Who is Tatyana Drobysh, biography, age, personal life, children, photos? Tatyana Drobysh: biography and activities Moving and new projects.

Victor Drobysh – famous composer and producer, National artist Russia. Victor collaborated with many Russian stars, including Alexander Ivanov, Stas Piekha, Valeria, Grigory Leps, Nastasya Samburskaya and many others.


Viktor Yakovlevich Drobysh was born on June 27, 1966 in the city of Kolino into an ordinary St. Petersburg family of middle income. The parents were immigrants from Belarus, the father, Yakov Yakovlevich, was a professional turner, and the mother, Nadezhda Nikolaevna, was a pediatrician.

Victor's passion for music arose at an early age - at the age of five, the boy told his parents that he wanted to take up music and learn to play the piano.
Vitya’s entire family, except for his father, was against this decision - at that time, a piano was as expensive as a car, and the parents could not afford such an expensive purchase. However, the boy’s father decided to take out a loan and bought his son an instrument.

At the age of 6, in parallel with secondary school, Vitya went to music school. At the age of 11, the boy began to actively perform at the House of Culture.

After graduating secondary school in 1981, Victor applied for a piano class at the Leningrad Conservatory. Rimsky-Korsakov. From this moment on, Victor begins active promotion in his musical career.

Carier start

The beginning musical career Drobysh is considered to be his participation in the group “Earthlings”. Igor Romanov, the guitarist of this group, once heard the young man play the piano and offered to take the role of keyboard player in his band.

Victor immediately agreed, and what followed was a tour of the then popular group throughout Russia. But then “Earthlings” was already on the verge of collapse, so the musician did not collaborate with the group for long.

After the collapse of "Earthlings" Igor Romanov created new group called “Union”, where Drobysh was again invited. There he played the keyboard for four years, managing to give a concert in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Then Igor and Victor created a new group “St. Petersburg”, where Victor acted not only as a keyboard player, but also as a songwriter. In 1990, Victor joined the “Lost and Found” team, which was soon renamed “Pushking”.


In 1996, a German recording studio became interested in the musician, and the singer decided to move to Germany. There he works with the groups “Culture Beat” and “No Angels”. Victor receives recognition from foreign audiences thanks to the production of the group “BG The Prince Of Rap”, which has been at the top of many European charts for several years.

Then Victor moves to Germany, where he actively collaborates with the newly minted team “Pets”. Their composition “DaDiDam” brought the composer the German Golden Disc Award.

Victor also worked at the Finnish-Russian radio station Sputnik, where he is still vice president.

Return to Russia

In 2002, Victor decides to return to his homeland, where he begins active cooperation with the stars of the Russian stage.

The song “All My Love”, performed at the World Music Awards by singer Kristina Orbakaite, brought her first success upon returning to Russia.

Further collaboration with Christina continued, Drobysh wrote the songs “Love That Is No More” and “Just Loving You,” which Orbakaite performed together with Abraham Russo. The composition “Love That Is No More” brought Victor the “Song of the Year” and “Golden Gramophone” awards.

IN next year the composer again receives the Golden Gramophone, this time for the hit “Chasiki” written for Valeria.
Also, to the list of Victor’s hit compositions you can add the songs “I don’t believe you” by Grigory Leps and Irina Allegrova, “I Know”, “Tender, Sinful” by Abraham Russo, “Encore Love” by Alexander Rosenbaum, “Deified Soul” by Larisa Dolina, “Country love”, “My Beloved”, “The Body Wants Love” by Valeria, “Loneliness”, “Me and You” by Slava, “If it weren’t for you” by Stas Mikhailov, “I Still Love” by Tina Karol and many others.

In 2004, Victor became a co-producer of Star Factory-4. In the summer of the same year, the celebrity created the “Viktor Drobysh Production Center”. The project began to promote former members“Factory”, among which were Stas Piekha, Natalya Podolskaya, the group “Tutsi” and others.

Together with Natalya Podolskaya, Victor records the song “Nobody Hurt No One”, which brings Natalya victory in the national selection for singing competition Eurovision in 2005.

A year later, Victor takes on the production of the sixth season of “Star Factory”. In the same year, the producer took the post of General Producer of the National Music Corporation. In 2010, Drobysh received the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

The year 2012 is marked by Victor’s collaboration with Buranovskie Babushki. He wrote the composition “Party for Everybody” for the group, which brought the performers second place in the competition.

In the same year, he took part in the first season of the “Battle of the Choirs”, where he was the mentor of a group from Novosibirsk, which was among the three finalists. Victor did not select the participants, but took a ready-made choir from the singer Laima Vaikule, who, due to a busy tour schedule, did not have time for the guys from Novosibirsk.

IN next season Drobysh was given a rock choir from St. Petersburg, which also reached the finals of the show and took second place, losing the victory to the choir from Krasnodar.

In 2015, in Belarus, Victor was awarded the honorary Order of Francis Skaryna.

On this moment Victor produces new star Aleskandra Ivanova, better known under his creative pseudonym IVAN. Alexander will perform at Eurovision 2017 from Belarus.

Personal life

Throughout his life, Viktor Drobysh was married twice.
The composer married for the first time at the age of 20 to the poetess from Finland Elena Stuf. In 1987, the young couple had their first child, who was named Valery. In 1999, Elena and Victor had a second son, whom they decided to name Ivan.

2002 was a turning point for the family. Drobysh was offered to return to Russia. Victor accepted the offer, but his wife said that she was not going to move.

The composer returned to his homeland, but his wife and two sons remained in Finland. The distance had a negative impact on the couple's relationship, and in 2004 the couple filed for divorce. The couple still have friendly relations, Victor takes an active part in raising children.

In the fall of 2007, through mutual friends, the producer met his future beloved Tatyana Nusinova. A couple of weeks after the first meeting, the composer confessed his feelings to Tatyana and offered to marry him. The lovers legalized their relationship in the summer of 2008.

Two years later, their common daughter Lydia was born, and in 2011 Daniel was born. From ex-husband Nusinova has a son, Anton, with whom Victor is on good terms.

At a party with friends, paying attention to beautiful blonde, Victor Drobysh publicly declared: “This is my wife.” And only later did everyone realize that the famous producer was not going to joke at all.


The program “About the Most Important Thing” with Tatyana Drobysh, which aired on TV screens, raised the question among many about whether the TV presenter was a relative of the famous producer.

Tatyana was born in 1969 into an ordinary average family. Parents Zhanna Nikolaevna and Valery Mikhailovich tried to support their daughter in everything, thanks to them she graduated from the Plekhanov School and received an excellent profession as an interior designer. Almost immediately after receiving her diploma, she marries the then aspiring businessman Alexei Nusinov. They were both young, full of strength and optimism, Alexey had just begun to develop his own car sales company, which later took the place of one of the leading companies in this area. Both Tatyana Drobysh (then Nusinova) and her first husband worked very productively, acquiring good capital over time, but gradually mutual feelings began to weaken, and the couple broke up. From her first marriage, Tatyana has a son, Anton Nusinov.

Meeting your future husband

“Everything in our life is no coincidence; if I had not separated from my husband then, I would not have met Victor on my way,” says Tatyana Drobysh. The biography of the owner of a printing business, TV presenter and model shows that she is also an exemplary wife in all respects. The acquaintance took place on September 1, 2007, with friends, where Victor stopped by for a short time. Many guests have already gathered at the table, most of them girls. Taking a quick glance at them, the producer immediately singled out Tanya. She differed from everyone else by a certain sadness in her eyes, which is characteristic of a subtle, vulnerable, but at the same time intelligent and strong spirit women. And then something amazing happened: a noisy joker by nature, and a man without complexes, Viktor Drobysh, felt an internal pressure that appeared out of nowhere, stiffness and even embarrassment. He was so confused that when he left, he didn’t take the girl’s phone number; he had to later look for her through friends and acquaintances.

Happy together

Having lived for many years in previous marriages, Victor and Tatyana Drobysh both broke up with their “exes”. And they decided to build a new marriage, strictly taking into account all past mistakes. To get to know the girl better, the producer invited her to a festival in Sochi. After the trip, the romance began to develop rapidly, and a trip to visit friends in Finland became decisive - Tatyana received a marriage proposal. Then there was a trip to Victor’s mother in America. Here in Las Vegas it was possible to register on the same day, after signing, the couple had a rehearsal for their future wedding. Already in Moscow on June 21, 2008, the marriage was formalized. Victor and Tatyana Drobysh celebrated their celebration in one of the most luxurious restaurants. The biography indicates that at that time Victor already had two sons from his first marriage. Valery turned 19 years old, and youngest son Ivan was 9 years old at that time.

Since then, Victor has not left Tanya for a single day, he has a very busy schedule, but he always finds an hour or two to spend time with the woman he loves. Now he categorically refuses all offers to take a steam bath or go fishing, which practically never happened before, and if he agrees, it’s only for a joint trip with his wife.

Smart and beautiful

In her new marriage, Tatyana Drobysh showed herself not only as caring wife and a hospitable housewife, but also like a mother. In 2010, she and Victor had a daughter, Lilia, followed immediately by a son, Daniel, in 2011. The couple is connected by truly reverent and sincere feelings; they try to appear together everywhere, and this suggests that previous bitter experience can also be useful.

Now Tatyana Drobysh is a TV presenter, an active personality and quite independent woman With aristocratic appearance. At her age, she has a slender and fit figure, she always monitors her style, not allowing even a hint of vulgarity in it. It's nice to look at her, it's nice to talk to her. Tatyana Drobysh somehow only for her in a known way managed to retain spontaneity and an external naturalness that is so rare in our time. Having given birth to three children and reaching the age of 48, Tatyana looks simply flawless. She currently works on television, where she hosts one of the columns in the program “About the Most Important Things”.

The program “About the Most Important Thing” with Tatyana Drobysh, which aired on TV screens, raised the question among many about whether the TV presenter was a relative of the famous producer.

Tatyana was born in 1969 into an ordinary average family. Parents Zhanna Nikolaevna and Valery Mikhailovich tried to support their daughter in everything, thanks to them she graduated from the Plekhanov School and received an excellent profession as an interior designer. Almost immediately after receiving her diploma, she marries the then aspiring businessman Alexei Nusinov. They were both young, full of strength and optimism, Alexey had just begun to develop his own car sales company, which later took the place of one of the leading companies in this area. Both Tatyana Drobysh (then Nusinova) and her first husband worked very productively, acquiring good capital over time, but gradually mutual feelings began to weaken, and the couple broke up. From her first marriage, Tatyana has a son, Anton Nusinov.

Meeting your future husband

“Everything in our life is no coincidence; if I had not separated from my husband then, I would not have met Victor on my way,” says Tatyana Drobysh. The biography of the owner of a printing business, TV presenter and model shows that she is also an exemplary wife in all respects. The acquaintance took place on September 1, 2007, with friends, where Victor dropped in for a short while. Many guests have already gathered at the table, most of them girls. Taking a quick glance at them, the producer immediately singled out Tanya. She differed from everyone else by a certain sadness in her eyes, which is typical for a delicate, vulnerable, but at the same time intelligent and strong-willed woman. And then something amazing happened: a noisy joker by nature, and a man without complexes, Viktor Drobysh, felt an internal pressure that appeared out of nowhere, stiffness and even embarrassment. He was so confused that when he left, he didn’t take the girl’s phone number; he had to later look for her through friends and acquaintances.


Happy together

Having lived for many years in previous marriages, Victor and Tatyana Drobysh both broke up with their “exes”. And they decided to build a new marriage, strictly taking into account all past mistakes. To get to know the girl better, the producer invited her to a festival in Sochi. After the trip, the romance began to develop rapidly, and a trip to visit friends in Finland became decisive - Tatyana received a marriage proposal.

That was a trip to visit Victor’s mother in America. Here in Las Vegas it was possible to register on the same day, after signing, the couple had a rehearsal for their future wedding. Already in Moscow on June 21, 2008, the marriage was formalized. Victor and Tatyana Drobysh celebrated their celebration in one of the most luxurious restaurants. The biography indicates that at that time Victor already had two sons from his first marriage. Valery turned 19 years old, and the youngest son Ivan was 9 years old at that time.

Since then, Victor has not left Tanya for a single day, he has a very busy schedule, but he always finds an hour or two to spend time with the woman he loves. Now he categorically refuses all offers to take a steam bath or go fishing, which practically never happened before, and if he agrees, it’s only for a joint trip with his wife.

Smart and beautiful

In her new marriage, Tatyana Drobysh proved herself not only as a caring wife and hospitable housewife, but also as a mother. In 2010, she and Victor had a daughter, Lilia, followed immediately by a son, Daniel, in 2011. The couple is connected by truly reverent and sincere feelings; they try to appear together everywhere, and this suggests that previous bitter experience can also be useful.

Now Tatyana Drobysh is a TV presenter, an active personality and a completely independent woman with an aristocratic appearance.

At her age, she has a slender and fit figure, always monitors her style, not allowing even a hint of vulgarity in it. It's nice to look at her, it's nice to talk to her. Tatyana Drobysh, in some way known only to her, managed to retain spontaneity and an external naturalness that is so rare in our time. Having given birth to three children and reaching the age of 48, Tatyana looks simply flawless. She currently works on television, where she hosts one of the columns in the program “About the Most Important Things”.

Met and confused

Tatyana Nusinova (after her first husband) graduated from the Plekhanov Academy, acquiring the profession of interior designer. After graduating from the institute, she married businessman Alexei Nusinov.

Tall, beautiful Tatyana worked in the modeling business, was also the owner of a printing company.

From her first marriage she had a son, Anton. They met Viktor Drobysh through mutual friends in 2007. According to Victor Drobysh, their friends specially arranged the meeting, they deliberately matched them. At the same time, they told Victor that the girl was wildly beautiful and he simply had no chance. He, not hoping for anything, bought a melon and went to visit.

Seeing Tatyana, he was stunned - he had to take it! And, as he himself admits, he was confused. He literally lost the power of speech, which had never happened to him before. A friend helped him out, he was connected with musical affairs, they kept up a conversation about show business.

That evening, Victor did not dare to take Tatyana’s phone number, and later found it out from mutual friends.

He called and invited her to accompany her to the Five Stars festival in Sochi. Tatyana offered to take with her her son and the same friend who smoothed out the awkwardness so well when we first met.

Tatiana’s son recalls his first meeting with his future stepfather: “ My mother and I arrived in Sochi, and suddenly I saw that Drobysh was coming!" As it turned out, Anton closely followed the “Star Factory” and knew the popular producer very well by sight.

“Suddenly I see him coming up to us,” Anton recalls, I didn’t understand anything at all. And then my mother introduces me to Victor.”

The relationship between the young people developed rapidly. The wedding took place in 2008, and in 2010 Tatyana gave birth to a daughter, Lydia. In 21011, a son, Daniel, appeared in the Drobysh family.

In addition to her main responsibility - mother and keeper of the hearth, Tatyana tried the role of a TV presenter. The phenomenon of a woman born in 1986, who always looks 25 years old, could not go unnoticed by television personalities.

She led the column “ The secret of her youth"in the TV program" About the most important thing", which is dedicated healthy image life. She became a reference point for housewives, and the advice that guests gave in her column aroused great interest and trust.

Everyone is responsible for their own

Victor and Tatyana complement each other. In an interview, the producer admitted: “ I'm a lousy businessman" Tatyana believes that a man’s financial success largely depends on his other half.

In this regard, the spouses literally found each other. Victor admits to being too soft, for example, in relation to raising children. "T Atyana, on the contrary, is such a strict teacher", he says.

Judging by the fact that Drobysh’s work, fame and successful projects are only increasing, we can say that Tatyana copes with her function perfectly well. Total The Drobysh couple have five children between them(Tatyana has three, and Victor has four, such funny arithmetic). The children from Victor’s first marriage live in Finland, and Tatiana’s son Anton lives with his mother and her new husband.

Interesting notes:

Today Tatyana is the art director of the production center of Victor Drobysh. He decided so. " I always wanted to hide my wife in a bottle, like a genie, and always carry it with me“he said in an interview.

When asked what should be in the rider, he answers - work ends at eight in the evening, so that he has time to kiss the children before bed.

Harmony reigns in their lives, but this does not mean that they never quarrel. According to Drobysh, they do not quarrel only where the spouses do not care about each other. Drobysh doesn’t understand why his wife needs a hundred thousand different hats, and she doesn’t value his opinion in the field of design at all. Quarrels can break out out of nowhere, but then they remember it with laughter. As Drobysh himself says:

“In a word, our life flows in all possible colors, but the most important thing is that any family squabbles do not have the character of a tragedy for us.”


Tatyana Drobysh studied at Plekhanov University in her youth. She graduated and became an interior designer. Almost immediately after graduating from the institute, the young girl became the wife of Alexei Nusinov, an aspiring businessman. Tatiana was studying modeling business. She changed it to the image of a TV presenter. Works on a Russian women's program. In her new role, she achieved amazing success, becoming the favorite of many housewives. She also owned a printing business. However, it had to be sold. She proved herself to be an independent woman and an active person.


Tatyana Drobysh has a fit and slender figure. She is also distinguished by her aristocratic face. She dresses stylishly and luxuriously. Never crosses the line of vulgarity. Tastes good. Tatiana Drobysh has not only inner beauty, but also external naturalness, as well as spontaneity. She prefers in clothes classic style. Only occasionally he dilutes it with convenient and simple models. If we talk about public appearances and social events, in this case she chooses only exquisite outfits that emphasize slim figure models.


Tatyana Drobysh met her future husband Victor in 2007, on September 1. This happened while visiting mutual friends. At that time, she had just gone through a divorce and bore the surname of her ex-husband - Nusinov. From her previous marriage she has a son, Anton. The woman almost instantly captivated the composer. He read mystery and sadness in the eyes of his future chosen one. Victor was unable to forget this pure face. Having found Tatyana’s contacts, he invited the girl to Sochi. At this moment, their relationship began to actively develop. Victor arranged another one amazing trip, this time to Finland. There he proposed to Tatyana. The woman couldn't resist. Soon she agreed.

The wedding took place in 2008. The bride looked amazing at it. Our heroine today probably has no ill-wishers, since her smile instantly discourages everyone, immediately putting them at ease. She seems to be a person not spoiled by material and secular goods. Proper upbringing influenced her communication with other people. She treats everyone with respect. In marriage, Tatyana became a caring housewife, a cook, and again experienced the joy of motherhood. In 2010, she gave birth to a daughter. She was named Lydia. In 2011, their son Daniel was born. Married couple still share a sincere and reverent relationship. They appear together everywhere, which may indicate harmony in their lives. Now you know who Tatyana Drobysh is. Photos of the model are attached to this material.


Victor Drobysh was born on June 27, 1966 in Kolpino, Leningrad. Graduated from music school School of Music, Conservatory named after. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov in piano class. Victor studied at school No. 467 from 1973 to 1981. At the same time, I went to a children's music school.

He played keyboards in the groups “Soyuz” and “St. Petersburg-2”.

He took part in the creation of the group “Lost and found” (later renamed “Pushking”).

Since 1996 he has worked in Germany. After working in Germany, Victor Drobysh moved to live in Finland, where he created the duet “Pets”.

At the same time, he was vice-president of the Russian-Finnish radio station Sputnik, whose St. Petersburg studio later became Radio Monte Carlo Petersburg.

German record company“Edel Records” awarded Drobysh the “Golden Disc” for the composition DaDiDam, performed by a duet.

Later, when Drobysh returns to Russia, the song YesDiDam will be performed by Kristina Orbakaite, but in Russian.

These are widely known famous works composer as

  • All My Love, performed by Kristina Orbakaite at the World Music Awards in Monte Carlo in May 2002;
  • Love that no longer exists, received national music award“Golden Gramophone” in 2002 (in December 2003, Drobysh was awarded the “Song of the Year” award for it) performed by Kristina Orbakaite and Abraham Russo, as well as
  • just love you, which became a hit with Kristina Orbakaite and Abraham Russo,
  • Valeria's hit Watch, for which Drobysh also received the Golden Gramophone award in 2003, etc.

Star Factory

In 2004, Viktor Drobysh took part as a co-producer in the First Channel musical television project “Star Factory-4”.

In August 2004, the “Viktor Drobysh Production Center” was created, which was engaged in the creative promotion of graduates of “Star Factory-3”: the groups “Tutsi”, “K.G.B.”, as well as such performers as Yulia Mikhalchik, Natalya Podolskaya and Stas Piekha.

In 2006, Drobysh became the music producer of the Sixth Season of the TV project “Star Factory” and also General Producer National Music Corporation, which produces such artists as Stas Piekha, Marta, Natalya Podolskaya, Yulia Mikhalchik, Zara, Sogdiana, Ivanna, Alexey Khvorostyan, Prokhor Shalyapin, Alexander Kireev, as well as the groups “Tutsi”, “K. G.B.", "Chelsea" and "Ultraviolet".

"Battle of the Choirs"

Viktor Drobysh participated in the television project “Battle of the Choirs”, where he was the mentor of a choir from Novosibirsk, which reached the finals, but lost to Yekaterinburg. Unlike his colleagues, he did not select participants in the city, but took ready-made guys from Laima Vaikule, who, due to her busy touring schedule, abandoned the choir. In the new season, he was the mentor of a rock choir from St. Petersburg, which lost in the final to the Krasnodar Territory.

Prizes and awards

  • How music producer and composer Viktor Drobysh pays great attention to working with talented young people making their debut at Russian stage. For this activity he was awarded the Order “For the Revival of Russia in the 21st Century.”
  • By Presidential Decree Russian Federation No. 1637 of December 29, 2010 Viktor Yakovlevich Drobysh was awarded the title Honored Artist of Russia (2010)

Personal life

  • First wife, poetess Elena Stuf
  • two sons: Valery Drobysh (born in 1987) - composer, co-author of his father, and Ivan Drobysh (born in 1999)
  • Second wife since June 21, 2008 Tatyana Drobysh (born 1969), she has a son Anton Nusinov from ex-spouse businessman Alexey Nusinov.
  • Daughter Lydia Drobysh (born May 6, 2010)
  • Son Daniil Drobysh (born December 15, 2011)

Victor Drobysh - photo

Name: Viktor Drobysh

Age: 51 years old

Place of Birth: Saint Petersburg

Height: 177 cm

Weight: 68 kg

Activity: composer and music producer

Family status: married

Victor Drobysh - biography

An unprincipled composer, music producer, who raised many pop stars. He became extremely popular with the advent of show projects on television and earned respect for the fact that he knows how to say what he thinks to his face.

Childhood, family, study

A native Petersburger of Belarusian origin. Drobysh’s family never lived richly, but all the income went to Victor’s parents through their labor. Father is a turner, mother is a doctor. Biography creative personality started with Viktor Yakovlevich. The boy achieved a lot on his own, since the parents and numerous relatives of the future producer did not always approve of all his hobbies.

At the age of five, Victor wanted to learn to play the piano, his father bought his son an instrument, taking out a loan. At the age of 6, the boy independently entered a music school. Then there was a passion for football, a desire to train as a pilot or aircraft designer. Victor is grateful to his father for the persistence with which his father forced his son to complete his studies at music school. Later, the young man decided to enter the Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory in Leningrad.


Drobysh’s independent musical biography began with the group “Zemlyane”, in which he was a keyboard player. The handsome, tall, smiling blond looked very impressive on stage. Victor got into the group under the patronage of guitarist Igor Romanov. The musician could not deny himself the pleasure of having in his team talented composer.

The group was very popular, the musicians toured and had their own audience, but soon broke up. New team with the name “Union” was more successful, the guys released a song album and performed concerts abroad.

Drobysh made new acquaintances, thanks to whom he was offered to leave for Germany. Victor moved with some of his friends, they sold cars, opened their own production business. The German band and pop group that Drobysh promoted were successful on many charts in Europe. He didn’t get what the producer wanted, so he had to leave for Finland.

In Finland

Having moved to a new country, Drobysh got a job at the Russian radio station Sputnik, became its president, actively working as a producer and continuing to write music. New bands, hit compositions, and first awards for song creativity appeared. Having become famous, Victor returned to Russia. IN home country his production activities received appreciation, his first stars were Valeria and Kristina Orbakaite. Their hits spread throughout the CIS. Famous musicians We were looking for an opportunity to collaborate with a successful producer.

A television

The first channel showed what had become popular show“Star Factory” was already in its 4th episode, and Igor Krutoy invited Drobysh to create his own Production Center. The Star Factory-6 project was already under the auspices of Viktor Yakovlevich. The composer had many real hits, with one of them performing at the Eurovision Song Contest “Buranovskie Babushki”. Famous Producer has already celebrated its fiftieth anniversary big concert on the Rossiya channel.

Scandalous producer

Of course, without scandals and cheap PR there is no show business, so all squabbles between stars become the property of the “yellow” press. One of these scandalous stories is the conflict between producer Viktor Drobysh and singer Elena Vaenga. The composer himself does not comment on this scandal. He discreetly announced that the contract with Elena was completed. The fight with Nastasya Samburskaya was a joke, but it pretty much tickled the nerves of Viktor Yakovlevich’s fans.

But sometimes scandalous situations actually arise because Drobysh is used to telling the truth to the faces of his colleagues. Thus, the girl considered the producer’s statement about Olga Buzova’s creativity and abilities as an insult to her.

Victor Drobysh - personal life

Drobysh is not an ideal family man. The first time his biography of his personal life began was at the age of 20. His wife was the Finnish poetess Elena Stuf. From their marriage, the couple have a son, Valery, and after twelve years of marriage, another son, Vanya, was born. Victor received an invitation from Russia, his wife remained in her homeland. The marriage could not stand the separation, and the couple divorced, remaining friends.

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