Who filmed the landing of the Americans on the moon. Interview with Stanley Kubrick on filming the moon landing

Alexei Leonov denied rumors that American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin did not land on the moon. And Bormann’s flight with a flyby, and landing, and Apollo 13 too, ”Leonov said. In a commentary to the Zvezda TV channel website, the cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, explained that some of the footage about the flight of Armstrong and Aldrin to the moon really was filmed in the studio. But this was done only so that the viewer could see "the development of what is happening from beginning to end." The actual filming begins after Armstrong sets up a highly directional antenna for transmission to Earth. “Who will film the opening of the hatch from the side when there is no one on the Moon?” - Leonov explained why additional footage of the landing was needed. The video with the landing of American astronauts on the Earth satellite has been controversial for more than a decade. Rumors about the rigging of the flight to the Earth's satellite spread after the widow of American director Stanley Kubrick said that Nixon, inspired by her husband's film "2001: A Space Odyssey", asked the director to film the flight of American astronauts to the moon. "Journalists came to Kubrick's wife, and she said yes, he worked hard when they were making the Moon Landing movie. These are her words verbatim. And this (rumors about the falsification of the flight to the moon - ed. note) is already speculation. And how the flag dangled, but there was no wind. And the flag was reinforced and twisted. When they put it in the ground, they took off the cover - the reinforced tape untwisted, and it seemed as if it was dangling in the wind, ”explained the legendary cosmonaut. in 1969. In an interview with an agency "RIA News" the Soviet cosmonaut emphasized that only “absolutely ignorant people” can believe in such a thing. “Only absolutely ignorant people can seriously believe that the Americans were not on the moon. And, unfortunately, this whole ridiculous epic about shots allegedly fabricated in Hollywood began precisely with the Americans themselves, ”Alexey Leonov noted then. On the eve of the American Patrick Murray published an alleged interview with Stanley Kubrick, where the famous director admits that the videos of the moon landings of Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin were filmed by him in an ordinary studio on Earth. The filmmaker's interview has only just surfaced, as Murray had to sign an 80-page non-disclosure agreement for 15 years since Kubrick's death. However, there is no evidence that the interview is actually real. Perhaps the footage is just an actor who is very similar to the famous directorPhoto: nasa.gov

Science fiction writers, and after them film directors, dreamed of the Moon long before a man actually went into space.

1. Journey to the moon

Le Voyage dans la Lune

  • France, 1902
  • Fantasy, comedy.
  • Duration: 14 minutes.
  • IMDb: 8.2.

3. Space flight

  • USSR, 1935.
  • Fiction.
  • Duration: 70 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7.1.

Events take place in 1946 (that is, in the future at the time of the release of the picture). The first experiments in the conquest of space end in failure: the rabbit dies, and the cat disappears. But the academician and his young companions follow them on the Joseph Stalin rocket. They successfully get to the moon and even rescue a cat that was missing there.

When creating the film, the authors were consulted by the founder of theoretical cosmonautics Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. And despite the fact that real flights were at that time in the distant future, the filmmakers managed to plausibly show the launch of the rocket, overload and.

4. Destination - Moon


  • USA, 1950.
  • Drama, fantasy.
  • Duration: 180 minutes.
  • IMDb: 6.4.

The film is based on the novel Rocketship Galileo by Robert Heinlein. Only common features remain from the original. Almost the entire plot is devoted to the preparation of the first expedition to the moon and the flight itself. One of the first astronauts even has to go into outer space due to an engine failure.

It is curious that in 1969, Robert Heinlein, along with another famous writer, commented live on television on the real landing on the moon.

5 Catwomen Of The Moon

Cat Women of the Moon

  • USA, 1953.
  • Fantasy, adventure.
  • Duration: 64 minutes.
  • IMDb: 3.7.

On the dark side of the moon, astronauts find a cave where the air is breathable. They discover there a city inhabited by beautiful and friendly girls. But in fact, the natives do not have the most pleasant plans for the aliens.

Every year the number of films about visiting the moon grew, and such vulgar creations were inevitable even then. All the girls in the film are wearing tight tights (which is probably why they are called cats), and the astronauts treat them like bar patrons.

In 1958, a remake of this film, Rocket to the Moon, appeared. And in 1961, the picture “Naked on the Moon” was released, where, as the name implies, the tights were also abandoned.

6. From the Earth to the Moon

From the Earth to the Moon

  • USA, 1958.
  • Duration: 101 minutes.
  • IMDb: 5.1.

A rare case when the action in such a film takes place not in the future, but in the past. In the film adaptation of Jules Verne's novel, three men and one girl are sent to the moon, who, of course, sneaked onto the ship.

7. The first people on the moon

First Men in the Moon

  • UK, 1964
  • Adventure, fantasy.
  • Duration: 103 minutes.
  • IMDb: 6.7.

Another adaptation of a classic. This time, the film was based on the novel of the same name. An international UN expedition arrives on the moon and discovers that the British have been there much earlier. The pioneer is in a nursing home and talks about the first flight and contacts with the lunar inhabitants.

Interestingly, the unexpected ending of this film is taken from another book by Wells - The War of the Worlds. In 2010, another adaptation of the same work was released. The script for it was written by one of the authors of "Sherlock" Mark Gattis.

8. For the sake of all mankind

For All Mankind

  • USA, 1989
  • Documentary.
  • Duration: 80 minutes.
  • IMDb: 8.2.

10 First on the Moon

  • Russia, 2005
  • pseudo-documentary.
  • Duration: 75 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7.0.

A group of enthusiasts is trying to understand the events of the distant past. It turns out that back in the 1930s, an expedition to the moon was sent to the USSR, but communication with the ship was lost, and then a strange meteorite fell to Earth. And all this was filmed by hidden cameras of intelligence agents.

11. Journey to the Moon 3D

Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3D

  • USA, 2005
  • Documentary, short film.
  • Duration: 40 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7.0.

The incredibly beautiful film includes both documentary footage from NASA and computer graphics. And behind the scenes (who once played in Apollo 13) talks about the conquest of space and the majestic silence of the moon.

12. Moon 2112

  • UK, 2009
  • Fantasy, drama, dystopia.
  • Duration: 97 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7.9.

Sam has been working on the Moon for three years at a rare gas station. He can only communicate with a talking robot, and there is not a soul around. His contract is already coming to an end. But then Sam meets his replacement - himself.

The first film by Duncan Jones (David Bowie's son) was made with minimal investment. Even the model of the lunar rover was simply dragged on a rope.

13. Apollo 18

Apollo 18

  • USA, Canada, 2011.
  • Mock documentary, science fiction, .
  • Duration: 86 minutes.
  • IMDb: 5.2.

According to official information, the lunar program ended on Apollo 17. However, conspiracy theorists believe that there were other flights, but all data about them are classified. The pseudo-documentary follows the next visit to the Moon, where the team encountered a strange infestation.

14. Lunar scam


  • France, 2015
  • Comedy.
  • Duration: 96 minutes.
  • IMDb: 6.1.

And another plot based on conspiracy theory. In the late 1960s, an FBI agent travels to London to help film the moon landing. However, instead of Kubrick, he comes across a petty crook and a weed lover who shoots documentary footage on the premises of a porn studio.

The creators of the new autobiographical film "The Man in the Moon" decided not to include in it the scene with the hoisting of the American flag on the lunar surface, writes The Washington Times columnist Cheryl Chumley. This disregard for history, she says, sends the wrong signal that the US wants to abandon its achievements and national symbols.

A new autobiographical film about astronaut Neil Armstrong, Man in the Moon, is a slap in the face of American society. After all, in this motion picture will be absent " moment of triumph": Hoisting the US flag on the lunar surface, writes The Washington Times columnist Cheryl Chumley.

« This flag-raising was not just a canonical moment in US history. It was the day when the accomplishments of American greatness were put on display for the whole world to see and acknowledge.", - says the author of the article. Now, according to her, the filmmakers about the Apollo 11 mission are going to " blot out these patriotic times».

Gosling's attitude to this issue is understandable. He is Canadian. And, of course, he would like so that the achievements of America spread a little north", says the author of the article.

« But historically, removing the American flag from the very scene that screams "American exceptionalism" during the Cold War race with the evil Soviets,means not only to offend those associated with this patriotic moment in time, but also practically to present a gift to today's Russia. This sends a signal that modern America not only wants to forget about the days of cool US-USSR relations, foreign tricks and spy mania, but also go even further and give up stupid pride in their national flag.', says Chumley.

However, according to her, any American conservative and supporter of Donald Trump will tell you that he does not intend to share the glory of his country with others. And that's why Man in the Moon and Gosling's statements look like " caricatured They pretend that pride and spirit don't matter.

Meanwhile, America is not just a territory. In many ways, this is a vivid ideal of what can be achieved if freedom is allowed to dominate society, the author of the article emphasizes.

« It was this America that allowed us to send the first man to the moon. This is the kind of America Aldrin and Armstrong proudly represented when they hoisted the US flag. A film that ignores this simple truth is not worth watching.”, concludes Cheryl Chumley.

source Washington Times USA North America tags
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Stanley Kubrick filmed the Apollo moon landings

Illustrious astronaut Alexey Leonov, who personally prepared to participate in the Soviet lunar exploration program, denied years of rumors that American astronauts were not on the moon, and the footage broadcast on television around the world allegedly mounted in Hollywood.

He spoke about this in an interview with RIA Novosti on the eve of the 40th anniversary of the first landing of US astronauts in the history of mankind, celebrated on July 20. Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin to the surface of the earth's satellite.

Correspondent: So were or weren't the Americans on the moon?

“Only absolutely ignorant people can seriously believe that the Americans were not on the moon. And, unfortunately, this whole ridiculous epic about the allegedly fabricated footage in Hollywood began precisely with the Americans themselves. By the way, the first person who began to distribute these rumors, was imprisoned for slander," he said in this regard. Alexey Leonov.

The famous cosmonaut Alexei Leonov

Correspondent Q: Where did the rumors come from?

"It all started with the fact that when, at the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the famous American film director Stanley Kubrick, who created according to the book of science fiction Arthur Clark journalists who met with Kubrick's wife asked about her husband's work on the film in Hollywood studios for their brilliant film "The Odyssey of 2001". And she honestly said that on Earth there are just two real lunar modules - one in the museum, where no filming has ever taken place, and it is even forbidden to walk with a camera, and the other is in Hollywood, where to develop the logic of what is happening on the screen and additional shootings were made landing of Americans on the moon," the Soviet cosmonaut said.

Correspondent : Why was studio shooting used?

Alexey Leonov explained that in order for the viewer to be able to see on the movie screen the development of what is happening from beginning to end, elements of additional shooting.

"It was impossible, for example, to film a real discovery Neil Armstrong the hatch of the descent ship on the Moon - there was simply no one to remove it from the surface! For the same reason, it was impossible to film Armstrong's descent to the moon along the ladder from the ship. These are the moments, really. filmed Kubrick in Hollywood studios to develop the logic of what is happening, and laid the foundation for numerous gossip that the entire landing was allegedly simulated on the set, "explained Alexei Leonov.

Correspondent : Where does truth begin and editing end?

“Real shooting began when Armstrong, who first set foot on the moon, got a little comfortable, installed a highly directional antenna through which broadcast to Earth was carried out. His partner Buzz Aldrin then he also left the ship to the surface and began to film Armstrong, who, in turn, filmed his movement on the surface of the moon," the astronaut specified.

Is it so?

Let's ask a question : what is the volume of captured pictures at the Kubrick Pavilion?

On the Moon and in Earth Orbit no atmosphere to scatter sunlight. Therefore the shadows completely dark and the sky is black even when the sun is shining. The harsh lighting creates a striking effect.

Sun and Earth from orbit, Apollo 11; AS11-36-5293..

Photo taken by an astronaut Gregory Harbau. The photo shows his colleague Joseph Tanner during the second spacewalk associated with the maintenance of the Space Telescope. Hubble in February 1997. The photograph also shows the stern of the Space Shuttle Discovery and the Sun hovering over the thin crescent of the Earth's limb. Tanner holds a checklist in his left hand, and Harbau is reflected in the helmet of his suit. NASA

That is how it should be. At the same time, a Hasselblad with a focal length of 60 mm is used on the surface of the "moon" than in the upper image of Apollo 11. This means that the objects in the images will be 25% smaller, in particular the Sun. However, in the pictures of a man’s stay on the moon in 1969-1972, everything is different - optical crown and halo around the sun, the angular dimensions of the "sun" are 10 degrees! it twenty times more than the real size of 0.5 degrees (the apparent size of the Sun in the vicinity of the Earth). Below are a number of pictures.

View of the sun near the LM landing site. Apollo 12. AS12-46-6739

View of the sun 100 meters from the landing site of the LM. Apollo 12. AS12-46-6763

View of the sun 300 meters from the landing site of the LM. Apollo 14. AS14-64-9177

View of the sun 4 km from the LM landing site. Apollo 15. AS15-87-11745

View of the sun near the LM landing site. Apollo 15. AS15-85-11367

View of the sun 300 m from the landing site of the LM. Apollo 16. AS16-109-17856

View of the sun 100 m from the landing site of the LM. Apollo 17. AS17-134-20410

View of the sun 50 m from the landing site of the LM. Apollo17. AS17-147-22580. Image Collection: 70mm Hasselblad; Lens Focal Length: 60 mm; Sun Elevation: 16°; Description: STA ALSEP; Film Width: 70 mm.

Halo and crown around the sun on Apollo 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17 indicate the presence of an atmosphere. Details on halo and optical phenomena. Below are pictures of the halo and crown of light sources on Earth in the presence of an atmosphere.

The sun and the halo around it for terrestrial conditions.

Rays and a crown from the sun for terrestrial conditions

Crowns of the Sun.

Halo and crowns of street lamps

1. Optical phenomena are associated with refraction and diffraction on atmospheric water droplets

The diagram shows how two points on the surface of a drop can scatter light and act as sources of a diverging spherical wave. The light increases where the crests of the waves coincide or are of the same sign. The intensity of light decreases where the waves have different amplitudes. Scattered light from the entire surface of the drop plus the contribution of the reflected and transmitted waves are combined in the diffraction pattern - the corona.

The first figure shows the corona from the diffraction of light by small particles. Each point of the illuminated surface is a source of scattered divergent spherical waves ( Huygens-Fresnel principle). The divergent waves intersect each other, where they add up give areas of increased brightness, and where they subtract - dark areas.

The second figure shows scattering from only two points along the central axis, the direction of the incident light, the crests of the two scattered waves always coincide with the shape of the area with bright light intensity.

The third figure shows the sum of all coronas from each spectrum and each particle.

All Apollo photographs with optical phenomena from the sun completely fit within the framework of refraction and diffraction on atmospheric water droplets.

2. Increasing the angular dimensions of the "Sun"

In the case of vacuum, the angular dimensions of the sun, like any light source, remain the same. In the presence of an atmosphere, the situation is different.

Any light wave is scattered by electrons, atoms and molecules of the atmosphere. Moreover, the intensity of the scattered light is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the light wavelength. Because of this, each particle becomes a source of light, especially for blue rays. It's about like a diverging wave from a float, after the main wave has passed through it. As a result, due to the presence of an atmosphere, molecules emit light in all directions, especially brightly near the light source. At very high brightness and exposure, it leads to flare on the film and an increase in the angular dimensions of the light source. An example is shown below.

Electric arc; about 5 mm in size. Due to the scattering of light by air molecules, the size of the light ball is tens of times larger than the size of the plasma channel of the arc.

Finally, with a slight coverage of the light source, due to light scattering in the atmosphere, a halo is preserved. This is what we see in the Apollo pictures. There are no such optical phenomena in real vacuum.

Apollo 14. AS14-66-9305

3. The cause of optical phenomena on the moon is dust

On Earth, we often see a blurry sun, for example through a cloud. This is the scattering of sunlight on aerosols (fog, smoke, dust). Their volume in the earth's atmosphere is no more than 0.1% of the volume of gases that make up atmospheric air. Similarly, it can be assumed for the Moon. This means that in order to observe at least approximately the same optical phenomena (corona, crown, and light scattering), the total mass of particles on the Moon per unit volume must be at least 1 g/m³. This is a huge number of particles and is equivalent to the existence of an aerosol atmosphere on the Moon. Still nothing like this was not found.


We have more than 5% of the volume of photographs of man's stay on the Moon in 1969-1972 with the image of halos, solar crowns and light scattering, which indicates the presence of an atmosphere. Considering that 5% of the images are included in the panoramas of the area, it can be firmly stated that 30% of the images from the total volume of photographic materials or more than 70% of the stay of astronauts on the surface of the "Moon" is made in the presence of an atmosphere.

The Apollo 12 Panorama (a12pan1162447) consists of more than two dozen photographs, two of which are of the Sun.

More than 70% of photographic documents are photographs taken by Stanley Kubrick! Statement by illustrious cosmonaut Alexei Leonov in support of the Americans' stay on the Moon and about minor studio additional filming bankrupt.

In addition, all images are linked into libraries: 1) Expedition exits, 2) Image numbers, 3) Audio conversations, 4) Apollo videos on the official website of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). And this means that the pictures of terrestrial origin, along with audio conversations to them NASA issues for documents man's stay on the moon.

Conclusion: This falsification man's stay on the moon, which has been maintained at the highest official level for more than 40 years.

Glare and optical effects from the "sun" for Apollo 11

The first thing to note is the presence of up to 10 different optical axes (the optical axis is a lens) and the absence of one axis of the light source (in this case, the Sun) in the images. According to the laws of Optics, all highlights on the optical axes for one light source converge at one point. This not in any photo Apollo 11 during their stay on the surface of the moon. At the same time, for images from the Apollo 11 orbit, we see one optical axis of the light source, the Sun, and the absence of a huge number of lighting effects, in particular, the absence of an optical halo, is also noticeable.

On the several double vision shadows of the lunar module.

Below pictures

Multiple axes of the light source. Apollo 11, AS11-40-5872HR. Image Collection: 70mm Hasselblad; Film Width: 70mm

Three axis light source. Apollo 11, AS11-40-5935HR. Image Collection: 70mm Hasselblad; Film Width: 70mm

These patterns are obvious for other shots with optical highlights. Below are the glare from the Sun in the same Apollo 11 Hasselblad camera:

View of Earth from orbit, Apollo 11; AS11-36-5293.Image Collection: 70mm Hasselblad; Lens Focal Length: 80 mm; Film Width: 70 mm.

View of the Earth from orbit; Apollo 11, AS11-36-5299.Image Collection: 70mm Hasselblad; Lens Focal Length: 80 mm; Film Width: 70mm

We see one optical axis of the light source, the Sun, and the absence of a huge number of lighting effects, in particular, the absence of an optical halo, is also noticeable. On the several light sources in the sky on the "Moon" for Apollo 11 also indicates double vision lunar module shadows:

Ghost shadows from the lunar module indicate multiple light sources above the surface of the moon. AS11-37-5463, AS11-37-5475, AS11-37-5476 andWithincreasedcontrast, brightness. Image Collection: 70mm Hasselblad; Magazine: 37; Description: LUNAR MODULE SHADOW ON SURFACE; Film Width: 70 mm.

Two shadows exactly repeat the contour of the lunar module and details: an antenna for long-distance communication and for radio communications of astronauts, an auxiliary engine system, and more. And this is not one random shot, not three shots, but photo series Magazine 37 - about 20 shots! One could suggest that there are always two shadows on the Moon - one from the Sun, the other from the huge and bright crescent of the Earth! However, look - this is the Earth in the pictures of Apollo 11:

View of the lunar module and Earth for Apollo 11; AS11-40-5923, AS11-40-5924. LUNAR MODULE; EARTH.

Compare with the brightness of the Sun (see pictures above). In general, the Sun is far from the most powerful star in existence, but it is relatively close to the Earth and therefore shines very brightly - 500,000 times brighter than the full Moon and 5,000 times brighter than the full Earth when viewed from the Moon. Our planet shines several orders of magnitude lower.! In addition, keep in mind that the Earth is at its zenith. And what is the shadow of the Earth?! Under you!

All together - this is the absurdities of NASA and the lack of knowledge

But even after the revelation of the fact that the Apollo 11 images of the moon landing indicate the presence of several light sources in the sky and this is a falsification, NASA defenders persist in their: "Americans walked on the moon." The amazing nature of the debaters!

This note about multiple lights in the sky on the Moon does not apply to glare for the rest of the sojourn missions: Apollo 12, Apollo 14, Apollo 15, Apollo 16, Apollo 17. For the images of these missions, we have one axis of the light source. And here it should be noted that the shooting conditions are the same - the low position of the Sun above the horizon, the optical equipment is the same - the Hasselblad camera, the shooting technique is the same, the picture is the same as for Orlov ... However, the axis of the light source is the only one. Photos of Apollo 11 fall out from the general rule. Probably NASA on the "first" flight to the moon not enough power one spotlight.

You can also note the minor "strangeness" of glare on the optics of Apollo 11, in general, the Apollo mission:

- the presence of equidistant twisted spirals in the flare, as in a long-range searchlight;

– asymmetry of glare elements, which is possible if the light source is not symmetrical;

- glare from the presence of a drop of liquid on the lens (re-reflection on the surface of the drop);

– halo and crown (crown) around the sun for Apollo 12, Apollo 14, Apollo 15, Apollo 16, Apollo 17, which is possible only in the presence of an atmosphere;

- other.

The halo and crown around the sun in the Apollo 17 image (AS17-147-22580) is evidence of an atmosphere. in detail abouthaloandopticalphenomena . Image Collection: 70mm Hasselblad; Lens Focal Length: 60 mm; Sun Elevation: 16°; Description: STA ALSEP; Film Width: 70 mm.

Conclusion: before us several light sources illuminate the surface of the "Moon" for the Apollo 11 astronauts. This indicates hoax NASA lunar conditions in the pavilion on the ground.

US moon scam. Yuri Mukhin. Maximumliesandnonsense

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Interview with Stanley Kubrick about filming the moon landing, 3 days later he was gone.

A dying interview of the famous film director Stanley Kubrick has been published, in which he spoke in detail and in detail about the fact that all the moon landings were fabricated by NASA and how he filmed all the footage of American lunar expeditions on Earth ...

Interview published 15 years after death. Director T. Patrick Murray interviewed Stanley Kubrick three days before his death in March 1999. Previously, he was forced to sign an 88-page non-disclosure agreement (NDA) for the contents of the interview for 15 years from the date of Kubrick's death.

Kubrick's dying interview in recent days has become a real sensation all over the world.

In 1971, Kubrick left the US for the UK and never returned to America. All his subsequent films were filmed only in England. For many years, the director led a reclusive life, fearing murder. According to the British newspaper "Sun", the director "was afraid of being killed by American intelligence agencies, following the example of other participants in the television supply of the US lunar scam."

The director died suddenly, allegedly of a heart attack, at the end of the editing period for Eyes Wide Shut, which starred Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. It was Kidman who in July 2002, in an interview with the American newspaper The National Enquirer, reported that Kubrick had been killed. The director called her 2 hours before the official “sudden death” time and asked her not to come to Hertfordshire, where, as he put it, “we will all be poisoned so quickly that we won’t even have time to sneeze.” According to British journalists, the US National Security Agency first tried to kill Kubrick back in 1979.

The violent nature of Kubrick's death on March 7, 1999 at the English estate near Harpenden (Hertfordshire) later became the cause of his widow's revelations. In the summer of 2003, in an interview on French television, and later, on November 16, 2003, in the program “The Dark Side of the Moon” (CBC Newsworld TV channel), the widow of the director, German actress Christiane Kubrick (Christiane Susanne Harlan) made a public confession, the essence of which is as follows:

At a time when the USSR was already in full swing exploring space, US President Richard Nixon, inspired, according to the widow, by her husband's sci-fi epic film, which went down in history as one of the best masterpieces of Hollywood "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968), urged the director, along with other Hollywood professionals, "to save the national honor and dignity of the United States." What the masters of the "dream factory" led by Kubrick did. The decision to falsify was made personally by the President of the United States.

Similar statements from the participants of the "project" were made before.

In particular, rocket engineer Bill Kaysing, who worked at Rocketdyne, the company that built rocket engines for the Apollo program, is the author of We Never Flew to the Moon. The $30 Billion American Hoax" ("We Never Went to the Moon: America's Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle"), published in 1974 and co-written by Randy Reid, also claimed that under the guise of a live coverage of NASA's lunar module landing circulated a fake filmed on Earth. For filming, a military training ground in the Nevada desert was used. In the pictures taken at different times by Soviet reconnaissance satellites, one can clearly see huge hangars, as well as a large area of ​​the "lunar surface" dotted with craters. It was there that all the "lunar expeditions" filmed by Hollywood specialists took place.

There were even daredevils among the astronauts themselves. So, the American astronaut Brian O'Leary (Brian O'Leary), answering a direct question, said that "he cannot give a 100% guarantee that Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin really visited the moon."

P.S. Excerpt from A. Novykh's book "Sensei VI"

Yes, it’s cool for America, - Kostya said enthusiastically. - Who would have thought!

It's a pity for the people who live there, - Victor said sympathetically. - Behind the outward show of "freedom" is such slavery in the shackles of the archon's "democracy"!

Yeah, - Kostya assented, - they said that this is the coolest country in the world, that everything there is of the highest standard - from the standard of living to advanced technologies, even they were the first to visit the Moon ...

No, but really, why were the Americans the first to visit the moon, but not ours? - touched Ruslan. We were the first to fly into space!

If you want, I will tell you a big secret, - Sensei said with a barely perceptible smile, watching the conversations of the guys. - Americans have never been to the moon. And in general, a human foot has not set foot there yet, - and clarified with humor, - in the sense of being a creature, and not a print from his boot.

How is it that they were not on the moon ?! - Kostya and Ruslan were surprised at the same time.

Yes, very simple. People have not been to the Moon, - Sensei repeated again.

What, in reality? - Nikolai Andreevich asked intrigued.

Yes. "Flight to the Moon" is a big hoax, misinformation and a large-scale scam, which, however, brought a considerable income to its organizers.

Zhenya looked at Sensei with curiosity.

Yes? This is getting interesting...

Wait, - Nikolai Andreevich stopped Zhenya and turned to Sensei: - How can this be a scam, if, as far as I know, this is a well-known fact. At the same time, as they say, more than half a million viewers around the globe watched the landing of astronauts on the moon. And this lunar epic lasted practically from 1969 to 1972, when American astronauts flew there almost every six months. And in general, because then the USA and the USSR had a whole race for the championship of the flight to the moon. If the Americans cheated, I think the Soviet Union would not keep silent about it.

It's not as simple as you think. Behind that global PR that you are talking about, there were "Freemasons" of the highest level. From this project they have downloaded almost forty billion dollars from the American people alone, as law-abiding taxpayers. Although in fact there was no manned flight to the Moon, and even with those technologies,” Sensei chuckled. - Even now, at the present level of development of science, this is simply not realistic. So all this was just another successful party of the Archons in big politics.

Hmm, but in more detail, - Volodya expressed his general desire, looking at Sensei.

You can, of course, go into more detail, - Sensei shrugged his shoulders. - Although this information, in my opinion, is not of particular interest. These are just games of big politics...

But how the nerves tickle, even the heels itch, - Zhenya “froze”, causing the guys to laugh.

You need to wash more often! Victor replied with humor.

No, really, Sensei, tell me, - Volodya asked again.

What to tell. Dirty story. So many good people died because of this… This scam was started by the Archons during the years of the so-called “great space race” between the USSR and the USA. The faithful servants of the Archons - "Freemasons" - very prudently played on the ambitions of big politicians... At that time, the USSR was in the lead. - And somehow smiling kindly, as if remembering something good, Sensei said warmly: - Why not lead! After all, astronautics was headed by Sergei Pavlovich Korolev himself. He was a good man, of high decency and morality, and very responsible for his thoughts, actions and decisions.

Korolev? Who is this? Politician? - asked Slavik.

Come on! Andrei chuckled. - It's a scientist!

An outstanding scientist, - emphasized Sensei. - Talented design engineer.

Now I know, - the guy answered with a smile.

Korolev was not only an outstanding practical scientist, - Sensei stated, - but also a talented organizer. Everyone who worked with him on the same team admired his incredible enthusiasm. He simply infected people with his absolute confidence in victory. And as they say now, he “intuitively” developed promising directions. It `s naturally. After all, Korolev was far from being an ordinary person. Few people know that in the early thirties, the then young engineer Sergei Korolev met not only with Tsiolkovsky, but also with rather extraordinary non-public personalities who, in addition to the “theory” of astronautics, revealed to him many very interesting things. It was after those meetings that Korolev "fell ill" with the development of jet interplanetary flights. It was thanks to those meetings that he was able, as they will write later, to “predetermine and predict” the future of aviation and astronautics for many years to come, ahead of his time.

And who did he meet? Ruslan said impatiently.

Sensei just smiled mysteriously and continued the story without answering his question.

So, thanks to the inexhaustible enthusiasm of Korolev, a whole era of astronautics began in the Union. Already in 1957, the USSR launched the first satellite of the Earth. Then there were launches of automatic interplanetary stations, including to the Moon, where soil samples were repeatedly taken. Again, it was the Soviet automatic station Luna-2 that first reached the surface of the moon in 1959. The first ever manned flight into space on the Vostok spacecraft is also a merit of the USSR, and so on and so forth. The Americans also did not lag behind and, as they say, stepped on the heels of the Union in space exploration. If Yuri Gagarin flew on April 12, 1961, then the American Alan Shepard - on May 5, 1961. That is, with a small time difference. However, the American was already the second person to visit space. And now it was about the prestige of the country on the world stage. The Archons took advantage of this situation and exorbitant ambitions of people.

Through the then President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, the priority of the program to conquer the moon was announced. By the way, the technical development of this project was carried out by none other than the German designer of rocket and space technology, the former SS Sturmbannführer, the chief designer of the A-4 (V-2) rocket (used in World War II to shell cities in Great Britain, Belgium) - Wernher von Braun. This man also came from the family of a major German financier and influential politician, Baron Magnus von Braun, who was on the same “team” from the Freemasons as Hjalmar Schacht. And after the war, Wernher von Braun will receive American citizenship and will calmly work for the US military-industrial complex, as in his time for Nazi Germany. Moreover, he will be elevated up the career ladder to senior management positions at NASA (US National Aeronautics and Space Administration).

So, the media will begin to strongly convince the American people that since their astronauts did not have time to be the first to fly into space, they simply have to make sure that it is the American who is the first to step on the surface of the Moon. As a result of all these manipulations and speculations, the US Congress allocated simply astronomical at that time appropriations for this "lunar" program, removing them from the pockets of taxpayers, as if the Americans had no other problems than conquering the moon. And for these tens of billions of dollars, they showed the whole world a cheap series about the "epic of the conquest of the moon by man", calling it the loud name "Apollo Program".

Is it in honor of the ancient Greek Olympian god? - Kostya asked with the air of an "expert".

Nikolai Andreevich spoke, as if adding to the guy's words:

- ...healer, soothsayer, and patron of the arts... As I see it, the Archons are great lovers of ancient Greek poetry.

Still, - Sensei smiled. - Who owns the creation of the Olympian religion of Homer ... Only the name of this program did not appear in honor of the mythical god Apollo, although it was presented to the masses in such a beautiful package. Archons are big lovers of double meanings. In fact, with the appearance of the name of the program, everything was much simpler. It’s just that the Archon who came up with this whole large-scale scam is called “Phoebus” in narrow circles for his brilliant mind (which in Greek “phoibos” translates as “brilliant”). And if we consider the word Phoebus in the context of mythology, then this is just another name for Apollo, as "the all-seeing solar deity."

Well, yes, - Victor laughed along with the team, - as they say, everything ingenious is simple!

They staged such a “space” performance that the famous screenwriters can compete with them! Six expeditions have successfully landed on the moon without a hitch. Twelve people have visited the moon. But the Apollo 13 spacecraft, by no means, could land on the lunar surface due to an accident on board. Flew around the moon, and so returned with nothing to Earth.

So it was all a play? Kostya couldn't believe it at all.

Of course. They simply played on the ambitions of people and stole a lot of money. So not only was the American people stripped like a stick, but the Soviet Union was also embroiled in this senseless race.

So, wait, - Nikolai Andreevich said doubtfully. - And what, didn’t our specialists know that it was a “linden”?

Of course they knew. But in exchange for silence and support for the "lunar version", the Soviet Union received huge benefits on the international market ... And then, how did the "Freemasons" cover their tracks, starting from government reshuffles and ending with the elimination of "unreliable" personalities?! And I won’t be surprised if in the future someone becomes seriously interested in this scam, then it suddenly turns out that the originals of the shooting of this performance, in which, I must say, a lot of blunders were allowed, will disappear without a trace. And, as you know, there are no documents, there is no subject of conversation.

So American astronauts have never landed on the moon? Viktor reiterated.

Naturally not. To get to the moon, you have to overcome belts of huge radiation.

But how do astronauts fly into space, go out into open space and return from there alive?

Well, they are under the protection of the gravitational, magnetic field of the earth and do not go beyond it. That is, they fly in near-Earth outer space within acceptable limits from the surface of the Earth. And then, when increased cosmic radiation penetrates into these layers, they are forced to reduce the flight altitude ... Naturally, in the future, with the development of nanotechnology, it will be quite possible for a person to fly both to the Moon and to other nearby planets.

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