Who is the wife of Dmitry the sorcerer. Dmitry the sorcerer gave birth to a son

Popular performer Dmitry Koldun became a father. His wife Victoria gave him a son.


Singer Dmitry Koldun carefully hid good news from media representatives. IN Lately not only journalists, but even numerous fans of the artist noticed that Dmitry diligently avoids any communication, especially if the conversation concerns him personal life. For example, no one knew that the Sorcerer’s wife Victoria was expecting a baby. But the fact that the child was born on January 18, popular artist generally hid it.

However, everything secret someday becomes clear. When the journalists learned the good news and decided to congratulate Dmitry on his first child, the Sorcerer could no longer get away. "Yes, I became a father. Vika and son are healthy and already at home. We are very happy. Sorry, I won’t say anything more,” the website of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper quotes the taciturn Dmitry Koldun.

Let us remind you that young singer Dima Koldun got married on January 13 last year. The wedding celebration was modest and even secret. The artist's chosen one was his school love Victoria Khomitskaya. The circle of guests at the celebration was strictly limited. So, from the groom’s side, from the immediate family, only his elder brother, TV presenter Georgy Koldun, with his girlfriend Antonina and mother Tatyana Borisovna were present. And on the bride’s side – parents and several friends. In total there were 26 people, most of whom were the Sorcerer’s colleagues on stage. The wedding was celebrated in a restaurant near Minsk.

It is noteworthy that Dmitry Koldun himself said in an interview that, as before marriage, he and Victoria will live in different cities: Koldun - in Moscow, where he has an apartment with a studio, and his wife - in Minsk. IN Honeymoon newlyweds went to China.

There the couple tried one of the exotic dishes - baked snake. However, after half an hour the lovers had to be hospitalized. “It was Mitya Fomin who gave us the snake. We accidentally crossed paths with him on the Great Wall of China. And he said: “To make the trip unforgettable, you need to try the meat of local snakes - so that you have something to remember!” That same evening, Vika and I went to a restaurant , we ordered a delicacy. I don’t remember the taste, but then it was very bad. First, we had our stomachs washed in a Chinese clinic, then we had to undergo treatment in Moscow. I don’t know how we even survived the flight,” Koldun said in an interview.

The singer shot the most dangerous video of his career. Why did he abandon the image of a romantic and take up arms?

Dmitry Koldun and Valeria Kozhevnikova. Photo: press service materials.

— Dmitry, they say that not everyone made it to the end of filming. Is this really true?
— The fact is that we worked for a very long time, 30 hours without a break. Therefore, some of the actors' bodies gave out and they had to be released early. But the most persistent remained and reached the finals. But everyone is alive and no one was hurt.

— What does it feel like to not sleep for 30 hours?
— To be honest, when I arrived home, it was because nervous tension I still couldn’t sleep. I'm very good school I was at Eurovision, where I had to stay awake even longer. Therefore, I endured the 30-hour shoot normally. But those who encountered this for the first time experienced real stress.

— Having shortened your bangs, you have changed a lot. Did you do this for the video or did you just want a change?
“I just decided to get my hair cut.” I wanted to be myself in 2007.

— Do you like what you see in the mirror today?
“I’m not used to regretting anything.” Hair is a fixable matter. And I think they will grow back soon enough.

— How did your wife Victoria and son Ian react to your change of image?
- Fine. Vika and I experienced different external states of mine. I was blond when I participated in “People's Artist”. I had long bangs at the Factory and short hair at Eurovision. So Vika simply said: “Oh, just like when I was young.”

— You said that artists in their videos often embody what they lack in life. According to the plot of the video, you deal with a gang to protect your beloved...
- No, everything is simpler. I'm used to being perceived as romantic hero. And maybe they don’t expect such harsh things as in this clip. Since childhood, I have been watching action films, science fiction, and horror films. So I wanted to come up with something similar myself.

— When you felt like an action hero, what films did you remember?
— Of course, my favorite “The Matrix” with Keanu Reeves and films with Jean-Claude Van Damme. As a child I wanted to be like them. They were so cool. They defeated many bandits, but remained unharmed.

-Can you hit a person?
- Hard to tell. I have had to use force in emergency situations in self-defense. I don’t like to attack and I don’t get involved in conflicts. After student years Only fought once. And then, despite my reluctance, I had to get involved in the conversation, since the character was too aggressive.

— How does a person feel when a gun is pointed at him?
— We were joking on set: how would the filming of the video end like the filming of the film “The Crow” with Brandon Lee (Bruce Lee’s son was mortally wounded while working on one of the scenes of the film. — Ed.). But our weapons were not combat weapons, they were dummy... For some reason, during filming, I remembered more my childhood, how we played war games with toy guns.

—Have you ever thought about what you are capable of? real life for the sake of the family?
— My family are the most dear people to me. Therefore, such questions have never arisen for me. Everything material in this world is of little importance compared to what my family represents to me.

— At the beginning of summer you turned 30, half of which you spent with Victoria. Your spouse today and 15 years ago - two different people?
- Naturally, everyone changes. On October 8th it will be 14 years since Vika and I met. Of course, there were difficulties in the relationship. We were parting. We were young and careless then. Yes, we thought about what would happen in a year. But we didn’t think about how we would live in 15 years. It was a happy childhood then. Now - a happy adult life.

Dmitry Koldun is a Belarusian singer and composer, winner of the 6th season of the Star Factory talent show. , responding to a request from the producers of the project to sing with one of the participants, he chose Dima, saying that he only works with winners. And there were still a couple of months left before the final.

King Russian stage, which, by the way, Dmitry, in his own words, did not like, offered his young colleague the composition “Work Your Magic”. With this song, the Sorcerer brought Belarus to the Eurovision final for the first time in history.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Aleksandrovich Koldun was born in Minsk in the summer of 1985. His family was the most ordinary, his parents were teachers working at school. They could not even imagine that their sons would gain fame far beyond home country.

As a child, Dmitry wanted to become a doctor, diligently studied biology and went to a specialized gymnasium. No one really understood why the young man suddenly decided to change his field of interest. Perhaps this was facilitated by the beginning career of brother George, who was already working at the club at that time and joining show business circles.

One way or another, during the initial courses, Dmitry abandoned his studies at the Belarusian State University and began his musical biography.

Music and television

The general public recognized Dmitry Koldun in 2004. An aspiring singer becomes a participant in the show " National artist- 2". The musician did not win, but he reached the finals of the competition, and most importantly, he was remembered by the audience and became a recognizable singer.

After the show, Dmitry returns to Belarus and works for 2 years in the State Concert Orchestra of the Republic, continuing to study solo career. The artist also actively participates in singing competitions and festivals “Molodechno-2005”, “Slavic Bazaar” and others.

Dmitry Koldun in the show “People’s Artist - 2”

In 2006, Dmitry Koldun goes to “Star Factory - 6”. While participating in the project, he performed the song “Still loving you” together with legendary group. The Sorcerer's musical talent amazed foreign performers, therefore one of the best prizes For Dmitry, it was the invitation of the soloist to perform this song during their general tour. After joint performances Scorpions gave their Belarusian colleague a guitar.

At the Factory-6 project, the artist achieved his goal and won. This achievement brought the Sorcerer even greater popularity. When the show ended, he signed a contract with the National Music Corporation. Dmitry became the lead singer of the group “K.G.B.”, which, in addition to the Sorcerer, included colleagues Alexandra Gurkova and Roman Barsukov. The name of the group was compiled from the first letters of the surnames. Soon the Sorcerer left the group and returned to solo performances.

Dmitry Koldun - “Work Your Magic”

In the same year, Dmitry tried out in the Belarusian selection for international competition"Eurovision". In 2007 reaches the final song competition and takes 6th place with the song “Work Your Magic”.

An excellent performance at Eurovision gave Dmitry Koldun’s career not just a boost, but a huge impetus. In 2007, the musician was invited to participate in the popular program “Two Stars”. He got an actress as his partner. The couple performed the popular hits “Wind of Change”, “Summer Rain”, “Tequila Love”.

Dmitry Koldun and Natalya Rudova - “Wind of Change”

At the same time, the artist receives the prestigious Golden Gramophone award for the song “Give Me Strength” and becomes the winner of the “Sexy M” rating.

Dmitry was not forgotten in Scorpions group, and in 2008 the artist and his band performed as the opening act for the concert foreign celebrities In Minsk. The sorcerer continues to be actively involved in show business and participate in television shows. In the same year, he released 2 video clips: for the solo song “Princess” and for the composition “Perhaps,” which he performed together with his brother Georgy Koldun.

Dmitry Koldun - “Princess”

It’s not only show business that takes up Dmitry Koldun’s time. In 2008, the artist plays main role in the rock opera The Star and Death of Joaquin Murrieta. The premiere went well, but the next time the Sorcerer appears on stage a year later at a performance in St. Petersburg.

2009 was a fruitful year for the artist. The sorcerer manages to open his own recording studio, perform at the Kinotavr festival, and also give his first solo concert, which took place in the city of Korolev and was a success. He was then nominated as "Hit Radio Artist" in music award"God of the Ether"

Dmitry released his first album “Sorcerer” and presented it in the fall of 2009 new program in Moscow and Minsk. The debut album included 11 songs: “Dream Angel”, “Bad News”, “I Love You” and others. In December, the singer went on a tour of Belarus in support of the album.

One after another, clips for the Sorcerer’s songs “The Room is Empty”, “Ships”, “Nothing” and “Tramp Clouds” are released.

Dmitry Koldun - “Ships”

In 2012, a second album entitled “Night Pilot” was released, and a year later, without wasting any time, Dmitry supplemented the discography with a CD entitled “City of Big Lights”.

Also in 2012, Dmitry received the role of the namesake musician in the film “20 Years Without Love.” In 2013, director Sergei Chernikov filmed documentary“Dmitry Koldun” is about the life and work of the artist.

Dmitry Koldun - “Give me strength”

In the spring of 2014, Dmitry Koldun took part in the musical parody show “Just the Same” on Channel One. The singer reached the finals, but did not win, which may be why he returned to the project 2 years later. In the summer of 2014, Dmitry appeared in another TV show - intellectual show"Who want to be a millionaire?". The musician was paired with a singer. Dmitry began to often appear on television in entertainment programs. In the fall of the same year, he was invited to the “HIT” project, and the musician also took part in the release of the mystical TV show “Black and White”.

On September 28, 2014, the Sorcerer presented new song“Why”, music and lyrics for which were written by Elena Rodina. Adelina Sharipova played in the video released for this composition.

Dmitry Koldun - “Why”

In 2015, the musician recorded new album"Mannequins" Two new songs by the artist entered the charts that year: “Blizzards” and “I will love you.”

In December 2016, Dmitry presented the single “When I Loved You.” Name new song echoes the track from the musician’s first album – “I Love You”.

Dmitry Koldun - “I will love you”

In January 2017, the performer gave a live concert at the “Murzilki LIVE” show. In February of the same year, he performed in St. Petersburg with the “Mannequin” program in support of the new album. On March 30, the Sorcerer presented the song “Angel” at the singer’s creative evening.

On the "Main" New Year's concert– 2018” Dmitry performed the soundtrack of the melodrama “Slumdog Millionaire” in a duet.

Dmitry Koldun and Jasmine - “Slumdog Millionaire” (Jai ho)

Composition own composition The Sorcerer presented “You are not a bird” at the concert, dedicated to the anniversary.

Vladimir Presnyakov and Dmitry Koldun - “You are not a bird”

For Valentine's Day, the artist recorded a musical gift - the song “Let's Play at Love.” As the author of the music said, there were no problems with the selection of words; he immediately turned to Irina Sekacheva, with whom he has been collaborating since 2008. Irina writes for the group.

Personal life

The artist’s personal life is ideal for a show business star. Since school, the Sorcerer dated Victoria Khomitskaya, who in 2012 became the singer’s official wife. His wife gave Dmitry two children: in 2013, a son, Ian, and 3 years later, a daughter, Alisa.

The Sorcerer’s father was not strict, but, as he himself defined it, meticulous. If you need to influence a child, they act economic sanctions– the toy is taken away or, conversely, a reward is given.

The family prefers to live in Minsk, although the singer bought an apartment in Moscow. It’s easier for an artist to create in his homeland, and in the capital of Russia it’s easier to solve technical issues.

At the beginning of 2014, Dmitry Koldun registered in "Instagram". The singer regularly publishes personal and work photos, which attract tens of thousands of subscribers.

In one of his first interviews, the celebrity admitted that he is an introvert by nature, tolerates loneliness calmly, and even loves silence. I haven’t been to parties and don’t plan to:

“Going to a presentation of some vermouth in a new bottle in order to wait for someone to take a photo of you there is beyond the bounds. I better deal I’ll do something.”

There are no friends close enough to share problems. Dmitry's father and mother separated when his son was 7 years old, and the Sorcerer got used to digesting everything inside, which caused a lot of worry to his loved ones.

Dmitry Koldun now

The Sorcerer spent the end of 2018 on tour, managed to perform at Moscow Day, in Crimea as part of the “Stars of Russian Radio” tour, sang with, and a number of others Russian performers at the PaRUS festival in Dubai. Then he showed his son Berlin and Dresden.

To congratulate fans on the New Year 2019, Dmitry was in the company and performed the song “ Good evening, Moscow".

Dmitry Koldun - “Good evening, Moscow”

The singer was unable to rest during the holidays, at the award ceremony “ Major League“The sorcerer admitted that he had planned 10 concerts for the holidays. Now the artist is a welcome guest at corporate events, City Day, and group performances of colleagues. Dmitry does not disclose the amount of the fee, although concert agencies claim that the customer will have to fork out €10 thousand.

Either jokingly or seriously, the Sorcerer said that in 2027 he would like to appear on the Eurovision stage again, with such a solid, wise experience and life. To make something like an appearance, or maybe something light, “in an octopus suit.” They took the repeat performance too seriously and...

Dmitry Koldun with his mother (photo from Instagram 2019)

Dmitry is working on his 5th full-fledged studio album, which, unlike the previous ones, contains more positive and life-affirming songs. The Sorcerer does not want to succumb to the influence of fashionable rap under any circumstances. Hip-hop is music for young people, and he is not at that age to do it.

“We need to sing some patriotic songs, think about our homeland, about our national idea.”


  • 2007 – “Princess” (single)
  • 2009 – “The Sorcerer”
  • 2012 – “Night Pilot”
  • 2013 – “City of Big Lights”
  • 2015 – “Mannequin”
  • 2016 – “Kiss me” (single)
  • 2017 – “Friday” (single)

Dmitry Koldun - famous singer and a composer who gained his popularity after participating in several popular television projects. Born in Belarus in a family of ordinary teachers, he did not dream of a career as a singer and heights of fame until a certain moment.

  • Born June 11, 1985
  • Born in Minsk, Belarus
  • Horoscope: Gemini
  • Height 189 cm
  • Weight 89 kg

Before the peak of his popularity, he was an ordinary child, studied at school and dreamed of becoming a doctor who could cure absolutely any disease. Due to his passion for medicine, Dmitry persistently studied biology, attended specialized classes in this subject and planned to enter the Belarusian State University to obtain the desired profession.

However, in his second year, Dmitry abruptly decided to change his destiny and try to conquer the top musical Olympus. In part, there is an opinion that the singer’s brother first suggested that Dmitry try himself as a performer. After all, even then his brother was working in show business and actively joining the circles of actors and performers.

Envious people argued that such fame and rapid rise were not the merit of Dmitry himself and his talent, but also beautiful voice, and the work of his brother, who was able to bring the singer into the light literally instantly.


Before participating in these popular projects, Dmitry also tried to break through to the heights of fame by participating in regional competitions such as “People’s Artist” and others. Although these efforts did not bring victories, they made Dmitry recognizable and noticeable.

Dmitry was also at one time a member of the Scorpion group, studied with his personal tutor and mentor and developed his voice, as well as stage skills, in preparation for the grandiose conquest of the charts.

Undoubtedly, the singer gained the greatest popularity after participating in the “Star Factory” project, as well as after performing a song at the Eurovision Song Contest. His excellent voice and natural talent allowed him to soar to the top of the musical Olympus in just a matter of months. Crowds of admiring fans and the enormous popularity of his personal compositions are an additional bonus to the singer’s stellar life.

Personal life

The singer’s personal life develops in a special way when compared with popular stage stars. He has no intrigues and scandals in his personal and family life. Neither he nor his current wife have ever been seen in anything immoral or reprehensible.

Separately, it is worth telling the story of the relationship between the singer and his wife. Since school, he dated Victoria, who in 2012 became his official wife and gave birth to Dmitry’s heir, Ian, a little more than a year later after the celebration. By the way, the singer’s wedding was not luxurious and pompous - only close relatives were invited to it and the event was not particularly advertised.

  • Received the Golden Gramophone award for his performance of the song “Give me strength.”
  • He participated not only in musical projects, but also in entertainment programs, for example, in the game “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”, as well as in the show “Just the Same” and other multimedia projects.
  • In the near future he plans to build a large Vacation home and have a second child. The wife only smiles mysteriously to all the questions from the press - neither confirming nor denying her husband’s words.
  • The singer’s parents are ordinary teachers; his mother still teaches in one of the country’s schools. Parents admit that they never dreamed that their son would become a celebrity who would be adored by millions of viewers.
Dmitry Koldun is a talented Belarusian singer who has become famous far beyond the borders of his homeland. He has participated in such bright show projects as “Star Factory”, “Slavic Bazaar”, “Eurovision” and many others. His compositions rose to the top of the charts in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine and many other countries. But can we say that this talented guy has already achieved everything he wanted in his work? Of course not. After all, the career of this bright performer continues, which means that he will certainly delight us with many new hits.

Early years, childhood and family of Dmitry Koldun

Our today's hero was born in the city of Minsk into a family that was not much different from many others. His parents worked as school teachers, and since childhood he dreamed of becoming a doctor. For this reason, already in adolescence the future singer went to a specialized medical class at the Minsk gymnasium. About career pop singer Dima didn’t even dream of it then, but he managed to graduate from school with a silver medal.

Dmitry Koldun got married - Interview

It is quite remarkable that at an early age the future singer even managed to write a full-fledged literary story. The work was called “Dog Polkan - Petya’s friend” and was notable for the fact that all one hundred and sixty-six words in this work began with the same letter - the letter “P”. Subsequently, this story was even published in one of the Belarusian newspapers in the “Records” section.

After graduating from school, Dmitry Koldun entered the Belarusian State University, which is one of the most prestigious universities in Belarus. Here he began to study chemistry, but at some point he suddenly turned away from the scientific path and decided to go into show business.

What made our today's hero change his plans so radically is still not known for certain. Perhaps the reason for this was the career of his older brother - Georgy Koldun - who at that time with his group was already performing in Minsk clubs. One way or another, already in 2004, Dmitry showed up at the casting Russian project"People's Artist", which was successfully held. As part of this project, our today's hero appeared on stage several times, but subsequently withdrew from the race. Despite the fact that victory ultimately passed him by, his performance at this show became an important milestone in the musician’s career.

Star Trek by Dmitry Koldun: first songs in Belarus

In 2004, Koldun became one of the soloists of the State Concert Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus under the direction of Mikhail Finberg. Together with this group, he began to tour the country and even managed to take part in the filming New Year's program ONT channel (Belarus). After this there were performances at music festival“Molodechno-2005”, as well as at the international Vitebsk festival “Slavic Bazaar”.

In 2006, together with the song “May be,” Dmitry Koldun appeared at the Eurofest competition, which is the Belarusian national stage of selection for the Eurovision Song Contest. However, I couldn’t win that time. Not wanting to deviate from the intended path, in the same year our today’s hero went to Moscow, where he took part in the casting of the “Star Factory-6” project. The selection turned out to be successful, and some time later Dmitry was among the “manufacturers” of the sixth season of the project. At this competition, the Sorcerer became one of Victor Drobysh’s favorites, as well as a clear favorite based on the results audience voting. In the end, there were no surprises. Dmitry became the winner of the project, and very soon his songs began to be heard in all corners of the CIS.

Already in the rank of an established performer in 2007, the Sorcerer again appeared on the Eurofest project. This time, with the song “Work your magic,” the artist managed to win the national Belarusian selection and receive the coveted ticket to Eurovision. In this context, it is worth noting that even before the start of the competition, the Sorcerer became one of the most talked about participants in the show. His composition (the authorship of which officially belongs to Philip Kirkorov) has been repeatedly called plagiarism. Similar accusations were made about the presented video. However, all this only fueled the public’s interest in the person of the Belarusian performer.

Dmitry Koldun - Ships

As a result, at the Eurovision Song Contest, the artist successfully made it to the finals, where he took the final sixth place. To this day, this result is the best in the entire history of Belarus’ performances at this competition. After the end of Eurovision, Koldun also recorded a Russian-language version of this composition, which very soon topped many charts in Russia and Ukraine.

It is worth noting that performance at the European competition gave a powerful impetus to Dmitry’s career. Very soon, as a guest performer, he performed at the Scorpions concert in Minsk, and then appeared before the public in the rank pop star at the Junior Eurovision Song Contest, which that year was held in Belarus. In addition, in 2008, Dmitry tried himself in the role theater actor, playing the main role in the production of “The Star and Death of Joaquin Murrieta.” In addition, our today's hero's track record also includes two cameo roles in films.

Personal life of Dmitry Koldun

Since January 2012, Dmitry Koldun has been married to a girl named Victoria Khamitskaya. The two lovers have been dating since school, and are now already happy parents - in the winter of 2013, the girl gave birth to her husband’s son, Ian.

Dmitry’s entire family was present at the child’s christening, including his older brother Georgy, who today is a successful TV presenter.

Dmitry Koldun now

Between 2008 and 2012, the Belarusian artist recorded several more interesting singles, each of which became popular in the CIS countries. Thus, the most famous songs were “Princess”, “I am for you”, “The room is empty” and some others.

IN currently in the singer's discography there are two solo album, as well as several successful singles.

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