Beautiful drawings with multi-colored pencils. How to draw a tree step by step with colored pencils

For a lesson on how to draw a tree step by step with colored pencils, we will need three colored pencils and one simple pencil. Colored pencils are brown and two green pencils (one darker and the other lighter). Let's make a sketch with a simple pencil markings 3B or 4B.

How to draw a tree step by step

Let's start the lesson how to draw a tree step by step from a simple pencil sketch “3B” or “4B”. Lines with a simple pencil can always be corrected with an eraser, therefore, despite the fact that the drawing will be done with colored pencils, it is better to make a sketch with a simple pencil.

We draw a tree trunk and designate approximate form crowns

Take a brown pencil and draw a tree trunk. Please note that I am trying to give the trunk different shades Brown. To do this, you just need to change the pressure on the pencil. When the tree trunk is ready, we move on to the crown - this is the next stage of the lesson on how to draw a tree.

In order to beautifully draw the crown of a tree, you need two green pencils - one lighter, the other darker. If you don't have two shades of green, you can use one pencil. Again, by changing the pressure on the pencil, you can draw with one green pencil.

So, we erase part of the sketch with an eraser and draw with a colored pencil. As you can see in the picture below, the shade is lighter in the middle and the shade is darker around it. I draw with small strokes in different directions.

Erase the sketch step by step and draw the tree crown in two shades of green.

If you use one green pencil, apply less or more pressure on it.

Thus, in the lesson on how to draw a tree, we drew the crown step by step.

But there is one more action that will help make the tree crown more beautiful.

Take a simple “3B” or “4B” pencil and use it to darken some areas of the crown. You can take not a simple pencil, but a black pencil. Use whatever pencil you have on hand to darken.

That's it, the drawing is ready. All that's left to do is fix it small parts, and wipe away the extra lines with an eraser.

Thus, we drew the tree with colored pencils in several stages.

I would be grateful for your opinion in the comments to this lesson.

See the next lesson - and the lesson on how to draw a tree step by step with colored pencils is finished.

Color paintings have long been attractive for their colorfulness and have been in demand: they have been used to decorate houses and large halls for several centuries. To add color to paintings, artists use paints and pencils. Drawing with colored pencils appeared relatively recently, in late XIX century, when the simple pencil was invented. Later they began to improve it, give it different thicknesses, hardness, experiment with colors and use it in painting. During this period, it became possible for beginners to draw with colored pencils.

What attracts you to drawing with colored pencils?

This type of creativity is gaining great popularity. With his help, talented artists recreate the most complex color images. The variety of types and the point of a sharpened pencil allow you to emphasize the smallest fragments of the image.
This art is subject to anyone with a basic desire to create, be inspired, and learn. Yes! Just study! At our art school we are ready to teach all the intricacies of drawing using colored pencils. You don't have to be good at painting. The main thing is to have the desire to create.

How to learn to draw with pencils, subtleties and features?

During the training we cover several basic issues:

1. Who can draw?

Talent for artistic arts present in every personality. Some realize this themselves and begin to draw without any help, others have to develop this skill. This is regardless of age, race or nationality. Can you hold a pencil in your hands? Then you will become a good judge.

2. What to draw with?

We learn to draw with colored pencils, but what kind? There is a huge variety of pencils that differ in the hardness of the lead, the thickness of the rod, and the material from which the base is made. There is a designation that determines the degree of hardness of the lead: 1H is the hardest, 5B is the softest. This designation is indicated on the base of the pencil. Often used and watercolor pencils. Charcoal, chalk, and sanguine began to be used as a variety of colored pencils.

When redrawing from another image, you may be disappointed that what you got is completely different. This is the inability to choose the right tones. Each color has many shades. In the case of pencils, the situation is the same. We will teach you how to choose the right type of pencils.

3. What to draw on?

Usually paper is used. It, like the type of pencils, must be chosen correctly. It may differ in density, roughness, and shade.
We will teach you how to select the right materials so that the desired design is ultimately reflected on paper.

4. What to draw?

The main mistake novice artists make is the incorrect selection of images. To make it easier to remember all the rules and subtleties, you should start with simple drawing, containing a minimum of elements and colors. When your hand is already full, all the basics have been studied, we move on to complex tasks.

5. How to draw?

Exist various techniques, principles of drawing and methods of applying strokes. This part of the training is challenging and requires extra concentration and time.
Popular drawing techniques include:
- pressure. In the case of paints, the more you put on the tip of the brush, the more pronounced and intense the color will be. With pencils it’s different - the harder you press when applying, the more pronounced the shades will be;
- shading allows you to give a certain effect to the work: movement, volume, direction;
— layering and shading allow you to create the effect of a smooth transition of colors and tones.
It is especially difficult to draw images from life on paper.
The entire process of drawing can be summarized as follows:

1. We determine from what we will redraw: from nature, from memory or from a selected sample.
2. Select materials and right size paper
3. Draw the main contours, transferring them exactly as in the source.
4. Apply small contours.
5. Give the elements of the drawing volume, the desired color and light and shade.

6. When to draw?

Many today admire the work of other people, their hard work, popularity and do not realize that if they started yesterday, they would already be among such people. If you have the desire, time and goal, you can start learning immediately. Don't be afraid that it won't work out. Be afraid not to try.

7. What will happen in the end?

By completing a step-by-step course for beginners in drawing with colored pencils, you will learn how to create your own unique images and gain basic artist skills, and we will get a successful and talented student.

8. Where to apply the acquired skills?

Everyone can link their later life with creativity. There are cases when students creative schools became worldwide famous artists, art designers, popular bloggers in in social networks in this direction.

Why our drawing studio?

We love and appreciate our work! You have fun while drawing, and we have fun teaching you.
We work using modern, proven methods that are suitable even for beginners.
Our students are never left without results.
Join our team and make your dream come true today!

Pencils have been familiar to us since childhood. And we don't take them seriously. However, look at the masterpieces artists paint.

Colored pencils are a wonderful graphic material! They are easy to control, which means they can achieve a variety of effects.

Works with colored pencils Susie Ruby, Katy Ferreira, Teresa Mallen

Do you want the same?

Then you should master basic techniques drawing with colored pencils. Read and practice!

7 ways to draw with colored pencils:

1. Hatching

You can work with a pencil in different ways: by placing loose strokes tightly together to create an even color, or by making strokes with the tip of a pencil, leaving small gaps between them.

Both methods are good, what matters is where they are used.

Perform even movements with your hand in one direction. Make sure the distance between strokes is the same.

Knowing how to make colors of different lightness is a very important skill. It is even more important to be able to make a gradual transition in the lightness of the shade.

You can change the shade from light to dark by changing the pressure on the pencil.

Try shading the strip, first barely touching the surface of the paper, and then increasing the pressure on the pencil more and more.

What you need to know how to do well with pencils, see this Periscope broadcast:

3. Changing Hue

Colored pencils provide transparent layers of stroke. If they are placed one on top of the other, the color will be optically mixed. This is used to change the shade of a color.

Thus, even with a small set of pencils, you can achieve complex color shades by superimposing one color on another.

The same effect will be achieved with freer shading. Only in this case the structure of the stain will be more airy and textured.

To make the shading look aesthetically pleasing, do it uniform movements with the same pressure force and direction.

It is better to apply two different color layers under acute angle in relation to each other. However, sometimes the angle of the strokes can be absolutely the same.

4. Infusing color into color

It will work if you combine 2 techniques: light stretching (point 2) and changing shades (point 3).

As a result, you will achieve a more varied gradation of color tints.

More interesting and useful information about drawing
from the artist Marina Trushnikova

You will find it in the electronic magazine “Life in Art”.

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5. Decorative techniques

On top of large light spots you can apply patterns, ornaments, and smaller specks of color.

The main thing to remember is the law of optical color mixing. If you put opposite colors on top of each other: yellow and purple, red and green, blue and orange, you get a gray or dirty shade.

6. Accepting white line reservations

This technique has been demonstrated. Christina uses this technique to sign her works.
It's very simple and effective.

Take a non-writing pen and draw something with it, pressing down on the paper. The pen leaves a mark - a groove, into which the color does not fall during further shading. A white line remains. This method can create thin light patterns:

I think you have been familiar with this technique since childhood. You need to take an object with a relief surface, place it UNDER a sheet of paper, and then make shading on top with a pencil where the object lies.

Hatching will reveal the relief of the convex surface. I used what I had on hand: a flat comb and coins.

But you can also find other surfaces: wood, stone, brickwork and others. The main thing is that the sheet is not too dense and is pressed when shading.

I spoke in more detail about the frottage technique in the Periscope broadcast:

Master classes

Drawing with colored pencils is in many ways similar to using a black lead pencil.

But there are several specific features.

1. Has color transparency.

2. Complexity and subtlety of color is achieved by overlaying several colors.

3. Experience in drawing with a simple pencil is required.

4. Colored pencil is difficult to erase with an eraser.

The techniques used are also largely similar, let's look at them.

1) Shadows and toning
When creating shadows and tones, make linear movements from side to side. And don't forget to change the pressure on the pencil to create different color saturations.

2) Hatching
Do the shading with quick, repeating lines, leaving small gaps between them. When cross-hatching, apply the lines at the desired angle. You can use different colors or shading in several layers to give the desired structure.

3) Curls
The required surface or shade can also be created using circular repeating lines applied with one or more pencils.

4) Directional lines
Short lines, directed along the contour or in the direction of the hair (grass, fire), located close to each other, can create quite interesting effects.

5) Layers
Layer layers of color on top of each other. The line left with a colored pencil is transparent, this will help us achieve an interesting effect.

6) Engraving
Engraving - two large layers are placed on top of each other, after which the top layer is carefully thinned out with a blade or pin so that the bottom one appears.

7) Polishing
Polishing is created by densely overlapping several color layers, so that there are no bright spots left, i.e. the surface of the paper was completely filled with color.

Experiment with different techniques, learning their essence and achieving maximum results.

For color drawing you need paper good quality with a fairly rough surface. Again, experiment with paper types to learn the properties of each. High-quality pencils with bright, clean and even color are also needed. An excellent example of such pencils is the STABILO All line. With these pencils you will get real pleasure from drawing.

Who said that real art is paints and canvases? We are ready to tell you about the direction to artistic creativity, which was and is well mastered by such masters as Vrubel or Brian Duey. They perfectly executed drawings with a simple pencil. And these works excite, delight and bring pleasure. Is it possible to adopt their technique and learn to draw? similar method? Of course you can! But how and what is needed for this?

  1. First, let's talk about why you should pay attention to this area.
  2. Next important question, which we will focus on, are the secrets of drawing.
  3. And let’s complete this excursion into the world where black and white images reign with a small but pleasant gift.

Monochrome pencil drawings

Speaking about the greatness and genius of everything simple, one cannot help but recall the ordinary pencil. Which of us is not familiar with it and has not held it in our hands? We have all been fluent in it since childhood. Of course, for beginners, for very tiny children, it seems so easy to pick up a pencil and start “creating” scribbles.

But the child grows, and he sees that the range of uses for a pencil is huge, and it can be used in different ways. Someone builds cities, bridges and houses for them on paper. Another one lays out a route for them on the map. trip around the world. And the third one writes poetry or draws a portrait of his beloved.

So easily and simply the pencil entered our lives and became our assistant and friend. And pictures drawn in pencil are already a whole trend, stylish and having their own unique charm.

Their distinctive feature is that they are absolutely universal. And therefore their possibilities are endless. Drawn in pencil, they are:

  • Suitable for any age. Both small children find it interesting to look at them, and adults like to use them in their posts on social networks.
  • There are no limiting criteria for their use. It will be interesting for girls and boys to display similar beautiful pictures, as a status or give them to your friend.
  • You can copy them or you can easily learn how to perform them yourself (copy them).
  • Different nature of images. These can be cute pictures with cute fluffies, they can be funny and funny, or they can be similar to photographs.

And most importantly, pencil drawing looks incredibly attractive and convincing. It can decorate not only your profile on a page on social networks, but also your morning and the whole day with pleasant memories.

Options for drawing simple images

The main secret why pencil drawings are cool, original and attract attention is that they look as if they were alive. Everything is drawn so realistically and accurately that it seems that people are about to start talking, or laugh, or cry, and the objects can be taken and used.

Why are they so cool and everything looks so natural? What brings them to life? Take a closer look, through the light strokes it is noticeable that the master thought through not only the accuracy of the lines conveying the image and silhouette, he paid Special attention one tiny nuance, thanks to which the images are not only beautiful, but also almost material. What is this? Light and shadow.

Masterfully working on chiaroscuro, the artist achieves apparent volume. Before us, as they were, are simple black and white pictures for sketching. But when a shadow appeared, for example, from a curl of hair falling on the face, or on the table from a vase, everything suddenly came to life.

Can you do the same? Do you want to learn? Do you want yours to look realistic? Then you have come to us correctly!

Step-by-step master classes

It’s easy to say: “draw,” but how can you really do it if you’ve never studied it and it seems like you have no talent? The team of our site gives all their friends an amazing opportunity to learn how to make pencil drawings step by step. Without teachers, you yourself are able to become an artist and delight yourself and your loved ones with your creativity. How? If you take our tips, you can use them to master sketching and repetition techniques. It's not complicated at all. And the result will please you.

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