Notes on drawing in the preparatory group on the topic: "Spring melodies" outline of a drawing lesson (preparatory group) on the topic. Abstract of GCD for drawing in the preparatory group Topic: “Moon landscape Children finish drawing patterns

Municipal preschool educational institution“General developmental kindergarten No. 6 “Sun”

Koryazhma, Arhangelsk region

Abstract of GCD for drawing

in the preparatory group

Topic: “Moon Landscape”


Sheveleva Natalya Vitalievna


Koryazhma, 2018

    Teach children to create a plot drawing, depict the figures of an astronaut, a spaceship, and convey the structure of various spacecraft.

    Teach children to draw using the wet technique, reinforce the technique of drawing using the spray method.

    Expand your understanding of outer space and flights into space.

    Strengthen knowledge of words related to space topics.

Material: demonstration: video clip or slides about space, flights to the moon and the conquest of space, illustrations of rockets, orbital stations, satellites, astronauts in outer space. Handout: sheets of A3 paper, gouache, soft and hard brushes, wax candles, simple pencils, watercolors.

Educator: guys, today we will take a trip to the distant and mysterious, not fully explored Moon. But before you go on a long and exciting journey, let’s watch a video about flights to the Moon and exploration of the lunar landscape (watching).

Educator: children, scientists are studying the Moon, but much is still not clear, there are no answers to many questions, such as:

Is there life on the Moon?

If so, what do the inhabitants of the Moon look like?

Can they speak and understand those around them?

Do they have cities, houses, transport, trees?

Do they travel through outer space, and what do their ships look like?

Children, we can judge all this only from the stories that science fiction writers write and from the paintings of science fiction artists. Science fiction writers come up with the most incredible images of planets and their inhabitants, depicting architectural structures of unusual shapes located on these planets. They invent intricate space vehicles on which aliens travel. One such fantastic work Nikolai Nosov wrote “Dunno on the Moon” and you know it well.

Today we will travel to the Moon on lunar rovers and spacecraft. I invite you to look at photographs of rockets, lunar rovers, spacecraft and orbital stations. Pay attention to their design and unusual shape.

Guys, let's go on a flight, don't forget to take paints and sheets of paper with you. Maybe you would like to capture a meeting with the inhabitants of the Moon, the unusual architecture of their cities, incredible beauty nature - trees and flowers, and then tell and show it to your friends. Children, today you will not just be astronauts, but also science fiction artists. Try to portray astronauts in spacesuits who went out into open space, spaceships and satellites that roam the cosmos.

Guys, today we will use a wax candle in our work. She needs to draw in the same way as with a pencil, but the color of the drawing will not be quite ordinary, but transparently lunar, which will add mystery to the work. At the very beginning, children, you need to come up with the content and composition of the drawing. Think about the placement of the object on the sheet. Select the main and secondary elements in the drawing and distribute them over the entire surface of the sheet. With a simple pencil you can sketch the outlines of objects without drawing small parts. When drawing, children need to observe proportions and distance between objects. Next, trace and color the entire drawing with a candle. After all the objects have been drawn, cover the sheet with watercolors. We also use the familiar wet drawing method. To do this, moisten the entire sheet with water using a damp sponge, without allowing the sheet to dry, quickly apply watercolor blue, black, purple flowers, allowing the colors to mix and flow freely across the entire sheet in different directions. At the end, when your drawing is dry, you need to draw a scattering of stars. We will paint with a spray using a brush.

The children draw and play music about space. At the end of the lesson, we hang the drawings on the board for viewing. I invite the children to present their work, talk about their observations, and come up with a name for their drawing.

List of used literature

    Golitsina N.S. Notes in a comprehensive manner - thematic classes school preparatory group. Integrated approach. – M.: Publishing house “Scriptorium 2003”, 2016. – 568 2009. – 96 p.

    Preschool pedagogy. Tutorial for students of pedagogical schools / Edited by S. A. Kozlova, T. A. Kulikova. – M: Publishing Center “Academy” 2007.

Topic of the lesson: “DRAWING A HARE.” (preparatory group)

Purpose of the lesson: 1. Practice depicting animals (hares) in motion.

2. Continue to develop skills in depicting animals from the spot.

3. Strengthen the ability to place an image on a sheet of paper, observing the rules of composition.

4. Develop voluntary attention, speech, perseverance and accuracy when performing a task.

Materials for the lesson:

For the teacher: reproductions with images of a hare, visual aids for changing the shape of the body and the position of the legs of the hare in motion.

For children: tinted paper, white and black gouache, brushes, a jar of water, napkins.

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, you all probably know Russians folk tales. Please remember which animals are the heroes of these fairy tales? (hare, fox, bear, rooster, wolf...).

Well done, and now I’ll ask you a riddle: guess what animal we’re talking about?

What kind of forest animal is this that stands up like a post under a pine tree?

And he stands among the grass - his ears are bigger than his head? (hare)

That's right - it's a hare!

Who remembers Russian folk tales about a hare and what they are called (“Frost and the Hare”, “Zainka’s Hut”, “Boasting Hare.”)

What is the character of the hare in these fairy tales? (cowardly, defenseless, economical, resourceful, fast, boastful).

This is how different this character turns out to be.

Today we will try to portray this animal.

Please remember what parts a hare consists of (torso, legs, tail, head, ears).

Look, the bunny is hiding or resting. His paws are pressed to his body, his ears are to his back.

And suddenly he heard some sound, stood up and listened. What changed? (Position of the body: ears stood up straight, slightly raised on the paws.)

The hare realized that the fox was sneaking and ran.

How has the position of the body changed now? (it stretched out, became narrower and longer).

When a hare runs, in order to push off, its body bends in an arc, and the position of its paws changes.

Please tell me what shape the hare's head is (oval).

Now let's take a closer look at the hare's paws. Are they the same or not? (different, the front ones are shorter and the rear ones are longer).

Right, hind legs The hare's legs are long and powerful, he pushes off with them when he runs and his running is achieved by fast jumps.

On the front legs the hare has a shoulder, elbow, middle part of the paw and hand. The brush is small, short and slightly thinner around the fingers.

And the hind legs are different in that they have a large thigh, middle part of the leg, and knee.

Where is she looking back or forward? (back).

And there is also a long, large foot, so that it is more convenient for the hare to push off.

Now let's see when the bunny is sitting, his front legs are tucked under his chest and only his elbow is visible, and his hind legs are his thigh and long foot.

The bunny stood up in a column and the position of his paws changed.

The front legs are slightly bent at the elbow and the hands hang down, while the hind legs remain the same, but the bunny stands up a little and we see the second part of the leg and it rests on a long foot.

The bunny ran, and his front legs stretched forward, and he threw his hind legs up and his foot and knee also ended up on top.

Then he bends again to push off and the hind legs go forward, and the front legs between them.

In order to draw a hare, you first need to think about what you will have it do. Then find the position of the hare's body on a piece of paper.

Here I draw a line for the back, and then fill in the torso with a stain.

Now we draw an oblong head and ears.

Then we start drawing the paws.

We draw the elbow and the front legs extended forward.

Then we draw the thigh against the background of the back of the body, then the raised paw.

And a long foot.


Physical education lesson: “The little white bunny is sitting”

Before you start working, think about what your bunny will do and how best to turn the sheet of paper: vertically or horizontally.

When you draw, try to convey the movement of your hare.

Pull a piece of paper towards you and get to work.

These are some wonderful bunnies we got!

Program content:

  • familiarization with the operating principles of a submarine;
  • exercise in using and combining different materials;
  • strengthening the ability to mix colors and obtain a variety of shades;
  • improving the blurring technique;
  • development of creativity;
  • nurturing independence.

Materials: gouache, watercolor, wax crayons, charcoal, watercolor paper, brushes of different textures and thicknesses.

Preliminary work:

1. Hello children. A package has arrived. Let's open it. Here is a riddle: “There is an iron whale underwater.

He doesn't sleep day or night.

Day and night underwater

Protects your peace."

(Illustration “Submarine”)

– Do you know how a submarine works? ( brief information about the principle of operation of the boat, experience with a glass bottle)

– If we throw some glass into the water, what will happen to it? ...And if you throw an empty, corked bottle into the water?... That's right, it will float. If you fill this bottle halfway with water, it will submerge halfway. This is how air prevents any ships, including a submarine, from sinking. A submarine has an outer and an inner hull, with space between the walls. You need to dive into the sea - the commander will give the order: “Open the taps!” - and water from overboard will fill this space, displacing the air. The boat will immediately become heavier and go deeper. You will need to float up - the space between the walls is filled with air, which the boat always has in reserve. Its strong jet will displace water overboard, the boat will become light and rise to the surface. The boat sank under the water, only the periscope sticks out above the water - this is the eye of the submarine. And at depth, the underwater ears of boats will help out - this is a radio.

– Where are submarines built and repaired?

– That’s right, and one of these factories is located in our city. It is no coincidence that our city grew up on the shores of the White Sea.

– Have you guessed what we will draw today?

– What parts does a submarine consist of? (shape, proportions).

- Yes, and our boat has already left the slipway and set off on a training trip...

– Remember the name of the artists who paint the sea and seascapes.

– Today you and I will also be moraine artists.

– What colors will help you display the beauty of the sea? (if necessary, additional questions reflecting the state of the sea: calm, stormy, northern sea, warm sea).

– What material can be used to paint such a picture? (questions that help children clarify the properties of isomaterials: what colors can be used to paint the sky, sea, boat, why).

– Today you will choose the material you need.

2. Children’s work (during the work, the teacher asks questions. Encouraging creativity. Reminds of the correct position of the arm and hand, draws attention to the color scheme).

3. Analysis.

✔ Review of works. Overall positive rating.

- Do you like what we did? Real moraine artists!

-Can you hear the waves roaring? ( musical accompaniment— audio recording “The Sound of the Sea”).

higher education teacher

MADOU Child Development Center – “Kindergarten No. 3 “Morozko”

Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region


direct educational activities on topic:

« Travel to the country of Risovandia»

for children of the preparatory school group visual arts using unconventional drawing techniques

Educational area: artistic and aesthetic development

GCD type : combined.

GCD type : artistic - aesthetic.

GCD theme: "Journey to the Country of Risovandia".

Age group of children: children of the preparatory group for school.

Target : development of children's creative abilities; strengthening the ability to draw with different in unconventional ways.

Tasks :

Educational. To develop children’s drawing skills in unconventional ways; implementation of independent creative activity. Types of children's activities

Developmental. Development of creative thinking and imagination when creating a drawing unconventional method. Develop fine motor skills hands, imagination, ability to navigate planes, develop artistic skills and abilities, artistic taste. Develop conversation skills.

Educational. Cultivate interest and love for unconventional drawing techniques, accuracy in working with gouache and unconventional materials.

Methodical techniques:

Verbal : questions, explanations, encouragement, reminder.

Practical : finger gymnastics, physical exercises.


Visual (showing methods of action).

Verbal (conversation, discussion, dialogue, explanation, repetition, clarification, request).

Game (surprise moment).

Practical ( unconventional drawing– drawing with crumpled paper, drawing cotton swab, disposable fork).

Form of organization: frontal, individual, group.

Implementation form: problematic situation, independent activity, finger game, physical activity.

Types of children's activities: cognitive - research, play, productive, artistic.

Integration of educational regions:

Artistic and aesthetic development;

Cognitive development;

Physical development.

Priority : artistic and aesthetic development.

Educational technologies:

Gaming technology;

Unconventional drawing techniques;


Preliminary work:

Consideration of didactic illustrative material"Flowers" ;

Introducing children to non-traditional techniques drawing.

Materials and equipment for occupation : landscape sheets of A format - 4 for each child with a ready-made background; jars of water for each child - sippy cups; gouache of different colors; palettes, cut pieces of newspaper;disposable forks; cotton buds; wet wipes; laptop, screen, projector; wide plates.

Visual material: slide show, letter.

Individual work: Shows the image method.

Lesson structure and methodological techniques:

Part 1 – introductory – 5 minutes

Creation in children Have a good mood, reading quatrains“All the children gathered in a circle...”;

To interest children, reading a letter from the country of Risovandia from the Master - Pencil,


Part 2 – main – 23 minutes

Showing the drawing method,

Independent activities of children

Individual work;


Part 3 – final – 2 minutes


Conversation, analysis of children's work.

GCD move:

1. Introductory part:

Calm music sounds, the teacher and the children enter the group and stop.

Educator : Hello guys!

Children: Hello!

Then the teacher invites the children to stand in a circle, hold hands, smile at each other and create a good mood.


All the children gathered in a circle,

You are my friend and I am your friend!

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other!

Children, let's smile at the sun

and our guests and greet them.

Educator : Well done guys, now come closer to me, I’ll tell you something now. Today, when I entered the group, suddenly the window opened from the wind and a letter flew in. Here it is(the teacher shows the letter to the children). Now let’s open it and read who it’s from...

Children: Yes.

Educator : And you, listen carefully.

The teacher opens the letter, and Master Pencil appears on the screen. A sound letter sounds with the voice of the Master - Pencil. The children are listening.

“Hello my little artists. I am Master - Pencil, I invite you to a fairyland"Risovandia" . You will find a lot of interesting things there. We live in it - good wizards, fidgets - brushes - run through our streets, pencils walk proudly. We think that you are interested in visiting our country. Your good wizards"

Educator : I wonder what kind of country this is"Risovandia" ? Why is it called that? How do you think?

Children's answers.

Educator : Guys, do you want to become little wizards and create miracles?

Children's answers.

Educator : Then let's close our eyes and say magic spell:

“Top - top Clap - clap,

Turn around yourself

Turn into a little wizard."

Magical music sounds and the lights go out. When the light turns on, magic caps appear.

Educator : Look what we got?

Children's answers.

Educator : Come on, we'll put them on.

Children put on magic caps, and so does the teacher.

Educator : So we turned into wizards, and I invite you to go to magical land Risovandia. You are ready?

Children's answers.

A picture of a closed door appears on the screen.

Educator : To get to the magical country of Risovandia, you need to open this door. And the keys to this door are your magic fingers, let's play with them.

Finger gymnastics

There's a lock on the door(rhythmic locking of fingers)

Who could open it?

Pulled (arms stretch to the sides)

Twisted (circular movements of fingers away from you)

They knocked (the bases of the palms knock against each other)

And they opened (open fingers).

Educator : Look, it doesn’t open, let’s try again.

Children repeat finger gymnastics again.

Educator : Look, the door has opened.

2. Main part:

A slide appears on the screen with open door, behind which the children see a non-colored clearing.

A slide with a pencil appears on the screen. And the meadow of flowers is not colorful.

Educator : Look, we find ourselves in an enchanted meadow, is it not beautiful, is it sad? Let's help the clearing become bright, fabulous, truly magical. Shall we color it?

Children's answers.

Educator: Tell me, what do you and I usually draw with? What a shame! In the country of Risovandia, all brushes and pencils have disappeared. What should I do? Maybe we can try to draw without brushes and pencils? What can you draw with?

Children: with cotton swabs, fingers, palms, erasers.

Educator : Well done, And in order for the clearing to become bright and truly magical, I invite you to come to the table, on this table we have everything to perform a miracle. And so, look at the clearings that lie in front of you, look at the sky, what is missing from it?

Children: clouds

Educator: What color are the clouds?

Children: White, blue, dark blue

Educator: That’s right, take a piece of newspaper, crumple it and dip it in white paint, make an imprint on the top of the sheet, i.e. in the sky, we dip another piece of newspaper in blue paint, print a blue cloud.

The teacher shows the children how to do this.

Educator : Now, try it.

Educator : Tell us what you got?

Children's answers: clouds

Educator : Did everyone draw clouds?

A clearing appears on the screen, but with clouds.

Educator : Guys, tell me, what else is missing in our spring sky?

Children: Sunny

Educator: That's right, honey, there are cotton swabs on your table, dip the stick in yellow paint and draw a small circle, paint it over, now take a disposable fork, dip the sharp ends in paint and draw rays of the sun. Well done!

Educator : the next thing we will draw in our clearing is flowers, and which ones you will find out by guessing the riddle of the pencil master


On a sunny spring day

A golden flower blossomed.

On a high thin leg

He kept dozing by the path,

And he woke up and smiled: -

That's how fluffy I am!

Oh, I'm afraid that I'll get sick,

Hush, meadow wind!

Educator : What kind of flower is this guys?

Children: dandelion

An image of a dandelion flower appears on the slide.

Educator: So, we will draw dandelions in the same way as the sun, with a fork, dip the sharp tips of the fork in yellow paint and draw a dandelion, and with a cotton swab we will draw a stem for the dandelion.

Educator: Guys, you have a yellow, fluffy flower. (Yes) Let's all blow on our dandelions so that they dry out. What wonderful flowers they turned out to be. It's time for us to move on, let's get up and rest.

Physical exercise.

Along the path, along the path

Let's gallop on the right leg(jumps on the right leg)

And along the same path

We gallop on our left leg(jumps on the left leg)

Let's run along the path

We'll run to the lawn(running in place)

On the lawn, on the lawn

We'll jump like bunnies(jumping in place on both legs)

Stop. Let's rest a little

And let's walk again(walking in place).

A picture of a chest appears on the screen.

Educator : Look, what is this?

Children's answers.

Educator : That's right, children, this is a magic chest. Do you want to open it?

Children's answers.

Educator : Let's see what's there.

The teacher opens the chest, is surprised and takes out seals made from potatoes.

Educator : And this potato is extraordinary, you can draw with it. And I even know that you can draw using potatoes.

Let's sit down at the tables and continue to create miracles. Look at our meadows, our flowers, there are not enough butterflies. Let's take it magic item, dip it in paint of any color you like, and make an imprint on our clearing, and now you can try it yourself. These are the magical clearings we’ve got, let’s put all our clearings on one table and collect them into a single clearing. Did it turn out beautifully?

And it's time for us to return. Let's stand in a circle and say a magic spell and return to kindergarten, and we will become ordinary kids.

Magic music sounds, children and the teacher cast a magic spell.


"Top - top Clap - clap

Turn around yourself

And turn into kids."

3. Final part:

Educator : So we returned to kindergarten.

Educator : Guys, where have we been? What did we do there? What did you like best? What was interesting or unusual for you in class today? What do you remember? Tell me, did you like our trip?(if yes, then clap, if not, then stomp). Now let's look at our teamwork from far away.

What are our clearings like?(to a bright, beautiful, green planet)

The Master – Pencil – appears on the screen.

Master - pencil: And I really enjoyed traveling with you, I want to thank you that you helped us return our colors and spring has come in our country, and I want to reward you for your excellent knowledge and skills with the highest award of the fairy-tale country of Risovandia - magical coloring books. Thanks a lot, everyone!

Educator : Guys, let's thank the Pencil Master for such wonderful gifts.

Children: Thank you.

Educator : Well, this is where our journey comes to an end. Well done guys, everyone tried their best, even if something didn’t work out.

Tyuntyaeva Oksana Anatolyevna

Integration educational areas: « Artistic creativity", "Music", "Cognition", "Communication", "Physical Education".


develop skills and abilities in drawing using an unconventional method.



To cultivate aesthetic perception in children

reality, aesthetic attitude to

phenomena of the surrounding world;

Cultivate a sustainable interest in the visual arts



Reinforce the concept of “landscape”;

Learn to depict the background of a picture using the method

applying watercolor paint “wet on wet”, alternating

shades of the sky - from dark blue to light blue, grass -

from light green to dark green;

Learn to draw using the mint drawing technique

paper (pressing lumps of paper to the sheet);

Learn to complete the drawing with the movement of the brush

small details of the image (flower petals,

stems, thereby completing the aesthetic picture


Develop Creative skills in older children up to

school age;

Develop attention and accuracy, aesthetic taste;

Encourage children to convey beauty and brightness in their drawings

variety of flowering meadows;


sheets A 4, watercolor paints, brushes No. 4 to convey the background, gouache, paper lumps, brushes No. 2 to depict small details of the picture (flower petals, stems, napkins; a musical excerpt from the song by Gr. Gladkov “About Paintings”, an excerpt from the song “Multicolored game" (text author L. Rubalskaya, composer B. Savelyev, excerpt from V. Shainsky's song "Children Love to Draw", visual didactic guide "World of Art" "Landscape"; outdoor game "Bees" taken from the Flaminguru website," Bouquet of flowers" (author Svetlana Rusanova).

Progress of the lesson:

1. Introductory part. Conversation.

Educator:- Guys, do you like to draw?

Children:- Yes.

Educator: What can you draw with?

Children:- Colored pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, gouache.

Educator:- Well done boys! Right.

(V. Shainsky’s song “Children Love to Draw” is played).

This is true! Well, what is there to hide?

Children love, love to draw!

On paper, on asphalt, on the wall

And on the window on the tram!

Educator:- Guys, do you believe in magic?

Children:- Yes!

Educator:- I have a wizard friend and he told me this story. Listen, please.

In a distant city there lived a little boy Kolya. He was sad and sad and nothing made him happy. And this city, guys, was unusual. This was the Gray City. The sky was gray, the river was gray and even the grass and flowers were gray. Of course, all the residents in this city were strict, gloomy and nothing made them happy.

But one day a wizard flew to this city. He felt sorry for Kolya and decided to make friends with him. Kolya had a birthday. There was a large cake with candles on the table. It would seem like this fun party, and Kolya continued to be sad. Then the wizard decided to give the boy paints. The paints lived in a large multi-colored box. But the colors were not simple, but magical. They got tired of living in a cramped box and decided to look at the world and paint it in different colors. And then the box opened slightly and the cheerful tubes of paint got to work: the sun became yellow, the grass became green, the sky became blue, flowers, butterflies, dragonflies became multi-colored. The paints tried their best to please everyone around. And lo and behold! Everyone began to smile, help each other, and give gifts. The world began to play multi-colored paints! Kolya became happier and invited many children to his holiday. Since then, the boy Kolya has never been sad.

A good wizard Guys, he gave us a letter. And the letter is the secret of a cheerful mood. Only the letter is not simple, but musical.

(Children listen to an excerpt from the children's song “Colorful Game”, poems by L. Rubalskaya):

We look out the window in the morning,

The rain is pouring down like buckets,

The rain is pouring down like buckets,

The rain is pouring down like buckets.

Only he can help us out

Colorful game

Colorful game

Colorful game.

Don't tell anyone about our secret,

And collect colorful glass pieces.

You close your eyes and turn around three times,

Now open your eyes and be surprised!

Now, guys, let's open our eyes.

And we will find ourselves in a fairy tale.

And our magical colors will help us find ourselves in a fairy tale.

Guys, let's remember what genres of painting exist in the fine arts?

Children:- Still life, landscape, portrait.

Educator:- Well done! Right. Today we will draw a landscape. What is a landscape?

Children's answers.

Educator:- A funny children's song will help us remember.

(Gr. Gladkov’s song “About Paintings” sounds).

If you see in the picture

A river is drawn

Or spruce and white frost,

Or a garden and clouds,

Or a snowy plain

Or a field and a hut, -

Required picture

It's called a landscape.

Yes, guys, a landscape is an image of nature.

Today we will draw differently than usual. I'll introduce you guys to new technology drawing. It's called "drawing with crumpled paper."

But first, let's do some exercises for our fingers.

Finger game "Bouquet of flowers".

They planted a seed (the teacher places an imaginary “seed” in the palms of each child)

The sun came out. (we squeeze and unclench our hands one by one)

Sunshine, shine, shine!

Seed, grow, grow! (palms together, arms moving up)

Leaves appear (put your palms together, fingers in turn connect with thumb on both hands at the same time)

Flowers are blooming. (we squeeze and unclench our hands in turn).

2. Practical part.

Stages of work:

1. Making the background of the picture watercolor paint. Wet a sheet of paper with water using a brush. Draw on a wet sheet. The sky of darker shades at the top of the picture is depicted with dark blue paint gradually gradually turning into light ones blue tones. When depicting grass, a smooth transition from a light green tone to a dark green (emerald) shade is also observed.

2. Crumple small pieces of paper into lumps.

3. Dip the lumps into plates with gouache and press the lumps onto a sheet of paper, leaving imprints in the form of clouds and grass.

4. Dip the lumps into red, yellow and blue gouache, leaving marks on the paper in the form of flowers.

5. Give an outline to the blades of grass and flower petals in the field using a brush.

Educator: - Guys, let's play!

Outdoor game "Bees".

Using a counting rhyme, they select a Flower and then divide into two groups: Watchmen and Bees.

The watchmen, holding hands, walk around the Flower and sing:

Spring bees,

Wings of gold,

Why are you sitting

Are you not flying into the field?

Al will rain on you,

Is the sun baking you?

Fly over the high mountains,

For green forests -

On a round meadow,

On an azure flower.

The bees try to run into the circle, and the Watchmen, now raising and lowering their hands, interfere with them.

As soon as one of the Bees manages to penetrate the circle and touch the Flower, the Watchmen, who were unable to protect the Flower, scatter.

The bees run after them, trying to sting and buzz in their ears.

3. Final part.

The results of the lesson are summed up. An exhibition of children's works is being organized.

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