Short games and competitions for Father Frost and Snow Maiden with children at home, in kindergarten and school. Adult Santa Claus games for corporate events

Funny, amusing competitions will allow you to have a good rest and have fun at new year party. For presenters tasked with organizing the entertainment part, we offer original selection games, competitions and quizzes for a festive corporate party scenario!

To make the New Year's holiday more successful, we have made for you a selection of the most interesting competitions and fun.


To begin with, we propose to include in the program New Year's corporate party At work there are cool competitions at the table.

What will Santa Claus give?

Attributes: small pieces of paper, pens (or pencils).

Before sitting down to the festive table, guests receive a small piece of paper and write down what gift they would like to wish for themselves in the new year. This could be, for example, new flat, car, dog, travel, money, lover...

The leaves are rolled up into a tube and placed in a beautiful box, a hat... At some point in the evening, the presenter asks everyone to pull out an arbitrary piece of paper and find out what good Santa Claus has prepared for him for next year. Everyone has different desires, so it will be fun! And your wish will come true if you save the piece of paper until next holiday, and then tell about what happened.

You can attach the leaves with threads to a rope/fishing line and then, as you did in childhood, blindfolded and using scissors, cut off your wish. Another variation is to link notes to balloons and distribute to those present.

I want, I want, I want!... Branded want

Another game about wishes. But this time without attributes.

5-7 volunteers are called. They take turns naming their wish for next year. You need to speak quickly, without holding up the line! Stopping for more than 5 seconds means the player is eliminated. We play until we win – until the last player! (Small prize possible).

Let's raise a glass! New Year's toasts

When guests get bored in the midst of a feast, invite them not just to fill their glasses, but to make a toast or congratulations to everyone present.

There are two conditions - each speech must be one sentence long and begin with the letters of the alphabet in order!

For example:

  • A - I am absolutely sure that the new year will be the best!
  • B - Be healthy and happy!
  • Q – In general, I’m glad to be with you today!
  • G - Pride bursts at the sight of those gathered at this table!..

The most fun moment is when the letters e, e, yu, y, s come into play.

Game option: each next toast begins with the last letter of the previous congratulation. For example: “I’m very glad if you support me with applause! “And all the best to you...” To complicate things, you can prohibit starting a toast with prepositions, conjunctions and interjections.

“I’ll sing about Frost!” Compose a ditty

During the evening, those who wish must write and then present to the audience a ditty, which contains New Year’s words or themes pre-set by the presenter. It could be " New Year, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden."

You can compose awkward songs - with the last line unrhymed, but maintaining the given rhythm of the ditty. Example:

Hello, red Santa Claus
you brought us gifts!
The most important thing is ten days
Let's just relax.

Snow news

Attributes: Cards with word-nouns. There are 5 completely unrelated nouns written on the cards. It is advisable to include at least 1 winter word there.

The participant draws out a card, reads out loud the given words and within 30 seconds (although if those present at the party are already, well, very tired, then 1 minute is possible) comes up with a news story from one sentence. And all the words from the card should fit in it.

Nouns can be turned into other parts of speech (adjectives, verbs, adverbs...) and changed as you like, and the news must certainly be interesting and funny.

You can start the news with the words “Sensation!”

For example:

  • 1 card – “road, chair, roof, bicycle, snowman.” Sentence - “Outside the city, a huge snowman with a broken roof was discovered on a road bike with a chair instead of a seat!”
  • Card 2 – “fence, sound, ice floe, shop, Christmas tree.” Sentence - “Near the store, under the fence, someone left a Christmas tree with sounding pieces of ice.”

Try this: it will be even more interesting if you prepare a lot of cards, where one different word will be written, and the players themselves will draw out the 5 words they get.

Fun guaranteed!

I like/don't like my neighbor

The game does not require any improvised means! But requires a sufficient degree of emancipation or relaxed relationships in the team.

The presenter invites everyone present to name which part of the body (can be clothing) they like about the person sitting on the left, and which they don’t like. For example: “I like my neighbor on the right left ear and I don’t like the bulging pocket.”

After everyone has named and remembered what was said, the presenter asks to kiss (or stroke) what they like and bite (or spank) what they don’t like.

Not everyone can play, but only 6-8 brave ones are called into the circle.

Our friend is orange!

This game can be played on New Year's holiday in the office only if all colleagues know each other well. Or at least everyone has a friend or girlfriend in the team.

The presenter thinks of a person from those present at the table. And the participants, with the help of leading questions, try to guess who it is.

But questions are not simple - they are associations! Whoever guesses first wins.

The questions are something like this:

  • — What fruit/vegetable does it look like? - For an orange.
  • — What food is it associated with? - With pies.
  • - With what animal? - With a mole.
  • — With what music? - With choral singing.
  • - With what flower?
  • - With what plant?
  • - By car?
  • - Color?
  • — Part of the world?

Yin-yang cones

Attributes: 2 cones - one painted white, the other black. If you have nothing to paint with, you can wrap them with colored ones. woolen threads the desired color.

The course of the fun: a host is selected from among the guests, who will have these two cones. They are signals of his answers, because he is not allowed to speak at all. He thinks of a word, and the others, with the help of leading questions, try to guess what he has in mind.

The whole secret is that he can only silently show: YES - this is a white lump, NO - black. If neither this nor that, he can lift both at once.

The first one to guess correctly wins.

Instead of cones, you can take multi-colored ones Christmas balls. But you need to be careful with glass ones, especially if the presenter has already drunk a couple of glasses of champagne.

Associations on paper. Broken telephone associations

Attributes of the players: paper and pen.

The first person writes any noun word on his piece of paper and speaks it quietly into his neighbor’s ear. He comes up with his own association for this word, writes it down and whispers it to the next person.

This is how associations are transmitted along the chain... The last one speaks out loud the word given to him. It is compared with the original source and it is fun to find out at which link in the chain of associations the failure occurred: everyone reads out their nouns.

funny neighbor

Any number of guests can play.

We stand in a circle, and the driver begins: he performs an action with his neighbor that will make him laugh. He can take him by the ear, pat him on the shoulders, tap him on the nose, flick his arm, touch his knee... That's it, those standing in a circle must repeat the same movement with your neighbor/neighbor.

The one who laughs is eliminated.

Then the driver makes the next movement, everyone repeats. If no one laughed, new movement. And so on until the last “Nesmeyana”.

New Year's rhyme machine

The driver reads out little-known New Year/winter quatrains. But he only says the first 2 lines out loud.

The rest are invited to take part in a competition for the best rhymer.

Guests come up with and rhyme the last two lines. Then the funniest one is chosen and original poet, and then the original poem is read out amid general laughter and joy.

Drawing competition “I see, I see the New Year!”

Those who wish are given A-4 sheets of free-form lines and markers. Everyone has the same image (copier can help you).

The task is to complete a picture on a New Year's theme.

Of course, everyone knows who in the team is best versed in painting. So he or she will evaluate the results. Whoever is more interesting is the winner! There can be many winners - it’s a holiday!


Nimble cone

Attributes: pine or fir cones.

Progress of the game: guests can either sit at the table or stand in a circle (if they have been sitting too long by this time). The task is to pass the pine cone to each other. The condition is that you can transmit it only by holding it on the back of your two palms. Try it, it's quite difficult... But also fun!

You can also divide into equal teams, and whichever one hands over its cone faster wins.

My Frost is the most beautiful!

You will need various items such as: garlands, funny hats, scarves, beads, ribbons. socks, mittens, women's bags... Two or three ladies who want to be in the role of the Snow Maiden for a few minutes each choose a man to turn him into Father Frost.

From items prepared in advance on the table, the Snow Maidens create a cheerful image of their hero. In principle, you can end here by choosing the most successful and funniest model...

The Snow Maiden can take snowflakes for herself, which will help with the “design” of Santa Claus and with advertising.

Snow paths

This is a very good game to match matches for later New Year's competitions.

Attributes: colored ribbons in winter shades (blue, light blue, silver...). Length 4-5 meters. It is necessary to cut the ribbons in half in advance and sew them together, mixing up the halves.

3-4 pairs of players are called. The presenter holds a basket/box, to which lie multi-colored ribbons, the ends of which hang down.

Presenter: “On New Year’s Day, the paths were covered with snow... The blizzard mixed up the paths in Santa Claus’s house. We need to untangle them! In pairs, each grab the end of the tape that you like and pull the track towards you. The couple that draws their ribbon before the others will receive a prize!”

Players choose a pair and the color of the ribbon, expecting that there will be a single ribbon at the ends of the same color. But the fun is that the ribbons are sewn in different ways, and completely unexpected pairs are formed.

Happy people train

Everyone loves round dances: both small and large (and those who are embarrassed to admit it)!

Give your guests a round dance-train. It is clear that vacationers at a party may find it difficult to motivate themselves to participate in an active competition, so come up with something for them branded slogans.

— Now those who are attached to the train are
a) desires great wealth for himself,
b) wants to be loved,
c) who wants a lot of health,
d) who dreams of traveling to the sea, etc.

The host drives the train around the hall, it fills and fills with guests. And when it is clear that no one else can be pulled out from behind the tables, train dance moves are arranged (the host can show them) to daring music.

New Year's fixed deposit

Attributes: candy wrapper money.

Two pairs are selected, each with a man and a woman. It is advisable for the men to be dressed approximately the same (if one has a jacket, then the other should also wear a jacket).

Dear women, the New Year is approaching, and you need to make a fixed-term deposit in the bank. Here's some money for you (each of the women is given a pack of candy wrappers). These are initial payments. You will put them in the bank on a super fixed deposit. Your men are your banks. Only one condition - each “bill” is in a separate cell! Pockets, sleeves, collars, lapels and other secluded places can become cells. Contributions can be made while the music is playing. Just remember where you put your money. Let's start!

The task is given 1-2 minutes.

- Attention! Intermediate check: whoever managed to make a full investment (not a single candy wrapper left in their hands) receives an additional point. All the money is in business!

- And now, dear depositors, you must quickly withdraw cash - after all, we know that it was a super quick deposit. Each of you will be filming blindfolded, but you will always remember what you put and where. Music! Let's start!

The trick is that the men are swapped, and the women, blindfolded, “search” someone else’s partner without knowing it. Everyone has fun!

We are actors no matter what!

Those who wish to participate are given cards with tasks. None of them knows in advance what they will have to face.

The presenter announces that the participants need to take a walk in front of everyone, depicting what is written on the cards. Here is a sample list:

  • tightrope walker over the abyss,
  • duck in the yard,
  • teenager with a stalled bike,
  • shy girl,
  • shy Japanese woman in a kimono in the rain,
  • baby starting to walk,
  • heron in the swamp,
  • Joseph Kobzon at a performance
  • policeman at the market,
  • hare along the path,
  • model on the catwalk,
  • arab sheikh,
  • cat on the roof, etc.

The tasks can be supplemented and expanded with any ideas.

Funny joke “Bear in a den or slow-witted spectators”

Attention: only played once!

The presenter invites anyone who wants to perform a pantomime, takes him to separate room and gives him a “secret” task - portray without words bear (hare or kangaroo).

Meanwhile, the presenter's assistant negotiates with the others NOT to understand his body movements.

The volunteer returns and begins to show the selected animal with movements and gestures. The guests pretend that they do not understand and call anything but the person they are shown.

- Does he waddle around? Yes, this is the platypus (lame fox, tired boar)!
- Licking his paw? The cat is probably washing itself.

It happens that the person portraying is surprised by the guests’ lack of understanding and begins to get angry: “Are you so stupid? It's so simple! And if he shows hellish patience, shows it again and again - he has nerves of iron! But this also amuses the employees gathered at the party. There is no need to delay. When the player begins to run out of imagination and patience, you can guess the correct animal.

3. Music competitions

Can you imagine the New Year without music, songs and dances? That's right, no! For additional entertainment and fun, many music games-competitions for a New Year's corporate party.

Scene “Clip-song”

This is the most creative musical fun for a New Year's corporate evening.

Prepare musical accompaniment in advance: songs about Santa Claus, a Christmas tree, the Snow Maiden... and simple attributes that will help the players dress up (beads, hats, felt boots, scarves...)

The task is to make a corporate video for the song “The Little Christmas Tree Is Cold in Winter.” We need an operator who will shoot a video clip on camera.

Participants, to the accompaniment of songs, begin to depict all the actions that are sung about: “the little gray bunny was jumping under the Christmas tree” - the hero is jumping, “they hung the beads” - the team hangs the beads on an improvised living “Christmas tree”.

You can divide into two teams (employees and female employees) and each will shoot their own video. It is advisable to display the results on big screen and compare. Award the winners branded souvenirs or applause.

Competition "Lazy Dancing"

The players sit in a circle on chairs and begin to dance to the cheerful New Year's music and song. But these are strange dances - no one gets up from their seats!

At the command of the leader, they dance with different parts of the body:

  • First we dance with our elbows!
  • Then shoulders
  • legs,
  • fingers,
  • lips,
  • eyes, etc.

The rest choose the coolest dance.

Upside down song

This funny game, which you can play at any time during the holiday. The presenter recites lines from a New Year/winter song, but with the words in reverse. Everyone's task is who is faster guess the original and sing it. The person who guesses correctly is given a chip (candy wrapper, candy, cone...) so that later it will be easier to count the winner in the entire competition.

The lines might look something like this:

— The birch tree died in the steppe. - The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree.
- The old month is slow, nothing will happen for a long time. - The New Year is rushing towards us, everything will happen soon.
— White, white steam rose on the ground. — Blue-blue frost lay on the wires.
- One gray donkey, one gray donkey. - Three white horses, three white horses.
— A brave white wolf was sitting on a baobab tree. - The cowardly gray bunny was jumping under the Christmas tree.
- Keep quiet, Santa Claus, where are you going? - Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been?
- Read me a book about 1 hour. - I’ll sing you a song about five minutes.
— The huge palm tree is hot in the summer. – The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.
— The weights were removed and left the chain. - They hung the beads and began to dance in a circle.
“I was running away from you, Snow Maiden, and wiped away a few sweet smiles.” - I was running after you, Santa Claus. I shed a lot of bitter tears.
- Oh, it’s hot, it’s hot, warm you up! Warm you and your camel. - Oh, frost-frost, don’t freeze me! Don't freeze me, my horse.
- Your worst acquisition is me. - My best gift is you.

Song competition “Musical hat of Santa Claus”

Attributes: put words from New Year's songs.

The players pass it around in a circle to the accompaniment of music. When the music stops, the person who received the hat at that moment takes out a card with the word and must remember/sing the piece of the song where it appears.

You can play in teams. Then the hat is passed from representative to representative of each team. You can limit the time it takes to complete a task and reward the team for every guess they make.

If you’re not sure that your guests are so quick-thinking, write not just one word, but a short phrase. Then it will be easier to remember the song!

Dance by candlelight

A dynamic, but at the same time very calm and gentle dance competition.

Turn on slow music and encourage couples to light sparklers and dance. The couple whose fire burns longer wins and will receive a prize.

If you want to add spice to your dance, choose tango!

An old song in a new way

Print the lyrics of famous (not even New Year's) songs and prepare musical accompaniment without words (karaoke music).

It could be Karabas Barabas, the Snow Maiden, an evil policeman, a kind Baba Yaga, or even your boss.

Quietly loud

Selected famous song, which all the guests begin to sing in chorus.

On the command “Quiet!” sing a song to themselves. On the command “Loud!” out loud again.

And since everyone sang at their own pace, the loud choir begins with different words. And this is repeated several times, amusing everyone.

4. Team

Team games for the New Year's corporate party will once again strengthen team spirit and solidarity, serving as unscheduled team building.

Competition - relay race "Felt boots of Santa Claus"

Attributes: 2 pairs of extra-large felt boots (or one).

This game is played around the tree or around chairs in teams.

Those playing, at the driver’s signal or the sound of music, put on large felt boots and race around the tree (chairs). If you only have one pair of such winter shoes, then let the teams compete against the clock.

With felt boots you can also come up with many different relay races: divide into teams and run, passing them on to each other as a team; carry with outstretched arms so as not to drop; put on felt boots and run backwards (it’s difficult to do this in big ones), etc. Imagine!

Don't drop the lump

Attributes: “snow” balls made from crumpled paper; large spoons (wooden possible).

Progress of the relay competition: two teams of equal numbers gather. At the command of the driver (or the sound of music), the first participants must quickly run back and forth across the room, carrying a lump in a spoon and trying not to drop it. Don’t choose too long routes - just make a circle around the tree.

The difficulty is that the paper is light and tends to fall off to the floor all the time.

They play until the last person running in the team. Whoever is first wins!

The office wishes you a Happy New Year

Attributes: 2-3 sheets of whatman paper (depending on how many teams are playing), newspapers, magazines, glue and scissors.

In 10-15 minutes, teams must cut out words from the paper they are offered, paste them onto a piece of paper and compose an original New Year’s greeting to those present.

It should be a small, funny text. You can supplement the poster with clippings of pictures from the suggested magazines.

The most creative congratulation wins.

Beads for Christmas tree

Offer the teams paper clips in large quantities (it is advisable to choose multi-colored plastic ones). Task: in the allotted time (5 minutes, no more), long chains are assembled to the accompaniment of pleasant music.

Whoever ends up with beads longer than their opponents, that team wins.

Gather a team or “Friendly Mosaic”

The competition requires little preparation. You need to photograph the teams, print the photo on a printer and cut it into small pieces. The teams' task is to put together a photo of their team in the minimum amount of time.

Those who complete their puzzle faster win.

Preferably so that the photos are large.

The snowman turns...

Two teams. Each has 4 participants and 8 balls (blue and white are possible). Each one has the large letters S_N_E_G_O_V_I_K written on it. The snowman “melts” and turns... into other words.

The driver asks simple riddles, and the players build guessed words from balls with letters.

  • Grows on the face. - Nose.
  • Banned from work. - Dream.
  • Candles are made from it. - Wax.
  • Prepared for the winter. - Hay.
  • Orange is preferred to tangerine. - Juice.
  • Difficult to get up in the morning. - Eyelids.
  • Where did it happen love affair at work? - Movie.
  • Snow woman's colleague. - Snowman.

The fastest players get points, and those with the most points win.

5. Bonus – competitions for an all-female team!

These games are suitable for a New Year's corporate party for doctors, teachers, or for a kindergarten.

Rope for the brave

This is a competition exclusively for adult company. The guests are divided into two equal teams.

At the driver’s signal and to the accompaniment of lively music, the players take off parts of their clothes in order to knit a long, very long rope from them.

When “Stop!” sounds, the visibly undressed participants begin to measure the length of their clothing chains.

The longest one wins!

Let's dress up for the New Year! or “Dark Outfit”

Two participants stand near their chest/box/basket, which contain different items of clothing. They are first blindfolded, and then they must put on everything from the chest as quickly as possible.

Speed ​​and accuracy are valued. Although everyone has more fun because things get mixed up between the players.

Reverse Snow Queen

Inventory: ice cubes from the freezer.

Several contenders for the crown are selected Snow Queen. They pick up an ice cube and, on command, must melt it as quickly as possible, turning it into water.

You can give one at a time, or several ice cubes, putting them in bowls.

The first one to complete the task wins. She is awarded the title of "The Hottest Snow Queen".

Will Cinderella go to the New Year's ball?

In front of the two participants, mixed beans, peppers, rose hips, and peas are placed in a heap on plates (you can use any ingredients). The number of grains is small so that the game does not flow for too long (can be tested experimentally before the holiday).

After the players are blindfolded, they begin to sort the fruits into piles by touch. Whoever manages it first will go to the ball!

With the onset of winter, active preparations for the New Year begin in all homes, schools and kindergartens. Parents prepare the holiday menu in advance, and their children rehearse concert numbers- Well, how else can a child please his loved ones? Grandfather Frost and his granddaughter are invited to many houses: this is how the fun becomes truly New Year's. Sometimes mom and dad themselves dress up as these characters and arrange short funny games for Santa Claus on the street or at home, actively taking part in them. Many adults celebrate the upcoming holiday at work: they hold cool competitions for Santa Claus at corporate parties, rejoice and have fun like teenagers. How can you play while celebrating the New Year's celebration?

Fun games for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden with children at home

First, you need to think through everything New Year's program from A to Z". Prepare unusual dishes for festive table, choose a presenter, decide what you will give to your household. Secondly, be patient - to comply with the first mandatory point, you will have to go shopping. Well, and finally, come up with fun games for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden with children at home. What can you play with the guys? We'll tell you.

New Year's game "Draw Santa Claus better"

Among all the fun games with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden played with children at home, this is the simplest and most common. Its participants (children and adults) must hold a felt-tip pen between their teeth and, without using their hands, draw Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden to boot.

Cool game "I'll collect more"

For this game you need to prepare a lot of snowflakes cut out of paper. Father Frost or Snow Maiden scatters “snow” around the room, and the children (each in their own bag or sack) collect them. The winning child who collected large quantity snowflakes, a prize awaits - a chocolate bar or a toy.

Short New Year's games with children, Father Frost and Snow Maiden at home

New Year's Eve with your family should not turn into a series of toasts and solemn eating of all the prepared dishes. In between socializing at the table, arrange short New Year's games with the children, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden at home. In these fairy tale characters Parents or holiday party guests can dress up.

Game of wits with Santa Claus

When coming up with New Year's games with children, conducted by Father Frost and Snow Maiden at home, organize a competition for the children's wits. Here, Santa Claus tells children and adults charades and riddles with a trick. The first one to name the correct answer receives a prize from a magic bag.

New Year's auction

This game can be played by the Snow Maiden. An auction “lot” is selected (chocolate, car, doll, etc.), and the questions begin. For example, all participants in the game are asked to name the largest number of nouns or adjectives related to the New Year. The winner is the participant who says the word last. He receives the prize he has won.

New Year's game "Star with a surprise"

To play this game, you first need to draw stars with numbers on pieces of paper and hang them on a string stretched across the room. Each number corresponds to a prize hidden in Santa Claus's bag (the prizes are also numbered). The music turns on and everyone starts dancing. At some point, the Snow Maiden stops the dance and announces “Find your star number...(the number is called).” The one who finds such a star takes a gift with the corresponding number.

Interesting games for children with Santa Claus in kindergarten

No one New Year's party The kindergarten cannot do without a variety of competitions, entertainment and New Year's fun. Sometimes it can be difficult to come up with them yourself - among the variety of games, choosing a few is always difficult. We decided to make the task easier for adults - we published here a description of interesting games for children offered by Santa Claus in kindergarten.

New Year's game "Melted Snowman"

To carry it out, drawings of the Snowman are prepared on a large sheet of whatman paper (in several copies). After this, the snow man is cut into pieces. Parts of the “melted Snowman” are scattered on the floor and several children are asked to help the poor fellow - to collect his three snowballs, bucket hat, carrot nose and broom. The first one to complete the drawing wins and receives great gift, children who are slightly behind the leader are also not left without consolation prizes.

"New Year's Sniper" - a game of accuracy

The most Interesting games for children with Santa Claus in kindergarten - these are competitions where all children take part. For example, in the game “New Year's Sniper” the children will have to hit a “snowball” of crumpled paper into a basket or bucket the first time. And here the most accurate person cannot do without prizes.

Funny short games for Santa Claus for New Year 2018

Outdoor games during breaks between changing dishes New Year's Eve or festive evening - The best way take a break from being absorbed delicious salads and French fries. Arrange funny short games for Santa Claus for the New Year 2018 - move along with everyone: this way you will develop a prize and stretch your muscles tired from inactivity.

Funny game for the New Year 2018 “Give me the bag”

This game will amuse both adults and children. During the holiday, one of the children slowly steals a bag from Grandfather Frost and begins to run away with it. Other children help the “thief” by throwing the selected New Year's package to each other. Such a funny short game for Santa Claus for the New Year 2018 will make the fairy-tale grandfather run around - he will still have to return his !

New Year's game with prizes

To play this game, you need to hang small souvenirs and prizes with inscriptions on the Christmas tree.

  • "To the highest";
  • “To someone who has two or more cats (dogs)”;
  • “The most fun”;
  • “To the one who jumps higher than others”;
  • “The most talkative”, etc.

The “highlight” of this game is the debate between the participants to determine “the very best.” Yes, here the winners are chosen by the entertainment participants themselves.

Cool competitions for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden for corporate events

Adults are often even more reckless than their children. Participating after work in cool competitions for Father Frost and his “granddaughter” Snegurochka, they are having a blast at a fun corporate party. Such parties, as a rule, are organized in advance - a host is selected, small souvenirs are purchased for prizes for the winners, and a holiday scenario is thought out.

New Year competition “Praise the Snow Maiden”

When coming up with cool competitions for Father Frost and the Snow Maiden for a corporate party for the New Year, try choosing the game “Praise the Snow Maiden” for the holiday. Before starting it, many toothpicks (the same number) are stuck into two apples. Two people take part in the competition. They take turns giving Santa Claus's granddaughter compliments, removing one toothpick after each praise. The winner is the one whose apple is the first to free itself from the “thorns”.

Tongue twister competition about the New Year

The task of the participants in this New Year competition is to pronounce winter tongue twisters correctly and quickly. The one who pronounces the largest number of phrases without hesitation wins and receives as a gift something necessary for his work - a notebook, folder, stapler, paper, set of pens, etc.

Little Sanya's sleigh moves on its own.

Little Sanya drives the sleigh on its own.

Sanya took his sleigh up the hill,

Sanya was driving down the hill, and Sanya was riding a sleigh.

They gave Valenka small felt boots.

Senya is carrying Sanya and Sonya on a sled.

Sanki hop! Senyu - off your feet,

Sanya - in the side, Sonya - in the forehead.

Everything is in a snowdrift - bang!

White snow. White chalk. White sugar is also white.

But the squirrel is not white. It wasn't even white.

Sparrows are waiting at the feeder for food.

Markushka brings them cloudberries in her pocket.

We bought Valerika and Varenka

Mittens and felt boots.

In the winter cold everyone is young.

Everyone is young in the winter cold.

We sat in seven sleighs ourselves.

Sushi Sasha's fur coat, Flank's fur coat, not ours.

Unusual competitions at school for Father Frost and Snow Maiden

Teachers who have been teaching their subjects for many years know better than others the unusual school competitions for Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. They can invite children to play together or take part in one-on-one competitions.

Competition “Let Nesmeyana Smile”

This unusual competition, held at school by Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, invites the children to make Princess Nesmeyana at least smile. Schoolchildren, approaching the most serious girl from the class, chosen in advance, tell her New Year-themed jokes and perform funny songs, read funny poems - in a word, they do everything possible to make the gloomy “princess” laugh. In addition to Nesmeyana's favor, the lucky contestant receives a prize.

The scenario for the New Year's corporate party "Planner with Santa Claus" is perfect for organizing a truly magical New Year's Eve in your office!

Traditional New Year's heroes - Father Frost and Snow Maiden, funny jokes, funny and original competitions, unusual incentive gifts - you will find all this in our scenario, designed for any number of corporate party participants, and holding the holiday in any room convenient for you.


Lady Winter(shopaholic) – wife of Santa Claus. Dressed in a modern, fashionable way. High heels, a short, spectacular dress, a handbag. The image is similar in behavior and conversation to a stupid blonde. A white wig is required on your head. Makeup is bright and catchy.

Santa Claus(businessman). Dressed in a modern executive suit. But with a red nose and a beard (traditional, fake and Santa Claus hat).

Granddaughter Snegurochka(marketer). A sort of excellent student (glasses, tablet in hand). But on the head there is a mandatory wig with a braid and a Snow Maiden hat.

Grandson of Morozko(DJ). A modern young man, but with a red Santa Claus cap on his head, a bright scarf around his neck, and mittens on his hands.

Props and room decoration

A festive corporate party can be held in a large office space, and in specialized places - in a bar, restaurant, cafe.
The decoration is New Year's, festive.
The Christmas tree should not interfere with guests’ viewing and participation in competitions and skits.
It is better to set the tables for no more than 4-5 people and place them at a short distance so that fairy-tale heroes had the opportunity to conveniently approach the guests.

To decorate a mini stage


1. Office desk. There are folders and documents on it.
2. Computer.
3. Executive chair.
4. The closet is also filled with folders, documents, and books. Other additional office elements.
5. A separate table on which there will be white T-shirts (signed) of different sizes, according to the number and size of guests.
6. Markers. (Competition No. 4. “Autograph”).
7. A beautiful bag with costume elements (bunny ears, kitten ears, wolf mask, bear mask, etc.). (Competition No. 5. " Magic dancing»).
8. White pieces of paper and pens (according to the number of participants).
9. Large, deep iron bowl.
10. Lighter. (For “Message for the New Year!”).


For general musical arrangement:

  • song “New Year” (“Disco Crash”),
  • Verka Serduchka song “Christmas trees”
  • “New Year” (“Hands up”),
  • E. Vaenga song “I wish!”.
  • Other New Year songs of your choice,
  • recording of the chimes.
    Phonograms for skits:

    song excerpts:

  • "Black Boomer" (chorus),
  • “Empress” by Allegrova from the chorus,
  • Abba – “Money, Money, Money” (chorus),
  • Leps' song "A glass of vodka on the table"
  • song “You kiss me everywhere” by the group “Hands Up”,
  • Verka Serduchka’s songs “Okay, everything will be fine!”, “Smiley”,
  • song “The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky” (from the chorus).

Corporate event scenario

Scene #1

The guests are seated at the tables. Light instrumental music plays. A modern businessman, Father Frost, appears. The marketer Snegurochka hurries after him, writing something down on a tablet. The music turns off.

Father Frost(addresses the guests in the hall): “Well, my dears, old year comes to its logical end. We all had a great time working with you in it. The New Year is just around the corner and I am ready to listen to all your suggestions for how to celebrate it. Who wants to be the first to speak and open our planning meeting? Who should I give the floor to?” (Looks sternly into the audience. Everyone looks at each other in confusion, not understanding what is happening).

Father Frost: “If you really are thinking of just sitting out, then I’ll tell you right away that you won’t succeed. I’ve been in my frosty holiday business for many years and I know everything about you. Don't want or aren't ready to voice your thoughts? I’ll just read them then!”

(Santa Claus approaches one of the men and moves his hands over him. A soundtrack is played with the words: “Black boomer, black boomer”).

Father Frost: "Interesting!"

(He approaches the next guest (woman). He moves his hands over her. A soundtrack sounds with the words: “Mani, mani, mani (ABBA)”).

Father Frost: “An accountant or something?”

Father Frost: “This is what your heads are filled with, just listen!”

(He approaches the girl. He moves his hands over her head. It sounds: “You kiss me everywhere, I’m everywhere, I’m already an adult!” To the next woman (song with the words “Well, at least send a smiley!”).

Father Frost: “Come on, I’ll listen to your general thoughts!”

(He walks away and moves his hands, V. Serduchka’s song sounds with the words “Okay! Everything will be fine!”)

Father Frost(addressing the Snow Maiden sternly): “Well, everything is clear with them! You know?"

Snow Maiden(frightened): “What?”

Father Frost(joyfully): “They have good thoughts!!! Correct! New Year's!!! How I love!!!"

(The Snow Maiden exhales with relief, fanning herself with her tablet.)

Snow Maiden: “Scared me, Grandfather Frost... So, okay. Tell me by what criteria we will determine best workers(employees) this year?”

Father Frost: “Write it down, granddaughter. By filling the glasses, by draining them. For the best toasts. Through tireless dancing. By participating in competitions. And, of course, for fun!”

Snow Maiden(writing down): “Yeah, I see. May I begin?"

Father Frost: “Get started, granddaughter!”

Scene #2

Light instrumental music plays in the background.

Snow Maiden:

“Our dear guests!
It’s not in vain that we gathered here!
Near the decorated Christmas tree,
All our friends are nearby!

Father Frost:

“Fill your glasses!”
Fill to the brim!
Don't be sorry, don't be sorry
Kind words for each other!”

(Guests fill their glasses)

Father Frost: “The floor for congratulations is given to the manager” (name of organization, enterprise, company, etc.) Full name.

(Toast from the leader, then everyone drinks and has a snack).

Father Frost: “Who do you think is your boss’s right hand? Of course, the chief accountant (or deputy for finance) has not gone far from the manager, so we give him (her) (position, full name) the opportunity to congratulate our employees on the upcoming New Year!”

(Toast from the main booze. Everyone drinks and has a snack).

Father Frost: “I know from myself that the leader and his right hand those dealing with financial issues should understand and hear each other perfectly, right?”

All in unison: "Yes!"

Snow Maiden: “Let’s check this? How much do your manager and his assistant understand each other? (Addresses the manager) Are you ready?

Competition No. 1. "Understand me!"

Father Frost: “So, the task is as follows: my granddaughter, Snegurochka, who is also a marketer, takes you out the door and makes sure that you don’t hear anything about what we are agreeing on here. Then you come back and have to understand what we are telling you.”

The Snow Maiden takes the manager and the accountant away, and Father Frost conditionally divides everyone into two teams.
The task is this: Two teams must shout completely different phrases at the same time. For example, the first team will shout: “We are having fun here”! Second team: “We are glad to see you!”

The Snow Maiden returns with the participants of the competition. At the command of Santa Claus, the guests simultaneously shout out their proposals in unison. The manager and chief accountant must hear and pronounce both phrases.

Scene #3

(Music sounds in the background).

Father Frost: “Fill your glasses, my friends, and let’s drink to mutual understanding!”

(Everyone drinks and has a snack).

Snow Maiden: “Grandfather Frost, and I, as a marketer, know for sure that personal friendships are very important in a team. Tell us, our dear friends, which of you has been working with each other for a very long time?”

Game “What do we know about each other”

From the guests, pairs of two employees of either gender are selected.
The Snow Maiden asks questions:
When did your partner get this job?
How old is he now?
Who does he work for?
How long have you known each other?
What does he like for lunch?
What does he have in his right pocket?
Does he have all his teeth?
Isn't that a wig on your head?
(and so on, no more than 3-4 questions for each participant; there can be any number of pairs).

Each correct answer is worth 1 point; based on the number of points, two winning couples are selected to participate in the final competition.

Competition 2. “I am you!” You are me!"

The two pairs of participants who won the previous game are placed back to back; you cannot peek or turn around.

Santa Claus asks questions to one participant, Snow Maiden to another.
For example (if the partner is a man):
What color is your partner's shirt?
To what button is it undone?
How many buttons are there on a jacket?
What is the design on the tie?
What kind of watch are you wearing? (Especially if there are none).
What color are the laces? (And there, for example, shoes without laces).

If the partner is a woman, questions such as:
What do earrings look like? (If they are not there).
How high is the heel?
What color are your eyes?
and so on.

Snow Maiden: “What great guys you are, how friendly you are and how much you know about each other!”

Father Frost: “How can you not drink for this? I offer to fill the glasses!” A toast is given to the winners!

(One toast each from the winners of the competition. Light instrumental music plays. Everyone drinks and has a snack, then a “Dance break” of 4-5 compositions).

Scene No. 4

Father Frost: “We continue our New Year’s planning meeting, dear friends! I announce the game “You are the best!”

Competition No. 3. “You are the best!”

Father Frost: “Please fill your glasses immediately and to the brim! On my command, you need to say a compliment to your neighbor (preferably an unusual, original, extraordinary one), clink a glass with him and quickly drink... So, in turn, you must say one compliment to each other, but you cannot repeat what has already been said before you. My granddaughter, marketer Snegurochka, will time the speed. This is a new sport that must be included in the GTO standards! I’ll show you by example!”
Santa Claus (takes a glass, clinking glasses with the Snow Maiden): “You are the COLDEST!” (drinks). Is everyone clear?

Guests in chorus: "Yes!"

Father Frost: “One, two, three, let’s start!!!”

(Instrumental music sounds in the background, the microphone is passed from hand to hand).

Snow Maiden(at the end): “Hurray! The speed is record-breaking!”

Everyone drinks and eats.

Scene #5

(Lady Winter appears, holding bags in her hands.)

Lady Winter(indignantly, capriciously): “Darling, what is this?! Why doesn't anyone help me? Where is your security guard Snowman? Where are the deer drivers? Can’t you see my arms are falling off?!”

Father Frost(addresses the audience): “Yes, yes! What did you think? That I, a tough businessman, don’t have a blonde wife? Eat! Here she is in all her glory!”

Father Frost(addresses Zima): “Well, did you spend all my money, my beloved shopaholic?”

Lady Winter(throws the bags and happily grabs his arm): “Oh, dear, just a little bit left! Honey, give me a little more! I saw such snowflakes and icicles in the store! My forest kikimora friends will simply burst with envy!”

Father Frost: “What have you already bought, my beautiful Lady Winter?”

Lady Winter: “Oh, such a long, floor-length snow coat and icy, icy boots all the way up here!” (shows the length of the boots on himself - almost to the thigh).

(Santa Claus takes out a New Year's card and gives it to his wife).

Father Frost: “Here, take my salary card and don’t deny yourself anything!”

(She kisses him joyfully on the cheek, flirtatiously waves to the audience and runs away).

(Meanwhile, the Snow Maiden takes out personalized T-shirts from the bag and lays them out on the table. Markers or felt-tip pens of different colors should also be there).

Scene No. 6

Snow Maiden: “Dear friends, we rarely tell each other any wishes, warm words, or maybe even declarations of love. Postcards are a thing of history; no one signs them anymore. So Grandfather Frost and I decided that we should help you leave a memory of our New Year’s planning meeting in some interesting, unusual way. And Santa Claus himself will tell you how!”

Father Frost: “On this table are your personalized T-shirts, white as a blank sheet. Nearby are markers and felt-tip pens. Imagine that this is a Happy New Year card, only very original. Anyone you want can at least draw or write whatever you want on each one! Then each of you will receive your own personalized T-shirt with autographs, drawings and wishes from your colleagues as a souvenir. I am sure that you have never received such a sincere gift!”

Snow Maiden(winks at the ladies): “By the way, no one forbids women to leave autographs with their lipstick! Hint understood?"

Competition No. 4. “Autograph”

Sounds musical pause, during which guests sign T-shirts for each other, draw emoticons, wishes, etc.
Santa Claus and his granddaughter choose the 3 most best works, and the winners are announced.

Scene No. 7

The grandson of Santa Claus appears - DJ Morozko with his equipment.

Father Frost(introducing the grandson to the guests): “Dear guests! I am glad to introduce you to my heir! My grandson Morozko, a cool DJ, and we invite you to dance with him!”

Morozko: “Great, guys!! Listen here everyone! Everybody dance!!"

(Dance break of 4-5 songs).

Competition No. 5. "Magic Dancing"

During the dance break, competition No. 5 is held. "Magic Dancing" Participants take costume attributes out of the bag by touch and then dance to the music in this image.

Scene No. 8

Everyone takes their seats. Toasts are made, guests drink, eat and congratulate each other. Instrumental music is playing.

Father Frost: “Our dear guests! New Year is approaching! We hear his festive steps. The chimes are about to sound. (Sheets of paper and pens are distributed to all participants). While I am here, my dears, I will definitely fulfill one of your wishes. Only for this you need to carry out a New Year's, fabulous ritual. Write your deepest wish on a piece of paper and put the notes in this magical bowl.”
(The Snow Maiden walks through the hall with a bowl. The chimes sound. Grandfather Frost moves his hands over the bowl. On the twelfth strike, Grandfather Frost sets the contents on fire. At that time, the lights in the hall are turned off. Only the fire in the bowl is visible).

Father Frost: “May all your wishes come true! Not a single thing will be forgotten! Happy New Year! With new happiness! Hooray!!"

(The lights turn on. New Year's songs are played. Everyone dances, drinks, eats. Father Frost and Snegurochka go around the tables, congratulate colleagues, pose for joint New Year's photos).

Good day! New Year is one of the most amazing and long-awaited holidays! Not only children, but also adults who also want to believe in miracles are looking forward to it! Give your colleagues some real fun winter's tale, or rather, several new fairy tales that will not only give your work friends the opportunity to have fun, but also show off all their talents and abilities!

This funny scenario for a fun company, with musical accompaniment, artistic transformations, and jokes will allow you to turn your New Year’s corporate party into a truly unforgettable event. Cool converted fairy tales for corporate New Year parties for adults, here you can download for free. Have a great time participating! An unforgettable experience awaits you!

Choose scenarios, competitions, fairy tales, funny parties or modern funny scenarios! And also scripts for Father Santa Claus! And it’s just funny in the year of the pig. I have everything for you, just click on the highlighted word you need.

Cool New Year's riddles from Santa Claus for corporate events for adults

Guess and tell me!

What holiday is it?

He comes on a dark night,

Absolutely a disgrace.

It's almost natural.

He became famous for his

National drunkenness.

The tables are laden with dishes,

There are countless dishes.

And the clock strikes twelve...

They start eating!

All the people are drinking and dancing!

Instead of a heart there is a piece of ice,

I've heard firsthand!

There's a snowflake in front of my eyes,

Legs from under the arm.

Plump butt,

She wags so much!

Sex, not a woman

Everything is uplifting!

It's a pity that this fool

My granddaughter...

So tell me who it is

First among men?

Not handsome, but not evil,

And the affection is groovy!

Red nose and beard!

Not a maniac, not blue!

And people call it “Fierce”

He wears felt boots.

Well, just think it's a problem,

He will pinch sometimes.

Who will blame him for that?

And you won’t run out of tea!

He comes with a thick stick

Will not leave you without a gift!

And there’s a whole cartload of gifts!

And his name is...

New Year is coming.

He wags his tail.

Lots of meat and income

He foreshadows us!

There will be many friends

And there won't be a fight!

We will live more fun!

This year...

I’m very glad that you guessed right, you know the brains on the spot!

Have fun, pour it!.. Well, for me, two hundred grams...

Riddle for adults: Whose parents are the Snowman and the Snowwoman?

Answer: Snow Maidens

Correct answer: Bigfoot

Riddle for adults: Why is Santa Claus's nose red?

Answer: drank a lot

Correct answer: he just came from a Russian bathhouse, because in Russia since ... there has been such a tradition before the New Year to go to the bathhouse with friends

Who can do it without the Internet?

Give answers to riddles?

Who can give the answers?

He will be rich all year!

1.Human growth,

The figure is super simple:

30:60:90. (snow woman)

2. The whole holiday is silent,

Well, very green... (Christmas tree)

3.Tell him a poem

And he will go into the bag. (Father Frost)

4.Beauty, not a fool –

Well, an ash tree stump... (Snow Maiden)

5. A naked man came out onto the ice,

It turned out... (ice)

6. Travel on foot on New Year's Eve

Santa Claus is lazy

There is a team at the gate,

And in it there is one... (deer)

7.Watches, perfumes and foreign cars -

All this for the New Year... (gifts)

8. There is already a scab on the butt,

But Egorka climbs up:

“At last, it’s cool...” (slide)

9. We celebrate with you here -

This holiday... (new year)

10.New, but on the contrary,

Holiday... (old new year)

11. The janitor kept shoveling and rowing the snow,

Has grown three times... (snowdrift)

12. For those who don’t have enough money -

She dreams of earning her salary. (shovel)

New Year's scenario, corporate (scene for a feast with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden)

The usual text is Santa Claus.

In quotes - Snow Maiden.

In double quotes - Together.

In parentheses – Scenario.

The text is spoken slowly, drawlingly, as is customary. Santa Claus in particular. The Snow Maiden sometimes speaks a little faster and as if childish.

"Believe it or not, believe it or not -"

The holiday is knocking on your door!

Although you are no longer children,

“We came to you anyway!”

(go to the people)

“And really, what?

Since the mustache grows on the face, "

5 breast size

“And in glasses, like mercury,

The intoxicating potion is splashing - »

Are you not worthy of fun?!

New Year's Eve, live!

“Children’s, simple happiness!”

Believe in fairy tales and goodness!

No, friends! "No matter how old

That legend about Grandfather,

That he was named Frost

Whose unshakable credo

Come home with a gift!”

And a beautiful maiden

His granddaughter, the mischievous

About the Snow Maiden! “But still!

We have come to you!” (they approach the cake, but do not look at it) “Give me a knife!” (very ambiguous)

(start cutting the cake)

We will cut the cake and everyone

Who will believe in us, “what matters!”

Taking it from our hands,

(they start handing out the cake)

Doesn't know any parting

In the new year, no loss,

“No salary reduction!”

Abbreviations and simple

They will bypass you!

“And the tricks of the dark power,

From the pre-Barack era,

Turned into a Crisis

They will perish! As if we were dreaming

They are in your nightmare -

Believe me! "And me!"

Only happiness and good luck

Bring you a new year!

"We are wizards, which means

This is how everything will happen!”

“Angels-children”, colleagues-friends,

A competent chef - “and not a pig at all!”

Kind faces every day,

“Goodbye fatigue, boredom and laziness!”

Work and home that bring joy!

(they finish handing out the cake).

“Look, there’s no cake left!”

It doesn’t matter - after all, everyone got it!

And I’ll eat at the next point!..

“In short, fellow citizens, Happy New Year to all!”

And remember, we are inseparable from the people!

“Both at five years old and at seventy - everyone will receive it!”

Snegurochka and I are a ray of sunshine!

“The one, the one and only!”

The best day of the year, everyone's favorite!

""New Year's Day, when a FAIRY TALE WILL BE!

And just try to forget it!..(they threaten with a knife)""

(leave to applause)

New Year's scenario (cool hussar humor with Peter the Great and Lieutenant Rzhevsky)


A happy holiday is coming,

And there’s just a little bit left before it.

Do you know how it started?

How was the New Year established?


Among the arranged bottles

Cutting off a slice of sausage

Tsar Peter sat scratching the back of his head,

Staining my mustache with a snack,

With friends slamming a glass,

And brushing off the dandruff from your shoulders,

He is the courtier Alexashka

He made this speech:


The idea was big

Russian home improvement.


They will drink, plunder, steal,

And we will be blamed for everything!

Who are you referring to here?

Saying such things?


Russia is always blamed

Only the previous king!

I'll cut a window to Europe,

Having built a city on the Neva.


And we will look at... how

Do they already live in Moscow?

I want to leave about myself

Good memory in Rus'.


So we need to add holidays,

At least ask someone, Min Herz!

There are plenty of church holidays, after all,

And the devil himself can’t tell them apart!


How to cut through a window now, at least

Leave, for example, New Year.

And what kind of holiday is this?


Tsar Peter, get the calendar,

As soon as it ends

Hit a lady while dancing!

Wait whole year? For what? What's the point here?

Such deadlines? Weak or what?!


Dance all year long, but without fireworks,

And on New Year - fireworks if you please.

Fireworks - not bad! But to no avail

Shoot only at the sky, my friend.


And let them also put up Christmas trees

And they dance around.

And let everyone drink a glass!

Let the ladies be complimented.


Let the children be given gifts!

Let there be a lot of sweets in them.

I respect this arrangement.

Persuaded! Get into it people.

By my decree I approve

From now on the holiday is New Year!


Well then, Min Hertz? Let's celebrate the holiday?

I'm already thirsty!

Well, so be it! Wine, you prankster!


Behind new holiday- New Year!

(break for toast and food)


Thank you, Minin and Pozharsky,

Here's to a new holiday and a shifted day off.


But we need a hussar holiday

ALL (in unison)


Hussar, whether sober or drunk,

But he is still witty and resourceful.


Hussars love restaurants

ALL (in unison)

A long time ago, a long time ago, a long time ago!


All the hussars congratulate you!


Lieutenant Rzhevsky, is it not surprising to recognize us?


They recognized us, Cornet Azarov,

ALL (in unison)

A long time ago, a long time ago, a long time ago!


Frost helped us for a reason

And twice he closed the window to Europe.


After all, Santa Claus served in the hussars

ALL (in unison)

A long time ago, a long time ago, a long time ago!


It seems they have decided to lay off us?


What to discuss when the whole matter is decided?


And we hammered the bolt on this

ALL (in unison)

A long time ago, a long time ago, a long time ago!


We barely spent the old year,

And the New Year is already knocking on our window.


I hope everyone has already had a drink?

ALL (in unison)

A long time ago, a long time ago, a long time ago!


Here is a witty hussar toast

It would be both appropriate and funny to remember.


No wonder the table is set like a king

ALL (in unison)

A long time ago, a long time ago, a long time ago!


Lieutenant Rzhevsky, here is a toast for you,

Let it be laconic and simple.


Dear colleagues,

Let's shake hands!

We gathered for the first time

Celebrate the year of the red dog!

And this year, of course,

Brings good luck to everyone

After all, he is a friend of man,

Because he is a dog.

Let him bark like a dog

The coming New Year,

Let his tail wag

And he gives his paw!

With a kind glance,

Let him lick everyone's hands,

Good luck in the year of your dog!

Happy year of the red dog everyone!

(break for toast and food)


to the tune of V. Vysotsky’s song “Oh, Van, look what clowns”


Oh, look, everyone is already seated,

They are expecting something from us again.

All the jokers have gone somewhere,

While we are joking, everything will be swept away.

You joke to them like a clockworker,

And while you salivate,

And don’t swear, and don’t whine,

Where's the day off?


The tables were not occupied by people!

We treated everyone!

In addition, the boss gave us a slight bonus,

And this means it was a success.

Please stop the grumbling

And don’t whine, and don’t whine,

And start joking already

And get into the role!


Well, what do you want to joke about?

When does the sword of Damocles hang?

Again you say something wrong,

And the authorities will flog everyone?

Moreover, reforms threaten us,

They don't make me happy

We might all be laid off,

This is the situation!


How long have I been working in science?

They threaten us with reforms,

Then they tempt you with a new benefit,

In fact, they will only make noise.

And what will the authorities punish?

Don't take it into account now

The balance has been reduced - income and expenses,

On New Year's Eve!


Well, if we are not punishable,

The authorities must be found

And I'll tell him this,

What will be remembered for a long time.


No, where did you go to disperse,

There is no reason for us to argue,

Give me the microphone now

And get out!


Friends, I hope you guessed it,

That this quarrel is not serious,


And we did not intend to quarrel,

And that’s not the question now.


We need to celebrate the New Year,

Let everyone pour something

May the year bring good luck,

Here's to the New Year!


Dear friends, it has already become a tradition to sing old songs about the main thing on New Year’s Eve.

But since the emphasis of some holidays has shifted somewhat, these songs now need to be sung in a slightly different version.

(To the tune of “So Many Guys Are Single”)

Fedor was left without children,

Are there many problems with this?

Are there really no kings in Russia?

Only Shuisky and the Godunovs?

What about without kings? You can't live without them!

There are so many young boyars,

But they chose Romanov.

(To the tune of “Bravely, comrades, keep up!”)

Bravely, fellow citizens, keep up,

We are used to living in struggle.

The road to the kingdom of tsarism

We choose for ourselves!

(To the tune of “Tachanka”)

You fly out of the way bird,

Get the beast out of the way.

Just don't let us get lost!

Hey, Susanin, show me off!

(to the tune of “An order was given to him to go west”)

“If there is a threat to the royal power,

Let’s protect the entire country!” —

Names were Minin and Pozharsky

To the civil war.

(To the tune of “Everything is ghostly in this raging world”)

Everything is ghostly in this raging world,

Prophetic heart, why are you silent?

How can we find out how we will be assessed in the future?

Who was the bad guy, and who was the good guy?

New Year's fairy tale “Teremok in a new way”

Props and scenery:

1. Designation “teremka” it is necessary to make a square measuring 2x2m. Height 20 cm. The frame can be made of cardboard.

2. A large beach umbrella on a stand will represent the roof.

3. Additional props: mop, plate with spoon, centimeter (measuring).

4. Recording light instrumental music (for background), rhythmic dance music (Disco Crash - New Year is rushing towards us).

5. A bag with cards that describe roles, moods, emotions:

1 card:

Who? - Mouse.

Which? - Nervous, hysterical. He always shouts his “pee-pee-pee!” loudly!

What is he doing in Teremka? – Mops the floors

2 card:

Who? - Frog.

Which? – Stern, persistent, unhurried. Your “Kwa-kwa!” pronounces like an opera singer.

What is he doing in Teremka? - Feeds you lunch.

3 card:

Who? - Bunny.

Which? - Cheerful, nimble, mischievous. After every jump, his tail wags!

What is he doing in Teremka? – Measures clothing parameters with a centimeter.

4 card:

Who? - Chanterelle.

Which? - Sexy, flirty. Sexily purrs: “Hurrr!”

What is he doing in Teremka? - Flirts, seduces.

5 card:

Who? - Gray wolf.

Which? – Confident, daring, a sort of “decider”, he came to the “showdown”. He coughs as if he was coughing: Cough, cough! Cough cough!

What is he doing in Teremka? – He attacks everyone all the time and threatens!

6 card:

Who? - Bear.

Which? – Smiling, kind, loves everyone very much! He says his “RRRRR” as if he were saying “I’ll catch up!” I’ll catch up!”

What is he doing in Teremka? – He climbs in to hug and kiss.


Presenter (folder with the script);

To somehow designate all the characters so that they are recognizable, just a few elements in clothing are enough.

Mouse (headband with ears and tail, apron);

Frog (put a green frill (collar) on your clothes, you can also wear green gloves, a chef’s apron and a cap);

Bunny (headband with long ears, small tail);

Chanterelle (yoke, red collar and fox tail);

Gray wolf (dressed like a hooligan, unbuttoned shirt, gold chain around his neck, purse (like in the 90s) on his side, cap, cigarette in his mouth);

Bear (on the head is a hat with round ears, a vest, warm knitted socks, large galoshes).

Scene #1

Leading: Dear friends! New Year is always a return to childhood. How long have you read the children's fairy tale “Teremok”?

Guests answer: For a long time!

Leading: Do you remember? What was happening there?

All in chorus: Yes!

Leading: But if I were you, I wouldn’t be so sure! Would you like us to check it out? Or let's remember everything together? All in chorus:

Leading: I need six volunteers! Selects the most colorful ones from the audience: the tallest, the shortest, the thinnest, the fattest, etc.

Leading: Who would you like to play in this fairy tale? The participants speculate.

Leading: Well, that would be ideal, but here at our fabulous New Year’s corporate party there are miracles everywhere. Even the most ordinary fairy tale can turn into an interesting and unforgettable action! Pull it out of the bag and see who will be who!

Without looking, participants pull out cards indicating who and what they should be in this fairy tale. It will be funny when the biggest person gets, for example, the role of Mouse! Or the frailest one - the role of the bandit Wolf or Bear! They are taken away and assistants dress them up in elements.

Presented to the participant who will play Mouse - Mop,

For the frog - a plate and a spoon,

For the bunny - a tailor's centimeter.

The disguised artists go out to the Presenter, who tells the task.

Leading: So, in our cool remade fairy tale, only I speak! You portray your hero in all known and possible ways. The bunny jumps to Teremok, the frog jumps, etc. You can and even should make the sounds of your character, demonstrate his behavior and manners.

All this is done taking into account the emotions and mood that are written in your card. And one more thing: once you get to Teremochek, if you suddenly hear this kind of dance music (the chorus of the song “New Year” by the group “Disco Accident”), you must, again, taking into account your given mood, perform the actions that were indicated on your cards! It is advisable for the audience to sing along to the song. And the main condition is that all actions are performed only in interaction with each other! Are you all going to live together?

Participants agree. They leave.

Scene #2

Light instrumental music plays in the background. As soon as new hero appears in Teremka, turns on briefly dance music, under which they will perform each of their actions.

Leading: So, dear friends, make yourself comfortable! Now you will hear and at the same time see a completely new fairy tale called “Teremok”.

In one of the very nice dacha cooperatives, someone took and built a very neat little Teremok!

(Helpers take out a cardboard frame representing the Teremok. In the middle, instead of a roof, they place a large beach umbrella on a stand.)

Leading: Past, on your own important matters Little Mouse ran ("Mouse" runs out, hysterically yelling "PEE-PEE-PEE!").

The Mouse was surprised that there was such a treasure, and no one lived there! She ran around Teremok three times (the mouse runs around), and, making sure that there were definitely no owners there, she moved into it! (The mouse steps over and immediately begins to wash the floors).

The Frog-Frog also jumped along the same path, along the same road! (The participant portraying the Frog jumps, singing “Kwa-kwa!” in an operatic style.) When I saw Teremok, I couldn’t hold back! She came closer and asked Mouse if she could live there with her?

- Come in! It will be more fun together! – she answered and let her friend into Teremok.

Dance music turns on and the frog begins to feed the mouse, which washes the floors under its feet.

Leading: From afar, the Jumping Bunny heard the smell of a delicious lunch!

(Bunny gallops) And when he came to him, he saw Teremok and was stunned! Oh, how he wanted to live in it! Is it possible? - asked the Bunny.

- Can! - Mouse and Frog waved invitingly and ushered the new tenant into Teremok. Dance music is turned on: the Mouse must wash the floors under the feet of its neighbors, the Frog must feed everyone in turn, and the Bunny must take measurements from both the Frog and the Mouse.

Leading: But, as in life, so in a fairy tale, nothing is so simple: hearing the noise and din, smelling the delicious smells wafting from the windows of Teremochka, the Wolf came to the house. (The Wolf comes out imposingly, coughing. He approaches Teremochka).

Well, again, how this happens in life, he didn’t really ask! He opened the door with his foot and walked in! Dance music is turned on: everyone does their own thing, and the wolf “runs over” everyone in turn.

Leading: The frog, seeing such a thing, stopped right next to Gray and let's feed! And he - “run into”! It is not known how it would all end, but then the Bear walked past. (Smiling and playfully growling, the participant who plays the Bear comes out).

Leading: The Bear came up to Teremochka and looked at how the animals were having fun there! How they wash cleanly, how they spoon-feed, how they measure joyfully, how they dance sexily! Even Mishka immediately fell in love with the Wolf and his attacks! Entered Teremok and let's hug and kiss everyone!

To the tune of dance music, everyone goes about their business with everyone else, and Bear hugs and kisses everyone on the cheeks!

Leading: You may ask why he didn’t ask the residents for permission to live? What for? After all, this is HIS Teremok! He built it for himself! And when I saw such a cheerful company, I immediately decided to live and leave them all here!

Dance music is playing. All heroes interact with each other, constantly changing partners

Dressing competition for Father Frost and Snow Maiden

The essence of the competition and the comedy of the situation is as follows. It is advisable to have a real costume of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, but let the male costume consist of pants and a jacket, and the female costume of a skirt and jacket. The more individual parts of the kit, the better. The whole team is divided into 2 parts: boys separately, girls separately. As a result, there will be 2 teams. Usually people are undressed for the sake of humor, today, on the contrary, they will be dressed. The task is the following. The girls are tasked with dressing Santa Claus in a suit, and the boys must do the same, but with the Snow Maiden. From each team, 1 person is selected who will do the dressing. The costumes mixed with other things are laid out on the table. Representatives from each team are blindfolded. Then, blindfolded, they take turns approaching the table with things and “select” one of the costume parts by touch. Then the selected part of the costume is put on Father Frost or the Snow Maiden, who are also blindfolded. Santa Claus is dressed by a girl, Snow Maiden is dressed by a guy. If you don't blindfold it, it won't be interesting. Otherwise, no one will be able to control what is taken from the table and what is put on another person. Due to confusion with things, the main characters of the holiday will end up wearing everything that comes to hand first. Whether the main characters of the show find it funny is not so important, but for those who watch it all, laughter is guaranteed.

Music competition "Song of the Year"

The essence of the competition is as follows: the words “sing” or “not singing” are written on pieces of paper. There should be as many notes as there are people attending the event. Before writing notes, it is worth deciding how many people will sing on stage. Usually 4-5 participants are enough. If there are more of them, the event will be delayed and will no longer be interesting. Everyone present at the party draws a ticket. Those who have “sing” written on the piece of paper will have to perform any song of their choice. Here, too, you can beat the situation. Either the person chooses what to sing, or you can trust the electronics. Let her automatically decide which song each participant will perform. Then an improvised or real presenter comes on stage and announces the opening competitive program. The singers take turns going on stage and singing. After the end of the performance, all the singers line up on the stage, and the audience expresses their appreciation of each singer with loud applause and hooting. At the end, you can give the competition finalist the opportunity to perform an encore.

Competition between teams “2 in one harness”

If the size of the room allows, you can hold a mini-competition. The team is divided into 2 teams. Required condition - even number a person in each of them. Then the team is divided into pairs, each of which is given pants, which consist of 2 pairs of pants. The funny thing is that both pairs are connected to each other by one of the legs at the bottom side. 1 trousers are worn by one person from the pair, 2 - by the second. After the pants are put on, the “start” command is given. Each pair must run a certain distance, then return back. After this, 2 pairs enter the competition and so on. It will be funny when the couple starts moving forward together with their trousers connected.

Joke task “I made him out of what was there”

To hold the competition, you need to prepare the so-called masquerade costumes in advance. They must be funny. For example, 1 long sleeve is sewn onto a jacket with short sleeves, or the 1st leg of the trousers is cut off and the 2nd is left. You can sew multi-colored patches to clothes, or vice versa, make holes in different places. Whatever comes to mind. Each suit is placed in a separate bag. Shoes and accessories are added to things. You can also play around with shoes. For example, put 1 shoe on high heels, 2 – on low. Interesting options you can play with a skirt. Cut it at an angle, sew a ponytail at the back, make a fringe with scissors, cut holes, and lace it up. 5-10 people are selected from the corporate party participants. They give them funny costumes and ask them to change their clothes. Then they organize a kind of competition for the coolest costume.

Scenario for a corporate party for the New Year 2019 with jokes

As you know, 2019 is the year of the Yellow Earth Pig. Accordingly, the scenario may be somehow connected with this animal. It is worth preparing competitions and all the necessary paraphernalia in advance.

Sample scenario for a corporate event in 2019:

Presenter: Hello dear employees of (company name). Today we are all on the eve of the New Year and expect a lot of interesting and unexpected things from it. The Year of the Pig is a fairly dynamic period, so I suggest you practice your ability to run fast (a “pig race” competition is held). The presenter distributes prizes to the participants. Invites to say a toast and drink to the coming year.

Presenter: After the employees have shown who is the fastest and can do the assigned work perfectly, we invite you to compete in loyalty to the boss. After all, as you know, the Pig is a devoted animal (the “devoted friend” competition). Again, those invited say a toast and congratulate each other on the holidays.

Presenter. Well, we have already decided who is the best and most dedicated employee. But Pigs still love to take a walk. Therefore, it is necessary to select the most beautiful employees (a “Beauty Exhibition” competition is held).

Presenter. As you know, Pigs have excellent instincts and always keep their ears to the ground. Now let’s check which of the company’s employees good hearing, flair, and who should retire (see the “changeover” competition below).

Presenter. Now you need the leader of the pack to say a toast and congratulate him, presenting gifts to all employees (a toast from the boss).

Presenter. With these congratulations, we hasten to say goodbye to you, Happy New Year!

Scenes can be either pre-rehearsed or unexpected. The most interesting thing is that unexpected scenes turn out to be much more interesting and funnier.

Options for scenes for corporate events:

  • Knight. The presenter chooses himself handsome man and a woman. The woman stands on the chair, she is a long-haired princess. In addition to the man, 2 more men participate in the scene. One plays the role of a knight, the second a knight's horse and cloak. At the same time, the knight tries to remove the princess from the chair, but he is sitting on a horse, and he is wearing a cloak. The office employees are delighted with the scene.
  • Teremok. For the scene you will need all the participants in the fairy tale, as well as costumes. Moreover, women play male roles and vice versa. It is necessary for the presenter to read a fairy tale, and for the characters to enter a large box or fenced area, like a mansion. You can give participants the words of each character on a piece of paper in advance.
  • Fly Tsokotukha. The fairy tale is also being remade into new way. Participants are selected from the audience; these are the main characters, as in the fairy tale. The scene is supplemented by clippings from modern songs, which are suitable in meaning to a specific segment of the fairy tale.

Competitions for the New Year's corporate party 2019 with jokes

Competitions can be themed and correspond to the Year of the Pig, or simply interesting games related to the New Year.


  • Pig race. It is necessary to use tapes to divide the hall into three paths. Participants put on pig masks, get on all fours and crawl to the finish line; whoever reaches the finish line first is the winner.
  • Devoted friend. An interesting and unusual competition that allows employees to become friends and understand each other better. During the competition, three pairs must be selected. It is desirable that these are opposite-sex partners. After this, you need to ask the participants to get on all fours. A fabric ball is attached to one of the partners in the “tail” area. And the second member of the couple must remove it with his teeth. Whichever pair can do it faster wins.
  • Beauty exhibition. It is better to hold the competition when all participants are already drunk. Those interested are chosen to participate, preferably both men and women. You must ask the pigs to stand on all fours and attach their tails. Now you need to ask the participants to wag their tails. Whoever wags his tail more naturally wins. Pieces of fur of different colors are suitable for the competition.

New Year's jokes and entertainment for celebrating the New Year of the Pig

It is best to transfer the jokes and entertainment to the second part of the holiday, when all the participants of the corporate party have already met and had fun. Gags should be low-active, that is, carried out at the table. This is necessary to give the participants a rest.

Fun and entertainment:

  • Alphabet. It is necessary to prepare cards with letters. Each guest chooses a letter. The other box should contain transcripts. For example, “O” is “Huge salary”, and “K” is “Cool vacation”. Try to choose cool statuses.
  • Lottery. A simple and fun competition. Buy inexpensive and cool gifts in advance. These could be fun pig themed trinkets. For example, a collar, ball or food bowl. Place the gifts in one bag and pieces of paper with numbers corresponding to each gift in the second. Let each participant pull out a paper with a number and receive their prize. It's quite fun to receive gifts for pigs.
  • Never. It is necessary that each of the guests say something that he has never done in his life. For example, I have never scuba dived or played basketball. Those of the guests who brought this to life should have a glass. Make sure there are glasses small size, so, the guests won’t get drunk.
  • Dialogue of the deaf. The presenter invites the manager and his subordinate. The boss puts on headphones. The subordinate tries to ask various questions that relate to work and salary. At the same time, the boss does not understand and does not hear what his colleague is saying, since he is wearing headphones and sounds loud music. The leader must try to answer something that he cannot hear. It turns out fun and funny.

Corporate party 2018: New Year's holiday scenario

The host opens the corporate event with words of greeting. This is followed by a short introduction about the past year, its symbol and features, and the attention of those present smoothly switches to the symbol of the coming year, and what it will bring to people.

The next step will be the word of the manager, who will greet his subordinates and also sum up the results with words of gratitude to the team for the work done.

Next, the presenter offers a small competition for ladies who love to dress up. The competition consists of how quickly each participant dresses in the prepared clothes. But the competition is not over yet! After quickly dressing, the same undressing follows, but with the help of men, who, wearing mittens, should help the ladies undress.

After the competition, employees should be given a rest by turning on calm music. They will have some time to eat and chat.

After a short pause, the presenter announces a couple more competitions and selects other people to participate. After completing the competition part, you should let people socialize and have a drink.

So, the musical part of the evening: remember that the music should be varied.

After the rest, you need to motivate the employees again by offering several thematic quizzes and competitions.

Competitions for New Year's corporate parties

  • The well-known game is considered an ideal competition for team building: “How much do you know about me?” . The essence of the competition: all employees write on small pieces of paper a fact from their lives that no one knows about. For example: I broke a glass at school, burned down a barn as a child, or rode a pig with my grandmother in the village. The presenter pulls out pieces of paper and reads what was written out loud, and those present must guess who wrote it.
  • Snowfall. All participants (from 5 to 15 people, depending on the size of the room) are given snowflakes. At a signal, preferably when the song starts, the participants throw up snowflakes and start blowing so that they don’t fall. The participant whose snowflake flies the longest wins.
  • Table racing! Racing tracks are set up on the table, participants are selected who must push the racing ball through a straw to the finish line.

When organizing competitions, do not forget about the gifts that will be pleasant surprise for all participants. Everything that I found cool, I published for you in this post. I wish you to have fun from the heart! Good luck!

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New Year celebrations traditionally begin a little earlier than the calendar date. So, in last weeks December, many enterprises and institutions organize fun corporate parties - with incendiary competitions, games and other entertainment. In addition, kindergartens and schools hold matinees where children receive delicious gifts from Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Very little time will pass, and now we will listen to the chimes with bated breath, making our cherished wish on New Year's Eve. Then follows a series of holidays and weekends, when each house receives guests, and also visits relatives and friends. Of course, a generously laid table is considered an integral part and “highlight” of the program of such events.

However, they come together not only for the sake of delicious dishes and drinks - the holiday should become a bright and unforgettable event. We propose to include in the script the best cool and funny competitions for the New 2019 Year of the Pig (Boar) - for a cheerful company of adults or children. We will be happy to share ideas and videos of table “sedentary” and active entertainment and fun New Year’s games. Happy New Year to you!

Many employees plan long before the New Year holiday script for your colleagues. But now more and more organizations are ordering a professional presenter. If the organization is young and just developing, then you can organize a corporate event on your own.

Competitions for the New Year 2019 - New Year's games and entertainment for children and families

New Year is the most “family” and sincere holiday that unites close people. So, the Yellow Earth Pig patronizes the home and children, and also simply adores fun entertainment. If you want to respect the future mistress of the year, spend New Year's Eve at home, in a cozy home environment. We have selected the most fun competitions - you can come up with a lot of interesting fun for the New Year 2019! Children, adults or the whole friendly family can take part in such New Year's games.

A selection of New Year's competitions, games and entertainment for the New Year of the Pig (Boar)

To hold this competition, you will need a certain number of Christmas tree decorations - one less than the number of participants. Sounds funny music, to which children “walk” near a table with bright toys. Suddenly the melody stops, and everyone must grab one toy - the one who does not have time is out of the game. The most agile player is declared the winner, who will get the last “prey”. However, as a consolation prize, eliminated participants can be given sweets or a toy pig - a symbol of 2019.

There are several people in the room - adults and children, relatives, friends. The essence of the competition is that the selected blindfolded player must “guess” each of those present. To complicate the task, the main character can wear mittens. All participants take turns coming up for “identification,” which is not so easy to do in mittens. Such a New Year's competition always causes a lot of laughter and fun, helping to establish a relaxed, spiritual atmosphere.

Jokes for corporate parties for the New Year 2019

Scenes can be either pre-rehearsed or unexpected. The most interesting thing is that unexpected scenes turn out to be much more interesting and funnier.

Options for scenes for corporate events:

  • Knight. The host chooses the most beautiful man and woman. The woman stands on the chair, she is a long-haired princess. In addition to the man, 2 more men participate in the scene. One plays the role of a knight, the second a knight's horse and cloak. At the same time, the knight tries to remove the princess from the chair, but he is sitting on a horse, and he is wearing a cloak. The office employees are delighted with the scene.
  • Teremok. For the scene you will need all the participants in the fairy tale, as well as costumes. Moreover, women play male roles and vice versa. It is necessary for the presenter to read a fairy tale, and for the characters to enter a large box or fenced area, like a mansion. You can give participants the words of each character on a piece of paper in advance.
  • Fly Tsokotukha. The fairy tale is also being remade in a new way. Participants are selected from the audience; these are the main characters, as in the fairy tale. The scene is supplemented by clippings from modern songs that fit the meaning of a specific segment of the fairy tale.

The coolest competitions for a fun company - for the New Year 2019, video

With the New Year 2019 approaching, I want to arrange a bright and unforgettable holiday. Today we will introduce into the usual New Year's scenario adjustments - in the form of cool competitions and games for a cheerful company of adults and children. The perky and cheerful Pig welcomes an active pastime, so it’s better to prepare cool competitions for the New Year 2019 in advance. On our pages you will find several original ideas for New Year's competitions, as well as interesting video with festive entertainment.

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