Lesson notes for the preparatory group in fine arts. Notes on drawing in the preparatory group “Festive City” A motivating start to the lesson on the topic “Our City”

Description of the material. I bring to your attention a summary of the organized educational activities V preparatory group on the topic "Tour of the city." This material will be useful for educators kindergarten. This is a summary of a lesson on the formation of a holistic picture of the world, aimed at nurturing patriotic feelings for our small Motherland. Target: To instill in children patriotic feelings and pride in their small homeland.
-expand children’s understanding of architectural landmarks and the main industries of the city;
- consolidate the concept of address; teach children to navigate the streets of the city;
-to form an ecological culture, the desire to keep your city clean
-develop thinking, speech, communication skills;
-create a desire to share impressions about your city
- cultivate interest and desire to learn more about your hometown

Materials for the lesson:
Map of Russia, the Republic of Bashkortostan, plan of the city of Belebey, slides with views of the city, Coat of Arms of the city, models of dairy plant products, didactic games “Fold the picture”, “Odd Four”, signs with street names, presentations “I’m walking, walking around my hometown”
Methodical techniques:
conversation, slide show, poetry reading, riddles, children's stories,
didactic games “Fold the picture”, “The fourth odd one”.
Preliminary work:
-viewing photographs with views of your hometown, the capital of Russia and the Republic of Bashkortostan;
-composing creative stories and descriptions of city attractions;
-conversations with children “My route to kindergarten”;
-reading poems about the Motherland;
-photo exhibition “Favorite places in my city”;
-repetition of home address;
-walks around the city

Progress of educational activities:

(Children stand in a circle, greeting each other.)
Invented by someone simply and wisely
When meeting, greet and say:
- Good morning! Sun and birds!
- Good morning! Smiling faces!
And everyone becomes kind and trusting.
Let Good morning lasts until the evening!
Educator. Guys, I have it in my box interesting subject. I suggest you guess it using my clue:
Stands on one leg
He twists and turns his head.
Shows us countries
Rivers, mountains, oceans.
Educator. Well done! You guessed it, it's a globe. Why do you think I brought the globe to the group? (Children's answers). That's right, I want to invite you to go on a trip. What can a person travel on? (Children's answers). Yes, you can travel by any type of transport and even on foot.
We rode a horse, (We walk in place.)
We reached the corner.
We got into the car, (Running in place.)
They poured gasoline.
We were traveling by car,
We reached the river. (Squats.)
Trrr! Stop! U-turn. (Turn around.)
There is a steamer on the river. (Clap our hands.)
We were traveling by steamboat,
We reached the mountain. (We walk in place.)
The ship is unlucky
We need to get on a plane.
The plane is flying,
The motor is humming. (Hands to the sides, “fly”)
Educator. Today we are going on a journey without leaving the group. Is everyone ready? Attention to the screen. (music sounds)
Slide show: Planet Earth, map of Russia, map of the Republic of Belarus, map of the city, streets, buildings.
During the show, questions for children: what is the name of our Planet? Name the planets that are located next to planet Earth? What is the name of our country? What is Motherland? Name words similar to this word. (Birth, fontanel, native, relative, parent)
Educator.Listen to the riddle:
With this city
Others can't compare.
He is the main one in the country,
It's called...(Capital.)
Educator. What is the name of the capital of Russia? How many of you have been to Moscow? What is the name of the capital of Bashkortostan?
So, we got to our hometown Belebey. Guys-guides will help us travel around the city. But first, I would like to know what you know about our city.
The game “I’ll start, you continue” is played.
We live in the city... (Belebey).
The residents of the city are called... (Belebeevites).
Our kindergarten is located on the street...
There are kindergartens in the city... (schools, shops, pharmacies, libraries, monuments, the House of Culture, the Ural-Batyr Central Scientific Research Center).
On the streets of the city grow: apple trees, poplars... (birches).
We love our native... (city) very much.
And we want it to be beautiful, cozy and... (clean).

Educator.And here’s another riddle for you:
Can't live a day without him,
My relatives live there,
I strive for it always and everywhere,
I won’t forget the way to him,
Without it I can hardly breathe
My dear, beloved...(home).

Educator. Yes, everyone has native home. What street do you live on? (Children's answers; they pass the city coat of arms to each other).
Children examine and describe the coat of arms.
Educator. And now our children will take us through the streets of the city. (Children conduct excursions along the streets of Gorokhov, Pionerskaya, Amirova with a slide show). Let's look at the rest of the slides and guess on which street and near which building your parents photographed you. (Children's answers)
Educator. I propose to identify the best experts in the city. We will hold a competition “Hometown Experts”
Holding a competition.The group is divided into 3 teams. Assignment: put together a picture depicting buildings in the city of Belebey. Then show photos on slides. (Team responses.)
Educator Guys, I also want to give you a tour of our city.
Show a slide showing the building of a dairy plant. Questions for children: What is the name of this enterprise? What street is it on? If you have difficulty answering, a hint: pictures of a cow, a carton of milk. (Children's answers).
Educator. Guys, this is the Belebeevsky Dairy Plant. What do they produce on it? Do any of your parents or relatives work? Where have you seen these products? (Children's answers) I invite you to visit the store with the products of our plant. Showcase display of dairy products. I suggest you do some shopping. ( Children explain why they chose this product.) What dishes can be prepared from these products?
A conversation is held about the benefits of dairy products.
I'm walking down the street
Mommy is walking nearby.
I see pigeons flying,
I see a plane in the sky.
There are cars passing by
Clouds are floating across the sky,
The trees are waving their branches,
The birds are singing songs!
I smile at people I meet
And they to me. I'm so glad!
Hello, my favorite city!
Hello, hello, kindergarten!
Educator. Guys, as you grow up you will learn a lot of interesting things about the history of our streets, buildings, parks and of course about the people who lived and live in this city. Look at these slides and decide which of these four images does not apply to our city?
Held didactic game"The fourth is odd." Show slides with a choice of the correct answer. (the slides show buildings, ponds, monuments)
Educator. Our short trip is over, but I am sure that each of you fell in love with our city even more. You have learned a lot about the city. Let's imagine that guests have come to us. What would you like to show them in our city? Which place is especially dear to you? (Children's answers).
Educator. And at the end of our journey, let's talk about our city good words: “My city…” (Children’s answers)
Child reads a poem:
Belebey is a rainbow of colors!
Belebey is a sea of ​​flowers!
How I love you, city from a fairy tale,
City of peace, poetry, masters (D. Michurin.)

Nekrasova I. V., teacher of the highest qualification category, Gubkin, Belgorod region.

Software tasks:

Teach children to create an image of a festively decorated city;

Clarify the idea that houses in the city vary in height, roof structure, and purpose (residential buildings differ in architecture from shops, cultural centers, churches).

Strengthen the ability to convey these differences in drawing.

Continue to learn how to coordinate your actions with the actions of your comrades when drawing up a city street, arrange images throughout the sheet, and determine the location of individual objects.

Strengthen the ability of preschoolers to answer the teacher’s questions in complete sentences.

Develop fine motor skills and existing drawing skills.

Preliminary work:

1. Excursions along the city streets.

2. Examination of illustrations and photographs of city attractions.

3. Drawing in your free time.

4. Conversations about your hometown.

5. Reading poems about your hometown.

Poems about Gubkin

V. Gruzdov

And praise and honor to Gubkin

Millions of tons of rich ores

Here they go uphill like a mountain.

But not the price of priceless ores

He dictates his rights here.

Every resident here is

Put it yourself

Born for exploits at the KMA.

And with firm faith in success

We built Gubkin for everyone,

For everyone, for us and for friends.

Our city is a museum of cleanliness:

And there is greenery

And there are flowers

And sidewalks and bridges.

And in the summer heat,

And at the hour of the star

Fountains of wondrous beauty

Peace and joy comfort

Here they give it to vacationers.

The pure ringing of bells

Calls for morning bow.

And Gubkin was there!

And there is Gubkin!

And praise to Gubkin

S. Voronov, 11 years old

This is our dear Gubkin

What kind of animal is this under the tree?

Are you staying with us for a long time?

Hedgehog, obviously.

I guess I'm afraid of needles,

I'm waiting for him to snort now

And he will run towards the road...

The hedgehog smiled peacefully

And he swayed his leaves:

“I am not prickly, man-made,

And I can’t snort -

I love all of you Gubkinites.

Come, take a rest,

Sit on the lawn

Admire the beauty -

This is our dear Gubkin!”

V. Vologa

My city

The city is festively dressed -

Residents admire.

Sidewalk colorful

Decorates the streets.

Flowerbeds - bright flowers

With different patterns.

And outside the city there are gardens,

You will not take them in with your gaze.

Crossroads. A pedestrian

Doesn't walk loosely.

Transitions have been made everywhere

White, lined.

Along the city paths

The grass is turning green.

But especially beautiful

Miner's Glory Square.

The ringing of bells is heard.

The morning is brightening up

In the gilding of the domes

The city is reflected.

N. Shcherbakov

On city day, on city day

My city is in smiles.

The cathedral shines with gold,

The bells are ringing

And joyful and young

The area came to life.

Equipment and materials:

Illustrations, photographs beautiful buildings cities, different in architecture and purpose; gardens, parks.

Tinted A3 paper (general sheet).

White paper (1/2 landscape sheet) for each child.

Gouache, wax crayons, simple pencils for each child.

Scissors, glue.

Individual work:

with children with poorly developed fine motor skills hands on drawing square and rectangular objects (buildings), painting (shading) images.

Progress of the event:

The art studio houses an exhibition of illustrations and photographs of city buildings, varying in architecture and purpose.

The teacher invites the children to tell us the name of our city, whether the children like it, why, and why. It reminds us how many houses are being built in the city and that they are all different (sports complexes, kindergartens, schools, churches, temples, palaces of culture...) How beautiful and green our city is - we have many gardens, squares and parks. It reminds us that our city became the winner in the all-Russian competition “The most comfortable city in Russia.” Special attention in the children's answers, he draws attention to a detailed description of the appearance of the city's buildings, what they all have in common and how they differ from each other (low, high - multi-story; different shapes of roofs, windows, doors, colors, etc.). Looks at photographs and illustrations of city landscapes with children.

Reminds me that there was a holiday in the city recently. Invites children to tell what kind of holiday it is (City Day); how it was celebrated; how you have changed appearance cities at that time - how houses, streets, squares were decorated (flags, balloons, multi-colored light bulbs, slogans - banners, etc.). Ensures that children answer in complete sentences.

Invites you to draw your favorite city, decorated for the holiday. Draws children's attention to the fact that we must draw buildings by which our city can be recognized (Temple, sports palace, high-rise buildings, etc.).

Before starting work, the teacher and the children do finger exercises.

Finger gymnastics “Let’s draw”

Children stand next to the tables.

One two three four five -

Fingers clenched into fists.

Show the numbers by straightening your fingers one by one.

Let's draw together.

Rotate your hands in one direction.

Dad's house

Mom's house.

Show a house made of fingers.

This house is for you.

This house is for me.

Show the chimney of the house with your fingers.

Let's draw a garden around

There are trees here and there.

One hand on the belt, the other to the side.

Then we change the position of the hands.

Let's go for a walk in the garden

And let's start the game again.

Walking in place.

Children agree among themselves who will draw residential buildings, some a temple, some a sports palace, some high-rise buildings... They make sketches and draw each one on their own sheet of paper. The teacher clarifies the ways of depicting houses, says that first you need to draw with a simple pencil general shape house, then its characteristic parts, details (roof, windows, doors, balconies). And only after that start coloring.

At the end, the teacher helps each child to place his house on a common sheet of paper - “city street”. Draws attention to the fact that the streets of the city look deserted and bare without trees, flowers, or people. Children add trees, flowers, people to a common sheet...

At the end of the lesson, the entire composition is examined as a whole, and all works separately. Each child tells what and how he depicted.

Visual activity has great importance V artistic education children, their mental and moral development. In progress creative activity a sense of form, color, proportions, composition and a sense of rhythm develops. Older preschoolers use generalized methods of conveying images in drawing, appliqué and modeling classes, which allows free thinking through a creative concept and a wide choice of topics.

In the school preparatory group, drawing still occupies leading place in teaching visual arts. The children create expressive images and plots using a variety of techniques and drawing techniques.

Preparing for a drawing lesson in the preparatory group of a kindergarten

In preschool educational institution children are taught drawing three types: subject, plot and decorative. The general task of teaching drawing in kindergarten is to develop the ability to depict objects and objects of the surrounding reality through active cognition of it. Creative skills Children develop year by year. For each age group Certain visual media are available for mastery and successful use.

Features of teaching drawing to children 6–7 years old

Type of drawingThe main taskLearning objectives in the preparatory groupTechniques and drawing techniques used
SubjectLearning to realistically convey in a drawing the characteristic shape of an object or its parts, respecting proportions, color, volume, and movement.Teach how to depict an object from life or from an idea, observing the features of its structure, size, proportional ratio of parts/details, characteristic movements.
Development of compositional skills through the correct arrangement of an object on a sheet in accordance with its shape and size.
Development of color perception through the use of various shades of the same color in work.
Development of technical skills: mixing paints, drawing with shading and strokes according to the shape of an object.
Independent choice of the location of the drawing on a sheet of paper (horizontally or vertically) in accordance with the structure of the depicted object or composition (use of analytical abilities in children).
Drawing simple shaped toys and tree branches from life.
Drawing by View fairy-tale heroes(Father Frost and Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga, Frog Princess, etc.).
Using the preview pencil sketch: the ability to plan upcoming work and analyze the depicted object develops.
PlotLearning to convey your feelings from the surrounding reality (reflection of semantic connections between objects).Teach how to choose a story based on a given lesson topic.
To teach how to convey characteristic movements when drawing a human figure or changing the shape of a moving object.
Teach how to fill the entire area of ​​the sheet with an image in accordance with the plan.
Development of compositional skills: drawing a stripe not with one line of paint, but expanding the space of sky and earth depicted in the drawing; image of close and distant objects (the farther the object is located according to the plan, the higher it is located on the sheet while maintaining the initial size).
Learning to draw a separate plot point.
DecorativeLearning the differences in styles of folk crafts and using their features in your creativity.
Instilling in children a sense of beauty.
Nurturing love for native land and respect for manual labor.
Development of compositional abilities: the ability to choose a pattern and place it on the flat or three-dimensional surfaces of various objects.
Development of color perception.
Teach the use of elements folk painting in creating patterns.
Ability to work on flat bases of various shapes (diamond-shaped, rectangular, along the contour of a samovar, balalaika, toys) and on convex blanks (papier-mâché).
Using pencils in decorative painting.
Applications various types ornament (stripe, mesh).
Introduction to the concept of mirror symmetry.

During drawing classes, older preschoolers create works not only with paints, but also with pencils. At the age of 6–7 years, a child can perform uniform bright shading with slate and wax colored pencils. He can reach in pencil drawing various shades one color (due to the intensity of pressure).

Watercolors are often used in art classes. By drawing with slate pencils or watercolors, children learn to see the beauty of light shades.

Gouache is used in decorative drawing or in the creation of those subject and subject works in which, according to the plan, color is applied to color.

For teaching preschoolers graphic drawing You can use a black felt-tip pen. Before starting work, it is necessary to remind the children that when drawing with a felt-tip pen you need to be especially careful: the ink of a felt-tip pen does not rub off well. work surface and are washed off from the skin of the hands, but may not be washed off from clothes.

For classes you need sets of paper for drawing, special paper for watercolors and gouache. They also paint on whatman paper and half-whatman paper. For painting with gouache, there are sets of multi-colored tinted paper, but purchasing it in kindergarten is impractical: the pupils are faced with the task of learning how to create a thoughtful background, White color the basics are suitable. To draw city and rural landscapes at night, thick paper or black cardboard is often used; drawing based on an unusual color, of course, arouses strong interest among students.

Drawing can be combined with other visual arts techniques - appliqué and modeling. The guys complete the dried drawings with details or figures according to the plan. For example, in a drawing of a city, you can use pencils to glue clouds and falling drops cut out of paper. Plasticine and paper elements often decorate the bottom of the picture (grass, flowers, sea ​​waves, pebbles, etc.), work out the details of the image (windows on houses, tiles on the roof, bricks on the wall), etc. Materials for creating an applique in the drawing are possible in a variety of ways: cotton pads, napkin balls, natural material, cut out motifs from candy wrappers and magazines. The use of plasticineography is encouraged - an unconventional drawing technique by smearing plasticine. Plasticine strokes help to beautifully and originally design the background of the picture: a sandy beach, a wheat field, a pre-sunset sky.

Combination of drawing with other iso-techniques

Drawing with elements of origami applique Collective drawing with elements of applique Drawing with elements of paper plastic and modeling Drawing with elements of paper plastic and modeling Drawing with elements of applique made of natural material

Application of unconventional drawing techniques: night street

Drawing with chalk using stencils Drawing with chalk on sandpaper Using the spray technique Drawing using the grattage technique Drawing using the scratchtage technique Drawing with wax crayons and watercolors Drawing with wax crayons and watercolors Drawing with pastels Drawing using the scratchtage technique Drawing using the monotype technique (the sheet with the printed image is folded in half so that the drawing does not dry imprinted)

In the process of educational activities modern teachers implement the concept of a person-centered approach. For drawing classes in the preparatory group, this approach is carried out through the teacher’s adherence to the following principles and methods of work:

  • Knowledge of the individual characteristics of the psychophysical development of pupils. Assignments must be given taking into account the characteristics of the group.
  • Stimulation cognitive activity, the desire to share with others their own experiences and examples from life.
  • Creating conditions and situations (game or problem) for students to demonstrate their abilities.
  • Providing freedom of choice (specific topic, methods and techniques for completing the task).
  • Emotionally positive atmosphere within the team (well-established Feedback“educator-pupil”, fostering a culture within the group).

In drawing lessons, a person-centered approach is implemented through the teacher’s careful development of a lesson program and preparation for each lesson. By consolidating previously acquired skills in the process of creating a drawing, the child feels the significance of what he did previously. At every lesson he learns something new or learns something - the child has interest and incentive to develop. He analyzes the finished work, learns to accept constructive criticism and well-deserved praise.

The theme of the drawing announced at the beginning of the lesson can be generalized - this gives students a certain freedom of imagination. For example, the theme “City in the evening” can provide children with scope for creative activities based on the following criteria: time of year (winter, spring, summer, or autumn evening), at what stage of the evening (sunset, twilight, late evening), weather conditions (windy, cloudy , clear evening or raining, snowing). The children independently choose the shape of the houses to depict (square, rectangular, multi-story or low buildings, towers) and color scheme drawing.

The teacher is recommended to decorate the room where art classes are held, to decorate a cabinet or rack with the materials and tools that the children use: sets of paper for drawing with a pencil (possibly white and tinted cardboard), watercolor or gouache, sheets of whatman paper and half-whatman paper, sets of paints, plastic palettes or plates for mixing paints, brushes various shapes and thickness, colored pencils. Materials for unconventional ways drawing materials (paint blowing tubes, wax crayons, pastels, finger paints, etc.) should be stored separately. Children should have regular access to traditional materials. Unusual colors, for example, attract attention, but the ability to work with them may not be sufficiently developed.

For each lesson, the teacher needs to think through additional tasks for high-achieving children. If someone completes the main task early, they begin to distract those who are still working and may lose interest in further creative activity (too easy). Successful options individual tasks on the theme “City”: supplement the drawing with appliqué (stars, clouds, owls in the sky, stone pavement, windows) or plasticine figures in the foreground (grass, flowers, snowdrifts, trees, snowmen, lanterns); try to record the work of several students on a half-paper sheet and ask them to jointly complete the white base sheet - to expand the city.

Options for individual and collective compositions on the theme “City”

Children aged 6–7 years are characterized by a desire for group activities. The teacher needs to stimulate and encourage children's interest in productive and creative interaction. Since the leading form of learning about the world around us for older preschoolers is still play, activities on creating teamwork must contain an element of play. It is also possible to work in subgroups of 2-3 people: thinking through a scene for plot drawing, distributing objects and objects for drawing, coordinated creation of a composition and background.

Lesson topicForm of organization of activitiesTraining and development tasksTechniques used
"City in the evening"Individual.Training in the correct color rendering of an evening landscape (possibly training in drawing on dark-colored paper/cardboard).
Development of a sense of color (smooth transitions of colors when depicting the evening sky).
Consolidating compositional skills: houses located further away are located on the sheet above.
Training in analysis of finished work.
Drawing with watercolors and gouache: mixing shades of the same color; drawing smooth lines; creating color transitions.
Drawing with colored pencils: shading with a pencil with different pressure to obtain shades of the same color.
"My city"Collective.Training in graphic drawing techniques.
Learning to draw on a common sheet of paper and combine your drawing with the works of other students.
A simplified (conditional) image of individual details of the landscape.
"Street of our city"Individual.Training in analyzing objects (houses differ in height, width of the building, material, color of the walls, shape of the roof, number of windows and doors, presence of an antenna or pipe at the top).
Consolidating knowledge about perspective, the position of objects relative to the horizon.
Hatching with colored pencils with different pressure (to paint walls, you need to hold the pencil further from the tip - the pressure is relaxed, since the walls are usually light in color; for shading windows, doors, antennas or pipes, take it closer to the tip - the pressure is more intense).
Creating the outline of objects using felt-tip pens.
"Village in the evening"Collective.Learning to interact in thinking through the compositional concept of a work.
Learning to convey color schemes (creating smooth transitions of celestial colors, sun-tinted clouds in a dark sky).
Drawing with paints or a pencil, I coordinate the creation of the image with the overall design.
Individual.Consolidating knowledge about perspective, the correct placement of objects in the foreground and background.
Learning to draw with dark shades and depict shadows.
Drawing objects with colored pencils, creating outlines with dark-colored felt-tip pens.
Development of the ability to draw a shadow falling from an object.
Individual.Training in careful work with felt-tip pens (painting inside the outline).
Learning how to create a preliminary pencil sketch.
Creating a sketch with a simple pencil (the outlines of objects are drawn without detail: rectangles for houses and squares for windows, cars on the road, trees, lanterns, the moon, etc.).
Coloring the outlines of the sketch with felt-tip pens.
Outlining the outlines with a black felt-tip pen.
"My city is my country"Collective.Expanding and consolidating knowledge about your hometown and country.
Learning to create an image based on material seen (posters, postcards with city views).
This theme is recommended for implementation project activities(it is possible to coincide the demonstration of the project with City Day).
Drawing generalized details of the city landscape, highlighting one or two compositionally significant objects (the building of the city theater - in detail, residential buildings around - conditionally; kindergarten - in detail, trees in the adjacent territory - conditionally).
Creation of a collective panel.
« Holiday City» Individual.Development of a sense of color and composition, spatial concepts.
Consolidating drawing skills volumetric objects(buildings, various structures).
Consolidating the skill of highlighting significant details of a drawing with brighter shades of the main paint.
Improving the ability to draw with gouache (objects are drawn on different parts of the sheet so that those drawn earlier have time to completely dry, and they can be supplemented with strokes of a different color).
For this topic, a successful combination of painting with watercolors and gouache: the main drawing is applied in watercolors (dark blue or black sky, houses, road), and the fireworks are painted with gouache - bright paint.
"Golden Domes of Moscow"Collective.Expanding students' knowledge about the features of temple architecture (what figures underlie the building, the structure of the dome, the presence of steps, columns, arches and arcs).
Consolidating the ability to create a preliminary sketch with a simple pencil.
Techniques for drawing volumetric parts (domes, dome base, columns): one part is painted with a light shade, the second with a dark shade.
Conditional drawing of background elements (forest in the background, individual trees or bushes on the sides of the building), detailed drawing of the image of the temple. Develops the ability to create a drawing using visual example(photos or postcards).

Motivating start to a lesson on the topic “Our City”

Drawing inanimate objects (buildings, trees, fences) can weaken students’ interest in visual arts. Initial stage classes on the topic “City” should be the creation of a game situation with subsequent involvement in creative process. Also activates the imagination and desire to create, conducting a conversation based on discussion personal experience and figurative memory of children, joint study visual material, listening to poems and excerpts from prose works, containing descriptions of city landscapes.

The purpose of drawing classes on this topic is to create urban (rural) landscapes in various time, weather and situational conditions. A drawing lesson in the preparatory group of a kindergarten should last no more than 30 minutes and consists of the following stages:

  • Organizational moment 1–2 minutes.
  • Motivating start 6-7 minutes.
  • Practical work 15–17 minutes.
  • Demonstration and Analysis finished works 2–3 minutes.
  • Summing up 1 minute.

The teacher needs to draw up detailed plan each lesson, followed by mandatory analysis: whether the set goals and objectives were achieved, whether the teaching methods and techniques used were effective, how the children behaved during various stages classes, analysis of students’ work, approximate ways to improve the conduct of classes.

Summary of direct educational activities in drawing in the preparatory group on the topic “Evening City”.
Activating interest in visual arts.
Development of color and spatial perception.
Strengthening the ability to construct a composition. MaterialsLooking at postcards and albums with photographs (possibly illustrations by artists) of the city. Preliminary workSheets of paper, wax pencils, images of city landscapes in the evening. Progress of the lessonArtistic word: reading of Tatyana Zhivava’s poem “There is a special charm in big cities...” followed by a conversation. Study of illustrative material.
The teacher creates a playful moment: he invites the children to try themselves as magic artists and draw the city in the evening.
Discussion of the practical implementation of the task (how you can arrange objects on the sheet, what colors to use, etc.).
Conducting physical education with musical accompaniment.
Independent completion of the practical part by students.
Demonstration of finished works, encouragement of the most beautiful drawings, gratitude to everyone for the work done.
Summing up the results of the lesson, assessment, cleaning of workplaces.

The order of drawings on the theme “City”

In the preparatory group, the teacher should not conduct a direct demonstration of the execution of actions before the children begin to perform the practical part. Children develop the ability to follow verbal instructions, so it is worth discussing with them in what ways and in what sequence they will draw a landscape, and through leading questions and tips, lead them to the recommended order of actions.

"Autumn in the City"

Indicating the horizon line Sketching the foreground Drawing the outlines of buildings Coloring the outlines Coloring the windows Drawing the autumn sky Drawing shadows from buildings Drawing background details Tree trunks Drawing with brush strokes of red leaves Drawing with brush strokes yellow leaves Drawing with rain strokes

"The house I live in"

Marking the horizon Creating the outline of the house Coloring the outline Coloring the foreground Detailing the foreground Painting the background Coloring the windows (the main part of the house is dry) Painting the background Additional details

Presented with abbreviations.

Program content.
Teach children to convey a picture of an evening city, its color scheme: houses are lighter than the night sky, multi-colored lights glow in the windows.
Strengthen the ability to formulate your idea compositionally, accordingly arranging images on a sheet of paper.
Methodology of conducting the lesson.
Invite the children to remember what the city is like in the evening, what the houses look like. Remind about the variety of houses in proportions and location on the street.
At the end of the lesson, look at the drawings, discuss with the children why it is clear that evening has come, which of the children did it better.
Preparing for the lesson.
Ask parents to show their children the evening city. Carry out such an observation in the garden. Select and review appropriate illustrations with the children; leave them in the group room for a while.
Prepare dark paper, watercolor, gouache.

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