Epiphany rituals: what is possible and what is not? Tradition and modernity - Epiphany.

Almost all Orthodox holidays are preceded by an evening liturgy. That is why every great celebration begins with the Vespers. Baptism is no exception. On Christmas Eve, it is very important to properly prepare for the holiday, and for this you need to know about the traditions and customs of this day.

On the eve of Epiphany, January 18, believers try to spend time with relatives and loved ones in order to prepare together for the great celebration. Over time, Epiphany Christmas Eve traditions developed, which are still relevant today. Traditional activities are considered to be preparing Lenten food and performing rituals that will help you let the Lord into your heart and happiness into your life.

The history of Epiphany Christmas Eve

Epiphany Christmas Eve is the evening before the Epiphany of the Lord. It is also called the Eve of Epiphany. On this day, people traditionally prepare for the holiday of Epiphany, which has an ancient history and is of great importance for every believer.

According to biblical scriptures, on January 19, the Savior visited John the Baptist, later called the Baptist, with the decision to undergo baptism as a true believer. Of course, the news that the Son of God himself decided to baptize himself struck the prophet. This indicated that the long-standing prediction had come true, that before him Jesus was the true God. The Savior argued that the rite of initiation into faith is the same for everyone - everyone must undergo baptism, since the word of God commands so.

This important event forever changed people's understanding of the Messiah. We can say that people believed in Him with renewed vigor. But Christ not only allowed Himself to be baptized, but also sanctified all the water on earth, endowing it with miraculous power. That is why the main tradition of Epiphany is to collect Epiphany water. According to the clergy, such water cannot spoil, because it is designed to heal absolutely any ailment. The Savior’s help did not disappear, because holy water appeared at the behest of the Lord, which means its miraculous power cannot simply dry up.

Epiphany Christmas Eve: Orthodox traditions, signs and rituals

Traditions. The Eve of Epiphany should be celebrated with family. Sochivo is considered a traditional dish - a dish made from millet, honey and raisins. This is a centuries-old tradition that was established at the dawn of Christianity. Do not forget that before the Epiphany of the Lord a one-day fast is observed, so the festive table should be decorated with lenten dishes.

Epiphany Christmas Eve is otherwise called Hungry Kutya. She is hungry because on January 18, until the evening, until the water was blessed, people did not eat anything edible. The leftover food from the festive table was given to the chickens.

Epiphany frosts. In the old days, frosts at Epiphany were very severe, so people tried to appease winter by inviting frost to the festive table. The owner of the house got up from the table, took a spoonful of juice and brought it to the window, thereby inviting the frost to dinner. Oddly enough, after Epiphany the frosts weakened, so this tradition was carried out annually.


  • it is snowing - the year will be good and fruitful;
  • snow fell in the morning - to a good harvest;
  • blizzard - happiness is just around the corner;
  • bright stars - dreams are destined to come true.

Rituals. The main rituals for Epiphany Christmas Eve are considered to be reading prayers, visiting a temple, collecting holy water and swimming in an ice hole. People plunge into the ice hole three times to strengthen not only their faith, but also their health. True, diving into an ice hole is not necessary. To keep the tradition, it is enough to wash your face with holy water or take it home.

It must be remembered that the Epiphany of the Lord is one of the most significant and main holidays in Orthodoxy. That is why clergy urge us to take it seriously and prepare in advance at the time allotted for this - on Epiphany Christmas Eve. God will definitely give you happiness, health and His blessing if your heart is open to Him. We wish you a bright holiday, strong faith, success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.01.2018 03:21

On Orthodox Epiphany Eve, Christians traditionally fast and do not eat until the first star, offering...

On January 19, all Orthodox Christians celebrate one of the most important holidays for believers - Epiphany. According to the canons of faith, it was on this day that Jesus Christ was baptized in the rivers of the Jordan and was marked by the Lord as his beloved son. Therefore, both popular beliefs and the official church claim that water on January 19 acquires special miraculous properties, and the Higher powers on this day rejoice at the Baptism of the Lord and are favorable to people’s requests. Therefore, our ancestors came up with traditions, signs, conspiracies and rituals with the help of which we can enlist the support of the Light Forces for the whole year, and also developed a whole system of fortune telling on Epiphany evening. Moreover, fortune telling on January 19 is considered one of the most accurate, and making wishes on this day is an effective way to make a dream come true. Here we will talk about the most effective baptismal rites and fortune telling, and also figure out why the Orthodox call Baptism the Epiphany.

Why do the Orthodox call the holiday of Epiphany the Epiphany?

According to the Bible, at the moment when John the Baptist baptized Christ and Jesus emerged from the water, a dove descended from the sky to the Savior of mankind, and then the voice of God sounded, saying: “ This is my beloved son, in him is my favor" Jesus was God's messenger to people, which is why the day on which the Lord communicated his will is called Epiphany.

Another reason why the Baptism of the Lord is called the Epiphany is the fact that, according to Christian belief, at the moment of Christ’s baptism the entire Holy Trinity was revealed to people: God, who announced his will from heaven, the Son, sent by him to earth and baptized in the river, and Holy Spirit in the form of a dove.

Enlightenment is another name for Epiphany

According to Christian canons, the holiday of January 19 is called not only the Epiphany and Epiphany, but also the Enlightenment. There are two versions why Baptism is called Enlightenment. Perhaps this name was invented by the first Christians, who believe that on the day of Christ’s baptism, God gave people a chance to emerge from darkness into light, giving them enlightenment with true faith.

Historians are of the opinion that the inhabitants of Byzantium were the first to call Baptism the Enlightenment, since in this stronghold of Christianity there was a tradition of lighting bonfires and torches on the streets of the city on the night of January 19th.

Epiphany: signs, traditions, making wishes

Epiphany is the final holiday of the winter holidays, beginning on January 7th. Moreover, Christians need to celebrate Epiphany for 2 days - not only January 19, but also January 18. On January 18, all Christians must fast, and for dinner the housewife should prepare “hungry kutya” - kutya made from rice, millet and honey. All family members should eat this kutya, and the leftovers of the dish should be given to pets before January 19th. And of course, on Epiphany, all believers must visit the church, stand for the service and draw holy water.

But in addition to church rules and dogmas on how to celebrate Epiphany, there are also folk customs on what to do on Epiphany - signs, traditions, making wishes and even fortune telling for love and the future. Our ancestors always paid attention to what the weather was like at Epiphany, because it was believed that it could be used to determine what the whole next year would be like. And the most accurate baptismal signs are:

  • If the morning of January 19 was warm and cloudy, the year will be fruitful
  • If on Epiphany the trees are heavily covered with frost or it snows, the grain will be harvested well
  • Severe frost on Epiphany means drought in the summer.

Traditionally, on Epiphany, women were forbidden to carry water until one of the male family members brought holy water into the house. Also, folk traditions recommend drawing crosses on windows and doors with wax or soot from a church candle on the night of January 18-19 in order to receive protection from the Forces of Light.

How to make wishes for Epiphany correctly

Since it was believed that good spirits especially favor people on Epiphany, on this day both women and men made their deepest wishes and asked for help and blessings from God, the Son and the Holy Spirit. To make a wish on Epiphany, you don’t need to follow any complex ritual or perform a long ceremony - just go outside on Epiphany night and, raising your eyes to the sky, whisper your request. The main thing is that this request is kind and comes from the bottom of the heart.

Holiday of Epiphany: signs and fortune telling on January 19 on Epiphany evening

The holiday of Epiphany and signs and fortune-telling on Epiphany evening are inextricably linked in the popular consciousness. According to knowledgeable people, it is best to tell fortunes on Epiphany Eve and on the night of January 18-19. People have come up with many Epiphany fortune telling, with the help of which you can find out your future and prospects in any area of ​​life. And here are the most accurate and simple fortune telling, which are also suitable for residents of city apartments:

  • Fortune telling for the groom. This is fortune telling for girls who are being courted by several guys at once. The girl needs to take as many apples as she has admirers, and on each apple write the name of one of the suitors. Then you need to turn off the light, mix the apples and take a bite from each. The sweetest apple will be the one with the name of the most suitable candidate for husband.
  • Fortune telling for prosperity. This fortune telling is very simple. You need to take three plates and a coin, hold them in your hands, and then ask someone to hide the coin under one of the plates. You cannot see where exactly the coin is hidden. Then you need to try to guess where exactly the coin is. If the fortuneteller finds the coin the first time, the year will be successful for him financially; from the second time - you should not expect significant income, but there will be no losses either; from the third - material losses are likely.
  • Fortune telling for a prophetic dream. Before going to bed, on the night of Epiphany, you need to open the window and say into the darkness, “ Saint Samson, show me a holiday dream about the future».

Is it possible to guess on the Orthodox holiday of the Epiphany?

According to the canons of Christianity, it is impossible to tell fortunes either on Epiphany or on other days - this is a sin. However, people believed that the sin of fortune telling on Christmastide is washed away with the water holy on Epiphany, so from January 7 to 18 you can tell fortunes, the main thing is that on January 19 you must plunge into the ice hole.

Folk conspiracies and rituals for Epiphany (Epiphany)

Both healers and ordinary people use conspiracies and rituals for Epiphany (Epiphany) to enlist the support of higher powers and attract prosperity, happiness and love into the home. There are also a lot of baptismal conspiracies for health and for curing diseases.

Most Epiphany spells are pronounced over holy water. Moreover, it is not necessary to slander the water brought from the church - on January 19, any water collected from a well or natural spring is considered holy.

The most powerful conspiracies are the following:

For your health: « Heal, Lord, my body and soul, for I am a sinner, and my soul and body hurt in sin. Heal, I ask, Lord Jesus Christ, our Eternal Father, Heavenly Son, my body from ailments, from dryness and aches, from blood and pain. Heal my soul from envy, hatred and malice. The heavens open on us sinners on this day. Lord Jesus Christ, please fill my body with strength and health, and my soul with peace. For the glory of Your Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen!". The charmed water should be placed in a dark place and drunk a spoonful every day for a year.

For abundance: « Holy water came to the house and brought prosperity. Losses will pass this house, and prosperity will come every day. Good luck will accompany me in everything, I will never know failure in anything!" The vessel with the enchanted water should be taken one by one into all rooms of the house and the corners should be sprinkled with a small amount of water.

For good luck: « The Lord was baptized in the Jordan - light appeared to the whole world. Just as it is true that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, it is also true that I have enough strength for everything. The Lord reigns and commands, the Lord helps me in all matters. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!" You should wash your face with enchanted water in the morning.

The effectiveness of rituals with Epiphany water

People knew centuries ago that the water collected on Epiphany, which is also called Epiphany, has special properties. Despite the fact that Orthodox priests do not support traditions, signs and rituals associated with holy water, knowledgeable people are sure that making wishes and conspiracies really work for it. Therefore, for those who want to be happy and healthy throughout the next year, and also to wash away the sin of fortune-telling on Christmastide, it will be useful to draw and cast a spell on water on January 19 and drink a spoonful of it every day.

On this day, the Church remembers the gospel event - how the prophet John the Baptist baptized the Lord Jesus Christ in the Jordan River. We will talk about the history, traditions and meaning of the holiday.

On this day, people stock up on Epiphany water. The secret of its healing power has not been revealed by scientists, but believers know - God performs miracles through human prayer.

The beginning and meaning of the holiday

On the night of January 18-19, Orthodox Christians celebrate one of the most ancient holidays of the Christian Church - Epiphany or Epiphany.

Epiphany ends the Christmas holidays, and the day before, believers celebrate Vespers or Epiphany Eve.

Origins of the holiday

January 6 – Epiphany (Three Kings Day) Epiphany, Theophany (Epiphany, Theophany) - in Catholicism.

According to Christian doctrine, it was after Baptism that Jesus began to enlighten people, illuminating them with the light of truth. In addition, in the Baptism of Christ, humanity participated in His Divine grace, receiving in this sacrament cleansing with living water, leading to eternal life. Therefore, acceptance of the sacrament of Baptism is a mandatory condition for believers to belong to the Church.

The Feast of Epiphany is also called Epiphany, since on this day the Holy Trinity first appeared to the world - God the Father proclaimed the Son from heaven, the Son received Baptism in the waters of the Jordan River, and the Holy Spirit descended on the Son in the form of a dove. This day is also called the Day of Enlightenment and the Feast of Lights - from the ancient custom of performing the baptism of catechumens on the eve of it (on Vespers), which is, in essence, spiritual enlightenment. On this day, Christ gave a person who had fallen in sin the opportunity to receive the grace of the Holy Spirit after the rite of Baptism. Since then, those who are baptized receive forgiveness of sins and are reborn to a new, spiritual life.

history of the holiday

Epiphany (Epiphany) is one of the very first Christian holidays (written reports about it go back to the 2nd century). He is older than the Nativity of Christ, which was celebrated with him until the fourth century. In the 4th century, Rome began to celebrate Christmas on the day of the invincible sun, December 25th. But the ancient combination of holidays remains in some eastern churches: Armenians and Indian Christians of Malabar continue to celebrate Christmas on January 6, the day of Epiphany. The tradition of celebrating “old” Christmas on January 6 has also been preserved in the Shetland Islands (where there are white nights in summer and flashes in winter). And as before, both Christmas and Epiphany are preceded by Christmas Eve.

Events of the Epiphany

After fasting and wanderings in the desert, the prophet John the Baptist came to the Jordan River, in which the Jews traditionally performed religious ablutions. Here he began to talk to the people about repentance and baptism for the remission of sins and baptize people in the waters. This was not the Sacrament of Baptism as we know it now, but it was its prototype.

The people believed the prophecies of John the Baptist, many were baptized in the Jordan. And then, one day, Jesus Christ himself came to the banks of the river. At that time He was thirty years old. The Savior asked John to baptize Him. The Prophet was surprised to the depths of his soul and said: “I need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me?” But Christ assured him that “we must fulfill all righteousness.” During baptism, the sky opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on Him in bodily form, like a dove, and there was a voice from heaven, saying: You are My Beloved Son; My favor is in You! (Luke 3:21-22).

The Baptism of the Lord was the first appearance of Christ to the people of Israel. It was after the Epiphany that the first disciples followed the Teacher - the apostles Andrew, Simon (Peter), Philip, Nathanael.

In two Gospels - Matthew and Luke - we read that after Baptism the Savior retired into the desert, where he fasted for forty days to prepare for his mission among people. He was tempted by the devil and did not eat anything during these days, and after they were over, he finally became hungry (Luke 4:2). The devil approached Christ three times and tempted Him, but the Savior remained strong and rejected the evil one (as the devil is called).

Celebration traditions

On January 18, the holiday precedes Epiphany Christmas Eve. On this day, the Orthodox keep a strict fast until the evening star (or until the blessed water is brought from the temple), and then the family gathers at the fasting table with the inevitable juice of boiled grain, almond or nut “milk” and honey. In some places this evening was called “Hungry Kutya”. On the holiday itself, in the morning they went to church for mass and for the great blessing of water, and then for a festive meal, where they served porridge generously flavored with butter, pancakes, rich borscht, jellied meats, sausages and baked pork. In some areas they treated themselves to “square” pancakes - “to bring in money.” If it’s alcohol, then it’s best KAGOR (everything about this amazing wine is on our website).

The traditional dish of this day is sochivo, which is prepared from cereals (for example, wheat or rice), honey and raisins.

To prepare you will need:
- wheat (grain) – 200 g
- peeled nuts – 30 g
- poppy seed – 150 g
- raisins – 50 g
- fruits or berries (apple, blackberry, raspberry, etc.) or jam - to taste
- vanilla sugar - to taste
- honey and sugar - to taste
- cream – 1/2 cup.

Wash the wheat well, add hot water, covering the grain, and cook in a saucepan over low heat until soft (or in a clay pot, in the oven), periodically adding hot water. Rinse the poppy seeds, steam with hot water for 2-3 hours, drain the water, grind the poppy seeds, add sugar, honey, vanilla sugar or any jam, chopped nuts, raisins, fruits or berries to taste, add 1/2 cup of cream or milk or boiled water, and combine all this with boiled wheat, place in a ceramic bowl and serve chilled.

for your holiday table you will find on our website


On the feast of Epiphany (Epiphany), water is blessed. Water is the source of human life, its sanctification means in Orthodoxy the sanctification of life.

A man bathes in a font on Lake Vyacha in the Minsk region. Photo: RIA Novosti / Egor Eremov

All over the world, where there is an opportunity, they go to the river, sea or lake to bless water, and if it is not possible, the water is blessed in the temple, and so - everywhere and everywhere water is blessed. On frozen reservoirs, water is blessed in special ice holes, which are called “Jordan” in memory of the baptism of Christ in the Jordan. There is a tradition of swimming in these ice holes. Epiphany, or Epiphany, water (Agiasma) has been considered a shrine since ancient times. It was kept and is now kept for a year, they sprinkle it on things, take it when they are sick and give it to drink to those who for some reason cannot take communion.

Christmas Eve

The Church commemorates the Baptism of the Lord with a special rite of great consecration of water. It is performed twice - on Christmas Eve (January 18) and on the very day of Epiphany. The grace of consecrating the water is the same, the prayers and the threefold immersion of the cross in the water are the same. Since the value of water is the same on both days, you should not collect it twice and store it separately in two vessels. — On Epiphany Eve, Orthodox Christians keep a particularly strict fast in order to prepare for confession and communion.

Walruses for the glory of God

There is a pious custom at Epiphany to plunge into the Jordan, or ice hole. Swimming in an ice hole on this day is useful, but you need to be careful. It is no coincidence that they not only prepare an ice hole for swimming, but also place bathhouses next to it so that those who plunge into the water can immediately warm up. Sometimes the clergy themselves practice swimming in the ice hole. Not everyone will risk taking a plunge into an icy plunge pool, but you can wash your face and hands with invigorating Epiphany water.

We got some water. What's next?

On the day of Epiphany, people go for holy water with different containers, some with a jar, some with a canister, some with a two-bucket flask.

What are reasonable limits for how much holy water a family needs in liters?

-There are no limits here. Everyone already knows that on this day water is brought to both the cathedral and the monastery, which is blessed by the priests until everyone has filled it. And whoever needs as much as he needs, even fill up a tank, it’s not a pity.

We collected holy water, brought it home, and what to do with it next?

-Holy water has spiritual healing powers. First of all, you need to sprinkle your home with it. Today, it is sprinkled not only on apartments, but also on offices, and even on car interiors. In everyday life, Epiphany water is needed daily.

The day of an Orthodox Christian begins with prayer, after which you need to eat a piece of prosphora and wash it down with a sip of holy water. Usually prudent Christians take enough water to last for a whole year. Sometimes you can hear that holy water remains from year to year, and a person does not know how to use it. What is it worth? Use it, wash your face, sprinkle your home, yourself, and your loved ones. Take a sip morning and evening. Why store it? This is not a thing. You can add holy water when preparing food, bathing children, or taking a bath yourself. If it happens that there is water left over from last year or even the year before, you can water the flowers with it - they will also benefit from this “recharge.”

What should those who, for various reasons, were unable to come to the temple or Jordan to get holy water on January 18 and 19?

-Firstly, you can come to church for it any day, it is always there. Secondly, it is not necessary to store a whole tank of it - a small amount of Epiphany water can be poured into containers and ordinary water can be added, because, according to the holy fathers, “a drop of holy water sanctifies the sea.”

Epiphany Prayers

Troparion of the Baptism of the Lord

voice 1st
In the Jordan I am baptized to You, Lord, Trinitarian adoration appeared: for the voice of the Parents testified to You, naming Your beloved Son, and the Spirit in the form of a dove, the affirmation known to Your words. Appear, O Christ God, and enlighten the world, glory to Thee.
When You, Lord, were baptized in the Jordan, the worship of the Most Holy Trinity appeared, for the voice of the Father testified to You, calling You the beloved Son, and the Spirit, appearing in the form of a dove, confirmed the truth of this word. Christ God, who appeared and enlightened the world, glory to You!

Kontakion of the Baptism of the Lord

voice 4th
Thou hast appeared this day to the universe, and Thy light, O Lord, has appeared upon us, in the minds of those who sing Thee: thou hast come and appeared, the unapproachable Light.
You have now appeared to the whole world; and Your light, Lord, is imprinted on us, consciously chanting You: “You have come and appeared, Unapproachable Light!”

The Greatness of the Baptism of the Lord

We magnify You, Life-Giving Christ, for our sake now baptized in the flesh by John in the waters of the Jordan.
We glorify You, Christ, Giver of life, because You have now been baptized in the flesh by John in the waters of the Jordan for us.

Healing agiasma

Translated from Greek, agiasma means “shrine.” This is what Epiphany water is called. There are many cases where literally a few drops poured into the mouth of an unconscious patient brought him to his senses. It is customary to drink holy water on an empty stomach, with special reverence and prayer. Although, for special needs, you can drink it at any time. Elder Hieroschemamonk Seraphim Vyritsky, when someone was very sick, gave his blessing to take a tablespoon of holy water every hour. He also advised sprinkling food with this water. He said that there is no stronger medicine than holy water and blessed oil. All holy water has special spiritual healing powers. There are many cases of healing from Epiphany water. One seriously ill woman took upon herself such a feat - to plunge into Jordan. She had a severe cold, but literally recovered in two days.

Baptism- This is a very important event in the life of every person. Until the child is baptized, no conspiracy will help him; at these moments of his life no one is protecting him. But, as soon as baptism is accepted, the Angels come to the protection of the new person. And on the day when Jesus Christ was baptized, all humanity received protection from the Higher Powers. For this reason, the holiday of the Baptism of Jesus Christ has its own meaning, as well as its own signs.

Sayings and signs

For thousands of years, folk signs associated with the day of the Epiphany have evolved. It was noted that if the weather is clear and cold on this day, the summer will be dry, cloudy and fresh - a bountiful harvest.

If Epiphany night falls on a full moon, floods are possible in the spring, a starry night foretells a dry summer and an abundance of berries, and a south wind foretells thunderstorms. A clear day on Epiphany foreshadowed a lean year. For the newlyweds, Epiphany was the best day to negotiate a wedding: “Epiphany handshake means a happy family.” People baptized on January 19, according to popular belief, will be happy throughout their lives.

At the blessing of water, any illness is eliminated. Signs for Baptism are considered the most powerful and true, but it is worth noting that not all of them correspond to reality. Even here you need to be careful and decide whether to believe it or not. For a long time, special ice holes were made on rivers, lakes and other bodies of water for the holiday. The clergy performed a prayer service over this place, after which both the water in the ice hole and the place around the ice hole acquired unimaginable healing powers. Many centuries ago on this day, Jesus Christ entered the Jordan, was baptized and the Holy Spirit descended on him. It is believed that anyone who swims in an ice hole on this day will be able to get rid of many diseases and receive a blessing for a happy life. Not everyone will dare to swim in an ice hole in such cold weather. Epiphany frosts are famous for their strength. This is incredible, but people claim that on this day the water in the ice hole is incredibly warm, and it is simply impossible to freeze.

Stick in an ice hole - pigeons are born. Indeed, there is a custom to stick a long stick into an ice hole so that it reaches to the very bottom. It is believed that such a stick will help ensure that bees and pigeons reproduce well. Perhaps someone considers this sign to be true, but in this case opinions are divided. Those who keep an apiary or breed pigeons say that the main thing is to take good care of your pets, then they will breed well. Nature will do its job itself, and this sign is only superstition and nothing more.

Signs for Epiphany on January 19 and the weather

There is a full moon on Epiphany - there will be large meltwaters. This sign is based on observations. Everyone knows that snow can melt in different ways. They can get so bad that you can’t even get your feet wet, or they can leak so bad that even rubber boots won’t save you. So people noticed that if the full moon falls on Epiphany, then when the snow begins to melt, the streets will be filled with water like rivers. The process of snow melting will pass quickly, but there is hardly a person who does not get his feet wet these days.

If there is a new moon on Epiphany, the weather will be the same until the end of the month. Again, a sign that is related to the weather is usually the most accurate. So, people say that if Baptism occurred on a new moon, then you need to look at what the weather is like in the next three days. If the weather is clear, then until the end of the month it will be frosty and clear. If it snows, the snowfall will end only in early February. And if it rains, it will rain until January ends.

Signs for the Epiphany of the Lord and our life

Epiphany snow is a talisman against seizures. Today, few people know that melt water from Epiphany can cure many diseases. Previously, it was customary to collect snow in a jug. For this purpose, there was even a special jug in the house, which was not used for other purposes. When the snow collected for Epiphany melted and became water, this water was stored in the cellar and used in the event that a person’s legs were lost or convulsions began. People said that such water could lift a paralyzed person and help an epileptic get rid of the disease.

Epiphany water - whiteness for canvas. Today there are so many chemicals that help whiten clothes. But there was no such chemistry before. But people still managed to keep their linen snow-white. So, in order for the linen to be white, housewives simply sprinkled the linen with Epiphany water while washing, and achieved an amazing result. It's hard to believe, but if you try, you will be amazed at the results.

Epiphany snow for feed - no problems on the farm. In this case we are talking about domestic animals. In Rus', it was customary to add Epiphany snow to horse feed. It was believed that if they ate Epiphany snow, they would become stronger and more resilient. In addition, Epiphany snow was also added to chicken feed. People believed that this would help the chickens start laying eggs earlier. City dwellers may say that this is a superstition, but those who live in the countryside even today claim that the sign works.

At Epiphany the snow will pile up against the fence - expect a bad summer. This sign is also based on human observations. If it snows on Epiphany holidays and it lies close to the fence, you may not expect a harvest. Most of the crops will simply rot. But if there is at least a small gap between the fence and the snowdrift, then the harvest will be wonderful. What you collect will last until next summer.

At Epiphany the stars are bright - the sheep will lamb well. As on other major holidays, people always looked at the stars before Epiphany. It is believed that if the stars shine brightly in the sky on the night before Epiphany, then this year there will be a lot of berries in the forest, the peas will grow beautifully, and the sheep will bear so many lambs as never before. But if the sky is overcast, then you may not see all this.

If a blizzard blows up on Epiphany, it will snow almost until the Holy Day.. In this case we mean Holy Easter. Old people say that if a blizzard blows on Epiphany, the snow will remain until Easter. Even I had a chance to test this sign on myself. When there was a snowstorm on Epiphany, the snow lay not only until Easter, but right up to Krasnaya Gorka. That is, only a week after Easter the snow began to slowly melt away. So, this sign is true, and there is no point in denying it.

If dogs bark a lot at Epiphany, there will be plenty of all kinds of animals and game in the forest. Even if the dog is not a hunting breed, it still has the hunter's instinct. For this reason, it is generally accepted that any dog ​​is able to sense in advance when a good hunt can be expected. Therefore, real hunters carefully monitor this sign and, already from Epiphany, begin to prepare their guns in the winter.

Snow flakes mean a harvest, and if it’s clear, a sign of crop failure. A good harvest has always been very important for people who work on the land. They worked for a good harvest. Therefore, people paid special attention to such signs that are associated with the upcoming harvest. In addition, there is another sign that is associated with bread. If it’s warm on Epiphany, the bread will be dark. This means that in the coming year there will be a very good harvest for rye, but wheat will yield poorly.

There are folk signs associated with the holiday of Epiphany.

One of the Epiphany amulets is a church candle purchased on this day. The candle should be taken home and placed near the icons. It is not necessary to light it: it was believed that this candle, by its very presence, would maintain light and warmth in the house for a whole year.

The peasants believed that on the night of Epiphany, from January 18 to 19, the sky opens before Matins. Whatever you pray to the open sky will come true.

At midnight, women collected Epiphany snow. Old women - in order to better whiten canvas, and girls - their skin. It was believed that water melted from this snow could cure various ailments, and poured into a well would make it inexhaustible even in the driest year.

From Epiphany to Maslenitsa it is time for weddings. Marriages concluded at this time are considered the most successful. It is especially good if the engagement takes place on Epiphany.

Those who are baptized at Epiphany will be happy all their lives.

Epiphany fortune telling

In the old days, fortune telling at Epiphany was a popular pastime. However, fortune telling is not a religious practice at all. Fortune telling has nothing to do with true Christianity and the feast of Epiphany itself, but goes back to paganism.

At Epiphany, girls told fortunes about their betrothed: they put different rings in a bag of grain and, taking them out in turn, determined their fate. A copper ring promised a poor groom, a silver one - from a family with average income, a ring with a gem - a noble groom, and a gold one - from a merchant.

Another common fortune telling was to go out the gate in the evening and call for your betrothed. Meeting a young guy was considered a good omen, and an old man was considered a bad omen. Dreams on the night of Epiphany were considered prophetic, and girls wished to see their future spouse in their dreams.

Epiphany in the West

Giotto. Epiphany. Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org

Western Christians called the feast of the Epiphany in Latin - Dies epiphaniorum, Dies apparationum, Manifestatio - and celebrated and continue to celebrate January 6, paying main attention to the appearance of the star and the worship of the Magi - that is, to the revelation of the Son of God to the world of paganism, whose representatives were the Magi, In the West they are called kings. Therefore, in Western Europe the holiday is also called festum regum or the holiday of the three kings (festum trium regum).

In Catholic churches, water, chalk and incense are blessed on Epiphany. In some countries, there is a tradition of writing CMB on the doors of churches and houses (the first letters of the names of the three “kings” - Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar, or the first letters of the phrase “Christus mansionem benedicat”, which in Latin means “Christ bless this house”). In Spanish-speaking countries, it is customary for the Magi (in Spanish, “Los Reyes Magos” - the magician kings) to “bring” gifts to children on the feast of Epiphany, and not on Christmas or St. Nicholas Day.

Poem about Baptism

Epiphany night
Dark spruce forest with snow like fur,
Gray frosts have descended,
In sparkles of frost, like in diamonds,
We dozed off, leaning over the birch trees.

Their branches froze motionless,
And between them on the snowy bosom,
As if through lace silver,
The full month looks down from the sky.

He rose high above the forest,
In its bright light, numb,
And the shadows creep strangely,
In the snow under the branches turning black.

The bowls of the forest were covered with a blizzard, -
Only traces and paths wind,
Running between the pines and fir trees,
Between the birch trees to the dilapidated gatehouse.

The gray blizzard lulled me to sleep
The forest is deserted by a wild song,
And he fell asleep, covered in a blizzard,
All through, motionless and white.

Mysteriously slender thickets sleep,
They sleep, dressed in deep snow,
And glades, and meadows, and ravines,
Where streams once roared.

Silence - not even a branch will crunch!
And maybe beyond this ravine
A wolf makes his way through the snowdrifts
With a cautious and insinuating step.

Silence - maybe he’s close...
And I stand, filled with anxiety,
And I look intensely at the thickets,
On tracks and bushes along the road.

In the distant thickets, where the branches are like shadows
In the moonlight patterns are woven,

The Christian sacrament of immersion in water, which means joining the church, is called Baptism. Rituals and traditions on this great day - January 19 - take place in all Orthodox homes where people believe in God. On Epiphany (its other name is Epiphany), people perform various rituals to gain strength of spirit and body. Today we will learn about the most popular rituals on this day and about the traditions observed by believers.

Epiphany of the Lord: the history of the holiday

Another name for this great festival is Epiphany, and why it is such a synonym will be explained below.

At the baptism of Jesus Christ, a real miracle happened - God the Father appeared to humanity and notified from heaven about the Son, who was baptized by an ordinary mortal John the Baptist, and in the form of the Holy Spirit a dove descended from heaven. Therefore, the name of this holiday is Epiphany, that is, on that day the Trinity appeared to the world for the first time. After the Epiphany, Jesus went into the desert, led by the Holy Spirit, and in his prayers and meditations began to prepare for the great mission for which he came into this world. Tempted by the Evil Spirit, like all ordinary people, Jesus still restrained himself and spent 40 days without food or water. This is exactly how, with the participation of John the Baptist, a significant event took place in the history of all mankind - the Baptism of the Lord. History shows that this was the first important event in Jesus' public activity.

Sacrament of Baptism

This phrase denotes the spiritual rebirth of a person, this is his birth for the Orthodox Church, where he gains access to Confession, where he unites with God. The peculiarity of the ritual consists in immersing a man, woman or child three times or pouring water over them while reading prayers. After this, a personal cross is put on the Christian, and then the person changes into white clothes. The meaning of this sacrament is that after it a man, woman or children can live according to Christian laws - commandments.


The important and first Christian sacrament is Baptism. Rituals and traditions on this day must be observed by all people who have become members of the church. On this day, Christ gave a person who had fallen in sin the opportunity to receive the grace of the Holy Spirit after the ceremony itself.

Signs for Baptism are considered the most accurate and truthful. Here are some of them:

If it snowed heavily that day, then you should expect an excellent harvest in the summer.

If on Epiphany the day is clear and very frosty, then the summer months will be hot.

If the stars shine brightly the day before, it means spring will begin early. This also means that the year will be calm, without any shocks.

A relevant sign for Epiphany these days: if Epiphany falls on a full moon, then you need to be afraid of floods and river overflows.

Holiday symbol

All ceremonies and rituals at Epiphany are associated with water, which has extraordinary power on this day. First of all, it maintains absolute freshness for 3 years. You can also dilute ordinary water with it, adding only a drop of Epiphany water. On the holiday, all Christians must go to church and bless this healing liquid. Also for this purpose, people go to the river or reservoir. There she is consecrated in special ice holes called “Jordan”, in honor of the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan.

Epiphany water is subsequently used to heal people from any diseases; it can be used to treat various wounds and simply be drunk every day in the morning on an empty stomach. They also sprinkle it on every corner in their apartment so that nothing penetrates into the home, and order and peace always remain in the house.

Ritual for physical health

This event should be held on the first day after the Epiphany. It is necessary to fill the bath with warm water, add a few drops of sacred water and immerse yourself in it completely, without leaving any part of the body dry. It is advisable to even dip your face for a few seconds. You need to lie in complete calm for 10 minutes, and then get out of the bath and, without drying yourself with a towel, wait until the body dries itself. Similar ones are carried out not only in relation to sick people for their speedy healing, but also for the entire nation. Even if a person is healthy and nothing bothers him, for his continued well-being it is advisable to perform this activity.

For the recovery of a bedridden person

The great holiday of Epiphany, celebrated on January 19 by all Orthodox Christians, is not only about the health and healing of people who come to a healing pond or river. Some patients, due to their various ailments, simply cannot get out of bed and go out for a swim. For such unfortunate people there is a special ritual for recovery. To do this, it is necessary for one of the relatives to collect sacred water, come to the house and consecrate every corner of it, and then sprinkle the patient’s room three times. And an infirm loved one should be allowed to drink crosswise 3 times from a separate container. Then you definitely need to wash your relative and wipe him with the back of his undershirt. After this, change clothes and wash the shirt on the same day - January 19 in a pond. Then let it dry and put it on the person again. After such a ritual, the sick relative will recover very soon.

Ritual for the fulfillment of cherished desires

This ritual is carried out as follows: on the eve of the holiday, you need to fill a cup with sacred water left over from previous years, and then lower it into it. Then you should place the cup with the contents on the windowsill so that the moon shines on the container (it is advisable to do this. Then you need to say it quietly 3 times and go to bed in the morning, you should go outside and pour the water under a tree, and hide the coin in a secluded place so that no one else finds it. Similar rites and rituals for Baptism to fulfill cherished desires have been carried out before, and people still believe in them. and with special joy and trepidation they await the feast of Epiphany in order to take advantage of the opportunity and fulfill the sacrament of making their dreams come true.

Ritual for body tone

Of course, everyone knows where to start Epiphany on January 19th. Traditions indicate that a trip to the reservoir is the first event on the great feast of Epiphany. During the ritual, to tone the body, you need to plunge into a consecrated river or pond completely with your head, and you need to do this 3 times and you should definitely cross yourself. But not all people know how to properly prepare for such an event. Rituals for Epiphany on January 19 must be performed according to the rules, so you should first gather and follow simple instructions, which are expressed as follows:

  1. The most important thing is to fast for 3 days before the ritual of immersion in sacred water.
  2. You should lead a correct lifestyle - give up alcohol, smoking, do not use obscene language, do not cheat, do not steal and, of course, do not commit adultery.
  3. On the evening of January 18, you should go to church and collect sacred water with which you need to sprinkle yourself, and in the morning just wash your face with it.
  4. Only after the actions described above can you go to a river or reservoir, where, before taking a plunge, you should read the “Our Father” prayer three times.

Under no circumstances should you go into the water with anyone's help on Epiphany - an Orthodox holiday. A person must do this on his own, because this is a kind of test for the strength of spirit and body.

People who sincerely believe in the healing power of water will never get sick, even if it is -30 degrees below zero. And those who decided to join and perform such rituals on Epiphany on January 19 for the sake of fashion or for other reasons can only cause themselves harm, and quite serious ones at that.

Ritual for childless spouses

Many married couples want children's laughter to be heard in their home, but they just can't have a child. However, if they believe in God and in his power, then such unfortunate people should perform a special ritual on the holiday. Epiphany (January 19) helps all childless spouses and gives them a chance to become parents. However, this opportunity must be taken advantage of correctly, so you should prepare first. Husband and wife should not sleep in bed together for three nights before Epiphany. On the evening of January 18, the spouse must necessarily defend the service and leave after it, without talking to anyone until she plunges three times into the pond (that is, in the morning of January 19). Her husband may not attend church, but if he also wants to defend the service, he should go to another temple. And in the same way, after this he cannot talk to anyone until the immersion process. When a married couple dips into Epiphany water three times, only after that can they meet each other and be sure to spend the night together. And very soon they will have the opportunity to become loving parents. Such ceremonies and rituals for Epiphany should not be told to other people. Therefore, it is better not to tell anyone about such a sacrament.


1. On the eve of the holiday, all believers fasted during the day, and in the evening the whole family gathered at the table and tasted kutya, as on Christmas.

2. On the day of Epiphany, a service is held in the church.

3. On the eve of Epiphany, water is blessed in churches, and on the holiday itself - in rivers, lakes, and seas.

4. The day before Epiphany, people cut a hole in the ice in the form of a cross, and a figurine of a dove is placed next to it as a symbol of the Holy Spirit.

5. The ceremony of water blessing takes place over the river near the cross. During it, the priest lowers a cross and a lit three-candlestick into the hole 3 times. It turns out that water is baptized with fire.

6. The great holiday of Epiphany is celebrated on January 19th. The traditions of youth on this day include entertainment on ice: young boys and girls skated and set up carousels. And in the evening they began to go from house to house, caroling, singing songs, congratulating all people on the great holiday. After Epiphany, the young people gathered again in the evenings, and then the girls and boys met, communicated, and soon chose a mate. And from the moment of Epiphany until Lent, a new season of weddings lasted.

Now you know what the holiday of Epiphany is. Rituals, traditions, rituals have been observed from time immemorial by our ancestors, and we, as Orthodox believers, should not forget about such sacraments and be sure to go to church, pray, and on January 19, prepare in advance and go take a dip in the ice hole to improve the health of the soul and body.

The Feast of Epiphany is celebrated annually on January 19th. Signs and traditions, collected by many generations, have reached our times and are still popular to this day.

One of the most revered holidays among Orthodox Christians is Epiphany. The signs that were noticed on this day helped to predict subsequent events. The main Epiphany tradition remains swimming in an ice hole. On the night of January 18-19, believers plunge into cross-shaped consecrated holes to symbolically repeat the washing of Christ in the Jordan River. Water on this day acquires healing properties and relieves physical and spiritual ailments. Therefore, believers take Epiphany water with them and store it throughout the year.

Traditions and signs for Epiphany

Orthodox Christians celebrate the holiday with their family at the festive table. During fasting, a diet is followed, so you should refrain from eating meat and alcohol. According to tradition, the first to taste food is the one who last swam in the ice hole.

On Epiphany, housewives sprinkle their home with holy water, thereby driving out evil spirits and attracting grace into the home. On this day, quarrels and conflicts are excluded. Families visit each other with songs and carols.

It is believed that a marriage proposal on January 19 is the key to a long and happy family life. The agreement between the parents of the bride and groom was blessed in heaven. On this joyful day, the mothers of the bride and groom asked to reward the couple with healthy and strong offspring and sewed symbolic vests for future grandchildren. Babies born were baptized in these clothes.

According to legends, snow on Epiphany also has healing properties. Housewives used it to clean white bed linen, and young girls washed themselves with snow - it was believed that this would add beauty and attractiveness. Now the Epiphany snow is collected and taken into the house. Children are also washed with it so that they grow up healthy and strong.

Our ancestors also monitored the weather. It was an accurate indicator of how the year would go. The abundance of snow, as well as a clear and bright sky, foreshadowed a rich harvest of grain. Frost on the trees promised a large number of mushrooms, berries and nuts in the summer. If there was little snow, they prepared for a dry summer. The polyphonic barking of dogs was considered a lucky sign - it foreshadowed an abundance of game in the lands.

A traditional activity for Epiphany was also ridding one’s home of negative energy. The house was ventilated, and salt was scattered in the corners, which served as an insurmountable barrier to evil spirits. Church candles helped to charge the house with positive energy and attract prosperity. They were lit in every room and the fire was carefully monitored - an even and clean light meant that there was harmony and peace in the house, and the crackling, fuming and blinking of a candle light meant that the house was unclean.

It is believed that people who receive the sacrament of baptism on this day become lucky and carry a piece of God's grace within them.

The signs collected by our ancestors are still relevant to this day and are used by contemporaries. Pray for your loved ones and wish them a righteous and happy life. Use every day to become better and don't forget to push the buttons and

19.01.2017 02:05

Every year the Orthodox Christian world celebrates one of the most important holidays - the Epiphany. In that...

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