everything on stage. But she prefers to demonstrate her lyric soprano to the public with a minimum of decorations and distracting elements.


Critics did not always, as they do now, call the voice Lara Fabian angelic. She understood the reason for this and looked at herself from the outside. Then to Lara I came to the realization that you need to sing only the way you feel yourself, without imitating anyone, even the greatest. After that, her voice began to sound calm, yet unattainably powerful and deep.

She loves to cook, like any woman with Sicilian blood flowing in her veins. She is proud that her culinary skills were passed on to her by her genes. The singer often stands at the stove to collect food. delicious dish your friends and relatives.

Updated: April 8, 2019 by: Elena

Fabian Lara (born 01/09/1970) is a European and Canadian popular singer, performer of songs in many languages.

The beginning of creative activity

Lara Crokart ( real name) was born in Etterbeck near Brussels. The father was Belgian, the mother was Italian. Until the age of five, the girl and her family lived in Sicily, then they moved to Belgium.

Around the same time, parents noticed their daughter's talent. Having received a piano as a gift, eight-year-old Lara began composing music on her own and became a student at the Brussels Conservatory, attending dance school.

At the age of 14 she began performing with her guitarist father in clubs and restaurants. In 1986, she won the “Springboard” competition for the first time, receiving as a reward the recording of her first album “L’Aziza est en pleurs”. Already in 1988 she got to international competition Eurovision, where she came fourth, representing Luxembourg. The composition Choire became very popular in Europe. Soon Fabian released the album “Je sais”.

Career Development

In 1990, Lara's life takes a new turn; she meets musician and producer Rick Ellison. Together they leave for Quebec. Her first album was released in 1991, the second in 1994. In Canada, Fabian becomes popular singer, she is awarded music awards. Since 1995, she has been a citizen of Canada and begins to participate in charitable projects dedicated to helping sick children. In 1997, the third disc “Pure” was released, which became platinum, and after its release in France - gold.

L. Fabian on the Eurovision stage in Dublin, 1988

After this, Lara decides to return to Europe. And here her popularity quickly grew, Fabian participated in many television shows and posed for the covers of glossy magazines. In 1998, she went on a triumphant tour of European countries, a year later released another album, which was then able to eclipse the popularity of songs from the most famous musical"Notre Dame de Paris". Lara was named singer of the year.

At the end of 1999, Fabian's first album appeared on English, which included songs written by famous composers who worked with world-famous stars. After that, she worked in the United States for a year. There she records songs for two American films. In America, she was compared in her performance style to her superstar Celine Dion, and Fabian failed to gain popular recognition there.

In 2001, the album “Nue” was released in Montreal, Canada; Lara took part in charity concert in favor of the victims of the terrorist attack in the United States. Later she performed acoustic performances in many European cities. In 2004, she played her first role in the film “De-lovely”, at the same time another English-language album “A Wonderful Life” was released. In 2005-2006 he worked in France, toured, and released the album “9”. In 2007, he took a short break due to family concerns. Already in 2008, she gives concerts in Greece, Russia, and Ukraine.

Discs with new songs were released in 2008 and 2010. During her next tour of Europe, Lara performed on the Moscow stage in a duet with I. Krutoy. This gave rise to their creative collaboration, which resulted in the project “Mademoiselle Zhivago”, all musical accompaniment Krutoy wrote to him. The next disc was released in 2013, after which a major tour was planned different countries, but it was subsequently canceled due to the singer's hearing problems.

L. Fabian and I. Krutoy at the festival " New wave", 2013

In total, Fabian has released 12 albums during her career; millions of copies have been distributed around the world. The singer's voice is considered lyric soprano, the style is close to French chanson. As a rule, she appears on stage with simple makeup and a minimum number of accessories, without backup dancers or special effects.

Personal life

Lara's first long-term relationship was with her colleague R. Alisson. They worked together for 14 years and lived together for about six years. Their union was very productive and played big role in her singing career. In 2004, their paths diverged. In the 90s she met with an American, producer U. Afanasyev, who helped her work on her first album in English. Later she was in a short relationship with singer P. Fiori. From 2003 to 2006, Fabian had an affair with musician J. Lallan.

Since 2005, it has become known about Lara’s relationship with the French director J. Pullicino, with whom she collaborated at the beginning of her career. The romance began while working on Fabian’s new videos. In 2007, the couple had a daughter, Lou. In 2012, Gerard and Lara separated, remaining on friendly terms. In the summer of 2013, the singer married the Italian illusionist G. Giorgio. The family lives in Waterloo, Belgium.

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