Brief description of the person in English. Description of a person in English - an example of a story with new vocabulary

The topic “My appearance” in English with translation will help you learn to describe your appearance using common phrases and words.

My name is Max and I am 24 years old. I work as a programmer in a big successful company. I would like to tell you some words about how I look.

First of all, I am very tall. I am 193 cm high. But I am also very thin. I do sport and try to eat regularly but it is still difficult for me to gain some weight. Nevertheless, I am used to being skinny and I feel good in this shape.

My hair is brown and so are my eyes. My eyebrows are not very thick, many people think I pluck them, but that’s not true. I have a straight nose and an oval face. I don’t have a mustache or a beard. I consider it is untidy not to shave. My fiancee thinks I am handsome and smart.

Maybe she says so because she is in love with me, but it doesn’t matter. Her opinion is very important to me. She also tells me that I resemble her father. Indeed, we have similar characters.

My character is rather peculiar. I'm a man of mood. I am usually very sociable and active, have a good sense of humor and like joking. However, I sometimes behave as an introvert. When I do so, I tend to stay at home and spend time alone with myself.

I like wearing casual clothes, like jeans and t-shirts, however, I have to look formally at work. So I usually wear black trousers and shirts of different colors.

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My name is Max and I'm 24. I work as a software engineer in a large successful company. I would like to tell you a few words about how I look.

First of all, I'm very tall. My height is 193 cm. But I'm also very skinny. I exercise and try to eat regularly, but I still find it difficult to gain weight. However, I am used to being skinny and feel good in this shape.

I have brown hair and brown eyes. My eyebrows are not too wide, many people think that I pluck them, but this is not true. I have a straight nose and an oval face. I don't have a mustache or beard. I think not shaving is untidy. My fiancee thinks I'm cute and smart.

Maybe she's saying that because she's in love with me, but that doesn't matter. Her opinion is very important to me. She also says that I look like her father. Indeed, we have similar characters.

I have a peculiar character. I am a person of mood. I am usually sociable and active, have a good sense of humor and like to joke. But sometimes I act like an introvert. At such moments, I strive to be at home and spend time alone with myself.

I like to wear casual clothes such as jeans and T-shirts, but at work I am forced to look more formal. So I usually wear black trousers and shirts of different colors.


To gain weight - gain weight

Skinny - skinny, skinny

To pluck eyebrows - pluck eyebrows

Mustache - mustache

Beard - beard

To resemble someone - to be like someone

Peculiar – special, peculiar

Sociable - sociable

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You will probably need words and phrases that will help you compose description of a person's appearance in English. We advise you to pay attention not only to vocabulary, but also to examples. After all, they can be an excellent basis for creating your own proposals.

Words to describe a person's appearance in English

Let's start with the most common words for describing a person's appearance in English. If your friend looks great, then you can please her with the following lexical units: beautiful (handsome), pretty (handsome), wonderful (wonderful), attractive (attractive), gorgeous (spectacular), good-looking (attractive). In order to emphasize that a man looks good and not a woman, they usually use handsome (handsome). Also, you can use good-looking And attractive. What if you suddenly need to emphasize the opposite? Remember ugly (ugly, ugly) And unsightly (unsightly).

When describing a person’s appearance in English, do not forget to pay attention to the following points:

1. Height

tall (high), short (low), quite tall (quite tall), medium height (average height)

2. Figure

slim (slender), fat (thick), skinny (skinny), thin (thin), plump (full, plump)

3. Age

young (young), old (old), middle-aged (middle-aged)

4. Face

round, oval, thin, a double chin, long nose, straight nose, turned up nose

5. Hair

long (long), short (short), curly (curly), bald (bald), straight (straight), untidy (unkempt), haircut (haircut), hairdo (women's hairstyle)

6. Hair color

a blonde, fair-haired, fair, brown-haired, dark-haired, red, gray

How to describe a person's appearance in English?

Now let's look at examples of How Can describe a person's appearance in English.

This is a young man. He is rather attractive. The guy is of medium-height. He looks tired. He has short dark hair. His face is oval. His nose is turned up. The young man is thin. He is dressed neatly. He is wearing jeans, a shirt, a T-shirt and training shoes.

This is a young man. He's quite attractive. The guy is of average height. He looks tired. He has short brown hair. Oval face. The nose is turned up. The young man is thin. He is neatly dressed. He is wearing jeans, a shirt, a T-shirt and sneakers.

In the second option it’s different:

  • can you describe a person's character?
  • his habits, hobbies (collecting, playing musical instruments, sports, clubs, sections)
  • What is a person’s favorite color, favorite book, movie, etc.
  • what is he wearing

For descriptions of a person in English This will require a number of adjectives:

  • kind- Kind, polite- polite, friendly- friendly, unfriendly- unfriendly cruel - cruel;
  • obedient- obedient, clever- smart, naughty- capricious, shy- shy, rude- rude, stupid- blunt;
  • noisy- noisy, brave- brave, athletic- sports, non-athletic- non-athletic, quiet- quiet;
  • talkative- talkative, modest- modest, easy-going- sociable, open, intelligent- smart (educated, well-read), sociable- communicative, answered - responsible, creative- creative, loving - loving;
  • independent- independent, bright- smart, brilliant- brilliant, famous- famous;
  • infamous- not famous, lucky- lucky, pleasant- nice, unpleasant- unpleasant, curious- curious;
  • caring- caring, tactful- tactful, impolite- impolite, smart - very smart.

For descriptions of a person's appearance in English You may also need the following words and phrases:

tall- high, short- short, handsome- handsome (about a man), slim- slender, thin- thin, plump- full, has dark (blue) eyes—….. dark (blue) eyes,… has black (dark, fair, grey, brown) hair - u... black (dark, blond, gray, brown) hair, elegant- elegant, beautiful- beautiful (about a woman), cute- Cute, he\she looks like….. - he/she looks like….., ….has pink cheeks- u... rosy cheeks, long\short hair — long/short hair.

Description of a person in English

Well, and, an example descriptions of a familiar person in English e with translation.

I have a friend. Her name's Susan. She's a pupil. She's in the fifth form. She isn't tall. She is slim. She has fair hair. Her hair isn’t long, but also isn’t short. She has blue eyes and very lovely smile. She is very friendly and she’s got a lot of friends besides me. She is a very kind and responsible girl. She is a correspondent in our school. She’s a creative pupil and she arranges a lot of interesting activities for her classmates. Our teacher says that Susan is a very bright and smart girl. She likes to read a lot. Her favorite color is green. She’s wearing a blue sweater and a blue skirt. Her favorite book’s “Through the Looking Glass” by Lewis Carroll. Susan likes to play the piano. She does it very well.

My friend lives in London with her family. She has a typical English family. They are close family. She gets on well with her mother, father and two younger brothers: John and Harry. John is two years younger than Susan and Harry is one year younger. Their mum is a nurse and their dad is a manager.

Susan's brothers have a good sense of humour. They are always noisy and naughty. They always play jokes on their classmates. Susan loves her brothers and takes care of them. She is very sociable. She knows how to get on well with people.

I have a friend. Her name is Susan. She is a schoolgirl. She's in 5th grade. She is not tall. She is slim. She has blond hair. Her hair is not long, but not short either. She has blue eyes and a charming smile. She is very friendly and has many friends besides me. She is a very kind and responsible girl. She is a correspondent at our school. She is a creative student and she organizes a lot interesting events for your classmates. Our teacher says that Susan is a very smart and smart girl. She likes to read a lot. Her favorite color is green. She is wearing a blue sweater and a blue skirt. Her favorite book is “Alice Through the Looking Glass” by L. Carroll. Susan loves to play the piano. She plays very well.

My friend lives in London with her family. She's typical English family. They are close. She gets along well with her mother, father and her two younger brothers: John and Harry. John is 2 years younger than Susan, and Harry is one year younger. Their mother is a nurse and their father is a manager.

Susan's brothers have a good sense of humor. They are always noisy and naughty. He always makes fun of his classmates. Susan loves and cares for her brothers. She is very sociable. She knows how to get along with people.

In contact with

A description of a person in English will consist of both a story about appearance and a description of character and habits. Since in the lessons about describing a friend we have already touched on some vocabulary regarding descriptive appearance, in this one we will repeat it in various combinations and learn new ones with examples.

Description of appearance in English

Let's see what we can say about human hair.

She has long wavy red hair. – She has long wavy red hair.

He is short-haired. - He has short-cropped hair.

She has straight medium length hair. Her hair is brown. – She has straight hair of medium length. She's brown-haired.

She has shoulder length curly hair. Her hair color is fair. – She has wavy hair of medium length. Her hair color is light.

She has short dark hair. – She has short dark hair.

Please note: when writing a description of a person's appearance in English, we can also mention what kind of hairstyle he/she wears. As in the story about clothes, you can use the verb wear. For example, she wears her hair on a ponytail (she puts her hair in a ponytail).

Hair length and color – Hair length and color


We have already talked about eye color in previous lessons, let's see what eye shape they come in.

  • Almond - almond-shaped.
  • Round - round.
  • Asian/upturned – Asian (raised corners).
  • Downturned – lowered corners.
  • Close-set – widely planted.
  • Wide-set – closely planted.
  • Hooded – with drooping eyelids.
  • Deep-set - deeply planted.
  • Protruding - convex.

When writing a description of appearance in English, we can also mention eyelashes and eyebrows, which can be long, short, thick, thin and curved.

About eyebrows (eyebrows) we can say that they have the shape of a soft angle (soft angled), a sharp angle (hard angled), be rounded (round curved) or straight (flat).

Physical appearance - appearance

Let's see how we can describe a person's eyes.

She has almond green eyes with thick dark eyelashes and soft-angled eyebrows. – She has green almond-shaped eyes with thick dark eyelashes and rounded eyebrows.

He has close-set downturned eyes framed with thin short eyelashes. He has flat eyebrows. – He has close-set eyes with downturned corners, framed by short, sparse eyelashes. He has a straight eyebrow shape.

Her blue round eyes are framed with long curved eyelashes and thin round curved eyebrows. – Her round blue eyes are framed by long, rounded eyelashes and thin, rounded eyebrows.

She has wide-set Asian eyes and short dark eyelashes. – She has wide-set Asian eyes and short dark eyelashes.


Let's now see what can be said about a person's face, let's start with the general thing - face shape, it can be:

  • Oval - oval.
  • Round - round.
  • Long - oblong.
  • Square - square.
  • Triangular - triangle.
  • Diamond - diamond.
  • Heart - heart.

Speaking about the shape of the face, there is no point in mentioning in detail the shape of the chin (chin), about it we can add that it is sharp (pointed), double (double). You can also describe the shape of the nose.

  • Small and short - small and short.
  • Long and narrow – long and narrow.
  • Aquiline – eagle.
  • Turned-up - snub-nosed.
  • Bulbous - pear-shaped.
  • Hooked - crochet.
  • Broad - wide.

We can also mention the mouth and lips. About lips we can say that they are plump (full) or thin (thin).

Let's make some examples.

She has an oval face with a round chin, a big mouth and full lips. She has god a short turned-up nose. – She has an oval face shape with a rounded chin, a large mouth and full lips.

His face shape is square, he has long hooked nose and thin lips. – He has a square face shape, a long hooked nose and thin lips.

She has got a heart face, a broad nose and a pointed chin. Her lips are full. – She has a heart-shaped face, a wide nose and a pointed chin.

Please note: instead of have/has you can say have/has got - both options are correct and the translation does not change.

Face shapes - face shapes


We will also need to describe the figure and build of a person. In addition to the fact that a person can be tall, short, or medium height, we can also say:

  • Slender is slender.
  • Petite – graceful, small in stature.
  • Overweight - overweight.
  • Plump - full.
  • Athletic - athletic build.
  • Skinny - thin.
  • Of medium build - medium build.

Human qualities in English

After we have dealt with external data, let's start describing character and personal qualities, here we can add adjectives in English that characterize a person, words that describe appearance, but are a sign of how a person takes care of himself.

  • Friendly - friendly.
  • Kind - kind.
  • Helpful - responsive.
  • Smart - smart.
  • Educated - educated.
  • Intelligent - smart, erudite.
  • Well-behaved - someone who knows how to behave well.
  • Well-shaved - well shaved.
  • Arrogant – arrogant.
  • Neat, tidy - neat, tidy.
  • Untidy, messy - sloppy, untidy.
  • Fashionable - fashionable.
  • Stylish - stylish.
  • Old-fashionable - old-fashioned.
  • Agile – agile, agile.
  • Awkward, clumsy - clumsy, awkward.
  • Graceful - graceful.
  • Elegant – elegant.
  • Hardworking - hardworking.
  • Lazy - lazy.
  • Confident - confident.
  • Shy - shy.


Let's try to create a description in English of a person with the vocabulary that was listed above.

I want to tell you about my neighbor. We are good friends with him. He is quite tall, with short red hair and kind blue eyes framed with short red eyelashes and thick flat eyebrows. He has an athletic build. His face is oval, he has got a long thin nose and thin lips. He is very friendly. When I was moving in our house he suggested to help me with my things. That's how we met for the first time. I noticed at once that he is very elegant and stylish. He is always neat and well-shaved. Later I found out that he is also very smart and intelligent person. He likes to study and share what he has already learned. It is always interesting to talk to him.

I want to tell you about my neighbor. He and I are good friends. He is quite tall, has short red hair and kind blue eyes, framed by short red eyelashes and thick, straight eyebrows. He has an athletic build. He has an oval face shape, a long thin nose and thin lips. He's very friendly. When I moved into our house, he offered to help me with my things. That's how we first met. I immediately noticed that he was very elegant and stylish. He is always neat and well shaven. Later I found out that he is also a very smart and erudite person. He enjoys learning and sharing what he has learned so far. It's always interesting to talk to him.

Describing a person’s character in English may require knowledge of many words, add new vocabulary from the video to your dictionary:

Hello! Very often, when we are asked to describe ourselves or another person in English, we limit ourselves to a verbal depiction of appearance. Meanwhile, a person is a versatile personality, with his own character traits and other characterizing features. Without using these words, you cannot tell anything about a person as an individual.

Describing a person in English

  1. In the vast majority of cases, in order to talk about a person, we use characterizing adjectives. In this article, I tried to collect the most popular adjectives that can be used to describe a man or girl as an individual. For this purpose, you can use words that are part of the following categories:
  • Character traits:
  • Personality traits
  • Mental capacity
  • Strong-willed qualities

Attitude towards other people, towards property, towards work
Let's look at all these categories separately. Dictionary for describing appearance in English

Adjectives characterizing a person in English tall When talking about appearance, we describe height, age, voice, clothing. For example, growth can be high ( ), short ( short ) or average ( medium) , and age - elderly or old ( old ), middle-aged ( middle-aged ) and young ( young ). Speaking about the voice, you can indicate that it is hoarse(cracked ), voiced ( crisp ) or melodic ().

tuneful A smile can be charming ( engaging ), charming ( charming ) and sincere ( sincere ) or vice versa, cunning ( cunning ), played out ( forced ) and insincere ( artificial

  • ). You also need to express your own opinion about how a person looks, using the following adjectives:
  • winsome - attractive
  • agreeable - pleasant
  • dapper - neat (only about men),
  • lovely-looking - delightful
  • awkward - clumsy
  • untidy-looking - sloppy

Adjectives about character traits

Describing a personality in English involves talking about character traits, habits and preferences. Sides of character can be both positive (intelligent, optimistic, extroverted) and negative (stupid, pessimistic, introverted). And sometimes the same feature, depending on intonation and context, can be both positive and negative (determined, thrifty, obstinate).

When characterizing an individual, do not forget to clarify why you call him that. For example, when you say that a girl is hardworking, explain why you think so:

Any is very hard-working. It can work all day without any break at all. I really admire the way it studies and works. (Annie is a very hard worker. She can work all day without a break. I actually admire the way she studies and works).

Table of characterizing adjectives

The criteria that make up a person’s character are also varied. For ease of memorization and pronunciation, I have placed them in a compact table with translation and transcription. This will make it easier for you to navigate the criteria and remember the characterizing adjectives.




Personality traits

arrogant arrogant ["ærəgənt]
irritable irritable ["irit(ə)bl]
self-confident self-confident [self-"kɔnfidənt]
persistent persistent [ pə "sist (ə)nt ]
curious curious ["kjuəriəs]
modest modest ["mɔdist]
capable bright [brait]
brave brave [breiv]
creative creative [kri:"eitiv]
restrained reserved [ri'zə:vd]
observant observant [əb"zə:vənt]
enterprising enterprising ["entəpraiziŋ]
cunning ) or vice versa, cunning ( ["kʌniŋ]
stubborn obstinate ["ɔbstinit]
purposeful purposeful ["pə:pəsful]
boastful boastful ["bəustful]
incorruptible incorruptible [ ‚ɪnkə"rʌptəbəl ]
hot-tempered hot-tempered [‚hɒt"tempərd]
resourceful quick witted [kwik witɪd]

Mental capacity

broad-minded broad-minded ["brɔ:d‚maɪndɪd]
smart bright
smart clever ["klevər]
wise wise [ˈwaɪz]
silly foolish ["fu:lɪʃ]
witty witty ["wɪtɪ]
unsophisticated blunt [blʌnt]
well-read well-read
uneducated uneducated [ˈʌnˈedjukeɪtɪd]
ignoramus ignoramus [ˌɪɡnəˈreɪməs]
polymath erudite [ˈerədīt]
illiterate illiterate [ɪ"lɪtərɪt]
mediocre mediocre [‚mi:di:"əʋkər]
ordinary ordinary [ˈɔ:dnrɪ]

Strong-willed qualities

brave bold
brave brave
cowardly coward ["kaʋərd]
decisive resolve ["rezə‚lu:t]
indecisive irresolute [ɪ"rezə‚lu:t]
courageous courageous [kəʹreıdʒəs]
persistent stubborn ["stʌbərn]
shy timid ["tɪmɪd]
flexible flexible ["fleksəbəl]
timid fearful [ˈfɪəful]
stubborn obstinate ["ɒbstənɪt]
unshakable steady ["stedɪ]

Attitude towards other people

communicative sociable ["səuʃəbl]
selfish selfish ["selfiʃ]
friendly friendly ["frendly]
decent decent ["di:s(ə)nt]
impudent impudent ["ɪmpjədənt]
honest honest ["ɔnist]
tolerant tolerant ["tɔlərənt]
respectful respectful [ris'pektful]
loyal faithful ["feiθful]
hospitable hospitable ["hɔspitəbl]
aloof detached [dɪtætʃt]
unreliable disloyal [dɪslɔɪəl]
sincere frank
fair just
false false
indifferent indifferent [ɪn"dɪfərənt]
truthful truthful ["tru:Ɵfəl]
insidious treacherous ["tretʃərəs]
rude harsh
sensitive, gentle tender ["tendər]
strict strict
good-natured good-natured [ˈɡudˈ "neɪtʃərəd]
demanding exacting [ɪg"zæktɪŋ]
noble noble ["nəʋbəl]
altruistic altruistic [ˏæltruˊɪstɪk]
selfless selfless [self les]
highly moral moral ["mɔ:rəl]
sneaky scoundrel [ˈskaundrəl]
tactful tactful [tæktfʊl]

Attitude to property

greedy greedy ["gri:di]
generous generous [ˈdʒenərəs]
stingy stingy ["stɪŋɪ]
economical frugal ["fru:gəl]
thrifty thrifty [ˈθrɪftɪ]
wasteful wasteful ["weɪstfəl]

Attitude to work

responsible answered [ris'pɔnsəbl]
hardworking hard-working [hɑ:rd"wɜ:rkɪŋ]
cooperating cooperative [kəʋ"ɒpərətɪv]
executive can-do [kæn-du:]
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