A short plot for weight loss consequences. What are the conspiracies for weight loss?

The desire to be slim today is no longer fashion, but a necessity. Since a person is perceived by his appearance, evaluated, given certain prospects and preferences. These considerations affect all areas of life. You can’t get a job, you can’t find a sweetheart if your fat person demonstrates laziness and an irresponsible attitude towards your health. Nowadays people reinforce diets and tedious exercises with magic. You just need to know the consequences which will satisfy and not harm. If you are interested in this topic, then you should thoroughly understand it.

A little about vocabulary

It is necessary to note one important nuance that few people realize. Especially people who practice weight loss spells should learn it. The consequences of the process are often closely related to vocabulary. Words change meaning over time, and in

genetic memory, which is involved in magical processes, it remains the same. Let’s look at the current term “weight loss”. Do you think that it means gaining harmony? But earlier the meaning was different. From the word “bad,” that is, “bad.” They sent damage to enemies. Do you understand? If you don’t know this, then weight loss conspiracies will have the most catastrophic consequences. You will jinx yourself by using completely unacceptable terms in rites and rituals. Therefore, exclude all conspiracies that contain the word “weight loss”. Most often, their meaning is far from what you need. It is believed that such formulations refer to black magic. And doing business with her is dangerous. In any case, the result will not please you.

A little more about the mood

This often happens: you find and look for a strong weight loss spell to practice. You read the reviews, and there are continuous curses. At best, they say it doesn't help at all. Others even provide statistics on their weight gain from such a ritual. Should we believe such “PR”? There's no need to rush here. Magic is not a drug or even a diet. It acts purely individually. And the result depends not so much on the formula itself, but on its correct use. One might say, from the internal forces involved. Here we mean very simple things that are understandable to everyone. And the most important things seem to be faith in the effectiveness of the ritual and an optimistic attitude. If you manage to cultivate these things in yourself, any used conspiracies will work

for weight loss. The consequences, reviews of which you can read from other users, will become uninteresting. Why should you delve into the lamentations of losers? And it will already be a positive experience.

When is the best time to perform rituals?

The timing of the spells is important. This also needs to be taken into account if you want to use weight loss conspiracies not in vain. Their consequences directly depend on Sometimes, if the “magician” is impressionable, then the opposite effect can be achieved. Such special rituals are carried out only during the waning night queen. This rule must be strictly observed. If you make a mistake, then at best you won’t lose a kilogram, and maybe you’ll gain extra. If you see something different in the recommendations, then feel free to dismiss it as an incompetent opinion. A serious magician specialist will definitely comment on what time you should read the weight loss plot. You can remove fat only when the energy is curtailed. And this happens when We will no longer specifically point out this.

Powerful spell for weight loss

Reviews about this ritual are positive. Users say it works quickly and consistently. It is recommended to limit your appetite. You shouldn't starve, but gluttony will also neutralize the effects of magic. You will need to speak water. She is exposed to the open sky at night. It is advisable to catch moonlight in a container. The words are: “Heavenly beauty, you are getting prettier day by day. You don’t drink, don’t eat, but you delight everyone with your beauty! And help me. Get rid of the wolfish appetite, deprive the goose gait, the bearish figure. Leave and take my extra with you! And bestow your beloved beauty! Amen!" These phrases should be said seven times. Then the water is placed in the refrigerator. Drink half a glass (approximately) before meals. Your appetite will definitely decrease sharply. Along with it, the extra pounds will be eliminated by this weight loss plot. You may not be able to lose fat within one month. But no one forbids repeating the ritual. All you need here is your will and determination.

The famous seer, as you know, gave advice on many troubles. Today, its long-term forecasts are increasingly being discussed. In fact, she was working with common problems common to all people at any time.

A strong conspiracy for weight loss (Vangi) has also become widespread. It is known by this name. His words are as follows: “In the ocean-sea, hunger sleeps on constipation. Three whales are not letting him out. The Lord’s servant (name) will not suffer from hunger. The terrible trouble will calm down, dissolve in the morning fog. Go to the ocean, leave the Lord’s servant (name) slender. The eyes are asleep, they don’t stare at the food. The nights will melt by morning, and hunger will leave the body behind, do not harm it, do not break it. It was said in the night, be silent from hunger! Amen!" The seer recommended reading this plot at midnight every day when the Moon wanes. She also advised me to imagine my new body. Then a strong weight loss conspiracy (Vangi) will work much more effectively. She generally drew the attention of women to the fact that all problems are caused by an incorrect worldview, including excess weight.

Vanga talked a lot about body problems. She often told women that you can choose the words of conspiracies yourself. She conveyed her secrets to some. Not everyone has reached us. But it is certain that she recommended not to use negative words. I also believed that they would only work when you yourself felt your own. Imagine how others admire it. Therefore, according to her recommendations, you can make your own plans for losing weight. Choose words and phases that cause an extraordinary rise in you personally. This is what the seer told her visitors. Everything comes from thoughts, she believed. If you manage to set yourself up correctly, you won’t need a diet. And one more thing: don’t beat yourself up. Negativity in such a delicate matter only increases problems.

Since slimness is a symbol of not only beauty, but also good health, many specialists pay attention to it in their work. It is believed that conspiracies

help to establish proper metabolism and remove inhibitions. In any case, the Siberian healer’s conspiracies for weight loss are aimed at precisely this. This is the ritual that is recommended to be carried out in the bathhouse. The words are as follows: “The monk in the cassock walked a long way. I read the necks and psalms. He ate expensive prosphora and holy water. I didn’t give in to temptation. He sweated on the way and was losing weight. Let me do the same: sweat and get slim! Amen!" They pronounce a conspiracy in the steam room. This must be done calmly and leisurely. Here's another recipe. When you get into bed, read the Lord's Prayer. Then, looking at the queen of the night, stroke the “extra bulges,” saying: “What I look at with my eyes will begin to decrease. What I stroke with my hands, it will take with me.” This is done during the entire period of the waning moon.

How to speak to a talisman

There are rituals that not only regulate appetite, but also prepare special “weapons” for excess weight. You will need a belt or other item that covers the body that can be worn at all times. At midnight they slander him like this: “I conjure the Queen of Heaven to accept the gift from me. I give away (so many) kilograms. Let whoever needs it take it. But another reward awaits me. The body is slender, like a birch tree. The figure is graceful, like that of a deer, beauty is flaxen, not earthly. Amen!" The enchanted item must be worn every day. Repeat the ritual exactly one lunar month later. Do this until you achieve your goal. By the way, the talisman itself can be changed. The conspiracy to lose weight on the moon can be read in a different interpretation. In this case, the ritual presupposes the presence of an attribute, that is, a talisman. It is read while in

in the moonlight, these words: “My sister is chubby, I need to strive for her. She is declining, I am in a hurry to follow her. She is good, I will become more beautiful. I whisper cherished words to the moon, she knows: I want. My sister will grow taller, but she will give me slimness not just for a year, but forever. It won't deceive! Amen!"

To the apple

Many people prefer to follow a diet or fasting days to achieve slimness. In this case, fruits are often used. So, the effect of the procedure can be enhanced by magical rituals. Conspiracies and prayers for weight loss help to replace melancholy with joy, stop being afraid and worrying. They will add strength and remove negative consequences. Rituals will also protect you from excesses in your diet if you stubbornly begin to harm your health. Here, for example, is a plot to lose weight by eating an apple.

It is recommended to read it whenever you want to enjoy this fruit. Read like this: “Eve bit you off, which gave her unprecedented strength. Give me the same. So that they become similar to Eve. So that my body becomes slender and flexible, like a vine. So that a tear never flows from hunger. I take a bite of the apple and the fat melts. So every time the fruit dives into the mouth. Amen!"

Weight loss conspiracies: consequences, reviews

Often, novice magicians do not realize the extent of the impact of rituals on their body. And it is quite difficult to foresee the consequences due to individual reactions. This aura needs to be constantly monitored in order to understand what stage the process is at. Therefore, it is recommended to take your time and not overuse the words of conspiracies. Wait for the first reaction, then decide what to do. If you lose weight too quickly, don’t be alarmed. The negativity in this case will increase. Just don't repeat the rituals. After some time everything will go back to normal. Try to generally control your emotions when you turn to magic. This applies not only to the moments of rituals, but also to the rest of the time. Negativity can cause great harm by attracting dark entities to your body. You should be careful with this. For the most part, people respond positively to the rituals. By the way, there are a lot of them. So there is no need to complain that something is not working out. Just practice the ritual that works. There is a choice. Have a positive attitude - and be sure to turn into a stately beauty!

More and more unconventional methods are being included in the fight against excess weight. And not all of them justify the desires of those losing weight, often turning out to be simply useless. But not white magic conspiracies for weight loss. The excellent effectiveness of rituals in the fight against excess fat is evidenced by excellent reviews from those who have lost weight using them.

People who want to lose fat and gain slimness and use magic words along with traditional means (physical activity, diet) achieve more effective results in a relatively short period of time. Any person whose life is poisoned by extra pounds can read the text of the ritual. For the most part, such conspiracies belong to light magic, and therefore are safe to use.

The effectiveness of any weight loss plot is guaranteed by its proper use. There are a number of rules that the performer must strictly follow when working with this type of magical influence. They have already been described in detail in, so I won’t dwell on them now. Instead, I will add a few important nuances that will be useful for those who have decided to make magic their assistant in the fight for harmony.

Although conspiracies are considered a relatively safe method of losing excess weight, there are still certain precautions.

  • Firstly, you can read the conspiracy only for yourself. Using it in relation to any other person, even the closest person, is a waste of time and effort. In this case, magical influence simply will not lead to the desired result.
  • There is no need to rush to repeat an already used spell or turn to a new one if you were unable to achieve the desired goal in a short time. Conspiracies to lose weight have different strengths and different periods of impact. The most reasonable solution in this case is to wait a while and make sure that the magic words really turned out to be useless. Rushing to use other Rituals can result in an excess of magical energy, which can lead to the opposite result—weight gain.
  • Preference should be given to conspiracies from white magic, although there are also various ones in the arsenal of black magic. Dark forces are an unpredictable and dangerous phenomenon. Any mistake when using black rituals for weight loss can cost the performer his health.
  • You need to be careful when working with ritual texts if they contain the wordsthin, thin. Such rituals can lead to the performer not only losing extra pounds, but literally drying out. Stopping the effect of such rituals, if successful, is usually very difficult, and only professional magicians can cope with this.

Conspiracies to eliminate excess weight

To the apple

All the performer needs is one small ripe apple. The fruit is enchanted at sunrise - the first rays of the sun should fall on it.

“The apple was filled with sunshine, the apple reveled in life. I, too, want to gain weight under the sun and quickly get rid of excess fat. Apple, help me with sunlight, I will start losing weight with this dawn.”

The charmed apple must be eaten.

With soap

Before washing in a bathhouse (taking a bath or shower), you need to speak a piece of baby soap using the following words:

“Soap, soap, wash harder. Soap, soap, wash quickly. I will rub my skin with you, and each time I will lose weight.”

Each time you wash with the charmed soap, you need to rub and lather problem areas from which you need to remove excess fat. This should be done without using a washcloth.

According to people's reviews, usually one bar of soap is enough to get rid of several extra pounds. If the result is not satisfactory, you can repeat another piece and use it until the desired weight is achieved.

Use honey to remove fat and lose weight

On Monday, at sunrise, you need to speak a jar of fresh bee honey. Every morning, the enchanted bee product in the amount of one teaspoon must be dissolved in a glass of warm water and drunk this water on an empty stomach. Usually 2-5 kilograms of excess weight are lost in a month.

The text of the conspiracy is as follows:

“Be slim for me, be beautiful for me. All fats away from me, all fats away from me! I can’t walk around fat, I can’t live with too much weight—he’ll leave me, run away, fly away and never come back. I should be slim, I should be graceful, I should be beautiful! Like a thin birch tree, like an aspen tree, so I must be thin. Like a graceful winch, like a sweet dove, so should I be slender. I’ll speak to myself, put a spell on myself, and treat myself to magic honey! It’s the only way to be, and there’s no other way! My word is law, my word is truth! Amen!"

For water in the bathroom

In the evening, you need to take a full bath of warm water, then undress, stand or sit in it. There should be only clean water in the bath, without adding any detergents. You need to scoop up this water with your hand or a washcloth and wash your entire body with it, constantly repeating the spell and paying special attention to problem areas. Conspiracy text:

“Light water, wipe me, take away everything that is unnecessary from me. Pure water flows down my body, takes away my fullness, rids me of fat, and leaves nothing extra.”

After bathing in the bathroom, you should immediately go to bed. Regular repetition of the ritual will lead to excellent results.

See also video:

I will be very pleased if you write a review of the methods you have done in the comments below. Thank you!

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

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How to remove fat? Every girl asked herself this question at least once in her life. Spending every evening in the gym or watching video lessons, pushing yourself to the point of exhaustion, for the sake of the cherished “-2 kg” at the end of the week or month, is very difficult to bear, and those who have lost weight this way know this very well. But there are easier ways to lose weight.

If you say the word “magic” or “conspiracy”, then many will be skeptical and ironic, because not everyone can accept “weight loss” conspiracies, but as the reviews of many girls have shown, such methods really work, and weight loss occurs. The big plus is that the conspiracy to lose weight on the waning moon can and should be carried out at home.

Causes of excess weight

Nothing in this life happens or happens just like that, the same can be said about excess weight. The main causes of excess weight in women:

  1. The most common problem is poor nutrition. Eating fatty, fried and sweet foods can lead to obesity. Unfortunately, not everyone can eat an apple at night or replace sugar with honey.
  2. Impaired metabolism, which can be improved with green tea.
  3. Genetic predisposition, if your parents or close relatives had a similar problem, the likelihood that it may appear in you is very high.
  4. Stress, lack of sleep and similar things lead to the fact that you can gain weight.
  5. Lifestyle. Smoking, alcohol and other bad habits lead to excess weight.
  6. Sexual problems.

Everyone’s idea of ​​what a normal weight should be is different, in particular for a person who has already lost weight, which is why a special formula was created. To calculate your healthy weight, you need to subtract 100 from your height and subtract another 5 - 10% from the amount that turned out. For example, your height is 175 centimeters, 175 – 100 = 75 and minus 10%, 75 – 7.5 = 67.5 kg. If the weight is a couple of kilograms more or less, this is not a problem. Do not forget that your weight can fluctuate within certain limits depending on your physique. At a fairly respectful age, it is practically impossible to remove belly fat and problem areas on the body, but many believe that a strong weight loss spell will help them, especially during the waning moon.


Ancient tribes began to use magic to eliminate everyday problems (they caused rain, etc.); in the Middle Ages, witches appeared who began to cast spells for their own purposes, causing harm not only to others, but also to themselves. It is believed that at that time only black magic was used and the concept of white did not even exist. The use of magic is an ancient custom.

In our time, three currents have appeared: white magic, black magic and gray magic. There are many thoughts about their distinction, both correct and absolutely stupid. The main difference is considered to be that white magicians turn in their prayers to white gods and call on angels and saints, while a black magician asks for help from Satan, the devil and other dark forces. In black magic there is also a process of repayment; for the help of dark forces they need to give something, for example, a coin or a comb.

Also, some call gray magic one of the directions (a magician can turn to both dark and light forces), but this issue is very controversial. Before turning to magic, you need to know that everything has its consequences and if done incorrectly, you can not only not get rid of the problem, but also make it worse. Rituals aimed at improving a person’s physical condition (treatment of diseases, improvement of physical fitness) are considered the safest. Getting rid of a couple of extra pounds at home using magic is a fairly new and effective way.

Rules of magical rituals

Before performing rituals to lose weight, you need to adhere to some rules:

  1. Be sure to check the dates of the ceremony with the lunar calendar.
  2. It is necessary that at the time of the ceremony you are completely alone in the room and nothing distracts you.
  3. It is better to memorize rituals for losing weight and maintaining a good figure; if you do not have this opportunity, then it is better to write them down on a separate sheet (it does not matter whether this ritual is white or black).
  4. Even despite the trusting relationship you have with your family, it is better not to reveal your little secrets to them.
  5. You need to read the text of the conspiracies clearly, without being distracted, without laughing or saying unnecessary words.
  6. When reading a weight loss plot, it is very important to visualize and imagine your own figure in the future without flaws.
  7. You should read all conspiracies on an empty stomach, and a couple of days before the ceremony, it is advisable to reduce the amount of food you take.
  8. If the ritual is performed incorrectly, weight loss conspiracies do not have negative consequences, but these things should not be taken lightly.

In our case, we will not use black magic. Our rituals are based on conspiracies to lose weight using water, which are not aimed at making an appeal to otherworldly forces. This is more likely to be attributed to your brain and body's own inspiration for action. Is it possible to lose weight using spells? Quite, they help perfectly if you put a little effort into it. The most favorable time of day for the ceremony is night.

Lesson 12 Ritual for losing weight using water, reducing appetite

We are losing weight quickly. Weight loss conspiracy. Conspiracies for the waning moon.

The most powerful conspiracies. Water spell. Attracting good luck.

Conspiracy for weight loss using melt water.

Weight loss spell before bed.

The most effective water spells for weight loss or Minus 25 kilos per month

Weight loss spell before bed

How to drink water to lose weight? 3 secrets from world nutritionists - Everything will be fine. Issue 767 from 2.03.16

Weight loss conspiracies, losing weight without dieting.

Lesson 10 A very strong salt spell for quick weight loss

Prayers and conspiracies for weight loss are most often based on rituals involving water. It has been scientifically proven that it has its own energy and has the ability to accumulate energy (both positive and negative). The power that holy water has helps not only maintain balance in the body, but also health. It is very often used for magical rituals, since it is believed that water not only preserves information, but also has the property of transmitting it. During the flow, water takes the energy of the Cosmos and transfers it to earthly space.

No wonder it is believed that cool holy water washes away all dark energy from our body. As an example, we can cite a popular holiday - Maundy Thursday. Holy water is not stored in iron or ceramic containers; only glass (glass cup) is suitable for use. The same properties are found in green tea.

In order to carry out the ceremony, it is very important to know several instructions:

  1. You need to clearly know what you want and what effect you want to achieve.
  2. You know all the subtleties and consequences of performing the ritual.
  3. They definitely decided that they would resort to the help of magic.

Removing fat using a water spell

There are many conspiracies for weight loss and whispers: for honey, apples, and most importantly, for water. Below are several options on how to lose weight using a conspiracy. Such methods do not completely solve your problem, but only help you achieve the desired result, and those who have already lost weight this way will confirm this. After the ceremony, you will not begin to rapidly lose weight, continuing to sit on the couch with food in your hands.

When losing weight, you definitely need to stick to proper nutrition, do some light physical activity, and still take care of yourself. But now it will be much easier for you to do such things. There are several options for water spells. You should choose the one that is more convenient for you. Most of the options are conspiracies for weight loss on the waning moon or with the waxing moon.

Among them: a magic spell with a candle, a spell with soap, an apple, the magic method of Natalia Stepanova, weight loss with onions, as well as valid Simoron prayers and much more. The biggest advantage of these methods is that they can be carried out without large financial costs or for free, as well as these rituals have already been time-tested. Some have a quick impact and act almost instantly. Also, their priority is that they can be carried out almost anywhere, in the toilet of an apartment or the bathhouse of a private house.

We talk and drink

The best candle spell for weight loss. You need to buy three candles and put them in the church. Then you need to go to the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and read an Orthodox prayer, cross yourself and go home. Afterwards, you need to buy 13 candles and three icons: Matrona, Jesus and the Wonderworker. Fill a large decanter of holy water at home, looking at it, you need to read a prayer and baptize yourself. This water should also be drunk in small sips. After it is completely drunk, you need to throw away absolutely all the things that you used for the ceremony. Anyone who wants to start this ritual should stop eating a lot of food before bed. In a week you will be able to see the result, as the effect is very strong.

Another powerful conspiracy for weight loss that has a quick effect. The ritual must be done on the full moon (it does not have to be performed in the dark, but on those days when the moon is full). You need to hang a mirror on the bathroom door, go into the bathroom and lock yourself there. Light 7 candles (you can secure them for convenience). After this, you need to undress and look at your figure in the mirror, while you need to imagine yourself completely without flaws and the way you dream of seeing the result and nothing else. Say a prayer, get dressed and extinguish each candle. This option is from a Siberian healer, but over time, it has undergone some changes.

How else can you make a water spell to lose weight? Pour water into a bowl or glass, saying this text:

“As the month goes by, I’m losing weight! And how he grows, he would take all my kilograms! Let everything unnecessary go away! For a month, sun, forest, and steppe! And it will remain there for centuries, for a person’s entire life!”

You need to lament at least seven times and let it stand for seven days in a dark closet. At night, when the moon disappears, drink part of it and continue to drink it the rest of the days. The ritual is performed on the waning moon; it is recommended to repeat it. After this prayer, one could notice that the person was rapidly losing weight and losing weight. Conspiracies to lose weight on the night of the waning moon are the strongest of the proposed options, since at that moment it is best to get rid of something. At this time, analysis of one’s own state and purification occurs.

Spells for bathing

On the waning moon, we take a hot bath for bathing and put our own pectoral cross in it (the effect improves if you often wear this item in everyday life). After some time, we take out the cross from there and pour in one cup (glass) of milk and holy water. You need to pour in the petals of three roses (of different varieties) and put a thread 15 cm long. Stay in the bathroom until the body temperature is above water temperature. Afterwards you need to read the disclaimer:

“Voditsa, listen to me. Don’t be cloudy and don’t boil, help me quickly. After the cross, do it so that I lose weight. Wash me, cover me with petals. I’ll be beautiful everywhere.”

Then you can leave the bathroom.

When draining the water, we recite the text:

“Go away, take everything heavy from me, put it under the black stones, and keep it there for a thousand years.”

When bathing, you can only use soap. You can also cross it with a candle before taking a bath. We take the thread out of the bathroom and tie it wet on our right hand (wear it until it breaks). We collect the petals and put them on a white cloth, bury this bundle under a tree that has dried up. This prayer must be read on the new moon and repeated at least three times. This ritual has several variations, in this version roses can be used in one color, in other variations it is necessary that the roses be of three different colors (who wants which ones), the length of the thread can vary from 15 to 20 centimeters, and milk can also be used replace with cream.

There is another effective method for losing excess weight. For this conspiracy to lose weight, we will need a bowl of spring water (or holy water), which must be cold. We add it to the bath and read the hex:

“The dear fat man walked, he ate baked goods, and sang songs. He drank a lot and sweated a lot. When he came home, he lost weight. That’s how I (name) am losing weight.”

and lie down in the bath (cross yourself with a candle before doing this). After bath procedures, when you flush the water, you need to say this disclaimer:

“Water, quickly leave, take everything unnecessary from me. Darling, help me, don’t miss me. Go under the stones, stay there forever.”

Losing weight during the waning moon is very effective, especially if you need to lose weight in your stomach or legs.

The hex-prayer that our grandmothers used for their beauty will be very useful for girls. The prayer must be read when bathing in a steam room or bath; only you and no one else should be in the room. As soon as you approach the threshold of the bathhouse, you need to say these words:

“The black man walked along the road, prayed, and ate bread! He sweated and lost weight along the way! I wish I could lose so much weight!”

This text will need to be spoken at least three times, as well as during the bathing process. As for personal hygiene products, during the ritual in the bathhouse, only soap is allowed to be used. The ritual has helped many people lose weight.

The most difficult option, according to the comments of those who did it, but a very effective and powerful conspiracy to lose weight, has an almost instant effect - with the first star, you need to pour spring water into a basin, look at it and say:

“My fat goes away with a month, take away my weight, a month, may I be slim and thin.”

You need to say this text twelve times, then you need to stamp your right foot three times, turn around and leave this place (in this case, under no circumstances should you turn around and look). Many girls, when using this spell, said that when they left the water, it seemed to them that someone was calling them. As was written earlier, you can’t turn around at this voice, in order to get a little distracted, you can read the “Our Father” prayer. The ritual must be performed on the waning moon.

Alternative to water

You can often hear a lot of good things about green tea. Prayer with tea has a good effect. When the sun rises, prepare strong green tea, as soon as the water is warm, before drinking it, you need to say at least seven times:

“Tea, wash me of excess weight, remove fat from my body and give me slimness quickly.”

Afterwards, you need to immediately drink all the liquid, while saying “Our Father” in your thoughts. This ritual is relatively new; it needs to be done on a new month or with a waxing moon. Tea must be green.

To cast a spell to lose weight on your stomach or back, you will need holy water. It is also necessary to collect this water yourself, since water from the wrong hands can lead to negative consequences. You need to say this text over water before going to bed and after that you need to drink it and use it when preparing food.

“I’ll drink this water and ask my sister for help. Help me, water, fill my body with health and beauty. Remove unnecessary weight from my arms, legs, neck and sides. I’ll be nice and lose weight.”

How else to speak to water? Early in the morning, when the moon is waning, you need to fill half the bowl with water and say three times:

“Take off the kilos so that my beauty remains, and all the excess is removed, and my body improves.”

When losing weight, this ritual should be carried out every day for a month. This option received a lot of positive reviews, some lost 4 kilograms, some even more. The simplest ritual that has helped many who have done it.

Conspiracies from Vanga

Many people know about the former existence of the soothsayer and healer Vanga. This strongest method for losing weight belongs to her. The conspiracy must be carried out on the full moon, during the waning moon. When saying prayers, it is very important to imagine yourself with an ideal figure; it is also not advisable to use those rituals that contain negative words. Of course, it’s better to replace a hearty dinner with an apple and not drink alcohol.

For the plot, we need a knotted (or regular) thread. It must be carried out 11 days before the second moonrise. You need to read this text fourteen times in a row at 00:00 over a blue woolen thread, which is then tied in a figure eight on the fourth and third fingers on your left hand, the thread must be carried for at least ten days, then burned. Water is drunk on an empty stomach after sleep and before going to bed, three small sips.

“The month is walking across the sky, it will reach the turn, From the turn of the day the month will begin to decrease, From the new day the month will melt, the month will come to an end, It will take away my fullness.”

Also, to carry out these rituals, you can use a thread of a different color, for example, a red thread (items in green also have a good effect), after which weight loss occurs quickly.

Another effective ritual can be performed using a comb. You need to start at the beginning of the month, on the 1st. Early in the morning or afternoon, buy a comb and two church candles. Place the comb on the table and light each candle. The room needs to be dark, looking at the comb you need to dream about a beautiful figure. Say the written text up to three times:

“The comb combs out the lice, so the fullness goes away! The nits will evaporate and the weight will come! The pig gets fatter and fatter, but his figure gets thinner!”

It is impossible for strangers to enter the apartment in the next three days.

Salt spell, a new method from the famous healer Natalya Stepanova. She advises you to come up with a spell yourself and read it over salt, which you can then safely eat. Natalya Stepanovna’s method is very easy, simple, and effective to use, with which you can quickly lose weight. This, at first glance, the most common ritual has helped many famous people get rid of extra pounds, and the plus is that you don’t need to drink a lot of water.

Soap rituals are quite common. To do this, you need to buy the simplest new soap and read a prayer over it, then cross it three times with a candle. You only need to use it for a whole month. It's the old-fashioned way, but it helped many who did it.

Other rituals

There are other conspiracies, for example, for food: for a comb, potatoes, tea, honey, apple, salt and even a pig (a pig is associated with a fat person). Many girls performed rituals using onions and bread. Church holidays, such as Ivan Kupala, can also benefit from rituals held on Trinity, Easter and the first days of July. It is not advisable to perform magical processes on Muslim holidays.

Anyone who wants can use clean melt water in winter. Also, despite the misconception about such rituals (it is generally accepted that they relate to black magic and damage is caused with it), a Voodoo doll is also quite often used in weight loss rituals. Many girls, over time, also use food as a preventive measure to protect themselves from weight gain and extra pounds.

Above were rituals and rituals that quickly act and quickly help, as the reviews showed. With their help, quite often people who do not have their own time lose weight and therefore perform rituals to quickly lose weight (many rituals can even be performed in the toilet or bathhouse). In many rituals you need to use a candle, since this church attribute has a significant influence on the rituals.

Is there a result?

There is an opinion that you cannot lose weight with the help of conspiracies. Indeed, a reasonable question for a modern person is how true this is. Much depends on the inner faith and strength of the reader, on your desire and, of course, the correctness of the ritual.

Over time, the girls who performed the rituals share their impressions. When you go to a beauty forum and read reviews about weight loss conspiracies (who helped, which helped, etc.), you can come across a wide variety of them. In this case, those who lost weight can be divided exactly in half, since exactly 50% of the girls showed results within a week or two. The remaining 50% unanimously said that it is impossible to get rid of extra pounds using spells. The smallest part of the audience chose not to resort to weight loss conspiracies at all, in order to avoid the consequences and resorted to choosing another means.

Every girl wants and dreams of maintaining youth for as long as possible, which is why it is very important to take care of your own figure and the physical condition of your body. To do this, you need to eat right, stick to a routine, avoid stressful situations and, of course, have a little physical activity to lose fat. If you have a strong desire to lose a couple of extra kilos, then nothing can stop this; taken together, all the measures work very well. Many who have lost weight have repeatedly noted that it is very important to drink a lot of clean water or tea (green tea contains many vitamins and elements).

A conspiracy to lose weight is a proven and quite popular method that can have a strong impact. It is very important to have the right attitude and remember to lead the right lifestyle.

It’s not for nothing that the weight loss plot is so popular. After all, what do people come up with to get rid of a few kilograms!

Here you have different diets and special gymnastics. Some limit themselves for years, achieve the desired weight, and then break down and gain it again.

And there are some who are so persistent that you are simply amazed. Often the struggle with weight turns into an idea - a fix. A person thinks only about this, only strives for this, as if there are no other goals in life. One horror!

In fact, everything is much simpler!

The kilograms (the predisposition to them) do not sit in the food, but in the head. Until you correct the mistake inherent in life once upon a time, nothing will help.

This is what justifies success. They do not affect the loss of kilograms, but the restoration of the correct worldview.

People who practice conspiracies admit that they are gradually changing. They already have a completely different attitude towards life. And the kilograms disappear somewhere, unnoticed.

For example, you can use this method.

  1. The candle must be melted in a metal container;
  2. Take warm wax and roll it into a ball;
  3. Hold it in your hands and say:

“Just as wax melts from fire, so my body melts, the kilograms fly away. Just as you can mold any figure out of wax, you can drive anything out of my body! I melt the wax and slim my body! I'm crumpling the wax, I'm thinning my body! I pour out the wax, I gain harmony! Amen!"

  1. Place the ball at the head of the head.
  2. You need to drown it every day, then read the plot.
  3. They do this for seven days in a row.
  4. On the eighth, the wax is melted and poured into a trash can with the words:

“Go away the kilos, stay slim, and thin forever! Amen!"

Water spell

They say that effective weight loss spells are impossible. Not at all like that!

They only have one feature. To make it work you need to repeat it many times.

So it is with the conspiracy to lose weight with water. It is recommended to read it every day, tirelessly, until you reach the desired weight.

It happens that it works the first time if a person has the innate powers of a real magician.

  1. Early in the morning, pour half a glass of clean water.
  2. Read these words on it:

“Half is there, the other is not, so I should keep what’s mine and remove the excess! Amen!"

  1. We drink water. This needs to be done for at least a month. And it is advisable not to stop until the desired result is achieved.

On the waning moon

The ritual is performed in red clothes. Any toilet item will do.

Girls share their reviews and observations, saying that underwear works best (closer to the body, probably).

Stand in the moonlight, say three times:

“The full moon is beautiful and happy. And I’m rich and happy with my slimness. I give kilograms to the moon (name how many extra you think there are) for joy, so that her face is full, and my lot is slim! Red connected us, and removed excess fat! Amen!"

And before the full moon, check your weight.

If the result is not satisfactory, then repeat the ritual. Most often, this is no longer required (of course, if you are not obese).

For quick weight loss

These rituals also exist. Their effectiveness is maximum! But there are some restrictions!

Effective weight loss conspiracies can lead to complete loss of appetite.

And this, in turn, can have a detrimental effect on health.

And don’t expect that all fifty kilograms of fat will go away in a week. This is unrealistic. Magic is not a method of suicide, but a method of gaining harmony.

Do you need to lose a couple of kilograms in a few days, but not get sick? Then you can use a conspiracy to lose weight quickly. Read it on:

“Hunger has no way! I’ll lock him in the horns of the moon so that he doesn’t know his way to me. I’ll put you in a golden cage so that he won’t dare touch me! I'll throw it to the moon so that you leave me! There will be no hunger, no break in my body! Hunger to live in a lunar hut, but far from me, on the other side! Amen!"

Effect of a weight loss spell

There are many effective conspiracies for losing weight. All of them are quite effective.

But there are some questions that beginner magicians often ask.

  • Some don't quite understand what's going on;
  • Others want to achieve their desired shape in the morning, which makes them not believe in the power of magic.

All this needs to be removed from your head.

Conspiracies work on a subtle level. Naturally, a person does not feel how he is losing weight. He changes his attitude towards life.

After all, excess weight has a specific reason. Most often it is defenselessness. A person internally believes that there are only enemies around, so the body “builds bastions.”

And a conspiracy transforms such an internal conviction into a positive one. The body obeys and burns fat. It definitely works, just unnoticeably.

Only after some time does a person realize that he has stopped being confused by his fears. I began to perceive life more positively. It turns out that there are a lot of good, kind people around and so on.

This constant question still escapes my mind: “ How to lose weight?»

Once a person wakes up, he realizes that there are other, more interesting goals. This is how the inner world is reoriented completely imperceptibly. And kilograms, obeying the new logic, also leave their owner.

The question should be answered like this:

It all depends on individual characteristics.

For some, results appear within a few days, while others have to wait longer. It is important not to interfere with the magic to work. Don’t try to return to the “old” inner world.

Read the plot and forget it. Believe that the problem is solved, then everything will go faster. You will surprise yourself!

Trying to achieve a goal, a person can even resort to things that seem useless and have no reason to believe in them. The category of such methods includes conspiracies and rituals for weight loss, carried out at home according to the lunar calendar or on days significant in paganism. A number of reviews raise doubts about the “emptiness” of this method of losing weight and interest in the effect it has. Is there any point in magical rituals performed independently and how do they work?

What is a ritual for losing weight

Love spells, lapels, conspiracies, slander - all these manifestations of pagan magic were the main way to influence the situation in antiquity and the Middle Ages. Traditional healers treated more with words - not with medicine, and it worked. After the spread of Christianity, the church began to deny magical rituals as “games of demons,” psychics, fortune tellers, and other representatives of this group were recognized as “devilish spawn.” However, the church prayers that people began to entrust themselves to have the same nature as conspiracies.

The essence of these rituals for weight loss is the same:

  • Any ritual during which a person needs to pronounce (read) a certain text is neuro-linguistic programming (abbreviated as “NLP”) - modeling and cultivating faith in a successful situation. To put it simply, any ritual for losing weight is self-hypnosis.
  • If a person does not believe in what he says or hears, he will not see a positive result. All “magic” helps not by action, but by faith.

Regarding women's attempts to lose weight using magic at home, we need to clarify: conspiracies or rituals can change the principle of thinking, adjust some eating habits, make you fall in love with initially unloved food and vice versa, give motivation and the desire to change. However, no weight loss ritual will act like a magic wand that burns fat: without additional effort, it becomes an empty affair.

Black Rite

The danger of such rituals is payment or “kickback,” as experts call it. In terms of effectiveness, any ritual for losing weight using black magic is more powerful than using white magic, but the consequences can be more serious. You have to pay for a generous gift, so if you suddenly lose 5 kg in a week, this will be compensated by getting another problem, and it is unknown in what area: health, work, family, etc. The reason for this is the form of influence: black rituals work through exchange. Your extra pounds are transferred to someone else, rather than dissolving into emptiness.

White Rite

The rituals of light (in other sources - creative) magic are relatively safe, since the one who is influenced does not take away the good from a third party and does not transfer evil to him. However, white rituals for weight loss do not work as quickly as black ones: they, like fairy-tale helpers, give direction, a hint, but the person must do the rest on their own.

Effective conspiracies and rituals

Experts are confident that the most effective conspiracies are those in which a person does not deny what he wants to remove, but confirms the desired goal. That is, if you intend to lose weight, you form a mental image of an already slim figure and correct eating habits, and do not repeat to yourself “I am not overweight.” The subconscious mind skips all the particles “no” and “not” and therefore accepts the opposite phrase. In addition, remember that even black magic is only a help, but not a sorceress who does everything for you, so the listed rituals and conspiracies must be supported by action.

How to perform a ritual for weight loss

At home, a woman has access to many effective spells and rituals, but their effectiveness depends on following certain rules. Any magical sacrament requires adherence to canons created centuries ago. The “Golden Three” looks like this:

  • The basic rule, without which weight loss magic will not work, is maintaining secrecy. You need to remain silent about the very idea of ​​losing weight. One of the reasons is the possibility of the evil eye: even a person who is not your envious person can unintentionally “deactivate” the sacrament with his own thought.
  • All rituals that require reading something should be performed facing the sun and, if possible, in an open area in order to see it. In a city apartment you can sit by the window or even on the balcony; in a private house you should go outside. In the morning, conspiracies are read with the face facing east, and at night (or evening) - facing west.
  • Experts in the field of magical arts claim that the most effective rituals are those performed at the beginning of the week, i.e. on Monday, or at the end - on Friday. Weekends are not affected. The explanation for this is simple: a new life begins with a blank page, which opens when a new week is before you. They get rid of everything with the last leaf, which marks Friday.

On the waning moon

If you want to remove something from your life, then you need to perform the sacraments to achieve your goal when the moon begins to wane. Just as her “pieces” gradually disappear, contributing to her rebirth, so a person gets rid of the excess, striving for the same thing. It is important to learn all the words of spells and prayers by heart, i.e. words should not be read from a sheet, but come from the head. You can repeat it until the new moon, every evening, and on the next waning moon, if you still continue to lose weight, perform the ritual again.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Choose a night when the waning moon is visible.
  2. Remove all metal jewelry, including the cross.
  3. Go outside (the balcony is not suitable), turn around and face the moon.
  4. Slowly, with understanding of the words, say the following phrase several times: “As you, moon, decrease, ten fats disappear from me.”

On a candle

The principle of operation is to establish a connection between fatty deposits and wax. The last one needs to be melted, and this will affect the figure. You see the weight loss process with your own eyes and project the same process onto yourself, only taking into account a slower speed. The ceremony should take place on the full moon, and preparations will have to be made 7 days before. The procedure is like this:

  1. Buy some wax church candles. Melt everything except the first one.
  2. Roll as many small balls from soft wax as kilograms you want to lose.
  3. Gather them into a large ball and place them under your pillow.
  4. You need to sleep on this “accumulation of fat” for a week, and on a full moon, melt a piece of wax over a church candle, imagining that it is your kilograms that are melting.
  5. In the morning, bury it in the ground or throw it down the toilet. Repeat until the new moon or until the entire ball melts.

Maundy Thursday

Church holidays are also associated with many rituals belonging to white magic. The ritual for losing weight here is a trip to the bathhouse to start the process of “distilling” fat along with sweat. In a city apartment, you can use “Thursday water”, always in the evening, imagining how it washes away excess weight from you and strengthens your will.

On Palm Sunday

An important Orthodox holiday, from which it is easier for a person to start a new life (and this also applies to losing weight) is Palm Sunday, with which a lot of rituals are associated. In the morning, imagining a clear mental image of a slender figure, you need to eat 3 willow buds. All day they eat light food, and in the evening, at sunset, drink a glass of holy water in small sips and repeat: “St. Paul waved the willow, drove away illnesses from me!” Amen". Excess weight is a health problem, so magical actions are aimed at restoring it.

On the water

For this ancient ritual for weight loss, church water and 3 candles from the same place are used. It is necessary to carry out during the waning of the moon. The procedure is like this:

  1. Light the candles, take a glass of water in your hands.
  2. Look either at the fire or at the liquid in front of you for a minute.
  3. Read to yourself: “Voditsa-voditsa, take the weight, flow through the stones.”
  4. Put out the fire with your fingers, wash your hands with water outside and pour the rest into the ground.

For green tea

There are no difficulties with this ritual, but you need a very strong belief in your own strengths and results. It can be done every day, the phase of the moon does not matter. The scheme is like this:

  1. Make a simple green tea drink.
  2. Holding the mug in front of you, whisper: “I’m drinking hot tea, let the rattling fat come off.”

With red thread

To perform a simple and effective magical ritual, you only need a sheet of paper, a piece of red woolen thread and patience. They carry out this ritual for losing weight on Thursday evening, writing the following on paper (preferably in pencil) in a column: “Vitosap, Anazapta, Ohola, 13 25 79, Siritanos.” The paper is rolled up, tied with a thread and placed in the ground, imagining how the excess weight disappears from your eyes along with it. The kilograms will begin to disappear from the moment the thread rots.

On honey

Honey conspiracies are carried out before dawn, when the moon is still visible. You need to prepare a jar of fresh honey (about a glass in volume), place it in front of you on the windowsill and, mentally turning to the sun, in your own words formulate a request for weight loss, which will be helped by healing honey. When the sun's rays hit the jar, you can remove it, and eat a teaspoon of this honey on an empty stomach every morning.

Video: oil ritual for weight loss

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