Who is the husband of comedian Maria Kravchenko (photo)? Biography, personal life, children, husbands and men of Maria Kravchenko. Maria Kravchenko from Comedy Woman is waiting for you on the cover of the July MAXIM! Photos of Maria Kravchenko

KVN star and comedy show Comedy Woman Maria Kravchenko, it seems, was born in order to amuse people and lift their spirits. Her sparkling jokes and transformation into a “show-off girl” have become so attached to the image of Masha that they have not perceived her differently for a long time.

But the transfer of the comedic image into life turned out to be not as pleasant as the artist’s fans imagine. Stardom is good, but if you are attracted to those who like a stage image that has nothing to do with reality, then be prepared for problems.

Childhood and youth

Maria Kravchenko was born in Komsomolsk-on-Amur in frosty January 1985. There were no people of art in the family of the future artist. None of the parents or relatives had anything to do with theater and cinema. Dad worked at school as a physical education teacher, mom worked as a technologist at a textile factory.

In a provincial city that was famous for its industry, few young people dreamed of becoming an actor. Kravchenko did not dream about this either. Although it is worth noting that Masha grew up as a creative and artistic child.

The parents noticed this and took their daughter to music school. But it would be a lie to say that Masha loved music lessons. She mastered playing the piano, but did not dream of it all later life finger the keys and participate in academic concerts of the Philharmonic.

Therefore, the girl continued her search for herself in a different direction. She began to study foreign languages, planning to become an English teacher.

After graduating from school, she went to the capital. Maria did not escape the temptation to try to enter a theater university, but quickly failed in the exams. In order not to return home and not waste time, she, as previously planned, went to the entrance to the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys at the pedagogical faculty.

Already during her studies, Maria met the “Comedy Woman” star, familiar to everyone today. The girls were brought together by a great sense of humor and a desire to realize themselves.

KVN and Comedy Woman

After several rehearsals, Kravchenko and Varnava appeared on the institute stage. Together they acted out comic miniatures, which pleased the cheerful student fraternity. Soon several more students joined their friends. At one point, the girls realized that this cheerful community was nothing more than a ready-made women's team KVN. Without further ado, they called it “MISiS Team”.

However, not all team members turned out to be as talented as Maria Kravchenko and Katya Varnava. Perhaps that is why the KVN women's team did not gain fame and great success. The girls took part in several KVN festivals and forums, but, not seeing any prospects, they lost their former enthusiasm.

In 2005, the MISiS Team began to disintegrate. Maria Kravchenko and her faithful friend did not agree with this development of affairs. The girls decided that it was too early to put an end to the careers of comedy artists, because everything was just beginning. There were a lot of ideas and plans. Therefore, the artists left the dilapidated team and joined the strong KVN team “Team of Small Nations”.

Maria Kravchenko as part of the team "Team of Small Nations"

Under the auspices of the Club of Cheerful and Resourceful, Maria Kravchenko and her colleague received a new impetus. The girls began performing at various festivals. Often these were comedy skits in which Nikolai Gigani and Renat Fatkhullin, teammates, participated.

The creative biography of Maria Kravchenko began to acquire new chapters. In 2005, Masha made her debut on big stage. “Team of Small Nations” performed in the KVN Premier League. The team was waiting for success. The guys made it to the finals, but only took the 4th step.

Maria Kravchenko and Ekaterina Varnava on the KVN stage

IN next year Maria Kravchenko, together with the team players, again appeared on TV screens: the “Team of Small Nations” performed in the Major League. But the first game turned out to be the last. The team repeated sad story"MISiS Team".

Failures have only tempered the artistes. They decided not to deviate from their chosen path. The girls joined another KVN team - to the women's team"Your secrets." At the Sochi festival, the women's “battalion” was eliminated from the championship after the first performance. But Maria Kravchenko and her constant colleague at that time had 12 performances in various teams, which KVN fans saw on TV. The girls were recognized.

In 2007, Maria Kravchenko, while still in the ranks of the “Own Secrets” team, tried her hand at the new comedy project Made in Woman. Soon the show received a new name - Comedy Woman. A little time passed, and the producers of the TNT channel drew attention to the comedy show. The debut of “Comedy Woman” on TNT took place in November 2008. From the very first appearance of the humorous project on the screen, Maria Kravchenko turned into his central person And main character.

Maria Kravchenko performs as a street girl

The stage image she took of a broken girl who knows her worth was liked and remembered by everyone. Masha was familiar with many representatives of this type from her youth in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Therefore, the image she created turned out to be surprisingly realistic. Kravchenko becomes a permanent participant in Comedy Woman.

Later, the actress changed the image of a yard girl to the role of a wife who constantly nags her husband. He became her partner in comedy scenes.

Together they appeared in the miniatures “Husband’s Temperature”, “Guardian of a Child’s Sleep”, “Winning the Lottery” and others.

IN last years Maria Kravchenko delighted fans with her appearance in the “Supermarket of Love” group. As it turned out, musical education Masha found it useful. The actress also sings in the Comedy Woman project. Together with her, Ekaterina Baranova and Ekaterina Baranova are working on vocal numbers.

Kravchenko tried her hand at theater stage, performing a role in the enterprise play “Wedding”. According to Maria, working on the same site with professional actors, she realized that she had nothing to learn from the masters. Moreover, their group game clearly lost to professional kaven players, whose success always depends directly on the feelings of their partner.


The actress's talent did not go unnoticed by producers and directors of full-length films. In 2011, Maria played in the comedy “The Most best movie 3D" celebrity. The film is about a failed director who gets a chance to express himself creatively. Mainly cast Comedians from the TNT channel and stars of the Russian screen were involved -,.

In 2015, the actress made her debut in the leading role. She reincarnated as the heroine Sonya in the comedy “Women Against Men” about three pairs of newlyweds who managed to quarrel with each other during their marriage. honeymoon. In the film, in addition to Kravchenko and, who played the husband of her heroine, they shone. Two years later, filming of the second film in the franchise, “Women vs. Men: Crimean Vacation,” was completed.

Personal life

The image of a “chav”, which trailed Maria in real life, played with her cruel joke. The same guys for whom “thieves’ romance” was near and dear began to gather around her. But the girl, intelligent and different from the on-screen heroine, dreamed of other men with whom she had something to talk about, she could go to a museum or theater. But there were no such people nearby.

One time personal life Maria Kravchenko remained unsettled. In search of happiness and a soul mate, the girl even went to the “Let's Get Married” project. But the guy, at first glance the one Masha dreamed of, turned out to be different in real life.

And yet the artist waited for her betrothed. At the beginning of 2015, fans started talking about Masha’s pregnancy. And in the spring of the same year it became known that Maria Kravchenko became a mother. She gave birth to a daughter from producer Konstantin Zolotarev, who filmed his wife in the project “Women Against Men.” Previously creative people were familiar from the KVN games, but there they were separated by almost an entire generation of players: future husband was older than Maria for 9 years and was perceived by her as a veteran of the club.

The man proposed marriage to the actress in Cuba, where he flew after Maria, in secret from her. Early in the morning, Konstantin called the number of his beloved, who was already 5 months pregnant. The groom touchingly got down on one knee and presented his chosen one with a diamond ring and a prepared bouquet.

For Zolotarev, marriage with Kravchenko is second. From the first he has two children - Varvara and Sofia. Married to Masha, a third daughter was born, named Victoria. IN "Instagram" Maria Kravchenko immediately after the birth of her first child posted a photo of her newborn’s crib.

Later the girl was baptized in Orthodox church, Victoria’s godmother was Maria’s friend and colleague Ekaterina Varnava.

Maria Kravchenko now

In 2018, the actress starred in candid photo shoot for Maxim magazine, and later entered the ranking of the 100 most sexy women countries according to this publication.

The actress shows off her beautiful physical fitness after the birth of the child, appearing in beach photos in a swimsuit. Ideal figure she supports individual training with an instructor. Now, with a height of 153 cm, her weight is 49 kg.


  • 2011 – “The best 3D movie”
  • 2015 - “Women against men”
  • 2018 - “Women against men 2: Crimean holidays”

With. 46


It’s much easier to suffer beautifully on camera than to make someone laugh beautifully. Not fair! We believe that female comedians also deserve to be celebrated in such a serious genre as erotic photography. Now let's see if you recognize Maria Kravchenko, the star Comedy show Woman on TNT, in a new role!

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Account: kravacomedy

Occupation: Russian actress, participant of the “Comedy Woman” project

Maria Kravchenko Instagram is filled with smiles and positivity, optimism and joy. And here is the actress’s beloved family and work, constant tours, meetings with the audience.

Maria Kravchenko’s Instagram evokes sympathy and a desire to look here more often.

Beautiful and talented actress, loving, caring mother charming Vicky, a sociable and relaxed woman – that’s all Maria. This is exactly how those who look at her page will see her.

Maria Kravchenko constantly updates photos from Instagram, bringing a lot of pleasure to her fans. This is where you can learn about the new season of Comedy Woman, see how the actress’s little daughter grows up, delighting her famous mother, leaving no one indifferent. And also - to visit with her on different stages and behind the scenes. And all this is accompanied by the inimitable smile of Maria Kravchenko and her friendly comments.

Biography of Maria Kravchenko

The biography of Maria Kravchenko is extremely diverse.

The future actress was born in Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

She received her higher education in Moscow, graduating from the Institute of Steel and Alloys in 2006, and received a teaching qualification in English.

Creativity has attracted her since childhood.

Maria graduated from music school with a degree in piano. While still at school, she started playing KVN. And working as the head of the youth programs department of the Moscow Financial and Legal Academy allowed me to do what I loved.

Through KVN - to fame and glory: this is exactly the path Maria Kravchenko took, becoming a people's favorite:

  • 2003 – MISiS women’s team “Own Secrets”;
  • 2005 – debut in the “Team of Small Nations” at the KVN Premier League festival;
  • 2006 – participation in the Sochi KNV Festival as part of the “Team of Small Nations”;
  • 2007 – television version of the Sochi Festival. Maria is one of the main actresses of the women's team;
  • 2008 – games of the KVN Major League.

    To the delight of fans, Maria Kravchenko’s biography is constantly updated:

  • In 2007, along with participation in KVN, Maria Kravchenko became a participant women's show"Made in Woman", later renamed "Comedy Woman".
  • Since 2008, work began on the television version of the show on the TNT channel. This immediately increased the number of fans.
  • In 2015, the actress played main role in the film "Women Against Men".

How did the popular Maria Kravchenko become popular and find a husband?

Maria Kravchenko - artist, comedian, resident of the Comedy Woman television project, young mother - is loved by many Russians for her humor, performances and unusual image on stage. In this material we will tell it short biography how the girl became a star, who her husband is, and whether she has children.

The life story of a comedian

Full biography Maria is not completely known; she does not like to talk much about herself. The future comedian was born on January 13, 1985 in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. While studying at school, she showed herself as creative person, went to music school, played the piano. Despite the fact that the girl liked to play, and the classes were going quite successfully, Maria understood inside herself that this was not what she really wanted. Kravchenko attended English language courses and also achieved significant results - she showed high linguistic abilities.

As a result, the young girl decided to try herself in this path and entered the Moscow University of Steel and Alloys for “foreign languages”. By the way, she wanted to move to Moscow since childhood. The fighting girl wanted to find herself in this world, buy her own apartment and move her family to the capital. And so it happened: in 2006, Maria bought a small apartment, which she renovated with her own money: she got a job in law firm after graduating from university.

Soon after the family moved, the future star and her relatives bought a new large apartment in a good area of ​​the capital.

While still at the university, Maria showed herself well in the local KVN - the future celebrity really liked these classes. Here she made an acquaintance with Ekaterina Varnava: the girls performed as part of the “Team of Small Nations”, the team’s debut took place in 2005. Maria was broadcast on federal channels.

Star of the Comedy Woman show Maria Kravchenko

A year later, the girl showed herself already in Major League KVN, although its team did not become the winner. In 2007-2008, Maria performed in “Her Secrets,” consisting only of girls: once they took a prize in the KVN Major League in Sochi.

By the way, starting in 2007, the comedian became a participant in the show “Made in Woman,” which later became the TV show “Comedy Woman.” Along with this, genuine success and popularity came to her. Her short stature(153 cm), the stage image was liked by many viewers. Maria took pride of place in the “golden” composition of the program.

Some time ago she was a co-host of the TV show “Outside the Game.” She also sings in the group “Supermarket of Love”.

Despite her unusual height, the star watches her shape, goes in for sports, visits the fitness center and does not deny herself her favorite food. Her frantic energy gives her the opportunity to keep her weight normal - now the girl weighs only 49 kg.

How did the comedian meet her husband?

Charismatic girl for a long time couldn't find a suitable partner for Serious relationships. She even participated in the “Let’s Get Married” program, but nothing worthy came of the idea. Masha was always afraid that it was not her who was loved, but only the image, the mask with which she performed.

Not long ago she met her love. She turned out to be a person who was always nearby - Konstantin Zolotarev, a producer on the TNT channel, but they met completely by chance and long after the start of the Comedy Woman show. After just a week, dating began whirlwind romance: people found in each other what they were looking for.

In 2014, Konstantin proposed to Maria in Cuba, Liberty Island, where the movie “Women Against Men” was filmed. The groom appeared completely unexpectedly and proposed marriage. This is what happy Maria I've wanted it for a long time.

In 2015, the young wife had a daughter, Victoria, the first child only for her - Konstantin already had children from a previous marriage.

Now Maria Kravchenko lives in happy marriage, is raising a daughter. But paying great attention to this, she cannot imagine herself in the image of a simple housewife. The star plans to participate in new television projects, so viewers will soon see her in new images.

This is the story of the popular Russian stand-up comedian Maria Kravchenko, a short and strong-willed girl. In this material we have collected the most valuable information about her, her husband and child. May success and happiness continue to accompany the young star.

Member name:

Age (birthday): 13.01.1985

City: Komsomolsk-on-Amur

Education: MISiS

Family: married, has a child

Height and weight: 153 cm

Found an inaccuracy? Let's correct the profile

Read with this article:

Maria Kravchenko was born in an industrial town, and she remembers those years with particular warmth. While mom and dad were at work, the comedian actively amused neighbors and classmates with her performances.

She came up with her numbers on the fly, sang and danced. Mom, realizing that talent was growing in her child, sent Masha to a music school for piano lessons.

Despite the fact that Maria calmly went to these classes and even did great success, she already understood then that classical music and she doesn’t like the calm atmosphere.

The temperamental girl wanted more energetic and promising occupations , so she began studying English at the same time.

After graduating from school, Masha moved to Moscow and entered the Faculty of Pedagogy at MISiS.

A little later she meets, and this meeting completely changed the lives of both.

The girls decided to create a humorous tandem and perform at student evenings.

The audience immediately fell in love with the brilliant performances, and the girls began to accept others who wanted to perform into their team.

This is how the KVN team “Team MISiS” appeared, which later changed its name to “Your Secrets.” In 2007, the team ceased to exist, as Maria and Katya left it.

Kravchenko was offered to become an actress in the show “Made in Woman”.

Later it was renamed “Comedy Woman” and made into a television project.

And at first these were ordinary club performances. Kravchenko is one of the few actresses who has worked in the show on a permanent basis since the very beginning of its appearance.

The image for Maria turned out to be the most convenient for her- a kind of smug, confident and even hooligan girl who knows how to get her way.

As she herself says, in her childhood she constantly watched such characters, so it was not difficult for her to play such a girl.

In life behind the scenes, Masha is completely different- she is calmer, more romantic, educated and well-mannered.

Her on-screen image greatly interfered with her personal life, since all her suitors were in love with Kravchenko from the show, and her opposite came to them on dates.

Maria even once appeared as a bride in the “Let's Get Married” program, where she revealed her soul. However, the guy she chose did not live up to her hopes and first impression.

In 2013, information about Masha’s affair with TNT channel producer Konstantin Zolotorev was leaked for the first time. And in the spring of 2015, she gave birth to a child from him.

On this moment time the comedian continues to perform on the show, periodically acting in films.

The comedy “Women Against Men,” where she again played a hooligan, became her first role.

Maria Kravchenko simply loves shoes high heels , and even if she can’t wear them, she’ll try them on with pleasure. And in men she especially values ​​well-groomed hands - for a girl from Komsomolsk-on-Amur this means a lot.

Photo of Maria

The girl runs Instagram, her page is very popular, more than 400 thousand subscribers.

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