Who is a doctor and how to get a profession? A story about the profession: Doctor Why the profession of a doctor is important.

Description of the profession

The profession of a doctor is one of the most ancient. The names of Hippocrates and Asclepides, whose knowledge and art of treating people not only saved many lives, but also determined the development of medicine, will forever remain in history.

The responsibilities of a modern doctor include: providing timely planned and emergency medical care, identifying the causes of various diseases, diagnosing and treating patients, implementing rehabilitation and preventive measures, introducing new drugs and medicines, carrying out sanitary education work among the population, developing and introducing new methods diagnosis and treatment of various diseases.

The profession includes many specialties, distinguished by those organ systems or by those specific diseases that are treated by a doctor (therapist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, gastroenterologist, etc.).

In addition to direct work with patients, the doctor’s responsibilities include maintaining documentation, improving his own qualifications and exchanging experience with colleagues. In some specializations, doctors are engaged almost exclusively in working with complex equipment (to make diagnoses or support the vital functions of patients), and their personal contact with patients is minimized.


The profession requires lengthy training, which is obtained in specialized medical institutes. The training is quite complex, takes 6 years, but does not yet give the right to practice. After college, you need to continue your studies, acquiring medical specialization and starting to practice under the supervision of a more experienced colleague (residency or internship), which takes another 1 - 2 years, and only then the doctor receives the right to practice independently. In addition to studying the medical disciplines themselves, doctors receive thorough training in chemistry and biology.

Required personal qualities

To become a good doctor, you need high intelligence, intuition, observation, communication skills, emotional stability, and responsibility. Some medical specialties also impose additional requirements: for example, the operating surgeon needs golden hands, the ability to make very precisely coordinated small movements, as well as developed visual-spatial imagination, the ability to visualize in volume what is in any area of ​​the body.

Place of work and career

Most doctors work in specialized medical institutions: in clinics and hospitals, in trauma centers, at ambulance and emergency stations, as well as in private medical clinics

The profession of a doctor is one of the oldest specialties. People with skills in treating diseases have always been held in high esteem. Over time, medicine as a science developed more and more, knowledge was systematized. The profession of a doctor is popular and highly paid.

Who is a doctor: profession or vocation

Medicine is the science of the structure of the human body, which is studied by all future doctors. It is divided into specializations for a more detailed study of each individual area.

The story about the doctor’s profession should begin with a description of his activities. The daily responsibilities of a specialist in this profile is making decisions on which the lives and health of people depend. Therefore, he must have deep theoretical and practical knowledge in medicine in order to make a correct diagnosis.

What is a doctor? This is a general professional who examines the patient, determines the symptoms of the disease and prescribes treatment based on this. The doctor's specialty is in demand: he is engaged in saving the most precious thing a person has - life.

Mastering medicine requires patience, diligence, and a desire to help people. Learning science begins from the bench of an educational institution and ends when a person stops practicing medicine.

The great philosopher of Ancient Greece, Socrates, said: “All professions are from people, and only three are from God: teacher, judge and doctor.” Not everyone can become a valuable and good doctor. Being a doctor is a calling.

The emergence of this profession

The history of the medical profession dates back to primitive times. Scientists have proven that ancestors showed an interest in health, knew how to treat fractures, put sutures on a wound, tried to treat teeth, and could perform craniotomy. In addition to healing, former doctors also acted as priests: they communicated with spirits, made sacrifices, cast spells, etc.

Hippocrates is the first famous doctor who lived in Ancient Greece. With his activities, the development of medicine as a science began: he managed to combine all previous knowledge into a single whole and became the forefather of the profession. He was the first to pay attention to the causes of diseases and proved that human health is influenced by external factors. Medical students take the Hippocratic oath, which expresses the basic moral and ethical principles of a doctor’s behavior (do no harm, etc.).

In the Middle Ages in Europe, inquisitors, as representatives of the Christian church, had a detrimental effect on the development of medicine, persecuted scientists, accused them of heresy, etc. During this period, doctors were engaged in autopsy of corpses in order to study the internal structure of the human body.

In the Middle Ages, medical schools were opened in eastern countries, where doctors passed on their experience to students and wrote books about healing.

It was only during the Renaissance that medicine began to be recognized by society as an important science. Vaccination, blood group distribution, anesthesia, insulin, X-rays, etc. appeared. Doctors learned to perform operations.

The medical profession is available at colleges and universities, most of which offer full-time study. This will require a lot of effort and patience (study takes from 4 to 8 years). The choice of specialization depends on the preferences and capabilities of the applicant.

Advantages and disadvantages

The description of the medical profession indicates what pros and cons this specialty has. The positive aspects include:

  • demand (regardless of the situation in the world, place of residence, number of residents, etc.);
  • career growth;
  • the ability to save human lives;
  • the opportunity to explore the unexplored and make discoveries.

Among the disadvantages of the profession are the following:

  • high responsibility for people's lives;
  • working with different types of patients who are not always grateful for the help provided;
  • long period of training and internship;
  • strict work schedule in some institutions (few days off, night shifts, emergency calls, etc.).

Thus, this specialty has both positive and negative sides. Future medical professionals must be aware of the challenges they may face in meeting professional obligations.


Any profession places demands on the employee’s health. When applying for a job and during medical practice, all medical workers undergo a medical commission. General health requirements:

  • motor: coordination of movements, muscle activity, endurance;
  • analyzer: vision, hearing, smell, touch, taste;
  • neuropsychic: proper functioning of the nervous system;
  • intellectual: analysis of thinking, memory, attention.

There are the following diseases, the presence of which is not recommended to choose a medical profession:

  • neuropsychic;
  • cardiovascular;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • chronic infectious;
  • upper respiratory tract;
  • allergic;
  • visual and auditory analyzers;
  • speech-voice apparatus.

It is advisable for applicants to undergo a medical examination in advance to be sure that they will be able to work in their specialty.

Requirements for the profession

A physician must have characteristic personal qualities in order to become a professional in his field. These include:

  • flexible, inquisitive mind;
  • analytical thinking;
  • excellent memory;
  • desire for self-development;
  • high stress resistance and self-organization;
  • patience, love for people.

In stressful situations, the doctor must be able to quickly find the right solution, be restrained, and control the course of events.

Job responsibilities

Regardless of specialization, all doctors do the following:

  • examine patients and find out their complaints (necessary in order to determine the symptoms of the disease);
  • laboratory tests are prescribed (analyze abnormalities occurring in the body: the presence of bacteria, inflammatory processes, etc.);
  • based on the information received, a diagnosis is made (the doctor must be able to distinguish between diseases with similar symptoms);
  • prescribe treatment (taking medications, performing surgery, etc.).

The doctor’s responsibilities include providing timely emergency medical care, treating patients and prescribing rehabilitation and preventive measures for recovery. The specialist maintains the necessary documentation (filling out cards, drawing up reports, etc.), improves his own qualifications and exchanges experience with colleagues.

Doctors who are engaged in research activities, test and introduce new drugs and medicines, develop methods for diagnosing and treating various diseases. The duties of doctors include carrying out sanitary educational activities among the population.

Doctor's responsibility

Before performing professional duties, medical students take the Hippocratic oath. It represents the moral and ethical principles that a doctor must observe. According to the medical oath, the doctor must not cause harm to the patient’s health, is obliged to take care of the patient, help his health, and keep his medical history secret.

A doctor must be responsible and patient, sincerely help people, be honest with patients and with himself.

The doctor is responsible for the life and health of the patient and is responsible for the prescribed treatment.

Doctor's powers

The attending physician provides medical care to the patient from the moment of the first appointment until complete recovery. When asked how a doctor works, it is worth saying that he has the right:

  • prescribe any medications and prescribe any treatment that is adequate from the doctor’s point of view and does not contradict medical standards;
  • has the right to ensure the necessary conditions for normal activities;
  • refuse treatment to a patient if the patient does not comply with the doctor’s orders.

Doctors in private and public practices are equal in their rights (they have the right to treat patients, improve their qualifications, etc.).

In addition, the doctor does not have the right to hide information about his illness from the patient (if the patient is infected with HIV, etc.).

The doctor has the right to delegate part of the powers to the nurse (work that is within her competence).

There are several ambiguous situations in which the actions of a doctor are not regulated by law: performing an operation with or without the consent of the patient, intervening in a suicide, the death of a patient during an operation, etc. The concept of medical error is ambiguous: the law provides for insurance for professional errors that result in harm to the patient’s health (not related to the negligent performance of professional duties).

Thus, the rights of doctors in some situations are not regulated.

Features of the profession

The main goal of a doctor’s work is to treat patients and prevent the development of the disease. The doctor provides medical services to the patient in accordance with the law.

In his work, a specialist uses knowledge in the field of medicine, material (instrumental) means (needles, tweezers, etc.), electrical and measuring devices (pressure measuring device, X-ray, ultrasound machine, etc.).

The doctor can independently perform all the work from start to finish. In some situations, he is dependent on the results of the activities of other people (laboratory assistants, nurses, doctors of other specializations, etc.).

Doctors do not always work in comfortable conditions within their office: home visits are possible, etc.

Doctors have a strong psychophysiological load at work, which is due to:

  • increased responsibility;
  • constant emotional stress associated with communicating with different patients;
  • physical activity (working for a long time in an uncomfortable position);
  • irregular schedule (night shifts, emergency calls);
  • the danger of medical error, harm to one’s own health (infection from an infected patient).

Medicine as a science does not lose its relevance: people will always fight for their lives and health. Therefore, professionals who are able to provide medical care will be in demand.

Etiquette of a medical practitioner

The doctor is responsible for the life and health of the patient, for maintaining medical confidentiality (the moral side of the issue). The doctor must be able to explain to the patient as simply as possible what he is sick with. In some situations, specialists encounter patients who are unclean or have physical disabilities.

It is unacceptable for a doctor to have an intimate relationship with patients.

Required professional skills and knowledge

To enter the medical faculty, an applicant requires knowledge of biology, chemistry, Russian language and literature (to pass the final school exam). Additionally, knowledge of physics, basic life safety, and healthcare is required. You can become a doctor by studying at medical institutions of higher education.

The professional activity of a doctor implies the presence of the following skills and abilities:

  • knowledge of medicine;
  • knowledge of various treatment methods;
  • ability to make a diagnosis based on symptoms;
  • ability to provide first aid in an emergency, etc.

What qualities should a good specialist have?

A specialist doctor must have the following individual characteristics:

  • neuropsychic stability;
  • developed analytical and logical thinking;
  • good long-term memory (visual, auditory, olfactory, sensory);
  • physical endurance;
  • high coordination of fingers;
  • the ability to calculate one’s strength (dosage of efforts during indirect cardiac massage, etc.).

Among the personal qualities of a specialist are:

  • stress resistance;
  • high self-organization;
  • understanding the psychology of human behavior;
  • developed communication skills;
  • responsibility;
  • empathy, mercy towards patients;
  • performance in extreme situations;
  • self-control, tact;
  • attention to details.

Over the years of practice, the doctor gains experience in conducting conversations with different types of interlocutors. Regardless of the patient’s level of intelligence, the doctor needs to understand what the patient is complaining about in order to correctly present the picture of the disease. This is also necessary because many patients are shy and reluctant to talk about their problems, wanting to quickly get an appointment and end the conversation.

Medical career

This profession involves several areas:

  • pediatrics, therapeutic activity (a specialist who examines a patient and prescribes treatment himself or refers him to another doctor);
  • surgical activity (a specialist whose duties include performing operations);
  • pathological anatomical activity (task of a pathologist: autopsy of a corpse to determine the cause of death);
  • psychological activities (work with mental disorders, etc.).

Good doctors are always in demand. Career growth is tantamount to increasing professional competence.

Specialists with extensive experience are striving to open their own clinical centers to provide medical services to citizens.

Places of work

A doctor can find work in a government medical institution or in a private clinic. Research specialists are in demand in research centers and institutes.

How to become a doctor

The profession of a doctor is taught in medical colleges and institutes. This requires a lot of preparation. Studying a specialty at a medical school lasts a minimum of 6 years, after which students are required to practice for 1-2 years in their specialization under the supervision of a professional (residency or internship). Upon completion of the internship, the student receives the right to work independently.

Studying to become a doctor is difficult from the first year. To become a good doctor, you need an analytical mind, excellent memory and efficiency.

Medical professions after 9th grade

You can get any medical specialty after 9th grade:

  • nursing (nurse/brother is the most common and least paid profession);
  • medical practice (paramedic - first aid, specialists work in pediatrics, surgery, ambulance, etc.);
  • orthopedic dentistry (dental technician, dental assistant - a sought-after, highly paid profession);
  • laboratory diagnostics (medical laboratory technician - biochemical, clinical studies, analyses, studies using computer technology, etc.);
  • obstetrics (gynecologist assistant - monitoring a woman during pregnancy and during childbirth);
  • pharmaceuticals (work in a pharmacy).

Where to study to become a doctor

Almost every city in Russia has colleges and institutes where you can get a medical education. You can study to specialize as doctors in the following colleges in Moscow:

  1. Medical College of Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.
  2. St. Demetrius School of Sisters of Mercy.
  3. Medical College No. 1.
  4. Medical College No. 2.
  5. Medical College No. 5.
  6. Medical College No. 7.

You can get higher education in the field of medicine at the following universities in Russia:

  1. First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov (MSMU).
  2. First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. Academician I.P. Pavlova (PSPbSMU).
  3. Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov (RNIMU).
  4. Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after. A.I. Evdokimov.
  5. Kazan State Medical University.
  6. Ural State Medical University.
  7. St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University.

The relevance of a medical specialist in our time

Applicants are often interested in what specialties doctors work in private clinics, are in demand and are paid well. In reality, all doctors, regardless of specialty, are important and in demand in the labor market. A doctor is a popular, in-demand, highly paid profession: a good specialist will always be welcome in any medical institution.

Demanded professions of doctors

The most popular professions in the field of medicine in Russia:

  1. Dentist.
  2. Therapist.
  3. Pediatrician.
  4. Otolaryngologist (ENT).
  5. Radiologist.
  6. Ophthalmologist (ophthalmologist).
  7. Neurologist.
  8. Functional diagnostics doctor.
  9. Surgeon.
  10. Anesthetist.
  11. Cardiologist.
  12. Urologist.
  13. Endocrinologist.
  14. Laboratory doctor.

Doctors specializing in dentistry, ENT, ophthalmologist, gynecologist, etc. are in demand due to the opening of many private medical institutions that provide services to citizens.

How much does a doctor earn?

A doctor’s salary directly depends on his specialization, place of work (private or public institution) and region.

On average, the salary of an experienced specialist can vary from 30 to 60 thousand rubles. and higher.

The highest paying medical professions

The highest paying medical professions include:

  • cosmetologist, plastic surgeon, general surgeon (salary 50-180 thousand rubles and above);
  • obstetrician-gynecologist (45-130 thousand rubles);
  • anesthesiologist-resuscitator (40-60 thousand rubles);
  • ultrasound diagnostic specialist (RUB 50-120 thousand);
  • pediatrician (30-40 thousand rubles);
  • therapist (40-50 thousand rubles).

Specialties of doctors: list and description, doctors of narrow specialties

There are various specialties of doctors, so to avoid the need to retrain, a medical student should find out what areas of this profession there are, make an informed choice: assess his abilities, personal qualities, understand what he wants to do in life, etc.

Allergist immunologist

An allergist-immunologist deals with the diagnosis and treatment of allergic reactions in the body and studies the immune system. A specialist in this profile must be able to provide emergency assistance to a patient who has severe manifestations of allergies (edema, anaphylactic shock, etc.).

An andrologist is a specialist who treats pathological processes and diseases of the male reproductive system. The main area is male reproductive health. An andrologist deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases such as impotence, erectile dysfunction, etc.

A venereologist specializes in sexually transmitted diseases. General characteristics of the profession: treatment of sexual diseases and their consequences (infertility, pathologies during pregnancy, etc.). The most common diseases: syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, vaginosis, genital herpes, prostatitis, etc.

A gastroenterologist is a specialist whose responsibilities include treating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Among them are diseases associated with the stomach (ulcer, gastritis, etc.), gall bladder, pancreas (pancreatitis), spleen (tumors, cysts, etc.), and intestines.

The task of a hepatologist is to diagnose and treat liver diseases. These include: liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, toxoplasmosis, cholelithiasis, etc.

A gynecologist is a specialist who diagnoses, treats and prevents various abnormalities and diseases of the female reproductive system. A specialist in this profile observes a woman during pregnancy, delivers babies, etc.

A nutritionist deals with the issue of nutrition: develops proper meal plans for people suffering from excess weight. Healthy people also turn to a specialist in this profile in order to organize their diet in such a way as not to have health problems in the future.


A cardiologist diagnoses and treats various diseases of the cardiovascular system. These include: coronary heart disease, heart defects, heart failure, myocardial infarction, etc.

A physical therapy doctor offers patients a treatment method based on physical exercise. The main task of the specialist is to help the patient regain lost physical skills (rehabilitation and preventive measures).

Expert in narcology

A narcologist treats people for addiction (drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism). In addition to therapeutic measures, the doctor bears responsibility for the psychological state of the patient.


A neurologist treats diseases of the nervous system. Its task is to establish the cause of the disease and determine which organs are negatively affected. In some cases, the neurologist works in tandem with another doctor.

Otolaryngologist (ENT)

An otolaryngologist specializes in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the ear, nose and throat. These include: difficulty breathing through the nose, hearing loss, etc.


A pediatrician is a doctor for children who observes them from birth, analyzes the child’s neuropsychic and physical development. He gives mothers advice on breastfeeding, child care, etc. His competence includes the treatment of some childhood and general diseases (ARVI, etc.). If necessary, the pediatrician refers the patient to another specialist.


The psychotherapist provides support to the patient in difficult life situations and teaches them to overcome psychological difficulties. A specialist in this field treats psychosomatic diseases caused by physiological and mental factors during conversations.


The dentist specializes in problems with the maxillofacial area, deals with the treatment and removal of teeth, and prosthetics. His task is to explain to patients preventive oral care measures.


The profession of a general practitioner involves studying the cause-and-effect relationship of the mechanisms of disease of internal organs and systems (diagnosis, treatment, prevention). Consultation with a therapist is the first thing a patient needs in the presence of any disease. The accuracy of the diagnosis and the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment depend on the competence and experience of the specialist.


A urologist studies and treats pathologies of the reproductive and genitourinary systems. His clients are men and women. The male part of the population turns to a urologist with the following diseases: infertility, problems with urination, potency, inflammatory, infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, etc. Women turn to a urologist if they have cystitis, urolithiasis, renal failure, urinary incontinence, etc.


The surgeon's task is to perform surgical operations of varying complexity, including providing emergency medical care and immediate intervention.

Surgery is a complex area of ​​medicine that requires a specialist to have excellent finger coordination, accuracy, excellent vision, calmness, etc.

A doctor is one of the most necessary professions. After all, these are specialists who have knowledge and skills, using which they diagnose, treat and monitor the course of various diseases.

Average salary: 50,000 rubles per month




Entry barrier


The profession of a doctor is one of the most ancient and important for humanity. Over the thousands of years of its existence, it has undergone significant transformations, and modern doctors not only treat diseases, but also prevent them, sometimes performing miracles for ordinary patients that the healers of the shahs, the physicians of the pharaohs and the physicians of the emperors never dreamed of. But, as in prehistoric times, to become a doctor, you must have remarkable intelligence and a great desire to save people.


People have been treating each other since time immemorial, but as a science, medicine began to take shape in Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. A serious contribution to the development of medical thought was made by Hippocrates, Galen and Vesalius, who argued that illness is not a punishment for sins, but a malfunction of the body caused by completely earthly, and not mystical, reasons.

The great ancient Greek physician Hippocrates is unconditionally recognized as the forefather of the medical profession. It was he who began to classify diseases based not only on their location, but also on the causes of their occurrence. The ancient Roman doctor and philosopher Galen made significant contributions to the development of physiology as a science and is considered the founder of experimental medicine. A Belgian, and by and large a citizen of medieval Europe, Vesalius entered the history of medicine as the father of modern anatomy.

In the Middle Ages, medicine fell into decline due to the strong influence of the church, which considered any scientific research sinful, prohibited the use of painkillers and dissection of corpses to study the normal anatomy of the human body and pathological changes in organs. One of the few scientists who continued to contribute to the development of scientific healing during the troubled era of the Middle Ages was Ambroise Paré. He performed minor operations, invented several instruments, and is considered the founder of modern surgery.

Later, a big breakthrough was the invention of the dentist W. Morton - he found a way to dull pain with the help of chemicals. German physicist W. Roentgen discovered radiation, thanks to which it became possible to diagnose the condition of internal organs without violating the integrity of tissues. At the end of the 18th century, the Englishman E. Jenner developed an effective vaccination against smallpox, and this became a breakthrough in the fight against dangerous infectious diseases. Later, Louis Pasteur discovered a vaccine against rabies and anthrax.

In the 20th century, discoveries came one after another: insulin, which was life-saving for diabetics, was isolated in the laboratory; chemotherapy drugs that are harmful to cancer cells have been found; hormonal agents and antibiotics were synthesized; dialysis techniques for renal failure have been developed; organ transplantation operations have been completed. There is every reason to believe that the 21st century will be no less rich in new discoveries.

Description of the profession

Doctors have long since ceased to be the medieval general barbers who, between shaving their beards, removed teeth and set dislocations. It is extremely difficult to describe in a nutshell the modern medical profession, if only because today there are more than 200 medical specializations.

Despite the huge variety of profiles, any of the specializations of doctors belong to one of four main areas:

  1. Therapeutic. These doctors see patients in clinics and treat patients with conservative (non-surgical) methods in hospital inpatient settings. To do this, they conduct an examination, interview, collect an anamnesis of the disease, and send for tests. After diagnosis, therapy is prescribed, and if necessary, surgical treatment is recommended.
  2. Surgical. These doctors perform excision, removal, restoration, and transplantation of organs and tissues.
  3. Psychological and psychiatric. Specialists are engaged in correction of behavior and emotional background.
  4. Pathological. Doctors perform not only autopsies to clarify the cause of death, but also intravital diagnostics based on studies of biomaterials, which are provided for analysis by all operating clinicians - surgeons, endoscopists and other doctors.

Many medical specialties can belong to both the therapeutic and surgical groups, for example, a dentist: he can be a general practitioner and an oral and maxillofacial surgeon.

Specialties, universities and Unified State Exam subjects

To become a doctor, you need to enter a medical school, where you will have to gnaw on the granite of science for 6 years. At least two more years will be spent on residency training - this is necessary to obtain a narrow specialization.

To enter, in addition to the mandatory Russian language and mathematics, you will also need results from chemistry (it is sometimes replaced by physics - this depends on the priorities of the university).

There are medical universities in all regions of Russia. The rankings according to different versions traditionally include several medical universities*:

  1. Siberian State Medical University (Tomsk).
  2. (Faculty of Fundamental Medicine).
  3. (Faculty of Medicine).

*The list does not reflect the positions of medical universities in various rankings - it includes regular participants in international and Russian rankings.

At the end of the last year, the graduate receives a specialist diploma in one of three major areas:

Since 2017, internship has been replaced by primary accreditation, which includes assessment of practical skills, testing, and solving situational problems. Having successfully completed it, a graduate of a medical university can immediately go to work in primary care medical institutions (outpatient clinics, clinics, health centers, day hospitals) and engage in medical practice. To obtain a more narrow specialization, you will have to enroll in residency.

During his entire career, a doctor must undergo accreditation every 5 years. To do this, it is not enough to simply pass the test - in the intervals between exams, the doctor is required to participate in conferences and master classes, and take advanced training courses. This process is called continuing medical education (CME). Scientific and professional activity is recorded by accruing points. If in 5 years the doctor does not collect the required number of them, then he will not pass accreditation and will not receive permission to further work.

The advantages of CME for patients are obvious - the doctor does not stop in his professional development. The disadvantages primarily concern doctors from the outback - doctors from remote settlements do not always have the time and extra funds to travel to conferences and seminars in large cities.

Currently, doctors of several specialties are especially in demand on the labor market:

  • therapists- admit patients in a clinic or treat them in a hospital;
  • surgeons- deal with invasive manipulations and operations, as well as severe injuries, fractures, etc.;
  • pediatricians- treat children, including newborns;
  • obstetricians and gynecologists- specialize in women's diseases, care for pregnant women, and deliver babies;
  • psychiatrists- help with mental disorders;
  • pathologists- examine tissue samples from living patients and determine the cause of death;
  • dentists- help patients with problems with teeth and gums;
  • functional diagnostic doctors- examine patients using equipment (ultrasound, MRI, CT, endoscopy, etc.).

In recent years, the training of family doctors who have universal medical knowledge and skills in therapy, cardiology, pediatrics, surgery and gynecology has been actively developing. Such a doctor not only conducts an examination and prescribes treatment, but also performs minor operations and can deliver babies. Of course, the profession of a family doctor requires a high level of knowledge and practical skills.


The range of professional responsibilities of a doctor depends on the chosen specialty, but both therapists and surgeons must:

  1. Conduct an examination and interview of the patient.
  2. Establish a preliminary diagnosis.
  3. Refer the patient for necessary laboratory and instrumental studies.
  4. Make a final diagnosis.
  5. Prescribe treatment or transfer the patient to a specialist.
  6. Monitor the progress of therapy or carry out surgical treatment.
  7. Supervise the patient throughout his stay in hospital or outpatient treatment.
  8. Record all observations in the medical record and issue sick leave certificates.
  9. Upon discharge, give recommendations on further treatment and prevention of complications.
  10. Register a patient if he has a chronic disease or monitor his condition if he is at risk.

Who is the profession suitable for?

A doctor is one of the few professions in which one must go solely by vocation. In addition, a doctor cannot do without such personal qualities as:

  • sharp mind and ability to analyze;
  • good memory;
  • the ability to quickly make decisions and bear responsibility for their consequences;
  • stress resistance;
  • humanity and sympathy for human pain;
  • tact;
  • the ability to find a common language with the patient and his relatives;
  • patience and endurance.

To become a doctor and a respected specialist, you must have altruistic inclinations. The need for medical care does not follow a strict schedule - you will often have to sacrifice personal time and plans. At the same time, the profession of a doctor has such significant disadvantages as:

  • low wages;
  • the constant burden of responsibility for the lives of other people;
  • costs of time and effort associated with the need for constant training.


Doctors receive the highest salaries in Russia in Moscow and the region, Magadan and the Far North, the lowest in Kabardino-Balkaria. The spread, according to Rosstat, is quite large - from 40 to 176 thousand rubles. However, these statistics, to put it mildly, are overly optimistic, because in small cities or towns doctors usually earn 12-15,000 rubles. per month.

Pay often depends on the region: where living conditions are harsh, doctors earn from 137 to 176 thousand rubles. Less than 30 thousand rubles constitutes the income of doctors in the Altai Territory, Astrakhan, Tula, Voronezh regions, and Chuvashia. The salary is slightly higher in Yekaterinburg and the Krasnodar Territory - 32 thousand rubles.

In vacancies on employment sites, the average monthly salary of a doctor, depending on specialization, is:

How to build a career

Promotion in a government agency can be vertical or horizontal. In the first case, the doctor occupies an administrative position, and in the second, he receives a higher qualification.

A career can also be built in science if you have an interest and ability for research. Knowledge, talent and experience will help a simple university teacher or practicing doctor become not only the head of a department or dean of a faculty, but also a medical luminary of international level.

Prospects for the profession

The world has stepped into the third millennium, but the profession of a doctor has been and remains promising and in demand. Life constantly poses new challenges for humanity, and it will be up to the current and future generations of doctors to ensure that everyone has enough health to solve them.

The profession of a doctor is consistently among the. At the same time, it is useful in the highest sense of the word, and interesting in its own way, and promising in terms of earnings. In a market economy, a highly qualified doctor can easily get a job in a private clinic, where he will be provided with all the conditions for comfortable work.

Sounds tempting, right? Don't flatter yourself. Not just anyone can become a successful doctor.

Is it your calling to heal people?

Children who have good grades in chemistry and biology at school most often go to study to become doctors. Abilities in these disciplines really matter for a future physician. However, the matter does not end there.

They must be accompanied by certain personal qualities:

  • love for people;
  • the ability to communicate easily and explain complex things simply;
  • lack of disgust;
  • psychological stability.

The last point is of particular importance. Seeing suffering all the time is scary. Inflicting pain (even in the name of salvation) is difficult. Almost every doctor suffers from symptoms of professional burnout at some point in their career.

Psychological stability is also important due to the fact that every doctor has a colossal responsibility: the slightest mistake in diagnosis can lead to a person’s death.

The doctor himself must certainly be in good health. His work requires constant tension, and this, in turn, contributes to rapid fatigue. The work of doctors who work irregular hours or in shifts is especially difficult.

The modern doctor needs to be inquisitive. Medicine does not stand still; Every year some discoveries are made - albeit local, but fundamentally significant for a practicing specialist.

Features of becoming a doctor

It takes a very long time to study to become a doctor—six compulsory years plus at least two more years of internship, practice, and residency.

At first, the future specialist comprehends the theoretical foundations of the profession - biology, histology, chemistry, Latin, physiology and anatomy. Studying isn't always fun. Sometimes you have to cram painfully. The doctor must know not only the location of all the bones and muscles, but also all the dimples, protrusions, and irregularities on the bones and muscles.

In the second year, the practical part begins - students work in clinics as junior medical staff (caring for bedridden patients, carrying out ducks, being on duty). Practice takes a lot of time and effort.

From the third year onwards, the clinical disciplines themselves are studied; in accordance with any of them, you can choose a residency. At this time, most students, on their own initiative, work part-time in an ambulance or in a hospital.

Even when a doctor begins to see patients, he has to undergo advanced training courses from time to time.

Where can a doctor work?

Either in a public hospital or a commercial clinic. See specific advertisements for current vacancies by specialization.

The profession of a doctor appeared a very long time ago. It can be safely called the same age as humanity, because people have always sought to get rid of the discomfort or inconvenience that is a consequence of diseases. Later, with the emergence of religion, the functions of a doctor began to be concentrated in the hands of healers. It was believed that only by possessing a gift from above is it possible to help get rid of an illness (by the way, the word “doctor” translated from Slavic means “speaker” or “wizard”). But years later, it became obvious that certain knowledge and skills are required for a successful treatment process. And today many people, even those not connected with medicine, know the names of such outstanding healers of their time, such as Hippocrates, Asclepiads, Celsus, Avicenna and many others.

In Assyria, Babylonia, Egypt, as well as in China and India, healers discovered more and more new methods of healing. And the advent of writing made it possible to preserve these invaluable discoveries for subsequent generations.

Around the 17th century, medicine began to develop more dynamically. And in our time, the level of training of specialists has increased significantly, and the healthcare system has become more advanced. The work of a doctor already implies the opportunity not only to heal the disease, but also to prevent its occurrence, if possible.

This profession has a number of specializations, for example, pediatrician. Thanks to the development of pediatrics (a field of medicine that deals with the study and treatment of childhood diseases), it is now possible to prevent diseases that previously caused the death of children. A pediatrician is the first medical professional a child meets, which means he has a special responsibility.

Main activities of a doctor

First of all, this is to identify the causes that cause various diseases. The doctor is also responsible for providing timely, qualified care. This includes carrying out diagnostic measures and treating patients in a hospital setting, as well as the study and implementation of new drugs and treatment methods. Moreover, this profession requires mandatory sanitary education work among citizens. In the fight against alcoholism, drug use and smoking, the help of medical workers cannot be overestimated.

Personal qualities

First of all, love for people is necessary. Of course, a specialist can receive an excellent education, but without this quality, he will never become a good doctor. The willingness of a medical worker to help a person is important, regardless of his social status and income.

In addition, a person who chooses this difficult profession must be ready to devote his time, energy and skills for the benefit of people. This means that one of the main qualities should be selflessness. Another special feature of the doctor’s profession is that he must have a high degree of self-control. Since situations vary, it is important to remember that the calmness of a medical worker and his confidence in a positive outcome cannot but affect the patient.

This profession requires sensitivity and special attention to patients. It is in this case that the doctor will be able to notice even minor symptoms of the disease. Courage will also be required, because often it is doctors who have to be, as they say, in the thick of things. After all, medical workers, on duty, have to work in epidemic areas, care for the sick, risking infection, and carry out many other actions associated with risks to life and health. You will also need the ability to quickly make decisions and the willingness to bear responsibility for them.

Curiosity and hard work can also be called defining for this profession. After all, emerging new developments and technologies do not bypass medicine. It is very important to keep up with the times and introduce new progressive treatment methods. This is probably especially important in relation to a dentist, since in this area the influence of scientific and technological progress is most noticeable.

Education (what you need to know?)

This profession requires a higher specialized education. In Russian medical universities, future doctors study for 6 years. Then he undergoes internship training, where each doctor pays special attention to his chosen specialization for one year. Subsequently, the doctor must periodically continue training in various advanced training and specialization courses.

Place of work and career

The main advantage of the medical profession is its demand. Good specialists are needed always and everywhere; for example, dentists are in high demand. This means that finding a job is not a problem. Of course, public medical institutions are still one of the main places of employment, but with the emergence of an increasing number of private medical institutions, there is an opportunity to work there as well. This is often much more prestigious and more profitable in material terms. Professional doctors are also in high demand in research institutes.

If we talk about a career, then, as a rule, in most cases it comes down to improving one’s own qualifications. Or you can open your own private clinic.

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