“Red and Black” by Stendhal (Marie-Henri Bayle). Frederic Stendhal - Red and black

Red and black Frederic Stendhal

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Title: Red and black

About the book “Red and Black” by Frederic Stendhal

Frederic Stendhal wrote the novel “Red and Black” in the thirties of the nineteenth century. The work is based on real story which happened to a French tutor. The author added juicy strokes and a psychological component to the banal event.

The main character of the novel “The Red and the Black” is the ambitious tutor Julien Sorel. The young man is a fan of Napoleon and dreams of the same dizzying career. But for now he works for the mayor of Verrieres, studies theology and makes plans for the future.

Julien's upbringing, manners and intelligence resonate in the heart of the mayor's wife, Madame de Renal. A romance is rapidly developing between the heroes, which is not destined to become long-lasting. The mayor receives a secret message about his wife's infidelity. Sorel flees.

Thus begins the adventures of Julien Sorel. The hero still has to make many mistakes, inexorably approaching a fatal outcome. Low origins nurtured a gigantic inferiority complex in Sorel. The desire to get to the very top, trampling moral principles, leads the main character to the only right way out.

Frederic Stendhal repeatedly returns to state of mind Main character. Sorel rushes between desires and possibilities, dreams and reality, remorse and excuses.

Frederic Stendhal, in addition to the image of the main character, masterfully portrays the characters of the heroines - Madame de Renal and Mathilde. The first is torn between her duty to her husband and her love for Sorel, while the second’s pride battles her feelings for the main character.

The image of Abbot Pirard is interesting, the only person from the novel “Red and Black,” who understood Julien’s nature and did not look for excuses for him. The abbot saw himself in the young man and helped in every possible way future fate young men.

Frederic Stendhal managed to create the image of a man who tramples morality in the pursuit of fame. Gradually, a pure and naive young man turns into a hardened scoundrel. By committing unsightly acts, Julien hides behind the desire to get into high society, he is ready to deceive himself and assure that everyone who makes a career does this.

The book “Red and Black” was written a long time ago, but is still very relevant. Men are ready to do any meanness for the sake of a career, and women are sometimes greedy for a young body. Both seem somehow unimaginable, unreal. As if it shouldn’t be like this, life sometimes brings surprises. When you read this novel, it becomes disgusting, because you realize that society, in fact, has not changed at all in almost 200 years. Everything remained the same, even worse in some moments.

The book makes you think, are you doing the right thing yourself? Or are you doing something bad, but you don’t notice it or don’t want to notice it? Such works force you to analyze yourself, your life and actions. Perhaps some will even be able to change for the better.

The novel “Red and Black” is about wandering in search of oneself, about exorbitant ambitions and reckless actions on the way to Everest, about pride and illusions that led nowhere. This is running out of the blue, leading to destructive consequences.

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Quotes from the book “Red and Black” by Frederic Stendhal

One English traveler talks about how he was friends with a tiger; he raised him, caressed him, but always kept a loaded pistol on his desk.

A traveler, having climbed a steep mountain, rests with great pleasure on its top. Will he be happy if he is forced to rest forever?

You see, I am an independent person. Why do they require me to think the same thing today as I thought a month and a half ago? If this were so, my opinion would be my tyrant.

Politeness is only the absence of irritation, which breaks out with bad manners.

A novel is a mirror with which you walk along the high road. Either it reflects the azure of the sky to you, or dirty puddles and potholes.

He who makes excuses betrays himself.

If you commit crimes, then you must commit them with joy: and without this, what good is there in them; if they can be justified by anything, it is only by this.

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Title: Red and black
Writer: Stendhal (Marie-Henri Bayle)
Year: 1830
Publisher: Seventh Book
Age limit: 12+
Volume: 610 pages.
Genres: 19th century literature

About the book “Red and Black” by Stendhal (Marie-Henri Bayle)

Famous novel French writer Marie-Henri Beyle's (Stendhal) "Red and Black" had an explosive effect not only among literary critics, but also among the ruling elite different countries. The novel was published in 1830, but even years later the book was banned from publication. So, in 1864 the Vatican, in 1850 Russian Emperor Nicholas I, and in 1939 the Spanish leader Franco, imposed bans on this frank, for that time, work. However, despite this, I was waiting for the book resounding success and the love of millions of readers around the world. Even years later, at the present time, the book is rightfully included in school curriculum studying foreign classics.

Stendhal's work "The Red and the Black" tells the story of an ambitious young man named Julien Sorel. He is very ambitious, believes that if he had lived during the time of Napoleon, he would also have become great personality. He idolizes this French emperor, admires him, dreams of being like him. However, realizing that the military field will not give him the privileges he wants, he decides to become a bishop. Sorel is reasonable, has a penetrating mind, but does not believe in God. The main thing for him is to become one of the people at any cost. He is offended by his low origins. And to achieve this goal, any means are good for the main character. So, for some reason, during his life, Sorel falls in love with two women of noble origin. Why didn't he fall in love with an ordinary maid? On a subconscious level main character still dreams of rising in life, even at the expense of love. He's not as bad as he seems... just a common person with its own advantages and disadvantages. A person who struggles poorly with his temptations.

The book “Red and Black” also skillfully depicts the images of the two women with whom our main character was in love. Louise de Renal is the wife of Sorel's employer, a sincere, simple-minded woman of 30 years old who experienced genuine, pure feelings and emotions for the main character. However, because of her jealousy, she created tragic ending to your lover. Mathilde de La Mole is the absolute opposite of the previous image. Smart, but at the same time selfish, mocking, spoiled. She is only 19 years old. It was the violation of decency and rebellious nature that pushed her into the arms of the protagonist. And pride forced me not to end this relationship. Her feelings for Sorel were immature, at the level of teenage emotions. At the end of his life, the young man finally understood his emotions and realized who truly loved him, but as often happens, such an understanding came to him too late...

This incredibly talented, masterfully written work shows how initially good smart people life turns into notorious cynics and scoundrels. On the other hand, aren’t we ourselves often the culprits of our own troubles? Neither fame, nor money, nor authority can warm you up last minutes life. As a result, everyone is given the understanding that love is the basis of everything. Only for her sake is it worth living or dying. These are the thoughts that Julien Sorel, the main character of the book “Red and Black”, brought to his mind. last moments own life.

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Grade 5 out of 5 stars by Dominic 07/03/2017 18:51

Varto begins with the fact that the whole life of Julien Sorel was played at roulette: he bet on red and black. Finally, having sorted everything out and transferred everything. Alas, it’s a pity, the hero had mercy. He forgot about himself. The roulette didn't play like that. This is the irrevocable and most precise sense of the novel.
Julien Sorel is one of those guys, young and ambitious, who wants to earn a career in a cruel, bewitching marriage. To achieve this goal, he has no talents and abilities, except hypocrisy, “ mysteries”, as a result of any confusion, should be prepared in order to achieve Hateful middling.Vіn feels himself in sharpened enemies, so he carefully controls his skin, all the time he spends the whole hour talking about his interpretations and moral nature.
In the image of Julien Sorel, realistic figures meet romantic ones. Stendhal boldly breaks with the power of the romantics the straightforwardness of the portrayal of the hero, and even Julien has a super-cheerful peculiarity, although he wants to endow him with dominant rice-ambition, and he himself calls for changes in the plot of the novel.
However, in certain fragments there are extremely realistic signs, as if romanticism is “shone through.” In fact, romantics have “two lights”: the light of the ideal, the world and the light of reality. The main character, just before his death, informs those that he lives in an illusion, and not in real life. Likewise, the romantics envisioned a proud character of his own, who refused to get bogged down in high fantasy and escape from routine. The hero of “Chervony and Black” experiences the same feeling: “Julien stood on a high rock and marveled at the sky, baked by the sickle sun. You can take in the sight of the locality that stretches twenty leagues around you. Hour after hour, a hawk flew from the rocks above his head and silently chaired a majestic stake in the sky. Julien mechanically stitches his eyes behind the slender bird. He was opposed by the calm, heavy hands, the strength of the hawk, the self-confidence of the hut. This was Napoleon's share; Won and You didn’t have a trial? "
We can also trace the manifestations of romanticism in such examples: the romantic burning eyes of Julien Sorel; the place is fatal in a romantic way (he shoots at his colossus not just in God's temple, but in God's temple). The relationship between Stendhal and romanticism in the novel “Chervone and Black” cannot be felt. Julien, the main character of the novel, had the opportunity to meet rich people of different ages, different incomes, and different social backgrounds in his short life. But only two women, without a doubt, played the most important role in the life of the young man - the provincial Madame De Renal and the aristocratic Marquise Mathilde de La Mole.
Given his character, Julien is included in a number of romantic images. This is particularly striking at the end of Julien’s short life. Those who are in contact with the hero, if he finds himself guilty of committing evil, can understand how he has turned to himself, to his human essence. Under illusion, he radically overestimates his life values, He realizes the need for everything to which Sorel actually betrayed his death before the jury. and the death of Madame de Renal is described. romantic and somewhat sentimental: “the woman quietly fades away in grief, hugging her children.” However, at the same time, posing the problem of a woman being in love is an insane merit of the most realistic literature of the 19th century.
However, the tragic conflict between proud and self-centered people and prosperity, as they are, and the conflict between rebellion and death, which are absolute signs of romanticism, are expressed in realistic ways. Due to the fact that there are two currents: realism and romanticism, this novel has gained fame and become worth reading.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Arzu 11/20/2016 17:53

It was ok to read when I was a kid

Grade 4 out of 5 stars from martyn.anna 15.05.2016 20:15

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from natochka8800 13.03.2015 15:23

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Nastya 08/13/2013 15:10

A little about literary features novel:
1. The intrigue lies in the very title of the novel. At that time in Europe it was customary to name a novel either by the name of the main character (for example, “Manon Lescaut”) or to reflect the essence of the work in the title (for example, “Dangerous Liaisons”). Stendhal acted differently - he called his novel “Red and Black”. Literary scholars have not yet come to a clear opinion regarding the etymology of the name. The author's opinion on this issue is unknown.
2.Unlike the title of the novel, the titles of individual chapters clearly reflect the events taking place in them. Moreover, all chapters (with the exception of the last four) are equipped with epigraphs (some of which are fictitious by the author), which directly warn the reader of what awaits him in this chapter. The absence of titles and epigraphs in the last four chapters increases the intrigue (how will it all end).
3. The author repeatedly addresses the readers with direct speech, involving them in some kind of dialogue, expresses his opinion regarding the characters he fictionalized, and even informs about what disputes he had with the publisher regarding individual episodes.
4. The author ends many of his thoughts with the words “etc.” etc." (apparently so that the reader himself can figure out the ending of phrases and actions).

Now about the plot:
Sorel Julien - younger son in a peasant family, and therefore he has only two options career growth: military service or priesthood. To earn money to study at the seminary, he gets a job as a tutor in the family of de Renal, the mayor of a provincial French town. Julien is a 19-year-old boy with the appearance of a 17-year-old girl and not superior to her in knowledge of life, the mayor's wife is a 30-year-old woman (14 years of marriage, three children, an elderly husband). He only knows about love what he read about it in the Bible. She married an old man at the age of 16 and knows no more about love than Pithecanthropus knows about the theory of relativity. A feeling arises between them: grabbing hands, sneaking a kiss... The romance is gaining momentum. After some time, the cuckold mayor begins to receive anonymous letters. Julien is forced to leave his family and enter the seminary. A year later he gets a job in Paris. On the way to the capital, he secretly visits Madame de Renal, who has almost resigned herself to separation. He then goes to Paris to become the secretary of the Marquis de La Mole, who has a 19-year-old daughter...

The novel is written with a certain amount of humor. It is hilarious to read how Julien, dying of fear, sneaks down the corridor at night to his mistress de Renal, hoping that her husband is not sleeping, and there is a plausible reason to refuse a night date. Or how Julien draws up a written plan to seduce his next victim, so as not to forget what he told her and what he did. And the story with the rewriting of letters will make Nesmeyana laugh: Julien’s friend provided him with a set of letters written by his acquaintance to his beloved, Julien numbered them, copied them word for word and sent them to his victim (of course, there were some incidents).

Stendhal (1783–1842) - real name Henri Bayle is one of those writers who made the glory of French literature of the 19th century century. His pen belongs to " Parma monastery", "Lucien Level", "Vanina Vanini", but the pinnacle of the writer’s creativity was the novel " Red and black" An ordinary case from a criminal chronicle, which lies at the heart of the novel, became, at the hands of the subtle psychologist and brilliant stylist Stendhal, a human drama of the highest intensity and at the same time a social study of society. Julien Sorel, an ambitious and capable young man, experienced both romantic love and violent passion, which he could not resist and for which he paid with his life.

  • Name: Red and black
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  • ISBN: 978-5-9985-0781-6
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It is not surprising that the novel" Red and black"was so often published in Soviet time- if desired, it is really possible to highlight the theme of class struggle and even put it in the central place, although then the whole meaning of the novel would be distorted. After all, the most important thing in it is not the external side of things, where the young and very ambitious son of a carpenter opposes himself to the entire aristocracy and bourgeoisie, while trying to get into their circle, envying their income and idle life. It seems to me that the main idea lies in the depths, in the depths of the soul of Julien, who undergoes an evolution on the pages of the novel, so that in the end, already on his deathbed, he understands that what he was chasing was not at all what he dreamed of. in a fit of his arrogant pride, he missed something really important - true love. Yes, in the first chapters, he irritated me immensely. I didn’t understand why such a disgusting character was placed at the center - spiteful, petty, selfish, self-confident and narcissistic, painfully suspicious and vain, but as I read, as he developed, understanding him better, I felt sorry for him. I think the author himself became attached to his hero, no matter what they were. Stendhal knew where Julien's path could lead him - the path of offended pride, the desire to break through, regardless of anything, the vain desire to prove that he is the best. But for me the ending was a complete surprise. I already rolled my lip at “they lived happily and died on the same day,” but I completely forgot that Stendhal is not Austen. He will be truthful, realistic and all the heroes will get what they deserve from him. Here's a warning to all young Juliens - don't run along career ladder Take a headlong look around, think about whether you left something important for you downstairs, something that is more valuable to you than castles and huge incomes? This problem, although in a different setting, is all the more relevant in our time.

After some time, Julien saw them all standing together, leaning on axes, and holding a family council. He looked at them for a long time, but, making sure that he still wouldn’t be able to guess what they were talking about. we're talking about, walked around the sawmill and positioned himself on the other side of the saw so that he would not be taken by surprise. He wanted to think in freedom about this unexpected news, which was supposed to turn his whole fate upside down, but he now felt incapable of any prudence, his imagination was constantly carried away by what awaited him in the wonderful house of M. de Renal.
“No, it’s better to give up all this,” he told himself, “than to allow me to be seated at the same table with the servants. Father, of course, will try to force me; no, it's better to die. I have fifteen francs and eight sous saved up; I’ll escape this very night, and in two days, if I go straight through the mountains, where there’s not a single gendarme in sight, I’ll end up in Besançon; I’ll sign up as a soldier there, otherwise I’ll run away to Switzerland. But only then there will be nothing ahead, I will never achieve the title of priest, which opens the way to everything.”

Mayor of a small French city Verrier Monsieur de Renal takes the tutor to the house - young man named Julien Sorel. Ambitious and ambitious, Julien studies theology, knows Latin perfectly and reads pages from the Bible by heart. Since childhood, he has dreamed of fame and recognition, and also admires Napoleon. He believes that the path of the priest is the right way make a career. His politeness and intelligence contrast sharply with the manners and character of Monsieur de Renal, whose wife gradually warms to Julien and then falls in love with him. They become lovers, but Madame de Renal is pious, she is constantly tormented by pangs of conscience, and the deceived husband receives an anonymous letter warning about his wife’s betrayal. Julien, by prior agreement with Madame de Renal, writes a similar letter, as if it had come to her. But rumors spread around the city, and Julien has to leave. He gets a job at the theological seminary in Besançon, impressing the rector Abbot Pirard with his knowledge. When the time comes to choose his confessor, he chooses Pirard, who, as it later turned out, was suspected of Jansenism.

They want to force Pirard to resign. His friend, the rich and influential Marquis de La Mole, invites the abbot to move to Paris and allocates him a parish four leagues from the capital. When the Marquis mentioned that he was looking for a secretary, Pirard suggested Julien as a man who “has both energy and intelligence.” He is very glad to have the opportunity to be in Paris. The Marquis, in turn, notices Julien for his hard work and abilities and entrusts him with the most difficult matters. He also meets the marquis's daughter Matilda, who is frankly bored in secular society. Matilda is spoiled and selfish, but not stupid and very beautiful. The proud woman's pride is offended by Julien's indifference, and unexpectedly she falls in love with him. Julien does not experience reciprocal passion, but the attention of the aristocrat flatters him. After a night spent together, Matilda is horrified and breaks off relations with Julien, who is also tormented by unrequited love. His friend, Prince Korazov, advises him to make Matilda jealous by flirting with other women, and the plan unexpectedly succeeds. Mathilde falls in love with Julien again, and then announces that she is expecting a child and wants to marry him. However, Sorel's rosy plans are upset by a sudden letter from Madame de Renal. The woman writes:

Poverty and greed prompted this man, capable of incredible hypocrisy, to seduce a weak and unhappy woman and in this way create a certain position for himself and become one of the people... [He] does not recognize any laws of religion. To be honest, I have to think that one of the ways to achieve success is for him to seduce the woman who enjoys the greatest influence in the house.

The Marquis de La Mole does not want to see Julien. The same one goes to Madame de Renal, buys a pistol on the way and shoots ex-lover. Madame Renal does not die from her wounds, but Julien is still taken into custody and sentenced to death penalty. In prison, he again makes peace with Madame de Renal and repents of attempting to commit murder. He realizes that he has always been in love only with her. Madame de Renal comes to him in prison and tells him that the letter was written by her confessor, and she only rewrote it. After Julien is sentenced to death, he refuses to appeal, arguing that he has achieved everything in life, and death will only end this journey. Madame de Renal dies three days after Julien's execution.

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