Beautiful bow drawing. Manicure with a bow - design ideas and tips for creating decor

Every girl wants to look beautiful, stylish and unusual. Manicure also helps in solving this problem. Perhaps the most the best option in this case, the use of a bow is one of the simple and original ways to decorate nails. Its appearance is quite impressive and attractive.


It’s hard to imagine a woman or girl now without a beautiful manicure. Thanks to the active development of the beauty industry, every representative of the fair sex can afford many pleasant procedures. IN modern world There are many ideas and tools to make women's hands look simply amazing. When choosing a design, you should think about what event it will be needed for. Experts advise paying attention to manicure design with a bow element.

A bow in a manicure will certainly create a highlight. The bow is an element of the holiday. It creates a special mood for its owner. Its shape is light and airy. The bow can be either bright and catchy or calm and neutral, small or large, placed on all nails or only on some part of the nail.

Color preferences also have many variations: from the calmest pastels to bright, rich, varied. The color palette is so rich that it is sometimes difficult to decide which color is needed in a particular case. It can also be designed in different ways, for example, in a simple form, or you can take a flat and sometimes voluminous version. A manicure with a bow pattern is distinguished by its versatility, practicality, and unusualness.

It can be created in various forms:

  • in the form of a pattern along the entire length or on a separate part of the nail, on all nails or on several of them;
  • in the form of stickers that are placed directly on the nail plate (along its entire length or only on a certain part of it);
  • made using all kinds of stencils of various shapes.

It is believed that such a design is suitable only for young representatives of the fair sex. But this is not entirely true: based on practice, it is often older ladies who order bows and, as a rule, in soft and pastel colors.

Benefits of a bow in manicure:

  • the bow will certainly emphasize and add femininity to the created image;
  • easy to implement - it does not require a lot of time and materials to create;
  • looks harmonious on any nails - with any length and shape, and also complements any designs well;
  • to create it at home, only the thinnest brush is enough;
  • Suitable for both holidays and everyday life.

Disadvantages of a bow in nail design:

  • the presence of bows can cause harm by creating an image of frivolity;
  • to create at home, certain skills are required for the clarity and evenness of the figures performed.

Making a bow

It is important to determine the place where the drawing will be located. Using special devices - a dot or a toothpick - you need to put a dot in the middle. From it you need to draw triangles of the same size and shape.

In this case, you can use both paint and varnish. The edges should be rounded and then painted over the triangles. From the edges you need to draw small shaped ribbons.

The middle of the picture (optional) should be made bolder or left in its original form. The top of the design must be covered with a protective coating, thereby extending the service life of the design solution. Gels are also used when creating a bow.

Then you need to choose a color palette to create your design. After this, you need to treat the nail and apply a gel of the main color to it. Then dry the gel well in the lamp and make sure that it does not spread while drawing.

After this you need to start creating the drawing. Draw the lines, paint over the voids with the selected color. It’s better to draw the lines in several stages: first thinly, then draw them again. The inside of the bow can be filled with dots or made in one color. To transform the image of the design, you can add sparkles or rhinestones.

Optimal shape

Quite often, a bow is used on short nails, because on them it looks quite natural and simple. If you do not overload the nail, this will create the correct pattern effect. On excessively long nails, the design looks less impressive: the feeling of lightness and simplicity of the design is lost. The most acceptable option is the natural length of the nail. The shape can be either oval or square.

The bow goes well with the pattern. Often a similar design is made using rhinestones, which are laid out in the shape of a bow. This execution is very original and unusual, although there are exceptions when the design will look decent and impressive on long nails. For volumetric manicure elements you need enough space.

How to get the right bow design?

Probably the most easy way making a bow is hand painted using a thin brush or felt-tip pen. The technique is performed quite quickly if we're talking about O simple forms bantha. If this is a volumetric option, then it becomes more complicated, and it is better to entrust the implementation of this technique to a professional.

It is permissible to perform this design in different versions: plain, lush, with detailing small parts. It is very important to choose the right tone, complementing the drawing with lines, polka dots, and curls. Of course, in the latter case, it is better if such a technique is again performed by a professional. Bows also look good in other designs, as well as on extended nails.

Novice craftsmen, as a rule, use stickers. This is perhaps an even simpler version of this technique. The qualitative result obtained is no different, and in some cases even goes along with more complex techniques. Stamping is also in demand when creating bows. It helps to quickly and accurately position the design in the part of the nail where it is necessary and justified by the design.

Another option for creating a beautiful manicure with elements of bows is to use rhinestones and bouillons. It is preferable to do it with gel polish, since on regular nails the service life of this technique will be much shorter.

Design options. In order to create a real masterpiece on your nails, you need to use delicate colors in the design with the addition of white and pink shades. It can be a French manicure or a solid color, but with the addition of a bow pattern.

When creating a festive or evening option, shades with sparkles are suitable. Bow options in white or black, with a voluminous design or in a simple version, will look advantageous on them.

Curls or adding lace elements will also add charm to the manicure. An option is available using bright and rich shades of varnish. Contrasting bows are suitable for them: white and black or red. It is possible to add modeling, but this technique is more difficult to perform.

Materials and tools

To create an interesting design, you need a large assortment of varnishes, as well as gel varnishes, base, topcoat, topcoat, and a drying lamp. Can be used acrylic paints on extended or gel-coated nails. Brushes are worth using various shapes and size. For decoration you need to choose rhinestones, bouillons, pebbles.

If you want to create something attractive, you should use all possible rubbings, foil, stencils and stickers. These are not all the devices necessary for work, but only part of them. Purchasing such an assortment is only appropriate if you do manicure professionally. If manicure accessories are needed only for personal use, then this list will be much smaller.

This lesson fell into the category of easy ones, which means that in theory it can be repeated by Small child. Naturally, parents can also help young children draw a bow. And if you consider yourself a more advanced artist, then I can recommend the “” lesson - it will require more perseverance from you, although it will be no less interesting.

What you will need

In order to draw a bow we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grain special paper: beginning artists will find it much more pleasant to draw on this kind of paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each should be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. It will be easy for her to rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

It may seem simple geometric figures drawing is very easy, but this is a wrong point of view. To draw a bow correctly you need to try very hard. I recommend drawing from life. This is how you can see exactly where the light falls, how and where it casts a shadow. Photography is not the best help in this case...

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Simple drawings are created using contours. It will be enough for you to repeat what, and only what is shown in the lesson, to get an acceptable result, but if you want to achieve something more, then try to present that. what do you draw in the form of simple geometric bodies. Try making a sketch not with contours, but with rectangles, triangles and circles. After some time, with constant use of this technology, you will see that drawing becomes easier.

Tip: create a sketch with as thin strokes as possible. The thicker the sketch strokes are, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather the zero step, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will let you know where exactly the drawing will be located. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of marking a sheet in the center:

A beautiful painted bow that will suit any thing or living creature. In addition, the bow can be changed by adding a few of your own details, so to speak, develop your imagination, this is the most important thing in an artist.

Lesson “How to draw a bow?” created specifically for novice users who took a simple pencil for the first time.

We draw lines, making a sketch of our bow on a piece of paper.

Then we add small details to it and make the lines a little bolder for best view.

We outline it completely and give the drawing the correct shape.

We finish drawing and remove the excess with an eraser on the paper.

So you learned how to draw a bow, I hope it was interesting and informative. Now you can pay attention to the lesson “” - it is just as interesting and exciting. Share the lesson on in social networks and show your results to your friends.


Create a new document in Photoshop of any size with the RGB color mode, and then create a new layer (Create New Layer). From the Tools panel, select the Pen Tool and draw a curving silhouette, reminiscent of the shape of the left side of a tied bow - the shape should widen at one edge and taper at the other.

Right-click on the drawn silhouette and select the Make Selection option to create a selection. Set the feather radius to zero pixels and then click OK. Choose from the palette any one suitable for the future bow color and fill the selected area using the Fill tool.

Now select the Dodge Tool from the toolbar and highlight those areas of your future bow that should be voluminous and on which the light should fall. Draw the shaded areas using the Burn Tool - you will notice that the figure has acquired volume.

In exactly the same way, draw the second half of the bow, which mirrors the first half, and then create a new fragment of the future bow- a ribbon going down from the knot. Process it with the Dodge Tool and Burn Tool, then on a new layer draw the second tip of the ribbon coming out of the node. Next, perform the same operations to give the tape volume.

Finally, draw the middle of the bow - its main node, and also process it with the darkening and dodging tools to make it look three-dimensional. Draw a couple of folds on the knot. Draw the bottom sides of both bow loops and then darken them to show the shadow inside the bow.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Paint the resulting bow in the color you want, add additional elements to make it more elegant and colorful. If you wish, you can add several of the same bows using the copy layer function.

Those who want to decorate their nails themselves should master simple but effective designs. One of the simplest options is a bow. It can be painted with varnish or acrylic paints, and then decorated with glitter or mini stickers.

Bows: what are they?

A manicure with cute bows doesn't always look childish. You can try a modest decor by decorating only the tips of your nails. Another option is to draw a large stylized bow over the entire nail, thus decorating two or three fingers. Bows can be complemented with polka dots, flowers, sparkles and other decorative options.

To make your manicure look beautiful, use polishes in contrasting colors. It is not necessary to match them to your makeup or outfit. Today, bright manicure is in fashion, which will become the most noticeable detail in your look. Stylish black and white nail art looks very beautiful, as well as combinations of dark blue and light blue, red and black, hot pink and white. The length and shape of nails can also be any. Experiment - interesting ideas manicure can be found in tutorials or on specialized forums.

How to draw stylish bows

Try a simple but effective option in black and white. This original version French manicure, which is suitable not only for a party, but also for everyday life.

Before you start decorating, get your nails done. Align the length of your nails, polish their surface, remove cuticles and hangnails. Cover the plates with a protective base and dry it.

Paint your nails with a pastel pink or light cream color. Let the enamel dry. Then attach paper tips for French manicure to the edge of your nails so that they limit the line of the free edge. Paint it with thick white varnish and carefully peel off the tips. Dry the coating again.

Place a drop of black varnish onto thick paper or a plastic palette. Dip a thin brush into it and draw a line along the border of the white edge. Draw a small stylized bow on the side. Attach a small white rhinestone to the middle of each bow. Cover your manicure with a thick layer of topcoat with a drying effect.

For drawing, use dense enamels that do not show through when applied in a single layer.

If the black and white classic seems a bit boring to you, try a brighter option. Use bright turquoise enamel as a base. This manicure will harmonize perfectly with light summer outfits.

Paint your nails with turquoise polish in two layers. Dry the coating. Dip the brush into black dense enamel. Start drawing on your nail thumb. Draw two lines in the center of the plate to form an oblique cross. Duplicate the lines to make them brighter. Then connect their edges on the sides of the nail with arcs - you have a big bow.

Dip a brush into black varnish and begin to place dots along the contour of the bow, placing them next to each other. Using the same dots, draw a couple more lines going from the center of the bow to its edges. Decorate the knot by placing many dots in the center in the form of a circle. Another option is to attach a small flower or rhinestone sticker to the center. Thus, it is worth decorating two fingers on each hand. Don't forget about the protective coating with glitter - it will add completeness to the manicure.

Video on the topic

A beautiful nail design doesn't have to be complicated and mysterious. Even simple butterfly can make a manicure unusual, stylish and very original. Drawing a butterfly on your nails is not difficult if you know what tool is used to do it.

Many girls want to see not just a beautiful and monochromatic manicure, but also a stylish ornament on it. A design that never goes out of style is the butterfly. Moreover, drawing it is not particularly difficult if you adhere to simple technology.

Required materials and tools

Since nails are a fairly small area to paint on, you will need special tools. For example, dots and striper. A dot is a needle with a ball at the end, a special tool for nail art. Striper is a very thin brush. It comes in both short and long. It is more convenient to draw a butterfly with a shortened striper. If you don’t have anything similar at hand, you can replace the tools with homemade ones. For example, a dots can be replaced with a toothpick with a cotton ball at the end, and a striper with an eyeliner brush. These substitutes are as convenient to draw as with a professional tool.

You can paint a butterfly using either acrylic paints or nail polish. The second one is less convenient because it dries out, and it is not always convenient for them to draw small elements. Acrylic paints can be purchased at any office supply store.

Step-by-step technology

Prepare your nails for manicure by applying base and base color. Let dry. After this, you can start drawing the butterfly. Decide exactly where the drawing will be. It is more expedient to draw a butterfly or ring finger, or on two adjacent nails. For example, the index and middle (each wing on its own finger).

First draw the body of the future butterfly, head and antennae. Afterwards you can draw the wings. Do not press too hard on the brush so that the lines are light and thin. The shape of the wings depends on your imagination. They usually have a sharp tip and an elongated shape. This visually makes the nail sleeker and thinner. But sometimes the wings are also drawn rounded. This is a matter of taste and imagination.

Let the outline dry before filling the wings with paint or varnish. desired color. As in a children's coloring book, the main thing here is not to cross the contour. You can apply glitter to the wings or body of the butterfly, sprinkle the design with glitter, or draw an unusual pattern on the background to complete the composition. It is better to mark the dots with a dots or toothpick, and draw small curls with a thin brush. Cover the finished and dried drawing with the top (finishing) layer of transparent varnish. It can also be a special product to protect the design on the nails, which lasts much longer than a simple colorless varnish.

Bows on nails are one of the the most beautiful ideas offered contemporary art nail art. It is possible to draw patterns with ordinary varnish, gel, and acrylic paints. To apply the background, use varnish with a wide brush, and to draw small details - with a small one.

Masters prefer to create a manicure with bows, like any nail design, with acrylic. Those getting acquainted with nail art are also recommended to use varnishes and acrylic paints, since creating patterns using these means is the easiest.

The necessary list of tools for drawing a pattern

For the first placement of the hand among large number tools need to be prepared:

  1. A needle. Lacquer manicure with bows involves applying a pattern with an ordinary tailor's needle. However, working with it requires great care to prevent damage to the nail plate.
  2. A toothpick. For beginner nail art lovers, it is permissible to use a toothpick instead of a needle. Drawing small details on the nail plate, bows, for example, with its help is not so simple matter. However, the risk of nail damage is very minimal.
  3. Dots. This device looks similar to a needle, but has a ball at the end. If the pattern involves applying dots, then dots are used for this; it is also appropriate when drawing ornaments and curls.
  4. For creating artistic masterpiece A large-pored and a fine-pored sponge will come in handy.
  5. The brush is the main working tool of nail art. There is a huge variety of them. The main thing you should adhere to when choosing is the presence of natural pile.

From the first time, a manicure with bows seems quite difficult to perform. In fact, drawing a bow is quite simple. The main thing is to have a firm intention to learn how to draw a bow on your nails. The instructions, which step by step reveal the secrets of this technique, will help a lot.

Nails with bows allow you to decorate every girl's manicure. The bow can be applied to all fingers of both hands on the smile line, or to just one or two fingers (for example, diagonally).

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Read also: Gel manicure

Step-by-step instructions for performing the “Bow” technique

  1. Determine the place on the nail where the element will be located.
  2. Using a dots, place a small dot in the center of the future drawing. This is necessary for better orientation and clarity of the design overlay.
  3. Taking the point as the middle, two triangles are drawn from it, identical in relation to one another. This is done with varnish or acrylic.
  4. Having slightly rounded the edges, the triangles are painted over completely.
  5. Draw ribbon strips from the center of the triangles.
  6. The center is left as a dot or drawn bolder.
  7. To give durability and strength to the design, it is coated with transparent varnish.

The now common decoration made from ribbons is so widely used that everyone should know how to draw a bow, especially since it is so simple. We see it on hair, on clothes, on the New Year tree or on envelopes with newborns; the bow turns ordinary things into festive ones, and everyone knows how to make it.

Pink elegant bow with short ends

It's good to know how to draw a bow step by step, because this skill will be useful for drawing a princess dress or for reproducing the image of the popular hero Leopold. The lovely pink decorative element looks like the real thing. And to create this mini masterpiece it is enough a simple pencil and pink paint for decorating the finished product.
The first stage consists of creating a knot and the first loops of the bow. Let's draw the knot in the form of just a circle, maybe not an ideal shape. Next, draw the loops of the bow using rounded lines and a shape that vaguely resembles a cropped triangle. Here it is not so important to perfectly match the sample - in reality, each bow looks unique, so you can take some liberties in the design.

Next we move on to the second pair of ears or loops, which will be behind the first. Drawing them is even easier; they are the same in shape as the previous ones, but a little larger and located a little lower. And on the first ears you need to put a couple of ticks, like folds on a ribbon from a knot.

The final stage is drawing the ends of the tape, which is decoratively cut. The tips emerge from the nodule, their edges are uneven, with a triangular cutout. The tape diverges in different directions, although their length and edges may depend on the purpose of the finished product.

And finally, the best part – coloring! The result was a very beautiful and lush bow. And when you paint it with a soft pink color, it will turn out even more elegant. But for a better look, it is desirable that the pairs of ears differ slightly in shade. For example, the first pair is light pink, and the second pair is dark pink.

Strict and solid pencil bow

It’s even more interesting to learn how to draw a bow with a pencil - black and white drawings have their own charm. Therefore, a strict and seasoned image will look great without filling.
We start, as expected, with a knot and a sketch of the ribbon loops. For simplicity, first draw a circle and two triangles intersecting in a circle - then we can easily wipe away the extra strokes.

Now we turn the strict lines into something like soft ribbon loops - we draw a continuation of the ears, rounding them. To imitate folds on the tape, we make lines on the triangles, running like rays from the knot. Down from the knot are the ends of the ribbon, which also resemble elongated triangles with jagged edges. In this version of the design, the ribbon has long edges.

The drawing is almost ready, all that remains is to draw the final lines - smoothed corners, edges of the ribbon, folds at the knot.

Now that the final version of the drawing is visible, you can erase all the extra strokes. The result is a wonderful bow that will decorate a folded curtain or a full skirt of a ball gown.

Flirty bow for a girl

I wonder how to draw a beautiful bow if you only have a pencil and a sheet of paper at hand. Although it is very easy to create such a playful decoration on paper. After all, it conveys the artist’s mood, so it always turns out gentle and realistic.

Let's start drawing the ribbon knot and one of the loops. In such a beautiful bow, the knot will look like a heart - round and fluffy. We draw an ear from the ribbon, using the shape of a drop to create the outer and inner parts. We darken the bottom of the ear for more volume, and for splendor we apply strokes along the horizontal part of the drop - these are folds.

Similarly, we draw the left ear of the bow, which also comes out of the knot. It is just as lush and voluminous.

The last stage will be the edges of the ribbon, which come from the knot, as if fluttering. They end with a playful notch. We erase everything unnecessary and draw the final lines. Here, our cute bow is ready!

Chic red bow

To remember how to draw a bow easily, you just need to try it once. Having understood what the sequence is, what it consists of, you can then draw hundreds of such decorations, making them more and more realistic, more and more beautiful.

The first step is always to draw a knot from the tape and strokes for future loops. In this version of the bow, the knot looks like an elongated oval. We draw loops using symmetrical smooth lines. Add a couple at the bottom curved lines to emphasize the pomp and two-layer nature of the bow.

Then we move on to the hanging edges of the tape. They are also symmetrical, ending in teeth. For splendor, draw two lines from the center, like folds in the place where the knot is tied.

At the last stage, we paint our creation with deep red color. The black edging of the edges of the ribbon gives the red bow a special solemnity. That's it, our decorative element is ready!

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