Cool pranks for April 1st at school.

In this article we will pay attention to what jokes on April 1 can be for children at school. As soon as this day is not called, but its essence is the same - a lot of pranks that cheer everyone up and simply make them laugh in the most seemingly strict and inappropriate conditions. Including at school.

When exactly the tradition of celebrating appeared is not completely known. Evidence has been preserved that since the 16th century, masters sent their servants somewhere on this day, giving them the most incredible instructions, naming addresses that simply did not exist. In Russia, the holiday was first celebrated in 1703 in Moscow.

Today, both at work with colleagues and with friends at school, I want to do all sorts of jokes and practical jokes that will leave pleasant memories and impressions. The last two words are extremely important, because on April 1 you cannot make evil jokes or play with a person’s weaknesses. This holiday of laughter and fun is created for every person, and not just for the inveterate joker. Next, we’ll look at jokes and pranks that can be organized right within the school walls or outside of it.

With red nail polish

You will need to take red nail polish. Pour some varnish onto the paper and leave it until it dries completely (this will take several hours). Next, remove the varnish from the paper - you get a blot, which you can now put on the keyboard of the person you want to joke about.
You can put a blot on a diary at school, or inside a friend’s notebook, or on the teacher’s desk. Now all that remains is to wait for a bright April Fool's reaction and not forget in time to admit to the person that this is not a real inkblot, but just an April Fool's prank.

Clear nail polish

Regular clear nail polish can also be used to your advantage to make an interesting prank. In school toilets, you need to coat each piece of soap with this varnish and give it several hours to dry. Then the students will simply be at a loss as to why they can’t get soap to wash their hands. What else can be arranged?

Blocking a number

Interesting April 1 jokes for children at school can be done using a mobile phone. Moreover, practice shows that today even primary schoolchildren have mobile phones. You will need to call a friend and tell him in a serious voice that today the number will be blocked for all subscribers of this network. If he does not want this, then he should pay the operator 10 rubles every hour.

Carbonated drink

You can simply treat your classmate to a carbonated drink, but the joke will be that you shake the bottle well first.

Stick things

You can glue the student's things to the desk using double-sided tape. Here, of course, the diary immediately comes to mind. If a friend is called to the board at the next lesson, the prank will be even more interesting and fun.

To the director!

You can rush into the classroom in frantic excitement and shout that Ivanov, Petrov or another student whom you want to prank is urgently summoned to the director. After this, you will need to wait until the student begins to get ready and congratulate him on the wonderful holiday of April 1 at the door.

Cling film

You can come to class early and, if the door does not open inward, stretch cling film or newspaper over the doorway. The first student who comes into class after you will be shocked, to say the least.

SMS pranks

Of course, April 1st jokes for kids at school can include texting options. For example, you can send the victim an SMS with the content that it is time to pay all bills and debts. You can report that a friend won money in the lottery. It is clear that messages should only be sent from unfamiliar numbers in order for them to look believable.

As for rubbing the board with soap, it is quite dangerous. The point is that you really won’t be able to write on the board. But then there is no way to correct this, and the government item will be spoiled. So, it is recommended to immediately abandon this version of the drawing, so that parents do not have to buy a new board for the class.

These are the April 1st jokes for children at school that you can safely use to amuse yourself and your classmates. You shouldn’t use the April 1 holiday to make fun of a person you haven’t liked for a long time. April Fool's Day is a holiday and your joke or prank should under no circumstances spoil this holiday for anyone.

We'll tell you what jokes you can choose for April 1st at school for your friends. Of course, various April Fools' pranks can be held both within the walls of the school itself and outside its walls. If you know that the director or class teacher does not have a good sense of humor, then it is better to move the holiday outside the educational institution.

Again, remember to keep everyone harmless. On the one hand, these are fun and interesting, original pranks. But on the other hand, you need to try not to offend the other person. In this article, we present pranks that will be harmless, but will definitely amuse everyone, including the person at whom the joke will be directed.

April 1 jokes at school for friends (with video):

When the teacher turns to the board during class, you should change places each time. Such a joke can only be carried out with a teacher who will understand the desire to laugh on the first of April and will not call your parents to school for your bad behavior.

Every time the teacher explains something, the whole class can say the phrase: “Ah, now everything has become clear.”
You can lick yourself during class or during recess, like a cat.
You can also start rubbing the image in the textbook and smell it, as if the picture emits some kind of aroma. Of course, it is important to be an actor to do this with a straight face. It’s better to joke about your classmates this way, not in class, but during breaks.
You can stand up during class and ask to ask a question. When the teacher answers the question, you should bow deeply and sit down.
In high school, you can try to joke more deeply and intellectually. For example, try to explain that you did not prepare for the lesson for the simple reason that it contradicts your faith.
You can draw a simple face on a piece of paper and talk to it during breaks as if you were your best friend.

An interesting joke for April 1st at school for 4th grade friends. You will need to buy in advance in the store exactly the same diary with a cover like your friend’s. After this, leave the new diary empty, and hide the classmate’s diary, unnoticed by him. After he is called to the board and he takes a blank diary, you can observe the situation, and then reveal the joke and laugh together with everyone, marking April 1st.
Another option for pranking classmates could be like this. You should be the first to come to class and tell everyone who appears that there will be no lesson and the teacher is sick. You can tell the teacher himself that the lesson has been postponed according to the schedule. When complete chaos and misunderstanding sets in, then admit to everyone that this is just a harmless April Fool’s prank and hurry to start the lesson. What else can be done?

Of course, jokes on April 1 at school for friends 10 years old or another age are not limited to school. You can invite a friend to visit on April Fool's Day. While he is in the toilet, discreetly place pieces of paper in his shoes. They need to be put in a sock so that they are not visible. When a friend gets ready to go home and puts on his shoes, he will immediately feel that something is wrong. But he won’t understand why his boots began to pinch him. Here you can immediately admit to the prank or send your friend home like this: let him think on the way what day it is today.

The most joyful holiday of the year is very close - April 1 or April Fool's Day. On this day, it is customary to deceive and make good fun of your family and friends. At the same time, you don’t have to worry that your friends will misunderstand the joke, because on the first of April a lot is allowed. April 1st pranks for friends can be varied. We have prepared a selection of the most interesting ones for you.

Many people are looking for non-standard solutions on how to prank their friends on April 1st. The jokes about “your back is white” are already tired of everyone, and, moreover, they are so familiar that you won’t see anyone playing such a joke anymore.

The epic of how to prank a friend on this holiday can begin at home in the morning. That is, of course, if you live together. You can pump sour cream into a toothpaste tube. Another interesting prank option is to put a magnet under the tablecloth during breakfast and place cutlery on top. It will be funny when a friend tries to take the equipment, but he has difficulty doing it.

The most classic prank that you can still surprise with is to pour fine sugar into a salt shaker instead of salt. There are other options for pranking a friend at school on April 1st and a large company. In a room where many visitors pass every day, you need to hang a “Toilet” or “Buffet” sign on a completely different door. If a friend works in an office where a sign will be hung, then for the next couple of hours people will constantly look into the office and then run out embarrassed.

How to prank your friends on the phone

An interesting way to prank a friend on the phone is to call him at work and say in a serious voice that they are calling from the telephone exchange. It’s better to let one of your colleagues speak so that your friend doesn’t recognize the voice. Next, you need to inform that in order to clean the wires, hot steam under high pressure will immediately be supplied through the telephone channel, therefore, you need to quickly wrap the tube in paper and put it on the table. Thanks to the effect of surprise, a trusting friend can follow all instructions. If he sees through the prank, it’s okay, you will have a reason to laugh together.

Schoolchildren love this holiday very much, because they love to play pranks. On the First of April there is no severe punishment for pranks, so you want to have a blast. April 1st pranks at school are very cool. There is a very effective prank that is great for girls. You need to put something very heavy in their bag so that even a strong guy will have difficulty lifting the bag. In the future, it will be fun to watch how your classmate will try to lift the bag and pull the straps with difficulty.

To prepare another fun prank, you will need to print out two sheets of paper. The first one should say: “The school is undergoing renovations, entrance today is through the back door.” On the second sheet you need to write: “The door opens poorly, the pull is stronger and longer.” These notices must be pasted on the appropriate doors. It is best to prepare such a prank in the evening, so that the first person who comes to school in the morning will also fall for such funny announcements.

The next way to prank your friends on April 1 also concerns the announcement. You need to print out a sheet with the following text: “Due to a sewer burst at night, classes are canceled today, 04/01 and indicate the current year. The school administration asks high school students to come to school at 10:00 with rags and buckets to help quickly eliminate the consequences of the accident.”

Note! April 1 is one of schoolchildren's favorite holidays of the year, and no one wants to miss an opportunity to have fun and make fun of others. When choosing a specific prank option, you should always remember that it should not offend anyone or be misunderstood. If you add a little imagination and acting to even the most classic prank, you can give everyone a great mood on April Fool’s Day and at the same time maintain friendly relations.

Other prank options for April Fool's Day:

* Replacement shoes can be glued to the floor with double-sided tape;

* You can pour some cereal into your shoes or stuff pieces of paper into the pockets of your outerwear. If you want the prank to be cute, you can pour confetti into the hat;

* To prank a colleague, you can rearrange all the things on his desk randomly. Alternatively, objects on a colleague’s desk can be wrapped with thread or foil;

* In the store you can buy a sticker in the form of a scratch, which you can stick on a person’s car if you want to prank him. You must first check that the sticker is of high quality, and then it can be quickly removed from the car without unpleasant consequences;

* Pretend the situation as if your colleague's computer froze. To do this, you need to take a screenshot of your desktop, save it, and then set it as a screensaver. When the knee comes, it will have to suffer to close the window. Then it will start to restart the computer;

* An interesting option on how to prank a friend on VKontakte. You'll have to cheat a little and, when he doesn't see, go from his computer to a friend's page on this social network. Then write the status: “Today is April 1st, everyone is having fun, but I’m very sad.” Then quickly close the page, and let your friend accept encouraging wishes and proposals for a meeting;

* A very interesting prank is to send greetings on the radio from an old acquaintance whom a friend or girlfriend has not seen for a long time, but would really like to hear from him;

* You can glue the mouse to the table with double-sided tape. Or simply change the settings in the mouse settings by turning on the “left-handed” mode;

These are not all the ways to prank your friends on April 1st. The most important thing is that the chosen prank is harmless and the person to whom it is aimed understands it correctly. April Fool's Day is meant to laugh and have fun together. And not to make fun of someone or reopen old wounds.

April Fool's Day is a day of pranks, jokes and laughter. Funny April 1st pranks and jokes will amuse you and your friends. Jokes and practical jokes on April 1 will give you a lot of impressions, positive emotions and will be remembered for a long time.
Just don’t forget one of the main rules: you need to have a sense of proportion in everything, remember that not only you should be funny. The main thing is that the jokes are funny and harmless.

Pranks and jokes for April 1st.


1.This drawing is held on April 1st at school. The following text is printed on a piece of paper: “Due to a break in the water supply network, classes at school on 04/01/2013. will not be. Students of the classes should gather on the first floor with buckets and rags. Administration." This notice is taped to the doors...

2. Attach a notice to the door: “The door opens towards itself”, “Due to the renovation of the corridor, the entrance to the school is on the other side”

3. 04/1/2013 change of schedule: students of ... classes study the first lesson ......

Very big and small, skinny

At the end of the lesson, the big one suddenly runs into the class and with horror on his face asks to hide him as soon as possible. Without waiting for permission, he causes a little mayhem and tries to get under someone’s desk. After the big one, the little one comes into the classroom

The real Santa Claus.

The last lessons are underway at school. And then He appears on the threshold of the classroom! The real Santa Claus. With a bag of gifts over your shoulders. In an embroidered red sheepskin coat, with a staff in his hand. And announces the New Year! After which he seriously asks whether everyone is studying well. Do they remember New Year's poems and songs? and makes them sing and read.


Place the small box in a high place (higher than human height), such as on a closet. The box must have an opening top and no bottom. Paste a bright inscription on the outside that is noticeable from afar - for example, KINDER and fill the box with candy. The person being played enters the audience, sees a box with a provocative name and what does he do? Of course, he takes it off the cabinet. And the box has no bottom. Hurray, fireworks!!

With salt shaker

Take a simple salt shaker. Pour in salt and add fine sugar. If you also cook some unsalted potatoes, for example, and say that you forgot to add salt, and have the “victim” add the salt herself...


1. Run up to one of the guys and ask: “Is Winnie the Pooh a pig or a boar?” And quickly demand an answer so that he does not have time to realize that it is just a harmless bear cub.

2. It is recommended to repeat the following questions 3 times, and then you will get the desired result:
- What comes from the sky in winter? (3 rubles)
- What color is the snow? (3 rubles)
- What does the cow drink? (3 rubles)
If you did everything correctly and did not make long pauses, then all the guests, regardless of their scientific degrees and titles, will answer in unison: “Milk.”


Phone call 1. “Hi, my water has been turned off, can I come to you and buy my parrot.”
Phone call 2. “Hey, I'm out of sugar, can you lend me two spoons for soup?”
Phone call 3. You call someone and ask them not to answer phone calls for 10 minutes, because... A telephone operator is working on the line and may get an electric shock. A few minutes later you call back to the same number, and if they pick up the phone, let out a heartbreaking scream...”
Phone call 4. Call someone and say that it is from the housing office, that the water will be turned off in an hour and that we advise you to stock up on water in all containers. An hour later, call back and ask: “Did you get water? Warm up, now we’ll bring the elephant to wash.”
Phone call 5.- Hello, is this number 143-26-12?
- No…
- Why are you picking up the phone then?

Mop, chewing gum

Nice prank for school. Write a note during any lesson with the words: “There is a mop, chewing gum on the ceiling” and pass it to your neighbor at the desk. Tell him to pass the note on after reading it. The effect will be amazing when everyone who reads the note looks up, and so does the teacher!

Washing powder

1.Why not have a good prank! To do this, pour dry baby formula into an empty packet of washing powder (preferably a well-known brand). And in one wonderful moment you need to take the pack out of the bag and, using a spoon, have a “tasty” snack on the contents. The audience's attention is guaranteed!
2. If you make an agreement with the cook, he will pour sugar (which was poured there in advance) from a box of washing powder into the kettle in front of the children.

Lunch in one

The cooks inform the guys who came to dinner that there are not enough plates and cups for everyone. Therefore, the first, and the second, and the compote will all be put into one at once. Defiantly merging everything into one, they explain to the astonished children that everything will be mixed up in the stomach anyway.

Telepathic abilities

Invite your friend to think of a number from 1 to 9. Let him name it. Invite him to look under the phone or under the vase.
Your friend will be amazed: he will find a piece of paper with the hidden number and a note: “I know what you are planning!”
The solution is simple: you need to place pieces of paper with numbers from 1 to 9 in different places in advance and remember where everything is.


One day on April 1, you can send SMS messages to all your friends with the following text: “Finally open the door for me, I’m already freezing standing here!”
The most amazing thing is how it can later turn out that friends really ran to open the door.

Time ago

We take an older brother (sister) in the amount of 1 piece. In the evening, when the relative falls asleep, we set his alarm clock an hour earlier. Also, don’t forget to set the clock in your room an hour earlier. The times must be identical. We go to bed and look forward to having fun in the morning. In the morning, having turned off the alarm clock, your little brother, still half asleep, will trudge into the bathroom to wash, not understanding why it is so dark outside the window and why he wants to sleep so much. But the real surprise awaits him when he approaches the closed school. Just imagine. There are still few people on the street, and the school stands like a dark hulk, towering over your brother-in-law. For greater effect, you can sneak behind him and film the whole thing, laughing quietly.

for older kids

We give the future victim an envelope containing one hundred rubles; the bill must be in excellent condition. We give it to you with a sly face and warn you, as if by chance, saying, just don’t put it in the ATM. Most victims spend about half an hour trying to find the difference. Do not admit in any way that the money is genuine; you can fight back with phrases: well, almost, practically original. It is advisable to torture for at least one day.

Tarnished Reputation

A solution of ammonia (ammonia) and phenolphthadeine (it is sold in pharmacies) are mixed. The result is a red-pink liquid. It is poured into a fountain pen and, on occasion, as if accidentally shaken off onto the white blouses or shirts of the guys. A chain of red spots causes a storm of indignation. After about three seconds, the ammonia evaporates and the stains disappear. (Practice at home)

Trolleybus, bus, route raffle for older children

Two people dress more or less the same, then sit down at two adjacent stops, such as trolleybus stops. Then the people on the trolleybus at the first stop see the following picture: a guy is running after a trolleybus that is already leaving and, naturally, does not make it in time. At the very next stop, what seems to be the same guy bursts into the open doors with terrible shortness of breath and words like: “I barely caught up!!!”
It makes an indelible impression.

If April 1 is already today, and there is no time to prepare a prank at school, you should improvise on the go:

  • Reaching under your desk during class (as if to pick up a fallen pen), tie your friend’s shoelaces together. At the same time, do not be afraid, your classmate will not fall (he will feel something is “off” even at the time when he wants to get up from the table).
  • Attach a note to the back of a boy from your class with a call to some harmless action written in large letters. For example - “Hug me, cheer me up with your warmth!” Cheerful schoolchildren, realizing that this leaf is someone’s prank, will come up to your classmate, clap you on the shoulder and hug you. A classmate's shock is guaranteed!

But you shouldn't go too far. Remember that the joke must be kind, and the inscription must be harmless, without insults or obscene language.

  • Cooperate with the head teacher - let her gather all the students during one of the breaks and in a sad, very sad voice tell the terrible news: the class magazine has disappeared. And along with it, the grades for the current semester also disappeared. And now several teachers want to make a “shortcut of knowledge” - conduct test tests and lessons with oral answers from the whole class.

This news will come as a shock to many classmates. But the joy of realizing that the magazine is intact, and no tests are expected, will be all-consuming!

Taste pranks on April 1 at school for classmates

You can come up with a lot of food-related jokes and pranks on April 1st. So, for example, buy a pack of M&M's and Skittles. Sprinkle out some of the sweet candies, and add sour dragees to the package. You can treat your friends with the resulting mix: it is clear that they will not limit themselves to one candy, so they will be surprised when they take out alternately sweet and sour candy.

Or you can treat your classmate to an unusual scrambled egg: instead of white, it will have yogurt, and instead of yolk, it will have canned peach. Your main task is to bring the “egg dessert” to school safe and sound.

The order has been given for everyone to have fun... or why teachers are people too: TOP pranks for April 1 at school for teachers

For some reason, everyone plays pranks on this day - classmates and children from parallel classes, friends from the yard and older brothers and sisters, parents... Only teachers remain on the sidelines.

In general, the reasons are clear: many are afraid that the teacher simply will not accept the prank, and they will have to pay for the prank with an extraordinary appearance at the board. But firstly, there are people among teachers who also don’t mind making jokes on this day. And secondly: pranks must be humane and correct, so they will not anger the senior mentor.

So, for example, you should not engage in sabotage and smear the board with soap - unless after lessons you and your classmates in a friendly group wash not only the board, but also organize a general cleaning of the entire class.

Better go to a joke store and buy special crayons. They look no different from ordinary ones, but they won’t write on the board - they won’t even leave a mark on the surface. Or wash the chalkboard cloth thoroughly and then spray it with eau de toilette or perfume. The pleasant smell will linger in the room at least until the end of the day... But you understand that you shouldn’t use your mother’s or older sister’s expensive perfume for such a prank - it’s better to buy a bottle of inexpensive eau de toilette.

Or maybe it would be better on this day for the whole class to just please the teacher? Arrange with someone from a neighboring class to come to you during class and tell you that the teacher is being called to the principal. While the angry teacher is walking from the director to you (after all, as soon as she crosses the threshold of the director’s office, she will understand that she has been played), organize a warm meeting for her:

  • inflate balloons (there are several dozen people in the class - in a couple of minutes everyone can handle 2-3 of them, right?);
  • hang up posters prepared in advance - with words of gratitude, with jokes from your school life, with her funny sayings;
  • turn on pleasant music on your phone (you can even use your favorite composition).

She will come in, see all this splendor - and be pleasantly surprised by such a good joke. And after lessons, you can get together in class and drink tea and cake... After all, admit it honestly: how often do you say “Thank you” to your teacher?.. So let it be not with words, but with actions - but do it!

Mass flash mob - why not?

If you want to organize a spectacular and original prank, then work together with your classmates:

  • Come to physical education class not in your usual sports uniform, but in an original outfit: girls in pink tutus worn over leggings, boys in tight tights.
  • Dress as identically as possible on this day - either in the same color, or using the same elements of clothing accessories (for example, girls and boys can wear trousers and vests).
  • Buy and distribute some funny elements to everyone: girls have glowing crowns on their heads, boys - butterflies or hoops with ears.
  • Agree: let all the children coming to the board write words with mixed up letters. Everything written in this way can be read without difficulty (check it!), and a person does not immediately notice errors.

The main thing is not to carry out this joke on language subjects. It is unlikely that an English teacher will like errors in the text!

  • What about oral answers in song form?.. Well, why not sing the Pythagorean theorem or talk about metabolism while rapping?

Surely you have thought through a couple of your pranks for the first of April at school...

Great! But at the same time, be prepared for the fact that you can experience any such joke yourself - with the easy help of your friends at school! Don't be offended by jokes, laugh with everyone!

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