Summary of a lesson on introducing children to works of fine art and. Summary of a lesson on getting acquainted with portrait painting Synopsis of a lesson on introducing the fine arts

Summary of an integrated lesson to familiarize children with fine arts, nature, and music.

Subject :

“Conversation on Levitan’s picture “Golden Autumn”, introducing children to painting genres.”

Target : develop children’s artistic perception of works of fine art, teach them to understand the content of the picture. Strengthen the ability to independently express an aesthetic attitude towards nature through visual means. To foster love for their native land, develop children’s creative abilities, and introduce them to the genres of painting. Dictionary : landscape, landscape artist, still life, portrait, blue river, colorful foliage.

Preliminary work:examination with children of landscapes by artists Levitan I.I., Shishkin, Savrasov. Listening to the works of Tchaikovsky P.I. “The Seasons”, Vivaldi “The Seasons”, reading poems about nature, getting to know sayings, proverbs, signs of autumn. Equipment : reproduction from Levitan's painting "Golden Autumn" / "Portrait of A.S. Pushkin" by the artist Kiprensky, "Still Life" by Van Gogh, glue, scissors, colored paper, brushes, rags, a common blank sheet for the still life painting "Gifts of Autumn". Today, children, we will talk to you about genres of painting, about Levitan’s picture “Golden Autumn”.

What time of autumn is shown in the picture (beginning, middle or end of autumn)?

There is a short, but wonderful time in the original autumn - The whole day is as if crystal, And the evenings are radiant...

It's still warm, sunny, and the trees are starting to turn golden,

October has already arrived - the grove is already shaking off the last leaves from its naked branches. The autumn chill has blown in - the road is freezing Zhurcha, the stream is still running behind the mill. But the pond has already frozen.

The forest is like a painted tower, lilac, gold, crimson, with a cheerful, motley wall

Standing above a bright clearing.

The teacher invites you to look at the picture carefully and say what is depicted on it.

The leaves on the birch are yellow and golden, and the aspen is red and purple.

The river is quiet, light blue, thoughtful.

Look at its banks, what are they covered with? What grass?

True, green, but already beginning to fade, Dry grass is drooping

to the ground. What can you see in the distance? (Green grass). This is winter.

The grass withers and turns yellow in the meadows, the winter crop rises evenly,

green velvet carpet.

Look and tell me what weather the artist depicted in the picture? How did you know that the weather was sunny? That's right, the sky is blue, only here and there white clouds, like swans, float by. The air is warm and transparent. The wind faintly rustles the golden leaves.

What colors did the artist use in this painting? That's right, yellow. This is sunny paint and the artist chose it to depict the day. The artist used red paint to depict the foliage of the aspen tree. For the sky and river I used blue. The artist used joyful, cheerful colors in his painting to make the picture bright and beautiful. What mood do you get when you look at this picture? (happy, a little sad). What other word can you call this picture? (scenery). What do we call an artist who paints landscapes? (landscape artist). But there are children, other artists. Some of them draw portraits of people. Look at the portrait of A.S. Pushkin by artist Kiprensky. Other artists depict fruits, vegetables, flowers. This is a still life. Translated into Russian - “dead nature”. Today, guys, we will be artists, but not with brushes and paints, but with colored paper and scissors. We will create a still life painting "Gifts of Autumn". What does autumn bring us? (apples, plums, pears, grapes, vegetables). We will cut out fruits and paste them onto our picture. We got a good picture. What is the name of this genre of painting? (Still life).

Marina Borisovna Radionova – Teacher of Fine Arts, MADOU TsRR d/s “Zvezdochka”, Lensk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Date of submission of work to the competition: 04/23/2017.

Summary of a lesson in the senior group on familiarization with art

Target:Create conditions for preschoolers to become familiar with genres of art.


Educational. To consolidate the idea of ​​painting as a form of fine art, about the features of each genre (portrait, landscape, still life) To introduce some reproductions of paintings of different genres.

Developmental. Expand your horizons and develop your children’s speech.

Activation of the dictionary (landscape, still life, portrait, painter, excursion, guide)

Educational. Introducing children to art, developing interest in it, caring for works of art, and developing artistic taste.

Preliminary work: Project “Creation of a mini-museum” preparatory group, invitation card.



Guys, we have a surprise in store today! - Shows a colorfully designed invitation card and reads: “We invite the children of the senior group on an excursion to our mini-museum. Preparatory group."

What do you think can be seen in the museum?

Children:Paintings, clay toys, various antiques, sculptures.

Teacher:True, but before we go on a tour, let's remember the rules of behavior. How should you behave in a museum?

Children:Calm down, don’t shout, don’t disturb others from looking at everything.

Teacher:The museum has special servants - guides.

If you go to the museum,

It will be difficult for you to understand

Without the learned strict aunt,

Where should your inspection begin?

Auntie slowly follows

Leads the whole group.

They listen to her diligently,

After all, she is a tour guide.

The guides today will be the guys from the preparatory group. They will introduce us to the exhibits of their museum. Let's listen to them carefully and answer the questions. Let's go to the preparatory group.

Pictures are hung in the preparatory group.

Teacher:The first tour guide meets us.

Guide:Hello, my name is Sonya, in our museum you will see reproductions of paintings by famous artists. We are in the painting hall. This name means “to paint alive,” that is, to make everything in the picture look like it’s alive. They say about artists that they paint pictures. Do you know what you can paint on?

Children:On paper, fabric.

Guide:Yes, and on wood, on a whitewashed wall, such painting is called monumental. In their paintings, artists convey the beauty of the world. If an artist paints nature or a city or a village, what is the name of such a picture?

Children: Scenery

Guide:That's right, listen to the poem to better remember this genre of painting.

If you see in the picture

A river is drawn

Or spruce and white frost,

Or a garden and clouds,

Or a snowy plain

Or a field and a hut, -

Required picture

It's called a landscape.

Guide:Let's look at a reproduction of Ivan Shishkin's painting “Morning in a Pine Forest.” What is shown in the picture?

Children:Bear family in the forest.

Guide:When you look at the picture, it seems that it is alive. Bear cubs frolic in the morning forest. So they climbed onto a fallen tree, and the bear guards them. One bear cub stepped aside, he saw something.

Guide:But this picture will be familiar to you. What is it called?

Children:"Gold autumn"

Guide:Yes, this is a painting by the artist Isaac Levitan. On it we see an image of early autumn, when the trees are golden. On the canvas there is a Russian landscape - fields, groves, a river. The sun is shining dimly, the sky is blue with clouds.

Teacher:Let's say thank you to Sonya for the story, now another guide is waiting for us.

Children: Thank you, Sonya!

Teacher:Let's move on to other paintings.

Guide:Hello, my name is Pasha. Guess which paintings I will talk about:

If you see what's in the picture

Is one of us looking?

Or a prince in an old cloak,

Or a steeplejack in a robe,

Pilot or ballerina,

Or Kolka, your neighbor, -

Required picture

It's called...

Children: Portrait!

Guide:Portrait is a genre dedicated to the depiction of a person or group of people. Let's look at the painting by Ilya Kramskoy. Who do we see there?

Children:We see a girl in ancient clothes.

Guide:And the next picture depicts a group of people. Who is this?

Children: These are heroes!

Guide:How did you guess?

Children:They are on horses, armored and armed.

Guide:Does anyone know the names of the heroes?

Children:Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich.

Guide:The heroes protected our land. They sit on powerful horses, they have strong armor, war clubs, and bows. The heroes are on patrol; they will not let the enemy pass.

Teacher:We thank Pasha for the story, let's move on.

Children: Thank you, Pasha!

Guide:Hello, my name is Ira. Try to guess which paintings I will tell you about:

If you see in the picture

Cup of coffee on the table

Or fruit juice in a large decanter,

Or a rose in crystal,

Or a bronze vase,

Or a pear or a cake,

Or all items at once -

Know that this...

Children: Still life!

Guide:A still life is an image of inanimate objects, for example, dishes, food, bouquets of flowers. Previously, wealthy citizens loved to decorate their homes with images of luxurious life: laid tables, expensive dishes, expensive jewelry. Let's look at Ilya Mashkov's still life "Two dark roses and a plate of strawberries." In the center of the picture is a transparent vase with scarlet roses, and next to it are red ripe berries. Each berry has a green tail. The still life is bright and elegant. And here is another still life by artist G. Konchalovsky, “Lilacs in a Basket.” The lilac in the picture is of different colors: pink, white, blue. The artist loved to paint lilacs; he has a lot of still lifes with lilacs. Painted flowers will live forever and bring joy to people at any time of the year.

Guide:We have prepared a gift for you. These are still life coloring pages. Next time you come to us, you can bring colored pictures.

Teacher:We will make an interesting album from these pictures and bring it to your museum.

Guide:We are waiting for you again! See you soon, thanks for your attention!

Teacher: Thanks for the story, goodbye, let's go to the group.

In the group, children share their impressions of the excursion - “which picture was remembered more than others and liked,” they paint still lifes and make an album together with the teacher.

Natalya Milko
Synopsis of GCD in fine arts in the senior group “Introduction to the art of portraiture”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of kindergarten No. 3 of a general developmental type

SYNOPSIS of art classes:

Who is an artist? Introduction to the art of portraiture.

HELD: Milko N.V.

Program tasks:

1. Form an idea about portrait, about why artists create it, that artists depict not only the appearance of a particular person, but also his state of mind, mood, that in portrait nothing happens unnecessary: everything works to reveal the image of a person; teach children to recognize from the plot depicted in the picture what feelings the character experiences in a given situation (joy, sadness, surprise, anger, fear);

2. Arouse in children an emotional attitude towards the image, strengthen the ability to convey various facial expressions (happy, sad, scared, etc.); develop children's imagination and sense of humor; learn to position parts of the face correctly; consolidate drawing techniques with paints, the entire brush and its tip;

3. Cultivate a feeling of joy from the work done, a desire to complete the work started.

Materials for the lesson: various portraits, large diagrams of a person’s face with different expressions, flannelgraph, paints, brushes, blanks for drawing funny faces.

Progress of the lesson:

Fairy tale on flannelgraph:

There lived a brush. She was very sad because no one wanted to be friends with her. And one day, when she was walking down the street, she met a boy. He was also very sad, because he really wanted to learn how to draw. And they decided to be friends. The brush found a friend, and the boy learned to draw and became... Who did the boy become? (artist)

Today you and I will also become artists.

I will now tell you about the appearance of one person from our groups, and you try, according to my description, find out who I told about.

Description: (hair color, hairstyle, clothes,)

Now look carefully at each other.

Who wants to talk about the appearance of their friend?

Now we described each other’s appearance in our own words, but what is the name of the drawing that depicts a person? (portrait)

Who draws portraits of people? (artists- portrait painters)

Consideration portraits of different people

Is it possible to determine who these people are by their clothes, by their actions?

Is it possible to find out where these people work?

One day, Winnie the Pooh wanted to climb into a beehive to steal honey from the bees, but the bees noticed this and decided to protect their honey. And when Winnie the Pooh saw a swarm of bees flying towards him, what feelings did he experience? (Anger, joy, fear)

Each face has its own expression. And artists, drawing portraits, convey people's feelings? (Yes).

How do we recognize a cheerful person? (He smiles)

What does a surprised face look like? (eyes wide open, eyebrows raised, mouth slightly open).

And what eyes, lips, eyebrows on an evil face (eyebrows knitted, frowned, eyes squinted, lower lip protruded).

Now, listen to another interesting story.

A fairy tale shown on flannelgraph.

Lived in one village old lady. Her name was Daria Ivanovna. And she had a cow, Zorka. Daria Ivanovna will milk her cow and pour delicious fresh milk into jars (showing the jug). In the summer, a grandson from the city, Alyosha, came to Daria Ivanovna. He was a cheerful, mischievous boy and loved to draw, especially something funny. Once the grandmother washed all her jars, put some on a bench to dry in the sun, and hung others on fence pegs so that the water would drain, and she went to milk her Zorka. Alyosha went out into the yard and saw a lot of jugs. Some stood on benches with their necks up, others hung on stakes with their necks down. Alyosha looked at the jars; they seemed to him very similar to human heads. Alyosha ran to get his paints and painted a funny face on each jar. On one jar he depicted a big-eyed cook in a cap. Like this! On the other - a crybaby. Like this! And on the third - a cheerful toothy boy and many, many other funny faces.

Do you want to draw funny faces on jars just like Alyosha?

Who do you want to portray?

Now let's become artists, sit down at the tables and draw funny faces on milk jugs.


Exhibition of works.

Summing up.

What are the names of drawings that depict a person? (portrait)

Who draws these portraits? (artists - portrait painters) .

Elena Ivanovna Zadoya
Abstract of the GCD for introducing preschoolers to fine arts in the senior group (Landscape artist I. I. Shishkin)


1)Introduce children with such a genre of painting as landscape.

2) Learn to perceive the content of a landscape painting, understand the beauty of nature, which depicted by the artist.

3) Develop imagination, fantasy; make children want to look at pictures about nature.

4) Expand children’s knowledge about creativity landscape artist I. AND Shishkina.

4) Educate children artistic taste, the ability to highlight shades of colors as a means of expressiveness.


Enrichment of vocabulary - pine forest, dense, gloomy.

Activation of the vocabulary - dark, impenetrable, deaf, clumsy, funny, cute, clumsy bears, rare, clawed, openwork crown.


Showing, explaining, talking, reminding, repeating, playing technique, artistic word, physical training, encouragement, evaluation of actions.


Screen, projector, computer, slides - reproduction of a painting by I. I. Shishkina"Morning in a pine forest", portrait-reproduction of I. I. Shishkina, audio recording (musical accompaniment during creative work, blanks using monotype technique.


Examination of illustrations, paintings about nature, excursion to a grove, park, reading river. n. fairy tales "The Frog Princess", "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka", "Three Bears", "Masha and the Bear", organization of an exhibition of paintings and reproductions by I. I. Shishkina-“Rye”, “Pine Forest”, “Ship Grove”, “Before the Storm”.

Move (NOD)


Imagine, children, that we are now in the forest. Turn around yourself and turn into trees. Show how tall the trees are in the forest. (children raise their hands up)

A warm breeze blew and the leaves rustled. (children move their fingers quickly)

A cold wind blew and the pine trees swayed. (children shake and wave their arms)

The wind has died down; neither leaves nor branches are moving anymore. (children relax)

The wind blew again. (children tense up again and wave their arms, then relax again)

Guys, what an amazing world surrounds us, this is the natural world. They help us to be able to see its beauty artists. Are you already familiar with artists who illustrated fairy tales, and there are others who help us see the beauty of nature in the picture. The pictures they paint are called landscapes, and landscape artists.

As they call it artist who paints landscapes (suggested answers landscape artist)

And the pictures he paints (landscapes)

We had a wonderful person in Russia artists. AND Shishkin. He loved to draw the forest.

Look at his portrait. A strong, broad-shouldered man with a beard, somewhat reminiscent of a mighty tree. People called him that - “Forest Hero”, “King of the Forest”

I. I have Shishkina's painting, which many people know. It's called "Morning in a Pine Forest."

Guys, look carefully at the names of the trees I drew. artist(pine trees)

What is the name of a forest in which only pine trees grow? (Pinery)

That's right, a pine forest. Look at the trees. How can you describe them - what they are like? (tall, powerful, slender, fat, etc.)

What kind of crown does a pine tree have? (rare, palmate, openwork)

What do you think is the main color in the forest? (green)

Is the color green used the same? artist when he draws a forest (its different shades)

What time of day do you think it is? shown in the painting, Why (Morning, because the sun had just risen and illuminated the tops of the trees)

Who do you see in the center of the picture? (mother bear with cubs)

Look and tell me what the cubs are doing (children talk about what the cubs are doing)

We can not see artist, we don’t hear his voice, but how he told us about the beauty of the forest (brush, paints)

So with what artist we met(I. I Shishkin)

What is the name of the picture we looked at? ("Morning in a pine forest")

How can you call in one word what shown in the painting(scenery)

Yes guys, now we know that the picture in which nature is depicted, is called a landscape, and artist who painted him as a landscape painter.


Hands raised and shook

These are the trees in the forest

Elbows bent, hands shaken,

The wind blows away the dew.

Hands to the sides

Let's wave gently -

These are the birds flying towards us.

We'll also show you how they sit down.

The wings were folded back.

Now guys, each of you will become landscape artist.

Children go to their work stations and complete the task using a non-traditional technique - monotype.

Guys, what time of year is it now? (Golden autumn)

So let's let's depict in his paintings - golden autumn.

At the end of the children’s activities, the works are hung up and everyone admires them, shares their impressions, and chooses their favorites.

You turned out to be wonderful landscape painters!

Publications on the topic:

Summary of an integrated educational activity for introducing older preschoolers to art “Who and how creates drawings in books” Goals: to consolidate children’s understanding of book graphics and the work of illustrators: Y. Vasnetsov, E. Charushina, E. Racheva, V. Suteev.

Abstract "The world of animals in the art of Buryatia" on familiarization with fine arts Abstract “The world of animals in the art of Buryatia” on familiarization with fine arts, introducing children to the culture of the Buryat people.

Summary of educational activities for introducing art in the preparatory group “Folk Toys” Synopsis of GCD No. 1 for familiarization with art in the preparatory group Topic: “Folk toys” Completed by: Educator of MDOU kindergarten No. 32.

Summary of educational activities for introducing children to the folk and applied arts “Golden Khokhloma” in the middle group Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 60" Summary of educational activities in the middle group "Golden Khokhloma".

"Traditional holidays of the Buryats." Summary of a lesson on familiarization with fine arts Abstract “Traditional holidays of the Buryats” for familiarization with fine arts. In order to know the real soul of the people, it is necessary.

Summary of a lesson on introducing children to arts and crafts in the preparatory group Goal: to introduce children to decorative and applied arts. Objectives: - Educational: expand and consolidate children’s ideas about.

Valentina Khurtova
Summary of a lesson on introducing children to the fine arts “Visiting the Paintings” in the senior group



V senior group"IN visiting the paintings»


Khurtova Valentina Borisovna

MBDOU No. 18 "Alyonushka"


Task: learn children distinguish between genres of painting (landscape, portrait, still life, their characteristic features, compose a descriptive story characterizing the chosen picture.

Preliminary work: memorizing a poem by the poet A. Kushner "ABOUT paintings» ; examination of reproductions of different genres paintings; writing stories based on paintings.

Material: easels, reproductions (landscapes, portraits, still lifes); attributes of a guide (pointer, butterfly, beads, glasses, signs - names of genres.

Game situation: children are offered a tour of the hall art gallery.

Progress of the lesson.

Children, today we will go to the museum and take a tour of the hall art gallery. Look how many different ones there are here paintings by great artists. Do you know who artists are? They need talent, ability, and also hard work. And if you don’t have patience and skill, then it can turn out like in a poem "Artist".

Our Seryozhka as an artist

A blunder and a blunder - he’s always in a hurry.

Painted rain in the window,

It turned out to be a beard.

The sun is thick like soap

Chicken has 3 legs

The tank looks like a crocodile

And at home for irons.

There's a cat on a jug without a handle,

Elephant on the bed box,

And Seryozhka himself cannot,

Who and what is here, make out.

Wondering where

Tail on a camel's neck

And the lion’s horned head is somewhere on the side?

Well, we are not surprised,

There's a simple answer to everything:

No patience - no skill,

No skill - no use!

But wait, it seems to me that someone has already visited our museum. I remember exactly that I was preparing for your arrival and posted paintings artists by genre. I think I guessed who it could be. Pinocchio! He really likes to look paintings, is planning to become an artist himself, but is still poorly versed in the genres of painting. Oh, this Pinocchio! In order to continue the journey, you need to restore order among paintings. Will you help me? Then sit back and get to work.

How many of you know the genres of painting? How can you define a genre? paintings? If on picture a person is drawn - this is a portrait, nature - a landscape, objects, fruits, flowers - a still life. Our Pinocchio also needs to be taught to distinguish between genres

What's the best way to do this? For example, using a poem by A. Kushner "ABOUT paintings» . And with his help we will put up signs.

If you see on the picture shows a river,

Or spruce and white frost, or garden and clouds,

Or a snowy plain, or a field and a hut.

Necessarily the painting is called landscape.

If you see on picture of a cup of coffee on the table,

Or the sea in a large decanter, or a rose in crystal,

Or a bronze vase, or a pear, or a cake,

Or all the objects at once, which means it’s a still life.

If you see on picture someone is looking at you,

Or a prince in a cape ancient, or like a steeplejack,

A pilot, or a ballerina, or Kolka is your neighbor,

Necessarily the painting is called a portrait.

Well, now everything is in order and you can start the tour. But the trouble is, Pinocchio himself wanted to tell you about these paintings- become a tour guide. Yes, apparently he was delayed somewhere.

Would any of you agree to be a tour guide? A child dresses up as a tour guide (glasses, bow tie, beads, pointer) and tells a story about one of the genre acquaintances paintings; starting my story:

Look at this picture: or

Note …

Stories children about artists and their works. (1-3 stories).

At the end, the teacher thanks and praises children for interesting stories about paintings.

Our museum is closing.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with fiction in the senior group “Visiting a fairy tale” Summary of a lesson on familiarization with fiction in the senior group. Theme "Visiting a fairy tale" Purpose: to introduce the greatest.

Summary of a lesson on introducing children to the properties of water in the first junior group “Water visiting the children” Program content: 1. Introduce children to the properties of water (water can be hot, cold, warm, clean, dirty) 2. Develop.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world “Vodyanoy visiting children” Lesson notes. Middle group. Topic: “Vodyanoy visiting children” (Acquaintance with the outside world) Program content: Introduce.

A circle for introducing children of senior preschool age to folk arts and crafts Circle work - methodological development. “Organization of work in decorative and applied arts” METHODOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT – circle.

Lapbook for introducing children to folk arts and crafts “Folk Crafts of Russia” Age target: senior preschool.

Moral and patriotic education of preschool children through familiarization with the fine arts Homeland. Fatherland. Fatherland. Father's land. This is what people call the land on which they were born, and there is nothing more precious to a person than the Motherland and beauty.

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