Summary of a lesson on literary reading "A. Platonov's "Flower on the Earth". Summary of a lesson on literary reading with a presentation "Flower on the Earth" by A.P.

Guys, the most important thing you should remember is that we have the main question of the lesson. It is written on the board. Re-read it often, this will help you complete tasks in groups faster.

Remember the rules for working in groups.

Each group will receive a card with a task and an algorithm for completing it. Each card will indicate the main question the group must answer. You should also highlight evidence for your point of view in the text.

Don't forget, you will need to present the results of your work in an interesting, accessible way, so that other groups understand what conclusions you have come to.

3. Students complete assignments in groups. At this time, the teacher conducts advisory and explanatory work.

Examples of small group research cards:

Card 1.

1) Read the first episode of the story from the words “It’s boring for Athos to live in the world” p. 129 to the words “Don’t sleep, grandfather!” Afonya asked” p. 130.

Why does Grandpa Titus sleep all the time?

How does Afonya feel about this?

Can we say that grandfather is indifferent to everything?

Find the words and expressions with which the author describes his grandfather’s old age.

3) Draw a conclusion: How did the relationship between Afonia and grandfather Titus develop? Formulate a conclusion and provide evidence.

Card 2

1) Read the second episode of the story from the words “But grandfather was already asleep” p. 130 to the words “But the grandfather had already fallen silent, he fell asleep again in peace on the Russian stove” p. 131.

2) Answer the questions, find evidence in the text:

How does Afonia’s mother relate to her grandfather, how does this manifest itself?

Why did Afonya always come up to his sleeping grandfather and listen to him breathe?

How did the grandfather react to his grandson’s questions?

3) Find the words and expressions with which the author describes his grandfather’s old age.

4) Draw a conclusion: How did the relationship between Afonia and grandfather Titus develop? Formulate a conclusion and provide evidence.

Card 3

1. Read the third episode of the story from the words “Afonya then climbed onto the stove with his grandfather and began to wake him up so that he would wake up” p. 131 to the words “Old Titus drank the kvass, took Afonya by the hand, and they left the hut outside” p. 132.

2. Answer the questions, find evidence in the text:

Why did Afonya decide to stop the pendulum at the clock?

Why did grandpa wake up?

Why did the old grandfather “come to his senses” and go with Afonya to “torture the world”?

3. Find the words and expressions with which the author describes how Afonya fell asleep on his grandfather’s chest; think about why the author writes that grandfather’s chest smelled of “warm earth.”

4. Draw a conclusion: What feelings did Afonya have towards his grandfather? Formulate a conclusion and provide evidence.

Card 4

1) Read the fourth episode of the story from the words “There the sun stood high in the sky and illuminated the ripening grain in the fields and the flowers on the road” p. 133 to the words “Now I myself know about everything!” With. 134.

2) Answer the questions, find evidence in the text:

Why did grandfather take Afonya along the field road to the pasture?

Why did the grandfather get “angry” with his grandson?

How do you understand the words “this flower is the most holy worker, it works life out of death”? Explain.

3) Find the words and expressions with which the author describes Afonya’s thoughts when Afonya “like a flower, now also wanted to make life out of death.” What did you understand from Afonya’s thoughts?

4) Draw a conclusion: What secret was revealed to Athos. Formulate a conclusion and provide evidence.

Card 5

1) Read the last episode of the story from the words “Now I myself know about everything!” With. 134 to the end of the story p. 135.

2) Answer the questions, find evidence in the text:

Why did Afonya ask his grandfather not to be afraid of death now?

Why did the grandfather “invisibly smile at his kind grandson”?

Why did Afonya bring the comb to his grandfather? How does this characterize his attitude towards his grandfather?

Why did the grandfather look at his grandson “like a flower growing on the ground”? Explain.

3) Find words and expressions with which the author describes how Afonya relates to her grandfather.

4) Draw a conclusion: Why did Afonya love his grandfather? Formulate a conclusion and provide evidence.

Card 6(This card is best offered to a group of children with high academic abilities.)

1) Re-read the entire text and find descriptive episodes in the story:

· pp. 129-130: description of the appearance of grandfather Titus.

· P. 130: description of Afonya’s actions when he listened to his sleeping grandfather breathe.

· pp. 131-132: description of how Afonya fell asleep next to his grandfather.

· P. 133: description of how grandfather led Afonya along a field road to a pasture.

· P. 134: description of Afonya’s thoughts when he was lost in thought among the herbs and flowers.

· P. 135: last paragraph of the story, description of grandfather Titus.

2) Answer the questions, find evidence in the text:

Think about why a detailed description of the grandfather is given at the beginning of the story? How does this description reveal the author’s attitude towards the old man?

Think about why, when grandfather came to his senses and led Afonya along the field road to the pasture, the description of nature becomes joyful, sunny, bright? How does this relate to the condition of the main characters – grandfather and Afonya?

What was Afonya thinking about among the herbs and flowers? Does the description of his thoughts match his mood? What colors permeate the description of Afonya’s thoughts?

Why is the grandfather described at the end of the story? Is this description different from the description of the grandfather at the beginning of the story? What is the author trying to show with this? (Grandfather, like a flower, gained strength from communicating with nature and with his grandson, he seemed to blossom, so he began to smile more often and stroke Afonya on the head).

Summing up the results of group work. The answer to the main question of the lesson.

The teacher organizes listening to the results of the groups’ work and evaluation of completed work. Next, students will collectively be able to answer the main question of the lesson about the secret revealed to Athos by his grandfather. It is very important to note with children the wisdom of the grandfather that he acquired over the years, and that he, along with the secret, passed on this wisdom to his grandson. After traveling into nature, Afonya thought about very serious questions. Grandfather unobtrusively conveyed to him an understanding of the most complex problems of an existential nature: everyone on earth is mortal, but dying is not scary if you were able to convey to others your wisdom of understanding life.

III. Lesson summary. Reflection.

So today was a very difficult lesson. You had to think about a lot, reflect on very complex concepts, relationships between people. Not every adult is able to think about the problems that Andrei Platonov highlighted in his work, but you and I took a risk thanks to such a wonderful story.

Did you like thinking about serious questions and looking for answers to them in literary works? How many of you want to re-read the story again? Re-read it with your parents, try with them once again to plunge into the secret kept by Afonya’s grandfather.

IV. Homework.

As homework, you can ask students to complete task No. 8 on p. 136 of the textbook, which will promote not only thoughtful reading, but also the ability to formulate and ask smart and deep questions.

Lesson No. 113

Let's give an example of a lesson on speech development. The teacher should not forget that speech development lessons are conducted in a literary reading course. In such lessons, both oral speech (through teaching different types of retellings) and written speech (writing mini-essays on a literary topic or essay) are developed. We decided to develop a lesson to help the teacher, allowing him to teach a child selective retelling, and a retelling in which it is necessary to replace the characters’ dialogues with indirect speech. This task is quite difficult for younger schoolchildren, but it is doable with proper organization of the learning process. The ability to select the necessary episodes for retelling and translate dialogues into indirect speech can be in demand in any other lesson, both in elementary school and at subsequent stages of education.

Lesson topic: A. Platonov “Still Mom.” Speech development (selective retelling with translation of dialogues into indirect speech).

Lesson objectives (planned results):

Subject: know what dialogue is and how it is formalized in writing; find dialogues in the text, replace them with indirect speech when retelling episodes, reproduce an episode from the text, preserving the main idea and theme of the episode.


Regulatory: formulate the educational task of the lesson, plan your statement; evaluate your own speech statements and the statements of peers.

Cognitive: highlight the necessary episodes from the text at the teacher’s request; highlight the main idea and theme of the episode.

Communicative: build your speech utterance according to a pre-drawn plan, reproduce the planned utterance, conveying the feelings of the characters and your attitude towards them.

Personal: realize the meaning of the acquired skill, understand where else this skill can be useful.

Equipment for the lesson: textbook “Literary reading. 3rd grade. Part 2", electronic board, draft sheets for each student.

Questions about the story "French lessons" please write the answers to me URGENTLY!!!
1) When does the story begin?
2) What difficulties did the boy have to face in the early stages of his independent life?
3) Why did the boy start playing chica?
4) Why did Vladik and Pakha beat the hero?
5) How does the hero behave in a fight and after it?
6) How did the boy imagine Lydia Mikhailovna?
8) What does the boy promise to Lydia Mikhailovna?
9) Why does the hero break his word to the teacher not to play for money?
10) What feelings does the hero experience in the teacher’s apartment during additional classes?
11) Why did Lidia Mikhailovna decide to play for money with her student?
12) How does the game between the boy and Lydia Mikhailovna end after the director’s visit?
13) What lesson did the boy learn from what happened?

answer to 2 questions about the content of the Caucasian captive Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy: 1. How do the Tatars treat captives (Red Tatar,

Abdul, old man, Dina)

2. How does Zhilin feel about the people around him in captivity? Does he experience a feeling of hatred towards them, anger

Please!!! Determine the poetic size of the poems:


1) In the sandy steppes of Arabian land

Patterned floors of camping tents;

The Arab was hot on the black horse.

The jugs sounded filled with water,

Their clothes were torn off by small children,
Their bodies were then chopped up,

The prey is tormented and pinched above him.

An oak leaf tore off from a branch
And he rolled off into the steppe, driven by a fierce storm;
He withered and withered from the cold, heat and grief
And finally, it reached the Black Sea.

A young plane tree stands by the Black Sea;
The wind whispers with her, caressing the green branches;
Birds of paradise swing on green branches;
They sing songs about the glory of the Tsar-Maiden of the Sea.

And the wanderer pressed himself at the root of a tall plane tree;
He prays for shelter for a while with deep anguish,
And so he says: “I am a poor oak leaf,
I matured before my time and grew up in a harsh homeland.

I’ve been running around the world alone and aimlessly for a long time,
I withered without a shadow, I withered without sleep and peace.
Accept the stranger between your emerald leaves,
I know a lot of tricky and wonderful stories."

“What do I need you for?” answers the young plane tree, “
You are dusty and yellow - and no match for my fresh sons.
You've seen a lot - but why do I need your tall tales?
My ears have long been tired of the birds of paradise.
Move on; O wanderer! I don't know you!
I am loved by the sun, I bloom and shine for him;
I spread branches across the sky here in the open space,
And my roots are washed by the cold sea"


(Eastern legend)

In the sandy steppes of Arabian land
Three proud palm trees grew high.
A spring between them from barren soil,
Murmuring, it made its way through a cold wave,
Kept under the shade of green leaves,
From the sultry rays and flying sands.

And many years passed silently;
But a tired wanderer from a foreign land
Burning chest to the icy moisture
I have not yet bowed down under the green tabernacle,
And they began to dry out from the sultry rays
Luxurious leaves and a sonorous stream.

And the three palm trees began to murmur against God:
“Are we born to wither here?
We grew and blossomed uselessly in the desert,
Wavering with the whirlwind and heat of the fire,
Not pleasing to anyone's benevolent gaze?..
Yours is wrong, oh heaven, holy sentence!”

And they just fell silent - blue in the distance
The golden sand was already spinning like a column,
The bell rang out discordant sounds,
The carpeted packs were full of carpets,
And he walked, swaying like a shuttle at sea,
Camel after camel, blasting the sand.

Dangling, hanging between hard humps
Patterned floors of camping tents;
Their dark hands sometimes raised,
And the black eyes sparkled from there...
And, leaning towards the bow,
The Arab was hot on the black horse.

And the horse reared up at times,
And he jumped like a leopard struck by an arrow;
And white clothes have beautiful folds
Faris curled over the shoulders in disarray;
And rushing along the sand screaming and whistling,
He threw and caught a spear while galloping.

Here a caravan approaches the palm trees, noisily:
In the shadow of their cheerful camp stretched.
The jugs sounded filled with water,
And, proudly nodding his terry head,
Palm trees welcome unexpected guests,
And the icy stream generously waters them.

But darkness has just fallen to the ground,
The ax clattered on the elastic roots,
And the pets of centuries fell without life!
Their clothes were torn off by small children,
Their bodies were then chopped up,
And they slowly burned them with fire until the morning.

When the fog rushed to the west,
The caravan made its regular journey;
And then sad on barren soil
All that was visible was gray and cold ashes;
And the sun burned the dry remains,
And then the wind blew them away into the steppe.

And now everything is wild and empty all around -
Leaves with a rattling key do not whisper:
In vain does he ask the prophet for a shadow -
Only the hot sand carries it away
Yes, the crested kite, the steppe unsociable,
Prey is tormented and pinched above him

please give an answer to one of the questions:

1. There are different opinions about the idea of ​​this poem. Some researchers believe that three palm trees, dissatisfied with life, brought trouble upon themselves and died, not knowing what a person could be like.
Critic and publicist N.G. wrote about this differently. Chernyshevsky, believing that the death of the palm trees was the best, most beautiful moment of their entire life. They died to save people from the cold and predatory animals.
Which of these opinions do you share? Why? Maybe you have a different view of the main idea of ​​the poem? Share your thoughts.

2. Researchers of creativity M.Yu. Lermontov calls the poem Three Palms a ballad. What do you think? Justify your opinion

Help me please!!!

Artistic means of expression in the poem by N.A. Zabolotsky “Testament”

When in my declining years my life runs out
And, having extinguished the candle, I will go again
Into the vast world of foggy transformations,
When millions of new generations
Fill this world with the sparkle of miracles
And they will complete the structure of nature, -
Let my poor ashes be covered by these waters,
Let this green forest shelter me.

I won't die, my friend. Breath of flowers
I will find myself in this world.
Centuries-old oak my living soul
It will cover its roots, sad and stern.
In its large sheets I will give shelter to the mind,
With the help of my branches I nurture my thoughts,
So that they hang over you from the darkness of the forests
And you were involved in my consciousness.

Over your head, my distant great-grandson,
I'll fly into the sky like a slow bird,
I will flash above you like a pale lightning,
Like summer rain I will fall, sparkling over the grass.

There is nothing more beautiful in the world than existence.
The silent darkness of the graves is an empty languor.
I have lived my life, I have not seen peace:
There is no peace in the world. Life and me are everywhere.

I was not born into the world when from the cradle
For the first time my eyes looked into the world, -
For the first time on my earth I began to think,
When the lifeless crystal sensed life,
When is the first time a raindrop
She fell on him, exhausted in the rays.

Oh, it was not for nothing that I lived in this world!
And it’s sweet for me to strive from the darkness,
So that, taking me in your palm, you, my distant descendant,
Finished what I didn't finish.

The main character felt lonely.

He was constantly sad and homesick because of the lack of something interesting in life.

After all, Afonya was not an ordinary child, but incredibly inquisitive.

His father served the Motherland, his mother worked all day, and his grandfather spent time on the stove around the clock.

Afona wanted to talk to someone and ask about the world around him, which was so interesting to him.

2. Tell me how Afonya feels about her grandfather. What did he ask him for?

The boy loves his 87-year-old grandfather.

During his life he worked a lot on the earth.

Afonya often begs the old man not to sleep.

After all, he is lonely and bored himself.

He also asks to tell him everything that Titus knows.

What questions do you ask adults, what do you want to know?

I often ask my grandparents about their childhood and what they did in their youth.

I ask where they studied and what the peculiarities of their education were.

It’s also interesting for me to hear about the difference between our times and those distant times, when the old people were still young.

These are always very interesting and exciting stories.

After all, a lot has changed.

There were no telephones or computers then.

Communication was completely different.

There were other hobbies and activities.

Today there are professions and concepts that were not even thought of in those days.

There was not such a variety of products and many of the opportunities that we have now.

As for me, these were quite difficult times.

But they also have their advantages.

Then people communicated much more, understood people, and today many of us are dependent on computer technology.

The author called Afonya a kind grandson, do you think so? Explain your answer.

Afonya takes care of the old man, taking crumbs from his beard; makes unique gifts (comb); even sometimes sleeps next to him.

Therefore, I think the boy really was a kind grandson.

But at the same time, due to his age and lack of understanding of all the rules of etiquette,

Afonya sometimes communicates disrespectfully with the old man.

He brings up the topic of death with him, also in a very ugly form.

3. What amazing miracle, the main thing, did Afonya learn about from his grandfather? Read the episodes in which a grandfather talks about a flower to his little grandson.

Titus spoke about the miracles that the blue flower creates.

He said that the most important thing is to create living things from the dead.

That same flower had exactly this skill.

“He turns dead, loose earth into a living body, and he smells of pure spirit. Here you have the most important thing in the world, here you have it, where everything comes from. This flower is the most holy worker, it works life out of death,” “We are plowmen, Afonushka, we help bread to grow.”

4. Do you like Afonya? Imagine that you met him and got to know him well. Tell about him. What is he like:

Afonya is incredible vigorous and an inquisitive boy.

He could not sit still, he was filled with a thirst to learn something new.

That is why he often haunted his grandfather, showing his persistence.

He was interested in the whole world around him, and this is commendable due to his age.

The boy gets upset when he doesn't get an answer to any question.

It is inherent in him to be thoughtful And attentive.

After all, he tries, like a sponge, to absorb all the information that is provided to him.

Also Afonya is enough understanding.

After all, when Titus told him about the flower, the boy was even able to draw certain conclusions himself and asked intelligent questions.

It is interesting to have a conversation with such a child.

After all, already having a good store of knowledge, he is able to tell a lot of things entertaining.

In his eyes one can see intelligence and even wisdom, which is surprising for such a young boy.

He also knows how to show stubbornness And perseverance.

But they are expressed only in good intentions.

This is because Afona is eager to learn as many interesting things as possible.

And this is of course commendable.

Also, do not forget that Afonya is kind a child capable of warm, sincere feelings.

He also has negative traits, which are expressed in some disrespectful conversations with his grandfather.

But the reason is his childish naivety and ignorance of the rules of etiquette.

5. Explain how you understand the meaning of these words: “Grandfather... stroked his grandson’s head, looked at him as if he were a flower growing in the ground.” What was grandfather thinking?

The title of the work can be taken both literally and figuratively.

There really are flowers in it that act as true workers.

But there is another flower.

This is the inquisitive hero Afonya.

Despite his age, he realizes the value of nature.

He understands that life must be treated with care.

At the same time, it itself is still growing, like those wildflowers.

I believe this is what Titus was thinking as he stroked the boy's head.

He probably saw the potential in him and realized that he had not lived his life in vain, because he had a worthy heir.

6. How would you draw the flower that Platonov told about?

Think about why he called the work that way. If you were asked to say what a writer's story is about, what would you answer?

I would portray a boy.

After all, as for me, this is the main flower that the writer wanted to tell about.

In my illustration, this child would be sitting in the grass next to an ordinary small wildflower.

Think about why he called the work that way.

I think the story has this title because the writer compares the life of a person with the life of a flower, which is struggling hard for its existence.

Flowers overcome obstacles in the form of dead sand and bad weather to make their way to the light.

Likewise, a person, in order to achieve success in his life, overcomes many different obstacles.

The main thing is to have persistence, willpower and confidence in achieving the desired result.

If you were asked to say what a writer's story is about, what would you answer?

This story is about a little boy who was surprisingly inquisitive.

He was often bored because he was left at home alone with his grandfather.

He, in turn, was almost always asleep.

The grandson didn’t like it, because he still didn’t know a lot and was filled with a lot of questions.

The boy loved his grandfather, but at the same time he was irritated by the old man's sleepiness.

But somehow Afona still managed to take her grandfather for a walk.

Then he learned the main secret: the flower can create living things from the dead.

This is the main idea of ​​the work.

After all, that same baby is also a kind of flower.

Grandfather is proud of him, because he sees a worthy generation in his eyes.

7. Prepare with a friend to role-play the story “Flower on the Ground.”

With what intonation will you read your grandfather’s words? What about Afonya’s words?

It is worth pausing to show the thoughtfulness of an elderly person.

The boy's words must be spoken at a fast, hurried pace.

8. What questions about the content of Platonov’s work “Flower on Earth” would you ask your friends?

Answers to textbook questions literary reading Klimanova, Goretsky, grade 3, part 2. A. Platonov story "Flower on Earth" pp. 135 - 136

Answers to textbook questions literary reading Klimanova, Goretsky, grade 3, part 2. A. Platonov story "Flower on Earth" pp. 135 - 136

Summary of a literary reading lesson in 3rd grade. Teacher Likhacheva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna.

Lesson topic: A. Platonov “Flower on the Earth”. Analysis of the story.

Equipment for the lesson:

    Textbook “Literary reading. 3rd grade. Part 2",

    Cards with tasks for each group.

    Portrait of a writer.

The purpose of the lesson: study divide the text into semantic parts, highlight the micro-topic of each part; find descriptions in the text, determine their role; develop thoughtful reading, find unusual turns of speech of the main characters, interpret them in accordance with the author’s intention; understand the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context of the work.

During the classes

    Checking homework. Preparation for perception of A. Platonov’s story “Flower on Earth.”


    For today's lesson, you guys, in addition to the general task, each group had its own task. The task of the first group is presented on the board (Children’s drawings “Portrait of my grandmother, portrait of my grandfather” are hung on the board). Look with what love, how touchingly they are drawn. It’s immediately obvious that our artists have very warm, friendly relationships with their grandparents. Well done boys.

    Let's listen to the task of the second group: Read your answer to the question “Why do I love my grandfather, my grandmother.” (2-3 answers are read out).

Why do you think you had such an individual task, how can this be related to the story of our famous compatriot writer Andrei Platonov ( draws children's attention to the portrait of the writer) "Flower on the ground"? ( Children express their guesses)

    Formulating the learning objectives of the lesson.

Guys, you are thinking correctly. Indeed, the story is about the relationship between grandfather and grandson, about what the main secret on earth the grandfather revealed to his grandson.

What do you think will be the main thing for us in today's lesson? (Together with the heroes of the work, discover the main secret on earth and try to understand it).

Today in class we will try to discover the secret of Grandfather Titus. And for this we will become wise researchers.

Who knows what the word researcher means?

(Vocabulary work . Definition of the word explore, researcher)

Now we know what it means to explore and who they are - explorers. How well you research Andrei Platonov’s work will determine whether you can answer the main question of the lesson “ What secret did Grandfather Titus Afon reveal?” (The question is written on the board).

3. Conversation on emotional perception and content. At home you read A. Platonov’s story “Flower on Earth.” - Did you like this work? - What did you especially like? - What events did the author tell us about? - What especially struck you in the story? - Which episode particularly interested you? Why? - What can you say about the relationship between grandfather and grandson?

4. Work in groups. Completing research assignments.


Now we need to divide into small groups. To do this, each of you will take from me a card on which a sentence from the text will be written. The same content will be the criterion for forming groups.

    “Athos is bored with living in the world.”

    “But grandpa was already asleep.”

    “Afonya then climbed onto the stove with his grandfather and began to wake him up so that he would wake up”

    “There the sun stood high in the sky and illuminated the ripening grain in the fields and the flowers on the road”

    “Now I myself know about everything!”

Rules for working in groups.

So, the groups have been formed, let’s remember the rules for working in groups. - Each group will receive a card with a task and an algorithm for completing it. Each card will indicate the main question the group must answer. You should also highlight evidence for your point of view in the text. - Don’t forget, you will need to present the results of your work in an interesting, accessible way, so that other groups understand what conclusions you have come to. - And the most important thing you must remember is that we have the main question of the lesson. It is written on the board. Re-read it, it will help you complete tasks in groups faster.

Cards for group work.Card 1. Exercise: Read the episode of the story from the words “It’s boring for Athos to live in the world” p. 129 to the words “Don’t sleep, grandfather!” Afonya asked” p. 130.

Answer the questions, find evidence in the text: - Why does Grandfather Titus sleep all the time? - How does Afonya feel about this? - Can we say that grandfather is indifferent to everything? - Find the words and expressions with which the author describes his grandfather’s old age. Main question: How was the relationship between Afonia and grandfather Titus? Formulate a conclusion and provide evidence.

Card 2

Exercise: Read the episode of the story from the words “But grandfather was already asleep” p. 130 to the words “But the grandfather had already fallen silent, he fell asleep again in peace on the Russian stove” p. 131.

Answer the questions, find evidence in the text: - How does Afonia’s mother relate to her grandfather, how does this manifest itself? - Why did Afonya always come up to his sleeping grandfather and listen to him breathe? - How did the grandfather react to his grandson’s questions? -- Find the words and expressions with which the author describes his grandfather’s old age. Main question : How did the relationship between Afonia and grandfather Titus develop? Formulate a conclusion and provide evidence.

Card 3

Exercise: Read the episode of the story from the words “Afonya then climbed onto the stove with his grandfather and began to wake him up so that he would wake up” p. 131 to the words “Old Titus drank the kvass, took Afonya by the hand, and they left the hut outside” p. 132.

Answer the questions, find evidence in the text: - Why did Afonya decide to stop the pendulum at the clock? - Why did grandfather wake up? - Why did the old grandfather “come to his senses” and went with Afonya to “torture the world”? - Find the words and expressions with which the author describes how Afonya fell asleep on his grandfather’s chest; think about why the author writes that grandfather’s chest smelled of “warm earth.” Main question : What feelings did Afonya have towards his grandfather? Formulate a conclusion and provide evidence.

Card 4

Exercise: Read the episode of the story from the words “There the sun stood high in the sky and illuminated the ripening grain in the fields and the flowers on the road” p. 133 to the words “Now I myself know about everything!” With. 134.

Answer the questions, find evidence in the text: - Why did grandfather take Afonya along the field road to the pasture? - Why did the grandfather become “angry” with his grandson? - How do you understand the words “this flower is the most holy worker, it works life out of death”? Explain. - Find the words and expressions with which the author describes Afonya’s thoughts when Afonya “like a flower, now also wanted to make life out of death.” What did you understand from Afonya’s thoughts? Main question : What secret was revealed to Athos? Formulate a conclusion and provide evidence.

Card 5 Exercise: Read the episode of the story from the words “Now I myself know about everything!” With. 134 to the end of the story p. 135. Answer the questions, find evidence in the text:

Why did Afonya ask his grandfather not to be afraid of death now? - Why did grandfather “invisibly smile at his kind grandson”? - Why did Afonya bring the comb to his grandfather? How does this characterize his attitude towards his grandfather? - Why did the grandfather look at his grandson “like a flower growing on the ground”? Explain. - Find words and expressions with which the author describes how Afonya relates to her grandfather. Main question: Why did Afonya love his grandfather? Formulate a conclusion and provide evidence.

5. Summing up the results of group work.- Group answers to the main question. - Evaluating answers.

6. Teamwork.A) Reading descriptive episodes 1) Description of the appearance of grandfather Titus. (p. 129-130): 2) Description of Afonya’s actions when he listened to his sleeping grandfather breathe. (p. 130): 3) How Afonya fell asleep next to his grandfather. (p. 131-132): 4) Grandfather led Afonya along the field road to the pasture. (p. 133) 5) Description of Afonya’s thoughts when he was lost in thought among the herbs and flowers. (p. 134:) 6) Description of grandfather Titus. (p. 135: last paragraph of the story) B) Conversation on what you read. Prove answers to questions in text. 1) Why is a detailed description of the grandfather given at the beginning of the story? How does this description reveal the author’s attitude towards the old man? 2) Why does the author describe in such detail the state of Afonya at the moment when the grandfather fell asleep for the umpteenth time? 3) Why does the author draw the reader’s attention to the fact that the grandson accidentally fell asleep next to the grandfather ?4) Why, when grandfather came to his senses and led Afonya along the field road to the pasture, the description of nature becomes joyful, sunny, bright? How does this relate to the state of the main characters - grandfather and Afonya? 5) What was Afonya thinking about among the herbs and flowers? Does the description of his thoughts match his mood? What colors permeate the description of Afonya’s thoughts? 6) Why is the description of the grandfather given at the end of the story? Is this description different from the description of the grandfather at the beginning of the story? What is the author trying to show with this? (Grandfather, like a flower, gained strength from communicating with nature and with his grandson, he seemed to blossom, so he began to smile more often and stroke Afonya on the head).

Let's conclude : Why does the author insert descriptive episodes into the story? Provide evidence.

7.Answer to the main question of the lessonabout the secret revealed to Athos by his grandfather.

(It is very important to note the wisdom of the grandfather that he acquired over the years, and that he, along with the secret, passed on this wisdom to his grandson. After traveling into nature, Afonya thought about very serious questions. Grandfather unobtrusively conveyed to him an understanding of the most complex problems of an existential nature: everyone on earth is mortal, but dying is not scary if you were able to convey to others your wisdom of understanding life.)

8. Lesson summary. Reflection.

So today was a very difficult lesson. You had to think about a lot, reflect on very complex concepts, relationships between people. Not every adult is able to think about the problems that Andrei Platonov highlighted in his work, but you and I took a risk thanks to such a wonderful story. - Did you like thinking about serious questions and looking for answers to them in literary works?

9. Homework. 1) Re-read the story with your parents, try with them once again to plunge into the secret kept by Afonya’s grandfather. 2) Complete task No. 8 on p. 136 textbook.

What did Afonya manage to understand from his grandfather’s explanations? Urgently needed! and got the best answer

Answer from
In his works, P wrote about eternal themes: about good and evil, about the meaning of life, about the purpose of man in our world. In this regard, many of his stories are interesting, as they carry an important semantic load. One of them is “Flower on the Ground,” written in 1949. The plot is simple and unpretentious: little Afonya suffers from boredom, left at home alone with his grandfather, he asks his grandfather to tell him about everything. Grandfather Titus takes him to the pasture, shows him a blue flower growing straight from the sand, and explains that the most important thing in the world is to create life out of death, just as this flower creates life from dust. Afonya is glad that he understood his grandfather, the desire to do something good himself awakens in him...., and gives the comb he received as a reward to his grandfather.
Both the plot and the composition of the story contribute to the revelation of the main idea of ​​the work. The story is structured traditionally. The events cover a short period of time (several hours) and are presented in chronological order.
A distinctive feature of the story is the language in which it is written. P uses sentences that are simple in construction, so it seems that everything that happens is described by the child himself. They are realistic and truthful. This truthfulness is conveyed to them by words borrowed from living folk speech: now, adjacent, wait.
As an artistic device in this story, as well as in many others, P uses the transfer of the properties of one object to another. In this case, it is easy to draw a parallel between the image of a flower and the image of a person: a flower, having overcome all adversity, grows on dead sand, reaches for warmth and light, and a person must work all his life to achieve something in this life. Thus, the main idea is contained in the image of a flower (He... is the hardest worker... life...). Through the mouth of Grandfather Titus, the writer conveys to us the truth of life, offers a seemingly simple recipe for happiness, which, however, is not easy to implement. Not every person is able to achieve harmony with the world around them, but those who manage to do this will find true happiness. The little boy Afonya, having internalized his grandfather’s words about the most important thing in the world, begins to take steps towards his own happiness in his own way. He says: “Don’t be afraid... don’t be afraid!”
So, we see that P touches on in his stories the eternal problems of human happiness, the meaning of life, which remain relevant to this day. And I hope that these little stories of the writer, including “Ts N Z”, will delight people, bringing peace to their hearts and peace to their souls

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What did Afonya manage to understand from his grandfather’s explanations? Urgently needed!

Answer from Kuzmicheva Olga[active]
kuku! he realized that flowers come from dead dust

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