Kystyby with potatoes in Tatar style: recipe with photos. Tatar kystyby with potatoes and porridge - a recipe for how to prepare a national dish of Tatar cuisine

The flatbreads turn out so tender, the dough just melts in your mouth, and the rich mashed potato filling completes the picture. I ate one - half a frying pan - and had dinner! In this way, kystyby reminded me a little of pies with potatoes - also huge, larger than the palm of your hand, thin, and just as inexpensive and satisfying. Let's try it soon! šŸ™‚

There are recipes for dough for kyztyby with milk, water and kefir, with vegetable or butter. I chose the option with milk and butter - and indeed, as written in the source on the Happy Lady website, this dough recipe turned out to be very tender and tasty.


Makes 7 large flatbreads, 21cm frying pan:
For the test -

  • 1 large egg;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar;
  • 2 cups flour (without top, and another 3-4 tablespoons for adding).

For filling:

  • 5-6 medium potatoes;
  • A piece of butter;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Black pepper to taste (there was no pepper in the original, but I tried pepper for taste).

For lubrication:

  • 30 g butter.

How to cook:

First, let's prepare the filling, since it is advisable to work with the dough as soon as you knead it, and not leave it for later. Peel the potatoes, cut into quarters and boil until soft.

After adding salt a couple of minutes before itā€™s ready, turn it off, pour the broth into a saucepan or bowl, and mash the potatoes with the addition of butter. We try to get fluffy mashed potatoes without lumps.

Gradually add the broth to the potatoes, beating each time with a masher. The puree should be neither dry nor runny ā€“ a pleasant, fluffy, moderately thick consistency.

Let's prepare the dough. Whisk the egg with milk, salt and sugar.

Add softened butter.

And let's begin to gradually add flour, mixing thoroughly and looking at the consistency of the dough.

It turns out very soft and tender, similar to the dough for wak-balish, Tatar pies with meat and potatoes. You donā€™t need to add a lot of flour, just enough until the dough almost stops sticking to your hands.

Divide the dough into 7 parts.

There is dough and filling. Melt a piece of butter in a bowl.

Prepare a frying pan, spatula, rolling pin, silicone brush and a clean, damp towel.

Now we act quickly, but diligently.

Over medium heat, good as for pancakes, heat the frying pan. In the meantime, lightly dust the table with flour and roll out 1 lump of dough into a round cake, with a diameter like the bottom of a frying pan, and 2 mm thick.

We will try to roll it out evenly, beautifully, so that we get a circle with smooth edges, and so that there are no folds or unevenness on the flatbread - thicker here, thinner there. Carefully transfer the flatbread to a heated dry frying pan. These turned out to be the most difficult moments - to evenly roll out and carefully transfer the delicate, thin cake so that it lays evenly on the frying pan. Sometimes there were folds. But, I think, if you fry kystyby more often, then everything will start to work out one or two times :)

Fry the flatbread a little, then turn it over to the other side with a spatula.

While it's cooking, roll out the next one. If flour remains in the pan and burns, you can wipe it off with a napkin. Be careful, the pan is very hot.

After frying the second side, remove the flatbread from the frying pan and place it - pay attention, not on a dish, but in a damp towel so that the flatbread does not dry out while you wrap the filling in it and does not break when bent.

Spread the finished flatbreads with a thin layer of mashed potatoes over the entire surface and fold in half.

But that is not all. Now you need to brush them with melted butter using a brush and fry. Please note, just grease it, and not fry it in oil - only in this case you will get authentic kystyby, and not just flatbreads with potatoes. I once didnā€™t take this point into account when I was preparing khychins - and instead I ended up with flatbreads with cheese :)

Grease the flatbreads on both sides.

And fry, also on both sides, in a frying pan.

This is how rosy our flatbreads become! Appetizing, hot!

Remove them to a plate, let them cool a little, and youā€™re ready to eat! According to personal observations, if the dough, especially the edges, are slightly crispy in the heat of the heat, then after standing, the kystyby becomes surprisingly tender.

Here is another gorgeous dish made from dough and potatoes - how many different things can be prepared from these basic ingredients, simply by changing the technology! Pies, dumplings, flatbreads, and now also kystyby. Great! We really enjoyed it and the kids ate with pleasure too.

Bon appetit!

Kystyby is a very tasty traditional Tatar dish, a recipe with step-by-step photos that involves preparing unleavened flatbread with various fillings. Today we will look at kystyby with potatoes and how to cook it really tasty.

Classic recipe

Let's start with the simplest step-by-step photo recipe for kystybya with potatoes, namely the classic version. In this form, it arose and was loved by many families decades ago.

Ingredients for the dough:

wheat flour - 280 g;

milk - 100 ml;

butter - 50 g;

chicken eggs - 1 pc. ;

sugar - 1 tbsp. l. ;

a pinch of salt.

Filling ingredients:

potatoes - 0.5 kg;

milk - 100 ml;

onion - 1 pc. ;

butter - 1.5 tbsp. l.


yandex_ad_1 When the potatoes are ready, drain the water and, without letting them cool, puree them using a blender or a regular fork. To make this process easier, boil the milk and add it little by little to the potatoes while you chop them. Melt the butter a little in the microwave or in a water bath and also add to the puree.

The next ingredient in the filling is onions. Peel and cut it into small pieces. Add half a tablespoon of vegetable oil to a heated frying pan, and then the onion itself. Fry it until transparent. Mix the onion and the finished puree. The filling is ready.

Now we make the dough. Break an egg into a clean plate, pour in a little warmed milk, melted butter and add granulated sugar. Add literally a pinch of salt and mix everything thoroughly into a homogeneous mass.

Sift all the flour separately and only then start adding it to the dough. Since there is a lot of flour, it is better to do this in parts. At the end, you will have to knead the dough with your hands, as it will become quite dense.

Set the dough aside. Cover it with a towel and let it sit for about 30 minutes. Time to roll out the dough and make the scones. To do this, lightly sprinkle the table with flour and roll the dough into a thick sausage. From these ingredients you will get a sausage, which you need to divide into 12 parts.

According to the step-by-step recipe with photos, kystyby with potatoes is made on the basis of flat cakes with a diameter of about 15 cm. Therefore, you need to roll out each of the 12 parts to this diameter. Heat a frying pan and, without adding oil, fry each flatbread on both sides. Over medium heat, each part will take about 3 minutes to cook.

We collect kystyby. Place the filling on half of the flatbread and cover it with the other half. These cakes should not unfold, so there is no need to additionally fasten them with anything at the edges.

Before serving, brush the kystyby with melted butter for an even more appetizing appearance.

yandex_ad_2 Kystyby with potatoes and mushrooms

This step-by-step recipe with photos is for those who love kystyby with potatoes, but at the same time want to diversify this dish a little. Mushrooms will cope with this task perfectly. This recipe is also notable for the fact that it does not contain eggs, so the method of preparing the dough is slightly changed.

Ingredients for the dough:

flour - 300 g;

water - 150 ml;

butter - 50 g;

vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l. ;

Filling ingredients:

champignon mushrooms - 300 g;

medium potatoes - 6 pcs. ;

butter - 70 g;

onion - 1 pc. ;

salt - to taste;

pepper - optional.


For the dough, first mix the dry ingredients, i.e. flour and a pinch of salt. Then pour in water and sunflower oil.

Mix everything thoroughly. As a result, you should get an elastic dough that does not stick to your hands, but at the same time holds its shape. If necessary, to obtain the desired consistency, add a slightly larger amount of flour than indicated in the list of products.


Usually it takes about 10 minutes to knead the dough for kystyby. Once the time is up, wrap the dough in cling film and let it rest while you make the filling.

To prepare the filling, first take care of the potatoes - wash them, peel them, cut them into arbitrary small cubes and cook over low heat. 10 minutes after the water boils, lightly salt the potatoes. Remove from heat and drain water once potatoes are completely softened.

Rinse the champignons under running water and cut them to your liking, depending on what pieces (large or small) you want for the filling.

Peel the onion and cut into small pieces. Combine the mushrooms and onions in one pan and fry them with a little oil until the onions are golden. Salt and pepper the mushrooms as desired.

Add a little butter to the hot potatoes and mash them with a fork or blender at low speed. But don't overdo it!

Mix the mushroom mixture with mashed potatoes, taste and, if necessary, add more salt. In the meantime, the dough has infused enough and you can start making cakes from it. To do this, roll out the dough into a thick rope and, pinching off small pieces from it, roll them out to a thickness of 1.5 mm. The cakes should be the size of a saucer.

We move to the stove again. Heat a skillet over medium heat and fry each tortilla on both sides for 2 minutes. There is no need to grease the pan with vegetable oil. But immediately after you remove the cake from the heat, you need to grease it with butter. If this is not done, the cakes may break in half when folded.

When the frying process is complete, mentally divide each tortilla into 2 parts and place the filling on any of them.

Close it with the second part. In this simple way you form kystyby with potatoes, the preparation of which seemed difficult to many before meeting this step-by-step recipe with photos.

Kystyby can be eaten both cold and warm. If you prefer the second option, and the flatbreads have already cooled down, then the dish can be reheated in a frying pan or in the oven at 180 degrees.

Tatar flatbreads kystyby with potatoes and herbs are easy and simple to prepare. The dough is without yeast, so there are no difficulties with kneading. And with a photo step by step, preparing a delicious dish will not be difficult!

Kystyby cakes with potatoes turn out thin, crispy in places, with appetizing golden spots. It is necessary to grease the finished flatbreads with butter to make them richer, softer and more flavorful. Itā€™s not bad with olive or sunflower oil either, but if you donā€™t flavor the kystyby at all, they turn out a little dry.

I made the most popular version - kystyby with potatoes and dill. But in the fall or summer, when the mushroom season begins, I add fried porcini mushrooms or chanterelles and boletus to the filling. Ahh... such a scent permeates the whole house!

I can imagine that stewed vegetables, cheese with herbs, tofu, and so on are also suitable for the filling. It is also often prepared with millet, cottage cheese, and rice. But if you are trying it for the first time, I advise you to give preference to mashed potatoes.

This is how they cook it in India - flatbreads stuffed with potatoes. But a delicious version of a homemade dish - in a frying pan.

Kystyby dough - 4 preparation options:

  1. Lenten version: dough for kystyby in water. In the photo I captured this recipe step by step. You will need: 300 g flour + 150 ml water + 1-2 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil + 1/2 tsp. salt. More details in the photo. Such cakes are denser than those made with kefir and without a pronounced creamy taste, as will be the case with milk. This is how I always cook!
  2. Kystyby dough with kefir. You will need: 300 g flour + 150 ml kefir of any fat content + 1/2 tsp. salt and 1 tsp. Sahara. The dough made with kefir is soft and tender even after frying, less crispy (than with water) and more satisfying.
  3. Dough for kystyby with potatoes in milk. You need: about 300 g of first-grade flour + 100 ml of milk of any fat content + 1 tbsp. l. melted butter + 1/2 tsp. salt + pinch of sugar. The dough made with milk is very tender, fatty, and easily torn with your hands after frying. Pronounced creamy taste.
  4. Kystyby dough with potatoes and sour cream. Ingredients: 300 g flour + 200 ml sour cream with a fat content of 15-20% + 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil + 1/2 tsp. salt. As with other cooking options, liquid ingredients should be poured into the flour in small portions, gradually!

You can safely knead lean dough without eggs; as I noticed, such dough is more elastic and soft, and rolls out easily. I cook from first grade wheat flour, water and vegetable oil. I also add a pinch of salt. You can improve the recipe and make the dough from white flour and rye, whole grain. Well, for those who do not eat gluten, the option is rye flour and oatmeal, buckwheat.

Ingredients for water test:

  • 300 g flour;
  • 150 ml of water or as much as you need;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • a pinch of salt.

Filling ingredients:

  • 700-800 g potatoes;
  • 100 ml water or milk for puree;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • salt, ground black pepper;
  • butter.

Dough for kystyby, how to make it tasty:

Sift flour over a table or wide bowl. Add vegetable oil and a pinch of salt. And gradually pour in water (or milk, sour cream, kefir). First, half a portion - stir with a spoon or immediately with your hand. Then knead a little more and knead again. And so on until you get a dense, non-sticky, elastic lump of dough.

If you press the lump with your finger, the dent gradually levels out. The finger doesn't stick.

You can let the dough rest for half an hour, covered with a towel. I often skip this step; I donā€™t see the point in waiting 20-30 minutes. I especially canā€™t stand it when the filling is already ready.

Before frying the flatbreads, roll out the dough into a thin layer. It should not be see-through or torn. But donā€™t make it tight or thick either.

Roll into circles that are suitable in diameter for your frying pan.

Filling for Tatar flatbreads

Everything is simple here! You can use ready-made puree left over from lunch. After cutting fresh herbs and ground pepper.

Or peel the potatoes, cut into quarters and boil in lightly salted water until tender. The vegetable should be thoroughly boiled.

Mash with a masher almost without water or milk; the puree should be very thick. Salt and pepper to taste. Mix with chopped bunch of dill.

Frying Lenten flatbreads

If the pan allows it, then you donā€™t have to grease it with anything. Or add a couple of drops of vegetable oil.

Fry over medium heat until golden brown spots appear. I cook in two pans at once to speed up the process.

I place the finished flatbreads on a plate.

I put the filling on one half of the kystyby and close the other half on top. And I grease it with butter. Cover with a towel or lid to keep it warm.

And so with each one.

It is better to serve immediately, hot. But even cooled kystyby with potatoes and herbs does not lose its taste. If desired, you can heat it in a frying pan or in the oven.

Can wheat flour be substituted?

You can make a mixture of rye and wheat or knead with some oatmeal, chickpeas, and buckwheat. Such varieties can be difficult to roll out and the dough may tear. What to do?

  1. Add 50% wheat flour.
  2. Or Ā¼ part chickpeas. Chickpea flour contains a special element that helps the dough ā€œhold together.ā€ Essentially, chickpeas do the job of egg or gluten in wheat flour.
  3. Or 1/4 part flaxseed.

Bon appetit!

Kystyby with potatoes is one of the simplest and most delicious dishes of Tatar cuisine. It consists of flat cakes folded in half with potato filling inside. The flatbreads are baked in a dry frying pan, and the finished kystybai must be poured with melted butter. This pastry is much easier to prepare than regular pies. You can use porridge and vegetable mixes as a filling, but kystybai with Tatar potatoes is still considered a classic option. The recipe with photos was filmed step by step for all lovers of national cuisine who like to reproduce old recipes step by step. You can immediately look at the pictures to make sure that the dish is prepared quite simply. The dough has several cooking options. The most popular recipe is dough made with milk or water. I will tell you about it in detail, and at the end, for lovers of culinary variations, I will tell you how to prepare the dough in water.

Ingredients for milk dough:

  • milk ā€“ 0.5 cups (fat content does not matter),
  • butter ā€“ 50 grams,
  • sugar ā€“ 1 tablespoon,
  • salt ā€“ 1 level teaspoon,
  • egg ā€“ 1 piece (medium),
  • flour - 2.5 cups.
  • potatoes ā€“ 1 kilogram,
  • onion (optional) ā€“ 1 large,
  • butter ā€“ 50 grams,
  • milk ā€“ 1/3 cup,
  • vegetable oil ā€“ 3-4 tablespoons.

How to cook kystyby with potatoes

Let's start with potatoes. We wash it, peel it and cut it into approximately equal parts. Place the potatoes in boiling salted water and leave to boil until tender.

During cooking, it is quite possible to have time to knead the dough into kystyby.

Melt the butter, dissolve the sugar in lukewarm milk. Mix sweet milk with butter, beat an egg into the mixture, add salt and stir everything until smooth.

We kneaded it and immediately put it in a bag to rest for 15-20 minutes. That's it, we don't need any more flour for this dough. Itā€™s convenient to work with; it doesnā€™t stick to your hands or rolling pin at all.

Let's return to the filling. Drain all the yushka from the finished potatoes. Add warm milk to it (you can quickly burn it in the microwave) and butter.

Knead the filling intensively until the lumps disappear completely. In principle, the filling is already ready, but if you wish, you can add chopped and fried rasta to it. oil onion I have such a desire - I add. To prevent the filling from cooling down while the cakes are baking, cover it with something.

We take the dough out of the bag, divide it into 5-7 small lumps, roll each into a thin round cake and prick it with a fork. Quickly, so as not to dry out, fry the cakes in a completely dry, well-heated frying pan. Do not add a drop of oil! Remove immediately when slightly browned.

Place the finished flatbreads in a stack and be sure to cover them with a lid or plate so that they become softer and do not dry out. Important! After frying, immediately grease the milk cakes on both sides with butter, and only then cover them. There is no need to grease the unleavened cakes - they will already become soft.

When all the cakes are ready, fill them with filling. For this, 1-2 tbsp. l. Place mashed potatoes on one half of the flatbread and cover with the free half of the mashed potatoes.

You can serve kystyby in two ways: pour warm butter over it or serve the butter separately in a bowl so that you can dip it into it.

And one last note. To my taste, kystyby made with unleavened dough tastes better, but only if you serve it immediately after preparing it, while the flatbreads and filling are still warm. The cooled dough becomes rubbery. You can also prepare kystyby for future use, but then you should definitely choose the version of the dough made with milk: when it sits and cools down, it becomes much softer and more tender than freshly baked dough.

Kystyby is the most ancient traditional Tatar dish made from dough with filling. It is a flatbread made from unleavened dough, fried in a dry frying pan, filled with either mashed potatoes or viscous millet porridge. And this stuffed flatbread is generously flavored with ghee or butter. Kystyby can serve as a completely independent dish (of course, there is such a hearty filling), for example, served with a rich meat broth, or simply with a vegetable salad. Kystyby is also served with sweet tea, like an ordinary non-sweet pie.
I read from historians that kystyby was originally prepared with millet porridge, and began to be made with potato filling from the beginning of the 20th century.

From Yunus Akhmetzyanov (the creator of the first complete book about Tatar cuisine), I found two more fillings that were completely unusual for me - from hemp (yes, thatā€™s an ancient dish) and from poppy seeds. Iā€™m unlikely to repeat it from hemp, thereā€™s simply nowhere to get it, but Iā€™ve put poppy seed on my list. Iā€™ve never seen such a filling anywhere, and even if itā€™s on the Internet, itā€™s a stupidly copied recipe from Akhmetzyanovā€™s book. To be honest, I didnā€™t really like it even just from the description, Iā€™ll try to develop my own poppy seed filling, if it works, Iā€™ll bring it and show you.
What else can I say from the dough - since this dish is common, everyday and it is quite possible that it used to be the food of the poor, housewives cooked from what was in the house. Therefore, there is no exact specific recipe; some people make the dough with water, others with milk or sour cream, and knead it with kefir. You need to add fat to the dough - some add melted butter, others add vegetable oil, however, itā€™s not bad either way. Also, many housewives have divided opinions about whether to add an egg to the dough? I tried it with and without egg. I came to the conclusion (again, this is my personal opinion) that itā€™s better without eggs. After all, it was not for nothing that my mother told me: ā€œkyzym (daughter), do not put an egg in the dough, this makes it hard.ā€
About the filling. The filling should be so tasty that you want to eat it even just with a spoon. Then you will get the most delicious and successful kystyby.

I brought two types of kystyby - with two different dough components, and with different fillings. Iā€™ll say right away that both types are 100% delicious, but my favorites are dough with water and without eggs (it turns out very tender and thin, I donā€™t like thick dough) and mashed potato filling!) And also, donā€™t skimp on butter, grease the flatbreads generously and from the heart so that they turn out the most delicious!)
P.S: the fillings can be prepared the night before and then heated in the microwave, this will make your work easier the next day.
And the remaining uneaten kystyby can be fried in a frying pan with butter the next day until golden brown - it will be very tasty!)

Kystyby with mashed potatoes (dough on water)

What do you need:
Dough (yield 16 pcs.):
Warm water - 250 ml.,
Butter - 70 gr.,
Sugar - 1 tsp,
Salt - 0.5 tsp,
Baking soda (a couple of pinches) - 1/3 tsp,
Flour - 400 gr.
Butter or melted butter (for greasing flatbreads) - 150 g.

Filling (mashed potatoes):
Potatoes (large 9-10 pcs.) - 1.5-1.8 kg.,
Milk - 200 ml.,
Butter - 100 gr.,
Onions - 1 pc.,
Salt. Ground black pepper - to taste
Egg (raw) - 1 pc.

How to cook:
First, I advise you to peel the potatoes and cook them. While the potatoes are cooking, you can make the dough.

Sift flour into a cup, add salt, sugar, baking soda - mix everything.
Pour water and melted butter (not hot, at room temperature) into a cup of flour and knead the dough. The dough should be soft (like an earlobe) and not sticky. Wrap the dough in cling film and leave for at least 20 minutes.
Divide the finished dough into 2 parts. We will work with one part, and put the second back in film.
Divide the separated part of the dough into 8 identical pieces, the size of a walnut. Cover the pieces with a kitchen towel or cling film to prevent them from airing or drying out.
Place a dry, thick-walled frying pan on the stove to heat up. It is best if it is cast iron.
On a table dusted with flour, roll out thinly one piece of dough, approximately 20 cm in diameter. And then fry one flat cake at a time in a dry frying pan. Fry on both sides until light brown. Try to do this at the same time - while one is frying, roll out to another, this will make things go faster for you.

Place the fried flatbreads on a large dish, grease each one with melted butter, and cover with cling film and a kitchen napkin to keep them warm and soften. We do this with all the flatbreads and the second remaining part of the dough.

Boil the potatoes in salted water until tender.
Cut the onion into small cubes and sautƩ in melted butter until soft. SautƩ over low heat so that the onion does not overcook, but is soft and slightly golden in color.
Drain the water from the boiled potatoes, add sautƩed onions with butter, hot milk, salt and ground black pepper to taste, mash to a puree.
At the end, break one raw egg into the hot puree and immediately mash again. A raw egg will add fluffiness to mashed potatoes.

We take out one flat cake at a time, put 2 tbsp on one half. filling, spread, cover the top with the second half of the flatbread, grease the top with melted butter again and place on another large dish. Place two pieces side by side in a stack. Cover hot, ready-made kystyby with a large cup or cling film and a towel on top.

And before serving, they can be placed on a baking sheet and placed in a preheated oven at 160 degrees. for 15 minutes. Most importantly, do not skimp on butter, they are soaked in it and become soft, tender, and tasty.

Kystyby with millet porridge (dough made with milk)

Dough (yield 16 pieces):
Milk - 250 ml.,
Egg - 1 pc.,
Butter - 70 gr.,
Sugar - 1 tsp,
Salt - 0.5 tsp,
Baking soda - 1/3 tsp,
Flour - 500 gr.,
Melted butter (for greasing finished flatbreads) - 150 g.

If you make this dough without eggs, then use 400 grams of flour.

Filling (viscous millet porridge):
Millet - 200 gr. (1 glass - 250 ml.),
Water - 500 ml. (2 glasses),
Milk - 500 ml. (2 glasses),
Salt - 1 tsp. (or to taste)
Sugar - 1-1.5 tsp. (or to taste)
Butter - 100 gr.

We prepare the dough exactly the same way as written above, and the assembly technique is the same. Here I will only describe how to cook viscous millet porridge.

Pour the millet into a sieve, rinse under running water and pour over boiling water to remove the bitterness.
Place the millet in a thick-walled pan (preferably in a stainless steel or cauldron, just do not cook in an enamel one, otherwise it will burn to the bottom and the pan will be difficult to wash)
Pour 2 cups of boiling water over the millet, put on high heat, let it boil and absorb the water completely, stir constantly.
Once all the water has been absorbed into the millet, reduce the heat to low, pour in hot milk, stir, add salt and sugar to taste.
Cook the porridge over low heat for 25-30 minutes, covering it with a lid, stirring constantly so that it sticks to the bottom. At the end, 5 minutes before readiness, add butter and stir. When the porridge is ready, turn off the heat, close the lid tightly and leave for another twenty minutes.
If you decide to prepare the millet filling in advance in the evening, the next day it will no longer be sticky. When heating the porridge, add a little milk to it so that it does not become dry.

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