Beautiful drawings on the face of the New Year. What can be drawn on the face of a girl or boy - choice of colors, ideas for patterns and images with photos

Do-it-yourself face painting is quite possible if you use our tips and recommendations on how to apply face painting. Of course, you can buy books on face painting or purchase a manual on face painting, but not everywhere you will find the necessary information.

So, let's open a master class on face painting. Here you will find information on how to do face painting and what you will need for the job. To work with face painting, you need to purchase special water-based paints. Face painting comes in two types - in the form of a dry, compressed powder that looks like watercolor paints and in liquid, already diluted form. In addition, you will need a set of sponges - sponges for applying tone to the model's face and brushes for painting. You can use natural hair brushes for watercolor or gouache in different sizes. You will need both a thin, pointed brush for drawing small elements, and a thick brush with a flat end, you need at least two of them.

Any manual on face painting advises, before starting work, to test the paints on a small area of ​​the model’s skin for an allergic reaction, although face painting from well-known manufacturers has undergone special testing, has an appropriate certificate and is harmless for the vast majority of people.
The model’s hair should be kept as far away from the face as possible so that it reveals the forehead, and it is advisable to change into “work” clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty (although, in our experience, face painting is easily washed off).

The basic techniques for working with face painting are similar to painting with watercolors. Face painting is diluted with water, although after drying the layers are applied without mixing with each other. So, how to apply face painting?

The first stage of face painting is applying the tone. It should be even and smooth. Wet and thoroughly wring out the sponge so that no water remains in it, rub the sponge onto the paint and apply the tone with light circular movements, evenly distributing the tone over the entire face. We do not recommend applying face painting with long, straight strokes, as this will be noticeable when it dries. Don't forget to color the model's eyelids. First, ask the model to look up and paint the edge of the lower eyelids, and then paint the upper and movable eyelid. Be especially careful when painting the skin in the folds of the lips, nose and corners of the eyes, since the most difficult parts for beginning artists are the raised parts of the face. Apply face painting right up to the hairline and make sure that the line of paint along the lower edge of the face is clear and even, and the tone is distributed evenly throughout the face.

The second stage is drawing lines, contours and mask elements. Holding the brush like a pencil, just above the bristles, wet and apply paint in circular strokes. The paint should not flow from the brush and be of a creamy consistency. When applying face painting, hold the brush at a right angle to the model's face. To get a thick line, place the brush on the skin and apply light pressure to draw a line. To get a fine line or dot, work with the very tip of the bristles, barely touching the model's skin.

How to do face painting if your models are children? Professionals, in addition to their experience in applying face painting, know how to distract children with casual conversation, while The beater will be focused on drawing. But nevertheless, face painting with your own hands is quite possible if you have at least some drawing skills and with some training. However, a person’s face is not a straight and even canvas (remember, paper will endure anything?), so painting on the face requires certain skills. Books on face painting don’t write about this, but drawing on the face is very complicated by the fact that models (most often children) get tired of sitting motionless, without turning, for a long time, so you need to draw quickly and clearly, understanding that you have no right to make a mistake (having drawn a line, it will no longer be possible to erase it and draw it again). In addition, painting on the face gives some particularly sensitive people a certain discomfort; some children are ticklish when a brush touches their face - you need to know about all this when arming yourself with brushes and paint before applying face painting.

Drawings on the face are not just funny pictures and fancy patterns, this is a real holiday for every child. Often such events are part of the animation program at children's parties. At the same time, the procedure for painting the face of little beauties is regarded in the same way as makeup for women. There is probably not a single child who would not want to experience all the delights of creating compositions using face painting on their own body. Parents, especially those who love to draw with their little ones, need to understand how and by what means such art is realized.

Ideas for beautiful facial body art for girls

Usually, when a drawing is applied by a professional, the client is presented with an album containing a number of ready-made layouts, presented in the form of an artist’s portfolio. This measure can greatly facilitate the choice of motive. In this case, you should also take into account the theme of the holiday itself, for example, to make the image more harmonious and bright. Below are a number of ideas that will help you decide on the theme of the picture and make it easier to choose a composition.


Looks very cute Small child, which is adorable in its own right, with a face painted to match a kitten or puppy. You can choose a specific animal taking into account the child’s individual preferences and temperament. Such art is quite easy to implement on your own.

In order to turn a baby into an animal, it is necessary to emphasize three main areas of the face: eyes, nose and mouth. Stages can be adjusted depending on the chosen character. The most popular animal looks for girls are:

  • cat;
  • fox;
  • tigress or lioness;
  • monkey;
  • mouse, etc.

Floral motifs

Floral motifs are perfect for older and more serious girls. Based on the drawn flowers, a whole series of characters are created:

  • princess;
  • Mermaid;
  • fairy, etc.

The main color combinations for a floral ensemble consist of yellow, white, green and red. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to draw some complex bouquets with clear lines and specific colors. Here it is important to show imagination, and the more intricate the drawing seems, the more happiness the little beauty will have.


A butterfly is the simplest drawing of all face art compositions. The peculiarity of its application is the symmetrical drawing of wings on each side of the face. To transform a girl into a butterfly, you can choose any colors; red, black, white, blue and others are suitable here. As a final touch, you can add two neat antennae, which will make it more realistic and similar to a butterfly.

How to draw face art on the face

There are many tools for drawing patterns on the face, and each tool will have its own characteristics. The means by which a colorful composition can be designed include:

  1. decorative cosmetics. This product is very effective and convenient to use, since the components are created for the purpose of application to the face. Such compositions are most often hypoallergenic, but some parents do not believe that the product can be used on children's skin. Bright mascara, lipstick, powder, shadows of unnatural or unusual colors can be used as a drawing element;
  2. face painting. This is the main tool in the hands of a face art artist. This product is completely harmless and does not cause any allergic reactions, which allows it to be used even on the most delicate baby skin;
  3. water based markers. Markers are used only in cases where it is necessary to draw clear lines or make complex pattern. The same method is used to perform hand-drawn tattoos. Water-based markers are harmless to the skin, but they can sometimes be difficult to wash off;
  4. food colorings. This is the only drawing tool that should be prepared in advance. To prepare the product, mix regular baby cream with food coloring. desired color to get the desired shade. This drawing technique is also used quite often, since it does not cause any negative reactions in the body.

How to draw a pattern on your face with your own hands

Drawings on the skin have nothing in common with ordinary art. If makeup is applied simply for fun or for some festive non-public event, then it is not particularly important what and how will be depicted, the main thing is the process.

The main specificity of this type of painting is the bright and unique contrast of colors and feelings, reflecting the mood of the event and the child himself. For this reason, the more global the artist’s imagination and the more colors he has at his disposal, the more spectacular the image will be.

Why you shouldn’t paint patterns with watercolors or gouache

The fact is that paints consist of non-natural components that clog pores and penetrate into the inner parts of the skin. As a result of such exposure, skin reactions in the form of an allergic rash often occur. However, if there are still no other options, and you really need to apply “makeup,” then you should start by creating a base that can protect the delicate children’s skin from the harmful components of the paint. You can use ordinary baby cream as a base.

Video lessons for beginners on children's face art

After reviewing the presented video materials, you can clearly see that creating a drawing on the body is a simple process that does not require special skills. When creating a festive look for your baby, you can use the most different techniques and methods, combining them with your own fantasy approaches.

Face painting a cat for a girl at home

Master class on drawing a princess

Pencil drawing "Tiger"

Photo examples of children's face painting

The photo illustrates examples of work that you can repeat yourself. Each of the drawings is an option on how you can make a spectacular drawing on your face, using the idea of ​​a finished sketch as a basis. Such template examples will allow beginners to touch the world of face art.

We can now take a closer look at the details. And we'll start with the face. A person’s face is the first thing we pay attention to in any situation, and this also applies in a certain way to art: the observer will first of all look at the face with your characteristic features. Putting a face on paper, especially drawing lively, expressive expressions, is definitely worth the effort.

In this tutorial we will introduce the main components drawing a face - proportions, features and perspective, and in the following lessons we will look in more detail at various facial expressions.

1. Facial proportions

Full face:

In this position, the skull will be a flat circle, to which the outline of the jaw is added, which overall forms an egg shape, pointed at the bottom. Two lines perpendicular to the center divide the “egg” into four parts. To distribute facial features:

- Mark the midpoints of the left and right halves of the horizontal line. There will be eyes at these points.

— Divide the vertical bottom line into five equal parts. The tip of the nose will be at the second point from the center. The lip fold will be at the third point from the center, one point lower from the tip of the nose.

- Divide the top half of the head into four equal parts: the hairline (if the person does not have a receding hairline) will be located between the second and third point from the center. The ear will be located between the upper eyelid and the tip of the nose (if the face is at the same level). When a person looks up or down, the position of the ears changes.

It is useful to know that the width of the face is the width of five eyes or slightly less. The distance between the eyes is equal to the width of one eye. It is not typical for people to have wide-set or too close-set eyes, but it is always noticeable (wide-set eyes give a person an innocent, childish expression, while narrow-set eyes arouse suspicion in us for some reason). The distance between the lower lip and chin is also equal to the width of one eye.

Another measure criterion is the length index finger above thumb. In the diagram below, all lengths are marked in accordance with this criterion: ear height, distance between hair growth and eyebrow level, distance from eyebrows to nose, distance from nose to chin, distance between pupils.


From the side, the shape of the head also resembles an egg, but pointed to the side. The center lines now divide the head into an anterior (face) and posterior (skull) portion.

From the side of the skull:

- The ear is located directly behind the center line. In size and location, it is also located between the upper eyelid and the tip of the nose.
- The depth of the skull varies between the two dotted lines (as shown in Step 4).

From the face:

— Facial features are positioned the same way as in the front view.

— The deepening of the bridge of the nose either coincides with the center line or is located slightly higher.

— The most prominent point will be the level of the eyebrow (1 point from the center).

2. Facial features

Eyes and Eyebrows

The eye is built from two simple arches, shaped like an almond. There are no strict rules here, since eye shapes can be completely different, but there are general recommendations :

— The outer corner of the eyes is higher than the inner corner, and not vice versa.

— If you compare an eye with an almond, the rounded part of the pupil will be from the inner corner, decreasing towards the outer corner.

Eye Details

— The iris of the eye is partially hidden behind the upper eyelid. It crosses the lower eyelid only when the person looks down or squints (the lower eyelid rises).

- The eyelashes curve outward and are shorter on the lower eyelid (in fact, you don't have to draw them every time).

— If you want to depict the oval of the tear duct in the inner corner of the eye, and also show the thickness of the lower eyelid, it completely depends on your preferences; an excess of details does not always look appropriate. Adding such details is proportional to the complexity of the drawing.

- The same can be applied to drawing the crease of the eyelid - it adds expressiveness and makes the look less anxious. I think it's best not to add a fold if you're doing a stylized design or your design is too small.

The eye in profile resembles the shape of an arrow tip (the sides can be concave or convex), with a small marking upper eyelid and, optionally, lower. In life, we do not see the iris in profile, but we see the white of the eye. When I was working on the lesson, many people said that “it looks strange,” so the iris still needs to be designated.

As for the eyebrows, it's easiest to draw them after the eyes to follow the curve of the upper eyelid. Most of the length of the eyebrow looks inward, and its tip is always slightly shorter.

In profile, the shape of the eyebrow changes - it becomes like a comma. This “comma” continues the level of the eyelashes (where they bend). Sometimes the eyebrow appears to be one with the eyelashes, so you can also draw one curve for the top of the eye and the border of the eyebrow.

The nose is usually wedge-shaped - it is easier to visualize and give three-dimensionality before adding details.

The septum and sides of the nose are flat, which will be noticeable in the finished drawing, but already at the sketching stage it is necessary to mark them in order to subsequently distribute the details correctly. In our wedge, the lower flat part is a truncated triangle connecting the wings and the tip of the nose. The wings curve towards the septum to form the nostrils - note that when viewed from below, the lines forming the sides of the septum are in the foreground, parallel to the face. The septum protrudes lower than the wings (when viewed straight on), which means that at a ¾ angle the far nostril will not be visible accordingly.

The hardest part of drawing a nose can be deciding which parts of the nose to leave out for a natural-looking result. You won't always have to draw the entire wing of the nose (where it meets the face), and in most cases the drawing will look better if you just draw the bottom of the nose. The same goes for the four lines of the nasal septum, where they connect to the face - in most cases it will be better if you draw only the lower part of the nose (wings, nostrils, septum) - you can alternately cover the lines with your finger to make sure . If the head is turned ¾, it becomes necessary to complete the lines of the bridge of the nose. You will need to do a lot of observation and trial and error to recognize the unique features of the nose. Caricaturists have this feature - you need to carefully examine the outlines of the noses to understand why they are depicted this way. We will return to this issue again in future lessons.


Tips for depicting the mouth and lips:

— First you need to draw the lip fold, since this is the linearst and darkest of the three almost parallel lines that form the mouth. In fact, it is not a solid straight line - it consists of several implicit curves. In the picture below you can see exaggerated examples of the movement of the mouth line - note that they follow the line of the upper lip. This line can be “softened” in several ways: the hollow above the lip can be narrower (to distinguish the corners) or so wide that it becomes invisible. It may also be the other way around - the lower lip is so full that it creates the sensation pouting lips. If you find it difficult to stay symmetrical at this stage, try starting from the center and drawing one line on each side.

- The upper corners of the lips are more noticeable, but you can soften them by creating two wide curves, or soften them so much that they are no longer noticeable.

- The lower lip certainly resembles a regular curve, but it can also be almost flat or quite rounded. My advice is to denote the lower lip with at least a regular dash under the lower border.

— The upper lip is almost always narrower than the lower lip, and it protrudes less forward. If its outline is outlined, it should be more clearly expressed, since the lower lip already stands out with its shadow (it should not exceed the size of the lip).

— In profile, the lips resemble the shape of an arrowhead, and the protrusion of the upper lip becomes obvious. The shape of the lips is also different - the upper one is flat and located diagonally, and the lower one is more rounded.

— The lip fold in profile deviates downward, starting from the intersection of the lips. Even if a person smiles, the line goes down and rises again in the area of ​​the corners. Never raise the line level when drawing in profile.


The main part of the ear (if drawn correctly) is shaped like a letter WITH from the outside and the shape of an inverted letter U With inside(border of the upper ear cartilage). Smaller ones are often drawn U above the earlobe (you can put your finger to your ear), which goes further into a smaller letter WITH. Ear details are depicted around the ear opening itself (but not always), and their shapes can be completely different from person to person. different people. The drawing can be stylized - for example, in the picture below there is an ear in its general view resembles elongated “@” symbols.

When the face is turned to the front, the ears are depicted in profile accordingly:

- The lobe, previously marked in the shape of an inverted U, is now visible separately - the same thing when you look at the plate from the side and then see its bottom as if it were closer to you.

— The shape of the ear opening resembles a drop and stands out against the general background of the ear.

— The thickness of the ear from this angle depends on its proximity to the head, this is another individual factor. However, the ear always protrudes forward - this is how it happened during evolution.

When viewed from behind, the ear appears separate from the body, essentially a lobe connected to the head via a canal. Don't underestimate the size of the canal - its function is to make the ears protrude forward. In this view, the canal is heavier than the lobe.

3. Angles

Since the head is based on a circle, where facial features are outlined, changing the angle of the head is easier than it seems at first glance. However, it is even more important to observe the position of people's heads in different angles in life, to remember all the protrusions and depressions that overlap each other in the most unexpected way. The nose undoubtedly recedes significantly from the head (the eyebrows, cheekbones, center of the lips and chin also protrude); at the same time, the eye sockets and sides of the mouth form some depressions in our “circle”.

When you and I drew a face from the front and in profile, we simplified the task to a two-dimensional image where all the lines were flat. For all other angles, we will need to reframe our thinking into a three-dimensional world and realize that the shape of an egg is actually an egg, and the lines we used earlier to place facial features intersect this egg like the equator and meridians on a globe: at the slightest changing the position of the head we will see that they are round. Positioning facial features is just drawing intersecting lines at a certain angle - now there are three of them. We can again divide the head into upper and lower parts, "cutting" our "egg", but now we need to keep in mind: the components closest to us look thicker. The same applies to drawing a face up or down.

Man looking down

— All features curve upward, and the ears “rise.”

— Since the nose protrudes forward, its tip drops below the original mark, so it seems that it is now closer to the lips, and if a person lowers his head even lower, the nose will partially cover the lips. No need to draw from this angle additional details nose - the bridge of the nose and wings will be enough.

- The arches of the eyebrows are quite flat, but can become curved again if you tilt your head too much.

- The upper eyelids of the eyes become more expressive, and it is enough to just slightly change the position of the head so that they completely hide the orbits of the eyes.

— The upper lip is almost invisible, and the lower lip is enlarged.

Man looking up

- All lines of facial features tend downward; the ears also move downwards.

— The upper lip is visible in full (which does not happen in the full face). Now the lips appear pouty.

- The eyebrows arch more and the lower eyelid rises, causing the eyes to appear squinted.

- The lower part of the nose is now fully visible, both nostrils are clearly visible.

Man turns around

  1. When we see a person almost completely turned away, the only visible features that remain are the brow ridges and cheekbones. The neck line overlaps the jaw line and is located next to the ear. When a person turns, we also see eyelashes.
  2. Also, when turning, we can see part of the eyebrow line and the protrusion of the lower eyelid; the tip of the nose also appears directly from behind the cheek.
  3. When a person turns almost in profile, the eyeballs and lips appear (although the fold between the lips is small), and the line of the neck merges with the line of the chin. We can still see part of the cheek covering the wing of the nose.

It's time to practice

Use the method quick sketch, sketching on paper the facial expressions that you notice around you in a coffee shop or on the street.

Don’t try to detail all the features and don’t be afraid to make mistakes, the main thing is to convey features from different angles.

If you find it difficult to draw in volume, take a real egg (you can boil it, just in case). Draw three lines down the center and add dividing lines. Observe and sketch the egg contour lines from different sides - this way you will feel how the lines and the distances between them will behave from different angles. You can outline the facial features on the surface of the egg along the main lines and watch how they change in size as the egg rotates.

Face paintings for children


Drawings on the face, called face art, are one of the branchesbody art.

It is usually made with special water-based paints that are easy to wash off. face art (translated from English face - face, art - art).

* Who do your children like to pretend to be?

Did you interact with a mermaid today? Or maybe a tiger cub was growling at you from under the blanket?

Then you definitely need to help the kids become like their favorite heroes.

How to do it? Very simple and fun. Today there is such a wonderful way of entertainment as face painting for children. What is it and how to make it yourself?

We will talk about this in detail and with pleasure further.

How to paint on the face with paints?

To begin with, it is worth mentioning the benefits of such an activity as applying paint to the face.

For children, this hobby is, first of all, a relief from physical and psychological stress.

The image that the child takes on, matching his new appearance, helps to distract himself and perfectly lifts his spirits.

If you are planning a holiday or you just want to please your child, you can do face painting for children with your own hands.

And later it will be no longer difficult for you to master this activity and help your child change his images.
Let’s immediately make a reservation about what you can use to draw on your face, and what it’s better not to pick up.

Not every paint is suitable for delicate children's skin.

Classic face painting is applied with water-based paints or in the form of a dry powder, which is diluted with water.

Some stores sell special theatrical makeup. It is also perfect for drawing.

However, do not use watercolor paints under any circumstances!

Naturally about oil ones, stained glass paints, gouache and ink are also out of the question.

DIY face painting paints

If in local stores no one knows what paints are used to paint on the face, then you can make them at home.

For this you will need: starch; any moisturizer (suitable for sensitive baby skin); food coloring.

The recipe itself looks something like this:

Place 3 tbsp in a glass. l. starch,

1 tsp water and 1 tsp. cream.

Prepare food coloring of the desired color.

Stir the mixture in a glass, adding one drop of dye at a time.

Thus, you need to stir until the desired color is obtained.

The paint must be applied with a cosmetic brush and a paint brush.

If you have a wine bottle stopper in your house (natural cork wood), then to get a black color you can set fire to the edge of the stopper, scrape off the cinder and dip a wet brush into the resulting powder.

So, when the material is ready, it’s time to decide which facial designs will be the most interesting for children, and easy for adults to use.


How to draw pictures on the face?

What the drawing will be like depends entirely on the imagination of the parents and the wishes of the child.

However, despite the fact that facial designs for boys and girls may differ, they all have the same basis and require a certain technique.

It takes place in several stages:

1. Prepare necessary materials:

paint; brushes for painting (two thick and a couple of thin); a set of cotton pads or sponges for applying tone to the face.

2. Make sure that the paint you choose does not cause allergies on the child’s skin. Apply a small amount of the substance to the skin and wait. Sometimes it may take up to an hour for the reaction to appear.

3. Remove hair from the face so that it does not interfere and put on clothes that you don’t mind getting stained with paint (although usually face painting is easily washed off with warm soapy water).

4.The first thing you need to start drawing with is the application of tone. It should be evenly distributed on the face and have a smooth surface. To do this, moisten a sponge with water, dip it into the paint and apply it to your face with light, short circular movements. Carefully paint the creases around the eyes, nose and lips. Let the tone dry a little (sometimes the paint may bleed if the base is not dry).

Paint should be applied to the brush in a circular motion just above the bristles.

The paint itself should be creamy, that is, it should not drip or spread.

Face painting should be applied at right angles to the child’s face. To get a dot, you need to barely touch your face with the tip of the brush bristles. Remember that the child is the most difficult model.

He will not sit in one place for a long time, so all work must be done quickly.

Do not forget that the brush can cause tickling or laughter, which will undoubtedly be reflected in the drawing.

Prepare your baby in advance for the fact that he will need a little calm. Turn on cartoons for him or distract him with conversation.

The result will not be long in coming. Wonderful image It will put your child in the mood for a long time and leave a lot of impressions.

IN Lately quite often at theme parties, exhibitions, carnivals or sports competitions there are people with unusual drawings on the face. Agree, this may cause surprise, but certainly not boredom. Face painting or face art is a type of popular modern. This trend is gradually gaining momentum among fashionistas and is becoming a great way to liven up the holiday.

About the origins of face painting

Drawing on a person's face has a long history. Many cultures around the world have traditionally painted their faces to symbolize readiness for war, weddings, life changes, etc. For example, African tribes They made war paint to intimidate the enemy. Indian tribes demonstrated their belonging to the animal world with patterns on their faces. In India, patterns were applied for religious and aesthetic reasons.

The modern one came to us from Europe (and there from America), where face painting has long been practiced for carnival processions, holidays or sports matches.

Methods and materials for drawing

In order to apply the intended image to your face, you will need: desire, imagination, artistic training, tool and paint. If you do not have any visual skills, it is better to contact a specialist (there are face art studios in almost every city). Alternatively, you can first make a stencil and follow the figured patterns.

As a handy tool, you will need brushes different sizes, colored cosmetic pencils, as well as water-based paint. Alternatively, you can use theatrical makeup or special markers. You should not use paints that are difficult to wash off with water, otherwise flaws when applying the design will be difficult to correct.

To begin with, it is recommended to draw on the face with a pencil: simple patterns are easy to depict on open areas faces with your own hands. Thus, as you gain experience, you will master the face art technique step by step. After all, this is essentially a creative make-up, familiar to any girl.

Face painting - art directions

The direction and theme of the pattern on the ditsa depend on the event for which you need the design. It could be a wedding, theme party, New Year, advertising event, sports competition, original photo shoot or a children's party.

Wedding face painting

A wedding is an unforgettable holiday that requires vivid impressions. Therefore, the bravest girls are increasingly practicing painting on their faces: beautiful, delicate patterns in the form of lace or floral motifs. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it, so as not to look sloppy or comical. Brides should not apply the design on their face themselves if they do not have the appropriate experience. A professional should work here.

Theme party

Merry feast in friendly company– a great opportunity to practice the art of creating patterns on the face. There is no need to apply a perfect design in the salon. You can conduct your first face painting lessons at home. The main thing is that the ornament is effective. For example, on Halloween you can compete with your friends for the most frightening image. Or on Maslenitsa, play up the pancake theme, and on Ivan Kupala, draw the treasured flower on your face. The field for imagination is boundless! It’s interesting to radically change your image for the evening.

New Year's drawing

New Year is always a fairy tale! Many salons have in their arsenal special sketches for the images of the Snow Maiden, Snow Queen, Santa Claus, bunnies and others fairy tale characters. Typically, the design scheme contains “frosty” patterns, stars, icicles and other winter paraphernalia. Some clients order themselves to paint on the face of an animal whose year begins according to the Eastern calendar.

Promotional images

At various exhibitions and trade shows, drawing on a person's face will be quite popular, some companies hire models to advertise their brand or a certain product. Accordingly, they are made to special order recognizable drawings on the face with a company logo or slogan to attract the attention of potential customers.

Sports theme

During the major competitions, Olympics, football matches fans paint their faces in the colors of their favorite club or apply the symbols of the country. This is usually done in an artisanal way. However, some craftsmen approach the issue with inspiration, thus unhurriedly step by step drawing on the face of the club emblems or state emblems serves as a kind of ritual for them.

Drawings for a photo shoot

To take original pictures in a photo studio, girls often resort to the art of face art. With the help of non-trivial graphics, you can visually change the shape of your face or appear in an unusual role. Photography allows you to gradually change images depending on the proposed drawings.

Children's face art

Drawing on the face with a pencil - what could it be the best thing to do kids. It will be for them a new game, new role and new sensations. For children, this holiday can be done anytime and anywhere; this is the special beauty of the process. Boys prefer the faces of bear cubs, wolf cubs and dogs. And the girls are cats, birds and foxes. You can simply draw a beautiful flower or a funny bug on your cheek. There is no need for instructions for applying a pattern to the face, the main thing is that the child is comfortable and happy. In addition, step-by-step drawing of pictures on the face will teach the baby perseverance and imaginative thinking.

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