How much alcohol does anyone drink in the world? Rating of the most drinking countries in the world: where does Russia stand?

Since ancient times, alcoholic drinks have been an integral part of the life of almost every person. There are, of course, those among us who categorically do not accept alcohol. This is, of course, very commendable. However, for those who don't mind having a couple of beers after work to relax, it's quite difficult to understand non-drinkers. However, statistics show that every year in the world the number of people who drink is increasing at a tremendous rate. And these data include absolutely all people - from those who can drink purely symbolically or on a holiday, and those who get drunk almost every day until a pig squeals. The World Health Organization presented its list of the most drinking countries in 2018.

1. Belarus

Oddly enough, it was Belarus that took first place in this ranking. According to the World Health Organization, over the past year more Ukrainians and Russians drank only in Belarus. In the country, each resident drinks on average 17.5 liters. alcohol per year. Moreover, 47% of people prefer strong drinks, only 17% prefer beer, 32% prefer other alcohol, and very little wine – 4%. Women, by the way, also like to drink, on average 7 liters. in year. These are official figures, but the real ones are presumably much higher, since data on moonshine brewing in conservative Belarus could not be obtained.

2. Ukraine

Second place in the ranking is occupied by Ukraine, a country where they love to drink a glass of vodka and eat it all with lard and green onions. In Ukraine, there are 17.4 liters of alcohol per person per year. The country's alcohol market is very poorly regulated, so the number of young people addicted to alcohol is increasing. Vodka and beer are the most popular alcohols, wine takes third place. Ukrainians prefer to drink wines from domestic producers, mainly because of the affordable price compared to European brands.

3. Estonia

Estonia was also among the top three drinking countries in the world in 2017. The national drink is “Old Tallinn”. Despite the fact that the country's capital has received the title "City of Culture" many times, Estonians drink even more than Russians: 17.2 liters. per person per year. Beer is the preferred alcoholic drink here. It costs $3 per glass, ale or other alcohol costs about $5. Locals love to hang out in crowded bars. A tourist will be interested in visiting the Old Town, where there are many stylized restaurants.

4. Czech Republic

The national drink is Becherovka. A resident of the Czech Republic drinks on average 16.4 liters per year. strong drink. There is almost 160 liters of beer. per person Beer in this country is part of the culture; it has been brewed here for many centuries. The world-famous Czech brands Velkopopovicky Kozel, Radegast and Pilsner are classic beer varieties. There are many pubs here that sell draft beer, and in Prague there is a restaurant that is more than five centuries old! Here you will try Czech cuisine, various types of beer (dark, light, coffee, banana) and feel the atmosphere of the old Czech Republic. The state is actively investing in the wine industry. Czech wines are called Moravian because most of the vineyards grow in Moravia.

5. Lithuania

According to the Director of the Department of Noncommunicable Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion of the WHO European Office, in Lithuania in 2017, one resident consumed an average of 16 liters of alcohol. As a WHO representative told reporters: “This, according to the latest estimates, makes the country one of the heaviest drinking countries in the world.”

6. Russia

Perhaps the fact that Russia occupies only 6th place in the ranking will surprise many. But this is true. Despite the fact that alcohol consumption in the country has decreased slightly in the last couple of years, the average Russian drinks 15.1 liters per year. alcohol. Women consume half as much – 7.8 liters. The national drink is vodka. In Russia, greater preference is given to vodka and beer; the purely Russian habit of choosing “white” has spread to other post-Soviet states, such as Moldova, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc. It is in these countries that a person is more likely to reach a state of extreme intoxication when drinking alcohol , as fast as possible. Russia's inclusion in the ranking of the most drinking countries is largely due to the relatively low cost of alcohol, compared to Europe - $4 per half liter, and the low standard of living. Recently, the number of Russians who prefer wine to other alcoholic beverages has increased.

7. France

In France, the annual consumption of pure alcohol per person is 14.2 liters. 35.5 liters of beer alone are consumed per capita in the country every year. The image of the Frenchman is quite traditional - these people slowly sip wine, enjoying every sip. In America, the French are considered saturated snobs, but even there they cannot deny the fact that “paddling pools” still have excellent taste. In addition to wine, this country also knows great things about food. In general, in France, fine wine goes hand in hand with delicious food; these two concepts are inseparable here, like baguette and brie cheese. It can be said more simply - it is rare that a meal is not accompanied by drinking wine.

8. Germany

The national drink is schnapps. On average, Germans consume 11.7 liters. alcohol products. Beer, which is cheap by local standards, is especially held in high esteem here. The country is deservedly included in the top ten most drinking countries in the world, since alcohol is sold everywhere: in shops, gas stations, and newspaper kiosks. The Germans are liberal; drinking beer in the park on a bench and in other public places is not prohibited. There are many beer festivals in Germany that last from a couple of days to two weeks. Oktoberfest, the harvest festival, attracts more than 12 million people, and beer here costs up to $13 per liter glass.

MOSCOW, May 10 - RIA Novosti, Maxim Rubchenko. According to the Ministry of Health, since 2006, alcohol consumption in Russia has decreased by almost 40 percent. The World Health Organization, in turn, states that today the average Russian drinks 3.5 liters less alcohol per year than ten years ago. What is behind these indicators and in which countries they drink the most - in the RIA Novosti material.

Statistics games

The widely held belief that Russians are the world's heaviest drinkers is increasingly at odds with reality. Consumption of alcoholic beverages in the country has been declining for many years, and at a rapid pace. Data from different departments differ somewhat - WHO says about 13.9 liters per capita per year, the Ministry of Health and Rospotrebnadzor - about ten liters. In January, Russian Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova reported that alcohol consumption had been reduced by 80 percent over the past five to seven years. Be that as it may, everyone agrees that people in Russia drink less and less every year, and this trend has persisted for more than ten years.

In 2017 alone, alcohol consumption decreased by 0.3 liters - this is one and a half bottles of vodka (0.5 liters of alcohol), 4.5 liters of dry wine or 10 liters of light beer.

As a result, Russia is now not even among the top three drinking countries (Lithuania - 18.2 liters, Belarus - 16.4 liters, Moldova - 15.9 liters), occupying fourth place and quite a bit ahead of Romania, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Bulgaria .

According to WHO estimates, 13.9 liters of alcohol consumed in Russia per capita are equivalent to 34.75 liters of vodka. According to the Pricing portal, the average price of vodka today is 693 rubles per liter. This means that on average you spend 24,081 rubles on drinks. The average salary in 2017 was 35,845 rubles per month (430 thousand per year). This means that Russians spend 5.9 percent of their income on alcohol. That is, more than in the most problematic countries in terms of drunkenness in the European Union, and three times more than the average European.

On the other hand, the average salary in Estonia is 1,242 euros per month, so 5.6 percent is 835 euros.

However, the chief analyst of the Estonia Department of Statistics, Märt Leesment, claims that the average adult Estonian spends only 108 euros per year on alcohol, that is, seven times less. It is impossible to understand who is right, the Estonia Department of Statistics or Eurostat, but it is clear that such ratings should not be taken too seriously.

Unexpected conclusions

“For the first time, the population of several countries was studied in terms of lifestyle, health, and working conditions,” explained sociology professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology Terje Andreas Eikem to the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten. “This has not been done before.”

Some results were quite unexpected. In particular, it turned out that the wealthy and educated drink more than people with low social status.

“Alcohol consumption in general seems to be associated with higher education,” notes Eikemu. “This distinguishes alcohol, for example, from smoking, which is common only in the lower strata of society. However, wealthy people drink 'correctly'; problematic alcohol consumption is more common in the lower strata." .

Another unexpected finding is that alcohol consumption begins to affect a person’s health quite late compared to other factors. “Living conditions are more important and can tell us why we drink the way we drink,” says Eikemu. “Problematic drinking is destructive to both the person and his family, but is rarely the main cause of destruction.”

In addition, experts say that bans (for example, on the sale of alcohol at certain times) are not the best way to fight for a healthy lifestyle. “Our research has shown that for the vast majority of countries it is more important to improve the well-being of citizens and improve working conditions,” states Eikemu. “The fight against drunkenness is, of course, important, but first we must provide people with the opportunity to live in dignity. By doing so, we will create the preconditions for so that taking care of health becomes a habit among people.”

The Russian Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization are unlikely to agree with this conclusion, as they claim that the decrease in alcohol consumption in Russia is due precisely to restrictions.

The Russian Ministry of Health believes that the ban on the retail sale of alcohol from 23:00 to eight in the morning, as well as the ban on alcoholic drinks in children's, educational, medical institutions and sports facilities, played an important role in the positive statistical changes.

A question of culture

For obvious reasons, problems with drunkenness do not arise in countries and regions where Islam is widespread. Thus, according to WHO, citizens of Kuwait, Libya, Mauritania and Pakistan (0.1 liters per year per person), Saudi Arabia and Bangladesh (0.2 liters each), Egypt, Niger and Yemen (0.2 liters each) consume the least amount of alcohol. .3 liters).

It's the same in Russia. Experts from the federal project “Sober Russia” have compiled a rating of the most “sober” and most “drinking” regions of the country. Places were distributed in accordance with points, which were awarded taking into account the sales volume of all types of alcoholic products, the number of deaths from alcohol poisoning, crimes committed while drunk, citizens registered with a narcologist, violations in the field of alcohol circulation and hours of prohibition on the sale of alcohol during the day.

Alcohol has long been considered an integral part of life for most people. Not much has changed since then. And even more, every year the number of drinking people is only increasing. They drink alcohol on holidays, on vacation, and at corporate events. Some drink it purely symbolically, while others get drunk to the point of insensibility. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a list of countries has been compiled by the amount of alcohol consumed in 2017. So, the 12 most drinking countries in the world in 2017!

1: Belarus

Belarus is the most drinking country in the world in 2017. According to the World Health Organization, over the past year more Ukrainians and Russians drank only in Belarus. Here, each resident drinks on average 17.5 liters. alcohol per year. Moreover, 47% of people prefer strong drinks, only 17% prefer beer, 32% prefer other alcohol, and very little wine – 4%. Women also like to drink, on average 7 liters. in year. These figures are official, but the real ones are presumably much higher, since data on moonshine brewing in conservative Belarus could not be obtained.

2: Ukraine

In Ukraine, there are 17.4 liters of alcohol per person per year. The country's alcohol market is very poorly regulated, so the number of young people addicted to alcohol is increasing. Vodka and beer are the most popular alcohols, with wine in third place. Ukrainians prefer to drink wines from domestic producers, mainly because of the affordable price compared to European brands.

3: Estonia

Estonia opens the top three drinking countries in the world in 2017. The national drink is “Old Tallinn”. Despite the fact that the country's capital has received the title "City of Culture" many times, Estonians drink even more than Russians: 17.2 liters. per person in year. Beer is the preferred alcoholic drink here. It costs $3 per glass, ale or other alcohol costs about $5. Locals love to hang out in crowded bars. A tourist will be interested in visiting the Old Town, where there are many stylized restaurants.

4: Czech Republic

The national drink is Becherovka. A resident of the Czech Republic drinks on average 16.4 liters per year. strong drink. There is almost 160 liters of beer. per person Beer in this country is part of the culture; it has been brewed here for many centuries. The world-famous Czech brands Velkopopovicky Kozel, Radegast and Pilsner are classic beer varieties. There are many pubs here that sell draft beer, and in Prague there is a restaurant that is more than five centuries old! Here you will try Czech cuisine, various types of beer (dark, light, coffee, banana) and feel the atmosphere of the old Czech Republic. The state is actively investing in the wine industry. Czech wines are called Moravian because most of the vineyards grow in Moravia.

5: Lithuania

According to the Director of the Department of Noncommunicable Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion of the WHO European Office, in Lithuania in 2017, one resident consumed an average of 16 liters of alcohol. As a WHO representative told reporters: “This, according to the latest estimates, makes it (Lithuania) one of the heaviest drinking countries in the world.

6: Russia

In 2017, alcohol consumption by the population decreased slightly, but the country still entered the top ten most drinking countries in the world. The average Russian drinks 15.1 liters per year. alcohol. Women consume half as much – 7.8 liters. The national drink is vodka. In Russia, greater preference is given to vodka and beer; the purely Russian habit of choosing “white” has spread to other post-Soviet states, such as Moldova, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc. It is in these countries that a person is more likely to reach a state of extreme intoxication when drinking alcohol , as fast as possible. Russia's inclusion in the ranking of the most drinking countries is largely due to the relatively low cost of alcohol, compared to Europe - $4 per half liter, and the low standard of living. Recently, the number of Russians who prefer wine to other alcoholic beverages has increased.

7: France

In France, the annual consumption of pure alcohol per person is 14.2 liters. 35.5 liters of beer alone are consumed per capita in the country every year. The image of the Frenchman is quite traditional - these people slowly sip wine, enjoying every sip. In America, the French are considered saturated snobs, but even there they cannot deny the fact that “paddling pools” still have excellent taste. In addition to wine, this country also knows great things about food. In general, in France, fine wine goes hand in hand with delicious food; these two concepts are inseparable here, like baguette and brie cheese. It can be said more simply - it is rare that a meal is not accompanied by drinking wine.

8: Germany

The national drink is schnapps. On average, Germans consume 11.7 liters. alcohol products. Beer, which is cheap by local standards, is especially held in high esteem here. The country is deservedly included in the top ten most drinking countries in the world, since alcohol is sold everywhere: in shops, gas stations, and newspaper kiosks. The Germans are liberal; drinking beer in the park on a bench and in other public places is not prohibited. There are many beer festivals in Germany that last from a couple of days to two weeks. Oktoberfest, the harvest festival, attracts more than 12 million people, and beer here costs up to $13 per liter glass.

9: Ireland

According to official statistics, the average Irishman drinks 11.6 liters. alcoholic drinks per year. This is not enough to get into the top five drinking countries in the world in 2016-2017. Ireland is famous for its whiskey and national beer brand Guinness, which almost everyone drinks because it is considered low-calorie (198 kcal). It was in this country that the Guinness Book of Records was created in 1954 to resolve the dispute over which beer is better. You won’t be able to get very drunk in this country; alcohol is expensive: the average price of a glass of beer in bars is 6 dollars, and a bottle of whiskey can cost 30 euros.

10: Portugal

The Portuguese drink approximately 11.4 liters. alcohol for 1 person in year. The national drink is port, but more often they drink wine and beer. Portuguese winemakers are proud of their vineyards. This country prefers wine, followed by beer, which is much cheaper: for a large glass of beer in a supermarket you will have to pay almost 3.5 dollars.

11: Hungary

The next place in the ranking of the most drinking countries in the world 2017 is occupied by Hungary. Here they drink 100 g more - 10.8 liters. per year per person. The country is famous for its wines, Hungary has many vineyards and 22 wine producing areas. Wine here is drunk mainly in bars, where it costs from 2 dollars per glass. Budapest has many uniquely designed bars where you can relax and dance, and Hungarians love and know how to have fun.

12: Slovenia

The ranking of the most drinking countries in the world 2017 is completed by Slovenia. Citizens of this country drink 10.7 liters. strong drinks per year per person. And it doesn't have to be strong alcohol. In Slovenia, people drink beer and wine more often; both are not cheap by European standards: the average cost of a half-liter bottle is $2.15. They love national drinks here: wine from their own ancient vineyards, beer from the Slovenian Union and Lasko brands. Finally, I would like to add - take care of your health. And if you still want to drink, then buy high-quality alcoholic drinks and, most importantly, do not abuse alcohol!

Alcohol is a cheerful potion, a communication dope, the cause of many troubles, and for some it has long been an integral part of culture. The World Health Organization has compiled a list of the most “drinking” countries in the world. The criterion for determining leaders is simple - the number of liters of alcohol consumed per year per capita. So where do people drink the most? Go!

A few details: the culture of drinking strong drinks differs in different countries, and this happens under the influence of a variety of factors: from traditions to physiological characteristics. The ranking countries are ordered by the level of alcohol consumption, measured in liters of pure ethyl alcohol per capita. When compiling the rating, persons aged 15 years and older were taken into account.

The most Serbian alcohol is slivovitz, rakia with plums.

The most popular spirits in Bulgaria include wine, rakia, brandy and mastic.

Belgium is a country of hundreds of types of beer. Also popular here is jenever - juniper moonshine.

Among Australians, the most popular drink is beer, as well as various wines.

Local palm wines and the traditional drink “malamba”, made from sugar cane, are popular in Guinea.

Riga balsam is recognized as the national drink of Latvia, but various alcoholic cocktails are popular.

The most famous alcoholic drinks in Portugal are Madeira (a type of wine) and port.

Strong alcoholic drinks made from fruits and berries are popular in Slovenia.

Bahamians drink beer from their own beer brand, Kalik, as well as rum.

Grape rakia has the status of the national drink of Croatia.

Slovakia boasts a huge selection of different types of beer. National drink: “Borovichka” (like gin).

The main alcoholic attractions of Poland are Polish beer and vodka.

People on the island of St. Lucia love rum and beer.

National drink: schnapps (German vodka). Beer is rightfully considered the most popular drink in Germany. There are about 1,300 breweries in Germany, more than half of them are in Bavaria.

Beer and vodka share first and second place in popularity among Russians.

The national drink of the Hungarians is unique - a liqueur made from various herbs, aged in an oak vessel.

The most traditional Luxembourgish alcohol is Quetsch (plum liqueur).

Who doesn't know about French wines!

We say “Ireland”, but we mean “Guinness”. Guinness is the No. 1 beer in Ireland and beyond. Another calling card is Irish whiskey.

According to most people, the drinkingiest country in the world is Russia, followed by countries such as Ireland and the UK. But, according to annual research, it can be understood that these are just established stereotypes. These states are not even included in the “top five countries” in terms of the scale of alcohol consumption. So which country is the hardest drinking in the world? Let's look at the representatives of which nations are in the top ten countries that are lovers of such drinks.

The ranking of the most drinking countries is compiled annually by WHO (World Health Organization). There are several points of view regarding the use of alcoholic beverages. Most experts say that alcohol is truly evil and the limits on its production and sale need to be tightened as much as possible.

Another part of the scientists says that the normalized consumption of many alcoholic products has a beneficial effect on the condition of the body. For example, regular consumption of small doses of wine demonstrates a positive effect on skin condition and helps normalize blood pressure. But it is very important to note the fact that no matter what point of view you consider yourself to be, the number of people who abuse alcohol is constantly growing. Experts are concerned about the fact that in some countries this number has already significantly exceeded the norm.

List of states with alcohol abuse

Tenth place – Slovenia and Denmark. According to the latest data, the amount of alcohol consumed in Denmark and Slovenia is about ten and a half liters annually, per inhabitant. According to statistics, the majority of residents prefer low-alcohol drinks; other products are in much less demand. In one of the cities of Slovenia there is the oldest vineyard in all of Europe. Its name is “Stara trta”, which means old vine in Slovenian. Its age is more than four hundred centuries. To the rest of the world, Denmark is known as the producer of beer brands such as Karlbserg and Tuborg.

Statistics on the popularity of alcohol are as follows: weak alcohol - forty-six percent of the population, wine - thirty percent, strong alcohol - eighteen percent, other drinks - six percent of the population. Borovichka is considered the national drink.

WHO believes that the most effective measures to solve problems associated with alcohol consumption are limiting access to alcohol, banning its advertising and pricing policy

Ninth place – Hungary. Alcohol consumption per capita in Hungary is ten point eight liters. To collect statistical data, we used a survey of residents in the age category from fifteen to sixty-five years.
Hungary is famous throughout the world for its famous vineyards. Drinks from this country are preferred all over the world.

In terms of popularity in this state, beer ranks first, with fifty-four percent of the population preferring it. In second place is wine, with twenty-eight percent. The top three is completed by strong alcoholic drinks, which are in demand only among eighteen percent of the local population. The national drinks of this place include wine and schnapps.

Eighth place – Spain and Portugal. The eighth place in the ranking is shared by two southern states, Portugal and Spain. Statistics on the use of alcohol in these states indicate that each resident here consumes eleven and a half liters of alcohol annually. The warm climate and constant sunny weather allow local residents to grow first-class grapes.

It is here that drinking wine is given the main preference. According to survey results, more than half of the population prefer wine to other alcohol. In second place, with a popularity of thirty percent, are different types of foamy drinks. It is important to mention that in these countries beer is several times more accessible and cheaper than wine.

Spanish wineries occupy third place in the list of countries involved in wine production. In total, more than ninety varieties of different grapes are grown on the territory of the state. The area of ​​Spanish vineyards is so huge that it ranks first in the ranking of countries with the largest grape plantations. The national drink of the two states is port wine.

Seventh place – Ireland. This country has a special attitude towards beer, and it is here that Guinness is considered a national treasure. In Ireland, the average person drinks about eleven point six liters of alcoholic beverages per year. This country is famous for its largest brewery, which produces the most famous dark beer.

In addition, Irish whiskey is in demand all over the world. It should be noted that the price of alcohol in this country is very high. A pint of beer costs about two euros, and a bottle of good whiskey can cost up to twenty-five euros. In terms of popularity of types of alcohol, beer takes first place, wine comes in second, and other strong drinks take third place.

Russia, contrary to stereotypes, was not in the TOP 5

Sixth place – Russia. Many people believe that Russia should top this list. In fact, statistics on alcohol consumption in the world indicate that this country occupies only sixth place in the ranking. On average, one Russian consumes fifteen liters of alcohol per year.

It is in Russia that the popularity of vodka and beer is equal to each other. According to statistics, the consumers of these types of alcohol are equal in number and amount to about forty percent. According to analysts, the popularity of wine in Russia is only increasing every year. In the next few years, its popularity will equal that of other alcohol. Vodka is considered to be the national drink of this country.

Fifth place – Lithuania. In Lithuania, the average resident consumes about sixteen point three liters of alcoholic beverages. Thanks to this fact, Lithuania is in the top five drinking countries. Along with vodka and beer, Lithuanian Midus, a drink made from honey, water and yeast, is popular in this country. It is in this country that the production of most popular alcohol-containing tinctures, balms and nectars is located.

The fourth place is the Czech Republic. Another country where beer is considered the most popular type of alcohol. The Czech Republic occupies fourth position on the list due to the fact that its residents consume almost sixteen and a half liters of alcoholic beverages. There are many legends and stories associated with beer in this country. Some breweries are known throughout the world for their quality products.

Beer production in this country has more than eight centuries of rich history. The Celts were among the first to pioneer the idea of ​​brewing. Even in ancient times, this drink was so popular that it was prepared in almost every home.

Czech wineries are not inferior in quality to beer. Prague is considered a real Mecca for lovers of quality beer and wine. An alcoholic product such as Becherovka can be considered a real national treasure of the Czech Republic.

Third place – Estonia. If we divide alcohol consumption by country, Estonia takes third place on this list. This is exactly what WHO statistics indicate. The capital of Estonia, Tallinn is one of the most cultural and peaceful cities on the entire planet. It is here that the amount of alcohol consumed per capita is about seventeen and a quarter liters per year.

On the numerous streets of Tallinn there are not only masterpieces of world architecture, but also quite interesting establishments. One of these establishments is the Olde Hansa restaurant, stylized in the atmosphere of the Middle Ages.

All the furniture in this restaurant is made of oak wood. Candles are used for lighting, and the food is consistent with what many people believe ancient knights ate. Such an atmosphere is the best way to make your hand reach for a mug of light beer. It is beer that ranks first in popularity in Estonia.

In recent years, Russia has been in this sad ranking, which instills a certain positivity, down

Second place – Ukraine. The second place in the ranking is occupied by Ukraine, where the amount of alcoholic beverages per capita is about seventeen and a half liters. This is exactly the amount the average resident drinks. Ukraine is known all over the world for vodka, a product whose popularity dates back to the seventeenth century. In those distant times, vodka was called hot wine.

Among the alcohol producers that are famous throughout the planet, there are also representatives of this people. The Nemiroff brand belongs to the Ukrainian wine and vodka distillery. One of the most popular products produced under this brand is “Nemiroff. Honey and pepper."

The first line is the Republic of Belarus. It is Belarus that takes the lead in this list. According to the latest WHO information, alcohol consumption in Belarus reaches more than seventeen and a half liters annually per native resident. In addition, the researchers did not take into account those nuances that include moonshine. If these data were also taken into account, the figure would be significantly higher.

Belarus is recognized as the world leader in alcohol consumption. The national alcohol-containing compositions of this country include “Krambambulya”.
In terms of popularity in Belarus, strong alcohol ranks first. About forty-seven percent of residents use it. The second place is occupied by low-alcohol drinks, and beer closes the top three.

World average

According to the same statistics, per capita alcohol consumption in the world is about eight liters per person.

This fact is extremely concerning to WHO representatives, since, in their opinion, the percentage of the drinking population is increasing every year. A few decades ago, this value was equivalent to only six liters of alcohol per person.

Despite the high development of civilization, among the most drinking countries in the world in 2016-2017, states with a low standard of living were not far behind

World statistics on alcohol consumption

When compiling such lists, it is necessary to consider the fact that different types of alcohol are consumed in different parts of the world. For example, beer is quite popular in European countries; the most “beer” cities are recognized as:

  • Brussels;
  • Munich;
  • Dublin;
  • Berne.

In regions with hot climates, products belonging to the wine family are very popular. France and Spain are not only true legislators in this area, but also true fans of this alcohol.

An interesting fact is that the further north the state is located, the stronger its residents prefer alcohol. Strong alcohol is quite popular in the Russian Federation, the United States of America, the Czech Republic and Norway.
Also, according to WHO research, about forty percent of people alive have never drank alcohol.

Which countries are non-drinkers?

We found out which country in the world is the heaviest drinker in the world thanks to the rating, but which country’s residents can boast that they don’t drink alcohol at all? According to statistics, the countries of South Asia are among those where alcoholic beverages are in the least demand. Topping the list of these states is Pakistan, home to more than two hundred million people. Pakistan ranks sixth in the world population list.

Interestingly, the rate of alcohol consumption in this place on the planet is almost zero. According to WHO research, the average person in Pakistan drinks about one hundred grams of alcoholic beverages every year.

The reason for such low popularity of such products is religion. The state religion in Pakistan is Sunni Islam. The consumption of alcohol-containing liquids is strictly prohibited for followers. As a result of the research, an interesting fact emerged that only visitors and tourists drink alcohol in Pakistan. Another interesting fact is that, despite the fact that religion prohibits Sunnis from drinking alcohol, it is not forbidden to buy, sell and even give it as a gift to other people.

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