Lada loan with government support. What cars can you get on credit with government support?

In July 2018, Dmitry Medvedev extended the preferential car loan program with state support for 2018 - 2020, adjusted the list of cars and at the same time made a number of changes, which we will discuss in detail below. What is this support anyway and why is it needed? Last year we had her. The point is simple - after the 2014 crisis, the auto market and banks began to experience difficult times. A decline in demand, a sharp fall in the ruble and an increase in the price of all products. Action was needed.

In 2015, a specialized subsidy was developed, which implied fixing the interest rate on loans at a certain level, for the consumer this made borrowed money cheaper, for the markets it created new demand, and the bank compensated for losses from the budget. In the end, they also made a profit. Not all car brands were eligible for the program, and the number of units sold was limited to 50,000 per year.

Without further delay, we will provide a current list of cars on car loans with state support. Let's imagine it in the form of a picture. It opens - click!

As it was before

  • Initially, the state compensated 6.7% of the banks’ rates on their standard car loan products from budget funds (for absolutely everyone, the requirements were quite ordinary - age from 21 to 65 years, employment, etc.)
  • In June 2017, large families and those who purchased a car for the first time were also included in the state car loan program - they were offered a 10% discount on the cost of the car when paying a down payment, while the benefits were mutually exclusive (that is, you cannot simultaneously receive a discount on the PV and from interest rate)
  • Support was provided for the purchase of only new cars of certain brands, and they could not only be made in Russia
  • The car loan program with state support did not apply to commercial vehicles and cars weighing more than 3.5 tons
  • The cost of the vehicle should not exceed 1,450 thousand rubles
  • Loan term up to three years
  • Down payment of at least 20% of the cost of the car from your own funds (or borrowed from a third-party lending institution)
  • The maximum loan amount is no more than 920 thousand rubles (here we add the PV, the amount of state aid, etc., we get just about 1.5 million)

How did it happen

  • Since 2018, the state car loan program has turned into a “family car” program - that is, the subsidized interest rate at 6.7% for standard categories of citizens is canceled
  • Instead, there remains a 10 percent discount on the cost of the car for the down payment for borrowers with 2 or more children or for those who have never owned a car before and did not take out car loans in 2017
  • The borrower must also promise in writing not to take out loans for the purchase of other cars in 2018; he submits the document to the bank where state support is issued
  • The maximum cost of a purchased vehicle increases to 1,500,000 rubles
  • For residents of the Far East, the discount on a car loan with state support in 2018 will be 25% of the cost of the vehicle - and this is understandable, China is nearby, you need to compete on price
  • All other conditions are either canceled (if intersectable) or remain the same

CLARIFICATION! You buy a car for 1,250,000 rubles, the proposed state discount will be 125,000. You are required to pay a contribution amount of 250 rubles. Thus, you will have to pay 125,000 out of pocket, and the remaining 125 thousand rubles. the state will pay.

There are certain requirements put forward by the state for banks:

  • In addition to other government tenders and administrative barriers that they need to go through, it is important not to lose their authority in the issue of car loans with state support in 2018 - 2020, so it is necessary
  • Have no debts on taxes and fees to the budget of the Russian Federation
  • restrictions on business activities
  • Not to be foreign agents or legal entities
  • Fulfill assumed obligations in full, honestly, without violating the agreed terms

Read also

The state car loan program has been extended to 2017

Was it profitable or not?

So, new changes in the program of state subsidies for car loans for 2018-2020 imply a significant reduction in the budget allocated for these purposes. The quota for the number of cars also decreased slightly from 48 thousand in 2017 to 45,000. There is no mention in the bill about the remaining years. Why is this the effect?

Firstly, the subsidization of bank rates in the amount of 6.5% was cancelled. The absolute majority of Russians could get it, so quotas used to end in a couple of months. Secondly, the program acquired target status for “large families” or “new car enthusiasts.” Since they only left a subsidy in the form of a 10% discount on the cost of the car, which is included in the down payment. There are many such citizens in the country, but there are far fewer of the first category.

And thirdly, the first type of assistance simply became unprofitable for the state. Due to the current situation and budget cuts in Russia. Previously, we had to overpay - subsidizing the rate to 12% from 25% and so on. In a complex calculation, taking into account all the factors, this is less profitable than providing a 10% discount on the cost of the car.

BUT THE PEOPLE HAVE ALREADY INVENTED A LIFE HACK! Does everyone have two children? No! And I would like to get a 10% discount. Restrictions? Laws? There's always a workaround. You collect the required amount to buy a car that is included in the state subsidy program for car loans 2018 – 2020. You go apply for a loan approved by the state. You receive a discount for the car dealership. You buy a car. And within the next few days, repay the loan in full ahead of schedule.

But right away there is one problem! With a car loan with state support, in this case, you will be forced to compulsory life insurance and CASCO insurance. All this must be abandoned or returned. Otherwise there will be no benefit. The second question is a separate discussion. And there may be problems with insurance. Yes, it can be returned legally. But here it all depends on whether the bank gave you a “legal” pig in the contract.

How to get

There is nothing complicated at all, the sequence of actions is the same as when obtaining a regular car loan:

  • First, understand for yourself that you are fully eligible for the state car loan program
  • Select the desired brand and configuration from the list of available cars (the choice here is very limited)
  • You conduct substantive dialogues with car dealers, travel to showrooms, and choose
  • Next, the seller himself will advise you on the bank
  • But it’s better to double-check everything yourself and compare the rates (after all, no one will subsidize them for you now, so the most important thing is to choose a profitable car)
  • The “correct” bank from the government’s point of view will offer you its own program with the same name (rates in banks may differ)
  • Next, provide the pre-collected papers to the employee (including proof of the presence of children or the absence of at least one vehicle in your entire life)
  • After approval, the money goes to the car dealership, and the papers from the car go to the bank

Underwater rocks

  1. Not all configurations of the mentioned brands are covered by the car loan subsidy program
  2. You are required to apply for CASCO insurance - they often impose expensive
  3. You are required to take out life insurance, the cost will be within 100,000 rubles - this is the norm in this case
  4. It is possible to accrue fines on the loan for several days while the money goes from the bank to the car dealership

As a result, if we count all the expenses imposed on us (many are prescribed in the legislation on state subsidies), then we find ourselves at a loss even taking into account the discount. We will have to pay extra with our hard-earned money. What a help! What to do in such a situation?

If you are looking for an opportunity to save on interest rates when buying a car on credit, look for a bank where they are cheaper, then first we suggest considering the state program of preferential car loans - it subsidizes the interest rate from the state budget.Let's focus today on what changes occurred in car loans with state support in 2017, the list of cars available for state subsidies, the conditions for their purchase and other important points.

According to the new government decree from July 7, 2017 No. 808(in addition to the May decree on the extension of state support for lending when buying a car for the 17th year), from July 11 new benefits for certain categories of citizens come into force:

  • "discount" 10% in the form of subsidizing the down payment for large families with more than two children
  • "discount" 10%(again based on the first payment) to persons who have not yet purchased a car on credit in 2017

Simply put, previously the government subsidized the bank (not the borrower) with about 6.5% of the total interest rate of the bank that participated in state support for car loans if the borrower bought a domestic car with borrowed money. And now, in addition to this, if the buyer is a large family or a person who has not yet purchased a car on credit in 2017, the government will subsidize the down payment on the loan in the amount of 10%, but no more. Again, all this applies only to the domestic automobile industry.

The essence of the program

Everyone dreams of purchasing their own vehicle, but not everyone can afford to do it right away, so they have to turn to car loans. Buying a vehicle on credit is not bad, but doing it on preferential terms is even better and more profitable. Deciding to take out such a loan is not so easy; you need to carefully consider this action, consider all the pros and cons of the process and conditions.

To choose the best option, you need to monitor the interest rates offered by different banks and choose the most suitable one among them individually.

And to save on rates in the car lending market, from 2013 to the present day (2017), there is such a thing as issuing car loans with government support or with a government subsidy (which is easier for others to perceive).

And every year, starting from 2013, the government of the Russian Federation, by a special new resolution, extends the program or not.

For example, in 2015 it was extended by resolution of April 16 No. 364, in 2016 it was extended by resolution of April 23 No. 344, in 2017 there was no resolution.

And that's why everyone thinks that the program has ceased to operate! This is a misconception - it was officially extended for 2017 by the Ministry of Industry and on May 11, 2017 by D. Medvedev.

In Russia, this type of credit program appeared and began to function 4 years ago, but this process was periodically suspended. Since 2015, car loans with state subsidies were resumed again and extended to the domestic auto industry and to imported brands of cars that were and are assembled in the Russian Federation.

About 4 billion rubles were allocated from the federal budget to implement the idea. In 2017 another 10 billion.

The main point of the program is to support domestic manufacturers, including foreign brands that are assembled in the Russian Federation and which it is more convenient for the government to perceive as “made here.” Of course this is not true!

On May 11, 2017, the program was extended by Prime Minister D. Medvedev until the end of the year, and on July 7 of the same year, additional benefits appeared in the form of subsidizing a 10% down payment for large families and those who had not yet bought a car in 1717.

What is the point of government support?

The support consists of government subsidizing the interest rate for those banks that have joined the implementation of this program. The discount will be = the bank's current rate on its current car loan programs - 2/3 of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (as of March 2017, it is 9.75%). That is, the discount will be slightly more than 6.5%. And plus a 10% discount for large families.

Indicators for 2015-2016

Thus, in 2015, with the help of government subsidies, the interest rate on car loans decreased by 2/3 of the key rate of the main Bank of Russia.

Regions of distribution

As of 2017, the preferential car lending program is widespread and operates in almost all major cities of the Russian Federation.

Their list includes:

  • Moscow
  • Novosibirsk
  • Saint Petersburg
  • Nizhny Novgorod
  • Volgograd
  • Kazan
  • Ekaterinburg
  • Samara
  • Chelyabinsk
  • Rostov-on-Don and others

It is known that in 2017 subsidies will continue in all of the above cities.

When applying for a car loan, the borrower needs to choose the optimal conditions for him, and also take into account the fact that the shorter the repayment period and the larger the down payment, the lower the annual interest on the loan will be. In addition, it depends on how many and how quickly the borrower provides documents to obtain a car loan with government support.

You also need to take into account that the total cost of the selected car will be influenced by the cost of the insurance policy, be it compulsory motor liability insurance or CASCO insurance.

Car loan with state support 2017 – list of cars.

A car is an expensive purchase. Not everyone has the opportunity to buy a car with the savings they have. Therefore, since 2009, in Russia there has been a state program for preferential lending to buyers of motor vehicles. This program was suspended for some time, then it was extended until 2016. In 2017, it is also valid, but with some innovations.

When developing this program, the government set as its main goal the rise of the domestic automobile industry. With the help of subsidies it was supposed to stimulate demand among the population. The implementation of the program provides for compensation to banks for a reduced interest rate on loans issued to the population for the purchase of a car.

It is known that the boom in issuing loans for the purchase of cars occurred in 2011. Soon after this, banks began to put forward more stringent requirements for those wishing to obtain a loan. Loans began to be issued at high interest rates, which contributed to a drop in demand.

In 2017, the interest rate on the loan may differ depending on the bank, the period for which the loan is issued, and the car model.

Advantages and disadvantages of buying a car on credit with state benefits

Before purchasing a car on credit under the state program, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

The obvious advantages of this method of buying a car include:

  • a chance to buy a car on credit with significant savings on interest;
  • choice between car models of both Russian and foreign production;
  • affordable down payment when purchasing a vehicle with a car loan.

There are also some disadvantages of purchasing a car under the state program:

  • the loan is issued for a relatively short period (up to 3 years);
  • a limit has been imposed on the maximum cost of the car (the limit is expected to increase from 1,150 to 1,450 thousand rubles in 2017);
  • the loan is issued exclusively for new cars;
  • You can only get a ruble loan.

Conditions for receiving benefits from the state

A preferential loan for the purchase of a car in 2017 can be issued to the following citizens of the Russian Federation:

  • whose age is not less than 25 and not more than 65 years;
  • within the last six months having an official place of work, which must be documented;
  • who have provided the bank with documentary evidence of their solvency;
  • having a good credit history.

The bank can review the package of documents provided by the borrower for up to five days. A positive decision to issue a car loan is made if the client meets the conditions listed above.

Calculation of interest on a loan with state support

The discount that the borrower will receive on such a loan is calculated using a special formula, which includes the refinancing rate (RR) of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The final interest rate is obtained by subtracting 2/3 of the CP from the current car loan rate at a particular bank.

When issuing a car loan with state support in 2017, banks must comply with the following rules:

  • Only the Russian ruble can be used as the loan currency;
  • car models for the purchase of which you can receive a loan with state support must be on the list approved by law;
  • the car must be no more expensive than a certain limit (an increase to 1,450 thousand rubles is expected in 2017);
  • the weight of the car cannot exceed 3.5 tons;
  • the loan is provided for the purchase of a car no older than 2016;
  • the car must be purchased from a legal entity;
  • The minimum down payment for a car is 20%;
  • The loan term is limited to three years.

Banks can change the remaining conditions for a car loan at their discretion, providing any additional bonuses to customers.

List of cars that can be purchased on credit on preferential terms (not all modifications of the cars presented may participate in the program):

  • Chevrolet Niva;
  • LADA Vesta;
  • Chevrolet Cruze;
  • Mazda 3;
  • Chevrolet Aveo;
  • Chevrolet Cobalt;
  • Nissan Almera;
  • Citroen C4;
  • Nissan Note;
  • Citroen C-Elysee;
  • Nissan Tiida;
  • Daewoo Nexia;
  • Opel Astra;
  • Daewoo Matiz;
  • Peugeot 301
  • Ford Focus;
  • Peugeot 408;
  • Hyundai Solaris;
  • Renault Duster;
  • KIA Rio;
  • Renault Logan;
  • KIA Cee'd;
  • Renault Sandero;
  • LADA Granta;
  • Skoda Fabia
  • LADA Kalina;
  • Skoda Octavia;
  • LADA Priora;
  • Toyota Corolla;
  • LADA Largus;
  • Volkswagen Polo;
  • LADA 4×4;
  • Bogdan;
  • LADA Samara;

Registration procedure

Purchasing a car under a government subsidy program begins with a visit to a car dealership. After the client decides on the brand of the car, the dealership employee will invite him to contact the bank with which the car dealership has an agreement.

The bank will tell the buyer about the terms of the loan. If the client believes that his financial situation is stable enough to cope with the loan, then he confirms this with documents. If the bank's decision is positive, a loan agreement is concluded.

In 2017, to obtain a car loan with state support, the bank must provide the following package of documents:

  • certificate 2-NDFL;
  • passport;
  • a copy of the work book with the stamp of the HR department.

The advance payment for the purchased car is made after concluding an agreement with the bank. After receiving the package of papers, the credit institution can approve or reject the application. If the decision is made in favor of the buyer, then the required amount is transferred to the car dealership’s account. Only after this the client becomes the owner of a new car.

Conditions of banks participating in the program

Each bank participating in the state support program for car loans has its own offers for clients. The conditions for these loans differ depending on the financial institution to which the client applies. The most profitable loans are offered by the following organizations:

  • Sberbank, which provides car loans on the most attractive terms for borrowers. If you pay 30% as an advance for a car, you don’t have to provide a certificate confirming your income. The loan is issued at a relatively low interest rate (from 7.9% to 13.67%);
  • VTB 24, offering clients a choice of three loan products with rates from 10.17% to 13.17%;
  • Gazprombank with a proposal suggesting a half a percent lower rate for clients whose salary cards it services.

Information on detailed loan terms and a calculator for calculating monthly payments can be found on the websites of these banks. Most of them issue loans only for the purchase of cars from dealers with whom they cooperate. Therefore, before applying for a car loan with state support, you need to collect all the necessary information.

The main conditions of the state program for preferential lending for the purchase of a car are the requirements for the weight and cost of the car, its year of manufacture, as well as some others. Subject to these conditions, the citizen-borrower has the right to count on a discount of 6.7 percentage points

The state program, under which citizens can take out a loan to buy a car on preferential terms, started in 2009. Since then, it has been renewed more than 5 times, each time changing some of its conditions. Preferential car loans continue in 2017.

Old and new program

The current program is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2015 No. 364, approved under the chairmanship of D. A. Medvedev. It provides for the provision of subsidies not to trade organizations, but to financial institutions that issue loans for the purchase of transport. In fact, the subsidies are intended for banks so that they do not lose their income, which they would have received without preferential lending.

The project sets itself the task of developing the automotive industry and achieving high competitiveness in the market. In 2017, it is planned to allocate 10 billion rubles, this amount will be enough for 350 thousand units. cars

The preferential car loan program is only one of three government programs aimed at stimulating demand for motor vehicles. The other two are fleet renewal and preferential leasing. In 2016 alone, more than 600 thousand vehicles were sold under these projects, about half of which were purchased by individuals on credit at a discount.

Conditions for granting subsidies

The bank is provided with subsidies under the state program only if the conditions established by the Government are met. Accordingly, the bank requires its borrower clients to comply with them.

Basic conditions of the program as of 2017:

  1. The vehicle must weigh no more than 3.5 tons.
  2. The cost of the car should not exceed 1.45 million rubles.
  3. The purchased car must previously be owned by citizens.
  4. The purchased car should not be, including previously, on.
  5. The vehicle must be manufactured no earlier than 2016.
  6. A pledge agreement is concluded between the bank and the borrower, the subject of which is the purchased car.
  7. The loan agreement between the bank and the borrower is concluded for a period not exceeding 3 years.
  8. The loan must be provided before December 31, 2017.

The preferential interest rate is defined as the difference between the existing bank lending rate for the purchase of transport for individuals and the discount which cannot be more than 6.7 percentage points.

Report from Rossiya 1 TV channel correspondents about preferential lending:

Main differences from the conditions in force in 2015 and 2016

The main positive difference from the conditions of the current state project in previous years was the increase in the cost of purchased domestic cars:

In addition, if previously a down payment of 20% of the price of the car was required to receive a preferential loan, then in 2017 this condition is excluded.

Changes also occurred in the procedure for calculating subsidies - in 2015 and 2016, part of the bank’s remuneration was subject to subsidization, determined by the difference between the credit rate in force in the financial institution and 2/3 of the key rate of the Bank of Russia.

Additional requirements of banks

The above conditions for participation in the program are mandatory from the point of view of the Government of the Russian Federation. In turn, financial organizations that issue loans have the right to establish their own additional conditions and restrictions. For the most part, these are requirements for borrowers:

  1. The age of the borrower varies in each bank.
  2. Citizenship is Russian Federation, but certain banks consider clients with foreign citizenship.
  3. Down payment - although the Government has eliminated the requirement for prepayment, banks are playing it safe and establishing conditions for mandatory advance payment. Its size also depends on the credit policy of a particular bank.
  4. Work experience - the borrower must confirm his solvency and the presence of a regular income. Typically, 3 to 6 months of experience is required.
  5. Availability of registration at the place where the loan was received.
  6. Insurance of the purchased vehicle.

It is worth noting that the lending rate for the purchase of a car is different in all banks. However, for the loan to fall under the terms of the preferential program, this rate should not exceed 18%. In other words, the highest interest rate on a loan with state support will be 11.3% (18% - 6.7%). Accordingly, if a loan product of a particular bank is offered on general terms at a lower interest rate, then the preferential interest rate will be even lower.

Which banks lend?

The full list of banks participating in preferential lending for the purchase and sale of vehicles will be known only on May 31, 2017. This is due to the fact that until this time, credit institutions have been given time to conclude an appropriate agreement with the Ministry of Industry and Trade to subsidize car loans.

It should be noted that in order to enter into an agreement, the bank must meet certain criteria:

  • there must be no overdue debt to the budget, including for the return of previously received subsidies;
  • must not be in the process of reorganization, bankruptcy or liquidation;
  • among the bank’s shareholders there must be no foreigners who own more than 50% of the shares;
  • there is a concluded agreement with a credit history bureau.

Today we can safely say that such giants of the financial sector as the Bank of Moscow and many others will definitely participate in the renewed state project and issue concessional loans.

Which cars are eligible for benefits?

Considering that the main goal of the renewed program is the development of the Russian automotive industry, it will be possible to purchase vehicles with preferential credit conditions only if they were produced on the territory of the Russian Federation.

According to the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade D. Manturov, the current state program is successfully coping with the task assigned to it. Almost every third car in the country is purchased through loans with state support, and all of these cars are Russian-made (assembled). The sales leader is AvtoVAZ products (Lada, Renault Duster and other models, Kia, Hyundai, etc.).

Below is a list of some cars that will be possible to purchase with a preferential loan. Naturally, its cost also depends on the configuration of the purchased machine.

Table. List of cars eligible for preferential car loans

Model Photo Price (thousand rubles)

from 1 152

from 599

from 1 369

from 758

from 1 324

from 1 264

from 546

From 1 407

from 599

from 1 459

To summarize, it should be said that the state program of preferential car loans in 2017 will not only continue to operate, but will also delight motorists with new models that have appeared due to an increase in the maximum cost of the vehicle.

Author: . Lawyer. Specialization – civil, arbitration, corporate, administrative law. Total legal experience over 13 years. Education: Novosibirsk State University, Faculty of Law, Department of Civil Law.
May 22, 2017.

Reading time: 6 minutes

The cost of cars is currently quite high for many Russians, and purchasing them can be a problem. The Russian government proposes a way to solve it. The program for obtaining preferential car loans, which started in 2013, did not cease to exist in 2018. It will also be possible to buy a car on credit under the state program in 2019. The scheme consists of the fact that the state compensates the bank for the down payment in the amount of 10-25% of the cost of the car.

About changes in the state program

In 2017, support for sales of cars produced in the Russian Federation was financed in the amount of about 50 billion rubles. Such considerable funds stimulated the production and subsequent sale of domestically assembled machines of various types. The state program of preferential car loans continued in 2019, as it was extended until 2020. This year 15 billion rubles have been allocated for it. These funds should be enough to reduce the cost of loans for the purchase of 45 thousand cars.

Citizens of the Russian Federation who do not previously own a car will be able in 2019 to take out a preferential car loan, subsidized by the state, which is called “First Car”. Large families will be able to purchase a vehicle under the “Family Car” program.

How the program works

First of all, you need to find out what a government-supported car loan is. Its essence can be briefly formulated as follows: the state compensates 10% or 25% of the cost of the car in the form of a down payment for credit. And it's all. There will be no reduction in car loan rates at the expense of the state, as in previous years. At the same time, compensation in the amount of 25% will apply in the Far East, and in other regions - only 10%.

The state program caused an increase in demand for Russian cars. This trend has continued in the fact that in 2019 it will be possible to get a preferential loan for domestic cars, but foreign cars assembled in Russia. The list of cars available under the state support program has expanded to fifty models.

Who can participate

A citizen of the Russian Federation no younger than 21 years old and no older than 65 years old can become the owner of a car under the terms of the state support program. The exception is young mothers with children under 6 months of age. In addition, the bank may refuse to issue a loan if the applicant has overdue or outstanding loans.


The conditions of the state program for providing car loans in the 2019 version put forward a number of requirements for both the potential borrower and the purchased vehicle. Let us briefly indicate them.

In relation to the borrower, the list of requirements looks like this:

  • potential borrower is an individual;
  • Russian citizenship and registration in the city where the car will be purchased;
  • the length of service at the current place of employment must be more than six months, and the total length of service must be more than 12 months;
  • positive credit history.

The conditions for obtaining a car loan with state support in 2019 will require documentary evidence of all this data.

In addition, to participate in the First Car program, the borrower must never have owned a car before, that is, it has never been registered in his name before.

To receive a preferential car loan “Family Car”, a family must have two or more minor children. In this case, whether this vehicle will be the first does not matter.

The following requirements apply to vehicles:

  • cost no more than 1.5 million rubles;
  • weight does not exceed 3.5 tons;
  • year of manufacture – 2018 or 2019 (PTS must be issued no earlier than 12/01/18);

Separately, it should be said that the term of the loan agreement does not exceed 3 years. However, you can find out all the conditions of a car loan by reading the one specifically dedicated to this issue.

How to apply

The loan in question has one feature. It is as follows: to buy a car on credit with state support in 2019, you first need to go to the bank, not to the bank. Many dealers have entered into corresponding agreements with various financial institutions.

You should visit the bank recommended by the car dealership only after choosing the appropriate car model. There, the employee will familiarize the buyer with the loan terms, price and size. Having determined, based on the current financial situation, the availability of servicing the proposed type of loan, the borrower selects a specific car, after which, in fact, the execution of the contract begins.

It will be possible to buy a car under the preferential state car loan program in 2019 after providing the bank with a passport, a 2-NDFL certificate, a copy of the work record certified by the employer and, of course, after making a down payment.

Good to know: if the required contribution amount is not enough, the borrower will have to find a guarantor.

By the way, the presence of a guarantee allows even unemployed citizens to take out such a loan. And some financial institutions provide the opportunity to buy a car in 2019 on credit under the state program and.

Having received the documents, the bank allows itself no more than 7 days to review them and make a decision. If the application is approved, the funds are transferred to the current account of the partner car dealer, and the borrower picks up the car.

Some financial organizations offer, in addition to cars from a car dealership, the purchase of collateral copies that have become their property. This option is beneficial to citizens who do not have sufficient funds to conduct a transaction with a dealership company.

Please note that the list of papers required to draw up an agreement may vary from bank to bank. The question of what documents are needed for a car loan is discussed in more detail in the topic dedicated to this topic. In it you will find a general list of required papers.

List of cars

A special feature of a car loan with state support in 2019 is a limited list of cars. Certain parameters - cost, age - have already been noted above. But at the state level, specific brands and models of vehicles are determined that are available for purchase on preferential terms. This list includes:

  • all LADA models;
  • all UAZ models;
  • Volkswagen Polo;
  • Toyota Corolla;
  • SKODA Octavia, Fabia;
  • Renault Duster, Sandero, Logan;
  • Peugeot 408, 301;
  • Opel Astra;
  • Nissan Tiida, Note, Almera;
  • Mitsubishi Lancer;
  • Mazda3;
  • KIA See'd, KIA Rio;
  • Hyundai Solaris;
  • Ford Focus;
  • Daewoo Nexia, Matiz;
  • Chevrolet NIVA, Cruze, Cobalt, Aveo;
  • Citroen C-Elysee and Citroen C4.

It should be noted that the list of car loan vehicles under the state program for the 2019 version includes vehicles of only a certain configuration. Those whose price is higher than the maximum possible amount, as well as cars assembled outside of Russia, are eliminated.

Having received significant profits, manufacturers and car dealerships were forced to adjust their financial policies and switch to a more loyal product sales scheme in order to avoid a drop in demand for them. Therefore, the list of cars available under the terms of a government-subsidized car loan in 2019 has expanded to include budget cars. Taking this into account, it can be argued that the level of interest in purchasing cars using borrowed funds is unlikely to decrease.

Partner banks

The Ministry of Industry and Trade regularly publishes a list of banks providing car loans with state support. In 2019, more than 90 credit institutions will operate in this segment of the financial market. Let's name only the most popular banks:

  • "Rosbank";
  • Rosselkhozbank;
  • "Unicredit";
  • VTB 24.

The leader in the retail banking sector, Sberbank, provides a state loan for a car in 2019 through Cetelem Bank. This is a joint venture between Sberbank and the consumer lending division of the BNP Paribas Group. .

Thanks to this value of this indicator, more than 50 thousand cars were sold last year.

It is worth mentioning one more point regarding Cetelem Bank. In 2013, his collaboration with the giant of the foreign automobile industry, Ford, began. The list of cars available under the terms of a preferential car loan in 2019 also included such popular models as the Ford Focus Ambiente and Ford Focus Trend.

You can choose a profitable car loan by studying the rating of the state’s partner banks in the field of car loans for individuals.

Advantages and disadvantages

Getting a car loan for a new car under the government program is a natural desire of many of our compatriots. However, the overall rosy picture is spoiled by some points.

Among the obvious advantages it is worth highlighting:

  • compensation of the initial contribution by the state;
  • compared to usual rates on targeted car loans are noticeably lower;
  • complete transparency and purity of the program from a legal point of view. After all, it was launched by the state.

However, a car loan under the state program in 2019 has the following disadvantages:

  • restrictions on:
    • list of models available for purchase;
    • maximum cost of the car;
  • a very serious approach to checking the documents provided, which are designed to confirm the level of official income;
  • only Russian citizens can purchase cars on credit under the 2019 state program;
  • due to the steady increase in the number of clients applying for this financial service, while the state regulates only the interest rate, banks are often cunning in their favor. Let's name a few examples:
    • the thesis “the faster the better” is not justified in this case. After all, in 10 minutes (most financial organizations announce this period for processing such a loan), it is simply physically impossible to read all the clauses of the contract, among which there are probably some that are questionable;
    • a car purchased on credit under the 2018 state program must be. Moreover, insurance companies accredited by banks often inflate the cost of such a policy;
    • a commission may apply to the insurance premium;
    • Even with a suitable interest rate, it should be borne in mind that the financial institution itself may charge a considerable commission for its services.

Despite the fact that car loans with state subsidies in 2019 are aimed at individuals, small businesses can use this measure to support the domestic automobile industry for their own purposes. Of course, in some cases the option of obtaining a loan to purchase a vehicle is unacceptable, but it is quite realistic for many areas of business activity. For example, for a small company specializing in the repair of computer equipment, immediately after opening, one car will be enough for a technician to visit. And an entrepreneur with even a small start-up capital can become its owner by taking out a loan with state support for a car in 2019.

Preferential car loan program: Video

Specialist in lending to individuals and small and medium-sized businesses. Experience in the banking sector – more than 15 years.

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