Cool poses for photos for men. Male poses for a photo shoot

It is known that men are more constrained when shooting than women. In connection with this feature, the photographer has an added task - to help the man relax and behave naturally in order to get good shots.

Let's look at the basic poses for men

1. The most common pose for male portrait: with crossed arms. Pay attention to two things: your shoulders should be straightened, your stomach should be tucked.

2. When it is necessary to shoot in full height, then the crossed arms pose will work well. Also ask your model to cross her legs one in front of the other. Make sure that your body weight is predominantly on one leg, otherwise the pose will be unsightly and uncomfortable.

3. Most often during photography the question arises: “Where should I put my hands?” Actually, the solution is quite simple. There are four basic hand placements that can be used in any combination.

1.Hang freely on the sides of the body.

2.Hands on hips

3.Hands in pockets

4.Arms crossed on chest

In addition, your arms should be relaxed, there is no need to tense your muscles (unless you are doing bodybuilding).

4. This is a natural position for a man to stand. Men do have issues with hand placement when photographing, so the option of keeping all or part of them in side pockets can help achieve a natural and relaxed pose.

One of the variations of the previous pose. You can hold clothes over your shoulder, thumb The other hand rests on the trouser pocket, legs are crossed. This pose works very well.

6. And this is an option for a pose in a sitting position. The ankle of one leg is placed on the knee of the other, the pose is natural and relaxed. The shooting point should be slightly elevated above the model's eyes.

7. Leaning on the wall is another option for a pose for a full-length portrait.

8. Pose with your side shoulder leaning against the wall. Works very well for both impromptu and formal portraits.

9. A fairly simple pose for an official or business portrait. An object in the hand (for example, a laptop, a book, or even tools) can work as a sign indicating the occupation of the person being portrayed.

10. Contrary to popular belief, filming a person partially crouched on a table is absolutely normal. In a formal portrait, this pose gives some rigidity.

11. This is a simple pose for a person sitting at a table. In order to show the model's occupation, you can include some objects on the table in the frame that will act as signs.

12. A slight change from the previous pose. Very suitable for formal or business portraits.

13. If necessary to show workplace the person is not in front, but behind him (for example, a table), take a photo from the other side. The result is a formal, yet open portrait.

14. A person leans on a table with his arms crossed. You can also place some work furnishings on the table so that they indicate the profession of the person being portrayed.

15. Making a portrait more attractive and interesting is quite simple by using a chair as a support. Very good for shooting creative people in their work environment.

16. The man sat comfortably in the chair. Works well when shooting official and business portraits.

17. Simple and natural pose of a person sitting on the ground. Variations of the pose can be created by changing the shooting directions and angles.

21. Finally, let your subject be the main character in the frame. Don't be afraid to crop tighter, even if it cuts off your forehead and chin.

It should be noted that these pose templates are intended as a starting point only. There are no standards, and each pose can and should be adjusted depending on the shooting conditions and scenario. You don't have to follow them literally. In fact, everything you need for good portrait– this is the simplicity and naturalness of man. Simple backgrounds, simple clothes, simple poses and natural emotions.

Before booking a photo shoot in a studio or outdoor space, consider beneficial poses for. Many representatives of the stronger sex are not used to posing. Preliminary collection of information will help young man feel freer in front of the camera.

Most shooting poses are designed to emphasize the model's masculinity. If, together with the right angle, you successfully select a costume, props and background, you will get stylish photos, which can be used both for the portfolio and for the avatar in in social networks.

Information about men's poses will be useful not only for young people, but also for their loved ones who want to give a photo session to their husband, brother, friend or son. The best photo posing options for men will help you feel at ease in front of the lens. These methods are often used by male fashion models.


At the beginning of the process, the photographer takes several portrait photographs. To make them successful, direct your gaze in front of you. The eyes should not look up or move around.

A portrait photo looks good if a hand is included in the frame, especially when it is expensive watch. Use a cigar as a prop - it goes harmoniously with a business suit. If you are taking a portrait in casual clothes, light a simple cigarette.

Hand position

If you don't know where to place your hands while posing, pay attention to the following body positions of men during a photo shoot:

  • arms crossed on chest
  • hands in pockets (while outside there should be either thumbs, or the entire hand, except for the thumbs)
  • hands behind your back
  • hands lie on hips

In some cases, you can touch your face with your fingers, but you need to make sure that there are right angles in the pose, as well as vertical and horizontal lines. Otherwise, the male figure will turn out cutesy.

Leg position

One of the best poses for a photo shoot for men is with feet shoulder-width apart. A standing young man can also cross his legs, with the support transferred to one of the legs, and the other touching the ground with his toe. If you lean on both legs at once, the pose will come out shy.

When a man is photographed sitting on a chair, he can cross the ankle of one leg over the knee of the other, or spread his thighs slightly and place his hands on them. Such poses for men are associated with naturalness and relaxation.

Torso position

Photography experts recommend that men push their shoulders forward and push their hips back. This photo pose makes your torso appear more powerful. Don’t forget to pay attention to your posture, which is part of a beautiful male pose.

Photo at the table

Photos of a man sitting at a desk can be taken at work, at home or in a cafe. Successful variations of poses for male photography at the table:

  • a man puts his elbow on the table surface and looks into the lens
  • the elbow remains on the surface, the man’s body and head are slightly turned to the side
  • the man’s arms are crossed and lie on the table (you can also cross your arms over your chest and lean back in the chair)

If you are posing at work, place objects on the table that symbolize your activity: a laptop, a folder with papers, a pen holder. If the shooting takes place in a cafe or at home, leave a small object on the table that will not draw attention to itself. The ideal solution is a cup of coffee.

Guy sitting on the floor

A good option poses for men - sitting on the floor. It is suitable for shooting both in the studio and outdoors. A young man sitting on the floor can take the following body positions:

  • one hand rests on the floor or ground, legs are bent at the knees and positioned asymmetrically
  • hands are in the same position, one leg is extended, the other is bent at the knee
  • the guy reclines on his elbow, legs are placed randomly
  • a sitting man leans his back on the wall, any position of his legs

Also, a participant in a photo shoot can lie on his stomach and support his head with his hands. The gaze goes straight to the camera.

Photo with support

Not only the person sitting can lean on the wall for a photo, but also standing man. This position is often used by fashion models in professional photo shoots. You are allowed to touch the wall with your back, shoulder or elbow. In this position, it is advisable to lean on one leg and place the other on the toe.

Model poses leaning against a wall are one of the best options for full-length photos. Therefore, take care of your suit to show off your style.

Photo on the sofa

A sofa with beautiful new upholstery will be an excellent backdrop for a men's photo shoot. A guy lying on the couch can:

  • read a book
  • work on a laptop
  • look into the distance
  • relax with your eyes closed

This pose of men at a photo shoot allows for a few liberties. A lying participant in the process can cover his face with his hands, laugh, lie on his side, placing his palms under his cheek, etc.

Photo on the street

It is appropriate to take pictures outside in both winter and summer. The theme of the photo shoot and poses will depend on the weather. The most standard street poses for men for any time of year:

  • a young man stands on a bridge and holds his hand on the railing
  • young man going down the city stairs
  • photo from the waist up on a beautiful background (buildings or trees are used for the background)

If it's raining or snowing outside, try taking pictures in the following poses:

  • spread your arms and look to the sky
  • cover your face back side hands from bad weather
  • lower your head a little and let the precipitation fall on you

Favorite hobby

Do you have any hobby? Show it off in a photo! If you sports man, choose the theme of your favorite sport for the photo shoot. Take pictures with soccer ball, boxing gloves, tennis racket, take your usual poses.

If you're into music, check out interesting photos with your loved one musical instrument. The main thing is not to be in a static model pose. Move more and experiment so that the photos don’t turn out the same type.

The guy is busy with his business

Lively and sincere shots are obtained when young people are photographed doing something. This type of photo shoot is suitable for men who, for some reason, do not want to look at the camera.

Here, too, you can use the theme of your favorite hobby or profession. While you are being filmed, you can:

  • read a book or newspaper
  • paint
  • make drawings
  • carpentry
  • look at a computer monitor
  • take notes in a notepad

Forget about the presence of the photographer, take the most free poses and behave naturally, otherwise the photos will turn out to be fake.

Photo shoot in the gym

Even if you're not into fitness, powerlifting or bodybuilding, take some photos at the gym. The poses of men in such shots are intended to demonstrate sports training and a muscular figure. While they are filming you, do exercises from the fitness program: push-ups, pull-ups, work with iron. You can get ideas for poses from fitness models: they usually bend their arm at the elbow to demonstrate their biceps, tense their back and show off their six-pack abs.

Photos in nature

Such shots are taken in spring or summer. A wide variety of postures are used during rest. Young people are captured in the most interesting situations. A man at the time of a photo shoot can:

  • relax on the seashore
  • lie in the grass
  • collect flowers for your girlfriend
  • arrange sports competition with a friend
  • swim
  • bounce in place

For a photo shoot on vacation, choose light and comfortable clothing so that it does not hinder your movement.

Young man in character

If you like any famous hero, try to transform into him. To make your cosplay perfect, work on your poses, choose the right costume, and style your hair like your character.

Also interesting ideahistorical reconstruction. Imagine yourself as a Soviet military man, a cowboy from the Wild West or a London dandy. The subject of the photographs, poses and facial expressions will depend on the character you are portraying.

You don't have to have the perfect model appearance to master the art of posing. Smooth posture, naturalness, well-thought-out style and a good angle will help any person become photogenic. Try to choose poses for a photo shoot with men that will highlight your strengths.

Photo sessions for guys are less common than for women or children. After all, most men, unlike the fair sex, do not have the desire and ability to show off in front of the camera.

How can you make the photography process easier and more comfortable?

When preparing for a photo shoot, you should choose as many different clothes as possible. various styles, so that there is plenty to choose from when shooting. In addition, clothing can suggest the nature of future photographs. Clothes should also be comfortable: this will help you relax.

You can also take from the props various items, which could express inner world men: cigars, guitar, bottle of cognac, hookah, ball, skate... The choice in this case is not limited to anything.

It would be useful to discuss a few days before the photo shoot possible options shooting, it is important to understand what the person you are photographing wants to get out of it. Usually men want to be brutal, masculine, sexy, the photograph should reflect the man’s status. Show him the “best men's poses for a photo shoot", and the pictures come out really amazing. It is no secret that many representatives of the stronger sex love black and white photography - such photography adds power and heroism to a man.

Many photographers say that men feel cozier and more comfortable if they are in relationships of trust with a photographer, it’s also easier for them to relax if there’s also a man on the other side of the camera, although it happens the other way around. In order to avoid embarrassment of the client, it is necessary to study it in advance psychological picture, learn more about a person, about his hobbies, work, favorite music, as it can be played in the studio.

When shooting a male portrait, the simplest and most natural poses look good; the simpler the better.

Concerning general rules, then there are several subtleties that the photographer should take into account in order for the portrait to truly emphasize masculine features.

  • A masculine pose is considered to be one in which there are right angles, and vertical or horizontal lines predominate over diagonal ones.
  • To emphasize broad shoulders and muscles, ask the model to turn her shoulders towards the camera, and, on the contrary, slightly turn her hips away from the lens.
  • in most cases, a man's eyes should look in the same direction as his face.

Regardless of whether the model is sitting or standing, you need to pay attention to posture. If a man forgets about his posture, you should gently remind him to keep his back straight.
Now let's look at the best poses for men for a photo shoot:

1. A very simple pose for a male portrait: a man stands with his arms crossed over his chest. In this setting, one should pay attention Special attention two things: your shoulders should be slightly pulled back and your stomach should be pulled in.

Stephan Muller

2. A similar pose, good for full-length photos. The arms are crossed at chest level, the hands are on the elbows, the thumbs are hidden inside. In addition to the arms, ask the model to also cross her legs so that one is in front of the other. Make sure that the weight of the body is predominantly on one leg, otherwise the pose will be unsightly and awkward.

Ian Derry

3. The same pose can be repeated, only in this case, ask the man to put one hand in his pocket and leave the other relaxed.

4. If you ask a man to put his hands fully or partially into the front pockets of his trousers, you are guaranteed to get a natural and relaxed posture. There are two options for this pose:

a) the hands are folded into a fist at waist level, the thumbs are in the pockets;

b) the hand is hidden in the pocket, only the thumbs are outside.

Franck GOMEZ

5. This pose is not much different from the previous one. One has only to throw some piece of clothing or a briefcase over one's shoulder, the thumb of the other hand rests on the pocket of the trousers, and the legs are crossed.


6. If you are photographing a man sitting, ask him to place the ankle of one leg on the knee of the other, this will give you a natural and relaxed pose. The shooting point should be slightly elevated above the model's eyes.

Jen Tse

7. Full-length portraits look good when a man leans his back against the wall. Your hands may be in your pockets. If a man leans against the wall with one leg bent at the knee, the photo will look more relaxed.

Franck GOMEZ

8. You can lean against the same wall sideways. This pose is good for both impromptu and formal portraits.


9. A very simple pose for a business portrait. An object in the hand (a laptop, a book, or even tools) can work as a sign indicating a man's occupation.

Rodolfo Martinez

10. The easiest way to portray a relaxed man is to sit in a relaxed position with your hands resting loosely on your hips.

11. This is a simple pose for a person sitting at a table. In order to show the model's occupation, you can include some objects on the table in the frame that will act as signs.

Maria Lobanova

12. A slight change from the previous pose. Very good for business portraits.

13. Another typical pose for a man that will make the photo more creative. The chair on which the model will sit must be turned with its back facing the camera lens.

Nihat Odabasi

14. A man sitting at a table leans on his crossed arms. Alternatively, you can place work-related items on the table to indicate his profession.


15. Making a portrait more attractive and interesting is quite simple, using a chair as a support (a table, window sill, etc. can serve as a support). You can add a little variety: ask the man to stand so that he rests his hip on the edge of the table, legs crossed; He can lean on the table with one hand, or cross his arms over his chest.

Mariano Vivanco

16. The pose of a man sitting comfortably in a chair usually works well for corporate and formal portraits.

Pierre Ekman

17. Simple and natural pose of a person sitting on the ground. Various options can be obtained by changing directions and shooting angles.


18. Another option for a sitting pose. Suitable for outdoor shooting.


19. Relaxed and casual pose for a seated man.

Krzysztof Waszak

20. Relaxed, informal posture. A person sits with his back against a wall or some object. A man can bend one leg at the knee, or extend his legs, crossing them at the ankles.


21. Finally, let your subject be the main character in the frame. Never be afraid to take a close-up shot of your model's face.

And remember: the main thing is that the man does not withdraw into himself when filming. Naturalness is the key to success in this matter.

Let's look at some fundamental points regarding photographing a man - poses for a photo shoot for men. Men usually feel less comfortable during a photo shoot, so in order to achieve nice photos, it is important that the subject is not tense.

Before shooting, it’s better to do a little preparatory work. Give your photo shoot subject a few useful tips, thereby involving him in the process! He will feel more confident knowing the plan of action and understanding what exactly he will need to do and what result is expected of him. If you show the man you are photographing the different poses for a male photo shoot, it will be very in a good way prepare him for the photo shoot and help him feel more relaxed and confident.
So, let's look at some simple men's photo shoot poses.

Male poses for a photo shoot

Similar posts on the topic:

1 . A very simple pose for a male portrait: a shot of the upper body with his arms crossed over his chest. Two things to consider: your shoulders should be pulled back slightly and your abdominal muscles should be tense.

2 . Crossed arms are also great for full-length photography. Also, ask the man to place one leg in front of the other, crossing them. But you need to make sure that the body weight is not distributed equally on both legs, otherwise this pose will look simply awkward!

3 . The subject of your work may often ask you the same question: “Where should I put my hands?” The answer to this is usually very simple. You need to constantly use the four hand positions (and combine them in any combination for both hands). 1) Arms hang freely along the body. 2) Hands on hips. 3) Hands in pockets. 4) Both arms are crossed on the chest. And beyond that, it's important to keep your arms relaxed at all times, which means there shouldn't be any muscle tension, unless, of course, you're photographing a bodybuilder. :)

4 . A relaxed pose for a man standing upright. It’s true that men usually don’t know where to put their hands, so asking them to tuck all or part of their hands into the side pockets will certainly achieve a natural and relaxed pose.

5 . Another variation of the previous pose with minor changes. Some clothes thrown over the shoulder, just a thumb in the pocket and crossed legs will give very good results.

6 . To photograph a man sitting, ask him to rest the ankle of one leg on the knee of the other, which will look relaxed and natural. Shoot a little from above.

7 . Another option for standing poses is to lean against a wall.

8 . Ask the man to lean his shoulder against the same wall. This pose is very good for both casual and formal shots.

9 . A very simple pose for a formal portrait. The thing that a man holds in one hand (for example, a laptop, books or even tools) can serve as a symbol indicating his occupation.

10 . Contrary to popular belief, you can take a great photo of a man sitting on a table. When taking a formal portrait, this pose can alleviate awkwardness.

11 . A very simple pose for a portrait of a man sitting at a table. Objects lying on the desktop can serve as symbols of his professional activities.

12 . A slightly modified version of the previous pose. Perfect for a formal portrait.

13 . To show a work atmosphere by removing objects on the table from the foreground, ask the man to turn his back to him. The photo will be formal and at the same time very casual.

14 . A man who sits at a table, leaning on crossed arms. Again, you can place work-related items on the table to indicate his profession.

15 . Using a chair as a prop can make a portrait more charming and interesting. Perfect for photographing creative people in a work environment.

16 . Shooting a man sitting comfortably in a chair usually works well for corporate and formal portraits.

17 . An easy and relaxed pose for a man sitting on the floor or on the ground. Try taking photos from different points and angles.

18 . Another pose option for a man sitting on the ground. Suitable for outdoor photo shoots.

19 . A casual and relaxed pose for a seated man.

20 . Pose for an informal photo. A man sits on the floor, leaning his back against a wall or some object.

21 . Finally, let your subject be the protagonist of the photo. Never be afraid to take a close-up shot of your model's face.

Here are men's photo shoot poses that you can use, at least at first. And again, remember that nothing is absolute, each pose can and should change depending on the environment in which you are photographing and the scenario. There is no need to insist too much on anything. After all, all you need for a good portrait is simplicity. Simple backgrounds, simple clothes, simple poses and natural facial expressions.

You can see other articles with poses in the section on our website.

Often, photographing men seems difficult even for experienced photographers, and this is not due to the professionalism and experience of the photographer, but to the stiffness of most men when photographing. Therefore, it is especially important, when going on a shoot, to know what poses for a man’s photo shoot will be appropriate in a particular case.

All the poses from this article are simple and understandable; they will make life easier for both photographers and models, as they will provide opportunities for variation in the use of one or another position of a man. You will no longer have to waste time figuring out “how to stand up” or “how to sit down”, but there will be more opportunities to think about how to play up the image and make the pictures beautiful.

A comfortable pose for a man’s photo shoot, in which he can sit comfortably, resting with one hand.
Another comfortable pose that is perfect for photographing on fresh air. A young man sits leaning on his feet and, turning his head, looks into the frame. In this case, you can experiment with the position of the model’s head and angle.
Good pose for portrait photography men. In this case, it is not so much the pose itself that is important, but the perspective. It is better to photograph slightly from the side and from below, and not directly in front of the model.
Pose for business men and office shooting. In nature, such a pose will look pretentious and unnatural, but for an office boss it’s just right. You can also shoot in interior photography if a man is sitting in a chair.
Another good option for a pose for a man’s photo shoot indoors.
A good option for photographing indoors or in the city. A simple pose, when working with which it is important to choose the right angle.
A good pose for a photo shoot with a man outdoors or in an apartment. It is important that he feels relaxed and comfortable.
A good option for a full-length portrait, arms and legs are crossed, but a sincere smile makes the pose open and inviting.
A great pose that shows a man's strength and confidence.
Poses for shooting a portrait of a man, you can try different variants with a glance into the frame, or to the side.
An example of another pose for indoor photography. Make sure that the young man does not slouch.
A good option for a photo shoot both at home and outdoors. It is important that the man lies down in a way that is comfortable for him, otherwise the position will look unnatural, and he will be tense and constrained.
Not a bad pose for portrait photography. One of those options when “there’s nowhere to put your hands”
Poses for shooting business men.
Pose for photographing a man from the waist up. A simple pose that will make the man in the photo appear confident and courageous.
A good option for photographing indoors in a cozy atmosphere.
A spectacular pose for a photo shoot of a man on the streets of the city. You can play with the angle and turn of the head.
Pose for confident and relaxed men. If you see that the model is not afraid to take photographs, then feel free to offer this option.
An excellent pose for full-length photography. You can also ask the man to turn his head to the side and do a 3/4 turn. Don't forget to experiment with angles.
Not a bad pose for a full-length portrait outdoors.
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