Who met their love where? How I met my love

This is an issue for both genders equally. How can you solve the problem? As with any business, the main thing here is to start. If you sit and think about her, nothing will come of it. Naturally, this does not mean that you need to look for a potential partner in every person. But if you follow some rules, you can cope with the task much easier.

“I want to meet my love. What to do?"

Most often, psychology is to blame for a person’s love failures. He becomes fixated on the problem, which only makes the situation worse. Under no circumstances should you think in terms of “Find your love, no matter what.” Some also set themselves up for failure. You can't do that. Don't forget that thoughts are material.

Try to get all negative thoughts out of your head. You must believe that you are worthy of real feelings. Feel free to take the initiative, but don't go overboard. There is no need for this to turn into intrusiveness.

They will start loving you only after you love yourself. Always be confident. And so that such thoughts are not unfounded, you need to try to become better. Where there is love, there is constant development. Start taking care of yourself, sign up for a gym, find yourself an interesting hobby, and always try to learn something new. Everyone around you will appreciate the changes in you. Your chosen one may be among them.

Many psychologists advise becoming the kind of person you want your potential partner to be. If you want a kind and affectionate chosen one, you need to cultivate these qualities in yourself. Those who want to see a smart man next to them should take care of their intellectual development. It is important to remain positive in any situation. Smiling people look much more attractive.

You must always be prepared for great and pure love. Life is too short to sit and just wait. If you want to exercise, join a gym. There is no need to leave beautiful clothes until better times, be beautiful here and now. Don't forget to celebrate yourself. They will fill you with joy, and this is very important. Don't sit at home for a long time. If possible, take a walk or go somewhere with your friends. This way you will not only have a great time, but also possibly meet your soulmate.

Where to find love

In today's world, there are many places where you can find love. Among them:

  • Social network;
  • dating websites;
  • cafes, parks;
  • Job;
  • marriage agencies;
  • circle of friends.

The Internet is the most popular way of dating at the moment. On social networks and dating sites you will find all the information about your potential partner. Communication there is easy and convenient. Naturally, you don’t need to stay on the World Wide Web for too long. If you are confident in your partner, do not hesitate to ask him out!

To the question “Where can I find love?” the popular answer is a marriage agency. Experts will analyze your compatibility based on many parameters. They will find you the perfect match. The advantage of this method is the high probability of meeting a person with similar interests. This will be great for your relationship.

Often friends cope with finding a soul mate no worse than professional matchmakers. They know well what kind of characters you and your potential chosen one have. This will help you make a good choice. The main advantage is that you are in the same social circle. You don't have to adjust in any way.

Let's not forget about cafes and parks, where finding love is not so difficult. These places may not be so popular now, but this does not mean that they have become obsolete. There you can find your soulmate while having a great time. What else is needed for happiness?

“We worked together and barely communicated. He was very modest, and people who are silent make me nervous. One day I asked him about his hobbies, just to find out something about him. He replied that he was not interested in anything and usually stayed at home. I said that I’m also not interested in anything and “let’s do something together.” I don’t even know how it came out, I had no idea that there could be a continuation.

We've been together for 11 years. The moral of the story is don’t expect fireworks and celebration, sometimes you’ve known each other for a long time, but don’t immediately realize that you’re much better together.”

2. When the sun rose, we kissed goodbye and she went home.

“I was dating her friend at the time. She herself was modest and taciturn. I ended up breaking up with my girlfriend and a month later I asked her out. When she realized that she could trust me, she began to tell me everything. That evening I felt bad and she came to my house. We talked all night. When the sun rose, we kissed goodbye and she went home. We've been together for eight years now."

3. It was love at first date

“When we met, I didn’t immediately realize that I loved her, but after a couple of hours I realized. We were very similar, and even life lessons and goals were the same. Years later, everything remains the same. If she were a man, she would have become my best friend, but I just married her.”


4. He sat in a Pikachu suit

“This guy was sitting behind me in higher mathematics lectures. One day I turned around to hand him a paper for a test, and he came to the institute wearing a full-length Pikachu Pokemon costume! He noticed my laughter and asked, ‘What happened?’ That was almost 10 years ago.”

5. It was love at first sight

“When I first saw my husband, it seemed to pierce me with the realization that he was my soul mate. I just realized that the upcoming move to another country for work, all the expenses associated with it (exams, visas) - all this does not matter. Then he was in a relationship, and I decided to wait without confessing to anyone. Two months later he was released and we started dating. Seven years of marriage and two children.”

6. He annoyed me, I didn’t want a second date

“It was a blind date. I didn’t like that he answered calls and told me who should come where (he was a volunteer in some fund). Moreover, he lived far from me. He annoyed me, I didn’t want a second date. But a mutual friend persuaded me to give him a second chance. For me, it was a date that I could have easily left after an hour, but it lasted eight. We're married now."

7. We both didn’t want anything special.

“I went on a date with him with full confidence that I could leave at any moment. It turned out that he also thought that the date would be the last, because I was too good for him and he did not expect consent. In the end, it turned out that on the second date we decided to get married.”

8. I was hooked

“One day my friend and I prepared dinner, but there was more food than for two men. And then I saw a pretty neighbor walking home with a large bag. I walked out and asked if she wanted to join us. She replied: “No, thanks, I have a bag full of food,” and went to her room, and I realized that I was lost. A couple of weeks later I asked her out and we’ve been together ever since.”

The other day I received a letter from the cashback service CopiCat with an offer to participate in a competition called “How I met my love.” Actually, out of personal selfish interests, I decided to write my own love story and at the same time make a video on this topic. What came out of this, see below.

On the eve of Valentine's Day, we are announcing a new competition. Tell us about how you met your love:

it could be a romantic story, or it could be a funny or funny story, or a story in the best traditions of Hollywood films.

— You need to be a user of Kopikot.ru, if you are not registered, then you can do this using the link https://www.kopikot.ru/?r=3533452
— Publish the story on your page with a hashtag #kopikot_love until February 13, 23:59 (Moscow time).
— End your story with the phrase “That’s how I met my love, @kopikot" The link to the community must be active.

We will give the author of the most interesting stories 5,000 rubles for credit in Kopicot.ru, which you can spend on a gift for your significant other or for a romantic dinner. The winner will be determined by the friendly team of Kopicot.ru.

The competition will take place if there are at least 20 participants. The Kopicot.ru team reserves the right to change the conditions until the end of the competition.

How I met my love

(a story from the first person, that is, from me, Maxim Petrovich Mikhailovsky, about how I met my girlfriend)

Somehow, after another unsuccessful acquaintance on Dating Sites, I was in a slight melancholy, and since they were knocking out a wedge with a wedge, I decided to go back to the LovePlanet website and try my luck for the thousandth time, that is, to find a girl for a relationship. All this happened on January 3, 2018.

Actually, I found a girl there, started corresponding with her, then invited her to call her and we talked for 2.5 hours about relationships, mine, hers, our understanding of this issue, our goals and achievements, work, life, hobbies and much more.

My notes hot on the heels: 01/03/2018 - first correspondence in LovePlanet and conversation 2.5 hours as a result of which she had a positive impression and a desire to meet, her first boyfriend was 3 years old from 21-23 years old from a religious family, who did not want to move to another level of relationship, 3 years older. The second guy is 36 years old, a former colleague from work, with whom she dated for 6-8 months and broke off the relationship in the fall of 2017, he did not want to live together, remained friends and corresponded periodically, did not want to live together as he was either married or Lee, did not want the relationship to develop.

Then, at the end of the conversation, I suggested meeting with her, she was free tomorrow, since she didn’t work until January 9, and we decided to meet with her on January 4, 2018. I live in the glorious city of Kyiv, so it was decided to meet at the Khreshchatyk metro station at 19:00. She had things to do before, so they chose this particular time.

My impression of the girl after the call and the first date:

A very interesting girl, young, but not stupid, she lacks knowledge and experience about life, but has an intelligence that makes up for it all. She does not expose her external sexual characteristics to everyone, although she has all this, she dresses well and practically, but does not show off everything sexually, she is quite relaxed, but not vulgar.

Not very active on social networks. There is no Instagram, there is a FB page and a personal website about hobbies. She is one child in the family, a family of average social level, good upbringing, artistic nature, but not melancholic, rather a practical phlegmatic with the beginnings of a melancholic.

She knows approximately what she wants, but is not petty. Practicality is very clearly visible in her behavior, which I really like. The general appearance can be described as follows, the appearance is not provocatively sexual, but very attractive, I like the whole aspect of her behavior and excites me.

There is a desire to continue communication with her, both intellectually and sexually. She is not embarrassed to wear glasses, which for a girl of 24, almost 25 years old, speaks of her confidence and lack of complexes. The overall assessment is positive and requires further study.

We met her at 19:00 on the Khreshchatyk metro station, I was waiting for her at the exit from the escalator, hugged her and we went for a walk. I suggested going to Sofievskaya Square to see the New Year tree, she agreed and we went there. We liked everything there and we walked further along the Maidan, the People's Friendship Arch, Mariinsky Park and went to sit in some cafe. I ordered coffee, she ordered tea. We talked there for about 2 hours, then we went back to Khreshchatyk Square. Leo Tolstoy, Shevchenko Park, Botanical Garden and South Station. There I hugged her and put her on the bus. Before this, both she and I expressed a desire to continue our acquaintance in the future.

I took notes after every meeting, this is what I wrote down after my first date with her.

Here's what I wrote about our first date in my diary about her: 01/04/2018 19:00-24:00 No. 1 - first date, everything is very good, I liked it, I think I did too, we learned a lot about each other, expressed a desire to try again, hugged twice when we met and parted. His father and mother are photographers, he is 61, she is almost 50 years old, he has been living separately from them since the summer, probably renting an apartment (I checked with the family’s apartment). Cheerful, laughs often, smart, needs a little guidance in conversation, but not shy. He seems definitely phlegmatic. She has been living separately from her parents since the summer of 2017, the first one asked if I liked her and I said yes (I really think so), and also agreed to repeat the meeting again.

In general, this is my story about how I met my girlfriend, and not just any girl, but my first girl! That's how I met my love,

Few people are lucky enough to have documentary footage of how a new relationship is born with someone with whom you move on through life.

Simply because this rarely happens: I saw a person and understood “MINE.”

And immediately take photos or record videos.

Sounds funny, by golly)))

But that’s exactly what happened with Maris.

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We met him at the Kryon Conference in Riga in April 2011, where I was present as a translator, which means I was constantly in the frame - a camera or video camera.

I even have a video of the very first “meeting”, I write in quotes, because... at that moment I flew past Maris, who was checking tickets at the entrance, at breakneck speed)))

During the break, he came up and said that he had been advised to definitely meet Alena...
- Starovoitova?
- I don’t know, I didn’t remember the last name)))

The next day he appeared again with the words: “I looked on the Internet who Alena Starovoitova is.”
- AND?
— I liked your materials. You and I speak the same language.

A little later, I came up with the brilliant idea to record an interview where I compare my first visit to the Kryon conference in 2007 as a participant with the “inside view” as part of the Kryon team.

I needed someone who would introduce me and ask 2 questions.

Conference operator Alexey Obukhov brought Maris. It turned out that he is an expert in HOW to ask questions (he deals with regression - with the help of leading questions, he leads people into past lives and into the space between lives).

We record a short interview, I answer the questions I came up with and suddenly I hear: “Alena, where can those watching this video find you?”

This is MY favorite move?!

In any interview or video, I ALWAYS ask this question at the end so that a person interested in the material can easily find the author and his website.

That's how I learned that we not only speak the same language, but also think in the same direction!

The same interview at the Kryon conference

Once upon a time, I believed that with a sweetheart and in a hut there would be heaven, there would be love.

Time has shown that love alone, even mutual, is not enough for life together.

Then I looked for understanding in my partner.

I just got seriously involved in metaphysics, and it was important for me that my partner understood what I was passionate about, what the meaning of my work was.

And so it happened, but strong people automatically attract weaker partners, and in moments of trouble there is simply no one to rely on - a weak partner would rather help you go to the bottom than keep you afloat...

To shorten a long story, I’ll just say that Maris “took me” with one single phrase:

I will always be there. Where you go, I go too.


It’s difficult to explain, but until that moment I myself always helped everyone, supported, kicked, helped overcome crises... I was a lifesaver for all occasions.

And only a few people did the same in response. Close friends, yes, but not partners.

100% pattern break.

I won’t say that Maris is an ideal man/husband, we spent several months getting used to each other, sometimes quite harshly...

But he kept his promise!

Since May last year I have had 12 trips - for work/leisure/vacation. And only to Kyiv in April of this year I flew alone.

Previously, it was difficult for me to imagine a man in my space:

  • of which there is a lot, but at the same time you do not feel an invasion of personal space;
  • who will not be stressed by my crazy work schedule;
  • who will not only chew himself, but will also force me to eat;
  • will constantly push me towards new achievements (I push anyone myself);
  • like a man he will deal with those who brought his wife to tears;
  • will repeat over and over again: I want it, let's do it!

Yes, yes, just imagine that such people exist, in this case - men.

Dear girls, women!

If you are currently in forced solitude,

If you have just recently gotten out of a painful relationship,

If you live with a man who doesn't deserve you,
Know that the Universe is NOT idle!

Believe that there is DEFINITELY someone on our globe who will appreciate you!

Don’t despair, live, enjoying every moment, and the Universe itself will take care of the place and time of your meeting!

Well, tomorrow we are celebrating our wedding anniversary, which occurred three months after we met.

My love with my husband sleeps in his crib and snores quietly... Our love story began in the fall of 2011 - from a dating site. Before that, I was wary of such sites and did not believe in the success of such an enterprise, until friends and acquaintances began to tell me stories that ended in weddings. And I also decided to try my luck. I had admirers and even offered to marry me, but I felt that all this was not right, and my heart continued to look for its soul mate.

One evening I was sitting on a dating site, answering regular letters from suitors—some were interested in me, but I didn’t even notice others. My heart was heavy, because on that day our relatives experienced grief - their son died. I was very sad. One guy wrote me a letter. I was thinking: should I answer or not? As a result, I wrote to him, to which he replied that he had also recently lost his grandfather. That's how we supported each other and had a heart-to-heart talk. Then our correspondence with him began, long conversations on the phone and the first meeting...

I was very worried, I thought whether I would like him, since there had been meetings before and no one touched my heart. I carefully prepared for the first date, I picked out a beautiful and at the same time not provocative outfit: I wanted to please him. And so we met with him, watched a film, and after the film we talked and listened to music. We liked each other at first sight, and I immediately realized that this was my soulmate, a part of me.

Our relationship developed very rapidly. Just 2 months later I met his parents, they invited me to the festive table, and on New Year’s Day my future husband came to meet my parents. To our surprise, his and my parents were born and raised in the same area, moms and dads were somewhat similar, they had the same interests...

Soon he arrived with a bouquet of pink roses, confessed his love to me and asked my parents for my hand in marriage. I answered yes! There was an engagement in the winter, and a beautiful one took place in the summer. After 9 months, our wonderful son was born. We celebrated our first anniversary this summer. I love my husband very much, who has become so dear to me!

Personal experience


Comment on the article "How I met my love. The story of a happy family"

I think it is absolutely necessary to give readers the main thing - the name of the dating site, or, at worst, the address of the wedding salon :)
And it’s true - there’s nothing to talk about :)
Anyway - congratulations :)

12/16/2013 07:33:48, write more

who doesn't want pizza in the dead of night???)))

Total 4 messages .

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