Who is a philanthropist? What does he do? The most famous philanthropists in the world. The meaning of the word "patron"

Patron of the Arts, Guy Tsilny
(Gaius Cilnius Maecenas)
(c. 70-8 BC), prominent Roman statesman, patron of the arts. The patron came from a wealthy family and was proud of his Etruscan origin (Tsilnius was his maternal name, since that was the customary name for the Etruscans). Nothing is known about the youth of Maecenas, but starting from the Battle of Philippi he was invariably under Octavian, the future Emperor Augustus, true friend and whose adviser he remained until the end of his life. In 40 and 38 BC. Octavian sent him with important assignments to Anthony, Maecenas contributed to the conclusion of the Tarentine agreement between them in 37 BC. During his absence in Rome (in 36-33 and 31-29 BC), Octavian retained Maecenas (in the second case, together with Marcus Vipsanias Agrippa). In 23 BC The patron, wanting to save his brother-in-law Aulus Terrentius Varro Murena, made him understand that the conspiracy against Augustus, in which he took part, had been uncovered. Perhaps for this disloyalty he was removed from his position as the second man in the state (he became Agrippa, in whom Augustus saw his successor), but he did not lose Augustus’s friendship. Last years The Maecenas spent his life in the luxury and splendor of his palace on the Esquiline Hill, in the midst of the extensive gardens he laid out. Many works of art were found at this site, and the so-called. The "Patron's Hall" still stands on Merulana Street. It is assumed that this building served as a greenhouse or (more likely) a banquet hall. Dying, Maecenas bequeathed all his property to Augustus, and also entrusted it to the care of Horace, who, however, outlived his benefactor by only two months. The patron also became famous as a patron of writers and an insightful critic, and it was in this capacity that his name became a household name. Virgil, one of the first to enter the circle of Maecenas, attracted here in 38 BC. Horace (in 33 BC Maecenas granted Horace an estate in the Sabine Mountains). It was Maecenas who persuaded the poets to support Octavian and the new. The Epodes, Satires, Odes and Epistles of Horace are dedicated to Maecenas, as are the Georgics of Virgil, written at his direct order. Later, Propertius, the author of elegies, also joined this circle. Horace speaks of Maecenas as a simple and sincere person. The patron himself wrote both prose (criticized by later Roman authors) and poetry, but only fragments of his works have survived.
Polonskaya K.P. Roman poets of the era of the Augustan Principate. M., 1963

Collier's Encyclopedia. - Open Society. 2000 .


See what "MACENATE" is in other dictionaries:

    - [lat., proper name. Maecenas (Maecenatis)] rich patron of the sciences or arts. Wed. SPONSOR. Dictionary foreign words. Komlev N.G., 2006. PAINTER Roman nobleman, patron learned poets. Now generally a nobleman, patron of education.... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    See patron... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. philanthropist, benefactor, patron; sponsor Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    Named after the wealthy Roman patrician Gaius Cilnius Maecenas (between 74 and 64 8 BC), who patronized artists and poets. His attention and generosity to people of art were glorified in their poems by the Roman poets Horace, Virgil, Propertius and others... Dictionary winged words and expressions

    Maecenas, Guy Tsilniy; Maecenas, Gaius Cilnius, 70 8 BC e., Roman statesman and writer. He came from an aristocratic Etruscan family from Arretium (modern Arezzo), although his father’s family had already lived in Rome for several generations in a row and ... Ancient writers

    A person who contributes free of charge to the development of science and art, providing them with material assistance from personal funds. Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001... Dictionary of business terms

    - (Maecenas) (between 74 and 64 8 BC), a close associate of the Roman Emperor Augustus, who carried out his diplomatic, political, and private assignments. His patronage of poets made the name of Maecenas a household name... Modern encyclopedia

    PAINTER, philanthropist, husband. (bookish and ironic). A wealthy patron of the arts and sciences. (Name of a wealthy Roman patrician of the Augustan era). Dictionary Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    PAINTER, huh, husband. Wealthy patron of the arts and sciences; in general, one who patronizes what n. business, undertaking. Sports patrons. | wives philanthropist, etc. | adj. philanthropist, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (Maecenas). Roman horseman, friend and adviser to Emperor Augustus, patron of Horace and Virgil. Died in 8 BC. (

The issue of patronage interests many. And first of all, this applies to those who want to help people. At this stage, the division of activities into sponsorship and patronage begins.

The most famous patrons of the arts

The first philanthropist in history was Guy Tsilniy Maecenas. It was his name that eventually became a household name and provided the basis for the emergence of the term “philanthropy.” He became famous for his unshakable faith in people of art. When others turned away from the poets out of fear of the emperor, Maecenas continued to protect them and provide all possible support. The patron was not the only one who provided support creative people, but he was the first who remained faithful to the end.

During the Middle Ages, the tradition of patronage was continued by many famous houses. For example, the Medici family patronized artists, musicians and poets of the Renaissance. Perhaps thanks to the help of the Cornaro family, Venice became so beautiful, because they provided all kinds of assistance to writers, artists and sculptors. The house of Cornaro ordered numerous statues from them.

The manifestation of philanthropy in Russia was interesting. Prince Vladimir the Great was at the origins of philanthropy.

A.S. is considered the first recognized philanthropist in Russia. Stroganov. The count was one of the largest landowners and, moreover, a traveler. This is what allowed him to collect large collection coins and stones. Thanks to his support, I. Krylov and G. Derzhavin created.

The Demidov family became famous, among other things, for its patronage of Moscow University and the establishment of special scholarships for children from low-income families.

Among the scandalous patrons of art in Russia, Count Sheremetyev can be distinguished. His marriage to his own serf was able to glorify the count no worse than other actions. The hospice house in Moscow was founded thanks to Count Sheremetyev.

The 19th century was a bright period of philanthropy. It was at this time that the most famous modern collections came together.

One of the outstanding patrons of the arts was P.M. Tretyakov and his brother S.M. Tretyakov. Thanks to them, in the 19th century one of the unique collection painting. The Tretyakov merchants were not very rich by the standards of that time, but their love of painting and frugality bore fruit. P.M. Tretyakov spent about a million rubles on works of art, a fabulous sum of that time. It is with light hand Tretyakov brothers, the famous Tretyakov Gallery appeared.

A relative of the Tretyakovs (S.I. Mamontov) was one of the philanthropists of that time, he invested money in the development of theater and painting.

Today, patronage of the arts is only being revived after the events of the revolution and time Soviet Union. However, we can say with confidence that this fashionable hobby is returning. Examples include the companies OJSC Gazprom, JSC Lukoil, CB Alfa Bank, as well as the president of Interross V. Potanin or O.V. Deripaska, founder charitable foundation"Free business."

Difference between patron and sponsor

A philanthropist is a person who completely selflessly helps people creative professions. Sponsors perform the same actions, but adjusted for interest. As a rule, the names of sponsors are quite well known, while patrons often remain unknown to the general public.

  • A philanthropist is a person who contributes on a voluntary and free basis to the development of science and art, providing them with material assistance from personal funds.

    The name comes from the name of the nobleman Gaius Cilnius Maecenas (Mekenata; lat. Gaius Cilnius Maecenas), who was a patron of the arts under Emperor Augustus. As a confidant of the Emperor Octavian Augustus, he conducted state affairs without holding any official position, but being, together with Agrippa, the most influential assistant of Augustus and taking the most active part in all the actions of the emperor to organize the state and consolidate power. In his relations with Augustus, he was free from servility and ingratiation and expressed his views with complete freedom, often completely opposite to the plans of the emperor.

    Magazine "World of Arts"

    Over time, wealthy patrons of culture, art and science began to be called patrons of the arts. Many of them entered the history of culture along with outstanding artists, writers, actors, because they contributed to the development of their creativity, the prosperity of art, and the introduction of the broad masses to the best cultural achievements. As a shining example patronage of the arts can be cited by the Medici family, whose representatives from the 13th to the 18th centuries repeatedly became the rulers of Florence. They gained greatest fame as sponsors of the most outstanding geniuses of the Renaissance.

    Another example is the dynasty of bankers and public figures Rothschilds, who throughout the 20th century had greatest fortune in modern world history. They began their ascent to upper strata society in late XVIII centuries and eventually entangled almost all European courts with their financial network. The story of financial success began with the antique shop of the founder of the Rothschild dynasty, Mayer Amschel. Having saved money, Mayer opened the first Rothschild bank, where it was possible to exchange the money of some German principalities for others, exchange and sell coins and medals, antiques. Over time, this trend has only strengthened - to mid-19th century, the Rothschilds invested half of their assets in works of art. On the one hand, these investments provided a good fund for the family in case of shock, and on the other hand, they characterized the Rothschilds not so much as accumulators of wealth, but also as people capable of appreciating beauty.

    The development of philanthropy in Russia began in the 18th century, and in the second half of the 19th century it flourished. Wonderful collections of Russian and Western monuments were collected in country noble estates and city palaces. European art, extensive libraries. Among the famous Russian philanthropists are Mamontov, Morozov, Ryabushinsky, Bakhrushin and the Tretyakovs.

If you are on this page, it means you love Clever words and phrases. As a rule, the history of origin (etymology) is quite simple.

It consists of several Latin or Greek words. But the same cannot be said about the word “Patron”. This is exactly what we will talk about right now.

Who is a philanthropist

Maecenas is a person who provides free assistance from his own funds for the development of science and art.

An interesting fact is that this beautiful word comes from a common name. This was the name of Gaius Cilnius Maecenas, a wealthy Roman who, during his reign, provided all possible support to the art of that time.

Contemporaries spoke of him as a very worthy husband. He never sycophantized or groveled before the rulers, although he was an extremely wealthy man.

Without holding any official position, Maecenas was one of the most influential people under Emperor Augustus. It was thanks to him that many projects to organize the Roman Empire were implemented and brought great benefit country.

Actually, after Maecenas went down in history as the patron of any creative aspirations, patrons began to be called everyone who supported science and art from their own pockets.

It is interesting that many philanthropists are famous along with those whom they supported. An example is the oligarchic Medici family, who regularly became rulers of Florence from the 13th to the 18th centuries.

History knows them mainly because they were key sponsors of many outstanding geniuses.

Patronage began to develop in the 18th century. The second half of the 19th century became a golden time for. In the rich country houses influential nobles could be seen unique monuments Russian and European art, as well as extensive libraries.

Well, now you know who the patrons are. To remember this word, just use it a couple of times in conversation.

For example, you will see how a young father buys his offspring paints for painting. Don't miss the chance to joke:

- Yes, my friend, you are a philanthropist!

Now you will associate the word philanthropist with charity in favor of art and science, and not just with the name of the Roman figure Gaius Cilnius Maecenas.

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philanthropist, m. (book and ironic). A wealthy patron of the arts and sciences. (Name of a wealthy Roman patrician of the Augustan era).

View value Maecenas in other dictionaries

Patron M.— 1. A wealthy patron of the sciences and arts.
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Maecenas- -A; m. Knizhn. A wealthy patron of the arts and sciences. Rich, generous m. Patronage of a philanthropist.
◁ Maecenas, -i; and. Maecenassky, oh, oh. M. whim. My generosity. M-th........
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Maecenas- a selfless patron who promotes the development of science and art by allocating material resources for it
assistance from personal funds.
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Maecenas— This term is widely used in many European countries, but not in English speaking countries. It comes from the name of Guy Maecenas, who was an important figure in the early period........
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Maecenas— - a disinterested patron who allocates material assistance from personal funds for the development of science and art.
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Maecenas- (Maecenas) (between 74 and 64-8 BC) - in Dr. In Rome, a close associate of Emperor Augustus, who carried out his diplomatic, political, and private assignments. His patronage........
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Maecenas— - a wealthy patron of the sciences and arts, a sponsor of something, named after a Roman rich man who lived in the 1st century. BC e., which became famous for its patronage and material support of poets and artists.
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Maecenas- Gaius Cilnius Maecenas (p. between 74-64 - died in 8 BC) - close imp. Augusta. Never holding government positions. positions, performed important political and diplomatic positions for Augustus........
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Maecenas- (Maecenas). Roman horseman, friend and adviser to Emperor Augustus, patron of Horace and Virgil. Died in 8 BC.
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