Who were the wives of Cain, Seth and their descendants? The story of Adam and Eve

According to sociologists, in 2011 there were just over 7 billion people living on planet Earth. And every year this figure increases (forecast for 2050 - 9 billion). How more people lives on the planet, the more often we ask the question: “Where did it all start?” How many people lived on the planet in ancient times, where did they come from, and where does individuality come from in such a densely populated world? And most importantly - how to remain yourself, not be like anyone else?

Most often we are faced with the fact that the main source of information on this topic is the Bible. It tells us how many children Adam and Eve had. Of course, there is also Darwin's theory and various kinds fantastic versions of the origin of humanity. But the biblical explanation is somehow closer and clearer to us.

Why are we interested in this?

How many children did Adam and Eve have? Every person asks this question at one time or another. And it doesn’t matter whether we are driven by simple curiosity or whether we are consciously looking for an answer in order to understand how the representatives are really so different different nations. And sometimes in the same family there are almost opposite characters, which amazes even more. We are all so different that it is difficult to imagine that all people on the planet have only two ancestors: Adam and Eve.

What is known for sure from the Bible

Humanity has been studying this book for more than one millennium. And we can responsibly state that the Bible does not clearly indicate how many children Adam had. That is, we all know that after expulsion from paradise and the Fall, Eve gave birth to two sons. And after another 800 years, Adam conceived a third son, Seth. These three official version and is limited. What's hard to believe to modern man? How did Adam and Eve manage to live so long? long life and never conceive a child again? Even a deeply religious person would not believe in such “luck.” What can we say about atheists!

And skeptics also have a completely reasonable question: if all of Eve’s children are male, then how did they manage to reproduce? Only women have the ability to bear children. In this case, men can only help conceive a child, but only a woman can carry and give birth. Some experts question the very existence of only two progenitors of humanity and argue that God created more people. They were simply the first and “glorified” for sinning. So we only know their history and what the names of the children of Adam and Eve were.

What else can you read about in the Bible?

However, theologians still insist that the Bible has all the answers. You need to look for meaning in every line. In this case, it turns out that it is almost impossible to calculate how many children Adam and Eve had. After all, having expelled them to Earth, God gave the command: “Be fruitful and multiply.” During his 930 years of life on Earth, Adam probably fathered not three sons, but several more.

Take for example the facts modern history. The Guinness Book of Records records a record number of children born to one woman: 58. And this is in early XIX centuries! Therefore, there is no doubt that the children of Adam and Eve in the Bible are “badly counted.” One historian who studied this issue concluded that Adam fathered 33 sons and 23 daughters. But this is also unprovable.

Sons of Adam

The names of the children of Adam and Eve are known to every more or less enlightened person. The biblical story of the fratricide of Abel by Cain teaches us not to envy and not to betray our closest and dearest people. The name Cain became a common noun to denote an angry, envious and dishonest person.

Returning to the question of how many children Adam and Eve had, it must be admitted that if there were only two of them, then after the murder of Abel all people would be descendants of Cain. The Bible cannot allow humanity to come from a sinner in the worst sense of the word. Therefore Cain dies from Flood. And then only the third official son of Adam remains - Seth, who is considered the ancestor of Noah, who survived

We can assume that to determine the origins of humanity, everything is quite simple. The children of Adam and Eve are three sons. One (Abel) died at the hands of his older brother. Therefore, giving him, Cain, the opportunity to continue to multiply and sow sin on Earth would be wrong. Therefore, he does not survive the Flood. But humanity still continues its history, which means there was a third son. It was he, Sif, who became the successor of the human race.

Women in the line of Adam

According to ancient tradition the race is carried out according to male line. Therefore, the Bible very rarely mentions someone's daughters. Perhaps this is why we do not know a single daughter that Adam and Eve conceived. Simply no one has ever written about them or mentioned their names.

But, as noted above, only three sons could not procreate and give life to all the nations inhabiting modern Earth. Therefore, it is undeniable that Adam also had daughters. Moreover, there is a direct indication of this: and he gave birth to sons and daughters. So we boldly assert that not all of the children of Adam and Eve are mentioned in the Bible. Probably, the Bible was of interest only to those individuals whose lives fundamentally influenced the development of mankind.

Otherwise, the question again arises: “Where did Cain get his wife?” The Bible clearly states that when he went to the land of Nod, he was married. But since there is no hint about the origin of Cain’s wife, one can only guess who she was to the fratricide: a sister, a niece, or someone else.

Marriages with close relatives

If we stick to the version that there were two first people, then, without a doubt, we come to the understanding that they got married and started families with their closest relatives. Literally the first generations of people, in addition to being husband and wife, were also brothers and sisters to each other.

This contradicts modern morality, when in many countries there is a ban on marriages between close relatives. But we are talking about events that took place more than two thousand years ago. Therefore, modern principles of morality and genetics cannot be transferred to the behavior of the first generations of people.

Genetic deformities

Genetic deformities are disorders and errors in the genes that are passed on to the child by the father and mother. It is not the first day that it has been known that a child receives half of his genes from his father, and half from his mother. Over the millennia of human existence, an incredible number of sets of genes have accumulated, and almost every set contains so-called “errors”.

Modern researchers have proven that the less related the parents are, the less likely it is to pass on the same set of these errors to the child. In nature, the strongest wins, which means that in each pair of genes the “flawed” one will be suppressed by the “strong”. And the person will live his life calmly, being beautiful and healthy. So, if the father in his family all has a crooked nose, and the mother has asymmetrical ears, then the child will most likely get a normal nose and neat ears. In extreme cases, the flaws will not be very noticeable.

A completely different matter is parents who are closely related to each other. The set of their genetic errors is almost the same, and it is passed on to their offspring with a coefficient of “2”. Dad's crooked nose plus mom's crooked nose will give the child a completely ugly face.

Prohibition on marriages of close relatives

In ancient times, no one conducted thorough research. There were few scientists and enlightened people. But ordinary “children of Adam and Eve” also began to notice such features of the offspring born from close relatives. Therefore, at first there were those who condemned intimate relationships between close relatives. There was even a statement that every clan needs “fresh blood.” Therefore, it was customary to choose wives and husbands not even from their own village, in order to certainly avoid the relationship of parents.

Over time, most countries introduced a ban on marriages within the same family. Even countries such as England, France and Spain began to turn a blind eye to ancestry and traditions. After all, the purity of blood among the nobles of these states stood above all else. However, the incredible number of freaks and mentally retarded children forced them to reconsider their canons. Nowadays, no one is surprised that the prince marries a fashion model, and the princess marries an entrepreneur. And a hundred years ago this was impossible!

Biblical morality

Continuing the topic of prohibitions on consanguineous marriages, it should be noted that in the Bible, the condemnation of such unions first appears in the time of Moses. And this is 2500 years after the fall of Adam and Eve. It is quite clear that the first generations were, as they say, “absolutes”. There were no errors in the genes of Adam and Eve, because God created them in his own image and likeness. Probably their children also received the purest genes.

But for sin, God cursed people and sent them illnesses, deformities and old age. How many generations this went on, and at what point those same genetic errors appeared, is almost impossible to say. However, the condemnation of marriages between close relatives came to humanity through the law of God, which was announced by Moses. As already stated, he lived almost three thousand years later. Of course, over such a period of time, a very extensive database of genetic errors has been collected. Considering the growing population of the planet, it was quite possible to abandon consanguineous marriages in favor of the health of nations.


Despite a lot of research that theologians, geneticists, historians and other specialists have been conducting for decades, we do not have an exact answer to the question: “How many children did Adam and Eve have?”

Geneticists who have studied hundreds of thousands of DNAs over 20 years have concluded that it is quite possible that all people on the planet can be considered relatives. At least this does not contradict either the biblical version of the emergence of the human race.

I would just like to note that if we are all one family, then why do we so often not understand our loved ones and get offended by each other? Let's live together, relatives!

This conclusion was reached by scientists who, as part of a scientific expedition led by a famous traveler professors Ernst Muldashev explored burial mounds, bottomless lakes, menhirs and graves of giants in Bashkiria (read “AiF” Nos. - for 2015 etc.). This allowed us to draw the conclusion that the Bashkir epic “Ural Batyr” was not written from scratch, but on the basis real events that took place in ancient times. But the most curious thing was the assumption that there was more than one Adam and more than one Eve on Earth. Professor Muldashev shared it with AiF readers.

Did people come from the Bashkirs?

"AiF": Many peoples have ancient legends about the origin of humanity. Many nations are convinced that they are its ancestors. Having studied the epic “Ural-Batyr”, where Adam and Eve appear under other names, do you think that humanity originated from... the Bashkirs?

Ernsta Muldashev: I was recently in Macedonia, where my books have been translated. There we were given a lecture on the topic that humanity originated from the Macedonians. I heard the same thing in Mexico, Indonesia and even Easter Island. And some Bashkir scientists are trying to prove the same thing. At the same time, scientists of this kind use the similarity of some words to the criterion of truth. different languages. For example, the Bashkirs have a clan called Katai, the name of which is consonant with the word “China”, in connection with which it is hypothesized that Ancient China, which includes the citadel of humanity Tibet, was created by the Bashkirs from the Katai clan.

—Where do you think so many nations and languages ​​came from? After all, it would be more reasonable if all people spoke the same language.

— If you follow the logic of such texts as the English “Silmarillion” or the Bashkir “Ural Batyr”, then you can understand that in ancient times there was a multi-intelligent world. Various intelligent forms lived in it: angels, people, hobbits, gnomes, divas, dragons and other creatures who could communicate with each other using a certain common language. Such a world was created, apparently, so that there would always be competition between life forms and devilish pride would not appear.

However, as is clear from ancient writings, the multi-intelligent world is mired in continuous wars. In this regard, God decided to create a mono-intelligent world and transfer the reins of government to one of the intelligent life forms - people. But God also provided a system of competition here, creating many nations and languages ​​so that they would compete for leadership in the world. Now the English nation is in the lead, but no one knows what will happen in the future.

— Do you want to say that every nation has its own Adam and Eve?

- No. Babylonian Adam and Eve were 11-meter giants. Ural-batyr was also a giant. What kind of nation can we talk about here, because now there are no giants.

In my opinion, the giants of the past are a universal phenomenon, rooted in the civilizations of the Atlanteans and Lemurians, who had no nationality. The growth of the Atlanteans reached 5-7 meters, and the Lemurians - 10-20 meters. The Atlanteans and Lemuirians, in our opinion, are still in a state of samadhi, or self-preservation of the human body, which, according to Tibetan lamas, can last for thousands and millions of years.

Moreover, I want to say that samadhi, which is well known in the Himalayas and Tibet, exists in other places on the planet. Just remember the “grave” of the 5-meter giant, in which, according to Bashkir legends, he is in sitting position, characteristic of samadhi. How can one not think about this phenomenon, and not in the Himalayas, but in Bashkiria! How can one not think that samadhi has a worldwide distribution, called the gene pool of humanity!

They'll be back

— Do you believe that Adams and Eves, being representatives of previous civilizations and being giants, appeared here and there on the surface of the earth, emerging from the state of samadhi?

- That's exactly what I think.

—For what purpose do the giants of the past come to the surface?

- It seems to me that it is not at all for the purpose of reproducing. Otherwise we would also be giants. Most likely, their goal is to correct the human genome, that is, to “introduce gene culture” so that humanity does not deviate somewhere, does not go wild, for example, or... does not “go blue.”

IN last years There is a lot of discussion about the so-called wave genome, that is, about genes transmitted using bioenergetic waves. I think that giants who have emerged from the state of samadhi can do this due to the divine spells inherent in previous civilizations. And the concept of “Adam’s rib” is, apparently, a metaphor that speaks of the introduction of an ancient and true principle into the lost genome of humanity.

Folk legends have preserved information about the Babylonian Adam and Eve. But... there were probably many Adams and Eves in different parts of the Earth. And only ancient epics and legends tell us this.

—Can Adam and Eve appear in modern times?

- Maybe yes. It is not for nothing that in Indian mythology they talk a lot about the coming of a new prophet - Maitreya - soon.

Where did people come from on Earth? This question has most likely been asked by every person. However, despite centuries-old attempts by many generations of people to find the right way To solve this puzzle, no one has yet been able to find out the truth.

Of course, first of all, one should look for the origins of truth in ancient sources, which are the legends and myths of the time when people were closest to the beginning of “glimmers of reason” in the development of mankind.

The first of the legends telling about the creation of man tell that people were created Supreme Mind(by God or Gods) from clay.

The Sumerians, Khanty, Egyptians, Greeks, as well as the inhabitants of Altai and Polynesia believed that the gods molded the first people from this very material.

But why was clay chosen as a “building” material for humans? As you know, any creative or destructive process requires large amounts of energy. But the fact is that sometimes uranium is mixed into the clay composition - a radioactive substance that can release a huge amount of energy during decay. And perhaps, for some reason, it was from the uranium contained in the clay that the energy was taken to create all life on earth.

Again, if we consider the process of processing uranium ore, we will notice that at a certain stage the purified form of uranium becomes similar to clay yellow color, and it is in the form of this composition that uranium is then used for fission and energy production. It is estimated that 3,000,000 kg coal contain as much energy as is contained in one (!) kilogram of uranium. Not bad, right?

But let's return to the process of creation. According to another assumption, also no less ancient, people descended from certain bisexual creatures (hermaphrodites), and only much later were people divided by gender. Such myths can be found among the peoples of Africa, in particular, the inhabitants of western Sudan.

More modern versions The appearance of man on Earth is associated with the intervention in the evolutionary process of the Earth by aliens from other planets, who artificially revealed intelligent life on our planet.

Despite such a variety of hypotheses about the origin of man (including Darwinism), most of humanity still accepts that side of the origin of Life, which is reflected in its religious worldview. Considering the huge number of different movements, the main religions of the world are Christianity, Islam and Buddhism. Despite the numerous contradictions between Christianity and Islam, these two religions “echo” each other, and even sometimes complement each other.

For example, every Christian knows that the first people on earth were Adam and Eve, but not everyone knows that the early Christian Apocrypha, the Hebrew text of Isaiah, the Ben Sira Alphabet, the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Book of the Zohar mention God’s creation of the First Eve - Lilith. This woman, like Adam, was created from clay. Another version even mentions that Adam and Lilith were twin brothers.

But still, the plot with a female Lilith is more common, nevertheless, the wife of Adam in the ancients literary sources she was never called - only a woman. And not wanting to admit that she was lower than Adam and submit to the man, Lilith “flew away” from him, turning into a demon. In Muslim mythology, she was even credited with the role of girlfriend of the Prince of Darkness. Lilith is also called the night ghost, and according to legend, this evil spirit kills babies.

Here I would like to draw attention to the fact that Lilith did not leave, did not run away from Adam, but rather “flew away.” But these creatures created by God were equal, which means Adam could fly, that is, he was a disembodied spirit! The Bible says that after Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, God gave them “robes of skins” (bodies?) and expelled them from Paradise to Earth.

From reliable historical sources we know that over the course of the millennia-long history of mankind, a change of different civilizations has repeatedly occurred on Earth. So, some modern scientists are of the opinion that our planet was originally inhabited by same-sex creatures, like spirits, who had the ability to telepathy, levitation, telekinesis and other supernatural things.

However, over time, they acquired the ability to materialize, and discovered different feelings. Over time, spirits diversified the number of materialized bodies and modified them in order to fully enjoy all processes: sound perception, food absorption, touch, etc. This is how the giants appeared - the Lemurians, who still retained supernatural abilities.

Over time, the inhabitants of the mysterious Lemuria “transformed” into Atlanteans, who already had an idea of ​​​​sexual pleasure and gradually differentiated them into men and women. The Atlanteans were replaced by people who were perfectly adapted to existence in the material world, but almost completely lost all superpowers.

But here again the question may arise: who came first: a man or a woman?

Recently held Scientific research made it possible to prove that initially all human embryos are female, and only then, in the process of hormonal changes, some of the embryos turn into males. Indirect evidence of this assumption can come from observations made by zoological scientists on polar bears in natural conditions. Experts have noticed that with the appearance of the “ozone hole” over the Arctic territory, mother bears have become more likely to give birth to hermaphrodite cubs. The same thing is happening with the “stronger sex” of humanity: there is a sharp surge in homosexuality, and cases of infertility in men have also become more frequent.

Irina Ermakova, a researcher at the Institute of Neurophysiology, believes that such processes are associated with changes in the genotype of men, as a result of which degenerative processes are observed in the Y chromosome, which precisely determines the male sex. As the expert believes, with this state of affairs, within five generations the Earth will again be inhabited by hermaphrodite women, as it was once upon a time.

The hypothesis of the woman scientist is also supported by specialists from the United States who conducted comparative studies of the remains of people who lived in the cave period. The results of the analysis were amazing: it turned out that the female X chromosome is 80,000 years older than the male Y chromosome! And this is with high probability This means that it was as a result of modification of the female chromosome that men appeared on earth.

They received one commandment: not to eat from the tree of knowledge, and so they broke it. In fact, there were more commandments.

The first of them was the commandment to multiply life: “be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth.” This is the command that the Lord gave to people first of all. And it should be noted that the presence of such a command means that the anti-Christian argument that identifies the sin of Adam and Eve with their sex life, and then triumphantly asks, pulling out his finger either from his nose or from somewhere else: Ah, that’s how people would multiply if they hadn’t sinned, huh? - They would multiply. And the sin of Adam and Eve has nothing to do with a person’s sexual life, or his family life. This is not the area where sin occurred.

The second commandment that Adam receives is the commandment of cultivating the land, the commandment of labor: “by the sweat of your brow you shall till the ground.” There’s not even any sweat there yet, but just cultivate it. The Lord leads man into the Garden of Eden and says: keep it and cultivate it. Here is where there is a difficulty in the Hebrew text of the Holy Scriptures. The fact is that not only in the Hebrew language, but also in Russian, the word garden, “gonom”, is masculine. And, nevertheless, the commandment of God speaks of woman's face, in the feminine gender: keep it and cultivate it.

On the one hand, the closest feminine creature, which is closer in the text, turns out to be the earth: keep the earth and cultivate the earth. On the other hand, well, let's say the rabbis believe that we're talking about about the Torah, about the Word of God, about the commandments and about the wife, who, however, does not exist yet, her gift lies ahead.

It should be noted that Adam was created outside the Garden of Eden and was then introduced there. This is an important note, because the holy fathers, describing the life of man in the Garden of Eden, in the Garden of Eden, say that there was no pain, there was no sorrow, and so on. But, however, these descriptions should not be mechanically transferred to the circumstances of anthropogenesis, to the world in which man arose. That is, initially a person was isolated from the world of his origin and placed in a certain limited space. This Garden of Eden, it had its boundaries, it did not fill the entire earth.

So, the commandment of work is given to man. In this work a person must go through big way. At the beginning of the biblical story about the creation of man there is this detail: “And God said: Let us make man in Our image and in Our likeness.” However, in the next phrase of the Bible the word “likeness” is absent: “And God created man in His own image.” Now, starting at least from the saint, from the second century, Christian thought distinguishes between these two concepts: . The image of God is the talents that the Lord gave to man. That which distinguishes us from both animals and angels. The ability to be creative, above all. The personal nature of our being, freedom, the ability to speak, to rational thought, to love. These are the god-like features of a person. But, unfortunately, a person can use all these traits for evil. We can create lawlessness, think through crimes, we can not create our sphere, but kill. And if a person, like God, directs all his talents only towards good, then he achieves the likeness of God and becomes a saint.

So, the fact that we are the image of God is given to us, and we must become like God in the course of our lives. That is why the commandment of work is given. There is something that cannot be given to a person - himself. A person must be able to grow himself, force his soul to work in order to change himself in this feat. Because, well, we ourselves know this from our own lives, when everything is given and nothing is achieved through labor, then these gifts often turn out to be destructive and deadly and not at all joyful.

The story of Adam and Eve begins in the Garden of Eden, where events unfold that will later affect all of humanity.

The life of Adam and Eve is divided into before and after, into joyful and sad events. Start over.

The Great God had a plan to create man like Himself.

And God said: Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that moves on the earth. (Gen.1:26)

For this purpose, He created a magnificent garden called Eden, which had everything necessary for a happy life.

From the dust of the ground the Lord created the body of Adam. This name means “red clay” or “earth”. But the man did not yet have the breath of life; his body was lifeless.

Who is Adam

When the Creator breathed the breath of life into him, Adam's body became alive, having spirit and soul.

This is how the first man appeared, created in the image and likeness of God, the crown of creation. God clothed him with an unfading garment (that does not wear out), the radiance of glory.

And the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. (Gen.2:7)

Adam lived in the garden, surrounded by beauty and splendor - it was a real paradise. He was surrounded by animals, which he would give names to a little later. The Lord told the man to reign and take care of the garden.

Seeing that Adam had no helper, God created a woman from his rib, who would be called Eve.

Life-changing events

The Lord blessed his creation and commanded it to be fruitful and multiply, to eat everything except the fruits from one tree.

And the Lord God commanded the man, saying: Of every tree of the garden thou shalt eat, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it, for in the day that thou eatest of it thou shalt die. (Gen.2:16-17)

We must not forget that Adam and Eve were without spot or blemish, and they did not know grief and tears, quarrels, insults, anger and disappointments. Their life was in love and peace, without stress and worries, in communication with the Creator Himself.

Adam's promising life changed with the advent of disobedience to God. Man has lost his glorious clothing and lost fellowship with God. Fear, illness, shame, disappointment, evil, quarrels, disagreements, murder came into his life - all this is a manifestation of sin.

Since all humanity came from Adam, it inherited the consequences of sin until today.

Living outside the garden, man had a hard time, but he fulfilled God’s command to be fruitful and multiply, and evidence of this is you and me, and the people around us.


Sin still enslaves man today. This would have continued until humanity destroyed itself, if the Lord had not found a solution to return man back to the life that God had prepared for him.

Jesus Christ, the Last Adam, paid the price and became the salvation of mankind.

All the days of Adam were 930 years, and his story shows us an example God's love and wisdom.

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