Quest pistols where is the old composition. All clips

Back in 2007, the Quest Pistols burst into Russian show business and, like a tsunami, demolished everything familiar. They flooded it with their romantic pop-glam dance-rock and got us seriously hooked on their “I’m Your Drug.” And in 2014, the group members said: “Now we are not a group, but a show.” Following this, a series of changes followed: the charismatic Brazilian Washington, the alien-looking girl Mariam and the young man Ivan appeared in the team. And almost immediately after this, the most extraordinary member Nikita Goryuk left the group, which made all the fans cry all night long and write sad letters to him. And then Anton Savlepov disappeared somewhere. And from the beloved and dear group, in general, there was nothing left.


They are together again! Nikita Goryuk, Anton Savlepov and Konstantin Borovsky are back and ready to rock. They promise that it will be just “Agon”. Well, we're waiting, guys!


And you can get acquainted with the first track “Agnya” now! Listen to your own voices rather and lose yourself in a light, stylish, tube composition that will go especially well today, just before the weekend. By the way, it is quite possible that you already know this single: it is played everywhere - on the radio, in the minibus and in your neighbor’s speakers.

The words and music for the debut composition were written by Sasha Chemerov, the same one who created all the coolest hits of QP.

About prospects

Whether “Agon” will shoot the same way as QP once did, time will tell. Part of the old fan guard of Nikita, Anton and Konstantin expect new emotions and opuses from their idols. And the artists themselves are more than determined. Despite their already mature age, they are full of pure, youthful enthusiasm and are especially pleased with the name they chose for the new project:

“Having restored the original fiery composition, we intend to open fire and attack your feelings,” the guys proudly declare.

“Our “Agon” is another round in life. This is our first experience of working independently on a project of this level. We are very inspired and, despite the increased responsibility, we are determined to develop a new group so that our creative fire flares up with even greater force. Without a doubt, “Agon” is a book from the very top shelf of the library of Russian pop music. Once you open it, you will see for yourself.”

About daily matters

– Why did you decide to reunite with the old line-up?

– The idea was on the surface and the events of recent years, the departure of all the original participants, brought the situation to its implementation and, in fact, the reunion itself.

– How long have you been preparing to return?

– The preparation actually took quite a long time. This is not a spontaneous step taken as a result of several accidents, but a sequence of movements.

-Why the name of the new group “Agon”? Did you come up with it together?

– The name came out quite spontaneously. As you probably want when you come up with a name. To be honest, on a whim. That was the moment when it was decided that we all wanted to do this, and we would do it no matter what. The next question was what to name the group. Some of us said that the main thing is that the title should be “just agony” or something like that. In the end, despite other options, it turned out that this was the right name. “Agon” is a creative force, a creative element, passion and motivation, without which there is no creative process.

– Will anything change in the group’s work?

“Everything will change, because we have matured and gained experience since the founding of the group, but at the same time, something will remain unchanged - our trinity and the songs of Sasha Chemerov. If we tell you exactly what it is, you will become bored watching us.

– Will the style of the band members and the style of music change?

– Our style changes all the time, it’s the rhythm of life. But still, the style of the group itself will be more organic and sophisticated than it was before. Now this is not a project in which we, one way or another, participate, this is our conscious initiative, honest joint creativity, our ideas and our vision. This is how everything is determined - from appearance and behavior to the meaning of songs and video clips.

“We shed our old skin like lizards.”

- Guys, how do you feel in your new status?

This is a wonderful feeling, the best on earth (laugh). Although in reality there are no new hypostases. We do what we do best, and although the audience has not heard the songs of the Agon group before, we are still the same Kostya, Anton and Nikita, we still have the same heads on our shoulders and beautiful bodies. There is little that is new; there will simply be nothing superficial in this project. This is such a cunning move done in order to please people with something fresh.

- How did the idea for a project with such a playful name come about?

This is destiny. In addition, we have been friends for a very long time, and in creativity we have missed each other for several years, and therefore we decided to get together again. Moreover, the moment came when we had all left the Quest Pistols group, and the idea of ​​doing something together was literally in the air.

- Do you communicate with former colleagues from Quest Pistols, do you keep in touch?

Not really - you need to look forward, and what has happened has passed. It so happened that the three of us were always friends, Kostya was the first to leave the team and was not really familiar with those who were part of it after.

- What are your ambitions now? Do you have a goal to surpass yourself?

We always want to surpass ourselves, otherwise there would not be such active movement forward and we would not become what we are. The goals are to go only upward. The Agon group is only four months old, and we have already released an album, shot two videos and are now working on the third, so all the ambitions are evident, as is the success of their implementation.

Although the public has long known each of you as an ex-member of the Quest Pistols, today you are somewhat reacquainted with them by presenting fresh songs. The debut album for any group is a calling card. How did you work on it and how are the functions distributed in the team?

The three of us make up a creative group that implements the entire creative part of the project except the music. It was composed by our old friend and composer, author of all the Quest Pistols hits Sasha Chemerov, who actively continues to collaborate with us. That is, this is actually the old team that we worked with many years ago, as members of the Quest Pistols. Ideas for clips, all control of the process lies entirely on our shoulders; We also, together with the best Kyiv artists and designers, come up with what the backdrops and, in general, the entire design of our show, our costumes will be, organize photo sessions, decide what we will do and how we will look - that is, we completely independently develop all the activities of the group.

- You say that you remain the same as you were. What then is the novelty of the project?

We are working with completely new musical material, which we ourselves are very inspired by. For the first time, when we heard the music for the album even before we teamed up and decided on the name, we realized that we definitely had to record it, since the compositions invented by Sasha Chemerov sank into our souls. We realized that only we should perform them, we didn’t want any other artists to buy these songs and somehow implement them in their own way. These things sound completely new, different from what we did before, despite the fact that they were created by the same composer. We have shed our old skin, like lizards, so we are still the same, but we appear in a new role.

- Is the bar higher now or is it always at the same level?

We believe that we are the coolest, we have no one to prove it to, and we never participate in any competitions, because we do not envy anyone, the spirit of competition is alien to us, so there is no need to set any standards. We are minding our own business, and this is not the World Showbiz Championship. Our motivation is only to create a quality product.

- What experience did participation in Quest Pistols and your entire background give you?

Fans can judge this. All the experience that we gained not only while working in the Quest Pistols, but also over more than 15 years in ballet, of course, makes itself felt, we analyzed it a long time ago and still apply it. It is important for us to participate in a project that, first of all, will not be vulgar, without fashionable flirtations with the public. The Agon group has its own character and style. We believe this is music that is timeless. The feedback we hear from people that our lyrics are filled with meaning and that our melodies are filled with harmony inspires us. And when we come up with our videos, we do not advertise sex; we try to create an atmosphere, convey the emotional state of the composition, and this becomes the frame of the picture that we paint, the art that we offer to people.

Previously, the field of Russian-Ukrainian show business was single. As a result of well-known events, a cultural split occurred. How do you assess the situation now? Does the socio-political background continue to influence the musical life of our countries?

Unfortunately, yes, and this is more than obvious. Relations between the two countries, which have always been quite close, have changed a lot today due to circumstances, but we try not to think about it too much, continue to do our job and always go where we are expected - all our fans are equally dear to us, in which no matter where they are in the world.

Meet our new artists - the group "AGON". Former members and creators of Quest Pistols are together again: Anton Savlepov and Nikita Goryuk, as well as Konstantin Borovsky, who left the mega-popular band several years ago, teamed up to participate in a new group with the hot name “AGON”.

At one time, thanks to Anton, Nikita and Kostya, the Quest Pistols group became the brightest event in the world of Russian show business. “White Dragonfly of Love”, “I’m Tired”, “You’re So Beautiful” and many other hits loved by millions of people were created with the participation of these original members of the group.

“Our “AGON” is another round in life. First experience of working independently on a project of this level. We are very inspired and, despite the increased responsibility, we are determined to develop a new group so that our creative fire flares up with even greater force. Without a doubt, “AGON” is a book from the very top shelf of the library of Russian pop music. Once you open it, you will see for yourself.”

    Until 2014, the popular group was called Quest Pistols. Later the word Show was added to the name at the end.

    The composition of the Quest Pistols Show group changed almost every year.

    Currently the Quest Pistols Show team includes:

    Good day.

    Musical - dance show - group Quest Pistols Show (Quest Pistols Show) is now popular in the fall. This is evidenced by their invitation and presence at the Comedy Club.

    Every new song from the group is a potential hit. A positive, bright and very unique group (like its members).

    The composition of the group at the moment (beginning of May 2016) is as follows:

    The composition of the Quest Pistols Show group is constantly updated. Some leave, others appear. Now the group with a new lineup has released the video “Dissimilar.”

    And the new composition is as follows -

    Currently the group includes: the winner of the super final of the show Dance All!, Ukrainian with Kazakh roots Mariam Turkmenbaeva, winner and finalist of the world's largest dance battles WDC Japan, Juste Debout France, Redbull mix battle Japan, HDE Europe, Cercle Underground France and many others Washington Salles, the absolute champion of the CIS in freestyle, an outstanding master of modern jazz and hip-hop, who conquered Europe, Ivan Krishtoforenko, and the former lead singer of the Quest Pistols, Daniil Matseychuk, who again joined the lineup.

    All the guys are very different. But they are all united by a love of dancing.

    Look how cool they dance!

    The composition of this Ukrainian group changes periodically. I also want to note that the word show appeared in the name of the group after 2014; until then, the name consisted of two words.

    So, the group's team currently includes:

    1) Mariam Turkmenbaeva;

    2) Nikita Goryuk;

    3) Also in the group is Ivan Krishtoforenko;

    4) Washington Sales;

    5) Anton Sovlepov.

    Not a bad group, consisting of professional dancers who somehow decided to start singing and, in fact, they did very well.

    Currently the composition is:

    Left the group:

    By the way, Konstantin and Daniil created the group KBDM

    Quest Pistols Show (there was no last show console until 2014)

    There are regular participants. And there are those who left this project. Below you can get acquainted with those who are composing and releasing tracks at the moment:

    • Anton Savlepov
    • Nikita Goryuk
    • Washington Salles
    • Ivan Krishtoforenko
    • Mariam Turkmenbaeva

    This is the composition of this group at the moment.

    For 2016, the composition of the Quest Pistols Show group looks like this:

    The soloist is Mariam Turkmenbaeva (since 2014), real name is Maria;

    Washington Salles - born in Brazil, in the group since 2014;

    Ivan Krishtoforenko - born in Russia, has been a member of the group since 2014;

    Ivan Krishtoforenko - born in the capital of Ukraine, previously left the group, but is now back in its composition.

    This is the current lineup of the group at the moment. Nikita Goryuk left the group, who had been in it since 2007 as part of the original trio. Also at the beginning of 2016, two more of its original founding members left the group.

    History of the group.

    Initially, the Quest Pistols group had three members - Anton Savlepov, Nikita Goryuk and Konstantin Borovsky. The group performed with this composition from 2007 to 2011. 4 years after the appearance of the group (in 2011), Konstantin left and was replaced by Daniil Matseychuk. However, in 2013 the group remains composed of two soloists - Anton and Nikita.

    Current composition of the group.

    At the end of 2014, the Quest Pistols group is changing its format to the Quest Pistols Show and will create a large-scale dance project, inviting three new and charismatic world-famous participants - Washington Salles, Ivan Krishtoforenko and the incomparable Mariam Turkmenbaeva. The full cast of the Quest Pistols Show project consists of about 30 dancers.






    Quest Pistols 2015 lineup:

    Mariam Turkmenbaeva, originally from Sevastopol, dances professionally.

    Anton Savlepov.

    Nikita Goryuk.

    Ivan Krishtoforenko is a professional hip-hopper.

    Washington Salles - came from Rio de Janeiro, he is a black participant in the Quest Pistols Show.

    Now the group is called Quest Pistols Show, since their main focus is on creating a dance show. Since January 2015, the group has been going on tour with their show; details can be found on the official website.

On November 27, 2007, the presentation of the group’s debut album “For You” took place in Ukraine. The disc, which became “gold” in terms of sales, did not receive a single negative review. In May 2008, the album was presented in Russia.

In September of the same year, the artists went to Belgium for a festival dedicated to a healthy lifestyle. There the guys presented their program “Dance Against Poison”. It may be hard to believe, but the musicians do not drink, do not smoke and adhere to the principles of a healthy diet.

Soon a video for the song “Days of Glamor” appeared. The video was shot in Kyiv by Asian director and producer Philip Lee. According to the scenario, the “pistols” used chainsaws to destroy branded items of world brands and thereby made it clear that “the days of glamor are numbered.”

Soon the guys presented their third video for the song “For You” (directed by Philip Lee). The plot was simple, but very funny and amusing. The video shows...the filming of the video “For You”! But instead of a real film crew there are cute kids. In the video you can also see rare video cameras and hangers with second-hand clothes.

At the beginning of September, the Quest Pistols pleased fans with another video. The video for the composition “Cage” was directed by Vladimir Yakimenko. In it, the anti-glamorous trio tried to express the meaning of the song through dance. Immediately after filming, the aggressive pop idols of our time went on a large tour of the cities of Ukraine.

In October 2008, Quest Pistols took part in the MTV Ukranian Music Awards ceremony, which was held in Donetsk, and became the best in the “Debut of the Year” category. Moreover, the musicians will represent Ukraine at the main European music ceremony MTV Europe Music Awards, which will take place on November 6 in Liverpool.

Kyiv artists will also take part in the international competition of dance songs from Europe and the Mediterranean - “Eurodance 2008”. They will present their hit “I’m tired” in a remix from 2 Special & FDR to the audience. The trio views the competition as "a kind of rehearsal." The guys plan to shock everyone with their performance at Eurovision 2009. According to the guys, Russia and others
The countries participating in the competition will be absolutely shocked by what they see.

At the beginning of their creative career, the scandalous trinity - Kostya, Anton and Nikita - performed in Kyiv as the show ballet Quest. For three years, the group captivated the Ukrainian public with its original productions for pop stars, causing a lot of noise, but this was only the beginning.

April 1, 2007 became a significant date for the group, since on this day the guys performed in the Ukrainian television program “Chance” in a new role. Cover version of the hit
Shokin’ Blue “Long and lonesome Road” performed by Quest literally blew up the television airwaves. The public very quickly gave the song the name “I’m tired.” This stunt brought the group 60,000 votes from viewers and made the Quest Pistols famous. The song immediately became the leader in the number of downloads on the Internet and plays.

The debut video of Quest Pistols “I’m tired”, directed by Evgeniy Opanasyuk, was released in June 2007. The video immediately went into rotation on MTV.

In September 2007, the artists performed in Belgium at a festival dedicated to a healthy lifestyle with their program “Dance Against Poison.” Incredibly, the guys don’t smoke, don’t drink, and eat healthy food.

The Quest Pistols presented their debut album “For You” in Ukraine at the end of November 2007. The disc became “gold” in terms of sales and received only positive reviews. The album was presented in Russia in May 2008.

Shortly after, a video was made for the song "Days of Glamor". The video was filmed in Kyiv under the direction of Asian director and producer Philip Lee. One of the brightest episodes of the video can be called the destruction of branded items from world brands with “pistols” using a chainsaw, by which the artists hinted that “the glamorous days are numbered.”

After some time, the musicians presented the third video for the song “For You” (directed by director Philip Lee). Despite the simplicity, the plot turned out to be quite funny and funny. The video is based on… the filming of the video “For You”! However, instead of a real film crew, cute kids performed. The video uses rare video cameras, as well as second-hand clothes.

Another video by the Quest Pistols appeared in early September. The video for the song “Cage” was filmed by director Vladimir Yakimenko. Here the anti-glamorous trio tried to express the content of the song through dance. At the end of filming, the aggressive pop idols of our time went on tour to the cities of Ukraine.

In October 2008, the MTV Ukranian Music Awards ceremony took place in Donetsk. Quest Pistols won the “Debut of the Year” category. In Liverpool on November 6, at the main European music ceremony MTV Europe Music Awards, musicians had the opportunity to represent their native Ukraine.

About the group members

Anton. Team leader. The youngest member of the Quest Pistols. Anton was born in the Kharkov region in the village of Kovsharovka. Even as a child, he was distinguished by his originality: he was a fan of Michael Jackson and wore long hair. At school, Anton had excellent academic performance, but still his passion for dancing took its toll. At the age of 16, he went to the capital to enter university to become a choreographer. However, he did not study there for long and took away the documents. In addition to singing and dancing, “pistol” is interested in rare retro motorcycles and tattoos.

Kostya. A multifaceted person: dancer, stylist and designer. In the group, Kostya is the generator of ideas. His life until the age of 16 was connected with Chernigov, ballroom and folk dancing. After moving with his family to Kyiv, Kostya received a diploma in philology and learned to breakdance. He always knows exactly how to stand out from the crowd. Kostya believes that even if you dress in a second-hand store for 100 rubles, you can look stylish and be cooler than everyone else. He enjoys drawing and fashion design. At night he reads books on Eastern philosophy, and during the day he rides around the city on his motorcycle.
I would ask my parents for money, but I would earn it myself by dancing on the Maidan. The guy's body is so plastic that it seems as if it can take on absolutely any shape. Nikita not only participates in the Quest Pistols, but also plays in her own punk band. Although his lifestyle is far from the life of a “classic” punk.

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