Krakow Gallery Museum. Free days at Krakow museums

There is probably not a tourist who would not consider Krakow one of the most beautiful Polish cities. No trip to Poland is complete without at least a short visit to Krakow. Of course, there are plenty of museums here, for every taste. The city, by the way, offers travelers comfortable living conditions and various discounts on entertainment. Today we’ll talk about free days in Krakow museums. It turns out that most of the famous places in the royal city can be visited on certain days of the week without paying for tickets.

Where are we going on Monday?

Monday is probably the best day to visit Krakow, because tourists can visit for free famous museums cities.

The fate of Krakow (like all of Poland) is closely intertwined with the events of the Second World War. In Polish cities they have not forgotten about this. Numerous museums commemorate the victims of the German occupation. One of the most famous places in Krakow is Schindler's Factory, which is located on Lipowa Street 4. Every Monday you can visit the museum from 10 to 16.00, receiving a free entrance ticket at the box office.

Castle on Wawel considered the symbol of Krakow. The courtyard and some parts of the castle complex are open to all visitors. But every Monday you can see the exhibition inside the castle for free. On this day the museum is open from 9.30 to 13.00.

Another small but interesting museum - Apteka pod Orlem, which can be found at Bohaterow Getta 18. The pharmacy is open from 10.00 to 14.00. Here tourists can see interesting exhibits, and the museum is interactive, with modern technology.

Free Museums in Krakow: Tuesday

On Tuesday we go straight to the center of the Old Town to walk along market dungeons(Rynek Glowny, 1). You can literally take a walk near Krakow from 10.00 to 16.00, however, a place in the group must be reserved in advance.

You can visit on Tuesday Modern Art Museum in Krakow. Guests are welcome here from 11.00 to 19.00.

It will also be interesting to explore Polish Aviation Museum, located at al. Jana Pawla II 39. According to official information, more than 200 aircraft of various models are exhibited on the territory of the museum.

Worth to visit Collegium of Mayus, the exhibits of which will tell you about the history of the Krakow Academy and its graduates. The museum can be visited for free on Monday from 15.00 to 18.00. By the way, it is also located in the center of the Old Town.

Wednesday: diving into history

Tourists can see first-hand how Krakow's elite lived centuries ago by visiting Museum Kamienica Hipolitow, which is located on Mariacki Square 3. Guests are welcome from 9.00 to 17.30.

Sunday in the Royal City

The end of the week is a good day to plan a real marathon through the museums of Krakow. On this day you will be able to visit for free:

  • Jan Matejko Museum(ul. Florianska 41), which is open from 10.00 to 16.00
  • People's Museum of Krakow(Dom Jozefa Mehoffera) on Krupnicza street. They work here from 10.00 to 16.00.
  • Home Army Museum— Wita Stwosza Museum is open from 11.00 to 18.00
  • National Museum in Krakow, which is at al.3 Maja. Open from 10.00 to 16.00. By the way, this is the oldest museum in Poland.
  • And, of course, you can visit Cloth rows- one of central museums Old Town. Tourists are welcome from 10.00 to 18.00

By combining visits to museums, you can spend your time in Krakow as intensely as possible and on a minimal budget. For example, if you arrive on Saturday evening or Sunday morning and stay until Tuesday evening, you can visit the most Famous places Royal City.

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Krakow is a recognized cultural capital Poland. Wealth historical heritage and the beauty of the architecture of the ancient quarters attract thousands of tourists to the city every year. Locals They are very proud of the city, since the history of the formation of Polish statehood is inextricably linked with it.

During the Middle Ages, the city became an important spiritual, cultural and educational center. Since the 11th century, temples and monasteries have been built here, including the magnificent St. Mary's Church and the Romanesque Church of St. Andrew, and in 1364 the Jagiellonian University, one of the oldest educational institutions in Europe, appeared.

Krakow museums are no less interesting, where you can learn the history of Poland and get to know its culture better. Oskar Schindler Factory and Museum contemporary art will certainly be of interest to tourists interested in the history and heritage of the 20th-21st centuries.

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What to see and where to go in Krakow?

The most interesting and Beautiful places for walks. Photos and brief description.

The residence of the Polish kings of the 13th century, located on the banks of the Vistula River. Construction began under Wenceslas II and continued under Casimir III the Great. During the Northern War, the castle was burned by Swedish troops, after which it was reconstructed in 1724-28. For a long time Wawel Castle belonged to the Austrian Empire, and only at the beginning of the 20th century the Poles managed to buy it back.

A Catholic cathedral with the status of a minor basilica. Previously, on the site of the temple there were churches of St. Wenceslas of the 11th century (destroyed as a result of hostilities) and St. Stanislaus of the 12th century (burned down). A new temple was built to replace the lost ones. The facade of the building is made in the Gothic style. At a later time, Renaissance chapels were added to it. The temple houses a tomb where kings, poets and national heroes of Poland are buried.

The Market Square is located in the historical center of Krakow. There are many iconic landmarks located here. One of the most notable buildings is the Cloth Hall, a shopping gallery that appeared under King Boleslav V. Over the following centuries, the complex was rebuilt several times, acquiring decorative elements, loggias, arches and columns. The building acquired its modern appearance at the end XIX century.

Catholic church located near the Main Market in Krakow. The first wooden church on the site of St. Mary's Church appeared in the 13th century. The modern building began to be erected at the beginning of the 14th century. The building is built of red brick in the early Gothic style and decorated with magnificent stained glass windows. The interior space is dominated by Baroque and late Gothic features.

Before early XIX century, on the Market Square there was a full-fledged town hall building, erected in the 14th century. All buildings were demolished due to disrepair, but the tower managed to survive. In the 1960s The building was reconstructed, after which it came under the jurisdiction of the city museum. The tower reaches 70 meters in height. At an altitude of 50 meters there is an observation deck from where you can admire the magnificent architecture of the old quarters.

A quarter in the historical part of Krakow, on the territory of which from the 16th century until the occupation of Poland in the Second world war lived a Jewish community. In the period 1335 - 1818. Kazimierz was an independent city; from 1800 it became part of Krakow. The Jewish Quarter is one of the main tourist centers. Many historical monuments located on its territory are included in the list World Heritage UNESCO.

A small street with a length of just over 330 meters, located in the historical part of the city. It is built up with picturesque mansions in the Renaissance, Baroque and Classicist styles, most of which served residential buildings for the Krakow aristocracy. The street got its name from the ancient defensive tower, which was once the entrance to the city - the Florian Gate.

An architectural monument from the 15th century, the northernmost part of the defensive wall around Krakow, which was demolished in the 19th century. The Barbican served as a fortification that protected the entrance to the city through the Florian Gate. It is equipped with seven watchtowers and 130 loopholes. The thickness of the walls reaches 3 meters. Today, the Barbican houses a branch of the Krakow Historical Museum.

Collegium Maius (“greatest college” in Latin) is the oldest building of the Jagiellonian University. The building itself was included in the educational institution by the will of Vladislav II Jagiello. There were classrooms, professors' rooms and a library here. In the 19th century, the Collegium Maius was restored in neo-gothic style. Today, the University Museum is located on its territory.

In May 1942, a ghetto was formed in one of the city squares, where more than 4 thousand Jews were herded for further transportation to concentration camps. In 2005, a memorial monument was erected here in the form of rows of chairs, which symbolize the furniture thrown out of apartments during the Nazi pogroms. Unlike other squares in Krakow, there are usually few tourists here.

A factory for the production of metal utensils, founded in 1937 by Jewish industrialists M. Gutman, V. Gleitman, I. Kon. In 1939, it went bankrupt and was taken over by O. Schindler, who modernized and revived production. During World War II, Jews from Krakow ghetto. Thanks to Schindler's efforts, many workers managed to avoid death in the concentration camp. In 2010, a memorial museum of the same name was opened on the territory of the factory.

The exhibition is housed in one of the Schindler factory buildings, modernized in 2010. The museum specializes in organizing exhibitions of art objects created in last decades XX century and in beginning of XXI century. It has its own permanent exhibition, which is exhibited on the second floor. There is a library at the gallery, book Shop and a restoration workshop.

The catacombs are located under the Market Square. They were created to house a branch of the Krakow Historical Museum in 2010. In the Market Dungeons there is an exhibition consisting of finds from archaeological excavations carried out in 2005 as part of the reconstruction of the Market Square. The dungeons are equipped with modern multimedia equipment, with the help of which historical reconstructions are created.

One of the largest aviation exhibitions in Poland. The museum was created on the site of a former airfield in 1964. Airplanes, helicopters and gliders produced in the Czech Republic, Poland, Russia, the USA, Great Britain and other countries are exhibited here. Also available large collection aircraft engines. The exhibition is located in three hangars, as well as on a wide open-air field.

The museum is located in the Kazimierz quarter. It was created in 2004 on the initiative of journalist K. Schwartz and professor D. Webber. The exhibition is dedicated to Jewish culture, traditions and way of life, as well as the events of the Holocaust (mostly the suffering of prisoners concentration camp Auschwitz). Galicia regularly hosts meetings, seminars and lectures on various aspects.

The museum is located in the building of a stained glass workshop, which was erected in 1907 in the Art Nouveau style, fashionable at that time, according to the design of L. Voytychko. The exhibition was founded in 2000 for the purpose of studying, preserving and developing Polish stained glass art. In addition to viewing the exhibits themselves, in the museum you can observe the process of making paintings from colored glass.

The exhibition is located on the territory of the former Kazimierz Town Hall. The museum became an independent institution from the ethnographic department National Museum Krakow in 1910. The collection contains more than 8 thousand exhibits that are related to the history and culture of Poland. Most of the items date back to the 19th century, but there are also artifacts belonging to earlier historical periods.

The museum opened in 1796 on the initiative of Princess Isabella Czartoryska. In 1801, as a result of the November Uprising, the exhibition was looted, and the surviving remains were taken to France. In 1970 the collection returned to Poland. The most valuable exhibit of the museum is Leonardo da Vinci’s painting “Lady with an Ermine” - the only creation of the master that is located in Poland.

One of the best dramatic scenes in Poland, founded in 1893, which is already turn of XIX-XX centuries gained wide popularity and significance among the theater public. Famous Polish directors and many talented actors, and also staged plays by world-famous authors. The building was erected according to the design of the architect J. Zaveisky.

Roman Catholic cathedral of the first half of the 13th century, located in the historical part of Krakow. It is believed that the founders of the temple could have been princes Henry II the Pious or Boleslav V the Bashful. Researchers do not have a consensus on this issue. The Gothic facade of the building has been preserved in its original form, having undergone minor changes during the reconstruction of the 19th century.

The temple was built in the Gothic style at the turn of the XIV-XV centuries. In the appearance of the external façade, as well as in the interior design, features of Baroque and Renaissance can be traced, which were introduced here during later reconstructions. In 1566-1582. a baroque belfry was attached to the main building. An important relic is kept inside the basilica - the relics of the Polish preacher St. Stanislaw Kazimierczyk.

The church is the first building in Krakow built in the Baroque style. It was built according to the design of the Italian architect D. de Rossi in late XVI century for the Catholic Jesuit Order. After the dissolution of the brotherhood in the 18th century, the church changed owners several times and was eventually transferred to the Cistercian Abbey. Since 1820 it has belonged to the Krakow parish of All Saints.

The building was erected in the 11th century in the Romanesque architectural style. The appearance of the cathedral has undergone changes in XVIII century during reconstruction. It acquired some Baroque features, although the general architectural concept was left the same. Adjacent to the temple is a monastic monastery where ancient church relics are kept. There is also a library with a large collection of theological literature.

Dominican temple of the 13th century, built in the Gothic style. After a devastating fire in 1850, the building was almost completely destroyed. The entire interior burned out, and the façade walls partially collapsed. The temple was restored in the period 1853-1872. During construction work it was necessary to dismantle the surviving part of the facade, as it was very fragile due to damage. As a result of restoration work, the original appearance of the basilica has changed significantly.

Since 1992, the sanctuary has been called a complex of religious buildings, which includes the Chapel of St. Joseph, the monastery of the Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy, the Chapel of Perpetual Adoration, the Basilica of Divine Mercy and other objects. This place was declared a pilgrimage center due to the fact that the relics of St. Faustina Kowalska and the famous icon “Jesus, I trust in You” are kept on its territory.

Memorial mound dedicated to the national hero of Poland Tadeusz Kosciuszko. It is located in the west of Krakow on the natural Sikornik hill. The monument was erected in 1823. In 1854, a fortress was built around it to house the Austrian garrison. During the battles for the liberation of Krakow in 1944, the hill played the role of an important observation post for Soviet soldiers.

The very first menagerie appeared in Krakow on the territory of Wawel under King Sigismund III, when the city was the capital of the Polish state. After Krakow lost its capital status, the zoo gradually fell into disrepair. The modern menagerie was founded in 1929. At that time, only about 200 mammals and birds lived there. Today, the Krakow Zoo is home to more than 1,500 thousand individuals (260 species).

In the 18th century, on the site where the Botanical Garden is now located, the Czartoryski family park was laid out, which was sold to the Jesuit Order in 1752. In 1783, the university department of chemistry and natural history received it at her disposal after the dissolution of this monastic brotherhood. At first, the garden occupied a small area of ​​2.4 hectares. Medicinal and ornamental plants were grown here. Gradually its area increased to today's 9.6 hectares.

A city park located on the border of the historical part of Krakow on the site of former fortifications (fortress walls and ditches). It was destroyed in the 19th century. After World War II and until 1989, the park was in disrepair until a decision was made to begin restoration work. Today Krakow Planty is a wonderful place for nature walks, decorated with numerous sculptures and monuments.

The longest river in Poland, whose length is 1047 km. It originates in the Western Carpathians mountain range and flows into the Baltic Sea. The Vistula flows through several major Polish cities, including Krakow and the country's capital, Warsaw. Within Krakow, along the banks of the river there are picturesque public parks and several protected natural areas have been created.

Cloth rows
Rynek Glowny 1/3, tel. 4-22-11-66. (Entrance to the right of the central arch from the side of the Mickiewicz monument.)
Exhibition Polish art of the 19th century.
It has been located here for over 100 years Art Gallery National Museum in Krakow, where, in particular, works by famous Polish artists J. Matejko, G. Semiradski, and others are collected.
A number of hanging canvases are akin in monumentality to the paintings “Boyarina Morozova”, or “The Appearance of Christ to the People” in Tretyakov Gallery.

The museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 15:30, on Thursday until 18:00.

Dom Jana Matejki .
House of Jan Matejka.
ul. Florianska, 41, tel. 422-59-26.
The artist Jan Matejko lived in this house all his life. The artist painted many paintings on historical and patriotic subjects (for example, “The Battle of Grunwald”), which is why he is so loved by the Poles. But he also made many sketches for architectural projects (for example, the pilasters for the Cloth Halls were made according to his drawings). The museum was created by the artist’s friends after his death.
Sometimes in the evenings the museum hosts meetings for art lovers.

The museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 15:30, on Friday until 18:00.

Muzeum Stanislawa Wyspianskiego .
House of Stanislav Wyspianski. Biographical Museum of the Artist.
ul. Kanonicza, 9, tel. 422-83-37.

The museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 15:30, on Thursday until 17:00.

Muzeum - Dom Jozefa Melhoffera.
House of Joseph Melhoffer. Biographical Museum of the Artist.
ul. Krupnicza, 26, tel. 421-11-43.

The museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 15:30, on Wednesday until 18:00.

Centrum Sztuki i Techniki Japonskiej "Mahgha"
Center Japanese art and Mangha techniques
ul. Konopickej, 26, tel. 267-27-03, 267-37-53. (Beyond the Vistula, diagonally from Wawel Castle behind the Dębnicki Bridge.)
A collection of Japanese art is presented here, exhibitions are held Japanese technology. In addition, temporary exhibitions of foreign artists are often held.

The museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00.
Admission is free on Tuesday (in other branches of the National Museum - on Wednesday).

Royal Castle on Wawel(see separate page)

Muzeum Archelologiczne
Archaeological Museum
ul. Polselska, 3, tel. 422-71-00, 422-75-60.

Among other things, items are presented Slavic culture pre-Christian period, tools, coins, collection of Egyptian mummies.
In the summer, in the evenings, concerts and theater performances are held in the gardens around the museum building.

The museum is open from Monday to Wednesday from 9:00 to 14:00, on Thursday from 14:00 to 17:00, on Sunday from 11:00 to 14:00.

Museum Historyczne
Historical Museum
Museum departments:

Rynek Glowny, 35, tel. 422-99-22.
The museum has temporary exhibitions.
The branch is open on Wednesday and Friday to Sunday from 9:00 to 15:30, on Thursday from 11:00 to 18:00 (2nd Saturday and Sunday - closed).

Wieza Ratuszowa
Town Hall Tower
Rynek Glowny

The branch is open from Tuesday to Thursday from 10:00 to 17:00, Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 to 16:00 (open only until October 15).

Dom pod Krzyzem- Gallery Teatralna
House under the Cross - Theater Gallery
ul. Szpitalna, 21, tel. 422-68-64.
Exhibition: Masterpieces of the Krakow Theater
Temporary exhibitions dedicated to theater artists, events...

Dom Slaski
ul. Pomorska 2, tel. 633-14-14.
Exhibition: The struggle and martyrdom of the Poles in 1935-1945
The branch is open from Monday to Friday, and on the 3rd Saturday and Sunday of the month from 9:00 to 15:00.

Kamienica Hipolitow
pl. Mariacki 3, tel. 422-42-19.
The museum hosts temporary art exhibitions
The branch is open from Wednesday to Sunday from 9:00 to 15:30, on Thursday until 18:00 (closed on the 2nd Saturday and Sunday of the month, open on the following Mondays and Tuesdays).

ul. Lubicz, 16.
Z dzejow Bractwa Kurkowego.
The exhibition includes four halls: the Armory Chamber, the Treasury, the Streletsky Hall, and the Brotherhood Hall.
Bractwa Kurkowe w Ewropie.
The exhibition was formed on the occasion of the XII European Meetings of Streltsy Brotherhoods, held in August 1998 in Krakow. Photos and posters of previous meetings, competitions for the title of the European King of Archers and the bringing of a new king to the throne are presented.... A special place is occupied by EGS - the European Association of Historical Fraternities of Archers or the Knightly Order of St. Sebastian with photographs illustrating the assignment of the title to honored members of the society...
The branch is open from Wednesday to Sunday from 9:00 to 15:30, on Thursday until 18:00 (closed on the 2nd Saturday and Sunday of the month).

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Muzeum Uniwersytetu Jagellonskiego Collegium Maius
Jagiellonian University Museum
ul. Jagellonska 15, tel. 422-05-49.
Exhibition: Exhibition related to university life, a collection of astronomical instruments from the Middle Ages, a gallery of portraits...
Temporary exhibitions dedicated to people associated with the university are also organized.

The museum is open daily except Tuesdays from 11:00 to 17:00.

Muzeum Archidiecezjalne
Museum of Masterpieces
ul. Kanonicza 19, tel. 421-89-63.
The museum exhibits exhibits of art for religion: paintings, sculptures, and other artistic crafts. Exhibits from the collections of Krakow churches are on display. One of the four rooms is the preserved room of Karol Wojtyła, in which he lived in 1951-1958; here are souvenirs from the period of the pontification of the Holy Father.
Temporary exhibitions are organized on the theme of religion and the millennium of Krakow history.

The museum is open from Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00 to 15:00.

Muzeum Ethnograficzne
Ethnographical museum
pl. Wolnica, 1, tel. 656-28-63, 656-56-01. (Kazimierz district, Town Hall Tower on Krakowska Street, tram 6, 8, 10 to the “plac Wolnica” stop).
The exhibition features exhibits of folk art from southern Poland from the Middle Ages to the 20th century, as well as a collection of folk art from Indonesia and Cameroon.

The museum is open every day except Tuesday from 10:00, on Monday until 18:00, from Wednesday to Friday until 15:00, on Saturday and Sunday until 14:00.

The museum has a branch “Esterka” located nearby on ul. Krakowska, 46. Opening hours are the same.

Muzeum Historii Fotografii
Museum of the History of Photography
ul. Jozefitow, 16, tel. 633-06-37, 643-59-32.

The museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 15:30, on Tuesday until 17:30.

Muzeum Przyrodnicze
Museum of Nature
ul. Sw. Sebastiana, 9, tel. 422-89-37.
The exhibition features a wide variety of animal species. The collection began in 1865 as a collection of birds and invertebrates.

Muzeum Pamieci Narodowej "Apteka pod Orlem"
Museum of Folk Memory "Pharmacy near Orel"
pl. Bohaterow Getta, tel. 656-56-25.
Exhibition: Art of the Krakow Ghetto.

The museum is open from Monday to Saturday from 10:00 to 16:00, on Saturday until 14:00.

Muzeum Zoologiczne Collegium Zoologicum
Zoological Museum of the Jagiellonian University
ul. Ingardena, 6, tel. 433-63-77 ext. 414.
Exhibition: World fauna.

The museum is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:00 to 14:00.

Muzeum Zoologiczne filia, Collegium Iurdicum
Branch zoological museum Jagiellonian University
ul. Grodzka, 53, tel. 422-71-11 ext. 260.

The museum is open from Tuesday to Friday from 11:00 to 13:00, on Sunday from 11:00 to 15:00.

Muzeum Geologiczne
Geological Museum
ul. Senacka, 1-3, tel. 422-19-10, 422-89-20.
Exhibition: Geological structure of the Krakow region.

The museum is open from Tuesday to Friday from 11:00 to 15:00, on Tuesday until 17:00, and on Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 to 14:00.

Muzeum Lotnicza Polskiego
Polish Aviation Museum
Al. Jana Pawla II, 39, tel. 412-78-55, 412-90-00.

The museum is open from Tuesday to Friday from 9:00 to 16:00, as well as on Saturday from 10:00 to 15:00, and on Sunday from 10:00 to 16:00. adults – 11 zlotys, children (7-16 years old) – 1 zloty, all – freeIn Poland only zlotys are acceptedTue-Sat 10:00-18:00, Sun 10:00-16:00

general information

Since its founding in October 1879, the National Museum in Krakow has amassed a rich collection of paintings, sculptures, interior items, decor and folk art.

Year after year, the museum's collection was replenished due to generous gifts from Krakow artists and wealthy Polish collectors. Local patrons sometimes donated to the National Museum not only individual works of painting and antiques, but also their family palaces with a complete collection of rare books, paintings, coins, etc.

Despite the loss of many exhibits during the Second World War, the museum managed to return some of the looted wealth. And over time, the National Museum of Krakow replenished its holdings with historical and archaeological finds, handicraft and weapons exhibits and works of foreign artists.

Several hundred thousand valuable exhibits are housed in the main building of the National Museum and at its branch exhibition areas. Today, the National Museum includes 11 independent galleries, 2 libraries and several closed collections located in different buildings in the city.

Galleries of the National Krakow Museum

Initially, the National Museum of Krakow was located in a building in the Old Town. The construction of a new modern building began before the Second World War, and the entire fixed assets moved to house No. 1 on May 3rd Street only in 1990.

Main building of the National Museum

Address: ul. 3 Maja 1, 30-062 Krakow, Poland
Phone: +(48 12) 295 56 00

The main residence of the Krakow National Museum is located one kilometer west of the Old Town. There are three permanent exhibitions here (Decorative and Applied Arts, Polish Weapons and Polish Art of the 20th Century), and the remaining rooms are occupied by rotating exhibitions.

Gallery of Polish art of the 19th century in Sukonnica

Address: Sukiennice, Rynek Główny 1-3, 31-011 Krakow, Poland
Phone: +(48 12) 424 46 00

This is the original historical address of the Krakow National Museum. Nowadays there is a gallery on the top floor of the Cloth Hall on the Market Square in Wawel visual arts XIX century. Works by Polish artists are exhibited here different styles and schools.

Emerik Hutten-Czapski Museum

Address: ul. Józefa Piłsudskiego 10-12, 31-109 Krakow, Poland
Phone: +(48 12) 292 64 40, 292 64 41

The famous Polish bibliophile and numismatist Emeric Hutten-Czapski bequeathed his palace, along with an extensive collection of medieval maps, manuscripts, engravings, orders and medals, and numismatic objects to the National Museum in Krakow. Museum visitors are presented with a collection of one hundred thousand coins, from ancient times to modern European specimens.

House-Museum of Jan Matejko

Address: ul. Floriańska 41, 31-019 Krakow, Poland
Phone: +(48 12) 422 59 26, 423 04 08

House Museum of Famous Polish artist XIX century by Jan Matejko. It is famous for its historical paintings, portraits of heroic Poles and religious subjects. The artist spent all 55 years of his life in this house. On the third floor of the building his workshop is open, and on the floors below there is a bedroom, living room and living rooms.

Stanislaw Wyspiański Museum

Address: ul. Szczepańska 9, 31-0119 Krakow, Poland
Phone: +(48 12) 292 81 83

The Museum of the Polish painter and poet Stanislaw Wyspiański allows visitors to get a closer look at the culture of Poland late XIX- beginning of the 20th century. The premises of the Szolayski House are used to display paintings, sculpture, furniture and interior design by Polish masters, including Stanislaw Wyspiański.

Czartoryski Museum

Address: Ul. Sw. Jana 19, 31-017 Krakow, Poland
Phone: +(48 12) 370 54 60, 370 54 61

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 09:00-19:45, Sat 09:00-13:45

The library on St. Mark's Street belongs to the Princes Czartoryski Foundation and the Krakow National Museum. The library's collection includes more than 200 thousand printed publications dating back one millennium, about 13 thousand handwritten monuments of literature, science and art.

Józef Mehoffer House-Museum

Address: ul. Krupnicza 26, 31-123 Krakow, Poland
Phone: +(48 12) 433 58 40, 433 58 41

Biographical Museum of the Polish painter and graphic artist Józef Mehoffer, a student of Jan Matejko. He is known not only as a portrait painter and illustrator, but also as a renowned stained glass artist in Krakow churches and a master of wall paintings at the Wawel Royal Castle.

Palace of Bishop Erasmus Tsiolek

Address: ul. Kanonicza 17, 31-017 Krakow, Poland
Phone: +(48 12) 429 15 58

The building of the bishop's palace was built at the beginning of the 16th century. Most recently it was transferred to the National Museum of Krakow. Church objects, iconography and portraits of bishops are presented here. The most significant exhibit of the museum is a wooden statue of the Virgin Mary from the 15th century.

Karol Szymanowski Museum in Zakopane

Address: ul. Kasprusie 19, 34-500 Zakopane, Poland
Phone: +(48 18) 201 34 93

Located in Zakopane, 100 kilometers south of Krakow. It is dedicated to the life and work of the musician.

The main building of the National Museum in Krakow houses permanent and temporary exhibitions. Three permanent exhibitions: Polish art of the 20th century - painting, drawing, graphics and sculpture, Weapons and color in Poland, as well as an exhibition of artistic crafts.
The museum is open: Tue, Thu, Sat, Sun - from 09:00 to 15:30, Wed, Fri. - from 11:00 to 18:00, Mon. - the museum is closed.

National Museum in Krakow - Sukiennice building
Krakow, Main Market 1/3

In the building of the Sukiennice shopping arcade there is a gallery of Polish art of the 19th century, presenting works by artists mainly associated with Krakow and Warsaw, in particular Jan Matejka, Józef Chełmoński, Julian Falat, and the Kossak family.
The museum is open: Tue, Thu. - from 11:00 to 18:00, Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun, - from 09:00 to 15:30, Mon. - the museum is closed.

National Museum in Krakow - Czartoryski Museum - Arsenal
Krakow, st. St. Jana 19 / st. Pijarska 8

The exhibition at the Czartoryski Museum presents almost 400 paintings from the most important schools of painting in Europe, of which the most famous are Lady with an Ermine? Leonarda da Vinci and ?Landscape with a Good Samaritan? Rembrandt. The exhibition also presents works of ancient art and a collection of weapons.

National Museum in Krakow - Manggha Center for Japanese Art and Technology
Krakow, st. Konopnitskaya 26

The Manggha Center for Japanese Art and Technology is housed in a modern building located on the other side of the Vistula River, opposite Wawel Hill. The building was built with money from the Kyoto-Krakow Foundation, founded on the initiative of Polish film director Andrzej Wajda and his wife Krystyna Zahwatowicz. Here you can see a valuable collection of Japanese art, collected at the beginning of the 20th century by the collector and art patron Felix Jasieński.
The museum is open: Tue. - Sun. - from 10:00 to 18:00, Mon. - the museum is closed.

National Museum in Krakow - Jan Matejka House
Krakow, st. Florianska 41

The exhibition presents the work of Jan Matejka, the most famous Polish historical artist. In the house where he was born and lived all his life, numerous portraits and sketches are displayed, as well as a collection of objects, costumes and textiles that served the artist as props when painting historical paintings.
The museum is open: Tue, Thu. - from 09:00 to 15:30, Wed, Fri. - from 11:00 to 18:00, Saturday, Sun. - from 10:00 to 15:30 Mon. - the museum is closed.

National Museum in Krakow - Józef Mehoffer House
Krakow, st. Krupnicha 26

The exhibition is based in the old house of Józef Mehoffer, who created his paintings in the era of modernism. The exhibition includes the artist’s personal belongings as well as his numerous works: paintings, graphics, stained glass, fabrics and furniture.
The museum is open: Tue, Thu - from 09:00 to 15:30, Wed, Fri. - from 11:00 to 18:00, Saturday, Sun - from 10:00 to 15:30, Mon. - the museum is closed.

National Museum in Krakow - Stanislaw Wyspiański Museum
Krakow, st. Szczepanska 11

Memorial Museum dedicated to Stanislaw Wyspiański, outstanding artist, playwright, theater designer. Special attention deserve sketches and portraits of children, as well as designs for stained glass windows located in the Franciscan Church.

Archaeological Museum
Krakow, st. Poselska 3

The Archaeological Museum in Krakow is the oldest archaeological museum in Poland, founded in 1850. The museum's collections include exhibits related to the history of Krakow and Lesser Poland, as well as an interesting collection Egyptian mummies from the 16th century BC.
The museum is open: VII - VIII - Mon, Wed, Fri. - from 09:00 to 14:00, Tue. - from 09:00 to 18:00, Thurs. - from 14:00 to 18:00, sun. - from 10:00 to 14:00, Saturday. - the museum is closed, other months - Mon, Tue, Wed. - from 09:00 to 14:00, Thu. - from 14:00 to 18:00, Friday, Sun. - from 10:00

Archaeological Museum - Church of St. Wojciech
Krakow, Main Market

In the dungeons of the 11th century church of St. Wojciech there is an interesting museum dedicated to the history of the city's central square, the Main Market, illustrating the archaeological changes taking place in this part of the city.
The museum is temporarily closed.

Ethnographic Museum named after. Severina Udzeli
Krakow, pl. Volnitsa 1, st. Krakowska 46

The Ethnographic Museum in Krakow, founded in 1911, has collected within its walls a valuable collection of traditional Polish folk art (about 70,000 exhibits) as well as other cultures of the world (about 10,000). The museum also organizes temporary exhibitions.
The museum is open: VII - VIII - Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri. - from 10:00 to 17:00, Saturday, Sun. - from 10:00 to 14:00, Tue. - the museum is closed, other months: Mon. - from 10:00 to 18:00, Wed, Thu, Fri. - from 10:00 to 15:00, Saturday, Sun. - from 10:00 to 14:00, Tue. - the museum is closed.

Historical Museum of Krakow - Christophora's Palace
Krakow, Main Market 35

Christofora's Palace houses a permanent exhibition on the history and culture of Krakow, illustrating the history of the city from its founding in 1257 to 1939. Christofora's Palace is one of the most beautiful buildings a city whose former splendor is reminiscent of the stucco decorations of Balthazar Fontana.
The museum is open: Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun. - from 09:00 to 15:30, Thurs. - from 11:00 to 18:00, Mon, Tue and 2nd Saturday and Sunday of the month - the museum is closed.

Krakow, Main Market 1

Historical Museum of Krakow - Town Hall Tower
Krakow, Main Market 1

The magnificent Gothic structure, built around 1383, survives as part of the town hall that once stood here. Tourists can explore the beautiful hall of the ancient chapel, unique collection stone signs left by medieval stonemasons, and from the 4th floor window - a panorama of Krakow.
The museum is open: V - X, Mon. - Sun. from 10:00 to 17:00

Historical Museum of Krakow - Barbican
Krakow, st. Florianska / st. Bashtova

The Barbican is a round fort, built of red brick, and is part of the city's former defensive structures. In the Middle Ages, the Barbican was connected to the Florian Gate, and from it the Royal Road began, leading to royal castle on Wawel Hill.
The museum is open: V - X, Mon. - Sun. from 10:30 to 18:00

Historical Museum of Krakow - Old Synagogue
Krakow, st. Wide 24

The building of the Old Synagogue houses a collection of relics and documents of Judaism. Here you can find masterfully crafted objects used in Jewish rituals, as well as historical documents of the Krakow Jewish diaspora, telling about the death of the Jewish people during the Nazi occupation.
The museum is open: IV - X mon. from 10:00 to 14:00, Tue. - Sun. from 10:00 to 17:00; XI - III Tues. from 09:00 to 15:30 only on the first Tuesday of the month, Wed, Thurs, Sat, Sun. from 09:00 to 15:30, Friday from 10:00 to 18:00, Mon. - the museum is closed.

Historical Museum of Krakow - House "Under the Crucifixion"
Krakow, st. Shpitalna 21

Exposition? From the history of the Krakow theater? tells the history of theater in Krakow, showcasing projects theater scenes, costumes, portraits of prominent actors and theatrical props, in particular from Tadeusz Kantor's theater, the Rhapsody Theater, of which the current Pope John Paul II was an actor.
The museum is open: Mon. - from 10:00 to 17:00, Tue. - from 09:00 to 15:30 - only the 2nd Tuesday of the month, Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun. - from 09:00 to 15:30, Thurs. - from 11:00 to 18:00

Historical Museum of Krakow - Celestat
Krakow, st. Lyubich 16

History of the Krakow brotherhood of riflemen. This is the name of the exhibition located in the beautiful neo-Gothic Celestat Palace, showing the history of one of the oldest petty-bourgeois organizations - the Brotherhood of Archers. The exhibition contains a unique collection of portraits of the archer kings, that is, the best shooters, as well as the symbol of the Brotherhood - a silver rooster, a masterpiece of Renaissance jewelers.
The museum is open: Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun. - from 09:00 to 15:30, Thurs. - from 11:00 to 18:00, Mon, Tue. - the museum is closed

Historical Museum of Krakow - House of Silesia
Krakow, st. Pomorska 2

The exhibition in the House of Silesia presents tragic fates Poles during the Nazi occupation of 1939 - 1945 and also during the communist dictatorship. Weapons, so-called “death posters”, photographs of raids, executions, as well as materials telling about the armed struggle of city residents are collected here.
The museum is open: Mon. - Friday - from 09:00 to 15:30 with the exception of the 3rd Mon. and Tue; Sat, Sun. - the museum is closed.

Historical Museum of Krakow - House of Hippolytes
Krakow, pl. Mariacka 3

Displayed in a bourgeois house interior decorations houses from the 17th to the 20th centuries. The three floors show the world in which Krakow residents lived in bygone eras: beautiful columns painted in the Renaissance style, magnificent Baroque stucco work by Balthasar Fontana, Rococo wall paintings, inlaid doors, painted ceilings, portals carved in stone, 19th-century stoves.
The museum is open: Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun. - from 09:00 to 15:30, Thurs. - from 11:00 to 18:00, Mon, Tue. and 2nd Sat. and sun. month - the museum is closed.

Historical Museum of Krakow - Pharmacy "Under the Eagle"
Krakow, pl. Ghetto Heroes 18

The museum occupies the premises of the former pharmacy of Tadeusz Pankiewicz, the only Pole who lived in the Krakow ghetto during the Second World War, who constantly helped the ghetto residents. The exhibition in the Pharmacy is permanent and is called “Krakow Ghetto, Plaszew Camp?”.
The museum is open: Mon. - Friday - from 09:00 to 16:00, Saturday. - Sun. - from 09:00 to 14:00

St. Mary's Church
Krakow, pl. Mariacka 5

The magnificent shrine, built with the money of Krakow townspeople in the 14th-15th centuries, now houses within its walls an unprecedented number of valuable works of art, among which the most valuable is the St. Mary's Altar, a large 12-meter Gothic polyptic carved from wood by White Stwosz in the 15th century , dedicated to the life of Our Lady.
The church is open: Mon. - Sat. - from 11:50 to 17:30, sun. and holidays - from 14:00 to 17:30

Museum of Urban Engineering in Krakow
Krakow, st. Wawrzyńca 15

The collections of the Museum of Urban Engineering are dedicated to the history of urban transport, urban engineering, Krakow crafts, industry and technology. The museum is located in the old tram park complex.
The museum is open: Tue. - Sun. from 10:00 to 16:00, Mon. - the museum is closed.

Museum of Polish Aircraft Engineering in Krakow
Krakow, Al. Jana Paul II 39

One of the ten largest in Europe and the only one in Poland, the aircraft museum is located on the territory of the oldest (now closed) airfield in Poland. More than 140 airplanes, gliders and helicopters are collected here, from the very first designs to modern ones. The collection is complemented by Europe's largest collection of aircraft engines.
The museum is open: V - X Tues. - Friday - from 09:00 to 16:00, Saturday. - from 10:00 to 15:00, sun. from 10:00 to 16:00, Mon. - the museum is closed, XI - IV - Tue. - Friday from 09:00 to 15:00, Mon, Sat, Sun. - the museum is closed.

Museum of the History of Photography
Krakow, st. Yuzefitov 16

The Museum of the History of Photography is the only museum of its kind in Poland, whose collections include old photographs, cameras and photographic processing equipment. The photographs collected here reflect historical and cultural events.
The museum is open: Wed. - Friday - from 11:00 to 18:00, Saturday. - Sun. - from 10:00 to 15:30, Mon, Tue. - the museum is closed

Museum of "Young Poland" - Rydłowka - Museum of the Polish Tourist and Local Lore Union
Krakow, st. Tetmayera 28

The museum in the Rydłowka estate is dedicated to the national Polish drama “The Wedding?”, created by the playwright, representative of the artistic movement “Young Poland”, Stanislaw Wyspiański. Rydłowka is an extraordinary illustration of the wedding of the writer Lucian Rydl and Jadwiga Tetmaier, described in the drama, which took place here on November 21, 1900.
The museum is open: Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat. - from 10:00 to 14:00, Thurs. - from 15:00 to 19:00; Sun, Mon - the museum is closed.

Archbishopric Museum
Krakow, st. Kanonicha 19-21

The Archbishopric Museum within its walls has collected works of art dedicated to religion. These are painting, sculpture and arts and crafts. The purpose of the museum is to display the collection of sacred art collected over the millennium of the existence of the bishopric. In this house, where the museum is now located, Pope John Paul II lived twice, first as a young priest, and later as a bishop.
The museum is open: Tue. - Friday - from 10:00 to 16:00, Saturday. - Sun. - from 10:00 to 15:00, Mon. - the museum is closed.

Museum of the Regional Army named after. General Emil Feldorf Neil

The collections of the Home Army Museum are evidence of the army's achievements during the Second World War. The exhibition presents the history of the army, based on unique documents, military equipment, including weapons used by the soldiers of the Home Army, and other historical relics.
The museum is open: Tue. - Friday - from 11:00 to 17:00, Sat, Sun, Mon. - the museum is closed

Old Theater Museum
Krakow, st. Jagiellonska 1

The Old Theater Museum, the only theater museum in Poland, presents documents of theatrical events of this stage since 1781. Here are stage design projects, photographs, scripts, costumes, props and recordings of performances representing the two-hundred-year history of the theater.
The museum is open: 9th - 6th Tues. - Sat. - from 11:00 to 13:00, sun. Mon. - the museum is closed.

Kosciuszko Mound
Krakow, st. Washington

The mound was built in 1820-23 in honor of the leader of the uprising for Polish independence in 1794, Tadeusz Kosciuszko. On the territory of the fortifications surrounding the mound, there is a neo-Gothic chapel with an exhibition dedicated to the Kosciuszka Uprising in Krakow.
The mound is open: daily from 09:30 to 17:00.

Museum of the History of the Mining and Metallurgical Academy
Krakow, Al. Mitskevich 30, pav. C-2, VI floor.

The collections of the Museum of the History of the Mining and Metallurgical Academy include documents, photographs and relics that tell the history of one of the oldest technical universities in the country, and the people who created it and glorified it throughout the world.
The museum is open: Mon. - Friday from 10:00 to 14:00, Saturday, Sun. - the museum is closed.

Tadeusz Kantor Art Documentation Center CRICOTEKA - Archive
Krakow, st. Kanonicha 5

Cricoteka has existed since 1980, collecting and processing documents telling about the work of Tadeusz Kantor and the Cricot 2 theater. The museum’s collections contain objects and costumes from performances of the Cricot 2 theater, theoretical works, drawings and projects by Kantor, video recordings of performances, photo documentation, reviews, magazines , books are the fruits of many years of wanderings by Tadeusz Kantor and his actors.
Archive open: Mon. - Friday from 10:00 to 14:00, Saturday, Sun. - the archive is closed.

Tadeusz Kantor Art Documentation Center CRICOTEKA - Krzysztofory Gallery
Krakow, st. Szczepańska 2

Gallery Krzysztofory has existed since 1958, was founded and maintained by the artists' union? Krakow group? (already for several years together with the Cricoteka center), which included and includes many outstanding Polish artists, in particular, Janina Kraupe, Jerzy Nowosielski, Jerzy Bareszcz, Julian Jonczyk, Maria Stangret, Jerzy Wronski, Andrzej Warzecha, Maria Jarema, Kazimierz Mikulski, Jerzy Skarzynski, Tadeusz Kantor and others.
The gallery is open: Mon. - Friday from 12:00 to 18:00, Saturday, Sun. - from 12:00 to 14:00

Tadeusz Kantor Art Documentation Center CRICOTEKA - Workshop

Krakow, st. Senna 7/5

Next to the “Poor Closet of Fantasy” - the studio of Tadeusz Kantor in 1987/90 there is a small gallery with a permanent exhibition on the history of the Cricot 2 theater.
The gallery is open: Mon. - Friday from 10:00 to 14:00; Sat, Sun - gallery closed.

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